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get the juices flowing edition
dont like being told what to do by men when theyre saying that i should "get my juices flowing" as an excuse to post their coombait for 10 more hours today. why do they want us to jerk off and cum so bad?
love sexy girls me
too bad I'll never make love to a woman
poos and wees and that
didnt ask for your constant downer on everyone crying every day that you cant get a woman. you make other virgins here sad, so you should stop. keep it to yourself. bottle up your emotions and maybe youll get some bitches on your dick for once (also lower your standards)
not worked for 22 months
need to see them bouncing on some greased up soulpoles
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just the 4 years for me
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>We don't give a shit in /cum/ if other flags comment, y'all need to stop being obnoxious snobs
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FYI that is the shit that i was talking about yesterday, when i was talking about it because of the race bait and IR shit you surround yourself with. you surround yourself with daily shit like that, and constantly get "boo hoo i will never le fuck" and then wonder why you are low mood
thought that was you in the last thread heatherghoul
Israel has ordered all residents over Southern Lebanon to evacuate last night

Lmao they're just ordering ethnic cleansing on places they don't even occupy yet
dee dee from limmy's show is literally me with the key distinction that i'm super neurotic and hate myself whereas dee dee seems pretty happy with his dosser life
I thought I was going to die a virgin until I managed to get a gf for 2 years before she realised she made a terrible mistake and left me. I still wank to our love making sessions.
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Give an Emma Watson gf.
ever shag her up the arse?
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I wish OPs took more responsibility when picking out OP pictures. This thread will be flooded with brown people attracted to the picture
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How'd you manage to get her in the first place?
no but I did stick my finger up her arse when she was riding me and once a bit of poo came out on my finger
the post deleter won't come when you're ready for him
show him what you got, mousey
This is going to sound absolutely mad but I'm convinced it was a case of mistaken identity as there was another person with the same first name and initials as me at work. I reckon she asked for his number but someone gave her mine instead and she was too polite to say anything
my resting heart rate? consistently 60-70
They usually just come in, leave a reply then dip.

I actually take pride in how many JFs I can lure into the thread with my OP images.
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being flooded with Indians is not a good thing
gpberg is very alarmed with my 80-90 resting heart rate. My blood pressure is also a cause for concern.
umm you can't post that image
thats good though...
get them in, I say

get them housed
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Lol, based
just saw spamming/flooding
Why are wages so shit
Sometimes they will handwaive high resting heart rate as "white coat syndrome" i.e the patient is presumed to be nervous in the doctor's office.

Just an excuse for them not to follow-up if you ask me.
You are brown.
actually probably not even an Australian. you are coming here to see an image and act like how a spam bot could, on /int/, coming here to use a vanity flag like you get where you came from - which you came here to make the website worse by reporting images (for free)
probably samefag but it applies to you as well if not
you make this website worse and your prioties are fucked up
you also do it for free and could be replaced by a bot
He would be GIGACHAD if it wasnt for his tragic height
done him
whoever that may be

reminder to everyone that he does it for free

reminder that in no way does he make the website better - his contribution is fucking up the website

his effect is making it so you cant post images on this imageboard, and you having to see these report announcements every time he does his unpaid labour in these normal working hours on a weekday
i never implied it wasnt
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Never too early to get hardcore
wonder how the janny will upset me today?
people are allowed to post images on the imageboard. you are not allowed to post images of the mice on the imageboard.
That's average height
wonder what those twats on youtube whose entire career is based off of making clickbait videos about fake gta 6 leaks will do when the game actually comes out
it'll be a few years before they can feasibly start clickbaiting about gta 7
whenever you dont feel like laughing at the report announcers, just remember that they do it for free, and live in their mothers basement, eating hotpockets, claiming to want the site to be better but at the sae time filling up the threads with them announcing reports / avatar flagging, namefagging, and doing everything that 2014 4chan would be against
that is because their UNPAID labour is meant for fucking up the website and making it unusable

