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How has he performed so far?
I don't know
is it just me or does he look irish
but you live in this country?
Great for us so far
Inflation has gone down considerably and is now at almost not-shithole levels
As for everything else we're still declining, just nowhere near as quickly as with the previous dindulovers
so.....nothing changed?
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As if anything ever does.
The centre-right coalition around him is preventing him from going lolbert/ancap batshit, so he focuses on neoliberal reforms dismantling Peronism. I think the main issue with Peron types is they think you can have a European style western state without being a blooming economic haven.
Even many anti-Trump centre/centre-left types (like Noah Smith or the r/neoliberal and self-id globalist twitter types) have come around to him.
But now there is no deficit and reserves are building up, which is the most important part. Before this, it was faster decline for no benefit at all.
I agree about Peronists, but it's not his coalition preventing his measures, currently all parties are split and it's expected a lot of new parties will be formed before midterms.
Yes it got worse im seeing more agrentinian prostitutes in my city
Some place near the border northeast
less money for the retired and more for israel!
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This le magic number went down while everything else went to shit around me so he's le good
he has dandruff all over his suit. come on
inflation is not lee magic number
it has direct effect on your life and future
Inflation is the #1 pseud marker
If you see someone obsessed with inflations and central banks then you know he's a certified pseud
Deflation is the best indicator of a credit crunch, since credit is 100% a social institution it's the best way to tell if a society is verging on collapse or worse your state is selling you out. The best example of this is a little known event called the Great Depression. The amount of deflation he created in such a short time tells me Milei is leaning toward the sellout side.
If you put an eye patch and a pirate hat on him and a parrot on his shoulder he'd look like a perfect swashbuckling hebrew pirate.
so ANCAP isnt bad then
people said t hat it was bad, then nothing happened, and everyone shut up >>202519692
god you're so fucking stupid you worthless niggerloving piece of shit faggot
>Even many anti-Trump centre/centre-left types (like Noah Smith or the r/neoliberal and self-id globalist twitter types) have come around to him.
This isn't really much of an endorsement since Noah Smith is basically Matt Yglesias but extremely stupid.
How do I fuck an argie woman as a blackanon. I don't care if they are racist.
llegó el morenaco señores
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He is a Jew, in short he gave away natural resources, gold and sovereignty
>dat dandruff
oof, small dick energy
Everyone is doing worse, utility bills are insane, I just left 25% of my income just to pay for gas and electricity, not a single meaningful tax lowered, capital controls still firmly for the foreseeable future.
But le line is going up and israel is our greatest ally or something.
Reducing inflation doesn't mean much if you make everyone unemployed or tank their wages in the process, which is what he did.
With money, you can pay an escort for it, but you should keep in mind that she will be disgusted by touching a cotton picker.
how do people even survive then. I always hear about these countries where people are like "I SPENT TWICE MY SALARY BUYING FOOD FOR 2 DAYS" and after years those countries haven't yet devolved into civil war or something dude how you even make it to the end of the month then?
The past 2 generations have been raised in a perpetual state of malaise, these people are just bots now, that's why past governments centered around subsidies and gibs to keep people comfortably miserable.
Its not much different know with the exception of those that actually work or do something and those people would never do anything of the sort.
We're talking about real women, not shitalian diaspora from CABA. Cmon kurepi, think.
It's the only thing a cotton picker like you can get.
And that's still more than you, which is sad tbqh.
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best prez in the world rn
You are a great cotton picker Tyron, you are really good at it.
>he's having a meltdown with minimal effort
Argies on this board are bigger schizos than Brazilians. Grim
Has he deported all mestizos and make a med ethnostate? If not so what
Last year I feared when payday was near the weekend. If I got paid the next Monday instead of Friday I physically felt how much purchasing power I lost after a weekend. Specially because Mondays are the days most supermarkets update their prices

