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bring back brannigan's edition
nonce crisps
black dickkkkk.
purple packet is really more of a Worcestershire Sauce crisp colouring
no toby
If you didn't wish you were a cool black person as a kid, you're lying
the parasite made those posts and then samefagged to call himself me, to take a screenshot
he s malicious but at least isnt like the actual race traitors who are just as despicable and straight up evil in reality with their real motives and reasoning for doig it
fuck up leftist you mentall ill scrote
Israel is based, fascist, white, Richard B. Spencerist, Bronze Age Pervert pilled, zionist, and our coke snorting National Socialist ally against the Asiatic Islamic Bolshevik horde.
I genuinely don't like racism
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Really do like the taste of Lea and Perrings Worchestire sauce but I literally have no idea what you are supposed to put it on
Last time I bought a bottle I literally just dabbed small amounts on my tongue until it was out over a period of months
what the fuck do you actually use it for
overtime done
time to have a beer and go back to bed
yeah racist is bad but that includes when black people do it
so is misinformation
Alright guys? Just had a glass of water and some cereals. Going back to sleep now. Raining outside. Comfy.

Morning mousey
At home?
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Sunday morning bum suck sesh today
fuck off parasite
Yeah genuinely racism gives me a biologically sickened feeling similar to when you see a picture of an aborted fetus but I do quite like racism humor and jokes
Is that Bradley Walsh?
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i tried
in the end
sprinkle it on cheese on toast and macaroni cheese
add it to bolognese and soups
bloody marys
Me and Deegs are in Liverpool for the Labour Party Conference
We're a bit early though (starts at 4) so if any Scousers want to turn up, we're outside the ACC. That said 4pm is about the time they start waking up so I doubt they'll be coming down
chilling out with dogberg
racist is bad for other reasons (ones mostly the same as) but while hes not here, the way that Belgium flag (a black supremacist and all round bad person) and other black people have to look up to clowns like African leaders, or whatever his name was with Liz Truss (who did nothing wrong other than doing the black person thing as seeing a white woman as the most valuable and desirable thing ever, more than gold and diamonds) - the No. 10 black guy (a sidekick to No. 10), is all that he can look up to, is his idol, and, like black people like to do, look up and say "Im him" at another black person because otherwise they cant self-insert, then all his example is this one black guy who sort of did it (was second place) for about 2 weeks and fucked up the country and then left - the only black person
truer facts have never been spoken
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good fillum was this
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Any of you lads speak Mandarin? Freaks me out that every school kid is being taught chinese these days
Diego is at the tory conference
In the US Jews order Chinese on Christmas day
They fucking love the flat faces
this is just the Jews saying "its annuda"
like what happened in WW2
Buy some plain flavoured crisps and splash a load I’ve then. Bonus points if you have a pickled egg with it
Any kind of meaty stew or soup, and it's nice on anything with melted cheese (especially strong cheddars)
Funnily enough I also have a swig occasionally, when I feel hungry but don't want to eat
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Bulbasaur sex
See how all these """corruption""" stories about Keir have flooded out ever since he took away the boomers bennies? Absolute vile group of people
>Diego is at the tory conference
Nice try
Doesn't start until next week
Basic research now come down and get your jaw spun
no potatoby
love to pull on my mickey and look at big tit
pint of worcestershire sauce please boss
diegos out harassing women
by a mad coincidence so do I
fucking my entire life up
Kek Modern China is the LAST place a Jew would want to be
Modern China is the one modern country that closest resembles Nazi Germany
good lad
for me it's restoring vintage motorway signs
'Eeeee 'appen I'll have a pint of Bovril with a bowl of Worcestershire sauce please duckie
That sounds reet nice
government forces you to get a job but also forces you not to work for too long (an arbitrary amount they decide) - they keep you in this middle range, literally, between two points they want you at, and it is called being middle class and poor enough for them to maintain control over you
finished Red Dead Redemption lately
it was revengfuul
Maybe it's a bit dunelm-kruger but I've only just got my license and I swear I'm better than 99% of drivers on the road
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s ge tev aene uren dss ie o
There's a fraction too much friction
>only just got my license
Got yourself an American licenCe have you pal? FOY off a cliff cunt
surely this isn't a real job