whenever you are laughing at them remember that they dont even do their FREE job properly
monday morning melty
will probably ban you for 3 days and you'll have to sit there and think about how you're a smelly little virgin in their 30s.
what are some good drugs to make gooning and wanking better?
is mousey actually in his 30s?
don't think it's outside the bounds of possibility that he's in his 40s or 50s, it takes a long time to become as deranged as he is
not feeling good after those sandwiches lads

there is a toilet nearby, God willing
carberg going in for a major service in an hour
don't know how I'm going to kill time waiting for it to be done, probably just walk about aimlessly
takes forever, I always just drop it off before work and get it after
find one of those cruises public toilets and have a gay wank
the more women I shag the more I hate them
funny how that works out
got the burzum on
Big fan of Australian Natural Gas
the garage is not conveniently located, I'll basically be stuck in a small town in the middle of nowhere for hours

worth considering
deserves every penny of that £2million after this sickening ordeal from this Kentucky Fried Creep
mad how common car theft is these days, doesn't seem like the sort of thing that would be profitable or easy to get away with
i don't know how to drive manual
reason just to bully me. literally just to bully me all day and then not let me appeal, get no answers, and its just to be cruel - then to fuck up the website and not fix any of the sites actual issues, because you cant. you love the people that bully me as well, or those that announce reports, because it makes people think you are doing your job. but you cant fix any of the problems. all you can do is this charade. last reply to you and im not mad im just disappointed. the people who react to an image and print out a prefilled line are robots and i dont pay any attention to them - but you should know better. but you are just a bully. youre a disgrace to what this website once was and youre also shameless about it. you are a letdown. goodbye (enjoy sitting there trying to get on my dick all day or trying to self-insert into every conversatio and failing because you are so souless and i am the soul and core/nucleus of this website and thread)
whenever people wonder why the website and thread is so bad, or empty, they should look at you and know why. you and all your bots, personas, and friends

out of all the rule-breaking that occurred yesterday, the one thing they remove instantly is an image of a cartoon mouse, not because it breaks the rules, but to bully and make a circus so
that you may continue to be fooled

dont let him fool you with that, and remember the next time the thread is shit with them doing nothing about it that it is them doing it, whenever you are doe laughing at them doing it (fucking up this website) FOR FREE - and the mods are lazy too
i dont respect you

youre a disgrace to what this website once was and youre also shameless about it. you are a letdown. goodbye. im not going to continue here because its what you want and it will let all these people be fooled to be blind to not be aware of how shit you are at your job th enext time a rule-breaker you dont ban comes around in five minutes. not mad, just dissappointed
If you're accelerating and the car makes a funny noise, change up. If you're slowing down and it makes a funny noise, change down.
how do I get a job if I've been a neet for 4 years
ayo I ain't come here to read Of Mouse and Men
ain't reading all dat

spam/flooding post, low quality report announcement, impersonating 4channel staff
goes unpunished because it makes the lazy fucks job easier. it is probably a bot and my doubt with that is only that the WFM faggots could be replaced by robots with these posts being proof
in canada, stolen cars are shipped off to africa by the mafia (based in quebec)
lie on your resume
Just get an entry level retail/warehouse job, and if they ask say you've been a carer for a family member.
cant stop thinking about smartschoolboy9
>want to steal old car
>need key
>want to steal new car
>need gameboy
Not sure what they do with the cars, probably still ship them to Africa.
one reply will do tobes
"I've been a stay at home father"
not mad, just disappointed, because one of these posts is him
you get paid to do your job and then you dont even do it properly - other than the part where youre supposed to fuck the website up as quickly as possible
not mad - not going to be hateful at you - or be mean, rude - but it is such a shame
boohoo nigga
it's really not as much of a hurdle as you think it is
put in the clutch and move the stick
enlighten me then
Just logged in. I take it mousey has been here all night?
> >>202578717

