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battersea edish
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Бoльшoй чepный члeн
this looks like the place Family Guy made a joke about that one time
where the guy was sat in i think Delaware complaining to Family Guy
Oi Nigel and Ahmed wanna swing round my flat for a cheeky sesh of the 'fa? Wahey
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Been doing those really airy farts that stink. Can tell something bad is brewing and toiletberg is in for a reckoning later.
Don't know what causes it.
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any CAR man in?
I'm not into cars at all but I was watching a Top gear clip from 15 years ago where they said "within 5 years" Chinese cars could be everywhere in the UK.

I know that obviously didn't happen but what is the state of Chinese cars?
Do they have any newfound popularity whatsoever or is it still Germany and Japan dominated?
No peters.
hangover wanks hit different
terrified of getting kidney stones desu
/brit/ not /foren/
is he holding her by the fannoid when he throws her?
going to use the old covid excuse to get out of going to the office next week.
need to wrap the gift i got for my niece
hope mom and sisterberg don't laugh at me for using christmas wrapping paper for a birthday present
think china took the EVpill and there's zero infrastructure here so no market
what did you get her?
how big was the black dildo you decided on in the end?
Chinese cars are so popular and cheap that governments are scrambling to ban their import to avoid destroying local manufacturing industries.
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I can’t believe people hate on London when any lad on his lunch break can just pop into a gallery and see something like this
Ah yes, another episode of the incels seething about something mundane because it reminds them of their normie bullies when they were in school.

This time it’s FIFA!
BYD recently became the best selling cars in China. They still have a shit ton of teslas and toyotas/other jap cars though.
I'd imagine it would still be a few years before we start to see any chinese cars on the road assuming they actually export them here.
every time i see black man on a tv show or film i immediately start to think of how big their penis is
got to eat lunch, get there, look around and then get back in an hour
Get a life man you're seriously fucking boring and retarded
I love the aesthetic of turn of the millennium television
there's a certain charm to it
i'm already seeing it on my pc screen right now
can also take a sip of water and have to ingest a black mans poo particles
beautiful history
browns everywhere
duality of London
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I did hear Biden doing that exact thing a few weeks ago.
Rather QUEER that protectionism is horrifying antiquated authoritarianism when orangeman is doing it but based and patriotic when dementiaboy does so.
China has a huge head start compared to Europe when it comes to EVs as they have already secured their battery supply chains and are enjoying the economies of scale associated with this that European car makers are not, this is why chinese EVs are much cheaper than European ones and this is making a lot of people in Europe nervous.
The result? Predictably, it is EU protectionism. New 'rules of origin' legislation has been introduced with a view to forcing an increasing % of battery content sourced from Europe or UK in order for the car to not be subject to tariffs.
>the normies at his school played FIFA

alri grandad
i come from the land down under
where men snort blow and women something or other
the internet has completely fucked your brain and i feel sorry for you
inverse of this for me

everytime i see an attractive female i immediately start to think of them with a black penis inside them
if you drive an EV you're gay or a woman
Schizo freak
absurdly attractive
Trudeboi wants to slap a 100% tariff on them lol
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a pretend veternary set, she's only 2 and my sister has a couple dogs she can annoy
yeah because museums don't exist outside of donedon
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when I was in school the normies thought all games were for nerd spastics
There are already tonnes of chinese cars on UK roads. MG are selling fuckloads of cars now. BYD are already on sale, as are GWM.
Normies have played FIFA as teenagers for literally like 30 years at this point mate and normie zoomers still play EAFC what’s your point?
so that's USA, Canada and Europe.
I bet Aus/NZ have done something identical too.

