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Edward of Woodstock, the Black Prince edition
why were they all so bad at art
rorke having smelly group sex with a bbw harem
King John edition when
What's bad about it
what did he do?
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mass murderer, psychopath, alcoholic, obese, war mongerer, strike breaker, this is the hero of the british...
mad how when you get to your mid 60s your brain basically just turns to mush
talking to an 80 year old is a similar experience to talking to an 8 year old - and it just gets worse and worse
ageing is so fucking grim
would happily die 20 years sooner if I could keep my current mid-20s health for the remainder of my life
No need to sign your posts.
rorke chasing that chubby muslim puss
Lithuanian-Britons run /brit/.
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Meditation gives rise to incredible insights that change your life in a positive way. I'll give you a freebie: Today I realized how easy life is when you flip your mindset, EVERYTHING is all about the perspective in which you are viewing it from.
me? never had toilet training, call me edward shitshanks
I honestly can't imagine why Lithuania would have a problem with Russia. Can someone please educated me on this matter.
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the Lindisfarne Gospels now those are really beautiful

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my dad has prostate cancer lads
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Another victim of our SICK system
Cheeky invasions every now and then
what are prostate cancer lads?
didn't have many books, no internet, no photography, no universities or education
but that's its appeal, what makes it unique. it's innocent yet articulate
went to the library today and picked up the first of the eight recommended reading list books for my first module in the upcoming academic year lads

it's over 700 pages

they're taking the piss
Grim. Hope he gets better anon.
*gives you a virtual hug*
>Lithuania is much nicer, cleaner,
I dunno about that, hundreds of thousands of Lithuanians left the country over the last ~30 years (like your parents). It's like a war happened but without the war. Lots of abandoned buildings and run down commie-blocks that didn't get renovated, personal homes are the same way. Only upside is the lower number of wogs but that's quickly changing too.
>Edward earned distinction as one of the most successful English commanders during the Hundred Years' War, being regarded by his English contemporaries as a model of chivalry and one of the greatest knights of his age.

>In 1346, Prince Edward commanded the vanguard at the Battle of Crécy, his father intentionally leaving him to win the battle. He took part in Edward III's 1349 Calais expedition. In 1355, he was appointed the king's lieutenant in Gascony, and ordered to lead an army into Aquitaine on a chevauchée, during which he pillaged Avignonet and Castelnaudary, sacked Carcassonne, and plundered Narbonne. In 1356, on another chevauchée, he ravaged Auvergne, Limousin, and Berry. He offered terms of peace to King John II of France, who had outflanked him near Poitiers, but refused to surrender himself as the price of their acceptance. This led to the Battle of Poitiers, where his army routed the French and took King John prisoner.

>Prince Edward returned to England in 1371, and the next year resigned the principality of Aquitaine and Gascony. He led the Commons in their attack upon the Lancastrian administration in 1376. He died in 1376 of dysentery and was buried in Canterbury Cathedral, where his surcoat, helmet, shield, and gauntlets are still preserved.

Henry V a few hundred years before Henry V - exceptional commander who's only fault was dying too soon
Sorry lad. l hope he's ok.
just woke up
I remember mine where my lecturer told me to go buy his book and the shit was £60
you don't have to read all of it
just note the common phrases and words your lecturer likes to bang on about then look in the index for them
witnessed a massive car accident on my way home from work today. One elderly man was bleeding
nigga thinks he's buddha because he looked at one sunrise
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her mum:
You're not meant to read the entire 700 pages you muppet
first year at uni? it's usually just a few specific chapters sweetie x
my grandad is in his nineties and he's still pretty sharp
probably because he has a maths phd
don't listen to them you definitely have to read all 700 pages
Anyone else remember Dubstep?
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Books I thought it was all ipads and tablets now
yes Katy Perry on her latest album released today
Columbo kisses Faye Dunaway several times in this episode. She's a suspect too even if he's leading her on for the case it's unprofessional and unseemly.
Ignore the others. Read the whole thing and graduate with honours!
Sorry to hear that, anon. If it makes you feel any better, a family member of mine was diagnosed last year with a very advanced stage of prostate cancer that had already spread to his bones. They thought he had months to live, yet here he is now in remission. Prostate cancer treatment has advanced A LOT just in the last few years is what he tells me. Praying for you and your dad.
Literally never read a single thing off my reading list. Still got a First. I'm just that smart.
I will do one better, do you remember Niche?
sounds expensive
remember a mate showing me skrillex cause it was mozart to him in secondary and thought he was taking the piss

