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bad night edition
monclay edition
pooey anuses
NOT going to the pub and NOT drinking beer
1 in 2 pregnant women that have had postpartum psychosis/mania (1 or 2 in 1,000 chance) are likely to have it again
goons are out
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I miss CRT tvs and monitors
I deserve to be based
lol nobody gave a fuck about the Belgium spammers posts when he wasnt talking about it
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>postpartum psychosis/mania
Aka women becoming defensive over their child
old boomer that fucked toilberg out of a 40k contract with fucking up delivery deadlines just called me asking if i could get a good word in after being radio silent for a week
its so fucked that alcoholics get to receive more in benefits and not have their benefits cut off completely to make way for job seekers
yeah against demons or something
a lot of them harm themselves or baby
Heard someone use the word "jubblies" as a name for breasts and I'm not sure what to make of it
If it is the responsibility of one's parents to prepare their children for adulthood then in that regard my parents have failed.
has he at least offered to suck you off in exchange?
*whinging, nasal voice*
If it is the responsibility of one's parents to prepare their children for adulthood then in that regard my parents have failed.
lad at a certain point you have to live your own life even if they were shit parents, fucking pathetic to still be banging on about this shit as a grown man
Considering one of the possible outcomes is infanticide, no.
Some people aren't good at handling the physical and psychological trauma and the hormonal changes of late pregnancy, childbirth and early motherhood
No he's just asking me a favor because I'm the one actually in charge and overseeing this and he's trying to lean on me because I'm younger. I dislike toilberg and it's actually been fun to watch him fume for the entire past week but this needs to stop
got to redo the note that i made in my journal yesterday, because i did it wrong
okay time for a shower shit and shave
Fucked my life up, ought to just kill myself
fucking hell its cold
Yes it's pathetic. They can discuss how pathetic it all was amongst themselves at my funeral between cress sandwiches and a cup of tea. Perhaps it will bring them closure.
good thinking
im doing mine in about 40 minutes
get a grip
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very weird being in my late 20s and frequently seeing lads who look and act older than me but are actually like 5 years younger
not sure if it's a perspective thing and i'm a massive manchild or i actually am an ageless immortal being, in a perpetual state of physical and emotional teenageness
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whenever i feel like this i just watch those TLC documentaries about morbidly obese people, makes me feel a lot better about myself
>trauma of motherhood
low iq ape willing to get put away for murder because of a bit of road rage
That's drug abortion cell on the bike
think it's good to keep some childlike wonder as you age as long as everything else is sorted out
last of my almond milk today that i didnt drink yesterday because it makes me more hungry and i was saving it to think about using it for pasta macaroni n sauce
going to have a big pot of pasta with tomato later today anyway :)
Literally heemed
That's why you wear a helmet, kids
Based Dad
turns out mushrooms are basically just the penis of the mycelium organism breaking out of the ground and spaffing into the air
ktim but I don't care
I'm a sensitive young man and will be until I die (like an Australian Morrissey)
iodine making my brain stronger
more powerful
>learning to drive a car
what kino?
>toilet paper rips and I touch my bumhole
>wash finger 100 times and it still doesn't feel clean
Might have to chop it off
*Gives you an episiotomy*
reckon "incelyum organism" would be how aliens classify me in their study of humans
hope the cunt got prison time
Hope he gets stabbed in prison
Often get asked how old I am but not in a "wow you look great for your age way" but more in a "wow this guy must have something mentally wrong with him as he has the stunted development of a 12 year old yet is clearly an adult man".

