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You arrive in Neocastle edition.
>1 million Indians died in WW2 for the European Project (EU)
>If transwomen take HRT they can grow a cervix
>Went from calling Trump a neonazi sociopath to praising him as a fellow good christian boy
>Said Conservatives in the European Research Group were Nazis and akin to proponents of South African apartheid
>Called The Telegraph white supremacist for saying fatherless homes caused knife crime in 2019, even though he said the exact same thing in 2012
>When the new Pope was being chosen the BBC were asking if the smoke coming out of the Vatican would be black or white (signifying the pope being chosen) and he saw it as a race thing and called them racist
>Represents Shitain on the world stage for the next 5 years

he's so painfully stupid
Neo means new btw
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>Literal Translation – “Shadow parker.”
>Explanation – This cute-sounding German word has derogatory undertones. And calls out men accused of unmanly behaviour. So what this shadow parker describes men who, in order to prevent car interior from heating up, park their car in the shadow. You might wonder what’s unmanly in parking a car in the shade? Avoiding the scorching sun is seen as behaviour unbecoming of brave men and has a dismissive connotation as you’re seen as coward or weak.
Strange bunch over there in Deutschland
english has very silly words too

e.g. hedgehog
No wonder Starmer didn’t want to make him Foreign Secretary lmfao

Bro is also zesty as fuck
there are so many people in the world that have never met an Australian before. imagine the peaceful lives they must live
you were really waiting for a new desperately wanting to post an essay about a politician
Unironically learning Gaelic
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hedgehogs are very silly animals
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implying any of it matters
the american caesar is coming, elections are a formality at this point
bzz scanning this post for British culture bzz
Don't forget he had his meltdown on Twitter during question period
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>Taskmaster series 18 episode 2
>the retard is also a fag(uses lgbt flag in prize task)
How did they manage to make her even more unbearable? Whenever she talks, my brain just stops listening.
Series 19 can't come soon enough.
Got wrecked by being the last post in the previous thread.
why is everyone here a silly twat
there is code of honour here
however no one ever stands by it
It's a pretty good life
swear all the polls predicted a Hilary win back in 2016.
>the american caesar
Why's he talking like he's back on the plantation?
live performance of this song for the first time after 42 years! I've never been this close to buying a band shirt in my life!
no there isn't
be quiet
I have concepts of a plan
I'll end it in 24 hours. I won't tell you how though ;)
We're going to make sure grandparents can take care of their kids (that's their literal policy)
The Dems are doing post-birth abortions! But also I respect states rights (meaning he'll just let them do that)

I'm honestly stunned it's even close
>Represents Shitain on the world stage for the next 5 years
Unlikely, very rare for a foreign secretary to last an entire term without getting sacked, resigning over some scandal, or getting reshuffled
i would bet a lot of money on harris winning but i think it would pull me into a gambling addiction that i subconsciously try to avoid at all costs
hilldawg won by like 5 million votes lad in the end it came down to like 20k votes deciding their meme electoral system
litte caesar the pizza cook
also 'lsrael wont exist if l'm not president'. Will probably both get banned for this you know how they are
Israel won't exist if I am president.
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is keir getting fatter or what

genuinely looks like he gained two stone since the campaign
mad how Janny permits the discussion of everything under the sun in /brit/ but the moment yank politics come up he gets trigger happy

beyond absurd
mad how all Trump had to do after the failed assassination attempt and the whole Biden fiasco was not open his mouth too wide - and he totally failed to do it
could've walked into the white house if he just kept his trap shut
not going into a spenglerian analysis but pretty much things are going to get really bad across the western world in the coming years
so bad in fact that democracy will become a facade (partially already has) and in the chaos, a strongman will arise and earn the trust of both the billionaires and the poor while BTFOing anything left of the political class, taking control for himself and ushering in a short lived golden age

