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brannigans edition
hash is apparently quite cheap
nonce crisps
this cough is rather annoying x
lad the police are not funding an undercover police officer to sell some smelly virgin weed so they can arrest him
this is in Scotland not the UK and its in a "gang" area
very undunelmed by lidI and aldi prices when I went there this weekend. literally exactly the same as anywhere else, dunno why people say they're so cheap
ratigan sub edish
Northern Ireland
British niggas be like I’m gonna have maccies for tea
i wish i could smoke some weed right now
i got the phone number of some guy hanging around outside a shop and he might be a fed. not that i can afford it, i just like to know whats going on with those people
thats Americans though
lmao at frogs having no friends
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>this is in Scotland not the UK
mousey you fucking dunce how many times do we need to go through this? Scotland is in the UK. It is also in Britain.
Morning Mousey, how are the nettles?
Scotland is part of the UK you cretinous slug
>not the UK
going to go check on my fruit fly traps
i have never in my life talked to you about that
it’s lush and I mean lush
americans think coca cola made with real sugar is a treat
fake mousey. the real mousey used to post about driving down to "britain" at night.
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Went for an incel walk. Now enjoying an incel coffee
you are a very dishonest person
Mousey doesn't have a car.
Have sex and drink tea faggot
I’m gonna have maccies for tea
if youre such an incel how come you arent worried about being seen alone at such an establishment
i think that youre one of the /r9k/ runts still left over along with that other one
rorke creps
rorke jeans
I've seen this exact picture before
wish that i had jessie's girl
what the smackhead
mate shes a smackhead
zip it mousey
Last day of summer today guys
was eating chinky noodles (with chopsticks) for late luncheon and it got me thinking
if you were offered £1,000 per cm how far would/could you stick a chopstick down your japs eye?
be right back forum got to check my fruit fly traps
one of the piss bottles had some purple liquid in it, probably fruit squash
fuck off r9ktard you fucking kike
it's been autumn for 22 days already
she fit tho
Pint of larger, no logo in the foam.
The reality is that there’s probably some other fella on the scene, fair enough, can’t help that. The reality is that I probably have an overinflated ego and there’s no reason for her to choose me it’s her choice. but it is so devastating to fall for someone that isn’t falling for you. It hurts man
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That was two days ago you hairy 80iq troll
there is a town in North Ontario
releasing is a necessity
i'd need to consult a doctor
if there was any risk of injury then i wouldn't do it at all
Can't say that mate
actually the /r9k/freaks are worth than Jews. dont bother responding to this post as im already away from the computer by the time this sends
Business idea: that punishment from clockwork orange but for bbc posters
looking forward to bouldering as much I used to look forward to nights out at uni
Want to make a documentary called “Along Came Woke” about how we were all living in a utopia until the parasitic mind virus of wokeness came along to destroy it
i'm deathly afraid of spiders and snakes, born in the wrong country me
you ever see a huntsman before?
both cuties but only if they're not dangerous
ever been in an aggressive situation involving an abo?
yeah they're quite common, they don't really bite and are only slightly venomous though
all of that all of that
that is what the race baiters are doing to you when the guy pins his eyes open (avoids your filters/comes off-avatarflag) in their attempt to brain wash YOU
no but an abo girl offered to suck my dick for a cigarette once, probably would've obliged but my train was coming
going to have a fag and then do some more cleaning in my house to improve my mood further (from having eaten this hour and my mood improving already)
they're huge though
I know they're harmless but would freak out if I ever saw one
i hope you just gave her a cigarette
I'd have missed that train
i stopped pissing in the toilet and all of the fruit flies are gone from the bathroom
if dubs have a massive wank after
talking a moaning gooning gigawank to clean your pipes out
Id have pushed her into giving up her bum in exchange of half my pack looool
nah i was 15, i wasn't made of ciggies
going to do that anyway
didnt jerk off last night or this morning because now my cum is gonna be massive
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do you think this ones half abo
i like how she looks but she looks a bit aboish
didnt know the bleep general disappeared off /mu/
the end of an era as it were
having a dark academia wank
sorry r9k faggot thats left over if youre upset
that is unless you were siding with that other r9k freak who was just posting here
it is British culture to be nice to someone and call them "mate" with your nefarious posts as you gather info on people or try to manipulate them
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yeah she might be, but then again it might just be a coincidence
so are abos black then or get their own category?
who invented the skip?
cute pelican
i dont love you anymore
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might play a game of eu4 as one of those north american tribes
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hate foxes