I mean maybe it was at one time, like 40 years ago, but I don't believe it could exist today
I live within a mile of this services
except if you are responsible for other people (including things like driving) because of the statistics where they tracked people who stayed up for too long - or days at a time - and their mental capacity, or them being "the same as being over the limit"
(P plates are when you first drive on your own)
£14 a pint heh
you have to be more wealthy than what you can be with tax to hire an accountant on top of not being allowed to work for too long they decide. all those people do have accountants, the ones who make up the rules
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lmao you all wish you were australian
love getting dead close up the arse of slow or nervous drivers if you don't like it don't drive simple as
Brotherstein hasnt talked to me once since I said the n word in front of his leftypol gf
first day of autumn today
One minute my bum is clean, the minute it’s pooey. Explain that.
except me lad (this is because i'm already australian)
on day 0 of a cold can feel it starting but it hasn't hit yet
all of you people who voted for labour and say its a mistake wont go and vote for right-wing liberalism or eco libertarians
ktim, hate when cunts are too meek to go the speed limit
that word is a slur and it's very hurtful to some people so maybe you should avoid using it
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spring here
and a lovely spring at that
Need to get my Rodger topped off by a true blue Sheila after a pint of VB behind the pub
on the cranberry juice I am
windmill farms are bad for the environment
dunno about that
wish you and mainland europe swapped places though
why would you have a pint behind a pub
*goes slower*
it not lush
why on earth did you say it though
Just that type a nigga
spring is my favorite
love the abundance of flowers
they fuck up the soil at the end of their usable life
everything that side wants to do "for the environment" fucks up the soil and plants and the only thing they do care about is people eating bugs
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asking the right questions
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Back from a 3 day holiday courtesy of janny airlines. Feels good to be back home
and they're spooky too especially at night they verge on terrifying
What was life like in the Pen
jewsoft flight simulator is wanting a massive update again
you're looking healthy mate
What did you do?
if nitrogen and CO2 are bad from us (im not saying they arent), and nitrogen and CO2 are at their highest concentrations by the roadside, then all bus stops should be air conditioned by taking that air and filtering it to pump it b ack out into the bus stop over the people in it, because thats when people are exposed the most. they say that it "costs too much money" the people that invented money and print it all. money isnt real
whaddaya hear whaddaya say
the only decent meal deal main co op does is the chicken and bacon caesar wrap
imagine inventing the concept of money and being the ones to print it, being in charge of the public services - and you - the people who print the money - tell the public - the ones you are in charge of - that there "isnt enough money" to invest in education and schools. more like a system they invented to keep us stupid and without
youre calling me evil for saying that we should protect the environment and invest in schools
what shall I have a wank to this morning
don't think the concept of schools and public infrastructure really existed when money was invented
cry about it
imagine being such a dumb cunt that you fall and slip into a womans vagina and get her pregnant - the only way that you could randomly have a child, and not plan for one, and save your money before you make her pregnant to pay for the child to have a private education
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me fr
co op sandwiches are properly grim thoughbeit
yeah because they wanted to keep you poor and stupid back then too. its the same as it is now (same as it ever was!)
japanese milfs with enormous breasts
>oreo coca cola
what a time to be alive
loba andrade sfm porn
fluoride is only in the water because they had to put it somewhere after making a lot of it for the atomic bomb. they put fluoride in there before studying its effect on us so by the time everything was set up for people to be able to study it, theyd be retarded too, because of the fluoride. that way they could keep doing it
nice digits checked
normally around christmas I chuck my regular delivery drivers £20 but this year my uber eats guy has delivered me and my gfs breakfast most mornings (including weekends). what do you think is an appropriate gift? I already give a decent tip on the app because I want the same driver every time. this is not a blogpost btw, it pertains to british social etiquette
business idea: ban make up
the steam engine is so efficient apart from the three-stage engines because part of the potential energy in steam goes back in to making the steam engine more efficient in the way that it spins
NPCs are so easy to market to
>alright boys, we need to get profits up by 5%
>how about we do the same product with a vague chemical flavouring of another product?
>brilliant mate I'll notify marketing
Any grotty little mutatated wretches in
should give your bed a gift for supporting your and your gfs combined weight all these years
how much do you typically spend on delivery slop per week out of interest?
*raises 8 fingered hand*
etiquette shmetiquette. blow dat nigga head smoove off
sent that porker into the stratosphere
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no booze and no takeaway this weekend for the first time in 5 years
nice one lad, how about a celebratory cake?
congratulatinos lad
