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We are Eastern Eurpean
Why do Polish flags like to larping on about being from the first world? It's so funny
ESL moment
speak for yourself, cunt, I definitely do not identify myself as yurotrash.
you're brown

Poles are rich
Why are Polish flags so hostile to latam or third countries in Europe? Do you think that this will make them look more First ?
>salary $1900
it's more actually

you're brown and retarded
Damn Poles are even mogged by Russians
Give back the eurogibs then
I earn $40000, your point?
Why are you so aggressive? It's not my fault that your third world cunt is flooded.
you're not even human
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You are drowning
poles not looking good itt
it's the polish cycle
the only places getting flooded are the ones we resettled hohols to after ww2 so no harm done
It must be hard to be genocidated for so many years, I understand your hate
>massive flood in poland
>10 dead
>small drizzle in germany
>196 dead
who is the thirdie now again?
>literal third world failed states like argentina commenting on poland
top kek
It was on purpose only migrants and slavs died
>only migrants and slavs died
yes, that's the people who inhabit germany now lmao
i make $2400 though
>ESL making fun of other ESLs for not speaking proper english
kek, anglo cuckold mentality
you work in turkey
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You won this argument i accept my defeat
Here take these swords as a gift
no i work in Sofia where the average IT makes over 2k
you're whole country is a colony

you're brown take them and stab some police officers with them

even worse how do you even survive from 2k as a dev lmao?
bro shouldn't you be getting your head chopped off by a cartel now instead of posting here?
Before or after taxes
my parents bought me an apartment, so my bills are only food and utility
also i'm just a simple QA tester
so your like a pjeet but from bulgaria?
after taxes, but tax here is only flat 10% so basically nothing

Sie müssen Deutschschlampe sprechen.
So why do you come to the western countries (like mine) and work, is the salary in Poland 300 zloty?
Georgia is at least partially in Europe.
CYRPUS is the real larper when it comes to pretending to be part of Europe. Makes me seethe every time
In 10 years?
I think the funnier larp is east Germans pretending they totally weren't originally west Slavs
damm you're family are brown serfs for germans

poles need to remember before German gibs their people used to fly all over the world, even latam.
Full guide to Europe:

PARTIALLY in Europe: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkey
MOSTLY in Europe (population-wise if not landmass wise): Russia, Greece, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Portugal, France, UK
ENTIRELY in Europe: Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Belgium, Sweden, Hungary, Belarus, Austria, Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Finland, Norway, Ireland, Croatia, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Lithuania, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Latvia, Kosovo, Estonia, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Malta, Iceland, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City

!!!!! LARPer alert !!!!: Cyprus, Israel, Australia
is in EUROPE

you're a mutt btw
we are not european
You miiiiiiight wanna look at a MAP for once

You miiiiiiight wanna look at a MAP for once

Does Poland not have maps anymore?? Make it make sense.
yes you're ukrainian

go back vanya
poles are hostile to everybody
you're syrian
You can replace Georgia with Russia
>puts dollar sign after number
>calls other people ESL
it's not his meme
Slavs aren't even a real ethnic group
yes you are. what you are is defined by how others perceive you when it comes to this "national categorization culture" type of shit. polishes have eastern european slavic accents, look similar to russians, are from a cold sad desolate place, and have a similar enough "vibe". to russians. so do all slavics, sorry.

you're all eastern eiropeanms
>give back rothschilds his blackmail money

This prick owes me faaaaaaaar more than the crumbs I got out of this neo bolshevik buttfuck blue ((((union)))), I ain't paying back jack shit.
hottest women in the world, keep it a secret
yes, that's why I wrote we are Eastern European
are you a jeet?
It’s actually insane how caucusers are basically shitskins in white skin. I met this guy from Azerbaijan and his mentality was so niggerish. He didn’t really see a problem with stealing and seemed to have a chimp out gene that activated whenever he saw gay people or feminist women. He was high iq enough to suppress and appear western enough, but you could tell what his natural instincts were
Holy crap Switzerland, why?
haha, I thought so
>so do all slavics
and we can buy just as much for this 1900$ dollars as they can for 300$ and it will get worse because time to pay the loans is coming and our gov is either gonna rob us harder or borrow even more, hahahahaha
no im croatian background and i was posting cause i agree with u

who are the two?
Poles have small dick syndrome because they are caught somewhere in between Western Eurooe and Eastern Europe. They want and wish they have a strong rivh history like France, England or Spain but they really dont...So what you see comes across as just a huge coping buttmad resentment. They punch down on lesser countries. Meanwhile all the big nations never have taken them seriously.