We're basically one big multi-continental gay country.
Waiting for the delivery man to deliver my parcel filled with vape juice. Twitching at the windows like a puppy with a crack addiction
if i went to an australian chip shop would i be guaranteed to be offered chicken salt for my chiperoos?
Dont know what to get my 6 year old niece for her birthday. Awkward age for gifts.
nobody born after 2003 plays sports games
what vape do you have?
Why would you pay top whack to live in the second (maybe lower now) best city in the world? You can get a place in NYC with better career prospects, salary, quality of life, culture for less than it costs to live in London.
err your letter O fell off mate
is it? just ask the parents what shes into and get her toys relating to that
Weird. Haven't seen one. I do rarely leave the house though so that could explain it.
in my school normies and vfs alike played call of duty
My job's just way too much effort for £42k desu
good luck getting a yank citizenship
Have you considered something like children’s binoculars and a little compass she can use to navigate? Children are into exploring at that age
the negatives of london outweigh the positives.
why is China better at securing batteries than anyone else?
Lithium deposits or summat?
black tranny Barbie doll
They're much wealthier than me so she has "too many toys". I wanna get her something nice like a telescope or something but she's too young for that kind of stuff still.
only a pedo freak would be awkward about it '''''''
anyone else getting the flashing cursor on the chon? gookmoot must've spilled rice on the server again
Just bought whatever the cheapest refillable one was. Says "aspire gotek x" on the side. Does the job and the little tanks hold 4ml and don't burn out for about a month
Premium bonds
You know as I sent my other post it did cross my mind. That's a good idea.
they control where they mine it in Africa
SCREECHING I bet you actually believe this as well lmfao
works on my (kde plasma) machine
microscope. get her to look at her body secretions under it
got my best suit on
lol ffs
just took my birthday suit off
Not better per se, they just went earlier
Turning around an entire car company's product strategy to focus on battery electric vehicles is like turning around an oil tanker, it takes a lot of time to plan it and get it right.
one got a 30 day all boards ban for "3DPD" because I posted in a porn thread on /b/ lol
oh the coltan in the congo?
drc has 2/3rds of the world's supply
didn't know it was another chinese vassal state given basically every tech company is reliant on it
>I bet you actually believe this as well lmfao
EV sales are declining in the US and europe
dead tech
cant make the macaroni because it requires milk (and dont know if i would like almon milk pasta)
at least they included like 2 jars of pasta sauce which ill use for my pasta
when will we run out of oil?
when will we run of out materials to make batteries?
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ev sales are collapsing like a troon's neovagina after a missed dilation session
EV market share in the UK is up to 22.6% from 20.1% last year
Did he get banned again? LOL
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what the fuck has happened to porn lads
stuff that used to be extreme niche is now considered the default
the women won't shut the fuck up shouting absolute filth and grunting continuously
even the amateur stuff has it
is the whole world turning into coomers
i once copped a 3 dayer for saying all australians should be arrested lmao
christ alive janny get a fucking clue
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eating dry bran flakes with bananas and raisins in them (going to eat the raisins separate because they will be good for sugar later)
anyone unironically buying an EV is an utter retard honestly
especially a tesla
yeah and your sex rate is 0%
lovely webm
cause american EVs are shit

only BYD can save us
It's actually mental that a 60 year old homeless black man could marry your 16 year old daughter and you couldn't do anything to stop it
EVs are terrible
CyclingMikey is based. Pure cagie torture
post apurally x
and hazlenuts and almonds
Got a second hand Nissan Leaf last month for 8k and it’s amazing, you’re retarded if you still have an ICE car nowadays lol
only sport i play is picking up birds
don't completely control it but there's plenty of slope faced scheming little gook monkeys pawing around
all part of der juden's plan
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'ri lad
buying a tesla in america makes sense because they have far and away the best charging network
pointless here though
more like pissan queef
the horror
An cheap small battery EV makes sense as a local commuter car if you have a driveway with a charger but only if you have a nice big petrol/diesel thing for the big motorway slogs
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>i drive a leaf
playing with fire there mate
M&S foods are so good its unreal
VERY white post
deserved, australophobia is the most heinous form of racism
plug in hybrid surely the best of both worlds currently
cheap fuel to shuttle back and forth to work or to the shops but the security and flexibility of tank of petrol for longer journeys
i love nuts
yes, thank God
>big motorway slogs
>Glasgow to London is only 650 km
think most cars are ugly. weird to think they're designed by an actual person. they look weird and bulbous and bloated and alien most of the time.
turned out pretty impolite for a brit I reckon
yesterday the neighbours were making a racket in the garden at 1.30am and some lad asked them very politely if they'd mind going inside
didn't bother me, but if it had I'd have told them to shut the fuck up (as I've done many times in the past)
reckon I might have some wog in my ancestry
so like four full battery charges in an EV
i think hybrids use the petrol/gas to charge the battery from the engine spinning like how petrol cars charge the battery normally
my toilberg drives scotland to england in a ev and seems to do fine