Now I no longer feel that.
>Specially because Mondays are the days most supermarkets update their prices
WTF, so you are telling me supermarkets in Argentina change their prices in a weekly basis?
Lmao, the same here in mexico city, I was driving at night on the periferico and I saw about 50 in single file on the street, $1300 per hour motel included
I mean, not all of them were Argentinian, easily about 10, the rest were Haitian, Venezuelan and Mexican.
Damn, so argentinos really are more pathetic than Mexicans huh? Nothing against Mexicans though, I love you guys. The argies I've met in real life are stuck up faggots, however
Used to be twice a day, pre-lunch, post-lunch.
It was so much work to update prices that some shops adopted an online catalog to stop having price stickers wasted on 6-hour lifetime prices.
Then it was daily, the stickers didn't come back but some were surprised when things were the same price as yesterday.
Now it's weekly, sorta, sometimes there's a few prices adjusted mid-week. You can juggle your money a bit better.
Yeah, because you were handling all of those very well before he got into office
Yes. Used to be daily even. Things are stabilizing after a while. There's a LONG LONG way to go though. Things are bad but the correct moves are being made.
Nothing good comes from the Jews
I fail to see how the status quo is worse than the previous order of things
Look at all that dandruff. Gross
Same shit
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I believe it has been educational for many people. There is no greater teacher than suffering. Milei is neoliberalism without makeup.
It's like being an anti-vaccine lunatic and losing your parents to COVID or having serious consequences from the disease.
Friedman was a Jew and he and Pinochad saved Chile
It's easy when the CIA literally puts a puppet there and kills anyone who disagrees. It's not so easy to do it the democratic way.
>Inflation has gone down considerably and is now at almost not-shithole levels
It is an impressive work.
He's lying btw
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He did his job with his austerity plan (pic related) but if course in the short term such an austerity plan causes recession and other ugly consequences. The economy is recovering since July and if will keep going because they're doing the right things.
well yes, Pinochet literally send flying every commie in Chile and put the rest of the opposition in labor camps (state mandated work where workers control means of production aka commies dream job), so Chicago Boys could make wonders, it's a miracle he managed to do so much with gov cucking him so hard
No he didn't tard. Pinochet abandoned shock therapy when it sent the economy into freefall.
how did argentina went from a promised land to a third world shithole
A LOT changed, and will keep changing. They're implementing the most deep transformation the country has had in a long time.
On of their issues is they're not as strong in the congress so probably the deepest changes will come after the 2025 elections if they have a good performance and manage to gain power in the congress
60% of Argentina's population is living in poverty but the media is okay with it because "line goes up"

This is some fucking Disco Elysium shit
give me le sauce for that
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It's not a third world shithole
do you expect him to suddenly turn 59% he got left with to something lower in under a year?
He axed all the science and culture funding which cost a musician who makes silly bug music his job at a museum :(

Faggotry aside he's undercut growth and it's still extremely difficult for investors in Argentina. Inflation is a huge problem for Argentina but if you swing too much the other way you also do damage.

>$1300 per hour

Why are whores so expensive in the America's?
we lost our place in the world
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>no more rent control
>Back then, rent for housing had to
-be 3 years maximum
-had to be in Argentine Pesos
- The price had to be stipulated from the get go (rent could up go up every 6 months, and only according to a crooked index the goverment published)
-renting could only be done via real state intermediators

>0 price controls
>0 Minimun and maximum stock to offer on supermarkets
>erased 'shelves law', where the government mandated WHICH items could be sold, WHERE and how MANY... literally the government measured the shelf and said how many centimeters were allowed to be allotted to a certain product...
>deleted the 'Price observatory', where government mafias roamad through supermarkets and applied fines if anything of the above wasn't as they wanted

>made it illegal to ban exports (we banned the exports of meat lol)

>erased all laws saying the state can and should own companies, markets, etc
>erased laws saying that ONLY pharmacies could sell shit like Ibuprofen
>erases many, many laws that only helped lawyers to sue every employer on earth

>the state can no longer 'hide' taxes in receipts
>state has no monopoly airports
>many, many paperworks for cars are now free and online (you had to go thousands of times to offices for bureucracy)
>owning a pick up no longer needs a costly truck license
>Hague apostilles now take 1 day instead of 60
>unions can no longer do 100% strikes on buses, airports and ships

>'music unions' can no longer sue if you put a TV on your hotel (lol)

>deleted the 'Office of carrier pigeons' (lol)

>Positive silence: If the state doesn't respond in 45 days, it means yes. Back then, it meant 'no'. All paperpork was intentionally delayed so you had to bribe them

