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Irish ones edition
any /been unhappy for years, feels like just existing and waiting for something to happen/ man in haha
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Claire Sweeney during The 18th Amazing Great Children's Party at Battersea Park in London, Great Britain (2005)
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A £14.97 shop from lidl on 31st. £1.99 for biscuit spread, £1.49 for coffee ice cream, £1.35 each for chocolate waffles, £1.25 for peanut satay sauce, £1.19 for Popcorn each, £0.99 each for Vitamin C tablets, Chocolates and golden milk ice cream, £0.55 for cuppa soup + extras
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>average migrant costs the UK taxpayer £150,000 by the time they reach retirement
>cost £500,000 if they reach 80
you are such a mentally ill ghoul
it looms

wet little fanny aren't you
now do non-migrants
just undercooked some chicken lads
*Plays the acoustic guitar*

Throw that migrant down the well
shut the fuck up lefist
no loomposting until 5pm
Made an arse of myself last night lads. I saw loads of people I knew in the club and I drank too much for pre drinks, then I kept drinking more in the club. I essentially made a complete arse of myself. I was told I started talking about random stuff sometimes. About like religion and things like that. I also underwent delusion and was telling people I'm Squidward and things like that too. The club kicked me out eventually when enough people started reporting me.
Do you think native people cost the country money on average? The country would have been bankrupt decades ago if that was even remotely true. Use your brain lad
what can you do on a sunday?
Honestly think heathermong is the worst poster on the entire site
An ode to /brit/'s hero, Employed Woman

sink boats full of invaders
he spams the same things over and over again and often reuses the exact same images making it very very easy to filter
>By contrast, the average British-born worker boosts the public finances by £280,000 by the time they reach 66, even adjusting for education and health spending before they start work.
why would migrants cost more money than people born here? use your brain
Remember to submit polite and objective feedback to the moderators including archive links about this subhuman ghoul's non-stop spam.
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Sit inside all day watching out for the postie
he is going to shrug this off and ignore it to go on to the next thing
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hope you people posting your shit gimmicks end up killing yourselves
Should go off back to his own country the parasite
Royal Mail dont work on Sundays you NEET fuck
We need to let in millions
good post
turning a blind eye, yeah?
Don't call them people
i shouldnt be out of food just because im unemployed. i should have food and energy drinks
Royal Mail have done Sunday deliveries for the last decade grandad. Do you live on an island or a village in the middle of nowhere?
get the energy drinks added to the dole payment
and tobacco
got the shamwow out
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or maybe don't stats
the £150k figure relates specifically to "low wage" immigrants
guess what if you do the same for people born they're more "expensive"
my daily food/meal is 2x pizzas which cost £1.30 each if im not eating pasta (didnt wash up the pot for like a week and now it looks yucky)
yeah, and tobacco (£55 a month)
you eat 2 pizzas a day or pasta?
and this isnt an argument because of how badly the government want everyone to quit smoking
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>in a fun, new and autistic way
holy based

