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Do you have skyscrapers in your country?
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Used to
this makes me so happy. bush is probably my favorite american
What was their masterplan
>parachutes still not available on planes and skyscrapers
why isnt this still a thing?

>duh bruh uuuhhh peeepooo stupid parachutes useless
shut the fuck up
Unironically to just get the Twin Towers out of the NYC skyline.
Zoomzooms won't know but everyone between the 70s and early 00s thought the Towers were fucking eyesores that ruined New York.
No, thankfully.
justify the patriot act and war in the middle east
The tallest one in Europe
Those two grey dicks are what did it? Not the other 30?
Why are they jumping if Americans are Christians and suicide means they'll end up in hell?
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People don't learn.
It's the 2020s and people still haven't learned the ocean is dangerous after the Titanic.
Nah, the others are iconic.
Zoomzooms won't understand.
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>parachutes WON'T work
>they just WON'T okay?!
Yeah engineers are retards I know better sitting at my moms basement
I'm not a zoomer I just didn't grow up around it. I've never heard anyone say they were ugly though. Even though I have east coast friends and family.
Is that why jet fighters come with ejection seats? As a prank?
to gave prestige to Al Qaeda as an international terrorist organization and recruit thousand of muslim terrorists
crashing their face into the pavement
w no survivors
How could several entertainment media predict 9/11 before it happened. The Simpsons, Deus Ex, The Matrix passport scene...
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To make america a good golem and destroys all israel's enemie in the middle east.
Best mossad false flag operation of all times imo
If parachutes are so great why didn't the President of Iran have one on his helicopter? Or if he did have one why didn't he use it?
Osama bin laden had been trying to blow up the wtc since 1988 and had bombed it 7 years before.

How do you not know this?
There had already been a terrorist attack in the 1980s where they tried to make them collapse.
Planes function slightly differently than helicopters, I'd hope an engineer would know that.

Shut the fuck up and get the thread deleted. You are fucking scum and I'm a regular white guy. Take your new obsessed ass to pol
>it was da jooz even though we tried to destroy it before
burn burn burn in hell muslim piece of shit. burn in hell where your ancestors are. burn in hell where your offspring will be. burn in hell where your prophet is
Wow wtf
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>I'm a regular white guy.

Oh no jew mad
Yep. Osama Made it very public for a decade before and after he was trying and he did it. We knew since 1988. The thread will go 40_4 soon they always do this
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Israel did 9/11 with cia's help.
Why don't you rant about how Iraq had no wmds, then I provide a source it did then you go bitch to your discord janny and delete the thread.
algerian rat you aren't fooling anyon
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Oy vey
because they knew it to happen.
i havent seen any buiding in the world collapsed only with a bit of fire other than wtc7.
No one read all that schizo shit. Take your jew obsessed ass to pol where schizo wall of text are in style
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Absolutely seething jews lmao.
They put bombs into 5000 pagers, you think they wont destroys a few towers in ny or in the beirut port kek.

Dont cry sweetie
Im just insulting you for fun you fucking moron.
When u think about it everything bad you can say about muslims is actually a jewish lie that brainwashed people into thinking that muslims are bad.
Funded by Mossad. Isis is a known jewish puppet.
>mass immigration
Who allows muslims in? Jews who control western countries
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2 for 3!
Is that why you are flipping your VPN you fucking dunce. A minute apart.
What are you bengla, Malay or paki
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>They put bombs into 5000 pagers,
yeah and they killed dozens of your jihadi pieces of shit and injured thousands

muzzies would never be able to do something so complex and based which is why they had to drive planes into buildings
Imagine if someone brought a parachute that day.
He would've been questioned to death.
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Most modern wars are causes by jews who take profit from all the misery and weakness it provoked especially in the middle east.
Their chutzpah is limitless.

