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Fedora edition
maybe this little known gem will help calm things down
hate when you look up a slang term from your area on urban dictionary and all the definitions are stupid yanks claiming the word refers to some kind of sex act or whatever
no more war aussie lads x
bro uses urban dictionary...
We came from a cosmic fart
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Sending you forget me nots

haven't used my fleshlight in months, might as well throw it away
40 bucks a slab!
You can't go wrong!
I sink VB!
All night long!
hello /brit/, God here
i command you to tribute me by cumming in your favourite book of the bible
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i am conflicted i am very autistic but a girl finds me attractive should i admit to it or it doesn’t matter
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wtf don't copy my filenames
oh fuck
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watch me swooce right in
Girls think autism is cool, like the Good Doctor.
bloody post-covid inflation has already rendered this song obsolete
To clarify, "fleshlight" is Geelong slang for an air fryer
how can you have chaos in an autocracy?
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good morning gentlemen
I hope we're all sucking teas and coffees before the day begins
shit yank posts ruining the thread again
there's no way it survived that
that's grouse as mate
by pitting those below you against each other
got him there
Been laughing at flat earth youtubers for days
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If shit ever did kick off Russia would end up accidentally nuking themselves countless times.
dadberg is really autistic about how long people spend in the shower and will start aggresively knocking on the door if you've been in too long for his liking
wherever you are is fat earth
devastating news rippa
screaming lads just took mum and dad their morning brew and they told me about how catberg was awake in the night shouting the place down and then came hurtling into their bedroom to vomit on the new carpet
how can one creature be so based
you just don't have eyes to see it
i'm a reformed criminal lads (i used to drive drunk a lot but i don't anymore)
Hope the right people have been paying off the Mossad hackers
shame, 90% of drink drivers quit before they hit it big
what's his upper limit? i'd say 10 minutes is reasonable, 5 minutes is a bit strict but fair enough, less than that and he's having a laugh
You have never met a yank IRL and if you did you'd probably come on here to seethe about how friendly they were to you.
5 minutes isn't fair
how's a man meant to shampoo and condition in that time
wikipaedo meltdown
still tired but i need to get up in half an hour anyway
shampoo for my real friends
real poo for my sham friends!
pretty quickly i would imagine, as i said 5 minutes is a bit strict, you'd probably need more time if you have long hair
Reckon there's more yanks living in the UK than there are Aussies which is grim
Old enough to remember when the Government sent us all little suction cup sand timers to use in the shower
(They didn't call it the Millennial drought for nothing)
5/10, doesn’t really make sense.
do you perhaps notice the US has a slightly larger population than Australia
according to wikipedia there are about the same amount
165k aussies in britain and 171k yanks
>how'th a man meant to thyampoo and condithion in that time
we are born in shit, we die in shit
i wash my hair like once a month if that
on the bog doing my morning shite and it's extra grim today lads
consistency not bad but it's very gassy, would probably be all floaters if I hadn't put a protective bog roll layer down to stop splashback
strong aroma also can feel mumberg complaining about it in a bit
never met a yank living here
idiot yank doesn't get it
there was a massive drought in southeast queensland in about 2005-2006, they tried to get people to drink recycled water (aka filtered sewage) but we weren't having it
W-wait lads why did my flag change to yank?!
*looks down*
Huh? Why am I fat? N-no what's happening to me this can't be happe-ACK
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a glimmer of hope for the UK
occasionally i catch myself thinking "hmm it hasn't rained in a while" so i check the weather report and will often see that rain is due in a day or two and i'm like "ahh noice"
shit yank post after shit yank post
might watch clarkson's farm
Waiting at toil for toil to begin. Feeling very warm and hot today.
Had a dream I was on holiday in Australia and I went to a tattoo shop wherein the lad doing tattoos asked me what I want, I told him, he then went away and did sketches for a bit and came back with a crude drawing of me taking a knob up the arse
Needless to say that was not what I asked for and when I got pissy he just laughed me out the door
Can't even pretend I'm a non virge in my dreams lads
i've only met a few yanks here in my life and at least half of them turned out to be canadian
blog on you boring bastard
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I would wager that her flatuses (flati?) smell rather unpleasant.
good luck hope you have a nice day EW
honestly wouldn't be surprised if this exact thing has happened here before, we do love our banter
Thanks mate, hope you have a nice day too
Nightmare on Melaleuca Crescent
want to make my own all-aussie comedy show like chris lilley used to do before he got cancelled for doing blackface or whatever it was
>message girl on the apps an hour ago around 2pm
>she mentions "I have plumbers here and it's noisy"
>exchange a few more messages
>ask whether she feels like going out for a drink later in the evening
>"I just told you I have my kitchen being ripped out as we speak, I just said that, didn't you read the message?"
don't think I'll be following up on that one
fuck you sir
nah when he says it to peterson it's always the real f word
realised recently that i'm an extremely immature dickhead, it's a wonder i have any friends at all, maybe i should give them all the flick now that i realise that they're capable of liking someone as loathsome as me, seems like a red flag
Getting more and more convinced if you've done military service you should be banned from having a normal job. Whackos those military nigs.
american is the only nationality where if they move to another country, they still have to pay taxes to their home country as well as their host country (unless they renounce their yank citizenship)
what utter utter bullshit that is
doesn't finland have conscription? did you dodge your service?
Isn’t that the case with most countries? If you emigrate from the US simply renounce your citizenship.
>Isn’t that the case with most countries?
nope, no other country does that
no wonder other countries are poor and suffer massive brain drain
US number 1 for a reason
laying about in my undies x
your mum gives massive brain
the commission of suicide, and, in doing so, death
i'd imagine most just renounce their citizenship, no one with a brain is going to pay taxes to two countries
I hereby renounce my WoW guild citizenship!
*points my thumb at this thread while facing the camera*
have a look at these bloody pelicans
*Looks up "pelican" on urbandictionary*
*Looks up*
Fascinating how catberg is able to tell simply from mumberg's demeanor or something that it's almost time to go to the vet and starts making herself scarce
was in a really fun wow guild full of lovely people back during wotlk but most of them just quit the game over the course of a few months until i was usually the only one online at any given time, very sad, probably the last time i had anything resembling a social circle
how far down do you have to scroll until there's a definition saying it's some kind of sex act?
literally the first two definitions
Imagine, if you can, someone moving their arms above their head in imitation of a pelican lifting off
power hour starting up a bit early is it boys?
>sex act
ah, my favourite act in a play
school holidays innit
i just know there's some nonce waiting to reply to all of us and say "snap" the moment a post appears that isn't an australian flag
pow-'er? I hardly know 'er!
eating nigger shit
*nasal nerd voice*
was in a really fun wow guild
you other bruces are all cunts, where's that really friendly lad who loves the pub gone? (henceforth referred to as publad)
right /brit/ is far too fast for this time in the morning
cease and desist
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shhh shh don't fight it
The most interesting thing about the constant ‘is Rosie Jones funny’ discourse on here isn’t whether you find her funny or not, but it’s that you feel the need to even tell anyone. many unfunny comedians but wonder what it is about Rosie you keep feeling the need to make known
my dad tries really hard to be cool and i can tell he is lying it really sucks because he constantly lies about how tough and badass he was
ogling nora fawn's bum and fanny region
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Puke gradually becoming more and more common in JAV
Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday in 8 days

