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This story is fucking insane.
>Be Christian Malanga, Congolese boy
>Your family leaves Congo on political asylum and you end up in Utah at age 15.
>Join the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps
>Get a white girl, get a son with her named "Marcel"
>Create small businesses in Utah and create a diaspora Congolese party named "United Congolese Party". Become somewhat successful and wealthy
>Go back to Congo in 2006 and serve in the military, become captain
>From 2011 onwards, try to run for president of Congo multiple times and fail
>Fast forward to 2023, his son Marcel is still in Utah.
>Marcel has a best friend, some white boy named "Tyler Thompson" he grew up playing football with
>Marcel and Tyler tell people in Utah they are going on an holiday to South Africa.
>Christian Malanga is offering to pay for the flight
>"Tyler, who had been learning how to pilot drones in his spare time, would help Christian map gold mines that he ran in southern Africa. Tyler thought it would look good on his CV"
>Tyler's mom thinks this is an internship opportunity and allows her son to go to South Africa
>Tyler is indeed in South Africa and sends pictures of himself "visiting Nelson Mandela’s house, drinking at a Johannesburg brewery and eating macaroni cheese"
>A few months pass
>Someone knows at Tyler's mom's door, and shows her a picture on her phone
>She sees Tyler and Marcel on TV beaten the fuck up and tied up.
>Tyler and Marcel were not in South Africa, they were in Congo, armed with guns trying to attempt a coup
>Christian Malanga livestreamed the coup on Facebook, and he screamed "Felix! We are coming to get you ni***r! It's over!" with a bunch of armed militaries. (Felix is the current Congolese president)
>Christian gets shot in the face and dies.
>Marcel and Tyler get caught
>The coup is an utter failure
>Marcel and Tyler are facing the death penalty in Congo.
>Tyler's mom is hopeless
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>Marcel grew up in a suburb of Salt Lake City with his mother and half-siblings, spending periods living with other relatives, including his grandmother. At high school he started spending time at his friend Josh’s house, and became close enough to his father, Stephen Fullmer, that he started calling him “Pops” and referring to the Fullmers as his “adopted family”.
>Though Marcel cultivated a tough-guy online persona, posting videos on TikTok with piles of cash and a pistol, which those who knew him insisted was not his, Fullmer said he was different in person: kind-hearted, devoted to his friends.
>“Obviously his father wasn’t part of his life [in] the last of his teenage years, so he gravitated towards me and my son’s relationship and just always hanging out with us,” Stephen said.
>Above all, he was desperate to impress his father, who had been absent throughout his life, reappearing at various points, or taking him on holidays to Africa during the summer. Last year Marcel came to Fullmer and asked whether he and his brother Erik, whom he called “uncle”, would invest in gold mines that his father owned in Mozambique.
>Soon, along with two other partners, Marcel’s “adopted family” had invested about $240,000. They never saw it again. The mines were worthless: they had been scammed by Malanga and Zalman-Polun.
>Though they were facing financial ruin, Marcel did not seem to understand how serious the situation was. He had, said Fullmer, an inability to take in the consequences of his actions. And it would have been easy, he said, for his “narcissistic” father to manipulate him into doing anything he wanted.
>“He told his son to go get his friend and he used him as a prop,” Fullmer said.

Marcel is now telling Congolese court his father threatened to KILL him and Tyler if they did not participate to get out of this
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Looking at Marcel's IG I think he is lying
He was not forced to do it.
Maybe Tyler was, maybe Marcel manipulated his best friend.
but look at pic related, "can't wait to change the world with you"
Marcel was convinced by his father to participate to a coup.
Notice >>202521661 he even has an American badge on his uniform here. Audacious as fuck.
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Marcel and Tyler playing football in Utah before all of this shit
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>>Though Marcel cultivated a tough-guy online persona, posting videos on TikTok with piles of cash and a pistol, which those who knew him insisted was not his, Fullmer said he was different in person: kind-hearted, devoted to his friends.
And nothing of value was lost.
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Looking at them during the court hearing, they are weirdly confident. They smile, laugh. When they just got sentenced to DEATH

I think Marcel and Tyler think being American and pretending Marcel's father forced them will be enough for them to get away with this.
But I feel Congo will make an example out of them to any foreigner(technically Marcel is diaspora but you get me) that steps there and think shit is sweet.
Idk how to feel about this, to be honest.
Should I consider Marcel & Tyler courageous?
To abandon all the comfort you have in America just to overthrow a government in Congo takes balls. It takes balls to take risks like that for a higher cause.
At the same time, it's possible Marcel just wanted to impress his father and get love from him because he wasn't that present, coming in and out of his life by being involved in the military/Congolese politics. So that makes Marcel a retarded fool, especially for bringing his best friend into it. And Christian a manipulative, irresponsible father. Why would you even drag your son into a coup? What's the point? He's not a trained military he's just some Utah kid who pretends to be a thug on IG and flexes 20s.
My guess is that Christian had an ulterior, sort of diplomatic motive that involved Marcel having full American nationality. Which really makes it evil as fuck on his part.
and then again, maybe Marcel didn't drag Tyler into it. Maybe Tyler chose to follow Marcel. Maybe Marcel told everything to his best friend as a final "goodbye bro," and Tyler had so much love for his friend he lied to his parents and followed him into a fucking coup because he didn't want to leave him alone.
What really disgusts me is how Christian scammed the Fullmer with that goldmine shit, and Marcel helped him do it when the Fullmer gave him so much love.
Overall this is one insane story.
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This thing gets even deeper.
So the main organizers behind the coup were obviously Christian Malanga, but also an American businessman called "Benjamin Zalman-Polun". He and Christian scammed the Fullmer with lies about the gold mines in Mozambique. My guess is it was to buy guns and military equipment for the coup.

