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First for wet poo wipes
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Any horny single ladies in?
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>power washes your undercarriage
Hypnotizing people looks pretty easy. Bring their hand to their face when they go to shake yours and grab them by the back of the neck.
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Talkative bunch aren't you, don't talk all at once. Jeez Louise
fucking hate the song roxanne
just stays in my head all day if i hear it
fucking joke
so are most of the niggers in britain and canada really from jamaica? i thought you lot got your niggers directly from the source
the ones who are hear now yeah but we are getting loads of actual Africans now
Gabby Logan
australia has recently been cultivating a crop of black-as-night sudanese in the past few years and they pretty much immediately became a blight as soon as they came here
Sudanese NUTZ
Who's that big completely bald guy that's on all British TV shows
Claire Balding
Most of the ones that come here excluding Toronto are the meek chill west Africans that walk around slowly everywhere and don't cause trouble
It's the arabs and their organized crime / wannabe mafia complex you gotta worry about
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all the off the boat africans ive met are decent
it's the mixed race mutts who call themselves "black" (aka every african american) that are awful
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most of the biker gangs here are made up mostly of lebs/arabs, it's really weird, when you think of biker gangs you think of a bunch of racist middle aged white guys who like to drink and deal in illegal firearms and such, not 22 year old lebanese drug dealers
a lot of actual africans become retarded when they move to first world countries and start imitating american blacks
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yea that's also true
the more americanized they get the worse they become
Without mentioning Russian right wing talking points, what is actually wrong with immigration?
We have those white methhead biker gangs still they're a huge nuisance and have the gayest names imaginable like "The Outlaws"
Doesn't America mostly take in educated Africans?
Not sure what's worse poc in general or hearing you lot constantly 5alk about them
uncleberg was in "the rebels" in the 70s and 80s or whenever, i think they were the biggest rival of the hells angels
Need all these tryhard criminal mongs rounded up and gassed
everyone here hates you gingernonce
The real criminals? The government
Why do you pretend you're an intelligent thoughtful poster when you're literally a subhuman ghoul that spams pictures and now stories of dead children all day every day?
you can't spell apocalypse without POC
give it a rest rorke
Lol at the Canadian literally spams anime. Any discussion is shit down as the posts here reveal. Not even arguing against the point I made just deflection as usual
Hope gingerpedo has a moment of clarity soon and takes his own life
leftypol really picks some very poor acronyms for their shitty agendas
POC? pickers of cotton
DEI? didn't earn it
ever have a little mini panic attack when you realise that you could literally die at any second with no warning if a gamma ray burst or some other cosmic fuckery hit earth
poc? More like poo
Educational video : how to clean your room
rorke in 2024: i hate niggers
rorke in 1824: i have niggers
You didn't make a point you just complained that you personally find it boring you fucking retard
Please fuck off forever you're arguably the worst poster this thread has ever seen
hope I have a moment of clarity soon and take my own life
No, just have a little gay wank
pathetic bum
No everyone else would die too so it wouldn't matter
I hardly ever even post. I usually just sit here in disbelief at the stupid shit you say and post. Honestly can't relate to you at all. You really show your low iq the more you go on like this
Lets just say, I'm going on a business trip to Cambodia
pizza for tea
reckon i could lose both my legs and live with it but losing either one of my hands or my willy is a suicide scenario
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love crushed ice
always makes for good snacking at the end of a drink
it's usually melted by the time i'm done with it
i'll file this under "fat american can't control his rapacious appetite"
We put ghae gobe in those here. It tastes great.
You put what?
Stop bitiching about blacks. Your ancestors weren't slave holders this isn't the 17th century read a book stupid fuck
watching loud Chinese eating noises ASMR
not everyone takes hours to drink a single glass of lemonade
sounds like you got a drinking problem
the kind of crushed ice you posted takes like 5-10 minutes to melt m8
granted you may live in a cooler climate than me
If you feel that strongly about it stop talking about what you're going to do and do it
You are illiterate and sub-80 IQ plus nobody likes you and I bet people who know you in real life would be relieved if you died
Lol ok reddit
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don't know why my brain won't allow me to experience any positive emotion whatsoever, or what i did to deserve this, but it needs to stop or i'm either going to kill myself or (more likely) become a junkie
Kill yourself
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Older. Fatter. Balder.
just found out about the industrial revolution and its consequences
sickening stuff
this is my 10,000th brit post
wait a minute i just remembered i was quite cruel to animals as a kid, maybe i do deserve this after all
no its isnt
be quiet
downloaded myself a copy of [FamilyTherapy] Harlow West & Dakota Burns - Experience 1080p.mp4
Forgive me lord for I have messaged her again
How do you know
I wonder why god is so cruel and on how people can worship him
currently the only australian here as far as i can tell, that really friendly lad was in earlier but given his pleasant demeanor i can assume he's not a waster like me so he's gone to toil
Hasn't this been explained countless times now?
You guys been hiding Spanish bitches from us man... I didnt know about them bitches, shiiihihit ah hehehehehe ah hehehehehe ah hehehehehe
love japanese vtuber girls
you don't have to put on the red light
put on the red light
put on the red light
put on the red light
Remember Waltuh, no half measures
can barely keep my eyes open
I mean why would i god need constant praise and why should i worship him if he meed autistic and friendless. I am scared of talking to people and only do it when i have to
rorke writing leftypol's phone number on a men's room wall at the pub
Listening to The Last Dinner Party
Very Queen-esque
fly me to the moon,
and let me do a, bloody poo
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yes yes, good morning
Could have sworn this is /brit/ and not /AmericanAustralianAndCanadianSpakkaIncelgroup/
Another dogshit post that contributed nothing but all good cos brit flag
poo poo poo in the looooooo
bloody bhenchod bastards
poo poo poo in the looooooo
good morning saars
what's the least scammy place to buy gear online these days? archetyp?
post cute 18+ boys :3
leftypol sticking it to the man
Don't kys please
most of the top onlyfans thots are actually kind of average to minging when you take away the sexualised context in which they usually present themselves
camping gear, skiing gear, hiking gear?
be more specific
Sam Hyde is gay for trannies
im a gay porn star
Trans Hyde
reckon i must be in the top 10 most depressed people on earth
love me star trek but I do not understand the appeal of Red Dwarf

