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mandala edition
just done a poo on a womans chest in a legally consensual manner
the person who posted a reply from 2 years ago is one of the saddest posts ive ever seen really
we could disenfranchise the pensioners by making a too old to vote law
that's just unpleasant for all involved including me reading about this indecent act
might start a biker gang
would get wiped out by a preexisting biker gang within moments
even if it had a funny name like the wankard poosers, just not happening
What's wrong with that? I save all my posts that get at least 3 or more (You)s.
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Russiamong poster will NOT like this post
Mad how its pretty obvious one of the plans with the Ukraine war was that China would eventually start a war over Taiwan and its pretty obvious Russia is kind of fucked kek
>My penis, a love story
What the shit is this
Why do these left wing whackadoodles write bullshit all the time?
Say what you will about cringe boomer shit like Fox News, I mean yeah they're super cringe in their own way, but at least they would never write an article called "My penis, a love story." At least I don't think they would. I doubt it.
your opinions on non-white people?
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>Baby Choked To Death After Mom Died While Feeding Him, Police Say
Wish they would stop coming here as economic parasites that have no interest in participating in the existing society
he said very nervously for the hundredth time since last week
same poster btw
Its obvious Russia and China extremely over-estimated their positions
You dont even have to have a brain to see it dog
Fuck off and stop trying to kill Donald Trump you Ukrainian fuck
Pitbull owners be like "oh he's not aggressive so long as you do this and this and this and don't do this and this and this and this." Yeah? A long line of shit I have to do to keep him from mauling me? I have a better idea, how about I carry on doing whatever the fuck I want and if your hellbeast gives me any trouble I empty a 9mm magazine into him and charge you for the ammo?
>When some autistic tranny starts accusing you of random things because he doesnt like what you are saying
weird sad cunt
>girls when I was 14 went weak in the knees for one direction
>now I'm a 27 year old pensioner one direction are still what little girls are going mental over

that's bizarre
were schoolgirls in the 80s and 90s still going mental for paul, john, george and ringo?
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>Russian on a vpn goes full autism at the slightest criticism
Fuck Camelhoe Harris and fuck Ukraone.
oh do be quiet you pestilential tub of lard
lying Ukrainian fuck
You missed (twice) lmao
I’m so depressed, my room is completely filthy, I can’t bring myself to step out of bed or even eat. Life isn’t worth living, no woman will ever love me, I am merely waiting to die but death eludes me. Maybe I will Uber eats a bottle of vodka and drink it all, but likely not. I just wish I had never been born.
Is this /cum/?? Fuck off stupid yanks
what is it about that island that gets China so worked
they don't just seethe about it, you can get the death penalty for recognizing Taiwan
>yanks come to /brit/ and babble about his murrifat domestic affairs
this is why yanks are generally considered subpar on /brit/
>2 months in and the country already hates Labour

>nooooo you can't just call bullshit on my Ukrainian libshit propaganda bs
lmao enjoy your myocarditis loser
ohayo nihonji san!! have you visited budokan?
katy passed out on the cronem goon
shut the fuck up you fucking chink retard
Asians unironically have a hivemind mentality
good morning britbongs. i come in peace
what city has the most english roses?
eat shit and die
U one of them lil dicked niggas with an inhaler and glasses that is allergic to peanuts?
the city of fuck off and die clogwog you loathsome sack of shit
pop the VPN off mate, nobody cares who you are
They're not in at the moment
probably london tbqh
and maybe oxford or cambridge
It would be funny if Belgium nonce got cancer and died in a fire
Pop that clit in your mouth bb
What's so great about China
they seem like dickheads
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ching wong fu shong wang chong xhong zhiang
Mumberg's obsession with garage sales doing me fooking nut in.
Didn't see her text about getting a coffee mug I could've easily picked up today after working but I was fooking tired as shit and wanted to go home and pass out
FUMING cause all I wanted was to pass out in my pool in the sun but of course neighbergs showed up and I couldn't do I just blasted music all evening and ruined their night too.
Fucking cunts.
ungrateful little shit
Blog tf on
Just feel bad for not getting the mug. Should've seen her text but I was busy going to the doctor's where a cute janny girl said hi to me and then got nuggies at shartmart and got home and drank off the adderall
will your next car be an EV /brit/?
Maybe he still has it and I can pick it up tomorrow on my bike. Doesn't help me now as I try to relax and try to go to sleep thoughever
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atss uhpm dooo iskk oeee
It's safe, high trust and full of chinese people unlike the cultural amalgamation seen in europe