rancid animals

justa fucking nuisance

be right back forum im cleaning my room again now
Buying a house is expensive lads not the house itself but every motherfucker want a piece. Solicitor, surveyors, mortgage fees, extra interest on the first mortgage payment. It's thousands
Dark wankademia
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The wife :)
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Posting this for the first time. Hope you think it's funny
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got the aussie news on
how long do you keep your bay leaves in for?
The Elton Supreme
He alright?
That looked painful
Until it’s served
She's a Negrophile
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where's diego

might wear jeans today
sick of wearing slim jeans.
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So's your mum but you don't see me posting about it
In church repenting for his homosexual thoughts
might cum on my own face later. something to do innit. bit of a change. new experiences and all that
Chocolate bros
Based BBC Enjoyer
Makes rap

Yep that's her
that national party has a lot to answer for
A tranny kept eyeing me up and following me around H&M yesterday but I remained strong alhamdulillah
stomachberg and lungberg crying out for mercy whilst I drink and vape continuously
pissed as a parrot on gin
She was white not a tranny
I'm glonked, lads
absolutely munted
a tranny freak once catcalled me on a night out whilst I was with the ex and I went balistic
told him I'd punch his perverted gential freak lights out, he cowered a bit and then two lads came over and said to leave him alone
Cooking up the New lads
Should be ready in about 30 mins
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not fully convinced thats a fox
this is however
bit a twat aren't you
good lad
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Curviest Northern European woman
have a pint and don't look in the mirror so much lad
chin up
Jesus is one
Jesus is all
Jesus picks me up
When I fall
Remembering when Limmy could hear Lynn getting shagged so he turned the volume of his stream up lol fucking screaming
How much money do you have in physical cash, bonds, savings, investments and precious metals lads?
LOOOOOOL he's so pathetic
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this is me if you even care
About 3 grand. Why?
would make her my subservient housewife
what's that got to do with being an incel?
i'm an incel and i go to pubs/coffee shops alone all the time
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i own everything in the world
Couple of gay lads got on the tube as I was getting off one night and one of them kissed me on the cheek as I went past him and truth be told I had no idea how to react, just looked at him funny as he smiled back at me
The shed pop out a few mulatto to get some decent genes in her family
carberg is snoozing on the bed next to me
am i supposed to pretend this is beautiful?
tickle their feet
reckon you should've punched his lights out tbf
you probably came across as a little bent
when your bro gives you the n pass
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gay lads are always very nice to me. I suspect they think I am gay

also many straight people, men and women, have either assumed or asked whether I am gay. For the record, I am not gay but appear to be giving off powerful gay vibes at all times
You don't have to pretend to be straight
We're willing to accept you however you are Bruce
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so tired
was gonna go gym but I'm exhausted
any /low fat vegan/ man in
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anyone see diego posting his tiny twink arse last night
She looks like she’d make a great cuckoldress
fucking get yourself into that gym
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is that doja cat? is she becoming white like michael jackson?
fr fr no cap on skib fellow zoomer
hawk tuah on that thing
I suspect that's what the video actually is lad. They're in a hotel room.
high carb low fat. the only way
Nobody believes I am gay because I act "too straight". Don't even know what that means.
how is it that im a nerd shut in with no hard skills and no passions
where the fuck has the time and energy gone
just pissed away into the abyss
Big arse
So that’s what AIDS looks like
wanted to go swimming today but couldn't be arsed so went running instead
need to get my shit together
FUNNY image
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Not into white girls but there's a certain je ne sais quois that jewish women have that takes them over the edge

