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Ah Shure Fook it, Might Aswell Get The Cans and Chips sub-edish
Canslad, Stop Talking To Yourself sub-sub-edish
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welcome, friends
Dadberg's absolutely gutted about Jay Blades
Why did /eire/ die?
wont vitamin C just remove the oxygen from uric acid? and nothing else?
lack of dignity
Usually does when college starts up, lad
We've got the recipes, they can go home now.
10x440ml 5% san miguel £12.50
is this good value for moneys
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Getting "変態外人" tattooed on my arm.
It means "Change, Attitude, Exploration, Humanity".
I think it'll make me look cool and worldly.
Is rings of power good?
>15% on Rotten Tomatoes
That makes me want to watch it
don't know
Leftypol flying a F-14 with Rorke as his RIO
want something to put my willy in other than my own hand

hate that this song just played out loud from my incelroom
don't know
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Is ringpieces of pooer pood?
In reality though it won't and will not make up for your lack of personality.
Have you tried a cat's arse?
appreciate this joke because i understand japanese
are a lot of irish emigrating still?
piss and soap
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'kin state
Peep Show must have been really shocking to the vast majority of the population who don't have an inner dialogue.
Ancient banger
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thanks for sharing
poop show
piss and aluminium chloride and soap (or just sulphur)
surely it will act on the GABA receptors
Thanks mate I worked really hard on it. Even chose the English translation to be somewhat related to the individual kanji so it would be believable
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What were you doing in October 15 years ago?
everyone has an inner dialogue
>the vast majority of the population who don't have an inner dialogue.
Do you have a source for that?
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Off to the tavern lads x
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you can't make opioids with piss and soap
did the man fall through the bar
did the man do the silly walk
did the man say garlic bread
did the man order 4 naans
did the man have an accent causing one to mishear fork handles
did the man attempt to impress an attractive fellow student with a socially inept yoda impression
ah yes. british "comedy"
Left my school I hated to go to a sixth form college, where I proceeded to piss around and do no work but I had friends and a social life for the first time so had fun.
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watching this made me want to see it
fuck off clean shirt, right? haha
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>inner dialogue
Literally me
It's a crap show
i think the piss with orange juice or peels (by >removing oxygen molecules it will no longer be soluble in water) will form a salt with ammonia
Why did Beardmeatsfood's wife leave him?
Thought he was one of the good ones
Anything with David Mitchell is awful
You can't grow heroin
remembering when I meant to type *inhale* before I laughed at someone with a long HAHAHAHAH but accidentally typed *exhale* instead and all of the replies were jokingly mocking me for my impressive lung capacity
i mean conjugate base with ammonia
the salt form with bleach, or if it is not soluble in water, using ether or another solvent to make crystals
Don’t understand racism really
There’s arseholes everywhere, doesn’t matter if it’s Timbuktu or Iceland
Doesn’t mean you hate the entire race
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business idea: pay a top notch hooker to spend time with you, pamper her, make her fall in love with you and then kill her and dismember her and take all the money back
Asleep probably, those were my neet days
Take your meds and do a Chemistry degree mousey
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Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
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I love the description that comes with this image, it's perfect

>We came across this in the excellent book ‘Dublin pub life and lore’ by Kevin C Kearns. It seems bizarre that these men were referred to as ‘pintmen’, as if it were some kind of profession. I wonder was there more of a head on the pints in those days or whether they weren’t quite as alcoholic. 30 as an awful lot of pints.

>The book goes on to wax lyrical about the ‘Pintmen’: ‘Upon closer scrutiny, pintmen exude a sort of spiritual aura when in union with their pint. An ethereal look can be seen in their eyes as they are transported beyond spatial and temporal bounds.’
You need to view it from a population level perspective to understand it.
>did the man order 4 naans
Genuinely just laughed out loud thinking about this, insane
Having the common cold is literally worse than being proper sick, since you feel like absolute shit, but it’s not severe to warrant resting, so you have to toil as usual but have to be drugged up on 400mg of aspirin an hour to get through it all
got to bring these corkers out lad
two paths one could take:
1 is mixing it with sodium hydroxide to precipitate a salt
2 is mixing it with bleach and an alcohol (like the bleach version of EtOH) to extract it in DCM (dichloromethane)
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defective pootuitary gland has made my poo oversized