nice double post by the way you fucking faggot

avatar flag, irrelevant catchphrase/copypasta, spam/flooding - he is breaking the rules
uh oh mousey attention melty
probably just apply for them
>nice double post by the way you fucking faggot
one of those posts is you, ya doughnut
Is it creepy to go on a date with a 19 yo girl as a 28 yo guy? asking for a friend
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>tfw semi constipated and manage to push some poo out but there is more poo in there that I know I won't be able to push out
not going to start with you but you have done this all week so i will clear it up
your routine is coming here and saying this, ignoring input, then going forwards with whatever you want to think
your life is wanting to believe something, making out whatever you want from if anyone says something, what you want to believe, then going on with those things - whether they are true or not - to tell people what to do, when your life is this. your life isnt even real and you go tell grown men (as an adult yourself) to "go to bed" - at 9AM

i am only making this post to clear it up in the hopes that you shut the fuck up and stop waking up on a morning and having knee-jerk reactions to whatever is infront of your face to go down a predetermined pathh, whether its you whos doing nit or you are being manipulated. basically get a life. you havent been trained to be sentient in school or by your parents and it left you like this as an adult - you shouldnt be trying to get agency over anyones life you fuck-up
it's very easy to act as a towing company and cars are very profitable when you ship them off internationally
Why are Britcattle so reluctant to talk about salaries? Just lets employers get away with paying shit wages.
what the other lads said, just lie on your resume and aim for low end jobs to start with
literal rape
Mate your posts read like bad Mandarin to English translations
haha pay up lil timmy
have you considered once that people are so immediately annoyed by you that they tell you to fuck off (which you then dont do) because you are the exact same as when boomers used to call up phone numbers and rage at the options robot
going to apply to be a senior business analyst wish me luck lads
opioid aussie is that you
do you have much experience analysing senior businesses?>>202578825
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>you are the exact same as when boomers used to call up phone numbers and rage at the options robot
Mate is messaging me all these "cringe stories" about his girlfriend's ex. Just a poor state of affairs: her badmouthing someone in the position he now holds, him engaging strongly out of some desire to downplay or belittle things. Not how I'd do things.
this website (and anime) is revenge for hiroshima. i said i would be nice to the jannies and mods, not the admin, who bought this website to Microsoft it. and its whats happening to the site
none at all in fact
Jim Kallstrom, FBI
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could you please tell us how old you are mousey?
it was foolish of me to think that me clearing it up would change what you woke up to do with what you wanted to do already decided regardless of whatever people said. you are a robot. you arent sentient enough to hear "as a human being" being called a robot to take a step back and think oh fuck to think that you should maybe change
said someone in toil had sex offender shoes and think they’ve complained to hrberg
had social anxiety my whole life, i remember being like 8 and being seriously avoidant of going to the shop or anything because i didn't want to interact with strangers, i'm still the same over 20 years later
not sure what to do, might have to kill myself, this is no way for a man to live
håller med
Didn't read a single word of this post
toil in 4 hours. fancy having a shag. might go have a punt
whatever mental justification you have in your head right now for my post, because you make another unrelated post back at it, with what you had already planned and set out to do, is wrong, because you arent people
Hope you get done in
Aye calm down Blade Runner
lol mong
feel a bit nauseous after drinking a lot last night, hopefully this comfy rainy morning will help me recovery
how's the food situation? are you able to survive?
Blade runner? You're more like bed shitter
i did a big as fuck cum today (i knew that "he" was going to come here and spam his IR shit or spam/catchphrases and flood the thread and go on unpunished)
had to literally scoop up the cum. was the big big cum. only one shot
think I might be an unironic sex addict
There's so many people at toil who work so much harder than me
Why do they do it to themselves?
a lot of us in /brit/ want to get along with you toby
stop replying to all the negative trolls and giving them attention
Should I start volunteering while I collect bennies?
having a little lemsip with honey as i'm a poorly boy today
because theyre men and you are a dog
is 30k a decent salary
*barks at you*
of course it is
Yesterday he was posting the piss experiments and today he’s having a good ole melty.
How are white bros feeling with Whitetopia collapsing before it started?
can you meet girls at toil
spaffed all over myself in a horny stupor and sent a video of it to a girl I've never met
It's okay
About average I suppose
I don't know how its even possinly to earn under 170lb an annum without being a loser freak
depends what lifestyle your used to but in most of the country 30k is good
They must have failed, that's why he's pissed
Yes but not actually
In the 1990s a Tesco shelf stacker was paid the equivalent of £30k in regards to housing, travel and loans
im gonna buy a lab rabbit and shoot infra-red beams down its eyeballs to see if i can program its brain or make it have a seizure or something
im hoping that it can be stopped early and to go into a different part of the brain by adjusting the power levels
It's now in all her group chats
Can't even get women who are ethncities which initially find me attractive for race/visa, fucks sake
it's over
yes but the pretty ones are all taken
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lol x
brainwashed sexo rabbit uwu

