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Summer Heights High edition

Threads claimed by The Threadmeister today: 2
sir plasmon tetramer
drinking some almond milk
i'm a miserable cunt because my entire life other miserable cunts have passed their misery onto me, so it stands to reason that the honourable thing to do is kill myself so as not to further perpetuate the cycle of misery
Eating Black Pudding from Lidl right now. it's pretty good. Actually my whole fridge is full of mince meat and pudding from Lidl. I don't like cooking so i usually just quickly sear it and eat without seasonings or anything.
It's over for Rorke

Pic related
The Mrs washing the dishes in only her knickers. Swear she’s a secret exhibitionist.
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huge fan of that mental case thinking everyone attacks him for being critical of AI
being critical of AI is a very mainstream opinion
dont do that
there are also positive Australians
eating poo
just remembered that cyber flashing is illegal now
Back home in Sussex
Boulder Brighton looms
Don't bother saving to buy a home lads, it's rubbish. Stick to renting.
Is shopping at Lidl shameful? Always feels like a humiliation ritual to go there
as well it should be
if you have any questions about christanity i will try to answer them to the best of my ability
sorry but how is it "gay" for liking how he looks so much that i want to look like him?
i am a paki
the sun wasnt very bright today
At boulder Brighton I am good
Up north I am shit

Southern softies are shit at bouldering
So that nigga Jeezus how did he kill the big serpent?
Agreed. I own 12 homes and looking to buy a 13th and it's awful. Leave the house buying to me and people like me
it's drifting away from earth
"You belong here. You are meant to be here. You are cherished, and I want you to feel that. Thank god gay people exist!"
Are you trans mousey?
more highlands and rocks in the north of England
Woke rubbish
feel like SHIT
>being critical of AI is a very mainstream opinion
It's not. Normalfags are currently going crazy and soifacing over the newest Apple/Samsung phones with built-in AI features. Facebook is full of AI slop spam. Youtube is full of AI voice covers and AI-generated songs with millions of views.

I hate this shit but, for some reason, normoids absolutely love it.
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come shoreham
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>men in dresses
Unacceptable edition. This man dresses up in black face and openly says the word "Ni**er". I will not be participating in this thread.
don’t know what ai is or what you use it for, seems like hocus-pocus for tech-virgies
>mice in bottles
This is your most boring gimmick spam personality yet
Just put the trip back on and pretend to be a normal guy again
drank 4 cups o water and not done a single piss
suppose that's what happens when ye sweat eh
mind how ya go
Niasteriskasterisker? What kind of word is that?
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What's his endgame?
what size cups? my water usually comes in glasses
looks like a nonce
Being anti-AI is the most dangerous opinion you can have in today's society. It means standing against the might of all the world's richest and most powerful mega-corporations, as well as all the governments who are in their pocket. And also risking social ostracisation because of the huge numbers of morons who worship ChatGPT as if it is their God.
we dont have cups in Britan
dont know what that word even means
Big glass of piss.
Boulder Brighton's grading system is completely fucked too
They have like a million different low grade colours that are represented by a mere three or so in Leeds, then anything 7a+ plus is just one or two colours
Basically it's a terrible place to be your local bouldering centre as it's good around making you think you are better than you are
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Anatomically, the thymus
is divided into two essential areas—the cortex and the medulla
bout 300ml
goin round brothers to watch the boxing later
Any esoteric Nietzschean rapists in?
big cup that
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>he goes bouldering in brighton