that deserves a drink
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all that is good in me began with you
just ugly and evil meself
nice. you should get a kebab and 12 cans to celebrate
£100 or so but I get £30 uber credit a week from my workplace. most mornings it's only coffee and I don't have typical takeaways
what makes you particularly evil
if i was a young man today id go to Africa to do charity work with them, to help. now that AIDS isnt the leading cause of death, and non-commutable diseases are (i thought it was CO2), then i would go there and help out to come back and put that on my CV to get into Harvard (just kidding)
are you aware it's possible to make coffee at home?
Africans have got diabeetus
playing wind waker but it's a bit boring
too much of a hassle
Africans are not white
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don't tempt me
trying to lose weight
OK well I'm sure £400 a week on coffee is perfectly reasonable
today i am swapping my reading time slot with studying, because last night it got dark and then i realized that i wouldnt be able to write in my notebook
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This mong got arrested while in A&E
Beloved Brits, come and talk with us
answer the fucking phone you fat nigger
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Rorke shagging a bloke
friendly fire x2
it's like a cartoon lmfao
any geek on the yarn?
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inappropriate behaviour with women
alri my son
Any shaggers here know what to do in a scenario where a woman shows interest in you?
What the fuck am I supposed to talk about with zher?
That second one was obviously aimed at him as well. What a stupid prick.
are are simply brits, no speak swedesh
respect peoples boundaries please
sorry I don't speak meatball
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there were white africans until the brits abandoned them to the negro hordes
indian facebook slop is fucking hilarious, such a shame it's somewhat gone by the wayside due to the ai jew
Bumhole is itching like mad
clearly a trans so same as any other man KAPPA
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I'm thinking of starting a new general on /ck/ that makes use of the /brit/ brand. Does anyone oppose this?
alri deegey boy
go for it
my most recent
No go there, STAY THERE, don't return just STAY THERE.
British cuisine just gets eternally shat on by seething foreigners, it'll be 90% JF shitposts
good. now go to Africa >>202541450
This is rorke when arguing with SpainLord
shoving cat shit up my arse
/ck/ janitorial staff is full of the biggest faggots on this site
2026 youth olympics in dakar senegal
all that prime cunny sent to literally one of the poorest countries in africa
sulphuric acid and (rubbing) alcohol!
loved watching aj get his shit pushed in by dunelm dubois last night
We can change this sentiment by showing the best of British cuisine from REAL /britck/ posters. It's will be awesome!
jews write a lot of things. ignore most
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/ck/ is a yank fast food slop board
you can try but we won't gain a foothold
guys they are celebrating a holocaust
mate the average /brit/ poster just eats turkey dinosaurs and beans every day, we're hardly the best advocates for real British food
Might go travelling solo in cambodia and other parts of south east asia and teach english in schools while there
where's he off to then
Where's fresh Emily?
house party round mine
all the local cats are coming
and with this last bowl of campbell's soup, there is officially no food in my house
grocery haul is going to be massive today
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Why do women get mad when you’re lying on the sofa or taking a nap?
everybody is so creative!
breakfast wrap with brown sauce dispatched to the body's internal digestion system
this latte is shit though, maccies need to pull their finger out
Tiktok food is extremely unfunny
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white american women cooking tiktok is the worst corner of the internet
imagine being trapped in this domestic hell
Tell them rather than crying to us like the fat incel coward you are
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try pspspspspspsps'ing him
it seems the britfeel runs have woken up
mm love my steak boiled
Better than being with a chink
This probably happened
He doesn't like being famous
I'm thinking of making a trip to Australia. Sell it to me.
just like Na-Acetyl to drop carboxyls
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It was funny though
Really thought he'd turned the tide
190 was spamming /box/ all night saying AJ still won on points, daft taff
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I did and he looked at me briefly then fucked off
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hangover runtoil looms
Shot some ropes
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you're in a mood, did mumberg not let you watch paw patrol this morning
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With any luck off to get binned and compacted
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why is that the international sign of "come here and be petted" for cats
>He doesn't like being famous
He's got money so he can retire now if that's true. It isn't. He's a liar so stop licking celebrity arse hole.
Imagine the smell
robotic aj
evil woman, catberg dindunuffin
Eating pine cones
ridiculous "sport"
Crazy how tiktok and youtube is just people creating shitty content to shock bait people
been on the toilet all morning with the britfeel runs
What a grim waste of food
why didn't he cover his jaw with his left while doing the right uppercut?
>BlackEned with Angel Wicky+ 4 white then 4 black Balls Deep Anal / DAP / Gapes / Cum on Tits / Facial GIO849