at worst it encourages longer breaks. read the motorway signs. tiredness kills
definitely the better choice of supermarket. They're only a little bit pricier as well. Even their microwave meals are noticeably better than the average
They're mostly done with computer-aided design which is why they all look like gay fish
what about british posho cars like rols-royce and aston martin? look gorgeous and classy to me
australia more like arsegaylia
plug ins have charging ports hence their being called plug in hybrids
heard that about tiredness actually
i had one of the chicken and rice meals from them they day before yesterday (or day before that) and it was pretty good
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got a hangover
whole continent done in
The only woke mobile I shall ever be driving.
thought all the best dentists were supposed to be jewish but my new dentist is lithuanian rather than my old jewish one and she's better
there's nothing wrong with being a bizarre hideous freak
Problem is many people are too lazy or thick to recharge the battery so they end up driving around in a thirsty petrol car with a dead weight battery
*gently strokes your forehead*
lovely webm
the one I pass on the way to work does hot food too. Their sosij rolls are pengaleng, you can actually taste pork and seasonings
still playing with duplo I bet
give your head a wobble
help a girl out!
>my country big!
and? who cares. what point were you even trying to make here that didn't make you look like a childish spastic?
eating 'triple butter' popcorn but really its more like 0.5 butter
Anyway I was just laughing about how small Britain is
anyone here actually tried nofap?
does it do anything or is it an incel meme?
yeah i grew wings after a month
can imagine a clip of Alan Partridge browsing /brit/ on an ipad with reading glasses on going "lovely webm"
What does the N stand for?
don't wank at all when I've got a gf and am having regular sex
penis shrivelled up and dropped off after 2 weeks
might have popcorn lung, chest is a little irritated from suckling through two vapes yesterday
Made me leak precum into my boxers constantly after 4 days and I had to change them twice a day until I gave up and had a wank
this latest chrome update sucks dick

in my experience anything beyond about 3 weeks is diminishing returns
I just got increasingly more and more horny to the point where I was thinking about sex every few minutes like a randy animal and getting turned on by anything vaguely suggestive
My point was you're probably only driving 100 km max for these "big slogs" which is nothing for people who live in most former British colonies
Relax no need to have a fit it's just a 4chan post
I have got FUCK ALL to do today. IM SO FUCKING BORED.
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come home
ive been on nofap since getting a girlfriend.
honestly, i feel like cumming a lot (whether it's through masturbation or sex) makes me more emotionally unstable. like i feel more alert and switched on when i havent ejaculated for a few days. 5-7 days is the sweet spot. more than that i get a bit lethergic again.
>sunset at 19:01

get IN lads, the sun now sets early enough that incelwalks are back on the menu
not for me
sounds slanty-eyed
yeah but it was really fucking dumb?
no one cares you have to drive 150 miles for some milk and no one thinks it's impressive
you're like those mongs who post how hot it is in their desert state when the UK has a heatwave of 27c weather like we are somehow in awe of how hard they are
ejaculating completely drains me of my motivation
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mopping the floor
bachelor drudgery
Cared enough to have a tantrum apparently
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breaking news
any tips for incel walking? thinking of giving it a go but got a bit of incel uncertainty how to do it properly
don't want to shit myself like
pretty sad how youre all talking about this just after what happened here
Kamala Emhoff
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Still miss her every day
>Israeli armed forces raided the office of Al Jazeera in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and issued a 45-day closure order
they're just so gross
shut up toby
shut up and stay done
Got a vacuum mop recently and it was the best purchase in years makes it effortless and it basically cleans itself
you need to make your gait as virginous as possible. keep your eyes glued to the path at all times, aside from the occasional meek look ahead to make sure you don't crash into anything
wear clothes that make you look like a creepy sperg. wear a hood if you can. you want people to really think there's something off about you if you happen to walk past them.
and no 1. ALWAYS make sure it's dark outside when you do your incel walk, if you're outside during daylight hours there's a chance people might confuse you for a mentally stable person
scurrying around the flat on all fours
very pretty girl
Messaged tinder girl 11pm asking if she wanted to go watch a film

Last seen 08:58
Last seen 09:45
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Last seen 12:35
Last seen 13:30
Last seen 14:33
Message still unread.