cagecucks are seething at him
yeah and i should be able to get more expensive things than that - because then it would be more healthy
healthy food costs more
i have forks now though so ill get some LIDL salads sometimes
bro is lost
done the same many times
will be forgotten in a couple of weeks lad, don't worry about it. laugh it off if someone brings it up, just say you were plastered and were chatting bollocks
look at him go
i am without food for the rest of the month. might just go and get arrested
He was exposed as a nonce years ago
nobody tell him lol
Steal some food. Then it's a win-win regardless of what happens
turn to crime. thats what i did
you say this about everyone
Just spent well up to an hour trying to reset my modem and evade your unjustified ban
Now dadberg is seething because he couldn't watch YouTube
Hope your happy janny you vile little cockroach
food banks exist
Exterminationist National Socialism
back in the day you could just steal food and they'd give you a one way ticket to god's own (australia)
already used it (spent my last £4 getting there) last week
i only ate like 2 cans a day. now i need a pan or something to cook this pasta macaroni and soup cans
Imageboard not link to an imageboard
just go up to people and rob them
Why should I believe you? You're Hitler!
why should I click that?
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fish fingers and waffles for lunch
i just cba
its too much effort to keep going
>average and high wage migrant
Nothing wrong with white migration.
good luck with your times tables tomorrow
jewstar still havent fixed gta for linux users
you can do it lad, stay strong and that
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cant be bothered with the r9k freaks posts either
so i am installing tampermonkey -> 4chanx to filter his posts
i dont have to see those posts. i dont come here to, and theres no reason that i have to see them for. i cant be bothered with him
need an allergies gf
He takes being a sad little unpleasant snitching weasel to such incredible heights it's actually based
He's got so many people stewing
What manner of ASMR is this?
cant be bothered. maybe its the almon milk making me more like >>202546631
whats the point if "getting through it" (waiting) is to come out of the other end to continue eating £1.30 pizzas twice a day
leave your gamertag and I'll add you
good thinking mouseman!
actually ill go try wash this pot to see if i cant make some pasta. then i can have as much as id like (already had 6kg of pasta)
why is he making those noises
sounds like one of those angry wildcats
just shut up and end it already trying to enjoy my sunday here
you deserve your shit life quite frankly toby. some would call it karma
it's raining cats and dogs
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jewtube is fucking with my ad blocker
it's known as "jesus christ i'm so lonely and desperate for a girlfriend" ASMR
horrible creature
Brother is one of those anti-car mongs. Keeps talking about how driving is for dumb people who don't understand the environment. Shuts up when we remind him he cried the first time he had to drive on his own because someone honked at him.
aw fwiend
football fwiend
sucking a soother
for anyone whos not yet filtered the race baiters posts -- he is now posting the same thing for a third time, to cycle through it, and reply to himself (because no one is replying to him)
i'm a live-and-let-live person usually but he sounds genuinely insufferable if that's what he's like
Get a new gimmick
need appalachian trail gf
What's the point of the filter if you are going to keep talking about him? Go wash your nasty dishes and eat something
for example that one has been posted twice today
have two cars me
no you need and life!!!!
me pissing in the background
You don't really need a car in this country. We aren't America, you're never more than 20 miles away from a train station and 2 miles away from a bus stop. Carmongs are spastics
190 would've loved heathercunt
fucked it
uh oh toby toddler tantrum imminent
hezbollah not hizbollah

kiev not kyiv
Debating whether to keep this youtube premium after my 2 month trial runs out.
Not having my adblocker randomly stop working is nice and playing stuff on my phone through the app in the background without doing work arounds playing stuff through different apps is also nice.
£12.99 a month seems a bit steep though.
installed a weird 4chanX (v2 i think) and its way better
Look up YouTube Revanced ok
Free Premium
dont get it
scared little pussyhole, hope you get your egg head squashed
i don't get it
Just download the brave browser, it automatically and actively subverts jewtubes tricks
it's absolutely shameless that they monetised being able to play something with the screen off
Yeah mate I'll just walk in the rain for 40 minutes to the bus stop, take a 40 minute bus ride, then walk in the rain again for another 20 minutes to get where I need to go.
People like this really fail to realise a large % of people are driving because it is absolutely necessary to make their specific journey, not just for the hell of it
yeh but its also dog shit
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I can be your companion (male)
Dude just take the heckin' bus. Cuck.
Yeah, get some exercise fatty
had a nice weekend with the gf

i suspect many of you spent the whole time posting weird incel shit here.
Love my little English car
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haha you caught me
Lots of people saying you can get cheap YouTube premium via VPN but I can never get it to work. It's the payment method. I can't get Monzo or Revolut to work.

I did look into Revanced, but Apple household and my parents are old and non techy and I'd have to go into their phones and ipads every week to renew certificates.
no you didn't shut the fuck up
england doesn't have cars
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Which one's more peng?
I didn't but I was here most of the time
going to dinner this evening
you used to be able to get it on a ukranian VPN for like £2 a month but the plugged it up a while ago
lol it's true I did do that
Say I have no food. Say some traveller chap offers me some food for cheap so I don't starve to death. I give him the money and tell him hold onto the food. He’s my food bank.
I know but we do in Canada
Don't need a big, fast fancy car
Just need a (one point) six litre GTR
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fuck you too Nigel
be right back going to do my daily cleaning
For me, it's the GTR (Nissan Skyline)
12.99 a month to watch youtube
good grief
more like theJews Tube
might start cooking my tea at kickoff of the early game
there's maybe 30 mins to an hour prep and then it'll need to go in the oven for a few hours
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just stop being weird incels
I want one of those so bad but they're expensive as fuck here
i think it's worthwhile because i watch a lot of youtube and also replaced spotify with youtube music
it is expensive though
know a cunt that pays google 3€ a month just for extra space for his gmail
Deanos larping as rich kings and bimbo Deanettes getting pooed on by wealthy arabs in exchange for designer handbags in a bizarre pleasure desert funded entirely by oil and nothing else but oil
An actual proper city state with a real economy and real people living there making real money doing real things, and no deanos
live firmly under the thumb of Big Protein
would your bussy be available for use
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Love when povvos get outraged about the price of subscriptions and stuff like that lmao, I’m on 60k so I literally don’t even notice something small like 50 quid a month or below even coming out of my bank account, I genuinely was subscribed to a Deliveroo Plus subscription for like two years without even ordering on Deliveroo in that time cos I never check my bank
does he get a lot of emails then
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I drive my little cuck-mobile and I unironically like it. £30 a month for insurance, £0 road tax, 60 MPG, park in tiny spaces, scratched and rusty so I don't really give a shit about it. My own private little shit box to go wherever I want to in.
yeah they are here too
JDM imports in general have gone way, way up in value over the last decade
for the lad thats starving to death, theres a £200 limit on shoplifting things now. You can just walk in to a shop and bag £199 worth of food, walk out and the police won't come out for it anymore as they've said its a waste of time and resources.