How rare is internal dialogue?
30 to 50 percent
About 30 to 50 percent of people, according to psychologist Russell Hurlburt's research, regularly think to themselves in internal monologues.
Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it’s own.
with a metal catalyst
such as magnesium for NaOH, or copper
or lithium and aluminium chloride and sulfur to the ether extraction
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30 to 50 percent of people are NPCs
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I admit he’s got a very punchable face, but it’s so intertwined with /brit/ and the culture of this general that I can’t hate it. Never watched a single second of Peep Show.
Inner monologues are for midwits and it gives me the fear. Do cunts literally have a voice in their head they have no control over? Like it’s a different person?

I have one but I can turn it off at any time and my usual cognition is sequences of images, concepts, scenes. I think in pictures more I do words. I can obviously talk to myself in my head and sometimes it pops up on its own but most times I need to turn it on purposefully while otherwise daydreaming and fantasising
spending 3 hours on a friday evening looking for the perfect fleece jacket whilst shaggers are shagging
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Explore your perks with Shell GO+
Life is one big day
i like the idea of mixing uric acid with magnesium chloride and adding sulphuric acid
it's deeply alistair-coded
ok nigga
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Just because you aren't an npc doesn't mean you don't act like them. Me? I'm a beater.
Yes you're retarded
stupid inane IMG_4292.jpg poster
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So we will press on with developing clear, compelling and consistent UK offers, tailored to their needs and our strengths, spanning trade, development, defence, cyber security, technology, climate change and environmental protection. Because we know that in the coming decades there will be economic shocks, and climate change will have its baleful effects, and countries will want technology, finance and access to markets to support their development.
>Peel told The Guardian in 1975 that when it came to young women, "All they wanted me to do was abuse them, sexually, which, of course, I was only too happy to do." He told The Sunday Correspondent in 1989, "Girls used to queue up outside. By and large not usually for shagging. Oral sex they were particularly keen on, I remember. [...] One of my, er, regular customers, as it were, turned out to be 13, though she looked older." He jokingly added that he "didn't ask for ID". An interview originally published in The Herald in April 2004 stated that he admitted to sexual contact with "an awful lot" of underage girls. He said that the only available women in the early 1960s were in high school.
Sometimes when I'm alone I shout profanities at the top of my voice for no reason
me licking jenna ortegas bumhole
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Peep Show and Mitchell & Webb are brilliant, just because he's a typical Guardian lefty doesn't mean he's not produced great stuff comedically

Here's David Mitchell as a northern pintman, commentating proudly and blissfully on a game of snooker

aluminium catalyst, ascorbic acid, and toothpaste
trying to make girls disinterested in me by pulling away when they inevitably fall for me and the thrill of the chase is no longer there for me
ktim except the reason is that i hate myself
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Oh boy it’s swell to say
Fuck the Pope and the IRA!
If you don't act like an NPC then they will notice you
>aussie comedy
did the dad have google history
did the short haired lezzer get raped
did the gen z boss have a mini
retard, no one has a voice in their head that they can't control except schizophrenics
>not Emma Watson’s pooey unwiped bumhole
I think I would honour kill my daughter if I found out she was blowing celebrities while in high school
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>3-Year-Old Was Tortured to Death by His Mother, Who Then Hid His Body in Freezer for Months
piss on a metal pot scrubber in a jar and some orange peels, smother is in toothpaste
quite liked the inside no 9 type of comedy
schizophrenia by and large isn’t real
Only halfwits call people midwits so thanks for confirming that you're entirely shit
explain >>202479170
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Inane? Or poignant?
>by and large isn’t real
so sometimes it is real?
Mental how much more worthy of respect a train driver is compared to some ‘’’white collar’’ professional grifter such as the ones who post on /brit/ during work hours- if a train driver was caught having schizophrenic episodes about imaginary e-celebs on a British anime forum while driving a train can you imagine the kind of trouble he would be in?

