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England edition.
fish fingers for tea x
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the lads got married
Failed the captcha 5 fucking times trying to post this ffs
toowoomba might be my favourite place name
up there with woolloomooloo certainly
you a gay fish?
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>Worst nightmare’: Toddler hit, killed after running in front of car, police say
what if you were born and raised in burma as a british person during colonial rule
got stuck waiting 300s
The cahpchas are getting worse and worse, used to be like 4 letters now it can be between 4-8
Its fucking gay as fuck
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I would be Chinese then
$20 for a full year without captchas
they accept debit cards again
just stop being povvo
Only a Yank can say class isn't real in the UK
Yes a povvo that grafts and has high IQ can "make it", but make it for him is a 70k a year job with a wife and kids in a nice victorian house, maybe going on ski holidays and doing fancy night outs in london

but to be geniunely high class, to get anywhere near the political and moneyed class in london, if you are not of a notable family or have several generations of wealth they will look down on you as a filthy commoner. Lads that went to Eton and Harrow are all one big clique and they run the country, and while they might hate each others families and political views, they by far hate povvos more, who they see as trying to infringe on their high class way of life.
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new england > old england
enjoy lasses chubby enough that you can grab hold of them
put a finger in her belly button and grip onto her flab while you go at it
Rorke going to Dave Rubin’s white party
how can they infringe on their high class way of life if they can't afford it
new england is my land
was literally founded by british outcasts with rorke (puritans were 1600s rorkes) beliefs
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Total Upper Class Zerstörung
would never give this site a dime since they're profiting off my data and like half of my captchas are "Verification not required" anyway
I succumbed to this and the problem is when it runs out in a few weeks I cannot possibly go back to captchas so they've got me cornered
the point was that a commoner can climb the wealth scale as much as they want but unless they are a literal billionaire or have somehow gained considerable, real political power, they will hit a brick wall when it comes to the inherited class that look out for their own
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I doubt 4chan will even still exist in a couple years anyway. Why pay your hard-earned money to this dying site?
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>best part of the states
>the most catholic part of the country
really makes you think
Me bottom left
well i'm of partial irish catholic descent so the point remains
the fenians conquered new england from the WASPs
you have to go back seamus
If I were gay, I would want a strong, tall, handsome British man. Again, only if I was gay though.
Love Maine. Simple as. I would die for Maine. No idea why. Just would.
You should have old wojak in Fairfield ct
This is why I thought it was funny when Conor mcgregor said he was going to run for president here. He might be a multi millionaire but he’s still just council estate class from north Dublin
deep down i hope it dies, a bad part of me that needs to grow up and move on will die with it
world is miserable


i want no part in it

i want...

I’ve been there and New Hampshire once and it is unironically as nice as chuds say
Mad how trannies are a mockery of life itself
ww3 and nuclear war looming.
you wouldn't want a lithe, spritely twink? if you were gay, perhappenchance
Maine and Oregon/Washington. The only states that are my niggas.
duke is a meaningless title. all you need is money and you can make that in any "class"

my grandparents were illiterate. my grandpa dug ditches for telecom companies and my grandma worked in a sweatshop

they retired owning 4 apartment buildings. i make >100k and will retire a multimillionaire despite those humble beginnings.
im portuguese, not irish
me in the middle right
The Irish literally have an identity partly built out of being dirt poor people overthrowing their richer oppressors
That's not as daft as you think
there's still some white people living in india and that
until only like 2020 there was a single seat in the indian parliament designated for "anglo-indians"
This site is already a walking corpse of what it used to be. Not a single board on this site resembles the 4chan I used to know and love circa 2010-2013
Geographically these two are nice by politically they are extremely dogshit because they quickly becoming literal manifestations of all the worst aspects of leftwing policy
its very clearly different in america. class is a stain you can't wash off here.
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2012 was unironically peak 4chan and we didn't even know it at the time.
If I was legitimately Irish and not some larping fenian descendant I would be immensely proud
>Never Forget Their Sacrifice
Literally who?
the point is that class is nothing compared to money. there is a lot of old money in the states as well but they get completely shat on by nouveau riche people like musk or zuck
west coast is a combination of dogshit leftist retards in the cities plus degenerate methhead militias in the rural areas