They have gotten much better over the years and continue to get better. Very good. They just cant be humble about. Theyre like the Indians. FUTURE SUPERPOWER 2040 SAAAR
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if i made 1900 a month id kill myself
why are you all so gay and poor
black people cant swim
Fortunately, I'm from Central Yurope.
hey. do you have a check in your flag cause ur "chek republic" or is that a coincidence? how is jaromir jagr looked at in your cunt?
Why don't the other countries just get a better economy?
it is my meme and it was intentional
lil bro you got confused by armenia
Georgia is European white and Christian, non of this applies to the US tho
Im sure you didnt hear resent news of swedish engineers looking up Polish pays due to low kronen
This scenario never happens
But the reverse does happen - the ugly nerd (poopland) attempts to fraternize with western euros (rich chads) and it's laughably delusional how out of their league he is
third world is a cold war thing.
If you join nato, you are first world, no matter how fucking poor your people are.
This is more or less true, except
>They just cant be humble
we don't really value humbleness, never did. It's a protestant value. We enjoy bragging and always did, not gonna apologize for it.
Yes you are
Majority of the Polish flags that are posting outside of /Polska/ or /v4/ aren't actually Polish.
the last Based Europeans
Polish is just westernized Russian
Or Easternised German
How come? I only know one poojeet who is on work visa, and maybe 2 or 3 Mykolas who insult and threaten Russians for no reason

Only in small towns up to 50k citizens and other settlements with population below that. Anything higher is as westernized as it gets
>there are however, large gatherings of chuds as well, thanks to our football culture
We are Japanised Sarmatians
>we understand Bushido
average salary in poland is over $2100 though
me on the right
why do poles make at least 10 self-masturbatory threads about their own country per day?
to counter-weight 10 daily butthurt threads about poland
you're a schizo. nobody talks about poland, your country is exceptionally dull.
the only country that /int/ unanimously shits on is the UK
its neither european nor white, maybe to russian half-asian half-chechen orc mutts like you they seem white
rangeban poland pls
I know what you are getting at, but emigration from Poland is pretty low now.

Some people are actually coming back, half of the Poles that used to live in UK left that shithole. When it comes to salaries in IT, maybe Norway, Switzerland and London pays better - but on three other hand, those places are extremely expensive to live

I get it, your country doesn't develop so its all the same for you

Now 860 Euro is less than minimal here
it's a vpn hivan
janny pliska jebnij range bana na p*lskę
Poles are extremely poor, bot physically and mentally
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guess purchasing power hasn't gone that far up as it should, fucking commies sabotage the country
Real salaries are still rising. No wonder we didn't do stupid shit like Czechs did
>Real salaries are still rising
yes because prices are still going up and it's not the market but the gov pushing the minimum wage to get more tax money to pay for the gibs they throw. Problem is that the time to pay is coming close and they are either going to borrow even more to pay it or rape us financially with artificial inflation (printing more money) and taxes
Yeah right? It's in the US
Che boludo, leave the poles alone man, they gave me the cheapest yerba there is in my local market.
What do you mean we have you.

I love mate, also the Argentinian one, but I don't think we produce it
i dont like brown people
Polish man Jan Szychowski emigrated from Borszczów (now Ukraine) to Argentina like a century ago and started yerba mate Amanda with his family. Brand still alive and well till this day
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what do you think about famous polish (ukrainian) artist El Polaco?
Yes you are. Pooland is a soulless turdworld shithole.
Papists aren't Eastern by definition
Not my cup of tea, but i see he still finds some ways to make himself relevant each year somehow
And it's pretty good alongside tranquera.
I'm not sure if milei is destroying my life (I'm argentinian) but the quality of some other brands I used to drink are so much more acidic lately
I make 1000 € actually...
Don't be an ass.
the only reason people think it's white is because of americans thinking that white people originated in the caucascus and a rumor that women there as a result are pure whites who are angelic or smething
Literally because of German dude Blumenbach, heh
they are paid government apparatchiks like the guy who posts random polish places to boost tourist numbers
I fucking wish lmao
Half of the workforce makes under 2000€
1 in 5 is on minimum wage (which is like 1390€)
Any chart that shows France having actual first world wages is fake and probably uses some kind of gross wage data which doesn't reflect what people actually get. Employers pay massives amounts to the State for each employee, money that the employee never get to see at any point, that money gets recorded on payrolls therefore is magically high income and not Spain 2.
>b-but that goes to muh neetbux and public services
No it doesn't, it's not 1995 anymore. All of it goes to pay for insane retirement benefits (for rich boomers who didn't pay a dime and retired at 55) and to our Greece tier debt. Public services and neetbux are on their way out but taxes aren't, it's over bros
Georgian harpies being pure and angelic (even if virgins) is prolly the funniest thing I have heard today.

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