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My Saturday edition
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No one will believe this but this morning when I woke up I was trapped in the bedroom. The door latch had somehow become uncoupled from the handle so when I turned the handle down nothing happened; the latch remained in place (see webm).

There was fucking NOTHING in this room, tool-wise let me tell you. I had on me:

>a bunch of clothes
>a set of nail clippers
>a single pair of trainers

No wallet, no keys. I'm not joking when I say there is nothing else in that room besides except the bed itself. I don't have furniture because I've not long moved in.

Obviously I did make it out but I won't say yet how I managed it. Instead feel free to imagine how you would get out if this happens to you.

Imagine you're alone in a house, nothing but the above mentioned items, door handle does nothing, 2 floors up, suddenly the door latch isn't working. Under normal circumstances the door opens inward i.e towards you inside the room. How do you get out of this room? I'm curious to see if people have better ideas than what I used in the end (besides phoning someone / the fire brigade).
Toasty bass
Nutty bass
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Meet the new /brit/
Same as the old /brit/
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>constant deliberate banging
what would happen if suddenly no one made a new thread
well if you had a phone then it was basically not much of an issue
an annoyance certainly but nothing you couldn't get out of with one phone call
same as it ever was
Wouldnt have happened if you supported Manchester you fuckin poof
i keep a shotgun in my room
Got a lovely greggs order on the way. Sausage roll, sausage bean and cheese melt, and two slices of pizza
>18% BF
>visible abs
Greg, you fucking bullshitter
bizarre looking thumb
dont know anybody who watches the telly anymore really
it's a proles and boomer thing
and a cyanide capsule under my foreskin
>no yumyums
utterly fucked it
i'm watching the telly right now
but you're a dole scrounger runt freak so my point stands
im smoking gas. smoking that HIMthane
Letting the threads go by, let the cuckposts hold me down
Letting the threads go by, dogshit yankposts all around
Into the /brit/ again, after the days motivation has gone
Once in a lifetime, dogshit yankposts all around
*kicks it open*
full time employed myself
*does a funny dance across the thread*
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love the idea that watching the TV is somehow supposedly associated with being poor
You can only eat 1 menu item from Greggs for the rest of your life
What is it lads?
horrible fanny that :/
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pack im smoking so lit so lit because im smoking that primary explosive straight out the cart. going to replace it later to wire up to a piezoelectric crystal from the lighter to go smoke some opps
i have had only one girlfriend because i am socially anxious and i am autistic
yeah? at the bum arse warehouse? take a walk you freak
rewatching the Sopranos myself
bit of a millennial-boomer
listening to the roman empire's national anthem
Me the fat balding manlet
honestly i would associate not having a TV with being a loser freak
like where do you watch football if not on the telly?
Non stop neighbours repeats on my tv de lads
opps still using neurons to think, my brain is a lattice structure crystal that morphs whenever i have a thought
I'm not talking about tv series but the news, tv game shows usual tv programs shite

have a flatscreen for films and sports but don't watch runt freak programs on them
Make me you poof
so you don't have a problem with TV you have a problem with bad TV
oh right. yeah i dont watch that type of telly unless im visiting older family members.
need clunge culture back
oop thought he was him so i injected some of my cerebral spinal fluid into his. he soon found out that he wasnt. now he doesnt know who or what the fuck is going on nevermind about that
>that morphs whenever i have a thought
we'll be waiting a while then
rorke the typa nigga to be a lazy security guard with a big ring of keys on his belt that a robber snatches off him when he falls asleep standing up for a split second
if you have any questions about christanity i shall try to answer them
i gave that nigga schizophrenia and sickle cell disease
why would you wear clothes that fit well but not care enough about your diet lol
book of job
what the fuck was god's problem
why do greek orthodox wear those silly little hats
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The door handle didn't work from either side though lad. Someone on the other side is just as fucked as I am. Although admittedly they'd have access to tools but they cannot see the hinges as the door is closed. The bolts are on my side as the door opens inward.

That just wasn't an option lad. There's no way for me to kick a door that opens inward in such a manner that it opens from the inside. I'm not Bruce Wayne.

Live a good life.

If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by.

If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them.