somehow new england ended up being left/liberal without being retarded about it
Need an Irish wife that keeps a 7.62x39 AK 47 and a balaclava under her bed
I absolutely agree. 2012 4chan culture (particularly /v/ and /r9k/) was probably my favourite time on the internet. Just so much going on, so much banter, so much great jokes and proper culture. Zoomers will never know what it was like.
>2012 olympics was 15 years ago
bloody hell wheres the time gone
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yea, i am an anglophile
don't tell anyone
part of the dublin moneyed class electing their own
the irish have done far more to protect their interests than any nation in western europe

we are a people that literally fought an ethno-nationalist conflict thirty years ago and they thought giving the dublin and cork masses the globalist propoganda and rolling out millions of migrants to send the fenians into history would play out well. we don't lie down or surrender.
i was literally 9 years old in 2012
you lot are starting to sound like actual grandads
>somehow new england ended up being left/liberal without being retarded about it
Its immigrants here to fall for obvious race based political manipulation tactics
West coast is filled with SEA and Mexicans its so over
I agree. At one point /b/ was similar to when /r9k/ was tolerable
My dad was deep into Irish nationalism. Find it cringe myself but I know all the words to the songs nonetheless.

what might have been...
fellow 03 lad here
again, that's not how british high society works.
That's a shite song. I can give you loads of better rebel tunes.

There is nothing cringe about throwing off the rotten institution that was the Crown that brutally oppressed the Irish people. It was the epitome of freedom fighting. The Troubles is more of a grey area but the likes of Collins and Pearse were heroes.
book in with dignitas already instead of boring us all with your "back in my day" stuff
eww, why?
I was actually posting here when you were in nappies kiddo.
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Just found out NBA players wear mouthguards.
Get the Gaelic learned
Get the squaddies sniped
>There is nothing cringe about throwing off the rotten institution that was the Crown that brutally oppressed the Irish people
Amusing view of Irish history.
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Just found out I made rorke's mum pregnant
arctic monkeys and bloc party
How so?
You can say the Anglo-Irish class benefited from the crown but several among the rich Irish Protestans were early supporters of the cause of Irish nationalism
The earliest Irish Republican revolt in 1798 was started by Wolfe Tone, a Protestant, that sought to establish a free Irish republic where Catholics (natives) and Protestants (Anglos) alike would be equal citizens free of the British monarchy
The word is impregnated you dumb yank. Stop speaking like a child.
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I'd get myself a ruby the size of a tangerine and come home a rich man
>Michael Collins
Shagged his great granddaughter

We didn't start the banter...
millenial scum being driven back to the shadows by the oncoming wave of zoomers
like the rohirrim ploughing down orcs
you made this up you royalist dog
A 10/10 president. You have to admit America was in a fucking golden age when this man was in charge.
>wave of zoomers
wave of fags, the new gen x, don't matter
first president i remember even though i was alive for the clinton presidency
Also she's English (Scouse not Irish)
zoomers are genuinely harder than millennials
had to grow up with wogs in their schools, then the pandemic then the cozzie livs now poo barmer
a generation forged in dystopia
Zoomers are weak as shit. I could snap their arms like twigs with my mighty millennial arms.
Ah yes, a rebellion that was promptly and utterly crushed by the far superior and better trained British forces. Pretending like Irish nationalism was some sort of epic national war of liberation is utterly cringe. More accurately it was a process of long, dull political struggle by very tame moderates which consisted essentially of persuading the British government that Ireland was not worth the cost of governing (which was true) whilst the militant wing of Irish nationalists got consistently and permanently BTFO at every step of the process by both the British AND the Irish governments.
scotland is the most based nation because it is the perfect mix of gaelic and anglo heritage
Civil servants are just unelected bolsheviks when you think about it
i respect scotland
what was the worst nhs experience youve had
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Hold on niggas... I got a 2007 banger for ya
Fuck off is it 4am. Just poured another drink as well.
just found out bongs think money cant overcome class
Well the British were always going to be numerically superior. It's a matter of geography. Bigger island = more people = stronger army which is why Irish rebellions were always based around guerilla warfare and tried to catch the Kings forces off guard for the perfect moment to strike