I am absolutely devastated. Truly devastated. Heartbroken to a degree of delusion, my soul is in disrepair and my dreams are shattered. I can feel my ribcage sinking, I can feel it tightening around my heart. I feel devoid of my soul and my spirit is at rock bottom
mad how comically evil they are. Wonder what their endgame is considering everyone with a functioning amygdala absolutely despises them.
why is it not pooing everywhere
had 2 black puddings, eggs and a strong coffee
feeling full of vitality and nutrition
*1 CAD has been deposited into your vacuum mop account*
uh, there there mate
*turns back to the anon I was talking to*
*takes Incel notes in my Incel notebook*
*fires a rocket into the thread*
i just find it weird that we have to pretend like they're westerners when they act like every corrupt thirdy nation on earth but with loads of yank money poured into them
not sure how they work because i thought it just slipped out constantly but i think i heard they can be trained to go in a certain area like in his case there
that 2nd nap to cure the 'gover
Make me an offer and I'll consider it
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she's probably got loads of blokes chatting her up, that's how it goes with women on the internet
*is the anon you were talking to*
*slaps you in the face*
how dare you shrug off that man's suffering
happens to the best of us lad
women are awful for this sort of thing
every time a norm catches wind of the fact i'm a virgin they begin immediately acting as if they want to brutally kill me
White slop is so shite man
gay'y pooey porn
mad how white genocide is real too
beef kinda looks like a vag aha
thanks lad, going to work up a sweat wanking between now and sunset to brew up a nasty bodily stench
>go watch a film
not forward enough, she lost interest
how exactly does one acquire a virgin gait
beef pussington
might make like a dark souls protagonist and increase the power and size of my soul
chill it
Women really just want to bring you down with them don't they. Women don't like it when their man is on top form they always try to fatten him up, stray him off his schedule, turn him into a freakish subhuman. This is why they're for straight shagging never sharing a bond
love when someone posts exactly what's on my mind at the same moment so I don't have to worry about my question getting filtered
white genocide is real and they want to do it to us
Eh. Al Jazeera in the West is all “Israel bombed a hospital” fake news but in the Middle East they’re all “perfidious Jews need to die”. Need closing up for good.
virgins either walk way too slow or way too fast
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Sat on the sofa drinking an Amber ale while dogbert chews his toy at my feet
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Hey guys whats going on is this thr-ACK
Having some chicken sandwiches for the late luncheon
it's objectively undeniably real anyone who doesn't believe it is actively delusional and should be ignored and avoided
might open the bottle of wine soon lads wahey
spent £21 on it at tesco earlier it'll be my sunday treat :)
i'm really miserable lads
why have you posted this like 20 times in the past 24 hours
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waheeey look at him go
What kind
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Damn the palm of his hands must be incredibly fucked up. This is why cyclists wear gloves
bluds not having a good walk
can opener has got rusty
fucking heaving at this webm
Have a nice glass of cold water with a slice of lemon instead.
eaten most of my cereal now
feel much better :)
my spunk tastes odd today
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Hiiii :3
complete opposite in my experience, i was an uninspired blob before i got a gf and now i'm focused and merciless

did his crotch land on that tree LMAOOOO
>21 quid wine

could have 4 bottles of perfectly drinkable plonk for that price
going to use the box i use for keeping my laptop off the bed sheets so it stays cool as the mouse mat and write in my journal
hopefully the Jews dont blow it up while its over my dick and balls
bro put on the headset and think he SAS yeah maybe Special Aldi Service
how'd you get a gf as a blob
Because you're a freak runt who got a cope fatty bird
parents must have a phd in making a fucking racket
bull in a china shop
I feel like tinder / dating is a game I don’t know the rules of. You can’t text back too early, you can’t text back too late. You can’t text them when they’re busy, you can’t take things too quickly but not too slow either. It’s a game you can’t win. I don’t want to play a game I don’t know how to win. I just want to be reciprocated. I’ve been reading infinite jest and I feel affirmed about my character, and my style of existing, and I’m not going to play silly war games with birds. Why do you have to be tactical? Is it not enough to like another without having to veil your feelings? I believe in being forthcoming, and not hiding your emotions. Stoicism is for wankers
>not checking sunday times magazine for the best 6.99 bottles in aldi
You have literally never had sex
"dating" is meant to come naturally
if it doesn't you've already lost
da joos* i mean
only a blob figuratively speaking
she aint fat
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Post chin
>eating bloody meat
Shagged your mum up her arse 9 months later she shat you out
I just look and see if there's anything on deal in the range of £7 down from £9
Dadberg narrates what he's doing to himself constantly all day. Probably a sign of mental decline but it makes me want to punch him in the head
you will never be a middle aged mum
dont listen to that hateful swine
its not blood you imbecile
>unfunny joke to distract from the fact he’s an incel
does anyone know why cyclists wear gloves
Avoid skin scraping in case of a fall
it doesn't damper vibrations, this is a myth
alri literal child *buys you a toy monster truck for your birthday*
he's not describing it as being bloody, he's just an offended vegan
Oh lawd I am comfy
Mad how a few cuddles with my gf on Friday has kept me going
It’s the constant um’s and hesitation that give them away, or they recognise it within themselves and overcompensate with pots of undeserved confidence. Women can spot it a mile off.