who tf asked
god no, they seem like a step backwards in every way
The girl who said hi to me was my looksmatch and yet I've been messaging some bitch that's ten years older than me...
Should I shag and old bint lads or just try to get a gf
pls have sex with indian women
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>mandala edition
Isn't it ironic that expressing genuine gratitude and appreciation can in turn hurt the receiver?
They could feel skeptical of your motives, discomfort at having to manage your emotions, or distraught at you reminding them of things they're trying to move on from.

Emotions and relationships are complex
In 10 years of working with Indian women in the workplace, I have never found ONE to be sexually attractive. Not racist, just none of them have been attractive.
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sorry mate, NSFW image
expect a knock at the door
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good morning
in the spot and i cum with the fellas
might have a coffee soon
shower first then a coffee
I'm a grower, not a shower x
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you love to see it
That's fucking bleak
oh bless x
Some have great milker & poopa genetics
What kinds of meals do you lads make for yourself?
Pretty much my go to is Penne with red sauce and spicy italian sausage.
Every once in awhile I will buy a box of hamburger patties and run through those.
I also do quite like Red Barron Pizza and Italian cold cuts like Pepperoni/Salami and provolone on whatever kind of bread I feel like at the time.
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>wow anon, how do you know all these tidbits about other cultures?
>Oh, you know, just chatting and browsing online
Oh yeah, what websites
>Well um uhhh you know just Reddit haha
spamming your trannies at 6am are you? vile thing you are

bizarre posts
Have you considered trying to advance your tastes beyond when you were 12 years old
Why do people call him this when its just spaedo on a VPN.
Oh you think theres just one guy devoted to using 2 different VPNs for cuckposting? oh yeh sure
What do you eat?
By 2100, half the human population will have faces like this. Aliens will take the worst subspecies as being representative of humans. Grim
Regularly that I cook myself?
Pork or chicken stir fry
A few types of beef curry
Bolognese in either the northern or southern style
Pork schnitzel with mash
Sausages with sauerkraut

All very easy dinners to cook and serve with a salad
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Madrid love their half irish players
y'all are really eating pasta rice and bread on the regular huh? damn
What is your obsession with Ireland?
Yeah imagine ever eating carbs, crazy
you think those are the only sources of carbohydrates? bizarre
don't know what schizo's and weirdos infest /brit/ threads.
but that's not me
i eat rice 4 days a week minimum and pasta 1 days a week
Morning all
forgot to trim my nose hairs before my 1 to 1 yesterday and i got home and looked in the mirror and it was very wild up there
feel like noseberg is losing the battle against the germ that invaded my nasal cavities . can only resort to brute force of flooding it out for 3 days now. why can't it be more like mossad with targeted attacks
treat yourself to a beechams plus
what retard brings their cat on a camping trip
i used to take my cat on holiday
not camping admittedly but a change of scenery for her nonetheless
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new marina lads