Further, can you you imagine if Diego and co went on strike? Literally NOBODY would care or notice because their jobs aren’t real

A pay rise for drivers is long overdue I think- I recommend a fair wage of £150,000 considering the enormous responsibility of carrying all those thousands of passengers each day, using their elite concentration skills and all that wealth of theoretical knowledge to carefully ferry them to their destination, and my what an important job too! Meanwhile I would recommend the uppity tarqs of /brit/ have the wages of their ‘’’’jobs’’‘ capped at 20k- seems completely fair given the amount of ‘’’’work’’’ they do in a given day and the lack of responsibility that comes with it!
just general runtiness not schizophrenia
if you want to explain all insanity as schizophrenia it loses its purpose
Right, lads.
Best make a move, so.

Anything want anything in the cans shop or chips shop?

Feeling like the BIG Cans and the BIG Chips
Might try to find a decent cam rip of the new Beetlejuice and if I can't, well, might as well watch a good feminist film with Anne Hathaway
did you know that the brain is less affected by low oxygen (hypoxia) if it is cold? thats why i think they could put the infants in sot of like a cooling box if that happens to them. they cant offer epinephrine to them (as they often do) because the needles ar etoo large on EpiPens!
they have to use a proper ampule to do it
kesha ortega now that's a bum
*blows through the thread*
honestly it's no wonder all you unfunny cunts are stuck in here on a friday night trying to get attention for your shit gimmicks, end yourselves
didn’t read this essay
Mad how much bespectacled mop haired middle class Anglos like David Mitchell
Exactly right, I was telling my room mate this yesterday. He works for the CIA and travels a lot, he was assigned to surveil me as i happen to know how to build a portable fusion reactor, most days they observe me from helicopters by flying over the road
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Get the small boats ON our shores
Get the migrants IN our women
aff tae spoons in a bit mate
me and dadberg call each other bespectacled freak
let's not do this again
fixated on indian and paki girls

but the thought of having a half poo son and spending my life interacting with her relatives and going round to their smelly houses makes me feel sick

need a barren, orphan indian gf
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Get the clappers posted
Not in power any more is he
i really do need to go to school though
i want to really learn about poo and know whats going on. what the correct info is
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Get her farts sniffed
Get her poo scranned
Get her bottom groped
yeah bring us a redhead with big chebs please mate
Commiemong supports overpaid train drivers and mocks underpaid workers. He wishes that the overpaid train drivers were massively overpaid and wishes that the ordinary British worker, a white collar office worker, suffers even more underpayment

Communism is just a bitter secular religion for ugly pathetic evil bitter spiteful worthless scum who want to inflict their mental illness on the whole world
and to be doing it for longer, every day
which is much better if it is done in school
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give us back the 6 counties and it’s a deal
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nth for the baddiedem
being 15 years old and thinking Serj Tankian was cool as fuck
silly plump clappers wandering
cronem goons scoping...
um he is
this thread dedicated to the gallant proletariat of Hezbollah
Just love massive fatties me
i'm at work
you're describing yourself, personally i post here because i enjoy shouting my true thoughts into the ether
>ordinary British worker, a white collar office worker,
lol get run over by HS1 tarq
Get raped
I support Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis basically anyone that has the courage to fight Israel
He's completely correct thoughever
Thinking about Johnny Rotten doing a nice tweet about the Queen when she died, mad that
mental that sky news ran a piece about a bloke who killed himself after being vax injured. it's all coming out int it
angela rayner it is
If all of this is true, how come your face is still #FF0000?
Train drivers are wealth creators who are being fairly compensated for their hard work. Tory voting shirkers must pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
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what about the H man?
i said that uric acid with less oxygen molecules (if its to do with valency) should need an addition to become stable again - like a H-bridge to a sugar or potential energies... or maybe trimethylamine! this would also mean that the first oxygen to go (of 3) would be at position 7, i think. two oxygen molecules gone would be just air, though
and i was typing chemical formulas into copilot, and the last one was "hypoxanthine" - a intermediate in the metabolism of adenosine and guanine !!
wake up
thoroughly jealous of men with a fetish for big heffers
it's like a super power that gives you the ability to eat dog shit off the ground and taste a dessert from a michelin stat restaurant
Uh oh we get a based coke snorting pornpilled fashy goy in the house
Flow characteristics?
Geometric approximation?