astoundingly gay post
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Boulder Brighton is good as route seetting goes though
Insane it's the only one in Brighton in 2024
Hate being ill, that almost high feeling, like you’re not quite there, hard to do anything requiring any focus
e, the ancient Chinese tale of
“Mencius’s mother, three moves” serves as an illustrative analogy. This story, which recounts how the mother of famed Confucian philosopher Mencius moved their home three times to
secure a conducive environment for her son’s education,
stresses the importance of setting for developmental growth.
Similarly, during thymic selection,
I heard it from me flat about 2 hours ago
not wild about 'stine but love that building
Esoteric Porn Battalions
like bloody calais
quesiton shaggers:
did you successfully get your gfs to change their political beliefs to yours or is that a misogynistic lie?
those Twitter accounts should be forced to upload a picture of their body and jawline
cringing my nut off at this post
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Ahhh getting about time to get a new PC, current one is almost 7 years old...
But a new one will be around $3,000 (~£1,600)...
they're all like this since commercialising
same as karate classes throwing belts at little kids every other month to keep them hooked on the feeling of progression without having to actually get much better
What is it with upper middle class gen x men and obsessively doing duolingo?
What don't you like about R.L. Stine?
how else will I learn?
I am not a shagger you see.
$3000 AUD? thats almost £1601 in real money!
if you find a girl who gives more than a cursory shit about politics run
no and i'm not mousey just want to look like a pretty girl
Farage is happy for there to be no English people in England as long as the inhabitants are “English” by culture. What a fraud he is.
Yes. My Mrs is quite the redpilled radical centrist now. Thinks immigration has gone too far, laughs at my racist jokes, thinks trannies are weird, etc.
that's not how it works mate
my gf is such a child
why would you want to change a girl's politics? if politics is super important to you then don't go out with someone who fundamentally disagrees with you
Which is about $2,100 in REAL money
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Wish I was gay, women are so fucking annoying and I hate being around them
looks too condescending
whats his fucking problem
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>don't go out with someone who fundamentally disagrees with you
/brit/poster challenge level: impossible
can you get me an Aus gf...
I can’t even get a fucking aus gf and I live here
What's wrong mate, does he give you goosebumps?
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People say pc gaming is an expensive hobby but if you forego upgrading and just build a new system every 5 years you only need to put away like 50-60 USD equivalent a month to afford it. Even people on literal neetbux can save 50 dollars a month
I’m a happily retired shagger. My shagger period was relatively short (five years or so) but now I’m married I don’t have any urge to go back to it.
*Breathes an ancient sigh*
Hypothetical subjunctive mood
Get fucked
post your wife's feet
brat summer is over it's time for autisumn
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mumberg was away on a road trip for two weeks but now she's come back
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everyone always says get help when I tell them even a tiny fraction of my problems but the truth is there is no help for this kind of fucked up.
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reckon she's been off getting shagged?
Poor people don't have that kind of financial discipline
bet she got blacked several times
Yeah mate I'm sure you're the fucking Joker lmao
sex sex
my ex was politically ambivalent
There's just really not much point building/buying a gaming PC unless you're an enthusiast.

Consoles are just so much cheaper, and in 2024, video game technology is too stagnant to warrant having anything more powerful than a PS5. It's not like back in the early 2010s when top-of-the-range PCs outperformed consoles by a huge margin. Someone who plays the latest normie game like Elden Ring on a PS5 vs a PC is going to have basically the same experience.
beg your pardon mate
Sorry mate but I like to play my games above 30 FPS
can't believe the numbers women have done on me
>Consoles are just so much cheaper,
is this true? i'm very much not sure it is these days
Personally I just buy a new gaming laptop every five years or so.
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no way, my mumberg is a virgin like me
You got any black friends?
ok ive read (and have one more thing to read - and then 2 more, unless theres more in this next thing that i read)
time to go clean up
because it is 14:47!
Honestly the fact that PC vs console debates are now about pointless minutiae like 30 FPS vs 60 FPS proves my point.

I remember years ago when a game like, say, Skyrim came out, and the PS3 version looked like total trash and crashed constantly. PC vs PS3 was like an entire generational leap back then. But things aren't like that anymore.
There are infinitely more games you can play on a PC than on a PS5, and the PC doubles as an actual computer rather than something purely forgaming
I have a few black mates and they finally called me nigga unironically the other day so I know I've made it. Greatest feeling a white man can experience.
How did she get on in France?
yeah loads. i live in london. really just have to own a lot of expensive trainers and not be afraid to banter with them and you can befriend all the blacks you like.
>Greatest feeling a white man can experience.
No, that would be receiving an n word license of your own
This. You can’t even tell the difference between such small fps amounts and it doesn’t even matter outside of esports games
I'm still on Windows 7 and have yet to be le "hacked"
is correct.

basically you have the choice of buying a console for £400 or a PC rig for £2,000.

The PC will play games at a slightly higher FPS or resolution, but for the vast majority of people that won't be noticeable.
any little monkey fella in?
Australian women are hot and easy but are far from gf material
It's true. A basic PS5 costs you £470. Xbox Series X is £480. A PC with equivalent specs would cost you thousands. Even the PS5 Pro with its notorious £700 pricetag is astronomically superior to any PC you could get for the same price.
You lot are so funny man lol it's like free a free stand-up show coming in here
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>There are infinitely more games you can play on a PC than on a PS5
Is there? What PC exclusives even are there these days?
love getting a laugh out of the lads by repeating a /brit/ post to them at the bowlo
you get get a prebuilt gaming pc for £600 that will perform the same as a ps5 with a better feature set to boot (better rt, dlss, etc.)
and, yknow, it's a full-blown pc. not just a box that can play games.
Thanks lad haha x
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she said she had a great time but she's been tired on the sofa since she got back and almost snapped at me when i made a fuss about walking to the post office but it's okay
thanks 4 rememebring !
which ones are well-received? whenever i try this theres just silence or a nervous laugh before they quickly move on
>You can’t even tell the difference between such small fps amounts
Bro is blind
30 vs 60 is night and day
>A PC with equivalent specs would cost you thousands
it definitely wouldn't
ps5's gpu is equivalent to like a 5700 xt which costs like £200 max
>you get get a prebuilt gaming pc for £600 that will perform the same as a ps5
Can't you use Google on your console?
Spent £1100 on a gaming PC just before covid and the only things I want to replace are the case and CPU cooler as they're both a bit shit
this was true maybe 15 years ago
I work at Wren kitchens with 4 or 5 big black roadmen
since the 360
It really isn't. I can't even notice 30 vs 60 unless you get a Youtube video of the same game running side-by-side.
>What PC exclusives even are there these days?
A PC can play almost every game ever made barring some current-gen console exclusives, and the vast majority of indie games are only on PC.
Not really. You don’t actually notice when you’re playing the game unless you’re trying to see the difference.
I can afford a ps5 and a custom pc so all your chinwagging bores me
that's not true.