Like Caesar at the end of the Roman Republic and its transition into the Roman Empire. The West is far from dead, it's in crisis and soon the Caesar(s) will arise to take it into it's final form. The beginnings of this are with Trump. For the first time, millions of Americans are loyal only to HIM, not the GOP or some vague "values". Even if Trump loses it will just inspire more Trump like figures till one eventually just takes all of it, ruling like Caesar. Hence, Caesarism.
I thought this thread was bad then went to britfeel and britpol and realized it'll get so much worse
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>spenglerian analysis
Why is 1 stone equal to 14 pounds?
Learn metric.
hello deano mong
a working class lad come good he deserves some free clothes
tbf that could be one of those "community support" plastic policemen
imagine the stimulating intellectual conversations between him and Diane Abbott
why do poortherners take so much pride in coal miners?
>me grandad was 'coal miner
yeah mate very good
The jannies don't like select aspects of leaf politics, but tolerates a lot of leaf politics.
I think it's related to whatever can be connected to pro-Trump American politics.
Sir Tool Father.
David Lammy says there is no such thing as an "English" ethnicity.

Idk I think we’re getting a repeat of 2016. Just can’t beat Trump’s rizz
It's actually over.
This is true Rorke you dumb schizophrenic
Blud is still at it lol
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Adam could never
Met a black English bloke the other day
Was a big fat fella in his 40s/50s was very friendly and nice, sounded actually quite refined
He’s low energy as fuck nowadays, and he’s running against Kamala who has a ton of charisma, rather than Hillary/Sleepy Joe. It’s over for Trump, onky question is how hard he loses and whether he lives long enough to see prison
Earlier today I was on the toilet doing a bum poo, and in the same moment, I released a willy wee. It was jolly efficient.
anyone go to the pub for a few pints and end up playing darts
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>he’s running against Kamala who has a ton of charisma
I keep seeing white chads in London with 4/10 asian birds
makes me suicidal
like what the fuck am i supposed to get then
>Trump’s rizz
have you seen/heard him lately? Just rambles and doesnt have much energy
You lot do realise David Lammy is very likely going to be our next PM?
He'll get Sunak'd in just for the sake of having a non-white leader.
Who else is there? Rayner is probably going to get sacked by Starmer eventually, the two utterly despise each other, and she'll never have the backing of the Blairites if that happens. Reeves is already getting caught up in scandal.
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and it's alright
Reckon it was fine when the Jamaicans and West Indians were in but went to shite when we invited Africans, Indians and Pakistanis
The old black people were proud to be British, were Christian, fought in the army and actually like d this country
the north and the midlands turned britain into a superpower
the government sold the industries out when they were going through a rough spot, devastating entire communities
britain has enough coal to supply its energy needs for a century but we're excluded from using it, even with the most modern technology, by current policy
Barely even matters at this point. Sort of like the bazillions of Roman Emperors they had in the 5th century. Nobody even remembers any of them.
is this some mythical future in which labour dont get voted out asap?
See the last debate for reference mate, she won it easily. And the fat nonce chickened out of having another, says it all lol
>ton of charisma
lol wouldn't go that far
nah i know was just at the wind up
fishing for replies
By whom, themselves? They have a majority
Laying it on too thick spaino. Dial it back about 50%.
oh dear...i feel a sternutation coming on
*grabs rorkes shirt and leaves it a snotty mess*
thanks rorke
*walks away*
Britain is clearly in decline and should just go ultra-Rorke us against the world mentality
Rorkean Juche, you could say
>Kamala who has a ton of charisma
Absolutely not.
Confident and motivated yes but she has no charm.
They got in on 30% of the vote. You think the electoral system won't fuck everyone over again and give them another landslide?
Even then, Starmer's 62, his approval rating has plummeted in just the first few months. He also lacks the Blair charm. You think he'll last for five whole years? The Tories went through three prime ministers in that time.
well you got me
hows things
*kamala cackle*
not bad mate
wish i had more bevvy though
that's zero sum though
she might be RELATIVELY charismatic you could argue
but absolutely not objecitively

she's as wooden and insincere as any run of the mill politician
British politics is a meme at this point. Just trying to gild a turd.
We’ll see in November lads :)
the north to secede and run on coal for a century while we build a complete nuclear and renewable system
woah... an insincere politician?
grrr this post makes me angry, curse you spaino!
>look up david lammy wife
>she's white
of course
got plenty bevs, would spare a few
probably going to fall asleep head down at my desk
Say what you want about Michael Jackson but damn the man was a performer.
Nah she has more going on than the average politician. Walz as well is turning out to be an amazing VP pick, especially compared to Vance who has been a disaster.