If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.
i gave that nigga a yeast infection. no homo i just wanted to see if he could be domesticated
what do you mean?
not sure what this has to do with christanity but this is naive
that's a fake quote
see those screws on the handle there? yeah they're on the other side of the door too
Why was the god of the bible so evil?
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POV: you want to get a beer with the boys
what is the difference between lutheranism and calvinism?
But cock smells rank so I am going to take a shower
mj nose
love and cherish women
Might shave the ol' cock and balls bald
Can only be a fake quote if its wrongly attributed
this has happened to me, the flat's front door
couldn't open it from the inside, fortunately had next door coming upstairs just a minute after to get the other side.
i've also had this happen in a downstairs toilet, i used a bit of plastic in a notch to turn the latch
>what do you mean?
>ruins the life of one of his most devoted followers over a bet with the literal embodiment of evil
wait a minute that "you call me colored poem" by the stewpid five year old said that WE are the ones going "black and blue"
when hes black, and other black people (i guess hes never seen before) are purple
How many Turkish barbershops does one town need?
useless. never offer to answer questions of christianity again.
It do be kinda like that dont it
They are just going on about some shit you genuinely dont care about but you have to listen because you cummed in them
Is taking a job that a short fixed-term contract (like 6 months) ever worth it? Do they ever roll into something permanent?
Not an argument.

>not sure what this has to do with christanity
hello you idiot gay niggas
they are pretty and smell good and are lovely even when they're psycho cunts who never shut the fuck up
why did you not have your wallet?
how so?

summed up every reply to those posts for you. you're welcome
um hi
We say nigger here
hey ebonicsaussie
still smoking nigga weed and watching spongebob?
You are permanently banned from the OSRS Wiki.
He genuinely thinks he’s of help lmao
*blushes* ummm hi :3
yeah if it suits your lifestyle
they typically pay better than permanent roles, at least in more senior positions and you obviously have more freedom to pick and choose what you do next
playing overwatch at the moment
hour 10 of trying this hard to be relevant in the thread
>he doesn't know why these cash business sprout out of nowhere

sweet summer child
just credit card the lot
Every temporary job I've had has turned permanent. Probably not if you're a mong that can't do a job properly though or it's something that is actually only needed for a set time like maternity cover or seasonal work
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mfw one of the toil lasses announces her pregnancy
its 2024 you fucking lunatic
love big chebs on women
Not even hungry enough for this greggs
Put your name on
arre you the Lymes diease/Stroke mong
i've seen the first two seasons of inbetweeners so i think i'm up-to-speed on modern bong culture.
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the bull surveys his kingdom
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I don't keep it in the bedroom overnight.

Though likely I will be in future, in case this happens again. Although I've already removed the latch + housing from the door lest I become trapped again.

No wallet.
im the HIMbetweeners
between getting this fat pussy and getting money every day most like
>maternity cover
this is the reasoning for one i was looking at, hmm...
wishing thinking to think they might go 'this guy's good, we can't lose him'? or once you're 'in the system', is it easier to mind other roles internally? or are temp workers not treated the same way.
mcafee haunting my loud speaker and yelling at me to not click that link
its popping off
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time for some himtube videos
g'day wee man
new New Zealand American PMSing all over for like an hour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jHPD8zvDuI
Depends on the company. They can't sack the person on maternity leave. They might not come back, they might have another position if you're good. More likely if it's a bigger company but nobody is inventing a new position and trying to fit it in their budget just because the temp they hired was decent
Not sure if I should click this shit my nigga
literally could not care less
just credit card the lock
Next Conservative Party Leader Odds (+ Implied Probability):

Jenrick: 8/13 (61%)
Badenoch 11/4 (26%)
Cleverly: 12/1 (8%)
Tugendhat: 18/1 (5%)

Odds via @oddschecker, 21/09.