first i'm hearing of this debate or this rosie jones character and i'm in /brit/ almost 24/7
got a mate who says he only watches solo and lesbian porn and fervently claims that anything with a man in it is gay, i think he's overcompensating
janny we need a cleanup in aisle /g/
it's only gay if you're looking at the man when you bust
watching straight porn is cucking yourself. you're literally watching another dude fuck a woman you want to bang
that's why i only watch gay porn
I must act as the balance to pub lad, with my low insults
90s porn coming along to randomly switch to a closeup of the man's closed-eye sex face really suddenly with no warning right when you spaff
>and fervently claims that anything with a man in it is gay
your mum's vagina is gay then is it?
hate GMB
hate BBC breakfast
the quality of breakfast television in this country is as poor as its ever been
the point is you're imagining yourself as the man, not sure why some people seem to struggle with this
there's also an element of getting off on a woman degrading herself
ayo brits be like "oh hello there, good morning, lovely day isn't it?" lmao
god i wish i had some of your guys parents mine are abusive and toxic
>lovely day isn't it?
to be fair they can only say that about 10 days of the year
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well said di
very fun how she completely outplayed and embarrassed starmer into allowing her to stand and then spends all day every day criticising the government
very based of her
always thought tartare sauce had fish in it because it's usually paired with fish but apparently it doesn't
going to start putting it on my schnitzels now
he was proper kind and polite to her when parliament opened and all given she's the mumberg of the house