Trump has his moments but he’s a totally different person to 2016 Trump. It’ll be close but are Kamala will edge it, I’m telling you

Imagine getting angry at /Brit/ lol
could you lob a few up to glasgow for me
never understood the hype
maybe because of the propaganda of him being a nonce but i always felt like he was a creep
>look up any non-white tory's spouse
>they're white 100% of the time

bit weird that
lol stfu spainnonce seriously
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beat it, tune mate
mad how he was innocent and the jews tried to make him out as a nonce
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Do you ever sleep?
his wife is a billionaire
honourary white
even if you're spainfag the prediction is spot on
the jews made him invite children to his bedroom
I'm built like a fuckin boxer
not saying she won't win but saying she has a ton of charisma is mental
hate everything to do with the crown and the army but second argentinians start acting up will gladly sing god save the king and rub in our victory in the falklands

not a more bitter detestable lot than them.
Spaintwat meltdown incoming. Estimated intensity: 6.5 on the SN scale.
pretty sure he had cp on his disneyland ranch
Should have nuked Buenos Aires.
alri *tosses a bone*
go get it boy!
I sleep whenever you do and wake up at the same time as you.
She does. She’s great with people. A bit odd but she has an infectious laugh and she’s funny and relatable
humiliated them enough
filth, not worth the shite off my shoe
Wow we're like twinsies
Go the fuck to bed Adam
Rorke marching into the thread to defend MJ/P Diddy/Harvy Weinstien/Kevin Spacey
I am really sorry I bullied you can you just go back to pretending to be a normal guy again? I'll be nice from now on I promise.
Utterly mental how Adam thought this was a believable, relatable character.
victims of the woke MeToo mob, when you think about it
really want to sell stuff on faceberg marketplace but i deleted my account years ago
I am now lol x
she comes across as completely false to me but yanks seem to lap that shit up
blah blah yank politics blah trump kamala blah
shut up
He doesn't even bother to disguise his posting style these days. It's just redditspacing and bland mainstream leftypol opinions. Fucking low effort shite. The golden age of spainnoncery is truly behind us
heard good things about argentinian barbecue
sure beats english muck
north korea's highest award
they've given it to a hydropower plant and a train
what a country
Remember when he was stringing along rubes for weeks with his shite patter about working from home in the civil service and his 'Spanish wife'? Truly he's lost his touch
Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s gone by next summer.
And you just know Blair and Mandelson are up to some deep state crap behind the scenes
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Argentinian barbecue. Formerly the Argentinian navy.
you are an anglophile, admit it
no frenchman that isn't would be posting here
if you aren't a brit on holiday that is
Truly mental how badly I mundrPed him
thought you were getting confused with people who designed it but no they really did give it to a fucking plant (formerly factory)
Went to Tesco earlier and couldn't use my clubcard so cost me about £400,000
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Honestly nothing beats the British countryside on a warm summers day
it's because of you that i'm like this
been there, had it
fucking phenomenal desu, vegans should be forced to go there
Got some absolute belters of webms. Shame you iPhone twats can't see them.
I'm an apprentice and my supervisor is an English boomer, good bloke
We get on well
Reckon this is a huge step forward in Anglo-Scottish relations
Funny you’d talk about fat nonces
pooey arsey
Are you going to kiss and cuddle?
this woman won the highest award in north korea
imagine your news like this. no commercials, just blatant interruptions of your leader's face with marching music
Post your pooey boxers NOW
fully in favour of awards for inanimate objects in our country
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Sad how pozzed everything is
Another evening wasted being a gay retard
>imagine your news like this. no commercials, just blatant interruptions of your leader's face with marching music
So basically the BBC talking about the Labour party?
mental we, us literally our kin, people of our blood and land and tounge and religion used to rule the world
actually fried when you think about it
least she isnt a nonce
lmao she canceled last minute after I confirmed two days ago we were still on
fuck women im downloading grindr
they call me Mr Gay Porn
rorke off his nut rapping without me by eminem in his boxers
love this lad
Inanimate carbon rod!
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Just another day in the gigapozzed troonpilled jewish tranny infested cucked bluepilled goyslop forcefeed bugeating WEF libtard orwellian EV driving gas banning estrogenic vaxxmaxx podliving goywhipping taxforblacks globohomo clownworld
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>fuck women im downloading grindr
well that's a 180
he got more than me
Blud is STILL at it
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We already do that.
but the people are retarded
metric is retarded. retvrn to base 12
It’s true tho :/
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Mental this cunt
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Weird how he was actually lowkey kinda handsome
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not a fan of his brother either
Osama bin Handsome
her shoulders seem unnaturally narrow and she never once looks up
biting bit of political satire here
when can we expect you to do the late night british panel show circuit
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retard cat
he was a gooner too
>During a recruitment trip to London in 1994, Osama Bin Laden apparently became transfixed on the team in red and white, watching as many of the Gunners' games as he possibly could.
>According to some reports, he was in the famous Clock End terrace to see Arsenal beat Paris St. Germain and Torino in the European Cup Winners' Cup.
>Any Arsenal fan reading this now could have once sat next to the man who would go on to become the most infamous, hated person the world has ever seen.

