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Edward Longshanks edition
Kill all brownoids
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pooey arse and smeggy willy
no wonder birds won't shag me
Vile trolls take note, any disgraceful posts will be taken up with the 4Chan admins!
fuck britain + brits + edward longshanks + seggs with cans lady
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nth for the gyaldem
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Are there really people who still use toothpaste as adults?
I just use baking soda, as does everyone I know.
Flavored toothpastes are for children.
To you, is a crisp sandwich a sandwich that contains crisps among other things, or a sandwich that contains ONLY crisps (and butter)? Or can it be both?

To me, growing up, it was certainly always the latter. But I see youngsters putting three crisps on a ham and cheese and call it a crisp sandwich. Wouldn't have happened back in my days.
runnin lines in tucky
Explain to me using facts and logic how I'm not BAME, despite there only being approx 3.5 million people of my ethnicity, while Indians, of which there are at least 1.4 billion, are legally classified as BAME?
Spent the evening fucking the proto bf, his moans are so cute
Most toothpastes having baking soda in them retard
Josef Mengele on a horse
probably because it stands for black, asian, middle eastern?
So then cut out the middleman idiot
1.4 billion indians agree to being BAME, 3.5 million of yours do not
you're not black, asian or north african
don’t care
sexo with Turkettes (including the hijabi slags)
look in the mirror, are you the colour of literal shit? if not then you're clearly not a wog and not a BAME
I see 190 has been posting all day today once again. He really is dedicated to this place.
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Why does it stand for that and not include actual minority groups?
Don't all reply to it you cunts makes you look extremely fucking desperate
Her skin looks very unhealthy. She needs to take better care of herself.
i stand corrected
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is there a way to play video games multiplayer and avoid autistic zoomers that play it 10 hours a day and also avoid streamers
I am punished when playing video games and ranking up by being met with more and more autistic zoomers after zoomer even in casual modes that become de facto competitive modes
by the time I reach a mmr where the only pfps I see are pepe frogs and anime avatars I know it's time to leave that game forever

It would benefit me a lot if servers were split by age 12 and under, 13-15, 16-18, 18-24, 25-30, 30+ something like that and you can just pick and choose which one you want or better yet all in 30+ were completely banned from interacting with anything underneath it. I just want to play a few hours a night. I don't want to keep up with season passes or compete with reaction times long since gone. Just casual shit. Because casual modes in games are not casual any more like they used to be.
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Is affirmative action a thing in the UK?
Witnessing some spamming/flooding.
Invade people in elden ring and then spend an hour hiding and running away from them
Basically, I'm being as obnoxious and annoying as possible
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>Her skin looks very unhealthy. She needs to take better care of herself.
This is a rather sad and unsettling image.
You are missing the larger point, how can Indians be classified as a minority and given special treatment in the UK?
‘They’ unironically retired the term BAME.
Anyway its true that Lithuanians are an ethnic minority but in reality we all know these sorts of terms are all euphemisms for ‘person with black skin’
could use a bit of a trim, do you guys have lawnmowers over there?
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>This is a rather sad and unsettling image.
Who hurt you
sos the one posted above you
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Nope just ask Harry's wife
don't shame her skin's pronouns brookie
You could just not take video games as serious and just have fun instead
How many mixed-race people do you know?
I have faced more racism in the UK than any Indian. Including from Indians. I don't get any special task force from the government or quotas to give me special treatment though.
British, Alcoholic, and Massively Erotic
the wicked witch that cursed my bloodline to ensure that I was born a little autistic freak lives deep in there
Good. Sick you nazi collaborating cunts. Fuck off.
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Special treatment? He couldn't even get a brolly
Big fan of trying to knock people of ledges
*to the tune of AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long*

Know a full on black tho
Why do you hate English people?
I'm 24 and I feel like a fucking snail compared to how I was a few years ago
*creates a hemetic seal between my arse and your mouth and poos until your skin turns brown* there you go mate
Why did he just stand there in the rain
It was so bizarre
Just spaffed my load up a blokes throat and he swallowed
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>Race Disparity Unit