delete australia
Any man got sauce
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Thingken about...life, and stuff ...idk. Might be 'pressed
No you didn't no you aren't you are still in your smelly bedroom reposting other people's pictures as a surrogate for having a life seek help
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Someone help Dorothy, she wants to play Fable 2 again before she dies
you ever consider getting new content boringlad?
not interesting though is it? nor worth making a post about
best way to lose weight too right
looks fungal
She should try bbc instead
Don't know I've been thin all my life but adaptative thermogenesis does seem to work
as a foot fetishist my mortal enemy is athletes foot
shudder just thinking about it
For me it’s the seed oil diet
chocolat du elton
Favourite seed oil?
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Bungalow is an anagram of "guna blow".
Should have seen this coming.
when you get vampirism while playing as a redguard in oblivion
know some freaky lads who love vinegary feet with bits :/
Gotta be soy, i love fried stuff that says its cooked in “vegetable oil” along with all the melted cheese, it’s goyslop heaven
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>The source added: 'People seem to still talk to him as if he's Jay from The Inbetweeners, and sometimes he plays up to it and then at other times he has real crises of confidence and panics that the public think he really is an idiot.

Holy shit that's funny
>adaptative thermogenesis
how do i get around this
mad how women like having sex with blokes and it's not considered gay
For me it's olive
+ 0.42%
watched a Cameo from him once and it was dire
just repeatedly doing that "Ohhh Friend" voice out of context
low bar
happy for him that he managed to milk it though
“Last seen 15:34”
White boy is an anagram of "sunny cuckold" the more you know
maybe he should lose the mod haircut if he doesn't want to be confused with jay
that's the thing about being an actor you really got to choose your roles carefully
"brown" backwards
That's his actual haircut though. He had it before the show. Fuck knows why, it looks shit
thing is the other lads could change their look and maybe go unnoticed but he has such a distinctive physiognomy he will never not be recognised
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One day a random cunt will bump into him and quote something from the Inbetweeners and he’ll fucking pop and go batshit
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haha he's seething
Mental how people can still recognize you despite getting a haircut
what sort of mong still has the same haircut in his late 30s that he had in his early 20s?
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on the bronchitis toil
honestly as much exercise as you can (running/cycling/swimming), heavy work load coupled with unlimited carbs should get you there.
Strange, he’s always seemed so well adjusted
i'se gotta go, i is turtling
>unlimited carbs
but more calories are bad?
>That's his actual haircut though. He had it before the show
this is not an acceptable defence for having a shlid
anyone want 25% off a merlin annual pass with mcdonalds code ML3H3T3CTY3V
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Love thirdie memes about Peaky Blinders
you know you can put numbers besides the number 3 in fake codes, right lad?
There is no reason for me to be cut up about this, she just hasn’t text me today despite being online on WhatsApp. This is fine. She’s probably just busy, she’s probably just having a family day out or probably just distracted. Maybe she’s watching her brother play rugby. This is all absolutely fine and everything is okay with the world and everything isn’t falling apart it’s all okay and sometimes this stuff just happens. She still likes me and she still wants to see me, she’s just a bit busy today :-)
been on the dole for 10 years
got a whole duck in the oven
Did some studying. Having a glass of Fanta orange zero. Would have some sleep BUT I'm on an early shift tomorrow and sleeping now will negatively impact my sleep tonight.
overloading on carbs with no fat intake pretty much causes your metabolism to fire up massively which is what makes and keeps you thin. CICO and calorie limitation is the perfect way to yo-yo. you never see animals restricting calories
She’s getting FUCKED
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how long will that take to cook do you reckon
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When did you buy your first house and how much did it cost?
>overloading on carbs
i'm afraid to do this and gain weight
Why is just being alive exhausting
do you exercise?
>We normally expect to deliver to your address between 7:30am - 7:30pm
Yeah sound. I'll just keep an eye out the entire fucking day then shall I?
Everything is fine and right in the world, there’s nothing inside killing me. Everything is okay. Don’t worry be happy
$130,000 AUD
My back hurts, I’m constantly tired, I barely have enough money at the end of the month.
Is this Spainos new gimmick?
you need to exercise to lose weight
You won't make any lasting weight loss changes if you're inactive during all of your waking hours. Moving around will kickstart your body and multiply the mitochondria in you which is what you need to process food and not have it turn into fat
No you don't
102k it has 2 bedrooms a box room a living room a kitchen and a garden i call it the incel shack and im quite happy with it its very close to the chinese and the asda
Just seen a deliveroo bike pull out my birds drive wtf
Yes you do
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What are you serving with it?
fucking hell lad sorry about that get on the antibiotics before it turns black and you cant breathe
dis niqqa like 50 years old
>multiply the mitochondria
say more about this
butternut squash, potatoes and peas
let him out aha
might go watch the north london arsenals
i drive better when i'm drunk
ducks belong in the pond not the oven
Got a lump on my willy at the base on the underside where it connects to the balls.
Think it's an ingrown hair or something. Fuming.
Phwoaring and corring
I shouldn’t say this but they taste much better when roasted alive
/brit/ is a graveyard for 25-35 year old manchildren who haven't killed themselves yet
not telling :) south of newcastle and north of harrogate
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America, explain yourselves
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Yeah? What's your point?
just heard the opening riff to "everybody likes kung fu fighting" in my head after reading this post
I'm 34 been on 4chan since I was 17
Holy shit that's half my life
I’m 36 so you’re wrong
what’s falkirk like?
That’s a very pessimistic and misogynistic way of thinking

