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How do I escape my third world shithole? I want to leave India. I have no friends here, I can't properly talk to 99.999% of the population because they're dumbfucks and nothing works. The infrastructure sucks and we have first world prices but third world salaries. I test pretty well but now most EU countries are tightening up immigration laws for high-skilled labor and making citizenship extremely difficult.
>Austria 30-10 years
>Belgium 5 years
>Bulgaria 5 years
>Croatia 8 years
>Cyprus 7 years
>Czech Republic 5 years
>Denmark 9 years
>Estonia 8 years
>Finland 8 years
>France 5 years
>Germany 3-5 years
>Greece 7-5 years
>Hungary 8 years
>Iceland 7 years
>Ireland 5 years
>Italy 10 years
>Latvia 5 years
>Lithuania 10 years
>Malta 7 years
>The Netherlands 10 years
>Norway 8 years
>Poland 3 years
>Portugal 5 years
>Romania 8 years
>Slovakia 8 years
>Slovenia 10 years
>Spain 10 years
>Sweden 5 years
>Switzerland 10 years
Is Germany the answer? Could I finally live my life in peace without being assaulted by retarded poos? Would I be able to secure a modicum of human interaction that'd ensure the guy opposite to me wouldn't be a complete drooling retard high on his own piss and shit?
Fuck off. We don't want you here.
I have a few suggestions for you:

UK high potential individual visa requires a degree from a certain university. Is it possible for you to get a degree from one of these universities? Any will do:


Next, have you considered moving to Brazil, Argentina, or Paraguay? These are the easiest countries in the world to move to. Personally I would like to see more Indian immigration to Brazil.
Do you have pajeet accent?
That's not true there are plenty of Indians in Germany and they are pretty happy actually
Try coastal China. Europe is a dump anyway
It's literally not possible for an Indian to get a visa to China, there were like 20 Indian visas to China approved last year lol.
>there are plenty of Indians in Germany
Exactly. More than enough. We don't need more.
OP wants to get away from indians. Germany is not the way since there are indians here.

OP, why not go to pakistan? Afaik there's not too many indians there.
No actually it's not nearly enough. I think the correct amount may be 3 to 4 times more actually.
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Can't wait to see berghain I'm looking for a job in Germany right now
I think it's pretty easy to immigrate here, the cost of living is affordable and the tuition fees aren't very high. You can also work as a food delivery driver to make money. I see lots of Indians everyday so it can't be very difficult.
However it does actually take like 10 years to get citizenship not 5 and you need to learn the national language but you'd be fine with just the premanent resident card
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I know online tests aren't very accurate. I consider my real score to be 0.5-1 SD lower than what's shown here.
There are no Indian universities on that list, so no.
The easiest way in for me would be to get a masters. Getting a job without it would be difficult.
I'd love to live in one of the large cities but it's difficult.
Why trade one shithole for another? I'd rather live in India if the only alternative is South America.
There's barely any difference between Pakis and Indians.
The 10 years is a dealbreaker. If I was planning for 10 years I'd rather go to Switzerland. I don't mind learning a language or two if it helps me secure citizenship.
Try SEA or japan.
Saar remember that you love India more by going abroad and promoting pro India and sending money back
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Yeah SEA seems to be the only option, Singapore or Malaysia, ideally Singapore. Big fan of LKY. IDK what the catch is with the easy PR.
Japan, I dunno. I'm aware of the subtle evil lurking behind the nips.
Fuck off moshe
If I move I ain't ever coming back and would never tell people "India is oh so great".
First of all anon Brazil is not a shithole compared to India. Almost no country is as bad a place to live.

Never forget how poor India is. You might think it's alright and somewhat stable but you WILL get sick, your health WILL be worse off there. Leave. Trust me.

There is space in South America and you will never have that in India, that alone is enough of a reason to go.

That aside, why not consider the USA?
>there are no Indian universities on that list
Obviously I am suggesting that you study at one of those universities.

Also there's a back door into the EU from the uk if that's truly where you want to be. Northern Ireland. You get a PR in the uk and you can easily become an EU resident.
Honestly in your case Switzerland would be impossible to move to, they only offer like 3k visas for non EU citizens per year and those go to very experience managers and the like.