at least it wasn't n-dubz though
going secondary in the alte 00s/early 10s in camden was a nightmarish experience
they were gods
Does anyone remember 2016? It was a weird time to be an undergraduate
grim that this lad is probably the only fresher ITT with the rest completing uni several years ago

going to be even grimmer for him when he finds out uni life now is nobody going to lectures nobody going to socials and every zoomer working in a coffee shop
getting drunk now
turning off the big light, want owt?
big blanket
yeah, be a dear and switch on the little light for us lad xx
gis a cuppa while you're there
I graduated 10 years ago this year. Rather amusing to see the average age of /brit/ (and 4chan in general) get older and toilposting gradually supplant arrogant studentposting.
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Should have bought more fucking wine.
Was out earlier tonight, met a lass who is really pretty and has a sort of latina phenotype but bloody hell she's like completely spherical
On the other end of the scale there was this lanky old goth bloke with long scraggly hair and a bald patch who has the gayest gay porn dance I've ever seen. I literally wanted to vomit whenever he moved.
NNED to change my bedsheets keep delaying it but the smell is too much
Wow, did /brit/ know that Lithuania was the first country to leave the Soviet Union and helped to form a 500 mile human chain against communism? I didn't know either but now we all do.
Gibraltar belongs to Spain, falklands belongs to Argentina, the bases in Cyprus should be disbanded. need the last vestiges of the british empire erased ASAP
MSc in Guided Weapons Propulsion

the book is Rocket Propulsion Elements by George Sutton and Oscar Biblarz
Smoking me
kamala is brat
That means relinquishing your Cape Cod vacations. Do you wish to continue?
l got a warning for a similar post earlier
need every homosexual placed in a concentration camp ASAP. The only exception will be Morrisey.
it's treatable. chemotherapy and nofap
yeah but over here nobody had heard of proper dubstep just the tacky north american stuff like skrillex and excision

Evil nigga
Uni seems like a complete waste of time these days. £9000 a year, rent absolutely exploding, Tories banning anything fun so the nightlife is dead and drugs are harder and harder to come by, covid breeding an entire generation of anti-social zoomers, trannies running about now, woke seeping into everything such that even banter in a group chat can get you expelled.

I reckon boomers were bitter about how great being a student was in the 00s and deliberately went out of their way to ruin it. I wouldn't want to be a fresher in 2024 at all.
I sleep on a single mattress on the floor, I’ve bought a king size bed but haven’t bought the mattress yet coz I don’t mind sleeping on the floor and I don’t know what mattress to get there are so many options
Hey, look yonder, tell me what's that you see
Marching to the fields of agincourt?
It looks like handsome Eddie with a claymore in his hand
Marching to the agincourt war, hey marching to the agincourt war
mr. bean. funny.
need every /brit/ poster placed in a sissification camp
>I sleep on a single mattress on the floor,
whats your duvet/pillow situation?
You forgot to mention dating apps and social media DESTROYING the dating market for a very large portion of lads. I shagged on my very first night at uni, meanwhile my cousin's in his fourth and final year and he hasn't had a single girlfriend in all that time - I'd be surprised if he's even managed to hookup with anyone.
my employer in the sector offered to pay for it but it's part time

£36,900 tuition lmao
I looked at my uni halls the other day and they've practically doubled just madness. Hate to think what the rental markets even like there now no wonder they've all got jobs.
few pre drinks in barrys bar and then off to the knife gauntlet that was niche. them was the days.
Genuinely, how do you live with yourself?
mental how shit everything is
dead internet theory
Hi rio do u need picking up in the morning pal
Two pillows (I put them together in an L shape) otherwise it’s too many. king size jungle duvet
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guns don't kill people, rappers do
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>I shagged on my very first night at uni
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Love a good solid Jaypost. Almost a forgotten art at this point.
>this being worth of a jaypost
it's grim out there
on some excellent cuck porn
Mate left a big bag of pretzels at mine. Guess what I'm scranning right now?
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>Windsor mom charged in drowning death of her 5-year-old child
fuck sake i was swiping to fast and missed a match without having a proper look
>Quick, how can I make this a statement on the American healthcare system!?
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would you rather be beaten to death with a club by a caveman or webm related

precision is mercy, technological progress is good
not here all day but this is at least the 3rd time you've posted this
It gets me off, the thought of her doing that to me
It's gingernonce
Mad that, almost criminal. It's a similar story with me, first room was £109 pw in 2020, and now in 2024 it's £172 pw. An extra £3000 a year for the exact same room - all in just 4 years.
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women are something else
it's the yank paedophile, ignore him
I can’t explain why but I don’t like e-surrogate fathers on the internet like Jordan Peterson, Tate etc.