Good morning Saar.
The mixed race girl who lives on the same floor as we do in our council flat is mixed race. She’s got a little boy and is always nice to me and smiles at me like I’m not a complete loser piece of shit. I’ve got a bit of a crush on her desu
no non-Englishman ever called me a racist (unironically)
Snails? I eat them
>>The mixed race girl who lives on the same floor as we do in our council flat is mixed race.
she mixed race then
trying to look tough l think
Get that fucking gay porn on
>The mixed race girl who lives on the same floor as we do in our council flat is mixed race.
Reminder that R NHS has 40 or more diversity leads on £50k a year
She’s mixed is what I’m saying
You are a Saar.
should've just got the stoney island on
putting $20 on denver to win
might move to rural Lithuania and teach English to female primary school students
There was a time when friday night was the slowest night for /brit/ not the fastest
covid changed all that and it still hasn't recovered
Wow hilarious
Nah no need, I did the gay arse sex earlier
Mad how "English" lads on /brit/ get when I defend them and their history. It's very peculiar, indeed.
What affirmative action benefits am I entitled to?
I taunters tongue and then bewitching tongue in ng7
State of this thread is fucking shocking. Like feeding time at the autistic zoo
got called a quadroon in waitrose





> She’s got a little boy
lol, mate, love the fuck on
It's better like this. Can actually have a conversation. Back in 2015, /Brit/ was literally 300 posts of shit gimmicks and poo jokes and then a mad rush to make the new resulting in 5+ news every time.
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Post-Brexit it's a good move lad. But unlike the UK the immigration policy is very strict. You can't get citizenship without proof of Lithuanian blood.
*flings poo at you*
Shut up big boy
why did they force you out of /britfeel/?
employed woman, how are you today? :3
Almost like we're so deeply racist we'd find it insulting to have someone else defend our country
Look it up on the .gov site, Saar.
Nigga just watched Joker and thought we wouldn't recognise the plot.
sadly ive stopped drinking 2 litres of vodka every weekend and listening to autogenerated youtube mixes while staring out the window until 5am
for me it was aldrich faithful invasions
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let's talk about your club. what's it called?
ok. but essentially, we're talking about your club. it's called..?
need my neghole pozzed pronto
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the people look like skyrim people
*marries a lithuanian woman*
If you're so deeply racist, why do I have to do your job for you? Good 70% of Brits I know are completely fine with what's happening or are indifferent because they are rich and not affected by it right now.
Reading about the Hundred Year War, mental how often the English utterly btfo'ed the French yet still lost because they just didn't have the resources. Suppose England had to be lucky every time to win the Hundreds Year war, while France only had to be lucky once - mad how well we did, all things considered.
he was caught grooming minors on discord
Sexy black woman delivered my Chinese food so I tipped her well
>get match on Bumble
>instant erection
it's called having high test. You lads wouldn't know
i'm a nasty boy
Didn't. Just went really shit when helper started posting. A lot of the regular posters here are ex-/britfeel/.

Tired and going to bed soon.
You’re actually such a shit tranny.
At least the Finnish schizo has posted some saucy stuff
That doesn't give you blood.
Eastern european women come here find a man in his 50s to marry and then raise their children to be only English. What's the reason.
Losing the Hundred Years War was unironically the best outcome for this country.

That’s good to hear.

Remember that you’re a strong woman. A kind woman. A beautiful woman. Your past experiences and traumas have not broken you, they’ve made a better and more compassionate person who wants to share that compassion with the world.