and then she queefs in his face
pair sauerkraut with your schnitzel
thank me later
Fuck off Hitler
pitch black outside
this is life now for the foreseeable
dark when i go to work
dark when i come home
a life without sunlight
love, in a sense, is evil
to put one something above all others
i'll give it a try, i usually like something vinegary with my schnitzels
reads exactly like the kind of pretentious shit poem I would've scribbled out at 20 and posted on /lit/ for review
34 years old myself
just quit your job and become a dosser like me then
our "job" is to experience suffering and find meaning in that
perhaps you are the one...who has quit
need to pay for things though
i'm probably suffering more than the toil freaks honestly, being a neet is fun for a few months and then it's basically hell
oh you're about to "pay" alright, you little worm
you buzzard
you troglodytic slug
my dad is kind of a asshole and it pisses me off because he is a spoiled narcissistic asshole. he tried to fight me again but he is too much of a pussy to do anything

I hate 4chan. Indian hate is out of control. They never have normal conversation with me.
never experienced young love, it's over, might as well kill myself now
good morning sir
fuck you bloody
blog on
sorry to break it to you lad but that's because indians are loathsome despicable creatures with no redeeming qualities, your best bet is to become a gymcel if you want a chance at shagging
My children will be 1/4 jewish and 1/2 northern indian. God wills it.
wearing my rain coat today
it's raining you see
not planning on having kids because the gf doesn't want them and neither do i really, but if she gets baby fever in her 30s or something i'll probably go along with it
for now, she's satisfied with her work as a pastry chef and her pet eel
Just know all this taunting and shit will come back to haunt you.
i mean we all have gotten into a fight with our parents
haven't toiled in over a year and a half
Forgot to put my perfume on this morning
Bet I smell like a gross human
It's not even been a couple of months since Black and Brown people were too afraid to leave our homes because of race riots and we're all supposed to just move on and forget it ever happened and not talk about it?
190 fuck off and neck yourself already.
hahaha old mate's gone to heaven x
Actual euros who hate Russia dont post in /brit/ because they hate Britain just as much if not more.
Remember that.

You are a fucking idiot, kill yourself.
those drones they use in wars these days are fucking silly, someone should update the geneva convention to put them on the naughty list with chemical weapons and so forth
big fan of socks with lots of padding at the heel and toe
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pretty sure he was wounded and this is literally a war crime
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having some non vegetable for breakfast
seems completely redundant
they are still leaving tracks
oman that's crazy
Kill yourself. Kill yourself.
I cant stress this enough, you need to kill yourself
g'day lachie
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too late. The cat is out of the bag and armies would rather have drones fighting drones. Fun fact, aerial bombing was made illegal in the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 (ratified by Great Britain and the USA). The Italians did it anyway, in their war against the Ottomans in Libya, with a Lieutenant Gavotti throwing grenades over the side of his plane, and the rest as they say is history.
anime actually fucking sucks
americans are so cultureless
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pint please
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not every country can produce such quality, enjoyable entertainment as the UK
entertainment like uh................
Sex please. Haha
love gta 4 but wonder why they made niko's nose so huge and bulbous
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ima firin mah lazer
Some people have big noses
yeah but not that big, it doesn't look that big in concept art, ingame he's actually quite an ugly man because of his nose
Carol Kirkwood tucking me into bed then wanking me to sleep
Looking at escort ads again lads. Might have a cheeky Wednesday shag.
very weird that rockstar games randomly made a table tennis game once
is india actually a shithole or do youtubers just cherry pick the bad parts?
nice to see you here again lach, haven't seen you in a while, thought you killed yourself
Go and find out yourself
India is one of the largest and most diverse countries in the world
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leftypol embarassed by the 'toss yet again
Is it normal for big companies to give shit wage increases?