<< Priest 21, this is Trebor. Clear fire. Kill Wyvern. >>
that would be hot to a disgusting little pervert like me
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>30k is a decent salary in bongland
i want to replace or add-on to its brain with a silicon chip, to fire 1s and 0s down its eyeball to transmit data, or the internet. just kidding but i want to see if the on/off states will garner a reaction from the rabbit, and from there it can be reverse-engineered
Alri turt
you don't want to start relationships with colleagues - when they inevitably fail you're then faced with still having to see and interact with them daily at toil
Yeah you probably spend 30k a year on petrol just getting to toil
last warning for you spam/flooding these copy pasted images that have been posted 100s of times before i filter all American flags until your bedtime. im saying this because it doesnt matter if you get a reply from me or not (you dont get replies anyway), and youll keep going hether i ignore you or not. so i will just filter you if you dont stop - but you can do something else and not have that
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don't all the money he has to spend on armour, guns and ammunition to protect himself from mass shooters
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i reckon fruit flies are GMO/AI robots or a hovering microcontroller by Microsoft or the government
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Back in my school days I remember talking to a mate who had lost his virginity after getting his first gf. For some reason they decided it would be a good idea to shag without a johnny and for him to coom inside her. Then the next day, his big brother had to drive them to a pharmacy to get a Morning After pill.

Internally I noted that it all seemed very far away and unattainable for me. Here was my pal having birds over to his house and cumming in them when I had never had a girlfriend. Knowingly, he reassured me that it would happen for me someday as well. Of course it never did and I remain a virgin to this day, 31 years old, but there's still time for me. Still plenty of time.
i swear my local eb games specifically employs pretty yet attainable-looking girls just to lure in incels like me who would otherwise never even consider buying a physical copy of a game
going postal
Day two of the Labour Party Conference and it's all kicking off today. Me and an unnamed legend of this general are seeing Wes Streeting today!!
Are you still going to ask out the one in the red dress?
Well written post, thoroughly enjoyed it
The average is £27k
30k is the median
fruit flies have evolved to be able to know whether youre looking at them or not
they dance around in your face because in the background they are looking for blind spots or dark areas in which they go unnoticed. then (with their flying patterns being a clue) they are able to switch places with one-another to share their time in the open area with it looking to the human or observer like there are less of them than it seems. them not caring about dying is another part of their suicidal tendencies
If you don't lie on your resume you're doing it wrong
met this girl at a party maybe 8 years ago that worked at eb and always wanted shag her really bad
about 4 months ago I actually did end up shagging her
God provides
i unironically get like 13mpg so probably not far off
got serious OCD when it comes to video games, found myself drawing up an autistic little fake calendar for my gta 4 playthrough to ensure that all the events that involve the other protagonists from the DLCs take place on the correct day across all 3 stories
i'm fucking deranged
sacked off going into the office even though i should have
such a fucking runt me
me? no. not met a gf at toil and ive been toiling 16 years.
Surely the average is higher than the median
>ad to drive them to a pharmacy to get a Morning After pill.