fucking robert jenrick lmao
state of front bench conservatives
oh mi oh mi i have found you nigga
Anybody had this Philly Cheesestack from maccies? I can get 2 double cheeseburgers for less, not sure if it's worth it
but mousey makes some proper weird noises when you suck him off
>eating goyslop
wtf are those names
need my dick sucked while i watch YT
if it's clear and yella, you've got juice there fella
if it's tangy and brown you're in cider town
Whats wrong with white culture?
three posh english and one african
Does he talk about the mice and sim cards while smoking half smoked cigarettes he got from the street?
Yeah it’s very peng tbf
judeo-american culture isn't White culture
Cope on
Yes mate people go to mcdonalds. Love to hear the opinion of little freaks talking about the jews constantly though cheers nice one
wouldnt you like to know
australia is going to be wakanda but with white people in 30 years
have you got wobbly ear lobes or those other ear lobes that aren't wobbly?
t. ngubu
Bodied that antisemitic freak
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Australians are too busy LARPing as Abbos
Sudanese migrants finna take over
i dont mind Jews to be fair
mad that no one ever considers ethiopia a part of this despite the fact the amhara spread out and conquered numerous neighbouring peoples in this period
im 1/16 abo so its not a larp
Mental how even fucking Belgium had a crack at Africa. Imagine being colonised by BELGIANS
why are europeans so evil is my question
the leftists on this website are evil
no one knows what tf youre yapping about is why
Imagine getting colonised by africans in 2024 lol
That's europe
is it worth going out with a single mum as a practice gf to get my confidence up? its been a long time since ive had a gf and want to get back in the game but dont want to end up tied to a woman who already has kids
dont know how people can talk on aeroplanes
i cant hear anythign with all that buzzing
raped those white cunts with your bongo black willy
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its a lot different
you arent "colonizing" you are being welcomed in by government and on welfare
Alright settle down incel
Even interacting with cabin crew to get drinks and meals can be difficult and often requires help. Most airlines now only offer wooden cutlery instead of plastic, which can cause sensory overload and can be difficult to use for those with secondary needs such as dyspraxia.
he isnt?
probably predestination is the biggest one i think there are differenc esin sacraments too
satan isn't the embodiment of evil lol
and he gets everything back but twice as much at the end
why sighihng?
you use the nail clipper level to unscrew the handle and just pull the thing down
And taking over white towns
we gon strap you to a crate of dynamite and blast you to smithereens my nigga
cute tum, would love to slap my willy against it
i dont expect a baboon like yourself to understand history
you arent "colonizing" its either starving in that shithole or coming here. i wont be discussing this further (plus youre white)
might become a hod carrier
you arent "colonizing" youre running away from dying from starvation by sailing to other countries and sinking your own boats to begin the long process of the white people taking care of you like they do in Africa
>i wont be discussing this further
>discusses it further
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Watching an Al Jazeera special rn on Climate Activists vs AFD (Alternative for Deutschland). The left wingers seem like sweet people whose kindness manifests as political leftism
4chan is a total inversion of reality
nah. self hating whites are a disease
>The left wingers seem like sweet people
you've fallen for motte and bailey tactics
brainless dribbling spastic noodle haired zoomer prick
just to be clear, it isnt self-hating to give a shit about people in Africa. its people like those above your post. white people sitting there and saying "black people are 'taking over' the white towns" and "colonizing"
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>you've fallen for motte and bailey tactics
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What are those?
its ebonicsaussie
he smokes weed all day and loves his negro-zoomerisms
raped that cunt up the arse
everything the left loves is so unquestionably and obviously good both in on itself and for you that its illegal to disagree
Almost time to close my curtains
it isnt a crime to call women (not trans women) men
was really pleased with being anonymous but now some freak has started calling me ebonicsaussie
there's definitely multiple aussies who call people nigga and such
i should know because i'm one of them
coming to the realisation every female "friend" i was trying to hang out with was actually just me being horny
probably not unusual but just hadnt thought about it
You now remember that French was the language of the English elites for 400 years

sacre bleu!
Sticking my bum out the window and pooing on passersby on the footpath below.
sausages for tea x
oi, OI!
*avatar flags*
[laughter ensues]
hoovering a chiko roll up me bum
and in russia too
off to selfridges tomorrow to pick up a new arcy jacket
fucking loaded me
YFI putting "lol" after every sentence looks insecure as fuck and i know you dont give a shit or want to show some weakness about how much of a faggot you are but it is also extremely gay
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Smoking that shit lads
someone sent this band called allah-las here and all their songs sound exactly the same
rage on incel
i can't sleep without alcohol
pack so loud columbo's glass eye popped out
i think i can smell shite
for me its a nice asmr video
No it wasn't. An honour given the Patrick Gordon who saved Peter the Great was being called Ivanov
Lower your tone
toby lol
Doing some pacing round the flat while half watching the football
Not done many steps today unfortunately
don't see any reason not to kill myself, even if my life magically became spectacular overnight, the, the endless pit of unfulfilled want will torment my poor dumb animal brain forever
making webms
pooing the house down
harvard, princeton, yale offered me scholarships - i turned them all down
Have you considered therapy?
i've done it before but it doesn't help, neither does medication
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yea bro im just going to shoot myself in the head and fucking die or something
I'm sorry to hear that mate
I can only suggest to keep trying and maybe you'll find yourself a reason to live and enjoy your life
if i were going to it would've happened by now i'm 30
start doing this
Instead of killing myself I've decided to go mental. Completely off the rails. Bat shit insane.
knew that comment would se them off
therapy is not for blokes 2bh
all based on womens idea of how to sort a bloke out, only works for the most feminine of lads
Livestream it here
Worked for me
My therapist saved my life
smiled at this
never really wanted to kill myself, i love my beautiful incel life even if it is sad sometimes
you ever shag her up the arse?
Have you considered booze? Dulls the pain for me
watching goldeneye again, nothing will ever top brosnan as the greatest bond ever, and famke was sexo