Good luck with your day. :3
do you really want to see that?
>Just went really shit when helper started posting
true and he's now somehow not the worst poster
>Can actually have a conversation.
>Tired and going to bed soon.
nice one you boring freak
poo screaming
he's an ugly bloke in his 30s you pathetic simp
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this man died 2500 years ago
holy grimoli
Why don't you just post normally?
Just walked up the stairs
poor guy never got to experience internet porn
You’re entitled to citizenship after a few years of marriage of living with your partner.
it's spaedo switching his vpns while masturbating
Unlike all the others, I don't claim to be British or English.
Pretty good skin for a man of 2500 years
It will work itself out
>A lot of the regular posters here are ex-/britfeel/.
I'm old enough to remember when /brit/ was the normie board and /britfeel/ was exclusively for incel losers. Wish they fuck off back there - then I might not get Jay posted every time I talk about making eye-contact with a woman
sure, you don't mind if I step out a bit for a wank okay?
She’s a woman, an exceptional one, and you’re a incel rorke posting home alone on a friday night. No friends, no gf.
Going to go and buy some star wars comics and magic the gathering cards tonorrow
the …yh tranner looks a bit like Angela Rayner
you should be ashamed of yourself encouraging the mentally ill like this
need to do the washing up but im knackered and want to go to bed
Maybe in Australia, SAAAAAR.
In Lithuania, you need to live there for a minimum of 10 years with proof of income before you can even hope to apply.
probably why i find angela so fit
Tearing down the statues was still based.
Consolidated English identity and statehood. The English crown's French territories were basically just a massive distraction and a huge financial and manpower sink and a source of major instability for the crown. It's not a coincidence that almost as soon as they were unburdened of them the Elizabethan Renaissance began and the English Empire was founded.
Eating an entire tub of ice cream as I drink beers
It genuinely makes me sad to think of his sad little life. No friends, not ever. Single mother, absent father, raped by his uncle. Now he's almost 40, can't wipe his ass by himself, and lives in this thread 24/7 where everyone hates him. What else is he supposed to do?
lnteresting thanks
grrr this post makes me angry, curse you spaino!
nta but I don't disagree
France was bigger, had something like five times the population of England, was significantly wealthier, was more central and better connected to Europe, had direct trade-routes with the med and central europe, was easy to defend, and more technologically advanced than England
In short - it was a better country in every way, and if there had ever been a Anglo-France union England would have been relegated to being a total after-thought. France would've become the dominant language (again) and English culture (which had been formed over the course of the Hundred Year War) would've been stamped out (again).
In other words, had England won - we would have just become to France what Scotland is to us.
Have sex lol
historymongs out in force
maybe I should just read books instead
but I hate reading I barely read these posts
looks like Dr Michael Mosley
europe's first black bastard
Spaino hasn't posted here in months but he's totally mindbroken you :/ move on hun
could go out clubbing, but solo-clubbing is so fucking grim, you can only get away with it if you're very attractive or very charismatic (ideally both)
Don't know who that is
they are the ones always here at this time
you toilers are usually in bed at this time but it's the weekend so you are here messing up all the history religion drugs and video game discussion that's usually the talk of night /brit/
this is true as in eu4 the best strategy is to give france Normandy straight away
frightfully dull isn't it?
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aff tae bed
Made a chicken biryani

> If a citizen of Lithuania registers a marriage with a citizen of a foreign state, the latter (husband or a wife of a citizen of Lithuania) may be granted the citizenship of Lithuania after 7 years of the permanent residence in Lithuania with the citizen of Lithuania.

>After 7 years of the permanent residence in Lithuania, a husband of a wife of a citizen of Lithuania may apply for granting the citizenship of Lithuania.

7 years seems like a long time, but:
> Residence of a person in Lithuania is recognized permanent, if the person does not leave Lithuania for a period exceeding 6 months per year.

Where does it say proof of income?
France's lack of demographic growth is mad, used to be 5x the population of the UK and now's roughly equal. They just didn't have as many kids for the entire 1800s as us or the germans
this image was the first thing you saw when you walked into my secondary schools history department and it always reminds me of the smell
7 years in Lithuania sounds like one of Dante's circles of hell. It's like an ironic punishment a Greek god would inflict on you.
only thing more revolting than a disgusting tranny is a pitiful tranny chaser. good night x
I think you should be more ashamed for trying to tear down a beautiful woman out of your own pathetic male insecurities.
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nini hun x
You really need to get a life
grrr this post makes me angry, curse you spaino!
Also wrong.
haha yeah
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Me driving to work in Lithuania.
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Lithuania is much nicer, cleaner, and safer than modern England.
*to the tune of AC/DC - For Those About To Rock*
So why aren't you living there then?
>France was bigger, had something like five times the population of England
When I think about it, it’s actually crazy that middle eastern countries don’t grant you citizenship for marrying a female citizen. Literally the chuddiest places on earth.
Yooo did mengele clone Hitler?!?
Because I live here. But if you keep ruining the country by importing millions of third warders I will pack up shop and move.
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he does in that movie yeah
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poo barms
Answer my question about proof of income.
just getting silly now isn't it?
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Downed 4 beers in 20 minutes
shouldn't more attention be getting paid to a group of vigilante criminals calling themselves The Bladerunners disabling traffic cameras every day