So they murdered their child because uh yeah they don't actually have a reason

Then people wonder why God is punishing them with poverty and mass immigration
>For some reason they decided it would be a good idea to shag without a johnny and for him to coom inside her
Sounds like a bloody good time to me lad
if you're remembering a post i made a few days ago, you're mixing up the details, she has red hair and wears a long skirt
and yes i will, you watch
What did her fanny smell like?
The inner Timothy James Byrne roaring inside me as I hear the diggers across the road start up at 9am sharp
how did you manage to keep her in the periphery of your social radar for 8 years?
Oh. God speed, may the shagger gods be with you
think it was smell free if I recall correctly
lusting over female cashiers who are doing their job is rock bottom
you are their nightmare fuel
>why God is punishing them with poverty and mass immigration
since when was sir kier barmer a god?
going poostal
Bullshit. It makes their day if you're now a smelly sweaty troglodyte
quite a lot of salt in warburtons crumpets
are they trying to kill us?
anon was correct about the wine bottle with traces of a solvent left in it having fruit flies in it because of eggs. copilot did also say (the other week) that fruit flies tend to lay their eggs in alcohol-rich areas, because of the sterility of somewhere that has alcohol on it. the next step of getting rid of the fruit flies - which admittedly should of been done before they started dying, or efore this season - would be to have glass bottles open with rubbing alcohol in them, for fruit flies to lay their eggs in, which you could then transport outside (and take the lid back off of) when youre done getting rid of them
becoming unable to work without music from Animal Crossing playing in the background
Hate when I try to press 'update' at the bottom of the page but accidently press 'return' instead
Need them to spread the buttons out a bit
I didn't
just saw her on hinge
also shagged a girl I used to see on the morning commute and always wanted to shag via hinge
stfu nigga
this is what i used to think but trying not to be a creep got me nowhere, the redpill is that women love attention from men, provided you're not completely freakish-looking, and happily i'm quite presentable and tall and not indian, so even though i'm a complete autist inside i can still get pussy if i try hard enough
>"breed or we will import immigrants to your country who will"
anon eerily close to the reality of truth with this post - almost as if he was government...
2 buses in a row cancelled omd toilberg is going to be fuming xD
that's quite a pair of coincidences lad
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mousey's copilot history
sacked off toil oh yeah i sacked off toil oh yeah they can suck my dick
>Morning After pill
The Baby Killing Pill
Don't be a coward
my chatGPT (or openAI whatever it is) history is all me trying to make the robot tell me illegal things like heroin manufacture (which i already knew how to do i am not incriminating myself by asking the spyware companies how to do illegal things) or "dangerous" chemistry experiments
Feel bad for al the times I enjoyed a post and didn't give it a (you)
Just isn't feasible is it
yeah was pretty pleased with myself actually
i still cringe harder at this as an example of australia's natiional shame than i do at that breakdancer girl at the olympics that everyone got butthurt about a few months ago
Mad how abortionists would be happy to shoot a stranger in the street because he slightly annoyed them

Lmao absolutely beasts
Captains log: Spock was correct about the wine bottle with traces of a solvent left in it having fruit flies in it because of eggs. copilot did also say (the other week) that fruit flies tend to lay their eggs in alcohol-rich areas, because of the sterility of somewhere that has alcohol on it. the next step of getting rid of the fruit flies - which admittedly should of been done before they started dying, or efore this season - would be to have glass bottles open with rubbing alcohol in them, for fruit flies to lay their eggs in, which you could then transport outside (and take the lid back off of) when youre done getting rid of them
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wonder if it's not really a coincidence and it's just a fact that women are more likely to shag you if they recognise you even in passing
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>nooo I'm going to let a literal 0 year old cuck me out of my time and money because im afraid of what le god might think
I do think that both of them remembered me somewhat and maybe had the same idea as me, it wasn't hard at all to have sex with them
im an adult and should know better, and the other people are unwilling, but, in a way, going to a place (full of interested scientists) to talk about things - such as my chemistry experiments - and yours - for less-than professional chemists, for them to go argue, is a sneak-peek which could be utilized by schools to have them be together to argue like that - of what the world of science really is. its "arguments" in that you would disprove their hypothesis, or replicate their experiments, which then would make people go on to be ready for the fields of science where they do that with professionals