sent that freak to specsavers
quite the smug journos smile she has
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not bad sleeps this week
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such a good movie
never heard of it
what happened thursday?
Post it?
bowl movement o'clock
just went to bed a bit late i guess
bro is living off potatoes and beans...
had some of my coffee now :)
a very emotional and relatable kino brought to you by a jew in new york
>a very emotional and relatable kino brought to you by a jew
every drama ever
every race has things it excels at
emotional manipulation in their specialty
few things more sad than getting stood up is there
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katy waking up sore
trump still has more voters. they're just not responding to pollsters because they're in league with the liberal establishment. why would they trust them after jan 6
not trying would have been sadder lad. someone who would stand somebody up isn't someone you'd want to spend time with anyway. chin up and on to the next one
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had one too many bloody marys last night
how has your spirit not been utterly defeated. are you new
If trump only turned anti-israel and went hard on removing israeli influence from the government, he would easily win the election
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trump will be shaking hands with yahya sinwar at a peace ceremony within 6 months of his victory
might spend the morning blogposting if that's alright with everyone
quite alright with me
>She said she was pressured into taking a trip to Paris with Fayed, where he made inappropriate comments and "put his hands on either side of my face and kissed me"
Mad that they could just not go but decide their good job is worth more and then when they dont have their good job they complain
Be my guest.
often have dreams about needing to do a poo but the toilet is in a place with no privacy
only a virgin would be afraid to get his arse and dingle out in public
have a recurring dream where I’m punching someone but none of my punches are making contact
denting my irl fighting confidence a bit ngl
i just realized that grand strategy wargames like victoria 3, HoI lets losers of history(brown people, wheraboos, commies) act out their fantasies. made me chuckle
just carry a knife
you should try to lucid dreaming. I've had a few lucid dreams, and they're so memorable even today
Just let people have some fun.
done too much mcat de lads cant sleep
i'm not saying it's bad. just funny
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smornin :)
all videogames let losers act out their fantasies
*claps along*
stinks of cat piss in here
even cooking mama?
ESPECIALLY cooking mama
no idea what my clothing style should be

dont trust quality of goods on the high street + not knowledgeable enough to know where cool people buy theirs (cant spend £100 on a shirt either)
have you considered wearing a shirt and trousers?
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rebecca black's big bazongas
Who started that weird myth where Russians have somekind of abstract incalculable intelligence
After the whole Ukraine thing, its just kind of like damn, they are actually just stupid as fuck.
Doesn't matter what you wear just Clean Shaven. Always.
this mornings menu:
sosij, avocado on toast and two poached eggs
black pourover covfefe and cranberry juice
such a millennial loooool
Russia is based
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imagine being paige turnah's boyfriend and she has a big curry night while watching netflix and the next morning from like 6am onwards she's brapping and gassing and the room slowly fills up with rancid stench and you get so horny but also angry about being woken up with brappers that you fuck her in the "aahrse" as she would say haha yeah imagine that
then he'll be like "why cant I afford a house!" lool
Esoteric Skyrimism
mumstein just said I need to wear smarter clothes if I want to get a job - as if the laptop takes a picture of me and what I'm wearing when I press "Apply" on the website. fuck sake
whats this about some daughters or something
Actually making a solid game
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Inheritance should be banned.

If you want to be wealthy, work for it.
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A teenager caught on video stabbing a rival repeatedly with a sword on a train has been cleared of all charges after he claimed he was acting in self defence.

Horrified passengers yelled at Rakeem Thomas, 19, to ‘f—–g stop it’ as he stabbed Kyran O’Shea-Deriggs between Shortlands and Beckenham Junction in south London. Footage shared online at the time showed Thomas, wearing a black hooded jacket and face mask plunging the large blade repeatedly into Mr O’Shea-Deriggs.
Parents should be able to gift their property to children tax free but possessions and cash should be taxed otherwise absolutely no-one is getting on the property ladder and all housing is going to end up owned by big banks
she looks proper grim now
was a prime succubus at one point
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Let that woman fart. Set my nostrils ablaze!
irish diaspora
update: she offered to take me to H&M
cronem snoring, katy preparing his breakfast and a fresh nike tech outfit
>Rakeem Thomas
Vibrant and diverse.
The lads are free tonight to hang out but told the missus I would be about to help her plan her birthday party
The normie conundrum
I would literally pay like $500 to interview you for an article I'm writing about you.
only an atomised childless commie could think this
Just go to Marks and Spencers
>plan her birthday party
lmao are you literally a teenager
do any of you still go on family holidays
you go out and ill look after your misses
>taxed otherwise absolutely no-one is getting on the property ladder and all housing is going to end up owned by big banks
But thats what those kinds of posters want, they want the government to seize property because they are jealous.
They dont care who gets it, they just want everyone to be bottom dweller filth like them
nothing sadder than seeing a fully grown man loping around some european holiday resort with his parents
Starmer is individually stupid but Britain's ruling class genuinely think the fact they like bloody footy instead of killing foxes means they can get away with corruption because they aren't like the eton tory toffs
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and work for your wealth. Don't be a shirker getting handouts. Protestant work ethic. Austere, hard work. Discipline.
>They dont care who gets it, they just want everyone to be bottom dweller filth like them
You know damn well that's not true, but it makes you feel superior and stops you from considering their views.
Another bad sleep
I don't fancy clothes shopping with my mum at all tbqh, I am a grown man.
nevertheless yes m&s is fine but I don't need clothes she's just being silly x
Literally just go watch the interview he did with Thailad, Emmett and Mikey
'radley on the 'it/