The company I work for gave a 2.5% increase this year, despite being 10x the size of my last company, which gave a 5% rise last year.
Thanks. I stopped coming on this site, and no I didn't move over to reddit.
This is a cartoon not a photo collage
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take it up with the CFO sunshine
Growth above all else is objectively bad
She looks like the shitgibbon
my life is unfathomably shitty
I only report racism and spamming
literally what brings salary posters to generals like these

it can't be the creativity otherwise they wouldn't be splurging out boring blog posts

it's got to be a complex or something
thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fef0Eg6Q-I
And off topic on sp for all the good that does
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>I only report racism and spamming
28k man myself
Reckon that's enough for anyone
i was made for loving you baby
you were made for loving me
Pyjamas wet through from where I've been sweating
Because I didn't piss myself I'm 95% sure
Why are you so sweaty sweatylad?
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they're everywhere
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welcome to burger shot mofuckerrrrr
want to buy some new vidya games but not in any big rush
Bit hot weren't it
Did you know that most books are bought in airports?
might get a job as a postman, want to rip around on one of those bikes
Highly autumnal
The minimum wage has increased something like 41% in the past 6 years.
Back then 24k would've been an alright salary
Now? It's literally minimum wage. Also have you noticed how jobs are being compressed into that band?
bro actually sees racism and goes oh my gosh, is it? yes it is! I better inform the moderators about this rule breaking scoundrel!
How come you're alright with prostitutes laughing about your cock but not nurses
keep buying games and then playing them for like maybe half an hour and then never touching them again, but i lie to myself and say i'll get around to finishing them someday, makes me feel well guilty
prostitutes probably see so many knobs in any given week that they don't even remember his
mumberg very quiet last night at tea and now I can hear her sobbing away in the shower.
Most jobs are useless and GDP is driven by creativity which is paradoxical because it's hard to earn a living through creative hobbies or interests. So you end up in a situation where we are now where things are stagnating and it's created an entire timeline of decline
sorry to hear that lad, for me there's pretty much nothing more upsetting than when my mum starts crying
nurses were extremely unprofessional if they really were laughing at him
Just counted 40 posts in a row without a single Brit. Very worrying.
nor would i, i don't think i've ever reported a post for racism in my entire 4chan career and i've been here every day since about 2011
Love using my bidet; but it's noisy, makes me do loud watery farts afterwards, and the shared bathroom wall with the neighbours is VERY thin so it feels almost rude to use it
Give an example of a "useless job", aka one providing no value
>GDP is driven by creativity
point went right over your head
>flying home from Japan
>all the Qantas employees are Indian retards that can't speak a coherent word of English
>taxi driver is another Indian retard that speaks even less English
might actually be over for real this time lads
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a lot of them really are fucking stupid vindictive cows with nothing better to do, at least psych ward nurses are
when i was in the psych ward, one of them tried to say i was sexually harassing her because i looked at her for like 5 seconds, the bitch was in her 40s and not very attractive, she fucking wishes
Mine aha *does a little gay porn snooze on the clock*
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the steamed sausages

who is buying them all?
Most white collar workers are useless and don't provide any growth or even value.

Service workers and minimum wage workers inhibit GDP growth.

Read 'bullshit jobs'
Do you understand what capitalism is because I'm not detailing it here got to leave in a bit
Micro-brain post
rattled bullshit job haver
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sick of it
Explain why a business would hire a worker that provides no value
If this were truly the case, all businesses with fire those workers
can't imagine anything more mentally cucked than wanting to "earn" your money
every man should aspire to be a landlord
sexu arsu
Would fire*
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this is what my life has been like today, got hangover horniness
just surreptitiously googled Qantas because I couldn't believe an Australian airline sounds like a soda brand
apparently it's just an acronym sounded out. weird
You're being productive by having a white collar job and in no way does that create more jobs