We're done here.
>t. skinny fucking freak
yeah i'm thinking based
Hitler was a Zionist so no
Hezbollah getting dabbed on hard this week
Why are you salty? Just get a better job
Wipe the tears off your face, take a deep breath, and formulate a response. You know who you are.
Who's getting cancelled off the BBC next then? Judge Rinder I reckon
I also like older women.
I am basically divorce proof.
Men divorce when their wives get older and fatter, but I will only want to fuck them more when this happens.
so that is what piss and orange peels will make (there is already sugar in the orange peels - if ot then its in the toilet paper) -- if not needing phosphate
this could also mean that a catalyst could be found by doing research to find the metal used in the enzyme our (or plants) bodies use to cleave that oxygen to me an adine an amine
so this is rorke
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only eaten half a pizza today
s curved ones are slipping into super tight places
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I see your dad's taking the divorce well
Monica Bellucci >>>> Sydney Sweeney

And yes, I mean current 59 year old Monica Bellucci
Unclestein nearly died from a blood clot off the AstraZeneca, it's come back now and STILL nobody will hear criticism of the vax
Don't be bitter based train drivers are paid more than you.
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St George's Plateau, 1913 and 2024
4 wanks already, and that's for a working day
god have mercy on my willard and tender bollocks tomorrow
facts, sydney sweeney is genuinely ugly
zesty stare
Do Scotlanders post in /britbrap/
see >>202479613
9 years today since i started uni
fucking HELL
hello Finlands
American gf unironically just got another covid vaccine today. Also skyping her soon if anyone has any good memes to share?


you have a visitor
is that churchill?
second beer poured
Bam had a pretty severe head injury in 2005 while filming an MTV Cribs episode with the Bloodhound Gang. He jumped off of a banana shaped car into shallow water head first and cracked his head open on some very jagged rocks.
wanted to know which was the oldest castle in england but it turns out they're all pretty much the same age
14 years ago for me, yesterday
mad how much of a child i was at 18 but was allowed to live alone and buy booze
is that why he is the way he is?
9/11 again, who's with me?
what age is that
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right, thats the order in
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Hood Street looking down towards Whitechapel, 1929 and 2024

It looks like the only building still standing is the former railway building on the far right.
nice EU currency faggot
He was always a bit of a retard dickhead but yeah probably fucked him up big time. Also the drugs
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not mad that, actually
The blonde one off of ABBA
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those pillows any good?
about 900
big titty poo
ABBA but she's called Olga instead of Anni-Frid
Dear British Intelligence,


Yours sincerely,
Juan King
Survey came back saying houses nearby, not the house itself, have higher levels of radon than is considered acceptable
Should I give a shit? It's in a nice area and literally opposite are 5,6,7+ bed £million houses
Got diarrhoea YET AGAIN ffs :/
might finish this beer then drink my wine in bed
aluminium, sulphuric acid, uric acid
then sodium hydroxide (an alkaline chemical)

it will precipitate in salt form!
anything worth getting in the sega steam sale?
went to uni to study poo and now I can’t find a good job
>Keir Starmer's net approval rating has collapsed by **39pts** since July. it's now at -17.
>retard dickhead
Nah mate it's the 20th
Might move to China
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tonight's kino
a flippin' clue, mate
unfunny cunts still in I see
the pour benzaldehyde on the salt
Don't think it will be long until Rayner stages a coup. You can tell she fucking hates him
sir chicken carver
Five more years. No refunds.
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why are police so cartoonishly evil?
Thinking about that scene in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels where the two scousers meet Barry the Baptist at a strip club and the camera focuses on one of the strippers who has a relatively flat arse.
Back in the day that would have been enough to give you a raging boner but nowadays would do absolutely fuck all :/
Legs and Co are on with a black fella in the 70s, how far back does this meme go

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*mogs The Sopranos*
a rare occasion im missing New Zealand. my brother out theres mrs is preggers and due to drop any day. not seen him in 4 years and we have always been close. my parents out there. not seen my mum since November last year. my dad since 2022. listening to some kiwi tunes and watching outrageous fortune. even the accent is endearing to my ear where i usually cant stand it. might have a look at flights for January/February.
metallic fucking guiness only drink rum and ginger ale
Polar bears are dangerous m8
it really doesn't
if they'd got it over and done with in one series maybe
but aging pills plot was pretty dumb
I am a Deist
Why the fuck did you come here then you silly cunt
listening to black music
kick the baby bump kick the baby bump!
Don't buy a house lads you should keep renting
the admin doesnt like beers so everyone likes everything except for that and theyre all having a conversation with "each other"
Sir Cum Sharter
prison break is better than oz
orange is the new black is better than oz
porridge is better than oz