Irish nationalism is a just and legitimate cause, the Irish had by far a worse deal under British rule and genuinely suffered under all fronts. Westminster treated it as a colony to only extract resources from and brutally police. It's no wonder it rose, and that's not even starting on the religious and ethnic divides. To rise in face of danger is bravery and courage and that's what Irishmen did for their country throughout countless generations, and now today Ireland is an independent republic.
perfect mix of sadness, rain and heroin
one of my beliefs is what goes around comes around
>haven't eaten a thing today
>got quite tipsy
>drank two cans of Monster
I feel weird as fuck, weak, wide awake, that's an interesting experience
waiting 4 and a half hours in A&E
I am a 190 super recognizer
sort your fucking life out mate
get the milk down you
the meat
the eggs
a decent sleep
feel brand new
Another one
va au lit
Watching my gp type my symptoms into google after me telling him them. Didn’t even do it covertly, right there at his desk the screen facing me
Donald Rumsfeld and Bush made a lot of terrible decisions. Remember Afghanistan?
Can't give that a listen, I'm unironically watching anime openings right now
Based Christian crusaders teaching the Muhammeadeans their placae
he's just blinded by nostalgia
everything as a kid (when i didnt have any responsibilities or awareness) was great
everything as an adult (when i see how fucked the world is) is shit
in a nutshell
Afghanistan was 100% justiified. Remember 9/11? You really think the American public would have accepted it if Bush came out and said "nahhh we aint doin shit"? There would have been riots. He had to come out there and deliver the fucking pain to Al Qaeda.
>21st century black 'artist'
shan't be listening
watching juvenile's back that azz up
CIA did 9/11 mate
Meds now.
I know I should get my shit together
I've got issues. Gotta fix them.
waited 9 hours in emergency once. i would have rather been offered euthanasia then suffer through that
mad to think now, we were regularly thinking 'wtf are they doing?', pales in comparison to america of the last decade
America tried nation building in Afghanistan but never committed to it
alri mr jewberg
Ohhh yeah we got anudda one...
get the baathists housed
brit lads that are awake, where are you from then?
I've only been to the hospital like 3 or 4 times in 27 years
The holy trinity of BASED and EXCELLENT American Presidents.
Bet a disproportionate number are from the North West. So many of us cunts
Don't make fun of mentally ill people man, you don't know what they go through. Even the ones who have a good family to take care of them are still suffering in their minds.
Might move to akon city.
Saaf Landan innit
love italians me
>ay gabagool
>mama mia!
funny blokes
they were all disaster classes

Nixon....now THAT was a president
Might you indeed?
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Eisenhower. Now there was a president you could trust.
Rotherham sounds like Rotterdam but that's in the Netherlands.
Should have been MacArthur
Good Scotsman that commanded the Aryan conquest of the Pacific
Nixon? Everybody remembers his era as a disaster... Nobody has nostalgia for the early 70s nigguh...
But Clinton, Bush, Obama? That's the trinity. 90s, 00s, early '10s. The greatest eras of the modern age and everybody knows it, dawg.
always makes me chuckle, those italians
I think I'm lonely, bros
I need me a chick
truman was cool for dropping the nuke. i didnt say morally right or wrong. just cool.
ezio was kino
All my dreams happen in my old house where I used to live. My dreams never take place in my current house even though I've lived here for like six years years. What's that all about then?
Rendering and cleaning up all the wax cappings from our honey supers.
Is that... is that Warwick Davis?
25 years later and i still love when juveniles back that ass up starts playing
Only president from ct
Mad how modern Japanese seethe about that shit kek
They were not even there
If your old house was where you grew up it might be because of that

