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Do you spend all your weekends drinking in restaurants in your cunt?
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What fishes are those?
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Trout in the middle. Various around it.
Yegermeister is nice. Why am I drinking it in beer restaurant i have no clue.
Anyways, kudos to germans for enventing paulaner, the only decent beer.
no I spend my weekends drinking at home like a financially responsible adult
drinking at restaurants is at least 5 times as expensive
Yes, but, well. There's music and stuff. You don't feel like an alcoholic.
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Well, bar is opened for 9 more hours so we will continue no matter what.
Nigga that's raw
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>Do you spend all your weekends drinking in restaurants in your cunt?
No I am not rich so I cannot afford to pay €7-8 for a basic shit beer or glass of wine.
I walk to the liquor store and buy 0.5L cans of 10% beer for €2 and drink those alone in my apartment.
>Russian drink beer
Have some self respect. Drink vodka
that looks like an appetizer
>0.5L cans of 10% beer for €2
wtf I love Sweden now
It's shit beer and a single can is basically a meal in terms of calories but it's cheap and gets you fucked up.
in Finland would cost at least 5€
That's fucked up.
I buy this one sometimes when I want a slightly better tasting beer and not wasted right away.
17 kronor so €1.5 per can.
0.5l and 7.2%.
Used to be a bit cheaper but they raised the beer tax a year ago or so with a few percent.
Also, is Finnish alcohol cheaper in Finland compared to here?
I love picrel and a 0.5L bottle is 184 kr - €16.

Because I have some vague memory of buying a bottle on a Silja Line cruise for under €12 but that was like 10 years ago.
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>Also, is Finnish alcohol cheaper in Finland compared to here?
Finland is the promised land of high taxes
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Then just become richer, wtf, are you more poor that a 3rd worlder?
Nah. I like tequila though. I just drank it one day, and found a friend. Good stuff really.
Of course it is. I am drinking here from 13:00 till 01:00 when the restaurant closes.

Also. I keep questioning myself, if drinking overpriced yeger in a beer bar is reasonable.
Well, one euro give or take extra.
For that bottle it's worth it.
But I never knew Finland has such booze tax.
Don't you guys have strong beer in the grocery stores unlike us?
>are you more poor that a 3rd worlder?
I earn €2400 after taxes.
€650 goes into rent and utilities.
€300 for food.
€200-300 for gasoline.
€50-100 for parking.
€500 into savings.
Whatever is left is use for booze, snus and stuff I need in general at home etc.
And trust me, this is as rich as I am gonna get unless I win the lottery.
currently you can buy up to 8% ABV drinks in grocery stores.
we have high taxes for literally everything. can't even die without being taxed
>currently you can buy up to 8% ABV drinks in grocery stores
That's incredible freedom to me. Here it's no higher than 3.5% outside of Systembolaget. But I guess lower prices are worth it?
I earn 4000$ after taxes.
$600 for restaurants, 600 for rent and... i don't really care. Money shmoney. Hookers and booze. What else really matters?... nothing, really. Including hookers , and booze.
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My favorite is
>inherit a house
>have to pay inheritance tax on it
>have to sell the house to afford paying the inheritance tax
>get taxed from selling it
I've never personally bought those stronger beers, they just cost 2x a normal beer but it's just one beer. I guess it's convenient if you want to get more drunk from less beer? But I'm not really looking to speedrun getting drunk
stronger drinks are really nice when Alko (finnish systembolaget) isn't open on sundays
the whole system is rigged to keep people poor as shit. it's insane. can't own shit in Finland
>the whole system is rigged to keep people poor as shit. it's insane. can't own shit in Finland
People seem to actually like that. I remember that picture of a poll like "what are the most acceptable ways to gain wealth?" Then inheritance was right at the bottom of the list, along with investing. These bucket crabs just hate if someone has more money than them unless they slaved away for it. Except then winning in the lottery was pretty high up. I'm not really sure how that's different from inheriting money, you just got lucky in both cases
ok. iäm looking ät trout in the middle and possibly a halfcut caper in the middle? so the liner is hamachi and just a pathetic slice of lemon? and for some reason people still think throwing some random grass on the plate makes it look good. no. just fucking no. double no.