people seem to worship it
for what purpose?
Who are the other 9?
dunno it just became a cult classic in britain because the original run of doctor who was cancelled around the same time it started and nerds had nothing better to do i guess
Im one of them
And the remaining 8?
Spainnonce on different flags
cant tell if minging is good or bad
xxxtentacion... what ever happened to that fella?
dude absolutely fumbled it lmao
Toil looms
Red Dwarf. Funny.
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*passes you the controller*
Have a seat, we're playing Pebble Beach Golf Links (import version) for the Sega Saturn.
Iirc he gor robbed and shot
love that banger too mate
howabout you google it instead of making yourself look like a wilfully ignorant yank moron
or better yet, have the mental capacity to glean the meaning from context
what kind of gear?
im pathetic
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want to redo my shower
have 0 use for a tub, need to replace it with a walk in shower
maybe put a bench in there so i can have a nice sit
why are black people so retarded that they build successful rap careers with shitloads of legitimate income and still proceed to commit crimes and end up in prison or murdered as a consequence?
Do Australians typically do this
really wish they'd stop remastering/remaking games
more than a few times i'll be not even finished with a playthrough of the original and then suddenly a remastered version comes out and i feel compelled to buy it again (not to mention restart my playthrough)
nah the context could have been either way
There was black footballer who was likely making 6 figures a week on his salary alone who got arrested for shipping huge quantities of drugs and stabbing his cousin
what's more illegal, stealing a bicycle or driving drunk?
Driving drunk
Even if they have a lot of money, they need violent crime as a feather in their cap to gain respect and recognition in their community. If they come off as soft, they’re basically begging to either get constantly robbed, or murdered by someone who wants the clout of being the guy who murdered some celebrity. If they present as hard, others will keep their distance. It’s the same sort of honour/fear based ethos you’d see in any number of frontier or lawless societies, such as among the Border Reivers or Scottish Highlanders of old.
it is impossible for them to think ahead or understand consequences
depends how drunk
sometimes i wonder