I reckon it comes from their brains being rotted by the chronic masturbation
Ordered a maccies and on the monopoly stickers I won two Big Macs, a a McFlurry and an Apple Pie

That’s tomorrows tea sorted :)
Brilliant thanks
I just hurt
Picked her up from the pub other night, I thought I was giving her a lift home to hers, she thought I was taking her to mine. I had to explain to her that I don’t own a mattress and drop her off at her mums. I can’t do this shit man, I am not built for it. I really like her and I feel like she doesn’t like me in the same way
I assume for the same reasons I wear them on my motorbike. Grip, warmth, protection, looks cool.
you ok mate
I'm a top shagger mate
No you didn't
i know what women want and what puts them off and they can definitely see and are turned off by you either being shy or confident
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> I thought I was giving her a lift home to hers, she thought I was taking her to mine. I had to explain to her that I don’t own a mattress
mad that in the entire history of mcdonalds monopoly there hasn't been a single documented case of anyone winning the big prizes
as an incel i am under absolutely no illusion that any woman who talks to me can immediately tell i'm a virgin
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Any Wessex man in
i'm a bottom shagger (i shag lads)
It’s mad that the race riots were so bad across Northern England that many of us were afraid to leave our homes and now we’re supposed to move on like it never happened. No national discussion on the cause behind this
66kg 5’8 1/2/3/4 suck your mum you battyman
nutty almond
what if instead of anrold schwarzernigga I was arnold freaky nigga and instead of lifting and pumping loads I lifted you and pumped my loads into you
you seemed cool at first but then you didn't have a mattress so I don’t want to see you again
Lmao actual stick
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This nigga doesn’t own a mattress oh my lord what sort of fucking FREAKS am I posting with
I’ve just moved in 4 months ago fuck off
ktim and you are probably someone who broke into my house
my theory is that reincarnation is real, but this is Earth 1. The first go around.
Once we die, we're met with a character creation screen and the points we have to allocate are determined by our deeds in Earth 1.
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Seethe on haha
mumstein prefers music from the 60s and 70s when she was a wee child and not the 80s and 90s when she was a young woman
le wrong generation always seems to settle on the 60s and 70s
Drugs may be good but have you ever had a nice ale on the sofa on a Sunday jheeeeeeze
Reckon I might make a full English for dinner.
The only way to win is not to play
An ode to /brit/'s hero, Employed Woman

nutty almond milk
spinach salad and pan con tomate for lunch lads
very undunelmed by lidl and aldi prices when I went there this weekend. literally exactly the same as anywhere else, dunno why people say they're so cheap
Farting up an absolute storm. Don't know where it's all coming from.
another weekend nearly done
another weekend where i haven't had my hair cut
i look so bad lmao but i simply cannot be arsed to get it cut
had 2 at midday now feel like arse
that's retarded
hope you choke
they were just a few years ago
no basically identical to tesco
no point anymore
theyre cheap while theyre pricing all of the other supermarkets out until they ramp up the prices for their aggressive development to continue, as they also start pricing real people out of their shops
your arsehole?
perfect time for a hashy zoot
Think they just have a wider range of offbrand shite that's cheap as opposed to asda/tesco own brands.
No discussion beyond them being the #farageriots allowed
i wish i could smoke some weed right now
i got the phone number of some guy hanging around outside a shop and he might be a fed. not that i can afford it, i just like to know whats going on with those people
why are you mincing about in /brit/ you absolute specimen?
Yeah could be. Can't see it when it's happening so can't say for sure
A fed, you say? A federal agent, is he?
lad the police are not funding undercover police officers to sell some smelly virgin weed so they can arrest him
someone woke up with a tarantula up their bumhole
How are you helping push the Ukraine to its absolute limit

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