Like the moment they ask always lines up with the point in the conversation when I've revealed that I've done absolutely nothing in life and suddenly my physical age creates some unavoidable dissonance in their brain where they must immediately clarify whether I'm actually in my 30s or 10 years old with Benjamin Button syndrome or something.
snuggly and warm in bed while it's grey and wet out
wow get a grip
At least Ronnie Pickering offered a square go
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Brown girls
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patlabor 2
Sometimes get asked if I have kids
They're unironically in America right now. The wife is posting on Facebook.
nothing some stitches and opioids cant fix up
literally used to habitually pick my bum and eat my own poo for a few months when i was 13, i stopped when i noticed there were little white worms in it
visible pubic hair

just not on is it
probably the worms that made you do it

like that futurama episode
screaming. fuck cyclists
Ah yes instead of ironically being in America
probably okay if you're a prostitute like she clearly is
that would be mental if you got the tapeworms, and then they laid their eggs inside of you to go into stage 2 and go out (not through the fat though) and then you ate that
like going through multiple stages of worms in one body that seems a bit weird
take that back right now I'll slit your throat
We don't have an extradition treaty with the US do we? Presumably we have to ask for the cunt to be sent here.
same, in fact I'm at an age now where people automatically assume I have a family and I have to awkwardly correct them
on a sfw board I mean
All I've eaten in the last 24 hours is crisps, biscuits, and sausage rolls
almost can't believe my mum let me play grand theft auto as a kid, i wouldn't let my kids play it
shut up nigga
I don't believe you
remember that stupid bint that drove on the wrong side of the road and killed a lad? She fled to America and pretty much got away with it
wasn't allowed it myself

had Simpsons Hit n Run instead, arguably the superior game
reading all those Australian/Canada posts btw
or was
not saying anything but i dont know anything about it. but im watching
also had simpsons hit and run, it's a perfectly fine game but it's shit compared to gta
We do but the criticism you often hear in the news is that the US reject most of our requests for extradition whereas we reject virtually none of theirs.
mumbergs had no idea, mine used to refer to it as "that driving game", oblivious to the fact I was murdering prostitutes and setting up drug distribution networks
saved my last sniff of that strange piss for after i finish all of my stuff today
and then it will be sealed and ill transfer it to a seethrough container, lest it evaporates (again)
raised by wolves weren't you
I only got fluffy bunny games and I was probably a bit too innocent as a teen as a result
Snapchat keeps spamming me with notifications encouraging me to add people, probably cause I haven't used the app in about a year
What are New Zealanders like? I've heard they greet each other with Maori greetings and they use Maori word. Fucking cringe if true.
Are they mixed? or are they still white? How different is their culture from other Anglo-Saxons?
the boy is mine
i can't wait to try him
let get intertwined
Yes I can say we Rasheed
That was fucked, she got some pointless suspended sentence for it and got away with it
>she told Northamptonshire Police officers: "I drove like an American and drove on the American side of the road."
It happened again recently but we got her before she could fuck off
Americans are thick, I've spoken to them before about driving in the UK and they genuinely cannot get their head around driving on the left, it's very strange.
is this David Bowie
they are 99% the same as us
Remember Mousey? This Is What He Looks Like Now - Picture 6 Will Make You Cry!
they hate the french thankfully
sex sex Arianna Grande
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i played san andreas in front of my mum and she didn't care, she actually watched some of the cutscenes and thought they were funny
i lent a copy to a mate of mine when i was in primary school and the next day he called me up and said i had to come to his house and pick it up because his parents didn't want him playing it, i didn't understand at the time why they were being such tightarses, but i get it now
love carrying around cash
Why aren't you one country?

verry reddity
leftypol types do that
yes it is
all maori have double digit % euro in them, most whites have no maori admixture, but are a mix of English, Scottish and Irish
basically the same
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shitting up my back
remember that no matter how attractive a woman is she still does big stinky poos so she's no better than you are
>Yes I can say we Rasheed
t. the shameful people brigning shame upon our country with how fat and useless they are
a scene worthy of depiction in an oil painting
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I hardly see how almost being ran over by a mentally ill inbred ape justifies having your head smashed against a concrete road.
this has been debunked
attractive girls just pass small odourless pellets like owls
Ever since I noticed forehead wrinkles on myself I always look for them on other people
most people have them but so many people have perfectly smooth foreheads somehow, which I don't understand at all
this helped me with anxiety as a young lad when approaching sexy babes
Is playing as a girl in games gay
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>I hardly see how almost being ran over by a mentally ill inbred ape justifies having your head smashed against a concrete road.
state sponsored french terrorism (wikipedia's word not mine)