if there is a fact of the matter

ego is illusory
about my conscious experiential existence

because sometimes i dont think there is
seems to me like it would be a simple adjustment from bragging about how thug they are to bragging about how much money they have and how big their willy is and so forth
mad to think the prettiest women all have to take shits like the rest of us
It’s really nice when they release a remastered version, then release an “update” to break the old version, and force you to buy the new one (or at least stop being able to use the old one you purchased). Happened to me on Steam with GTA San Andreas; thanks, Rockstar. I read there’s a way to unbreak it using mods or something, but I cba
after watching police body cam footage, i've learned that the negro cannot comprehend past events and future consequences
their minds only comprehend what is happening to them at that exact moment
could absolutely pummel andrew tate, me
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During the Nuremberg trials the defendants were administered IQ tests.
not me, he's got about 20kg on me and has a lot more fighting experience, i would get wrecked
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Unironically the most interesting thing every posted on /brit/
very disappointing that they didn't get hitler, would've been fucking mental
Does anyone know what the best 3d printer is use to manufacture firearms? (asking for a friend)
can you believe that for one second?
wonder if there will ever come a time when it's considered acceptable to be really fascinated and admiring of hitler like how some people are with historical figures who are objectively monsters like genghis khan
There's a fraction too much friction
There's a fraction too much friction, yeah
Probably yeah
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>he thinks it's legitimate income
you already see it with some of those fringe weirdos and their podcasts, was in the news just a week ago
er but leftypol told me to trust the genius experts...
yeah but emphasis on the fringe weirdo part, your typical normie isn't going to have a hitler statue in their house, you'd have to be pretty deranged, even people who like hitler are usually secretive about it
recently found out pol pot died in 1998, feel kind of uncomfortable knowing that i was alive at the same time as a man as evil as that
don't think people have statues of genghis caan in their home either as a general rule
>pol pot


jesus f
Do you think he would have liked /pol/
my mum used to, it was just a little wooden statue of him on his horse, i'm not talking like proper lifesize stone statues
kek its funnyfinkin bout how historical figures woulda dressed and talked and ahidd if they grew up as kids today heh

beggars thr mind innit
Got smegma on my bellend
ike imagine hitler goin "fr fr no cap" heh
the zoomer generation has probably produced a future hitler
*licks my lips*
cant believe schacht is only 143
he was an economic genius
equestrian gear (horse)
good lad, glad your moral compass isn't askew
he was a horrible, horrible man
/pol/ pot

great book to read >>202574217
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Alright guys?

Went to bed at around 20:00 pm last night and actually woke up this morning not too tired for work for a change. Might start sleeping earlier when I have early shifts in general.
might move to new zealand one day after i've made my bag as a fifo miner here in australia
the white man was not meant to live in this heat (plus my dad was a kiwi, i'm afraid of snakes and there are no snakes in new zealand, and a myriad of other reasons)
love love love when it hits 35-40 degrees (with no humidity) and I settle down with the lads in the beer garden
first schoon lasts about 30 seconds
Moriarty's character has always been relatable for me, because I feel the same, more or less. For a long time I was really bored and depressed and for two years almost nothing could change that. I also came to believe that life is pointless, adopting a nihilistic look on everything and now when I think about it, Moriarty is the same. To him life is pointless(when confronted with the fact that people died because of his actions his reply was "That's what people do." angry because Sherlock did not understand that) and he is bored(evident by the whole rooftop scene). He doesn't find satisfaction in almost anything because he is somewhat above the rest or at least feels this way. To him it is all for fun or like a joke(similar to the Joker from Batman but this is not surprising since Moriarty is one of the inspirations for the character if I recall correct).
Wonder if my life would have been better if it weren't for the fact I have a horrible bastard of a father
God of War 190GB on PC take the piss
southern hemisphere freaks entering their spring
sick fucks and their summer christmas
omg the daily mail
>if it weren't for the fact
were it not for the fact*
it's professor moriarty and sherlock holmes
you've exposed yourself as liking the reddit bbc show
sorry to hear
love pointlessly correcting grammar on emotional posts
come on mate do you really think that was a sincere post and not some drivel I copy-pasted from youtube
>35-40 degrees
you're having a fucking laugh aren't you?
i'm lucky to live on the north side of brisbane where it rarely gets above 30 degrees, for some reason the south side gets way hotter than up here
christmas in summer is elite, you're missing out
put a shrimp on the barbie aha
you're lucky to live on the north side of brisbane where my fist can't immediately shatter your jaw
nah absolutely not, 35 degrees is awesome pub weather, granted when that's paired with little humidity as I made sure to mention
Summers are usually pretty dry in Sydney, went to Brissy once when it was 35 degrees and it was fucked. Too humid
Whats winter like in Australia?
err excuse me but Australian's don't say shrimp...
*sneaks into your town and spray paints my postcode on your public toilets*
yanks don't know that
the temperature is deceiving, 10 degrees here is incredibly bitter - hard to explain but it feels different from 10 degrees in ingurlend
Got a slight headache and a mild sore throat today. Ibuprofen should sort it out though.
slight headache? BORING
got the opposite feeling tbf, i once went down to sydney in spring and was shocked at how hot it was, don't know if it was actually hotter or i just wasn't used to the dry heat but i felt like i'd stepped into a blast furnace
This. Summer Christmas is not on and I can’t go for spring Halloween either.
fair enough, acclimatisation and that
been pretty warm so far this spring - hitting 30 degrees here in September
Give him that hawk tuah, spit on that thang
I wish you luck
you're slight, a headache, AND boring...
halloween is for yanks
gotta shave my incel beard before it gets too long and becomes painful to shave with a disposable razor
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Bothered by a certain spooky autumn celebration are we?
Gargling with salt water is helpful for a sore throat too.
I have you gargling in my cock
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done me
how was easter this year mate?
it's not really a thing here except for people dressing up for parties and getting on the piss, halloween itself is seen by a lot of people as extremely cringe
>only 6 staff on this morning