and for the record, there WAS a color change in the piss with the cigarette ash - it got darker, or more orange. this was before the fruit flies ate it, which makes it darker as well. so it WAS infact a good thing i did it, indeed
biker gangs seemed to be a serious problem in australia about 10 years ago but the police cracked down on them hard and now they seem to have completely disappeared, didn't think the police could actually accomplish anything but it seems they did
demi lardner thighs
You don't have a life unless you have a child
Chilli oil shit
Ringpiece is on fire
God help me
absolutely shocking brew this is.
if you are going to dismiss someone elses chemistry experiment by saying something like "expects it to change color, or hes making magic potions" - then you should at least have knowledge or be learned enough to back it up, or talk about what you are doing
the goons are out
Sick of people asking for more money to the detriment of everyone around them
How would men possibly get by in modern society without Rape? At this point, there is only Rape and its plethora of Variations. Men can only Rape. There are women that accept that they have been Raped and women that do not accept that they have been Raped. And men that accept that they are Raping and men that do not accept that they are Raping. But there is one thing that is always a singularity in the dichotomy: there is only and always Rape -- 'Tis the folly of {Sex}
hiring an analytics team to discern which trends receive the most (you)s
How is piss and cigarette ash a chemistry experiment?
hello government
i do need more money though. mental how youve the technology to read minds but cant do anything to benefit the lives of the people that live in our country
and weather machines
curious dynamic in /brit/ where (in general) the Australian posters are modestly successful shaggers and British posters are neeky call centre losers
haven't seen any homeless outside co op in a while
you do not deserve a single penny
about 2-3 years ago there was this REALLY attractive girl who used to work at a grocery store i frequented who, about 4 years after i last saw her, pulled up and offered me a ride home once because she spotted me at a bus stop, when it was raining, i declined because it was raining pretty hard and i didn't want to get drenched stepping out of the bus shelter for 3 seconds to get in her car, also because i was shy, in retrospect i really should've just done it, i still think about it almost every day
sounds like you're a boring cunt that's projecting
how isnt it?
its also pest control - and using the chemicals in the ash - arsenic - to kill fruit flies. its an experiment bevause i have a hypothesis of what might happen, and am doing that to be ready for the next day wherein i know that the solution should change color, to be ready for any other outcome
She has an Indian boyfriend now
It's thought that Nazi party alchemist Franz Tausend was on the verge of a breakthrough in turning piss and fag ash to gold just before his arrest and imprisonment. Sadly he died in prison before he could complete his research.
>I'm not boring I take drugs and can't stop myself from having sex
I uh yeah mate you need help
this would haunt me
nah i saw her again at the gym a few months ago, her boyfriend was this massive roided up zoomer
franz mausend
i deserve multiple single pennis to afford
poppy seeds (mexican prickly poppies)

to then grow poppies and extract the sanguamine out of the roots to create herbicides to sell to the neighbourhood. this will make their gardens better
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We call them roidtrannies
very fun and easy to make fun of Indians but it must be fucking brutal to be an Indian man in Australia
i deserve methamphetamine and a job, and then i will also study (going to do that anyway), to help the economy and country
I think it's shit wherever they are desu
Better than being an Indian man in India
no meth
no benefits
no piss
catberg after my weetabix
>what do normies do for fun
>uh take drugs and fuck I guess
state of you
really need medication for my mental illness but it takes like 6 months to get a doctors appointment these days, and you still have to pay a ridiculous co-pay
i took for granted how much easier life was before covid
meanwhiel SSM and benefit fraudsters get to buy 5 playstation 5 consoles a month. meanwhile if i got more money i would spend it wisely and also have a better quality of life - the best quality of life year added on to my life (i wont live very long on my current diet/anviroment) would be £20,000 a year !!


spam/flooding / catchphrase
>na bro having family I'm not ready to settle down

Lmao you're just the male version of a slut
it would and in my case it does
as it should be
every 25 year old below-average person should get ONE treatment of DMT for neuroplasticity and to help the countries future and economy, and to make people smarter
America fought and won a revolution in the 18th century against a global superpower (Britain) and created one of the greatest most modern civilisations on Earth while Haiti also fought and won a revolution in the 18th century against a global superpower (France) and is now one of the most desolate places on earth to live.