They just give me the ick. It feels like grooming in a way.
You need to be euthanized
Jay posting use to be reserved for obvious lies, a man shagging some girl 10 years ago during a time and place known for excessive shagging is not worthy of a Jay post.
What’s it like having that many friends?
Jayposting, and its lesser known cousin, Willposting.
thinking about how hate is closer to love than indifference
dunno if I feel that bad about wasting my life seeing as i'm a complete mong who doesn't know how to do anything
Willposting is big with the normies tbf
Is considering accommodation in per week terms and pay in per hour terms a working class thing?

v. sheltered middle class boy here and I've only ever been paid monthly and paid my rent monthly and it always baffles me to hear per week and per hour numbers.
wish that were my semen
hate this meme sentiment
prefer jezposting to jayposting and dark fruits to lager tbqhwy
It's a student thing. Working class tenants will pay rent on a monthly basis.
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I don’t like working class people and I don’t like working class ‘culture’.
There is literally no such thing any more and everyone claiming to be it is a poser faggot
did that lad finish watching Boys From Brazil?
I hate israel and jewish "people"
Woman is the *what* of the world John?
sir anus harmer
I paid my uni accommodation monthly (Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge).
Just finished yeah smoking a cig now
Bobby Hitler onamadone
I am sorry anon. If it makes you feel any better, enjoy the memory. I lost my dad when I was 2-3 and don't have a single real memory of him.
Sir Clothes Donator
Watching My Mum your Dad and the mums are hotter than the daughters
him and me both
literally who cares where politicians get their clothes?
Gfberg said something earlier that made me so horny but I can't tell her
how do i stop catastrophysing
>yeah I'm not adam
>yeah I'm not spainlad
>yeah I'm not belgiumlad

Yeh things that completely sane and truthful individual says every time despite your replying in the same way while being another gimmick. You are so fucking parasitic.
just learned that brits call a fanny pack a "bum bag"
Yeah i know, primark? harvey nics? some cunt who decides on policy and what laws we have to live by? all the same really
Sent that cunt to Hades
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The gfberg.
prostate cancer is operable, my grandad is 98, got it in his 60's
just learned that yanks call a bum bag a "fanny pack"
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alri who crafted bojos armour then

who trained his trusty steed
harpooooooon mr. christian!
oink oink
Depends on the type and when it's found.
why are STEM salaries so low in Britain
they're half what you can get across the pond or worse
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all salaries are low in britain
I sometimes present situations to Chat GPT and ask them to judge the ethics, language, and responsibilities of the parties. Like my own personal little King Solomon.
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not true
some finance and exec people are minted
as are certain lawyers
>mad how when you get to your mid 60s your brain basically just turns to mush
yeah maybe for northerners who try to fit as much fat, sugar, and alcohol into their bodies as humanly possible
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Ah yes, the fabled english rose
Just become leader of the Labour party and apparently people give you all your clothes.
Took me like 5 days to read this
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Those roles directly compete with american firms is why.

>After a slow 2023, the war for talent has picked up again this year, particularly in London where the UK magic circle law firms have almost all significantly increased salaries for newly qualified lawyers to £150,000 in a bid to compete with their US rivals. The increase and extension of large bonuses for referrals are in keeping with that trend, according to recruiters.
I already have all my clothes
read? yes.
understand? no.
business idea: 300 trident missiles directed straight at the USA. It will be the last thing they expect
shes irish diaspora actually
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the clothes:
i am a billionaire
world would be a better place if america didnt exist lets be honest
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What is love?
pretending to laugh at this terrible film to make my gf happy
cute female colleague sent me an e-mail at 4pm
I replied at 6pm
she replied to that at 00:59, five minutes ago
I replied to her again just now

do you reckon she might find this creepy?
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Towards the end:

The United States must adapt by relearning the art of diplomacy and by reverting to the multilateralism that served it so well in the Cold War era. It must work closely with other nations to address urgent international problems. It must recommit itself to free trade and open immigration. It must learn to function in a world where it can no longer call the shots. “For America to continue to lead the world, we will have to join it,” Zakaria concluded. Even if in decline, the United States will remain a crucial player in world affairs, and in coping with the challenges of a new and complex era the nation has a rich foreign policy tradition to draw on: the pragmatism of the peacemakers of the American Revolution; the basic realism of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams; the practical idealism of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln; the worldliness and diplomatic skill of John Quincy Adams; the remarkable cultural sensitivity of diplomats such as Townsend Harris and Dwight Morrow; the commitment to public service of Elihu Root and Henry Stimson; the noble aspirations for a better world espoused by Woodrow Wilson; the intuitive understanding of the way diplomacy works—and its limitations—and the “world point of view” manifested by Franklin Roosevelt in World War II; the coalition-building of Dean Acheson and the Wise Men of the Truman years and the George H. W. Bush administration during the first Gulf War; the strategic vision of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger; the ability to adapt and adjust displayed by Ronald Reagan; the efforts of countless men and women who sought to share with other peoples the best of their country and to educate their fellow citizens about the world. Americans must also “disenthrall” themselves, to borrow Lincoln’s apt word, from deeply entrenched ideas about their country and its place in the world. They must “think anew, and act anew.”
spoiler that hog
she's drunkenly stumbled in from the club and up for flirting
punch the keys for god's sake
a smurfette's paradise
Wow, you can copy paste from the text, how interesting. Any other tricks you'd like to show us?
I teared up one time desperately trying to stifle a yawn while watching some romantic nonsense with the gf and she was very pleased and thinks I have "hidden depths" now
was it the Note Book?
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Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite Dota
precisely zero clue what it was
Should have watched Master and Commander: the Far Side of the World instead.
not Holy not Roman and not an Empire
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might reinstall EU4
I've cried at things before but I'd literally kill myself if my hypothetical gf saw me doing that
It summed up a lot of the book and i liked it so I'd thought I'd share it
I feel you man
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Every /brit/ poster is just this dude
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>*grabs laptop and HDMI cable*
>Now babe how familiar are you with naval warfare during the Napoleonic Wars?
Could have shagged tonight if I pulled my finger out my arse and bought a mattress like a normal person instead of sleeping on the floor for four fucking months what a nobhead
so Diddy nonced Justin Beiber. What a cunt hope he gets raped in prison
Splendid thread guys
Did he really?
Big Brother back next month lads
He is black and therefore automatically guilty of something
>insisting on having your portrait painted for several hours with your vanquished foes after starting a war with a tabloid campaign and winning it by hiding behind the skirts of women and children
you could almost admire the audacity
the boat was american
Share a bullet with your brain
Any big ziggers in?
In the books. They changed it for the film. Good change t.bh.
Lads I’m going to lay my cards on the table. I’m 27 and I’ve never finished any penetrative sex. I’ve got phimosis, I’m actually quite good with birds but I get scared when it comes down to it. I’ve fingered more birds than I can count and I’ve been down on more than I can count but not shagged. I’ve got a girl coming over tomorrow and I’m going to go for it. Do you think she will be able to tell?
bad change
uni era gf made me watch HBO's Rome with her
get her shagged dont worry about it
Americans would never watch a movie where they were the villains. Plus the French were more threatening. American Navy in 1812 was a joke and Britain totally dabbed on them.

Based gf.
starbucks and home bargains run in the morning for some weekend goodies me thinks
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in the name
of blog
one man in the name of blog
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might move to south africa. Durban looks peng desu
Last Samurai, another joke. Jules Brunet was a total CHAD, little Tom can't compare.
He wants a girl from Brum
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Why do I feel most tired after my best sleeps
Slept like a baby for 9 hours or so last night and even then I struggled to get myself out of bed
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thought that was cobie smulders
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Love that lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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Wales... home...
that's not wales
feel like SHOT

>Communism doesn't work
Except in the DDR where it does.
Britain used to produce the kinos of my childhood like HG Wells, Sherlock Holmes, The Beatles and Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy but now it's filled with niggers and poojets that should go back to their continent. Grim.
>get inside me nigger
Brum mate
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Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices,
That, if I then had waked after long sleep,
Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming,
The clouds methought would open, and show riches
Ready to drop upon me; that, when I waked,
I cried to dream again.