dont look at peoples head whilst youre talking to them it lowers their disposition
Can't believe these people exist
They didn't want to join in when we federated, also they're separated from us by a large enough body of water that you could argue it would have been relatively impractical in the early 20th century to have a shared government
use sunscreen
use vitimin c
31 and have a forehead wrinkle now, not a fan
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BAD lads
no, it's just a game
*scratches your car that you've worked so hard for and escapes up a narrow alley*
could do with a Turkish Barbers, phone shop, vape shop, dessert bar, another turkish barbers, Ladbrokes and a nail salon
Already have a full skincare routine
wonder how the blacks and pakis will care for places like this once they have fully overrun Britain
I suspect it will all get kicked over to make room for shipping containers
lmao fucking based
wonder how old jason and lucia in gta 6 are going to be
hope they're not zoomers
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Brown girls
shipping containers?
There is an idea of a (You), some kind of abstraction
absolutely mentow
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what a country we live in
look like mid-late 20s to me
the quintessential zillennials
yea better to be a shut-in incel who never goes out and enjoys life to its fullest
Isn't that normal in London
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hope they're 15 and 14 respectively
>Older brotherberg is moving to Australia
I'm going to miss him lads
the drug dealers and crooks who go to live boxing events can afford this
the rich get richer, as the saying goes
did the oestrogenic poison-drinking mong overspend on oestrogenic poison and carcinogenic seed-oil lathered fast food
sunscreen causes cancer
>that is living life to its fullest
its raining catsteins and dogbergs
Went in a pub near Wembley once and it was about 20 quid for a cheeseburger so I had a guiness and a packet of crisps for lunch instead.
sorry to hear (that'll you'll be missing him)
good to hear (that he's moving to aus, good on him)
on the brightside, it'll give you a reason to visit - enjoy the sun and some nice cold schooners
Got your thesaurus out, did you
join him lad
come home white man
>tfw no spic gf to go robbing with
Cuckshit aside, I cannot imagine anyone wanting to have a black child, it sounds fucking weird. Surely they wouldn't seem like your child if they're a different race.
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>did the oestrogenic poison-drinking mong overspend on oestrogenic poison and carcinogenic seed-oil lathered fast food
but they're full
I don't have anything worthwhile that would contribute to Australian society.
jason looks a lot older than he did in the leaks
millennials will turn right wing in the next few elections like hippies voting for reagan/thatcher in the 1980s
posted it again
All these Ausrorkes not realising that bloke's brother is brown
since the free trade deal we signed recently with the UK, we've made it easier for you to emigrate - particularly if you're willing to work in construction, shitload of irish and english over here in construction right now
are you white?
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wtf how are they so cheap
made a chicken and avocado sandwich for elevenses x
My routine is unironically more autismo than Bateman's lol
I'm too fat (through no fault of my own) for manual labour
not if they don't own property
£9 for two ice creams with bits of bubble gum at the bottom? Are you having a fucking laugh?
Don't think it's dissociation but sometimes I get so much in my own head I'm not really conscious of the world around me, just been downstairs but dunno for long or what I did down there
Shame about fans going to a playoff final when it's Morecambe vs Mansfield and it takes them all day plus about 2 months salary when any 40k stadium in the North would do just fine.
grim this x
do you reckon gta 6 will be the last gta game before rockstar goes tits up? honestly not expecting to ever see a gta 7
in which to live
they won't build things will they
Rourke's mind crumbling at the thought of a black man having sex
Thinking of opening a school for decorum lessons in Australia
what why? :(
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looks like the grinch farted on it
yeah that's mint that
Might become a criminal
>gta v is the most successful game ever made
>somehow rockstar will collapse
reckon we will all me nuked by the Israeli Samson protocol by then
couldn't racemix me. couldn't care for my kid if he came out with chinky eyes or a dark skin and weird kinky hair
we had this one yesterday mate. Time for a new one
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Bet her breath mings
Messed up my week already
It’s so over