Austria is pretty simple they have a long list of shortage occupations
Come work construction in Israel find a big booba Ashkenazi girl
Japan also seems like a fantastic option.

SEA like the other anon said is also probably not terrible. Singapore is fantastic, and treats Indians very well. Malaysia has many beautiful cities.

Of course the USA is ideal.
New Jersey
I would escape this rundown shithole and pick India any day over fr*nce
How do i move there to latam or ameroca, its easy for indians but practically impossible for yuropoors
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Would I as an American citizen be able to get residency / a work permit in Switzerland more easily?
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I think it's really funny how people like you have literally zero power or influence whatsoever kek

This is you basically
come home to auroville sir
(I did tell you I met quite a few white French diaspora there right?)
Its for rich pseudo hippie people with connections. I am neither. And whites are not allowed to work in india, so i am fucked
I know you aren't serious but you may enjoy life in auroville for like 6 months or something

It's like living in a Boy Scout camp lol. They have a comfy cafe with vegetarian food in the middle of the community and they have nice bakeries and restaurants and stuff. I really like the Korean restaurant. The auroville farm also has really good dairy, one of the few places I'd say can compete with British milk.

Good half step into Indian life
I felt a bit like Indiana jones riding around on a scooter in those jungles desu
Not any easier than an Indian, the visa rules are the same for all non EU citizens.
saar we CEO saar

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Poopreet
Do your posts help you sleep at night or are you just mad about Indians constantly though
I am serious i have been spamming naukri for 2 years now.
Auroville and this entire area is a turbo expensive trap for ubberrich trust find kids i am neither. So i cannot get employed there and probably could not afford even a week
I have lived in far worse countries than india you have no clue how much of a depressing third world shithole fr*nce is. Youd kys after a week here.
I would pick any desi country over france. But sadly you dont let whites in at all
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>too many niggers
Who the fuck do you think you are lol
Our people are weaker and stupider than most other races on average why act superior to anyone man

This is a good movie btw I liked it
Alright, what's so bad about France? Or are you just a poor urbanfag?
I wouldn't be mad at you streetshitters if you weren't literal cockroaches hiding behind every single flag of /int/ and invading the civilized world. Pretty much the entire world is experiencing jeet fatigue right now, what does that tell you about your glorious race?
What's the point in trading one shithole for another? I might be "brown" but I'm not a nigger, fuck that.
Not that guy but I couldn't care less about Indians, I'm just trying to save my own skin.
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You are a funny guy you know that
So many people would kill to live in Paris

I'd love to get a job at mistral or hugging face and eat croissants at those cute little cafes you have

My brother went to Paris recently and loved it
>no culture
>no jobs
>even if you get a job it wont even cover your rent
>insane levels of crime
>insane levels of terrorism
>white kids are kidnapped by gangs and have their blood drunk by nafris quite often
>no nature
>no scenery
>no infrastructure
>third world everything at first world prices
>an entire state apparatus whose explicit goal is to wipe you out to make way for hundreds of milions of foreigners
>highest taxes in the world
And im just getting started
You have no clue how shittier some countries are
Litteraly noone in the world dreams about moving to franceshit or paris in general. Fr*nce is the trashcan of europe and arguably the worst, ugliest most miserable place in europe/the west .
Everyone yere would die to escape this dump and live in america, australia or canada instead
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>insane levels of crime

You wouldn't be able to live in most American cities for a single day
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Money is definitely important don't get me wrong but thinking purely based off health metrics I think moving to South America would still be a positive move

Drastically lower air pollution, healthier food etc

Economy is probably also less fucked but I haven't done enough research into this
You know if those are the things that depress you about France, moving to India won't make anything better. India is only so much worse.
You literally just hosted the olympics. Many Cuban athletes weren't at the closing ceremony. Guess why?
Fuck, doesn't fucking VARG of all people live in France?
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You know it's kind of funny that you and I apparently spend all day on /int/ and have done so for years and I know literally nothing about you. Despite interacting with you potentially hundreds of times

Strange world we live in
You should already know this but most Indians in the USA aren't vying for a green card
They are going for a H1B, O1, EB1A or something similar.