I agree. Most people who espouse such views aren't serious people in the slightest and their fetish for decline and degrowth is born of a pettiness that just wants everyone else to feel as miserable as they are.
that's sort of how I see it as well. there are siblings too though. I think being an only child would make it worse somehow

nice one
good grief I would love to get my cock balls deep in tina kay's sluthole
I have unfortunately been dragged to Spanish holiday resorts for weddings and things, and the most pathetic types of guys are always on the deck chairs at 8am with their mum and dad talking about some infantile cringe.
>don't know what schizo's and weirdos infest /brit/ threads.
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***s should be banned
******s should be banned
If you want to be wealthy work for it
Alright guys? Not long got up. Having a black coffee that's a tad strong for by tastes.
i was never 'obsessed' with ireland until something decided to shove brown irish people in my face for some reason

kill yourself
littered with spelling mistakes
This is either satire or a zoomer regurgitating every buzzword he's heard on the topic.
>You know damn well that's not true
If you want to live in a communist commune you can, no one is stopping you.
The only reason no one does its communism is just a manipulation to steal other peoples shit.
>but it makes you feel superior and stops you from considering their views.
Nah, the entire premise of their worldview is actually what does that, they are lazy faggots who want to steal other peoples shit and dance around it like little lying faggots, they like to use worlds with less neative connotations like "expropriate" when all it means is the government steals and it gives it the guise of somekind of legitimacy because its a different word when it really is just theft.
Nah people like you are unironically the worst kind of faggot because you drag others down with you.
hope you get knifed by a pikey trying to steal some steak today
Another weekend wasted
someone edit an aldi uniform on them
>jumps straight to "communism" in discussion about inheritance tax
american direction brain rot
slow down and think next time before the tribalism takes over your brain
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every few years
I only go these days because sisterberg brings her bf who I get on really well with
That was very good. Remember seeing it in the cinema as a teen in three consecutive days in summer
Just makes no sense to take property off people and make them start from nothing over and over
How to keep your general population poor and the big banks rich 101
Govt should do everything it can to get people housed, it goes completely against any rational thinking to do this for free via inheritance than taking things off people to messily redistribute the wealth
Bizarre. Imagine being friends with the guy who bangs your sister.
Are you gay or have you had a threesome with them yet?
oh "get on really well" do you ;) love his company do you ;)
Tomorrow is the last day of summer. Dark nights are coming.
I liked to use the Mauser so I can shoot him 15 times in the dick
imagine talking about the ladies and then he forgets that his girlfriend is your sister says she's got a fat pussy and loves anal or something
I think it's time to pop off the internet and experience the real world for a bit lads, for your mental health
>Inheritance should be banned.
>If you want to be wealthy, work for it.

Like I said, you dance around it like a little lying faggot.
Mental how you cant refute any of what I say
Why do right wing shirkers think they have a right to inherit property?
getting done in by a gang of stinky /brit/ boys later
Not enough indie games making fun of troons
You dont get to call the shots on others peoples shit you soft handed faggot
Simple as
there's vomit on my sweater already
I lean libertarian and I didn't say inheritance tax should be banned. You are clearly too emotionally worked up to take part in a political conversation. Politics does that to people who are tribal.
Governmentberg absolutely begging Putin to give them a justification to send white British lads to die in frozen wastelands
>nooooo you can't take away mummy and daddy's stuff it's all mine!!!!
>go work for your own things like me even though mummy and daddy worked for it!!!
what tf happened to jolly fat ppl
I like that RDR toad.
Not possible in the economic climate I dont think lad
Most would defect to Russia.
>Politics does that to people who are tribal
politics does that to everyone
political parties should be outlawed
Scientifically disproven. Fat people are sad and calling them jolly or bubbly was cope.
If you think summer lasts until late September that means you also think 20th December is still autumn which is genuinely fucking mental
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Why are you morons going to work on Saturday?
currently urinating with a full errection
seasideMARK said tomorrow is the last day of summer.
mumberg's put the washing on the stupid bitch
Tamworth mentioned
That's where you're wrong kiddo
put my socks on
do you call it an errection because its so small you can't tell if its hard or not, making you say "err"
Summer lasts until it stops being warm.
Autumn lasts until it gets real cold.
Winters lasts until it starts getting warmer again.
Only dweebs care about official dates.
rorke's 2xl dungarees from jacamo arriving in the post
I used to go through tamworth station a lot
Still bizarre how the two tracks cross over each other
(I am not a train nerd)
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5 days over 7 with regular saturday working is the norm for pretty much all wageslave roles these days.