reading about roman britain
sad what happened to it :/
imagine a world where romano-british culture continued and we all spoke some weird vulgar latin
yea it's called France
remember seeing a webm here in /brit/ of a cat trying to find a mouse hiding in a wheel well and just barely missing him
Sir Osier Bin Larder
Thinking about some old timey photos I came across and how hairy some of those women must have been under those heavy garments they were wearing.
Imagine all that bush around their vag
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Don't make fun of mentally ill people man, you don't know what they go through. Even the ones who have a good family to take care of them are still suffering in their minds.
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Bin Laden really did a number on America
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America deserved 9/11
Say what you will about Osama bin Laden. But at least he bought his own clothes.
cant sleep
the romans were brutal oppressors and enslavers to these islands
enslaved entire tribes and raped and killed their way up what we now call england
thankfully based picts and irish pirates stopped them and gave them hell

then after they left, the remaining romano-briitsh civilians retreated to the countryside after the cities went abandoned due to lack of trade. then the onslaught of the anglo-saxons gave them the coup d'grace, while true britons held out in wales and cumbria

but if you are interested
They deserve cyberbullying when they come here and sperg out for decades
clock end was the away stand though
maybe he was an ABA
bring back the letter ‘Æ’
𒈗𒃲𒌑𒈗base 12𒆗𒉡𒈗𒎗𒈗
Love when I meet immigrants here and they tell me about how they dont like guns and think no one should be able to own one
Out of all the countries they could come to, they came to this one???
Rorke naming his child be like
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leftypol in horror at just another capitalism success story
I request that america sends shitty kids my way, I'm not going to teach them I'm not going to fix them I'll beat the shit out of them
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*kills you*
why the career gaps
Sims career tracks be like
looked up my psychiatrists annual earnings because it's public information. let's just say there's a socioeconomic gap between us that won't be bridged anytime soon
mental how we destroyed your country in 3 weeks
Don't send*
Know a guy like this at my company and he's a mega sperg
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yet here I am asking for a promotion year after year
Reckon the masses should go to church again
Wish we could still own semi-auton rifles :/
Hell even the option of legallt owning a handgun would be nice
Send Nigel here to teach them instead since he's so eager
Who would leave their kids alone with an Arab? Even Americans aren’t that stupid
i'm scottish mate
Based Iraqi poster here to put the runts in their place.
In this house Osama Bin Laden is a hero. End of subject!
playing asscreed mirage currently
the arabs used to be alright
>he bombed the jews is what he did
>you'd think there never was an adolf hitler, the way they treat people!
Nooo don't let nappy have his own firearm he's more likely to turn it on himself what a tragedy
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>Mom who strangled infant son and ‘drove around’ with body ‘for several hours’ says parenting was the ‘best 2 months’ of her life
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started from the bottom now we here
Genuinely one of the only good things about this country. The thought of "people" like him with guns gives me the fear t.bh.
cunts getting deported back to mehico
Ich schwöre bei Gott diesen heiligen Eid,
daß ich dem Führer des Deutschen Reiches und Volkes
Adolf Hitler, dem Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht,
unbedingten Gehorsam leisten und als tapferer Soldat bereit sein will,
jederzeit für diesen Eid mein Leben einzusetzen.
Congrats! What is your /cunt/ry of origin?
reckon people like this should honestly be boiled alive
simply evil
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They recently banned semi auto rifles here in my state with most modern features, it sucks because it happened out of nowhere now I am unable to buy an AK like I want to.
Only thing you can own here really that is cool are handguns now, and they can not have more than 10 rounds in the mag so even if you get a cool one it comes with cucked mags.
All the shit is very obviously unconstitutional but the way the courts work its literally going to take years for the shit to get sorted out and over turned.
In all reality what happens is I get the fuck out of this state because the cost of living exploded and I will never be able to purchase a home here.
the woman is clearly insane
don't care mate
away eat some hot dogs and suck off the jews, all you americans do
sick cunt
You should be involuntarily committed gingernonce you sick freak. The constitution was obviously not meant to apply to you.
insanity is hearing voices and cutting yourself
strangling a child and celebrating it is demonic
should be utterly tortured and humiliated, in front of whatever family they have left, forcing them to watch it while people hit her dead body like a pinata
why would you need to shoot someone more than 10 times?
The US Constitution was very obviously and self-evidently only meant to apply to upper class, land-owning white Protestant men of British (English or Scottish) descent, in good mental condition and in good standing with the community. Not the sort of mental mystery meat shite that comprises most modern "America".
>suck off the jews, all you americans do
I have no control over what people in positions of power choose to do.
Im not that poster.
>strangling a child and celebrating it is demonic
it's insane
You can miss, some rounds are weaker than others and the only thing that makes them good for defense use is the fact you can have like 15-20 in a single magazine.
9mm is one of the lower powered rounds that is only viable because you can have 20 rounds per mag.
Catholics are the true heart and soul of America
Corn syrup-fed mystery meat niggas
even I know that's bull
It's literally demonic
The celebration of the murder of a child has no other word to truly describe it
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We’re not doing too well in that regard since Starmer confirmed Labour will support the massive Holocaust memorial and ‘education centre’ they want to build RIGHT OUTSIDE parliament.
Oh and mandatory lessons on the Holocaust for every school student
hibernophobic propoganda this
The Holocaust has been mandatory on the curriculum since I was in school 20 years ago. Bit late to this party.
>My love is wider, wider than Victoria Lake
>My love is taller, taller than the Empire State
there are no demons, la
the woman is sick, some people are fucked in the head
didn't happen though did it
give you 270k at best mate