You get a technical degree and you can work with OPT for three years. After that you can try for H1B like 5 times I think? Each H1B visa lasts 5 years but I'm not sure.

I think around half the people who want H1B don't get it. Not terrible odds.
Jokes on you i lived for a few months in a supposedly dangerous american cities
It was still miles better than franceshit.
You wouldnt last an hour here
India is much better than franceshit or least worse which is enough for me
>cuban athletes
Went to canada
Mentally ill larper who escaped the justice system and hides in this shithole because he has nowhere else to go to
Litteraly noone wants to live in this shithole we all live in franceshit because we are forced to
You might be right anon but I have a set number of years I can devote to moving to a certain country and I'd better see a general uptick in my personal well-being at the end of that period that eclipses my general advancement in India in the same period of time. If it was just about pollution and food I could move to a higher altitude in India and get comparatively efficient results.
Burner email.
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no amount of your propaganda will make Paris less desirable
>You literally just hosted the olympics
And everyone agreed it was a massive failure and showed how much of a shithole fr*nce is
I dont see what it has to do with anything
The fact that you ran of out excuses/troll posts to not admit fr*nce is one of the shittiest places to live on earth just tells how much of a dump this country is
Am I crazy or does the Green Card come after all those?
O1 and EB1A are massively abused and by the time I'm eligible for them I'd have to wait a decade longer. Truly, the only way these days is to pop a kid and live there for 18 years.
I'm a citizen so I'm isolated from all this nonsense but my understanding is that you live in the USA legally for a certain amount of time and you automatically get PR. Not sure though. Potentially like 10 years
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About O1 - I assume you are in tech?

Show up to sf and grind and hope for the best my friend.
It was literally one of the most beautiful Olympics ever.
>pop a kid and live there for 18 years.
pop out a kid.
Well AFAIK "PR" comes after the Green Card. Until then you're at the mercy of your boss / company.
It was litteraly the worst and ugliest, people got stabbed, mugged by the thousand and everyone agreed it was the shittiest and that fr*nce was a disgusting rundown shithole. Idk what you are on about
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I'm gonna go to sleep anon but I really do think you should take my Brazil suggestion more seriously. I don't know why more Indians don't consider South America. It's actually so fucking easy to move there and establish a life there. It's literally the most beautiful continent in the world, and it's so unpopulated. There's so much potential in that land.
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>Show up to sf and grind and hope for the best my friend.
Nice meme. There's money in tech these days if you're promising the world via AI but barely anything otherwise. It's all about connections now, I can grind on a SAAS in India and retire in five years. Doing the same in SF wouldn't get me jack.
Thats just because you were mucky enough to be born indian instead of yuropoor so you get a free pass almost everywhere
Come on, it wasn't that bad. They even cleaned up the Seine!
Will I get stabbed for not being Brazilian? Brazil also has really shitty import policies and so many places don't ship to Brazil. At least India allows everything except aliexpress.
It was litteral garbage, it showcased that fr*nce is worse than haiti in many aspects and they didnt do shit except spend what little money this shithole had left
Again i would pick india or brazil any day over fr*nce because both countries are massively better than this failed state
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Don't you think all your negativity posting might have a negative effect on your psyche

Like even if you are joking
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I'd say you could've probably immigrated to either the States or Canada, but uhh, yeah- that ain’t going to go well.

It’s sucks because by-and-large, most Indians here were probably some our best immigrants just because the extent that you’d see them in respected occupations like medicine, engineering, the hard sciences, etc

If not first-generation, certainly second.

But all that pretty much went out the window as soon as we started to import the indians that was looked down uponed even in India.

