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no wonder they cant breed when japan is the ultimate chud nation
>you will bake the gay cake, chuddie
I feel so fucking bad for the Japanese. I want to go there next year for the World Expo but the disdain they must have for tourists right now is giving me second thoughts.
He literally told all libshits, muzzshits, jeets and introverts to fuck off.
Very unamerican post
>no vegan
>no halal
>no takeout


>Cash only

The fuck is this, the 19th century?
I mean you're not a vegetarian (Indian), vegan (white women), halal (Muslim)and probably don't mind sitting in to eat? So you should be fine. Japs won't have an issue with you.
thats based!
It's fine though. What's the main reason you wouldn't carry cash in America? Nignogs. In Japan not even the Takeshis living in slums are going to shake you down for cash. In fact if you lose your wallet you'll find it in the police station with the sane amount of cash in it which you lost.
I'm not any of those things, but how are they going to know that when I walk in? Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine you're out walking at night and you see a lone black man approaching you. What is your initial thought going to be? That's probably how that Japanese cook feels when he sees me, an obvious foreigner, walk through his door. He's had to put up with too many people like me who've given him a bad impression that will likely never be changed. It makes me sad.
I’m still going for the expo I don’t care
>No halal menu

Based but I don't believe someone would have asked this.

Just don't be a prick and take up that offer of free-flights elsewhere. Hokkaido is great.
>take up that offer of free-flights elsewhere.
I don't know what you mean by this.
w-want to go with me? >///<

Watch out though. Outside of Tokyo there aren't any English signs and if you go too far out of urban areas you'll see that Japan is semi-abandoned villages full of elderly trying to keep basic third-world services running.
Intradesting, I'll seriously look into this. To be honest I have very little interest in seeing Tokyo, I'm more interested in the history of Japan. I'd like to visit the Ise Shrine and a few others.
That's nothing about being unwelcoming for tourists. Just that they dont have those in menu
>Cash only
No! I'm not eating there
Japanese people are extremely backwards when it comes to animals, so no wonder.
vegans are walking corpses tho
I'm quite alive and look the same as I did as an omnivore. Killing and hurting animals is bad
>cash only
why tho, who besides old people even bother with paper cash these days
Chicken? What religion forbids eating chicken?
try not being black.
faggot opinion
>The fuck is this, the 19th century?
It's to avoid taxation.
You'll see these everywhere.
>cash only
Barbarians indeed
based japs
How many Muslims do they have now to announce no halal food?
It's literally just the internet.
most based sign i have ever witnessed in my lifetime
the only shit you find here that is cash only is like stalls selling fried catfish at the fair
just don't be black
all that shit creates low t beta males, they are smart to introduce meat, they need a high t society.
That's actually pretty based coming from them. It's one of the few wins they still have.
>no takeout
I understand why but I can't agree with that one.
All businesses serving food should be legally required to provide vegetarian alternatives.
Au contraire
All the faggots crave for veggies but not for menu cards written in braille for blind people. What was the point of inclusion then?
>oh science I can’t wait to try all the unique and distinct dishes of the world
>anyway xir, where is the vegan menu? I see a lot of meat dishes… and uh I’d like to try it with a meat substitute
>cash only
all businesses serving vegetarian alternatives should be legally required to provide food?
Vegan restaurants should be compelled to give meat alternatives

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