I'm running out of characters but he's slowly erasing thousands of layers of regulation that literally made everything more expensive, inefficient and made it so state workers could literally extort you
Because Peron.
>in the short term such an austerity plan causes recession and other ugly consequences

And the long-term too. The UK is a prime example under Cameron/Osborne of the lasting damage an austerity programme can inflict on an economy.
All of Argentina's social indicators are getting worse, Milei himself admits it but says "things will get worse before they get better" which is bullshit.
Not if it successful manages to stimulate the private sector. Taking into account all the economic distortions the lack of fiscal discipline caused and how repressed the private sector was, the Argentinian economy should start booming from 2025 ahead
>All of Argentina's social indicators are getting worse
They did until June, and it was totally expected due to the conditions the socialists left for them (they were already getting worse)
But the bottom was reached and started recovering in the second semester. In 2025 economy is expected to recover by a 5%
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This country mixed all the regulation of communist russia, 80's new zealand + latinx communism + bureaucracy + corruption. EVERYTHING was fucked. There wasn't any activity that wasn't intentionally messed up so they could ask you for bribes.

No other government in Argentina is erasing this amount of regulations.
Also, we are slowly approaching the end of government deficit. We are ACTUALLY paying off debts.

Things are slowly becoming better. When he started to fix the central bank emission of money + treasury shenanigans and the eternal deficit + debts, the economy tanked. See December-2023. But now many areas of the economy are getting back up.
There's NO fixing this shithole without some punches.
>"things will get worse before they get better" which is bullshit.
Happened here
anyone who isn't a latinx immigrant on welfare or a deranged commie can already feel the improvements on the economy, the stock market is extremely bullish and we can expect tax cuts and an end to the forex clamp (no se como traducir cepo cambiario porque somos el unico pais del mundo con semejante pelotudez), they also handled picketing very well and insecurity seems to be improving too
no creo que vuelva a votar al pro, ahora que veo que con un poco de huevos es mas que posible hacer las cosas bien, ahora lo que hace falta es un candidato que ponga freno a la inmigracion masiva pero la veo dificil esa
A government can't be ancap.
>n-no you
segui militando estanflacion, desborde de cromosomas
cope, este pais se va a la mierda, pero eso es bueno supongo
ok agarra el pasaporte europeo y andate entonces, para que te quedas aca?
yo me quedo, y armare mi sociedad perfecta de los escombros
Este pais esta pasando por las correciones necesarias

Perdona pero
-No, no es bueno para un pais vivir con reservas negativas en el BCRA
-No, no es bueno para el pais que tengamos un 10% de deficit del PBI
-No, no es bueno que ese deficit provenga en un 80% por un Ministerio de Mujeres y un 1% del Ministerio de Defensa
-No, no es bueno para un pais vivir con inflacion al alta todos los meses
-No, no es bueno que el principal empleador del pais sea el estado