find it funny though how sacred the holocaust is in the west. It's the one thing you cannot joke about. God? Gender? Race? Sexual orientation? History? Culture? Even immigrants? Knock yourself out to a certain degree.

But you simply cannot touch the Holocaust. It's almost funny.
irreparably sick and deranged
a negative and evil influence on all around them
for all intents and purposes, demonic
no reason for her continued existence and should be tortured and her death celebrated like a festival
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Reparations NOW
Also further to this, the Holocaust is the ONLY mandatory topic on the history curriculum in England. Kind of weird that literally everything else is up to the teachers discretion. 1066. English Civil War. WW1 and WW2. All at your discretion. But not the Holocaust. Bit odd that.
i'm all for death penalty
but not for torture or spectacle
just be pragmatic about it
yank politics would be so much better if they were involved a bit more
Stick it up your fucking arse mate
Good lad. Hanged by the neck until dead. Simple as. Can start with that Rwandan nigger from Southport.
How come americhuddies are so pro Catholic nowadays when the historic nativist movements have all been anti-catholic
>y'know like t'holocaust n stuff
>how did it happen though
>i mean 6 million in 3 years
>you'd think someone would be like "well 'ang on a minute this doesn't add oop"
no clue. im roman catholic by birth and culture but not a chuddy
don't poo forget about pee
The /brit/fast club
why not karl?
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>According to research by data scientist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, 25% of female searches for heterosexual porn on Pornhub involved keywords searching for painful, humiliating, or non-consensual sex
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need all women put out of work and back in the home producing white aryan children pronto
How has the Hebrides gone to germanic and then back to celtic?
CNC (consensual non-consent) is a very popular kink for women.
End of the day for all the talk about being empowered and evolved they still have that little proto-human instinct for a strong man that is capable of protecting them and their young, and one way of demonstrating that is through sexual force.
He's WELSH, chud. He has a piece of paper that says as much.
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the lads got married
Not a fan at all of the GPT voices. The guy sounds like he works at Vox. Sounds like he's got a peanut in his mouth. They all sound like they got peanuts in their mouth man, sick of it. You feel me Jack?
Failed to kill them all.
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i missed an episode
who are we talking about?
who the fuck are these cunts
why do southerners spell the 'u' sound 'oo'?
not even leftypol but how many people do you think worked at nike for 30+ years like that and got nothing out of it
probably countless
been sentenced to be hanged by the neck until spunked
mad how Clarkson got so much stick for saying irish cunt and Hammond for calling Mexicans lazy whilst May got no backlash for screaming the n word on a plane
I asked my mom if blowing a raspberry on a pregnant woman's tummy really causes a miscarriage and she started crying.