Sucks to suck :/
No. And no.
Anon I could've moved to the US or Canada for my masters after I graduated, which was in 2021. But shit was already fucked back then. Plus I didn't want to get the clotshot.
You don't think France has the capacity to be better? You gotta understand that India is at about its peak and France almost at the nadir and France is still better.
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Why not try for Finland if possible
>You don't think France has the capacity to be better?
>You gotta understand that India is at about its peak and France almost at the nadir and France is still better.
Its not india is much better than franceshit
Can you tell me more about how you sourced these numbers
PR in Poland in 3 years? Seems ridiculous
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get on the next plane to Morocco or Algeria and stay there and stfu instead of whining on /int/ for YEARS kek
I am not a nafri and id get killed as a frenchshit there.
As much as I love how I'd easily meld with the Finns, spending 8 years is a huge gamble. Plus Finland doesn't have much in the way of jobs. Although honestly, I haven't looked into Finland in detail yet.
I assure you, India is at its peak and its all downhill from here. We've got brains for the next eight or ten years and after than it's complete rot and ruin.
Who the fuck needs you? Stay where you are.
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I'm reading online that locals in Italy are impressed by Indians contributions to the economy

OP, I think you should strictly consider Italy as your future home
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Your terroni come here to be dough plumbers
Weak bait, try harder.
It's not bait though I actually think op should move to Italy
Good, less of them that can shit up the only decent part of this atrocity of a state.
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OP can I help you move to Italy? Would be happy to cover any visa expenses.
>try harder
You're trying too hard, faggot.
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So do you want me to try more or less hard
And it would still ne better than fr*nce, again i would pick any desi country over fr*nce
Yea I'm thinking Finland or Italy
I really only just want a basque qtp2t is that too much to ask for
I recomend USA, they already have huge Indian population and they earn more than blacks/white there.
Are you that shitjeet I lodged a turd in the throat earlier?
Why did you reply to me I'm already here

There's too many Indians here I'm thinking of moving to Finland
The US has a 150 year backlog for Green Cards, anon.
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Zitto animale
>Saar I speak the italian saar is it good insult saar?
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Unfortunately it's quite late so we will have to stop talking for now

let's pick this up tomorrow
love you
Try Canada then and get passport.
They also have lots of Indians, just dont come here, Finns are getting more racist and angry everyday and even finnish hikky neet incel could beat south asian man such you.
Canada has no jobs, not even at fucking Tim Horton's if I were to lower my standards so fucking much.
I understand that the Finnish people dislike immigration. I wasn't planning on going to Finland anyway, not many jobs in your country.
However, I could definitely take on a Finnish hikki. I'm not the norm of my country, far from it.
I'm much better than you, even.
>I'm much better than you, even.

You dont even yourself believe that
I really do.
What is you religion?
That just makes you delusional
You're not correct recently there was that Filipino girl who got a working visa for McDonald's or something in Canada?
Oh, Canada does have very lax requirements for a PR, sure. But am I delusional enough to believe that I suddenly won't be working hand-to-mouth at Tim Horton's after I become a citizen? Nope.
Stop projecting.
Calvinist but born in Hindu community. Frankly, I would have never converted (in spirit, I don't want to be fucking lynched) had it not been for my white friends. They showed me the way. Otherwise I was an (unironic) edgy 15yo libertarian atheist (you gotta understand how difficult that is to come by here). I later moved to NRx after I became a misanthrope.
>in spirit, I don't want to be fucking lynched
If you're in danger of being persecuted for your religious beliefs you may be able to claim asylum in some countries.
finland mentioned
go back and stay there
Maybe this was a tad harsh
What I believe in would take a while to write down but GENERALLY, I do not like the way "human rights" are enforced and happen to not be a hypocrite.
>The infrastructure sucks and we have first world prices but third world salaries.
I suggest skipping Bulgaria then, we have the same problem here.
But in your case you genuinely could be harmed for your religious beliefs, you wouldn't be tricking immigration officers if they give you asylum in their countries.
If I claim religious asylum I wouldn't be able to take care of my parents when they're older and need help. That'd be a sin.
I'm pretty sure most countries have family visas where once you become a citizen you can get permanent residencies for your non-citizen family members.
You guys don't have gated community?
My parents won't convert and I'm not going to force them to. If I claim asylum for religious reasons they probably won't want to see me ever again.
What do you do? Do you have any skills?
>If I claim asylum for religious reasons they probably won't want to see me ever again.
That's their problem, if your family members will mistreat you just because you want a better life for yourself and to not live in fear of being persecuted for your religious beliefs, is it really worth staying in India just for your parents?
Yes, because I would not be here without them and they're good people. They won't be the ones persecuting me but they won't be happy about my decision either and it will cause them a lot of mental anguish.
Also, my religious beliefs aren't weak enough to be persecuted. I'm worried I'd be the aggressor if I go through with what you suggest.
Used to be in devops/backend now inching into AIslop, also okay-ish at low-level stuff and PCB design.
SAAR stop inviting your cousins
>Thinks he is above other Indians because he was athiest in his teens (like majority of Indians)
>Racist against black people and those he considers 'inferior'
>Sucks up to his supposed 'superior' to the point of drinking their jizz