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I'LL be watching
DIEGO'LL be watching
Will YOU?
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Can't get medication without therapy typically. It's a pathway to drugs. Know lads who would be out of sorts without xanax or adderall
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nan just sent me this
Never have
I have had sexually themed dreams about her but no actual sex took place in them so I can still look her in the eye
it's a temporary solution to a permanent problem
i'll be at toil but wouldnt be watching if i were home
Thors absolutely tearing the sky up where I am. Someone’s pissed him off
russian elites spoke french nigga
Getting off the booze me
I don't need it
Got quite drunk yesterday and I am drinking a few beers today, but not getting drunk. Have two beers left and I am having a dilemma with regards to ordering more. I don't think I want a hangover tomorrow.
would spark this fella out easy, why does this shit never happen whilst I'm about?
Can I have yours?
wouldve gone down differently if i was in that train carriage
dadberg fetching tonights takeaway slop
Getting on the booze me
I do need it
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Jarvis open lightningmaps.org and show me all current thunderstorms. Cross reference locations with avengers funkopop figure sales.
Crack on fella
I've simply evolved past the need for it
It’s not permanent though.
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noseberg whistling when l breathe
2 (two) English players playing for Crystal Palace. 0 (ZERO) English players playing for Man United. The ENGLISH premier league is DONE.
Hate that shit
mute the telly when the youtube adverts come on
madison avenue in shambles
Mainoo is playing for man u
Yh he said English
Mainoo is english
Mainoo the Englishman
yes it is, life only gets harder the older you get, so even assessing a situation as "permanent" is being charitable, in actuality it's even worse than permanent
what are you getting? wish i lived near my favourite takeaway. would love to go there right now but its 115 miles away and im not driving 230 miles for a kebab and some chips
King Arthur didnt die for this
Super Mainoo Bros RPG
Rubber lipped Zulu Mainoo the Englishman
Me and Deegs will be reporting from the Labour Party Conference exclusively to /brit/ so. Keep an eye out for those updates
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Got him.
King Arthur wasn't real
>Mainoo is english
u wot? mainoo isnt an English name
I find the older you get the less you care.
Can't be that good takeaway then
>its 115 miles away and im not driving 230 miles for a kebab and some chips
You'd be driving 115 miles for the kebab and chips. You'd be driving the second 115 miles to come home, a completely separate desire
its a great takeaway and ill be there in a few weeks. ive got toil on the morrow early morning so a 6 hour drive is out of the question

230 mile round trip
no just no
t. deegs
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the gf
KFC but its pork made to taste like chicken so muslims dont touch it
Football used to be about local lads representing their area through the sport. Now it's about billionaire clubs owned by foreign investors importing mainly Africans and others that are paid hundreds of thousands every week to promote whatever message the powers that be want to push (eg. gay rights, black rights). Worst of all this, the footie mongs keep watching and supporting this through season tickets which costs thousands of pounds every year, because they can't live without it (despite how ridiculous it is now). Footie mongs are the worst. They are the most brainwashed sheep in this country. At least religious people worship something divine. Footie mongs idolise people kicking a ball around and justify footballer's insane wages for doing so. They are scum and represent everything wrong with modern society.
she got mental health like you?
The entire 1 mile radius around by house was getting blasted by thors farts
It's Sunday tomorrow
im aware. your point?
Rape him
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Want her to poo on me.
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oof can we get a look at her ears?
its weird how guys know tummies are hot
girls like to show off their tummiesm
yet we all pretend that actually walkikng around with your tummy out is normal behaviour
Slip it in
Bit bloody weird to be working
Hey wait a second, Hermione wasn’t in house Slytheriir
She was in my favourite fanfic
He’s a priest
Nice my thread got used anyway
your a bit of a weird rapist freak diego
projec ton
hey dtfic
im a supermarket delivery driver. frozen peas be upon you, not peace.
What does that mean
you give off virgin vibes lol
desperate to fit in canadian
Good job that
I have a lot of respect for my tesco drivers
got /box/ mixed up with /brit/ ffs
posting my bumwank material there and it doesn't seem to have had a great reception
king arthur was a welsh chud who opposed immigration
dont know what that means
how so?
its ok. not tesco unfortunately. wish id applied with them. i much prefer shopping with tesco than asda
because its 3 characters and it doesnt spell anything
fuck off early twat
enjoy your dogshit yank early new lol
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it is done
Autumn knitted jumper acquired.

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