What the fuck's her problem?
been naughty haven't you?
crikey that's harsh
i'm on wank row myself
>its rape but i'm letting you rape me
the lad that stabbed the girls what started all the riots
if you work for a company for 30+ years and got nothing out of it that is genuinely your own fault
either you voluntarily plateaued (not necessarily bad) or you have the personality of a heavily salted gelatinous slug
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*falls into brip*
I mean they were probably paid the entire time.
>is a very popular kink for women.
according to studies conducted by the Academy of Very Horny Men
ah... fucking prick
bullet in the head, shallow grave
Just been appointed Dean of the Academy of Very Horny Men
at the local gay bar, getting sucked off by all manner of homofaguals to the tune of various gaga anthems.
Fuck aussie gon do?
Shite taste. Get the ABBA on.

wouldn't catch me dead having my neghole pozzed to anyone but kylie minogue
or your face didn't fit and you didn't literally suck off the higher ups
betrayed my middle class origins and recently became a tradie lads
im a gift giver
at least get a good one
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Work did an ABBA quiz once. Utterly flexed on the lot of them.
class isnt real. even the lowliest povvo can make it to middle or upper class with a bit of hard work and luck
don't buy the fact that yorkshire was the most heavily settled germanic region because there are a good lot of swarthy britonnic runts from there
richard hammond for example
Do you eat sandwiches and crisps with slightly dirty hands on the job site now lad?
germanics are swarthy excepting the angles
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which are we using for the /brit/ meetup?
Pig People
being a tradie in britain seems grim
backbreaking work and you get paid crumbs
ah, now the AUSTRALIAN tradie - there's a life. just lounging about doing half-arsed jobs at extortionate prices cos the government doesn't let foreners in
nu ABBA aka Ace of Base were pretty good
Imagine being born into Sweden in the 1950s. Literally one of the most peaceful, prosperous and homogenous societies on Earth. And then you go on to form one of the most successful bands in music history. Literally won the genetic lottery.
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found Rorke
bit of a step down to be going from the o2 to a bp station isn't it
bloody hell i barely make 100k i should become a tradie
so called germanics like the franks and saxons were scandi-celtic mutts
celts inhabited germany before scandis migrated south bringing the germanic languages in the iron age
all of western europe (france, uk, ireland, netherlands, germany, Switzerland, italy, northern spain) are just celto-germanic mutts
delusional post by a delusional poster
you can work at a company for decades and get fired and treated like you never existed
>Literally won the genetic lottery.
The Celts are a Victorian fiction.
much do fiber optics engineers and telecoms workers earn in the british lebensraum (australia)
he cute
one of the abba singers was literally the daughter of an s.s. soldier kek. part of the lebensborn stuff. basically himmler and his lot matched up blonde chicks with blond soldiers to have sex then adopted their kids out
not really, although I get where you are coming from
there was an observable, through history, culture, language and genetics, a pre-germanic british isles culture
it was not that closely related to the celts of continental europe, but the term used for them was "celt"

but there was a fair amount of celt larping in the 19th century. mostly from victorian anglos going "oh look they are le fairy pagan noble savage white people!"
where's the SODDING new?
get the new up
yes left borstal at 14 worked down the mines but never missed a day and 10 years on I'm a Duke who brunches at claridges
do australians learn more about the nazis or the japs during world war 2 class
Suck my clit
forecourt's fucking massive lad
You know how every once in awhile you encounter a poster where you inform them of some empirically true information and they try to make it into an argument when they very clearly have no idea what they are on about and for some reason think the facts are up for debate?
So like whats up with those kinds of posters?

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