Yep, it's going to be a shit one
wonder what it's like to smash a pornstar you grew up wanking to
can you post your boring blog shit on /r9k/ or something, fuck off
not really a fan of all the suicide-language the internet has latched on to, “kys”, “on suicide watch”, “rope yourself”, and so forth
not healthy and it’s getting boring
halloween is a great time to scope out girls in slutty costumes
I feel like I can't improve my english anymore.
sweden on suicide watch
It will probably feel like a sore std
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still can't believe easter isn't a public holiday in america despite how many christians there are there
meanwhile here we cop a four day weekend
*I feel as though I am no longer capable of improving upon my English proficiency
saw a video where it was this young lad doing just that (at least according to the little interview they did beforehand)
the woman looked pretty uncomfortable with him because he was like 21 but looked about 16

Sex with women.
humidity makes such a big difference. mid 30s with high humidity is worse than 40+ and drier
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Saya Hiyama has morton's toe. It is so fucking over.
good lad
Spending the evening of 31 October handing out Mossad brand tamagotchis to the local kiddies
ricky and morton?
>easter isn't a public holiday in america
so that's what that meme is about
just this year i was perplexed to find that all the shops were shut on good friday but not on easter, bit weird
sex with attractive women who are also attracted to you and make you feel wanted
good lad
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a public holiday held to honour the death and resurrection of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ?
with all this halloween discussion i thought for a moment it was already late october and had a little panic attack
good (gooder) lad
Good Friday the bloke got offed so the shops get closed in a show of respectful grief, same as ANZAC Day
Monday's really just a day off
we’re at that pointy end of the year now mate
all gets quicker from here
actual christians think it's a pagan holiday (because it is) so that's probably why
well surmised
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oh my days it's literally dadberg
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never quite understood why i'm supposed to feel grateful that jesus got crucified for me
a lot of people have been flogged and executed in horrible ways throughout history, it doesn't really stand out to me
plus it's not like getting crucified was the plan all along, if judas hadn't ratted him out and had the jews not been so insistent on it he would've gone along preaching or whatever until he died of old age
the timer in dead rising 1 and 2 was great
only weak faggots cried about it
it's because he was crucified especially for you (your sins) - it is the final sacrifice, all of humanity is redeemed thanks to him
sick of being bullied for my Glasgow accent
Whenever Easter happens during a work day rather than on Sunday, then we’ll make it a holiday.
well it kind of feels pointless considering he was one of many, plus it almost seems like an insult to all the others, trivialising their suffering and hogging all the glory
hmm that's a very interesting point lad, hold on one second
*goes to retrieve my atheist-killer 9000 raygun*
i'm not an atheist lad, i worship the devil
So much for the tolerant Left
they weren't God / the son of God though
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I also have Sega Bass Fishing if anybody wants to play two player
oh well fuck them then
Easter Monday public holiday you utter goose
>so much for the tolerant le-
*disintegrates you into ash*
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v for vagina
leftypol will believe everything the government says because they are the "best in the world" supposedly
mate of mine is balding, he's aware of it and is still at the stage where he could probably hop on fin and salvage it, but he just doesn't seem interested in doing so, he's currently missing his window of opportunity to prevent himself becoming a slaphead and doesn't seem to give a shit at all, proper resigned to his fate like, it's kind of impressive
imagine being christian in australia
fuck is wrong with you
in australia religion is treated as a private matter so a lot of people believe in old mate (jesus) and just don't talk about it
Our last Prime Minister was a yank-style happy clapper and even he famously once told a radio host to pull his head in when he tried to get him to swear to some bullshit on a bible