basically mitochondria decides how much fat is burned in a day. This is why athletes, marathonians, cyclists have to eat plenty of fat in their diet and not just carbs. If they don't eat fat their mitochondria burns too much fat off which doesn't regenerate and they lose it performance wise due to hormonal imbalance.

Basically exercise as much as you can and keep eating close to 0g of fat a day until you thin out. By then you'll have healed out of years of metabolic torture due to being overweight and inactive
nah i'm 29, nowt preventing a 7 year old from buying a house if he has enough oneymay
bet brits would love it
you eat dried blood and pickle everything anyway
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They go away on their own.

Resist the urge to prod a sharp needle / sharp pair of tweezers in there to dig it out, it never ends well. The hair is always much deeper than you think and you can never get to it.

If it's painful to the touch and feels swollen under the skin it'll just be mildly infected at the follicle. Just leave it be and it your body will resolve the infection and, eventually, the hair as well.
25-36 year old manchildren*
my mistake
australia is a graveyard for the most vapid materialistic soulless creatures ever to walk the earth all banged into the corner of one waterless rock
haha yh ktim
except 'cide is a failure of the human spirit ill never give in
Watching The Ring (2002)
Warm compress and like the other anon said don't try to remove it
hello newfag
wouldn't mind a warm compress (a nice fanny) on my knobbard if you know what I mean
Hurts when I wank though :(
that the film where johnny knoxville tries to rig the special olympics?
It'll hurt more and for longer if you try to excise it
That's The Ringer
‘bated again with my dad, it was a very interesting session
once when i was at uni, any time i tried to exercise or wank (so increased heart rate i assume?) i got debilitating migraines
stopped happening after a few weeks
funny that
Saw that in theaters haha
eating poo
watch the wrestler
hate films me cant be arsed watching them

titanic? nah never seen it
alien? nope sorry maybe seen a bit of it
jaws? yeah heard of that one never sat down and watched it

just cant be arsed catching up with the bare minimum to understand cultural references
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watching [redacted]
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THIS is why i support israel
got the 'ooruu 'ta 'ted 'um tags on
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this is overstated
iraq and a few other places had a couple of pogroms but it was nothing compared to the ethnic cleansing of palestinians
first film i saw in theatres was goy story (1995)
yeah i'm elderly why not
cheeky early new
we've been in a post scarcity society for almost 150 years and the rot you see across civilisation is a result of our failure to come to terms with it
Dad took us to see Toy Story 2 while our mum "took our dog to live on a farm" :/ Got hit for crying when we came back.
Not a fond memory of my first cinema visit

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