the wank
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>190 was spamming /box/ all night saying AJ still won on points
no idea who 190 is
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Killybegs boys
mental illness
>this is a former world champion

joke sport
Business idea: Going to paint myself entirely black and attempt to get into porn
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Ave Samuel
i love how these yanks just lie to the camera and all the viewers believe
Something about this particular phenotype of old duffer instils fear in me
The Rose West vibe, something dangerous and unhinged and potentially extremely violent if you scratch beneath the surface
we get it pal go tell your mates
>n-no they not both me-
hang yourself as well
This sort of content is utter slop
Can't stand how shit like this is peddled and it makes loads of people feel like they've just GOT to be a CEO billionaire and it is easy to get insanely rich
It's like Mr Beast shite, it just feels like part of some larger trick to get people to participate in the hellscape that is the modern world
It is perfectly ok to live a simple life
NileRed saying he "doesnt feel like it" at something feels a lot different than other YouTubers who say it more and at more things
and idk if you are getting paid to do the video via your patreons then maybe you should put some effort into it and do the chemistry properly
can definitely see myself evolving into that when I hit 50
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kek 2billion
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Have you seen this happen?

Not necessarily with the same skin colour.
happy Sunday all
cacked mesen
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Catberg is FUMING
black women belong to white men
BBC wins out
cacked me self
stop posting this shit its depressing
Nigga got a 7 inch cock and thinks a woman will fuck him
>see cuck fantasies on the log
>immediately come here to post it
God you're pathetic asf
happy Sunday everyone except britfeel invaders
another cashmere scarf received
such a dogshit post. you should kill yourself
post hidden
Poo on the walls, poo on the streets, poo in all the little nooks and crannies, everyday objects are made of poo, poo is traded like money, entire philosophical treatises written solely about poo, poo being revered as a god, poo being eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner, an entire civilization based entirely around poo. Welcome to India.
aint nun he cud do 'bout it LOL
autumnposting. love this
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it's happening again
Spainscum having a meltie
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Typical Irish man
asian women hate blacks bro (which is a sad state of affairs). it's not real
howling at this
is the cartoon/comic not real bro? really?
tags here deny user lens
and turn red seriously sensing veering escape near
so get the sense then dress in ode
are cuckposters finally getting big iron'd for racism
how many do you have now?
Spaino hasn't posted here in months. He's moved on and so should you lot.
Heathersubhuman you regularly post BBC fetish material on here, so are you Irish Diaspora?
Heathernonce and spainpaedo have teamed up to spam /brit/ with their cuck fantasies
I wish eternal damnation on both their souls
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jamaican-irish hybrids rule england
sometimes you have to convince people that the simpsons aren't a real family
four but it's not cold enough for them yet, love collecting scarves x
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FaZe rorke
Rourke's mind crumbling to dust over a single 4 panel comic

just woke up. day basically over RIP
what colour
more glistening batons in the communal shower
If its Irish women with hung black thugs then why do they have Irish sir names
may as well get a head start on toil
daddy left LMAO
or the black dad is half Irish himself and his daddy left

it's gyros for lunch
prefer not to say x
getting really sick of your dogshite early news
bit bloody early
need cool comfy jacket weather NOW
dark academia weather this

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