plus point for paulaner. good beer.
$4000 after taxes would put you at the absolute top here in terms of income (not counting politicians, celebrities, moguls and shit).
An average salary here is around €2600-€2900 after taxes. Doesn't matter if you are an office worker, construction bloke or toilet cleaner.
Fish is just an appetizer. Who cares. Paulaner is good. It really is.
>But I'm not really looking to speedrun getting drunk
Good. I used to be retarded in my youth and always wanted to get drunk as fast as possible (only to pass out in a ditch or bush somewhere).
Older now and the long, full afternoon and night drunk is the goal.
Don't you fucking lie to me, you westerners live like gods with your 999999$ wage.
College football in the fall enables me to do this on Saturdays. I feel less self conscious if there's something to watch on the bar's TVs.
Otherwise, I'd rather be invisible but still drink and eat surrounded by people and noise.
Not him but Sweden has a very fair but extremely limited salary range for the average Joe due to our entire work market being controlled by unions.
Flipping burgers won't make you much less than having a uni-degree and working a high class manager job.
It's only the bosses and the higher ups who earn more.
Okay, why do you even live there? Like. Your wage is too low, your prices is too high, and you are prosecuted to fuck hookers. Just get better. I like your country but you fail you historic greatness. It's literally 100$ to fuck this (pic)here. I can do it literally any time I want.
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>(only to pass out in a ditch or bush somewhere)
I've never outright passed out, but there's been a couple times when I just started thinking like oh man I'm just way too drunk to keep walking, so I'd just intentionally go find some bush to sleep in lol. One time was especially annoying, right in the centre of Helsinki and my legs just wouldn't cooperate, so a bush it was. Couldn't really sleep though so I'm basically just lying in there waiting to sober up. After two or three hours I figure I'll try to head out, made it about 30 meters and it just wasn't working out, so I just give up and head back into the bush
>Okay, why do you even live there
Born here.
Voting does nothing, it's all a scam anyway.
A LOT of Swedes work overseas or in other parts of Europe. Online jobs like editors, streamers, "content creators" and stuff is rising every year.
I'm learning editing and stuff at the moment so hopefully I can ditch my shit job in the future.
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Not him but I tried moving to Germany for a good paying IT job (would have had a €4980/salary before taxes) but I couldn't find an apartment for under €1000/month within commuting distance and also leaving all my family and friends felt like shit.
I even looked into Japan since my job has offices there but the "exchange" program is extremely popular and even the waiting time for my application is like 6 years...
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Oh, i am an IT guy too. But 5k euro sounds too fucking low for a western country. When I searched for a job in Germany I found at least 10k$ for IT lead job. Honestly, I'd work for 5$k, if I had no reason being .mobilized for a war i dont give a single shit about. I envy you. Except sluts. Sluts ar3 best here. God, who knows how much i spend fucking them.
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Okay i am loosing my shut rn. Good uck to you guys. I am passing aways with a third B-52. I just spend $150 to fel like shit tomorrow. But i feel like shir every day so who fucking cares. Haaa. Ha. Death . Sex. Glory.
I feel you finbro
staying at home and drinking a whole bottle of vodka over the course of 2 days is peak comfy
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So it's around 100$ to get wasted in russia. What about your... actually i just want to sle3p.
>going to restaurants every week
>ordering alcohol from restaurants
No, I'm not a billionaire. I buy cheap discounted shit from the supermarket and drink 2 litre bottles of White Lightning like the average bong.
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Not in a restaurant in the pub
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Let's just have a shot of tequilla for a 100 $. Today we live. Tommrow we die

I don't care. I so fucking don't care.
nice thread
glad you enjoyed yourself
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No i drink at home, its cheaper and i prefer solitude.
Also thats my favorite beer
Fucking based!
I also like to make drunk threads on int, and coincidentally I'm kinda drunk today! But not too much. Had a few beers and a pizza. Cheers mate
>the only decent beer
Sorry bro but you know nothing about beer. Paulaner is not bad but nothing to write home about. It's super mid.
Essentially brown post
>10% beer
Unless it's some Belgian quadrupel or German doppelbock or at least some new england tripa it's gonna taste bad

Why don't you go kill a capybara with capoeira and grill it in your favela?

Not tasteful though

But you should go to a bar maybe. Why restaurant? Beer choice is usually shit at restaurants
what restaurant? I can buy a beer and a warm meal from the supermarket cooks. restaurant? I can make 10 means for that.
Great. I wish to visit England one day and drink ales in a pub and eat a pie. And chat with Baz
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there is something really nice about sitting at a table, opening the menu and having whatever food and alcohol you pick delivered to you by a qt waitress
really love eating and drinking at restaurants and bars
So true.
There's one restaurant I really like which has a very good selection of wine and it is also pretty small so I feel like a regular customer when I come there. Which I kinda am, the barman knoesy tastes and informs me if they have some new interesting wines
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I don't like ordering wine at restaurants because they ask way too much for a 125 ml glass that I drink in about 2 minutes
some restaurants offer reasonably priced house wine but it's quite rare in poland unlike in let's say med countries or georgia
my go-to strategy is to have a large beer with the meal and then drink wine at home/hotel
Yeah it's a bit expensive but for me it's a good offer to have a few glasses of different wines, which would be too expensive if I were to buy a whole bottle of them. I order beer depending on the restaurant, the food I'm having, and other factors. Sometimes I can have a meal at a restaurant and then drink beer in a bar for example.
Plus the wine I get at the restaurant is not usually sold in most wine shops. And I'd rather pay 500 rub for a glass of wine which I will enjoy to the fullest than 5000 for a bottle of same wine which I won't finish immediately. I can finish a bottle of wine overnight but I don't think I should
I like having wine at med restaurants because not only it's much cheaper than here, but also they usually have locally produced ones that often taste really good. here it's 99% imported wine for 300% markup price or in a rare occasion a polish wine for 20 euro per glass
Yeah here it's also pretty expensive. But my favorite wine is probably Austrian Zweigelt, the most balanced sort of wine in my opinion. I want to try wines from Northern Rhone because I like smoky flavors but they are extremely expensive here

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