Yup, classic Indian regularly found in foreign countries which most people hate.
I hope he succeeds and gtfo of this country
None of those are true.
Can't you just cross the border to China and live in the kino Western Tibet part?
I don't know anon, i am sorry that chances in life escape you
I hope you reach a place where you feel better
Skimming through the thread, I think OP is just another one of those jeets looking to have a better life just by immigrating to a western country and thereby being a burden on the host country just like rest of the members of his herd by bringing nothing valuable to the table.
Please leave Bharat asap. Don't delay. Do it today. If you need any visa help please email me. Thank you come again
Half a year of vacation in Lugansk and you are a citizen of the Russian Federation
omg wow you are like SO much better than him!!1 finally a true brahmin amongst SCUM!!
You are literally his discord gaymate.
And calling out his ass doesnt automatically imply I am better than him, now you can stop deepthroadting each other in the thread and take it back to your discord cyberdefender circlejerk server
Go to Israël.
They love indians
>>white kids are kidnapped by gangs and have their blood drunk by nafris quite often

Almost believed you until you said this, all Europeans do is complain, the only thing that makes sense to complain about is how awful salaries are. The rest is honestly bullshit.
Rude. OP seems like a pretty good Indian. Wouldn't want him here myself though.
I need to look into Chinese immigration, honestly. But I'm not very positive about their culture. If I'm going chink I'd rather go to Singapore.
Thank you, Anon.
Cringe, what makes you think I'd be a "burden"? I'm here lamenting I can't become a citizen by holding a steady job for a reasonable period of time. Buddy I have a lot I can do, but it's fucking crabs like you that make me want to leave and not contribute.
Yes, I'm looking for a better life, but not off someone else's coat.
Also, I don't know that guy. That you'd complain about "discord gaymates" makes me think you've got a couple that spam this website. Wait... that sounds exactly like the poojeet problem this website has had since Jio was introduced.
t. 2015 newfag
In case you aren't being facetious: why?
You'd be surprised at the kind of shit religious extremists with 70IQ do. I believe him.
Thank you. I'm not a big fan of working 18 hours either.
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Please come here, we crave to be browned
And don't worry, every German speaks flawless English, in fact we even use English in everyday speak.
I would recommend the East btw, they are the most open minded because of their communist leftist past.
Yes and I'll make sure to chant "Ausländer Raus" whenever I see a German man, channelling the guy in your pic (that you went back to the archive to download)
you wouldnt want him either, look at your immigration statistics, you dont know how bad it really is
Stay away from this shithole.
America is much better than Germany.
Listen, you can make better money in Australia but it's literally so soulless compared to France. You have the same drawbacks of France (crime, high prices, etc...) but basically none of the history, nice food, beauty quite literally everywhere. The people are also more materialistic and there's more of an anti-intellectual sentiment. Not saying I wouldn't move there but there are drawbacks and France has something that makes it a very beautiful and awesome country to live in.
Australia is a NWO hellhole that everyone should stay out of and Australians are a blight upon the earth, literallly soulless authority-obeying freaks. Somehow Australia has the largest incidence of Geniuses in the anglosphere but it doesn't honor them.
But America doesn't let me become a citizen.

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