Cambiar todo eso es necesario
>avoided hyperinflation left in place by Massa/Kirchner/Fernandez (25% m/m inflation annualized is 1355%) (if you use wholesaler inflation data (50%) anualized it would have been 17000%)
>avoided another default
>lowered inflation to the lowest values in the last 30 months in 8 months (inflationary tax close to 0%, meaning no distortion in prices)
>solved central bank internal debt (now there is no need to keep printing money to pay its own debt to private banks)
>from now on, money emission is 0, meaning all government expenses are paid with the Treasury's surplus (Massa/Kirchner were printing ARS equivalent to 60 USD BILLIONS PER YEAR = 220% annual inflation to compensate a fiscal deficit of 20% of the GDP)
>solved import debt (dissolved SIRAs), people can import things again.
>achieved a budget surplus after 20 years (now the Treasury can pay for the huge internal debt left by Massa/Kirchner, and now deregulations and tax cuts can start to take place)
>positive trade balance
>energy export surplus
>Central Bank reserves increased by 17b USD; Massa/Kirchner left reserves at USD 11b NEGATIVE (yes, that means they spent people's fractional deposits money)
all of this without price controls, maximum prices, minimum prices, etc.
all of this without confiscation of people's deposits (theft)
all of this without devaluation (real usd/ars rate is the same as when he took office)
>rearming "armed" forces
>Armed Forces allowed to parade again
>military marchs allowed again
>welfare checks are now given directly from the government to those in need, "social organizations" can no longer use the poor as slaves; no more demonstrations to threaten the government to get money
>police allowed to kill niggers again.
>removed public funding to (((MSM))), 95% of the MSM is against him, jurnos are on the verge of going broke.
>retook lands given to (((mapuches))) by massa/kirchner, now the argie flag waves again on argie soil.
>concealed carry deregulation law being discussed
>remade and reformed pension equation so pensioners don't lose money against inflation. (pensions are still low. not only kirchnerism nationalized (stole) the pension system (30b usd in 2006), they also retired people that either didnt contribute with the pension system at all or they contributed less than the legaly 30 years)
>revoked the "rent law" and solved housing problem (supply increased 200%, prices adjusted by inflation fell 20%)
>bill to reduce the age of criminal responsibility being discussed to bring the age of responsibility down from 18 to 13, so niggers face responsibility for their crimes.
>public hospitals at the border started charging foreigners, meaning no more parasites to the argie healthcare system; now argies are able to use it
>no more LGTB/globohomo parades paid by the goverment
>no more inclusive shit in the goverment
>terms like "climate change", "sustainability", "agroecology", "gender", "biodiversity", "carbon footprint" are now banned from goverment communications.
>disolved tens of diversity ministries, secretaries, undersecretaries. thousend of parasites were either fired or reacomodate if useful.
>human rights (((ONGs))) ranting at Argentina, meaning Milei is on the right path.
>average wages increasing more than inflation (73% average wage growth - 71.9% inflation)
>economy slowly growing again
>as all of this happens (increasing wages, decreasing inflation), poverty decreases month by month (still high, but reversing the Kirchnerist disaster)
>Peronists killing each other over investments (look out for Weretilneck/Kicillof war to get 50b USD from Petronas)
>Kirchnerism is associated with criminals (drug addicts, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, corrupts, and narcos)
>Kirchnerists/Peronists struggle to find a "leader" without a criminal record; most of their leaders are banned by the justice system from holding public jobs.
no one is reading that
osea que sos boliviano y no te queda otra que quedarte aca o volver a tu narcoestado de mierda con "casas" de chapa, joya, ya entendi
Good to find some actual info in this thread. Wish you guys the best.
buena comprension lectora
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thanks, there is a lot of stuff happening at the time

>three month ago, Massa (wef candidate) and their banker friends (also the media) tried to make a 'financial coup' on Milei by trying to force a devaluation of the peso.
>their idea was to liquidate treasury PUT options to force the Central Bank to print 2 trillon ARS and then use them to buy USD and devaluate the ARS to get the USD/ARS exchange rate at 2000 ARS (they werent counting on milei having a budget surplus, first one in more than 10 yeras, so there were no need to print to pay)
>They shorted the peso and managed to get the USD at 1500 ARS for a couple of days until the central bank threatened to intervene in the market (it did not, lol); the USD rate went from 1500 to 1210, making Massa's plan fail and all of their banker friends lose close to 300 million USD in one day.
kek get fucked kukard.
Not that anon but you're deluded, at the first sign of recovery you'll see blue helmets being sent to Israel and everyone cheering, this shit its all scripted.
$1300 MXN nigga
that's like 67 bucks
>making up stories that never happened
Kill yourself
de que hablas we?
I've always been such a boo for this city. It looks more like a major European city than many major European cities
>It's not a third world shithole
but it is, nothing works, you cant even throw toilet paper into the drain because the whole city collapses
>you cant even throw toilet paper into the drain
You made that up retard
so did you kek
and what do I care if I play less taxes? our tax money is already being spent on completely useless things (ie lazy immigrants and gender studies) and the interest rates of our public debt goes to jewish banks so literally nothing changes on that regard
your cousins at the villa miseria don't have plumbing? grim, it really makes one wonder why they'd choose to live here over chile, it must be hell on earth over there
Mexcrement's inferiority complex is showing
>t. firstie who hasn't had to deal with the real consequences of truly bad inflation
? Chill Samudinho
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