>'They're just egomaniacs, is the right way to put it - and greedy,' Ducey said when asked about the pair's motivations.
>'It was literally just two guys that were insecurely greedy... they were greedy and they were insecure about and it ate away at them to do all this.'

Zalman-Polun was also caught with 50 kilos of marijuana in DC back in 2014
who is the other glowie looking white guy?
Zalman Polun
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It seems to me Marcel wanted to go to war in Congo.
He talks about war on his IG all the time.
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a few weeks before the coup he was posting so many guns
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It seems his father basically groomed him into doing this since he was a child
Why? we might never know
Here is a video of Christian doing /k/ training with Marcel when he was a child

Interview at court :
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Marcel's mother makes a speech begging for Marcel to get released :

She claims Marcel did not care about Congolese politics but on Facebook he reposts his father's speeches frequently.
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Congolese people in comments either disrespect and make fun of him.
Or say he's "brave".
kinda based ngl
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Tyler Thompson's family speaks :
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Can't stop noticing
parts of africa is "the wild west" and fortune seekers, legionares and mercenaries still think they can make a difference there, coming there with their western modern gunz and shiet.
they just forget that the only thing these tribes hate more than each other is old whitey thinking he has any power there and starts killing their kind pushing his agenda.
then you get chased by 200 million niggaz who when shit hits the fan can muster a suprisingly good investigation team and when the court time comes they skip the whole jury thing you are just guilty.
next please?
Same, what a "coincidence"
Chuds weren't happy trying to coup the US govt, now they are trying to coup the CONGO government too? Give me a break.
It was blacks fighting blacks, you must have some congolese heritage with how much you're drawn to blaming white people.
No shit I figured that out when he attempted the coup.
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He denies knowing that it was why his father invited him to Africa
I'm watching the interview right now
He claims his father threatened them with death if they did not participate.
He claims he was hiding behind a JEEP the whole time during the coup because he was frightened
What's with the censor, you some sort of fag?
I was paraphrasing from the news article so I just wrote like they did
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>3 americans involved in a coup
>"They're just quirky boyz, totally civilian! lmao"
>This story is fucking insane.
You didn't care when it happened to two norwegian guys.
I'm not familiar with Congolese politics this is the first time I look into it
It seems insane.
I'll look into Tjostolv Moland
What makes the Malanga thing crazy to me is the whole diaspora thing, the son from America, etc...
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>Idk how to feel about this, to be honest.
The rational part of my brain thinks that they are extremely retarded, yet the ooga booga part of brain feels jealous that they get to live out a Warren Zevon song even if they are going to get put up against a wall.
this is amazing.
Free Tyler. He was probably lied to
The son definitely knew
their own fault
>Benjamin Zalman-Polun
>involved in shady financial dealings
>has links to the American and British governments
Huh what a coincidence
Yeah, right. They'll get released in exchange for a few sacks of rice lol
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He clearly looked up to his father.
I read more articles and apparently the Marcel kid asked multiple people. Tyler is just the only one that accepted.
I think Marcel knew what he was going there for but he lied to Tyler.
And I think Christian wanted to use them as a way to establish some sort of diplomacy with America. That way American can say they saved Congo or something and let him operate.
>He had, said Fullmer, an inability to take in the consequences of his actions.
This, firstie glowie took his war larping fantasies a little too far and now he's going to be gone kek
why all second gen migrants have a severe identity crisis lmao
They're all like that, especially when they're born in a western country: think they've become some kind of hot shots, a quick reality check solves the issue but most are incapable of learning, so the real solution is preventative through necking them or booting these apes back to their shitters, for whom conditions they have evolved. Big egos are usually a fruit of delusions.
Africans become a problem when they are treated like Europeans while coming from places where they amount to barely more than beast.
This is also true for low class people in general, including low class Europeans.
okay the kid being groomed from a young age and doing this I can sorta understand, but the other 2 americans just deciding you know what fuck it lets go participate in a coup in Congo really baffles me, people really don't value their own life I guess
That guy deserves it for being named Tyler. And you never mentioned the third guy.
>people really don't value their own life I guess
Indeed, and delusional suicidal imbeciles are common, unfortunately. That's the result of 80 years of hollywood garbage.
Well clearly they were all CIA operatives because that confirms the thirdie paranoia.
It's just one of these days
Dude on right got negroid lips though
yeah dude, it's not like CIA has ever done anything similar, while random civillians conduct coups all the time!
Pussy Malanga

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