You're also forgetting that PCs need extra specs to cope with an OS that's not dedicated to just games. A PC's 16GB RAM and a PS5's 16GB of RAM are different
anyone else bring in their switch to play at their desk in lunch
i cant afford food
Don't you need to pay for the privilege to connect to the internet with your Gaystation?
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Nailed it
lol fucking hell
rtx 4060 is equivalent/faster than ps5 and like i said, it has access to dlss, etc. for better image quality.
you can go to a costco and get a prebuilt gaming pc with a 4060 for £600, which not to mention has a better cpu than the ps5
Janman are you going to clean up all this off-topic extremely boring console war faggotry or what?
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i've literally got no gf
Imagine playing games beyond the eighth generation consoles
Literally the end of gaming right there, it's all shite now
>A PC can play almost every game ever made
If you're talking about emulators, theoretically all consoles can do that too, you just need to mod them.

But in terms of PC games specifically, trying to get old games running on PC is a nightmare. You have games like Saints Row 2 that just straight-up does not work on any PC newer than like 2011. If I owned an Xbox Series X or S, I could play that game flawlessly via backwards compatibility.
i WILL have read through a whole book before year end
im NOT making it a ten year streak
but a PC requires 2 GB extra for the OS, more powerful CPU etc. for the background tasks

Consoles such as the PS5 are purpose-built solely for gaming. the components are specialised for gaming only.

it's like comparing an engine in a little lotus Elise vs a white van. the lotus Elise can go quicker with a smaller engine because it's designed for that specifically.
persuasive writing is better when you say "not worse" or something, rather than "faster" - this lets them down a little bit, which makes them doubt you, before your next point which then blows them away. or at least by the link. this puts you both in the same way of thinking AFTER you put them in theirs
The issue isn't just hardwave vs. hardware but whether the port itself is any good
A __FACT__ overlooked by you spergs
i was playing saints row 2 a few months ago it was fine
didnt even have to mod or anything i dont think
they probably fixed whatever problem youre thinking of
am i supposed to know what an eighth generation console is?
*pushes update to your xbone retard machine and breaks all your "mods"*
like the PS8
then again your opponents argument is "2GB for an OS"
So go play emulated Xbox 360 games on a PS5.
Don't cope, you're using this ridiculous term as a retort, go do that. Show us up.
use playstation me cos i don't understand computers much
only play gta n fifa
so playstation does the trick
nope never mind just checked that was saints row 3
>poopenham shartspurs
>they probably fixed whatever problem youre thinking of
Nope, just check out the Steam forums. Lots of people talking about how it doesn't work.
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Sir ham pooper
>Consoles such as the PS5 are purpose-built solely for gaming. the components are specialised for gaming only.
1.) i never said this was the case (moving goalposts...?), and
2.) that isnt the case anymore anyways. consoles from the ps4-gen onward are basically PCs, practically using off-the-shelf x86 parts from AMD. you could make this case for the ps2/ps3, which did use very custom, exotic hardware, but the ps5? no. in the vid i linked, if you watch the whole thing, the rx 6700 is eerily similar in performance to the ps5; it's clearly the same chip used in the ps5, just altered slightly to fit a SoC design and console power delivery systems
anyway, you're retarded and don't know what you're talking about, so im going to stop wating my time replying to you
Sir Starmer Maker
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He visited India so you don't have to (the bald man)
Sir Mbeuomo Primeminister
Big Ange on suicide watch
was never going to really
i think they should make more single player real time strategies they were fun
almost >LIVERPOO
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Sir Red Tuber
ange sackedinthemornpoo
Sir Whata Palaver
glad l stopped caring about football
Grim as fuck this made me ill to look at
Spurs are the funniest thing in the world
Sir Alien x Starmer Junior
Warcraft 3 story mode was the best
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how on earth do people handle sobriety
glad you chimed into the discussion by stating your lack of interest in the topic. very interesting
Sir Game Emulator
Theoretically Spurs are winning 20-0
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tell me about yourself anon
be right back forum i said i would clean up
is that bergling alright
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glad you could bake it, Uther
toby !!
cor it the Saturday fun day my leeeeeds
Well I'm a bit thick and I'm gay and not really interested in doing anything but I'd love a go on those chebs
what should i make for dinner tonight?
got 4 girls waiting for me back home but none of them have huge heaving chebs
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the parasite began saying it so these numbers arent accurate anymore
You will never get into Nectarine high school
Might move to China.
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why are you laughing
Sir Trans Spammer
her age could be anywhere between 16-45
so if you can supposedly buy a PC with the same and/or more powerful components than the PS5 for the same price, then why do you think PS5s have sold millions?
be right back forum