we are in v for vendetta times
Poor guy must've been really suffering :(
welcome to the filter >pooeybarmlad
I hate this country
>we WANT our streets to be more dangerous!
It's 10 years and not 7 years.
Here you go.
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Typed out a long hateful post but thought of that verse from Ephesians and realised I am above that.
nah 20 is taking the piss
how long were his shanks?
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Me Braderunner
you best start believing in dystopias
you're in one
g'nite x
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business idea: Islamic Star Trek
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Which direction would they pray in?
Mad house instead of increasing places at unis for doctors and nurses they'd rather import 1.billion africans
why aren't you out shagging right now?
mental, that, just makes us look even better
Btw, all of these requirements are being increased every year.
>The Bladerunners
Their leader is called Captain Gatso

he has a twitter account and a wikipedia article about him
and he's managed to keep his identity a secret? Some line of duty Balaclava Man shit going on
Got some pants made out of moles
180 quid
Really warm
oh i looked it up and it's for ulez
at least it isn't a safety issue
Isn't that just Dune?

Shagged earlier and the proto bf is up early for work so I dropped him home already
me bradelunna *makes squinty eyes with fingers*
gf in America
That’s for normal naturalisation. For marriage you need 7 years and no POI.
If you’re a “stateless person” (i.e a rapefugee that burned their passport) you only need 5.
too shy for all that :)
gary gritter
lol sent that cunt back to the Baltic swamps
hmm no dual citizenship
come to think of it that really is a strange thing for a country to allow
Moving the goal posts to cope, huh?
*loud gong crash*
Business idea: religion
love bog bodies me
i hate women, groups of people and leaving my smelly flat
have never been sent or done
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>trying to sleep
>there's some nogs outside having a massive house party and attempting to be as loud as humanly possible

if I called popo on them for a Friday night party would they just scoff at me or would they actually listen to my request?
might play in the Baltics in ck3 they still have pagans
Dual citizenship is only for a set few of people who fled during communism to USA.
do you live in london?
shine bright likea diamond
Lotta countries don't allow it. If you become a citizen of elsewhere you stop being Japanese for example
I was talking about marriage citizenship from the beginning THO: >>202487473