That's right!
*pats you on the head*
also the last skull and bones president
Mad how 4chan is just a rotting corpse that has been infested with fags and trannys
First we gonna ROCK
Then we gonna ROLL
love paulie especially
>ay tone, hear what I said
girl you look good wont you back that ass up
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My favourite thing about Oppenheimer was how they tried to make him look like the bad guy but just ended up making him look like a badass.
wonder if communism could have worked if western europeans done it
having russians and chinkies as the examples can't set a high bar for any ideology
bombs...kill people?
what about eastern germany
>bug realises what he's eating
peg the minimum wage to the poo index
russian puppet state
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>wonder if communism could have worked if western europeans done it
You are a fag or retarded or both if you are seriously contemplating if a failed ideology that was implimented in mass scale failed basically every time is doable
At worst it fails miserably, at best it fails and kind of works and the citizens literally risk their lives trying to swim and or get shot illegally immigrating to a non communist country
i just spent half a decade designing a nuke...le what have i created
Apparently for irish women its black men
and for welsh women its indians?
it failed because russians and chinese done it, two notoriously psychotic and despotic peoples
the more civilised and rational western europeans could have pulled it off I reckon
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how do you get away with being a meth user at work when they drug test
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>You're telling me the Jap-Melter 9000...le kills people?
honestly based
your office job tests you for drugs?
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Have these fags who constantly go about about fagunism not noticed how people are illegally immigrating in mass to captitalist western countries when the countries they are from arent even as bad as communist countries?
What are you fags eating and drinking? Is there something in the water? I swear you niggers must have had your brains surgically replaced with white dog shit or something.
think theres footage of him visiting japan and getting confronted by japanese about it. he just refuses to apologise to them lol
What the fuck are you even talking about retard? Are you on crack?
It failed because its a retarded dog shit for brains ideology.
think his job needs to drug test him more
just a yank
average iq there is about 5
Reckon British communism would be comfy. John Lennon was for it.
>fagunism not noticed
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Wankard Pooserism.
John Lennon was a poof who literally got killed by a round people dont die to because its notoriously weak and archaic
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lot of these 19th century long headed specky anglo philosopher phenotypes have died out
Killed by a Yank. Tells you all you need to know.
hope he enjoys america being pozzed while Japan remains japanese
Not a clue what this means
>he wasn't even shot with our best killin' bullet
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Wankstein Pooberg
do you think the king wanks
John Lennon literally got smoked by the gun equivalent of the common cold
Wankovsky Poosovich
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>He also made a campaign promise to reject every single bill that was presented to him, a promise which he would only stray from once in his legislative career.[8][9] In the 1945 legislative session, Pooser was involved in an incident in which he introduced a law in the house calling for additional regulation at Jackson County hospitals. When the bill was opposed by fellow member John Lambe, Pooser brought up the fact that Lambe's newborn child had died at a hospital earlier that week, causing Lambe to "break down" and withdraw from the debate.
Love how /brit/ is brought together by our love of Wankard Pooser.
got staff to do that for him
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feeling evil
i forgot, how ignorant i am
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Look, you can criticize gay ZOG globohomo all you want and I couldn't agree more, but you're an absolute fool if you think Islam is the answer to these problems.
If an Islamic takeover of the west actually does happen - you better hope it doesn't - but if it does, you will quickly find out the hard way that they are NOT on your side.
Some of you edgy retards might think they can be your allies, but I assure, they have absolutely no interest in being allies with you.
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you.
A Don doesn’t wear shorts
you're still flesh though
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based nuanced anon
sir steer harder (for when he u-turns on all his policies)
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didn't get into video games until later in life
portal was the first game i really played
gave me a little shock that games could be more than just fun
miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe ;-;
Mental what good value the Orange Box was. Half Life 2, Portal and TF2. Literally three of the greatest games ever made.
SOUL really matters to me...
hall hates oates guts now
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Probably some bizarre Freudian psychology at work here but birds that smoke are so hot.
Roses in the hospital
Stub cigarettes out on my arm
Roses in the hospital
Want to feel something of value
>after I went back in past
Another W for ESL
Smoking cigarettes is an appetite suppressor
That's one of the red scare girls innit. God I fancy both of them. Both 10/10 imo
You gay?
Explain my tar stained fingers and big fat belly then
Theyre not even close to 10/10 lol
Dunno, you just sound like a fat fuck I guess.
You want me to rape you right now?
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David Warner was 6'2" so not that little. He was of English and Russian Jewish background so not a nigga either.
He's done him there
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What’s the /brit/ consensus on biscuit flavoured tea? I saw some in the store the other day, remembered it used to be one of Mihai’s borderline avatar images, and decided to give it a try
Eat raw meat.
>He was of English and Russian Jewish background so not a nigga either.
Half; isn’t that called a mulatto?
dirty diana
Most British people drink the barest bones black tea you can imagine. Anything else makes me literally gag. This shit is for tourists.
English and Russian Jewish ain't niggas
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modern life is rubbish
Is mario anime?
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this is my world today
Sounds bad
glad i am not a porn addict like those in /b/
I normally drink Yorkshire Gold. Idk if the biscuit tea is for tourists. When I tried it, it seemed like mid nostalgia-bait for something I never experienced, therefore it doesn’t make me nostalgic
Have to be more than a little gay considering all the pretty much basically definitely gay porn I've watched over the last few years
was just talking to myself in the bathroom there while i was doing my wee and my throat is all raspy and sounds cool
presumably i have a cold
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haha yes the lads
The thing I never experienced being growing up with tea and biscuits as a comfort food or whatever. I’ve never really been a huge fan of biscuits and sweets etc, except as a rare treat
get arrested for doing the latter. can't obtain consent you see.
were you giving a motivational speech to your willy
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Our mouse
In the middle of our thread
no i was talking through a problem i have at work with my brain
got to be honest and say that lads, i've got a shit life
Just seen a naked man's willy
in olden tymes there was a royal foreskin puller who pulled back the kings foreskin
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Timmies' Trials
this is making me blush
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currently messaging an 18-year-old on a hookup app
playing my hand...carefully
these younger ones can be fickle
National Ho Service yoooo
Get your IV drip and yo balls drained
how do we fix NHS
The average woman has taken thousands of penises in their lifetime.
fund it properly
good albuj
Haha lemme just post this cartoon and vaguely talk about raping a woman CLASSIC
life is pure pain
>tee hee i just live laugh love, but im ready to settle down now (:
more slutty nurses with more revealing uniforms
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Me gangstalking Butthew and Schizojeet
need a doctor to prescribe me b lowjobs
Oh my days Kamala Harris's husband is quite possibly the faggiest dude I've ever seen in my life. You could find straighter dudes at a gay bar for homosexual faggots.
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this is a very good movie
How come Chinese and Jeets seem the most deranged and unhinged on the internet?
They get fucking weird as fuck about shit that doesnt matter
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never seen anudda general on 4chan so utterly inundated with drivel at all times of the day