Do I have to spell it out to you NTs
going to buy an investment property in an Indian dominated area
didn't ask for them in the first place so may as well exploit them
had a problem with my browser earlier where it was showing that blinking text cursor that you get in writing fields on random bits of the page, accidentally activated it by pressing F7 at some point, it was driving me crazy because i couldn't scroll on pages by pressing the arrow keys
be advised lads, easy mistake to make
How so?
that storm in the night baka
The UK is in a productivity rut and it amazes me that employers across the spectrum don't seem to know how to incentivise people. Nobody gives a shit about the team bonding sessions, free fruit, the crappy perk they pretend is private healthcare, the company points you can earn and spend etc etc. We want cold hard cash.
Scared I've got one
Real answer is the economy and purchasing power for people
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lDTdLQnSQo
Covid is the proof you need to know most jobs aren't actually needed
Hit them with the classic "How So?" and watch as your opponent goes weak in the knees. A dizzy spin
anyone who isn't a retard or making 250k in London is leaving the UK
the diego special
>Covid is the proof you need to know most jobs aren't actually needed
Not really since shutting down the economy caused it to shrink by 20%
t. aspiring social worker
That was because the efficiency of the 'real' jobs were slowed down by all the sudden restrictions
the government laid out what was and wasnt a bullshit job during the pandemic. you're either essential or not. simple as
and watch the video. it's actually a decent one for the subject matter
tried playing resident evil 2 remake, set it to the hardest difficulty, died to the first zombie twice in a row, decided to pack it in and go to sleep
Salaries for semi skilled and graduate jobs are now basically the same as minimum wage (23-25k).
ok now find a partner for this next task
All workers are essential, otherwise capitalists wouldn't hire them.
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Some good advice for you lads
made how alcohol + benzos exponentially increase the likelihood of engaging in reckless/illegal behaviour
the spice of life really
Yeah those REmake games are pretty unreasonably difficult on hard mode. I played the hell out of all of them but never cleared any of them on hard. Would defo recommend you knock it down to normal.
is mario 64 one of those games where they drop an anvil on your head if you go idle for too long? a lot of old games did that as i recall, i always thought it was cunty
did this for my flight yesterday just made feel really sick and anxious for an entire day
i only picked the hardest difficulty because it was the only one where you had limited typewriter ribbons, i wanted an authentic rezzy experience dammit
why'd you do that then? are you scared of flying?
>I analyze sales
>I cultivate automation
>I create recordkeepers
>I coordinate and facilitate the capture and securing of aquatic life for various purposes and vendors
it's all a matter of perspective
Do people in salaried roles work longer than their contracted hours?
just to get me to sleep and get rid of any low level background anxiety
usually it works but not this time wahey
a bet a lot of those fisherman are fucking raking it in, the amount of money you can sell king crabs for alone must've made a lot of them rich
If you're on PC maybe check to see if someone has modded that in for normal mode. Resi 2 Remake has a ton of mods, most of them for Claire's brapper.
my dad used to work 10-12 hour days sometimes 7 days a week
now he seethes that I work from home and do an hour a week
you know you're a gamer when you instinctively pick the hardest setting of the game you're playing
the watch:
I am unemployed
had a commission only job once and i was never more motivated to toil at the top of my game in my life
Same ;_;
wish job coachberg would just get me a comfy wfh gig in the public sector which involves me doing no work
same, job coach is on my back trying to make me get jobs that i'm humiliatingly old for like fast food and stuff
wouldn't mind working in retail again, will do my utmost to avoid working at mcdonalds though
literally this thread you fucking IDIOT

Had a coach who did encourage me to apply for civil service roles and I did actually get an interview for one but didn't get it.

Then I was transferred to a different coach and she was much worse, had me applying to the usual shite like wiping bums in care homes or min-wage rubbish.
very nearly got a job in a care home but ultimately i didn't get it because those sorts of jobs require the vaxx and i'm not a vaxxie
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Just had some mid 20's nigga with no work experience come in to my office and get surprised when I told him he had to start out with min-wage shit
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We don't give a shit in /cum/ if other flags comment, y'all need to stop being obnoxious snobs.
HR departments need to be culled.
Interviews with more than one stage have to be culled.
Quite a good excuse, that. May use it in future myself (even though I am vaccinated and triple boosted myself).
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mate you could have a PhD and 10 years in industry down on the CV and the job coach would have you applying to scrub toilets

their job is to get you off the books
curious how the conversation went from bullshit jobs to job coaches
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Premier league here we come.
been awake since 8pm yesterday
a lot of people in /brit/ are long-term unemployed (at least i hope they are so i feel less alone)
mad how leftypol went from being all like "REEE you can't just hate someone because of where they're from" to rabidly hating russians within like a month
I sometimes think I've fluked into my job lads
After uni, I was a NEET for months. Eventually signed up with a job agency, and the first place they sent me took me on full time. I've worked my way up to being on 30k now.
this isn't /cum/, fuck off.
i'm 29 and i've never been properly employed (odd jobs but never a proper salaried role)
mama mia pizzeria
biggest lie ever told on this website. kill yourself
Might run around the world really fast and go back in time
no point arguing with /cum/ niggas while fat exists because of how evil they are
that being said i did post "some people just want to spread hate" - and if i came here to FOY at them then itd be exactly what fat wants. but dont you say that /cum/ dont "give a shit" when other flags post
umm hello?? new??
no need for all that tobes

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