The only european country with somewhat difficulty citizenship access for foreigners (even if they’re married to citizens) is Hungary and they’re still getting immigrants.
It's due to their seething over Russians. Normal countries that aren't perpetually butthurt about their neighbours can allow it.
lol the rozzers aren't going to bother with that
tell them you smell weed
mohamed al-fayed
>would they actually listen to my request?
You were coping. This also applies for people married to Lithuanian citizens. There's a well known youtube channel run by a white canadian who is married to a Lithuanian woman and has kids with her, has lived there for nearly 10 years, but is still treated like a complete foreigner. Sorry, but not all countries are as cucked as Australia, SAAAAR.
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>If you become a citizen of elsewhere you stop being Japanese for example
what do they do all day in swansea?
Find it really odd how with some guys I become a total submissive bottom and with others I wanna fucking dominate them hard
watching porn but not masturbating
Most non-western countries don’t allow for it. Even in europe it’s only like 40-50% common.
The middle east and russia do surprisingly.
I’ve just had an absolute distaster I’ve been talking to this girl from tinder right and she was at pub and I wasn’t doing anything and she said I could pick her up and take her home so I’m like sound good chance to meet her no pressure and all that shit and if she doesn’t like me she can bin me off no harm done. My flat is between the pub and where she lives, I don’t know where she lives exactly but the general area, I drove past my flat on the way to hers and she was like where are you going and I’m like ? I’m taking you home and she said I thought you were taking me to your flat (btw I’ve just moved in 4 months ago and I still haven’t bought a bed) so I had to turn to her and tell her I dont have a bed and she was like what the fuck do you mean you don’t have a bed
had to awkwardly drive her home absolute shitemare diasterclass
You Will Never Be English. You are a Russian with delusions of grandeur. Can't wait until Putin vaporises your entire pathetic excuse for a "country".
find the SAAAR meme pretty grating but obviously l'm called lndian if l complain
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Sickening vile Pajeets from the UK want to defile Lithuania and shit in the streets like they do in the UK. Sorry, no.
you’re moving the goal posts lad, i won
It's significantly less funny than all the other Indian memes.
Good morning (in 6 minutes) sir
Correct, I will never be English and I am fully accepting of that reality. But I am not Russian. My country is 500 years older than Russia. You Anglos are extremely clueless about continental history.
Dr. Mengele just threw this nigga through a table and called his wife an ugly bitch looool
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foxes have been fed now it's time for bed, goodnight lads
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>you’re moving the goal posts lad, i won
They need spies
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>You Anglos are extremely clueless about continental history.
it's funny when it's a post that sounds like an indian wrote it
it's not funny when it's the finnish schizo doing it to random posts just because he doesn't like them
Utterly made up nonsense. There is no historical record of any Baltic country. Can't wait to not lift a single finger whilst Asiatic Bolshevik hordes run a train on your sister.
great movie that
Seen this picture so many times and just noticed the bizarre paintings in the background
Fucking howling.

How do you not have a bed? Matress on floor sconner?
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You are either trolling or retarded. Lithuania was the biggest country in Europe before Russia even existed.
You ever wish someone would put a trip on so you could filter them?
Yes, the doommong during covid
You know between Amer and EW this general has seen a disproportionate amount of transfolk.
By direct landmass*
Is this your first day here?
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bedtime la
discount poles
Unfortunately no
Discount Welsh
Who in particular is it this time?
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I'm gonna keep clapping when the plane lands and you're gonna deal with it
how do I talk to women?
Why are you replying to the resident troll then?
lol epic! you took what I said and changed it! epic for the win!
tell them you own a bed
could you kill a chimp 1v1?
I believe in education for the wider 4chan community.
Open your mouth and move your tongue
I would pretty much slaughter every single land based animal 1v1
of course not
you throw rocks and hiss at them
Hand to hand? No way
Using my immense intelligence to set up a sequence of traps? Maybe
would give him a run for his money
if I had a weapon and armour
>The suwar are arranged roughly in order of descending size; therefore the arrangement of the Qur'an is neither chronological nor thematic.

still mad to me this
need Lithuanian gf
Playing as Lithuania in Medieval Total War 2 was pretty kino
It is so fucking retarded
the whole thing is entirely chronological, there's no reason for it not be ordered that way
In desperate need of pub friends. Friends where we go to the pub and chat and maybe get some food. Fucking hate clubs where you can't hear someone talking 5 feet from you, fucking hate bars where you can't even get a seat, just want a couple of cheap pints from spoons and to watch footy while chatting shit. Is that so much to ask?
if you want that hurry up and accept that team leadership role at tesco
I don't mind if you're a white Brit
you only get that if you're mates are into football really into it like they get depressed if their team loses
just pick a pub and go there
I wanted to organise regular /brit/ meet ups and posted some my ideas up but everyone just took the piss out of me :(
yes. easily
Why are they claiming Hitler was spoiled as a child when he was beaten mercilessly by his retarded father and grew up poor?
wtf Tranis lives in the UK now?
Monty Pyke. Table 42. Be there.
Debilas. Kalbek Lietuviskai.
The Trusty Servant. Newton Haven. Tomorrow at 7:00 PM. Be there or be square.
medievalenglishnobleswanker loves his medieval english nobles
too tired. need to message the tinder match tomorrow and maybe get a few more matches. really want a gf.

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