nowadays you need a degree if you hope to have a job with weekends off
what about when it was cold last week but warmed up again this week
played RDR recently
tragic story
One goes norf to crewe and souf to london
One goes east to derby and west to brum/wales

simple as
the seasons changed
Programming socks?
but i... errected them sir
lmao resentful povvo by chance?
Got to go and help sisterstein move from middul back to norf, going to take all fucking day
Don't nonce her lad
I'm a NEET and will most likely never have to work thanks to my parents estate.
Wish I could go back in time and play WoW in the year 2007.
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>or a zoomer regurgitating every buzzword he's heard on the top-ACK!
she fit?
from autumn to summer?
the ad on this blue board is now quite literally a man shagging a green monster woman and holding her tits
no just regular socks. my feet were chilly.
Honest answer, she asks you to join them in a threesome, what do you say?
might do a wankeroo to asa akira here
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How much do you weigh now vs 2007?
hate every moment that I'm awake
bizarre point, think you've lost it
hoodlum chiefing loud kush stinking up katy’s bedroom now
Some of you seem really sweet. Shame about the angry incels arguing about tax in the most inane manner imaginable.
looks like we have something common after all 190
More but if I had to guess not much more, maybe 20 pounds and thats only because of developing into the adult frame.
Im not fat and I wasnt fat if thats what im reading you are getting at.
ever try going back to bed?
more like 190kg lol
Good thing Labour is fast tracking the right to die de lad
Even when you're ducking a coffee?
i dont want to toil tomorrow
190kg 9am melty

alri vicar
>tranny takes damage in my game
People with real jobs often work weekends.
/brit/ word of the day: shirker
Seems like a natural outgrowth of someone piping up with some gay, retarded, shortsighted shit.
Why would I actively want to be poorer
Are you that dense
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and work for your wealth.
can't come soon enough
I think what he is getting at is that you arent vouching for legislature thats going to effect the people you think it will effect.
Mostly it will be stealing old semi fucked up houses from working class people who made good choices earlier in life.
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got my favourite game on
preferred london keyes
I already work hard so that when I do inherit my parents stuff I won't be cucked into selling, 190
that would be an ecumenical matter
honestly have no idea how FNV got associated with troons, is it just because it has some gay NPCs in it
He was suggesting that normal people inheriting normal houses is somehow a jewish trick
i couldnt be a vicar. I'm against abortion, gay marriage, and immigrants.
Certainly not the case, do you know how greentexting with an image implies?
good but modern game, need a level of being a nerd to mod it to be good > 2020 lockdowns happen > nerds get groomed while alone > troon wave
Mental how fucked Onision is
The irony is many people set to inherit stuff are already paddling furiously under the surface to build the best life possible for themselves and only a few can realistically doss it off on their parents estate
Meanwhile povvo slackers just give up at the first hurdle and demand free shit
Proto bf has turned out to be a bit of a rorke
This post left intentionally blank
Gaming community is full of trannys
Pretty sure people being trannys is just autistic guys liking those gay little girl animes too much
was just about to ask this myself i reckon it's just because nearly everyone played it it was the in thing at school for a while in 2010 and 2011
Yeah they ruined /agdg/
My simple questions get ignored
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honestly have no idea how thinkpads and arch linux got associated with troons
You dont have a job
you dont have fanny
you dont have taekwondo certificate

piss off

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