Thanks for the confession
>al qaeda is mossad
>ISIS is mossad
>Hamas is mossad
>everything is mossad
were the thousands of muslims Who joined ISIS from all over the world also "Mossad", braindead muslim dog? goddamn you're so fuckig retared lol
there is nothing wrong with bombing islamists
i havent used a credit card. so i dont know about it but you guys pay more than 10% interest?
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why are these retards jumbing instead of taking the stairs?
the stairs were inaccessible (collapsed, on fire, blocked by smoke) due to the plane which the heckin peaceful muslims had just driven into the building
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Jews need money
they should take the elevator then
I think your people need money and you want us to kill Jews so you get their money.
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How come everysongle jews from the building receive a call to not go to work that day?
you inbred arabs literally look the same as jews
>there are americans who still believe mudslimes did 9/11 (alone)
>there are americans who still believe the wmd bs
what a sad state of affairs
even when jap buble, the interest rate was bellow 10%. how cattles you guys are (*`艸´)
That's all this is. Jews are rich. Angry poor people want other people to kill the Jews so they get the money and avoid conflict.

That's why these anti semites never do anything but bitch online and are poor. It has nothing to do with religion or Palestine. These people who hate Jews don't give a shit about Palestine or they'd be doing something.

It's just a hustle. They are care sooooo much, but doooooo so little. Watch them meme it up for months, years decades and never do anything even as the ummah gets genocided. It's about money.
yes it was akshualy mossad and the cia. they desperately needed america to invade afghanistan, a worthless shithole
lmao retard
>even when jap buble, the interest rate was bellow 10%
the reason why i knew it is because back then i was a jap government employee. and iirc, deposite interest rate for the employee was 8%. and loan interest rate was below way 8%. and my dirty senpai taught me how to make money with it. im lazy to do it and didnt it doe :)
yeah, the cia NEVER targets shitholes to expand the US' sphere of influence. they haven't done that even once.
you're so dumb it's unreal
>muh money
You are one stupid jew.


Irak and iran but they didnt went for iran yet still despites all the effort the jewish lobby is putting into sending goys to die for the synagogue
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amerikans pay more than 10% interest rate lol
Bombing kids in the middle east cost money
yeah it targets them, as in they sponsor coups. it doesn't invade them after murdering 3000 people in the middle of new york while also trying to blow up the pentagon
>blowing up the world trade center would cause america to attack iran
lmao meds
They did atrack sadam, bigget Israel enemy at the times.
Jews always tricks goys into their conflicts and let them die for them.
We did before the Saudis pulled their epic prank
just google it by yourself.
this is a current/ongoing event. therefore if i did it, then i will get a pan as always lol
you are a delusional sandnigger, at least take responsibility for the stuff your people do
ah yes, let's initiate a state coup in a country that explicitly hates us and has no remotely liberal factions, that'll be easy.
you should read about pearl harbor if you want to know what the US government is willing to do to change the public consensus on war.
>more than 10% interest rate
maybe is it not only amerikans but also euros too?
google says 5% at most
>10 percent cap of credit
google this
You are a lying sandnigger jew.
At least take responsabilty of what your people did.
why tf am i jap supposed to teach english to westerners?
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Nippon did 9/11
>credit card rate
it's actually around 20% but most people assume you mean federal interest rate when you say interest rate, bro
>when you say interest rate
>amerikans pay
inplys citizens
>i havent used a credit card. so i dont know about it but you guys pay more than 10% interest?
you should train to read more than 3 lines :)
jap insurance bank payed for the collapse and the bank collapsed. thanks amerika :)
we always have to wipe amerikans arse
imagine who made israel?
its made by UK.
what is the head of 5 eyes the western intel?
its UK.
you guys want to bomb iran because according to western media, iran backs anti-israel countries.
as you know, america and western countries back israel.
from my pov, jews are just a scapegoat as always lol
your post wasn't a part of a chain and i'm not reading through the whole thread
>inplys citizens
whose money do you think is exchanged between banks? santa claus'?
You are a fool
whos blown up nord 2?
its america, even though western mass medias only accuse ukraine.
The twin towers had 1000x more SOVL than those fucking super slim abominations around Central Park.
the US has more jews than israel my friend.
>You are a fool
you can logically talk back to me without swearing me, if you can :)
your english comprehension problem is not my problem :)
basically you westerners can be either jewish or christian, right?
>your english comprehension problem is not my problem :)
you saying "interest rate" with no context attached (to that post) is not a matter of comprehension on my part. neither the credit card interest rate nor the federal interest rate is 10% so i guessed the most common definition
>with no context
there are. and even you said that you didnt read through the whole thread. >>202514263