Thats why they've had to hire security guards, but they're useless because they don't have the power to detain you and you can just walk out
its a white person whos trying to make a race war happen
and honestly theyre worse than black people
What you got lad?
I've got a nice pork leg joint to bang in the oven about 4pm, then I'll go pub down the road for one before getting back at half past for the Arsenal v City game, then dinner right after it ends
What're you making?
spoiler that hog
did a driving test and failed and havent driven since
60k isn't enough to be this retarded mate. Up the salary next shitpost
slow cooked poo
just a stew
my 3 inch erect bbc william johnson shlong boaby
imagine bragging about being on 60k lmfao
heard a rumour these bbc posters are bots
i could never satisfy her
Like some weird fella who got bullied and decided to become an autistic white cuckold villain?
report them then
are apples meant to make your belly gurgly literally the second you swallow the first bite?
come on then
get back amongst it
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dego no sex
that's an apple tree growing in your gut
Its not. Its another mentally ill black person. slavery did a number of them
putting fruit fly traps in my kitchen now
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Please tell me what life is like in your town/city. The smaller and more run down the better. I've always wondered what it must be like to go out with the lads or walk down to the pub or even just stroll around without any real destination in mind. You can't really do that here.
I hope you're having a good day. I just woke up.
acid in them reacting with the semen in your stomach lad
how did the piss trap work?
this post is extremely low quality
the price of any car worth driving has shot through the roof it's brutal but not surprising when you see the state of cars being produced for the last ten years
>pub with the lads
do this all the time me
got my recent car, a second hand 7 year old hatchback, for 7 grand, which is a bargan by modern standards
it'd have been like 3,000 in 2019
said im doing it now sooo
>Best possible autocracy
>Best possible oligarchy
>Best possible democracy
>Worst possible democracy
>Worst possible oligarchy
>Worst possible autocracy
Thus (due to the relative range of their distributions):
Democracies > Oligarchies > Autocracies
>mumberg wanks fish and chips
>warn her that the price of fish and chips has tripled since 2020, she doesn't believe me, goes anyway
>comes home and complains that the prices have indeed tripled

daft bint
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got a happy birthday email from nintendo :)
guys the filter isnt working
And did they give you anything?
did they fuck
*wants fish and chips
how do you filter a keyword
the one where its like, an /i/ on the end or semicolon
Diego BTFO
everybody praise her for not stealing and being violent
I prefer RATM
Mumberg let the boiler repair man into my bedroom while I was in the shower and I had /brit/ open on my pc
>Hello Mr. Patient, you want die now? I help you die now. I pull di plug. Patient go to di sky. Save di RNHS! Very good Mr. Patient.
>the 4chan X semantic filtering proposal
AI is going to be the downfall of the posters that are most supportive of it
deserves a statue
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sweating like huw edwards in a primary school
Probably about time to grow up and move out
"Your son seems to have an unhealthy obsession with Bradley Walsh"
haha yeah
what do you add to the end of key word filters after clicking the arrow and filter comment to filter posts with that key word you choose
Cold shower?
My recycling is piling up
I can't never be bothered to take out my recycling
pretty sure im being a depressed little bitch because i have had like no carbs
back to toil tomorrow ffs. Next time, i take 2 weeks off
You'll spend hours reading wikipedia pages about chemicals you don't understand but won't spend 5 minutes reading the instructions for an extension?
>The smaller and more run down
just throw my rubbish and food scraps off my balcony when it gets dark desu
Supposedly I got a pay rise last Monday but I don't know how much and I won't til I get paid in october
went on twitch there now to see some of the new fifa and there's a fella with 19k viewers watching him sleep.
everyone has left because of that poster
his posts are so terrible that people up and left the thread
high school chemisty mong
If you do it from the dropdown menu it'll put something like /^comment$/ where ^ means beginning of post and $ means end of post so it'll ONLY filter posts that just say "comment" (without quotes)
If you want to filter any post with the word in it then delete the carat and dollar sign.
If you put i; at the end it'll filter case-insensitive
I sometimes throw food waste out of my balcony into the woods out back
Apple cores and onion tops and the like
Reckon that's better than putting them in the bin
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doxable info
thanks ill try that now as his posts come in
got a pain in my panis and in my anis
Remember to refresh the page with your browser to reload the extension
kidney stones
do any cities over there collect food waste to be composted?
We only have trash picked up biweekly but they'll take organic waste away every week.
Heathermong has so many different gimmicks and they change all the time you’ll never be able to filter them all sadly
>small and run down