tbere's no way to salvage balding
couldn't be me
always thought religion is bullshit and that most people who believe in it are either stupid or indoctrinated, the whole thing just seems like a giant cope, which also makes me wish i could bring myself to believe in it, because it's a lot cheaper than my current cope (drugs)
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I think it's hubristic to believe that we're across the full extent of human existence
hence faith being faith, it's not evidence based but it doesn't necessarily mean someone is stupid if they're cognisant of the fact that they've made a personal choice and are content with it as it is
Me: Going to Heaven with the angels and saints
You: ACKing on 69-POO-REDDIT
and i think it's hubristic that there's some all-knowing creator of the universe who looks like us and cares about us, so i suppose that's where we stand
Lez you alright? It's only drugs
don't see how that's more hubristic than thinking only what's in front of one's on eyes and experience is all that can ever be, but I take your point lad
most intelligent theist
that's not really what i think, i think we're a cosmic accident flying through a vast uncaring universe filled with stuff that is way beyond our comprehension, that's the very definition of not hubris
nah can't do that we need another holiday for blacks
chicken vesuvio
might go to the pub and order steak and chips
getting on the cans
fair play lad
you and I really aren't that far off - the key difference just being that I don't think it's an accident
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>i think we're a cosmic accident flying through a vast uncaring universe filled with stuff that is way beyond our comprehension
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>>i think we're a cosmic accident flying through a vast uncaring universe filled with stuff that is way beyond our comprehension
I hope it's overcooked and gristly and the chips are room temperature
That's some heavy shit
you're the fuckin cooked one here mate
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>I hope it's overcooked and gristly and the chips are room temperature
>That's some heavy shit
my toilet when I take my morning poo
we're just a random conglomeration of atoms
you wear a fedora
your mum sucks a random conglomeration of cocks
might sacrifice a virgin for Moloch
people talk about life and consciousness as though it's something special and divine but really when you think about it it was an inevitability, because in order for us to be here to question our existence, we necessarily had to exist in the first place
the australians are having a barney watch out you don't get caught in the crossfire lads, you might get got with a lamington
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>people talk about life and consciousness as though it's something special and divine but really when you think about it it was an inevitability, because in order for us to be here to question our existence, we necessarily had to exist in the first place
we're all just a bunch of monkeys that grew out of space dust floating on a pebble in the sea of infinity
thinking about how awful rachel reeves is
I hope anal still counts and you're devoured for presenting an unfit sacrifice
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>>people talk about life and consciousness as though it's something special and divine but really when you think about it it was an inevitability, because in order for us to be here to question our existence, we necessarily had to exist in the first place
screaming people be like
but people having a realisation be like
YOU wear a fedora your MUM wears a fedora your whole FAMILY wears fedoras you whole STREET wears fedoras you work in the fedora FACTORY and get 15% off when you present your fedora card
we're just a stack of electrons and neutrons turning beer and sausages into poo
wish I got 15% off on fedoras...
for me it's not making noises at all when i realise things
how about not making noises at all in general ey mate
I'm a soldier of God
I've got soul but I'm not a soldier
i'm god's consigliere
devastating aussie civil war real shame to see such mayhem
Fedoras this way
get it made
get it linked
one of you wang chungs make the new
wang chungus
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not good
oh shit is he, now I have to not have liked him
lads seriously though get it made

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