oz is not a top tier prison tv programme
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oz more like WOGZ watch it
the admin likes to smoke weed so everyone is either talking about anything other than beer in the alternatives to beer with other alcoholic beverages or if they dont like those then to do drugs instead "
Wdym? He don't write in a scottish accent
firstly its "eachother" secondly fuck off prick
had a dream where greg davies told a story about how prince philip stole his iphone and when i doubted it he said phil was widely known as a thief "from the glen to the glades"
not sure what to make of it
Pure kino indeed.
what is it with game developers and giving reptiles breasts?
eww that looks bad
bbw m/gilf lovers unite
i prefer England. most of the time i have a burning hatred for NZ. its just occasionally get nostalgic or miss certain people. and the prospect of winter is starting to get me down. this country does Christmas really well but Jan/Feb drags and is a bit grim.
oh did you now? oh did you now??
>prison TV ptogram

It's not a "drama set in prison."
Oz is old, and too deep for most of this board's current population.
Oz absolutely shits on liberal ideology and presented it as dogmatic horseshit completely out of touch with reality. It showed that the liberal approach to rehabilitation is a farce, and that all of the prisoners in Oz were there because of their own nature, something that would never be changed. All of them were irredeemable monsters.
Except for the old man who talks to God. But even he killed someone, then begged to do it again. He also stopped hearing from God after that. Funny.

Oz is buried in the HBO canon for this reason. It was too red-pilling.
i just watched prison break and it was dogshit compared to oz
oz is incredibly based and in my top 5 favourite shows but that stupid wog who said it mogged sopranos is deluded
hes fae glesga
"please like us"
yeah it was also really boring after the first 20 episodes
you have a mind for aesthetics you are a fascist rorke

- leftypol
your enter key is getting a work out with all those paragraphs you english class prick
the guy who bought air runes from me is now selling air runes
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come on mumberg where's me fuckin tea
ain't eaten since 2am last night
based rango
Reddit countries which should be conquered by Russia.
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hah right mate funny that. me TOO i also did that thing me TOO-

will you add me?
this lol
OZ was the reason pretentious Yank urbanites signed up for HBO and helped fund The Sopranos and The Wire.
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uh huh uh huh uh huh
careful mate she bites
Grim old cunts
would anyone like to recommend me a lovely new desktop wallpaper?

2880x1800 or larger
Mad how the 10cc lads were white, couldn't do that now
Most wanks in a day?

9, me. During GCSE study leave
What part of living in England do you prefer? The shit wages? The terrible weather? The expensive cost of living?
If you're not here to scam benefits I genuinely don't understand why anyone would choose to live here.
sometimes i feel like Robbie Williams
a comparatively pathetic 5, though I have done this several times
youd know all about pretension you overeducated woggernaut
I have a folder full of BLACKED and BNWO images if that’s your thing?
thats not black music
I have a whole slideshow of wallpapers of monasteries and other things from Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Greece, etc. Phoneposting rn so cant share any but i like them
I love the dwarwen accent bruh
6 for me
can do 5 often enough even at the ripe old age of 31
Well I think I may just have to go and book a prostitute for a couple of sessions because I think my virginity is starting to harm me.
Might break that awkwardness I have with women. Or maybe it won’t.
way to ruin the mood you freak
Was more of an edger, once went for 8 hours
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thinking about notre dam before they shagged it
it won't
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right foot's been tingling all day lads
its called "jock" and is reserved for "barely human dickheads"
it most certainly won't
you'll have sex and be like
thats what i was worried about? thats what society revolves around?
will leave you more disillusioned i wager
What does that mean. You wanked for 8 hours and came once at the end?
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let rooooooorke
entertain you
Watching big titty elder scrolls youtiber
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thoughts on the notion of "chinese gf" ?
get the prossie shagged and spare us your pathetic virginal posts, cheers
silence vermin afore i crush you beneath my boot vile shit
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need her collabing with the gyal x baddiedem
mumbergs fucked up the dinner AGAIN, told her she has fifteen seconds to lock herself in the bathroom and after that im gonna let fucking hell loose

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