Literally the difference between white and black people
don't know why they even come here
>live 5 of them to a bedroom in some dogshit outer suburb
>completely invisible to women
>not at all respected by anyone, increasingly hated
>any moderately attractive Indian woman refuses to date them
guess they're all under the impression that they're going to uberjeet themselves to the top
wanted to try DMT until recently but i watched more videos about it and now it seems really scary
we should make people happier - in turn they would be able to do more - and that then will make the country a happier place to be in
Not really true though is it
>in some dogshit outer suburb
this is the maddest part to me
i work in city cbd and some of my indian workmates live like fucking 1-2 hours away and see no problem with it
wish i had real friends, i have a few friends but it seems like none of them are truly on the same wavelength as me
he posts from his smeggy bedroom while complaining about chads
training her clapper for hoodlums pleasure
DMT would make them less likely to care about the economy and other frivolous things
>I'm the alpha male I have no responsibility
I uh yeah no
I don't think you realize how much drugs are a normie thing until you have been around people that do hard drugs. For example, if normies didn't vape or smoke cigarettes they would do crack and fentanyl. We demonize them because they are "hard" but these are normal things to consume. Like how alcohol is also a normal drug to consume.
we should live in a world that is unbelievable to our eyes with the quality of life improvements we have over other countries and technology, and one day we will - and today will be like the times in England where the drinking wasnt safe to drink because of all the poo
it literally is you slathering idiot.
need a vice me. hard drugs maybe
>no kids = no responsibility
you're projecting again
they would first of all be more intelligent
and second, happier
this would lead to them doing whatever they like, which cant have a negative impact on the country, as their intentions will be good and their life happier. it will cause the good things to spread, whereas, nowadays there is so much negativity in my opinion - not just on 4chan, but in real life a different type of negative and gloom
i've never known this
jacob jacob jacob, we haffi teach the badman his lesson an ting
Abortionists smothering their parents with a pillow when they begin to show the slightest signs of needing help
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>slathering idiot
abusing opioid painkillers has been more enjoyable and somehow cheaper than drinking for me
get the shelves stacked

get the customers rang up

get the shop closed then be up at 4AM to open
I uh having to pay your drug dealer back a loan isn't a responsibility
apparently the abortions being allowed in the case of rape and incest is happening, but its up to 6 weeks (source: MDJ!! )
and i dont know much about it because i have never been raped, and im not a psychologist. but my way of thinking is that it could be hard for them to have a time constraint, as it is surely a difficult thing to go through. there may also be coercion - and is even more of a problem to get around if its a family member
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here you go lad
Whenever team video calls end I'm always slow to hang up. Every time its a desperate race not to be the very last one.
I unironically don't know what keeps them going
just endlessly toiling for minimum wage in a country that doesn't respect them, where they can never get ahead or even get a shag
i think it is best to have your own opinion on the matter, and then not argue about it constantly with the other side. and then look at the facts as well as extracting knowledge from it, especially about how womens bodies function
Don't get why abortion is allowed
leaving the call as soon as possible is the only way i can let people know that i was paying attention and not dossing around during the meeting
I have to get back to work so I'll leave you do seethe in your childhood bedroom
i'd imagine wanting to get the fuck out of india is one hell of a motivator
Ive always got the leave button hovered for most of the call
that sucks
but did you know that pregnancy comes with risks to the mother? there is also an increased risk with women over 40 who are pregnant (but that age number is going up i think)

Because it's the Jewish religion, over 1000 Jewish groups have signed a petition to support it

Hence if you oppose abortion you are opposing the Jews making you an enemy of America and the UK
it was just a little mistake >.< now i gotta be a MUM
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jobcoachberg says she could really see me as a cop, dunno what she's playing at, i'm too rebellious to be a lawman, i'd probably become corrupt within a week
Got some light rain sounds playing in my autism headphones. It lush
Yes i know i could just listen to the actual rain, but then I have to listen to noisy neighbours and builders and cars and annoying children running around.
quintessentially British...
Slinging weed to teenagers isn't a job
fuckin based
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Imagine talking to American person without mentioning hamburger or slavery
you're not the guy who spams emojis in response to any semi salient point then
there's a lass at my place who does that, constantly acting out to attract attention and project herself as a leader.
just an average day in sunderland
*thumbs up*
*heart wrapped in a bow*

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