sorry but im really lazy to keep talking with brainlets
most of western europe is atheist but in the US that's mostly correct (and a lot of american christians love israel)
>most of western europe is atheist
what is the name of german political party which angela belong/belonged to?
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look at him go haha
Thoughts on Muhammed?
>it's actually around 20%
this is retarded, right?
why tf dont you guys talk about this?
according to the swedish poster, americans pay 20% interest rate. >>202513797
are amerikans baka?
>calls someone else brainlet
whats wrong with calling brainlet as brainlet?
lol superman
it's mostly just a name
christians are a minority in germany and most of the christians are boomers
we (as in the west) don't talk about it because the US is, to my knowledge, the only place with this problem. i wonder ((who)) could be behind these rampant interest rates...
the average in europe is something like 5%
it's a bad look when you're a brainlet, yourself
you know what?
americans pay 20% interest.
usually its compound interest.
therefore 4 years or so, the debt becomes twice.
and usually you have to pay the interest first, therefore your debt doesnt decrease.
the US currently has a policy of using debt to pay off debt
only 35 trillion usd to go...
>just a name
the christian mindset.
primary school kids tend to use the "LOGIC"
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Built for BEC
you forgot your own post? >>202513797
>>credit card rate
>it's actually around 20% but

as i said im really lazy to take care of mentally disabled, frfr.
fanculo gli ebreoni
>americans pay 20% interest.
>usually its compound interest.
>therefore 4 years or so, the debt becomes twice.
if americans bollowed 1k usd, they would have to pay more than 2k usd in 4 years.
im not a specialist but probably something along the line.
>YOU said it was 10%

this below is my post you first replied to.
>amerikans pay more than 10%
did you forget to change your flag?
why didn't they just take the stairs?
Empire state is the most kino skyscraper ever devised and deserves to be the tallest building in NYC forever.
death is preferable to walking. walking is communism. walking is antiamerican.
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have you seen the photo of the asphalt near the towers?
From 1988 to 2001 osama him laden spent billions to take over Afghanistan by buying off extremist sections of the Taliban to take over Afghanistan forming a new ruling section called Al Queda. His plan was to hit the etc because he believed the American elite would force pull out of Saudi arabia, then Hed come back with al Queda and become a second muhammed. This plan was discovered in 1989. He tried several times and blow them up once but failed. After the attacks he claimed them. He was well known by the American public by 1995.

Obviously he managed to get his entire family killed and everyone in aq killed and 2 generations of Afghanis. I don't think he thought it through well.
Israel did 9/11
Bin laden was a mossad puppet
amazing how this news article from 2003 already had pictures of a gravestone from a man who died in 2005
meant for>>202511911
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this is the type of retard i actually live with on a daily basis. And people wonder why i dont care about haitians killing their caits or dogs and venezuelans robbing o killing them.
do they really exist irl?
The white house + the pentagon + sears tower + twin towers
Most of the stairwells were destroyed or blocked
fake news
Coincidentally, the candidate more beneficial to Israel (Trump) is also supported by Russia
Revenge against the US because of their Palestine policies, according to the 9/11 investigation committee.
it's so incredibly obvious that mossad did it
This looks AI generated.
>>Revenge against the US because of their Palestine policies, according to the 9/11 investigation committee.
>according to the 9/11 investigation committee.
They literally sent a long letter with all their reasons, that included, listed.
Oh, I am not United Statian so idk about the letter or whatever.
for me it's the chrystler building
lack of walkable staircases
the grown up's version of "don't go to school tomorrow"
Did mutts deserve it?
They deserved and deserve worse
It was
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>Do you have skyscrapers in your country?
We have the tallest skyscrapers in the southern hemisphere. Most of our skyscrapers are also taller than the UKs tallest skyscraper, which is pretty weird considering how built up London is.

Didn't opinions soften by the early 80s? They were seen as icons by then.
>israel does 9/11 somehow
>america uses it as a tangent to invade iraq
>america replaces saddam with a shiite government
>iraq becomes an iranian puppet, so do Syria and Lebanon in a domino fashion
I don't get it, how does 9/11 fulfill Israel's interests again?
Aussies stronk
That's a massive exaggeration and you know it. New Yorkers got over it very quickly and they were instantly iconic to the rest of America and the world. I recognize the exact wording of your post so I know you've spammed this before.

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