these are my posts +1 to my post count
this is a clear violation of my trans rights
Might pour a small glass of beer, haha!
This could feed so many haitians
don’t forget the occasional weekend in Cambodia for the… you know what ;)
>you know what ;)
No I don't know. Please elaborate.
the shooting of an RPG directly into a cow's face?
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Please don't tell me those are her actual tattoos
Sir Melt Downer
> What PC exclusives even are there these days?
Counter strike
always imagine black pudding tasting like poo for some reason
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Sir Shit Gimmicker
black penises look like poo
Sir Fun Ruiner
Longlegs was so stupid, why did (You) make me watch it?
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sir mass replier
nice chebbers
terrible jew ink though
The man tits will stay up til bump limit because they technically don't break a rule
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>jew ink
Mental how badly I mindraped him
PS+ essential, the lowest most basic tier of PS+ (which you need to play online and access cloud saves), is £60 a year
how on earth can consoles be cheaper than PCs?
say a console generation lasts 7 years. that means you spend £420 over the course of it just to have the privilage to play online... absurd.
anyone with critical thinking would notice this
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this is you but simping for women that dont exist whenever one of the bros says something
hate most tattoos, but the ones where people just get random designs on them with no pattern or connection between the tattoos is the worst.
My brother fell for that meme and I don't have the heart to tell hm that he looks stupid
Just don't like that style of tattoo desu. One on her other arm is much more my taste.
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>critical thinking
Use yours to determine who you've been arguing with for the whole thread
it's a caffeine wank for me
Sir Kum Drinker
Tattoos on women are objectively hot. Seethe about it
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it's leafeon
and she has like a catwoman tattoo on her thigh
mental how badly sn mindraped you
to the point where you think someone using proper punctuation is him because he used it
did his hand come off
poor lad
Sir All research and successful drug policy show that treatment should be increased (oh)
Sir And law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences (oh)
Sir All research and successful drug policy show that treatment should be increased (oh)
And law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences
Sir Done Thatfreak
Please give what you can

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I didn't even mention anyone in particular yet you've leaped at the slightest chance to talk about yourself
Its a trap!
I don't come here to open links.
Firstly, you don't HAVE to play online. Single player games are better anyway.

But also the price of online on consoles generally reflects it being a better service. No cheaters, no hackers, no nonsense etc. Some games are near-unplayable online on PC, like GTA V, its fucking loaded with hackers and has vulnerabilities that can cause your IP to get leaked etc. But the PlayStation/Xbox versions are fine and have no such problems.

Of course PC online was better back in the days of dedicated servers, but no new games have those anymore.
Never understood why people donate to these.
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are greeks wogs
sir ethnic cleanser
everything is circular innit lads? Not having tattoos is the nonconformity of today, and in 30 years it will be rebellious to get tattoos again.
who else are you implying lol he's on your mind 24/7
why dont you spend hours trying to crack his trip again? you obsessed weirdo
what does Canadaanon smell like
Didn't even notice it was Leafeon. Pretty cool
Sour milk and cum. Same as the rest of us
What do fat pussies smell like?
would look so much better without tattoos
yeah i still wear the same old pair of slim jeans for this reason. every trend-chaser now wears those baggy jeans, so now im the non-conformist
drinking an energy drink (sugar free) sip to get rid of the headache
have 1L of it left for 9 or 10 days
the only lass I've ever paid for content
shame about the tattoos though
No Runescape, Toby.
Ask Spainnonce what aftershave he's got on!
Get a life you obsessed retard lol
I GOTTA get my dick sucked
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Yeah I reckon so, it goes from being perceived one way then perceived the next
Its like politics it goes back and fourth and back and fourth.
But honestly most tattoos look bad unless you are into the art style.
glad i could defeat you so easily
i like her tats
i do take issue with her audio quality sometimes cos she's very soft spoken and she often has background noise in her vids so it's difficult to tell exactly what filth she's talking
sex sex
zesty mordant crisps
>the only lass I've ever paid for content
Literally why? Are you mentally ill?
i've spent about £5k all in on manyvids content
mental illness award

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