sounds like my cock
today in my Russian learning adventure, I learned how to say "i eat cheese"
going to filter you as well sadly
I threw a poo into the communal garden once. Not sure why I did it. Pooed onto some kitchen roll on my kitchen floor and then chucked it out the window. Wasn't even drunk.
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>sport video games
>pay full price every year for nothing more than some player name changes
people shit on the yearly cod fags but holy fuck
was sorely disappointed to find that in blackpool there wasn't a pool of black men ready and waiting to inseminate my sister
Varies by council
Leeds council just collect general waste and paper/metal recycling
They don't even collect glass recycling cos they're cheap cunts
Why don't you make some friends so you can all hit the local bar for some brewskis
no offense to black people
You going to tell us or just sit there gloating keeping us all on our toes?
heres a big list of heather pics along with a few bradleys and maybe catyanks
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had them 3 times
This but blackburn
How does one acquire kidney stones?
Actually it's very easy to filter him
I am currently phone posting with dogberg in bed having my cuppa so I have to see them but when I am on my shagstation (Linux pc) I don't see any of them
the risk of kidney stones is double if you have had kidney stones in the last 5 years, especially if < 20 years old, or have a family history of them (in the case of struvite stones)
thoughts on rimming your mum's arse ?
a liter of cola
certain medication
no water, all soda
might scran some poo
I see
Maybe I'll have a little autistic adventure and read about organic waste pickup programs in the UK
kidney stones on toast
are you poor lol it's £60 a year
i wipe my arse with £60
She's past her best (been dead 15 years) so probably not for me
Я eм cыp (pronounced "ye em sir")
including calcium (but not dietary calcium!)
Dadberg has had kidney stones the size of blueberries chronically for thirty years now
The problem with filtering is most people don’t do it. So then you have half the thread replying to the filtered posts anyway, then the other half complaining that you’re replying to posters they have filtered and the spammers still get the attention they want
how do i find a full diagram with everything labelled for things like the heart and respiratory system
also be right back
this is such a shitty argument
the principle matters more
the fact you'd rather spaff away £60 supporting some nonce company for a scam game instead of spending it on something nice
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spose I had better do the washing up then
Gerald Ratner used to own a chain of jewellery shops. They were on every high street and in every shopping mall, as ubiquitous as H Samuel, if not more so, and this in the days before internet shopping.

He went to some meeting of rich businessmen and joked about how he was making so much money selling “tat”. It was picked up on and all the shops closed
his japs eye must be in tatters
it brings me hours and hours of enjoyment
bet you spaff much more than £60 on less enjoyable things
I don't know what ktim means
No it isn't, I'm just curious :(
The local bars where I live are only accessible by car unless you're interested in taking a 3 mile walk on the side of a 2 lane road with no sidewalk or shoulder.
If I lived a bit closer to the city I could maybe walk to a bar that serves $12 pints and shitty IPAs.
Oтличнaя paбoтa
I try not to think about it
>it's a julian bashir episode
people say pissing out a kidney stone is hell on earth, but when it's stuck in the fucking kidney tubes it lasts forever and nothing can stop the pain except narcotic level pain relievers
Famous rich person hobby of playing every release of boring sports game
wow so much fun palying the exact same game from 10 years ago but ngubu's in it now

sort yourself out npc freak
can tell you're autistic and have no friends

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