really wonder the state of the minds behind these posts

propa kafkaesque diss is

on mind beggaring levels of beliefinghamshire-on-avon

>Or Israel will be annihi-
*Puts in 10 billion votes against Trump*
nice picture of a cat
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He tries really hard but most of them still hate him tbqh
wtf i love democrats now
Don't go to the Brit thread on /r9k/
Ayo these white ladies, even when they hit 40...
*Licks lips*
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Remember back when good discussion was possible to be had here
I would get proper fucking steaming and post some shit
Yank so pleased at getting a (you) two years ago he saved the fucking picture...
christ who is diss

recognize dat face
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It's literally just some random woman in Australia, you've never seen her before
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>that last comment
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cocks running ragged and needs a rest
she looks like some brit actress

corr looka like thotted up rank version of eleanor patteraon or wtever her name
boring ugly tattoos
Red, white, and poo
(Me on the toilet wiping my bum)
>boring ugly tattoos
Didn't realise she has tattoos of you
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks. We know their males are all zesty and highly effeminate. No need to rub it in
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Red, White and You
absolutely rank
The Jewish lobby is about foreign interference lobbying money (carrot) and Epstein-style blackmail (stick), not US-Israeli dual citizens as a voter bloc per se
Dead, Shite and Poo
Hope this is a girl but it's okay if it's not

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