you know what I haven't seen in a while? webbposting
where's the ddr today, can you point to it on a map
whats a gay porn dance look like
right start wearing hats
sick of my big arse forehead ruining my chances with women
>childhood like HG Wells
nigga posting in his 100s lmao
what is wrong with the welsh
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>where's the ddr today, can you point to it on a map
Utter shite thread :/
sounds like you're in the market for a toupee
usually the arcades in asian areas have it
Go to bed 190
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This was it. This was peak Britain.
shouldn't have filmed himself
watching Dexter
Graviton WHEN?
How bad? Have a massive fod myself but just own it and get a decent haircut to minimise how obviously large it is
deedee get out of my lab lol
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no dexter
Just generally very mincy. He was gyrating his non existent arse, lots of head movement like a black woman on Oprah and held one palm up at shoulder height for the entire set.
>come in from pub
>not pissed enough
>tank whiskey in the fridge and steal some of mums wine hoping she won't notice by the time I can replace the bottle
need to stop doing this
going to end up a fucking alcoholic
That show was so based until the last couple of seasons. Went to shit when they wrote his sister falling in love with him :/
yeah... going to.. yup
can't say anything nowadays
Hate this table
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map o British ancestry by county
Mental how everything Genndy Tartakovsky touched turned to pure and absolute kino.
I don't drink during the week
Just binge drink with mates at the weekends
Problem is once I start I cannot stop till I'm blacked out
spoilers nigga
I have heard it said that the finder of a new elementary particle used to be rewarded by a Nobel Prize, but such a discovery now ought to be punished by a $10,000 fine.
it's BAD, that's all I can say - I use to be able to grow out my hair to cover it, but now I'm in my 30s and it's thinning and I'm caught between a rock and a hard place where either I can either "embrace it" and look like Steve Austin with water on the brain, or I can pathetically cling to whatever I've got left and look like a greasy homeless bum
clone wars was kino
how is that possible when new england is basically old england
if you count the oirish as british (which they are, same race) then it becomes most of the country apart from the germans in the great plains, blacks and spics in the sw
Basically the only relevant parts have lots of Brits and the flyover shitholes are full of mutts
how come our lot ended up on the west coast?
known plenty of alcoholics like that
there ought to be a $10,000 fine for bad posts
Blacks moved north
Mrs is being proper grumpy tonight, don’t know what’s got into her. Might have to go down on her tonight I reckon
have you yeah
bet you've also known lots of shooting victims, fat freaks and trannies yank runt
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map of Scottish ancestry by county
PNW is as gloomy and rainy as old England, maybe that's why.
i have yeah =]
Eating pussy is a beta move she will lose all respect for you if you do that
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My thoughts precisely
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Just found out “bussy” is German for kiss
How do they know this? How was this data collected?
America has always been a Scottish nation
Founding Fathers disproportianetly Scottish
Southern slave masters were mostly Scottish
Gun slinging westerners were all Scots with Mc in their names
Douglas MacArthur, parents were Scottish
Johnson, Nixon, Clinton, Bush, Trump, all significant Scottish ancestry
bussy mein bussy
No she isn't no you won't you're alone in your smelly childhood bedroom and you've never had a friend nor have you ever touched a woman consensually
just translated speed bump to norwegian and regretted it
mental how I'm scottish
enjoy your throat cancer
the Census collects ancestry data, altho i'd take it with a grain of salt bc it's self-reported
Done that smeggy freak
well then...
Catherine Zeta Jones is worth it.
Ask me how I know you’re a virgin
Weird outburst
Isn’t this a myth?
watching videos of indian travelers on youtube and it's absolutely horrible
they would do so bad in viewship if there weren't like 1 billion indians to get viewers from
get the ancestral tunes on
grow up
let me in
Buried that incel lol
Genetically speaking I should be in a monastery in 600 AD writing manuscripts on some desolate windy island
Simply not meant for this world
you know
that's rather gay
Symbionic Titan failed. Hotel Transylvania is just okay.
sounds cold and shitty
I found this out the hard way
when i finished eating her i wasn't even hard
she ended me after that
it was over
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yeah it's cold hold on let me get my handshoes on
The Germanics. A ridiculous people.
Man got rent to pay. He made Samurai Jack he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
gonna try to get another one out before I have to make broccoli soup, back on the gay porn as per someone's suggestion in a previous thread
Yeah? Did the totally real story happen did it mate? Did it happen exactly like that did it mate yeah? Fascinating stuff wow
>Taskmaster series 18 episode 2
>the retard is also a fag(uses lgbt flag in prize task)
How did they manage to make her even more unbearable? Whenever she talks, my brain just stops listening.
Series 19 can't come soon enough.
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norway wtf

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