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evolution understands this, which is why babies look like their dads initially, so men don't throw them against the wall.
we don't instinctively love children if they don't look like us, which is one of many reasons why racemixing is stupid.
for me it's the webm where she eats shit directly out of her partners arse
not saying the company will completely collapse, just saying they'll get too comfortable resting on their laurels, their best people will leave or retire, and they'll become a shell of their former selves, not hard to believe considering it's taken them over a decade to even put out a trailer for gta 6
Would love to eat her chocolate ice cream
corrected the journal image ^.^
shower time for me to be honest
poo smells :/
Why can't the government actually play the role of property development and then sell those properties at subsidized prices? This is the model in both Singapore and Hong Kong. The Home Ownership Scheme in Hong Kong was actually introduced by the then British Hong Kong government back in the late 1970s and today around 1/3 of homeowners in Hong Kong actually live in these flats. In Singapore, the HDB is even a bigger success story with around 80% of households living in government subsidized housing. The irony is that in both societies the public housing model was originally based on the UK model.
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2 hours down, 38 to go x
thugging it out here lads
head down, chin up, willy wanked, simple as
they've got enough prestige to keep recruiting top talent well into the future I'd imagine, but yeah I reckon GTA VII will be yonks away
sucking a ngiga dick the whole time
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Got a pic of your room lad
better than no job x
Rockstar already is a shell of its former self
they used to be proud of the controversy and backlash surrounding their games, they liked to think of themselves as the rebels of the industry, now it's just another giant corporate machine to extract as much money as possible from consumers
just look at the fucking state of that "remaster" of the original trilogy, that's not an example of a studio that cares about its output
4 hours down, 33.5 hours to go for me as a wfh flexy chad x
lads what was deleted?
How can anyone eat shit, is there something wrong with her
Criticism of israel
Might go to the local all girls primary school disguised as an Armitage Shanks
this meeting is OVER
noooo the government can't cut out mega corporate leeches for the benefit of the taxpayer that's gommunism
fr what they putting in pepsi max addictive as fuck
probably yh
Alright guys? On my break at work. Not too bad so far. Big delivery and we haven't finished it yet.
get the deano boxes built
sugar and lots of it
Educated NZers are mostly soy redditors, with a few neoliberal boomers with a chip on their shoulders.
Most people are super kind and welcoming to foreigners.
Kiwi men are quite handy/DIY people.
Obsessed with coffee.
I fucking hate most of my country and my people.
mad how physically weak women are compared to men, never really noticed this until i started going to the gym, my absolute beginner lifts were basically equivalent to a fairly advanced female lifter
When you getting a comfy WFH job like the rest of us lass?
What was that soy comedy show that was mocked here a year or so ago, can't remember if it was Kiwi or Aussie now actually
I lost 2kg on my diet this week :3
You a nonce?
chuck the migrants in them x
esoteric dengism
Wish someone would deliver a big heavy meat cleaver to your neck
ktim felt like a right freak buying a massive crate of it in tesco at the weekend
Probably never because I don't have the relevant skills for one of those yet.
>I fucking hate most of my country and my people.

lmao same
just had to scrape a dead rat up from my yard. dunno which trap got it. i had 2 out and both had been sprung and the rat was about 30cm from them both without obvious signs of what actually killed it. plus the poison in the bait box which i think must have already killed some but with poison they usually die in their holes and this one was out in the open. there were at least 3 a week or so back. ive only observed one in recent days. saw the fucker last night. its the same one that was dead this morning and in a state of advanced rigor mortis and early signs of decomposition. hopefully the war is won. until next time.
how often do you finger your bumhole?
Dr Pepper Zero is the thinking man's zero-sugar drink of choice

although I do also treat myself to a 4-pack of monster ultra energy zero sometimes
I do martial arts so that wouldn't work.

You're either very fat (for now) or ill
What are you going to do if that lad comes back who took pictures of you? Will you kick his arse?
more like livor mortis
and they are using rat poisons which ruin the female rats oocytes nowadays too ;-;
they are quite mixed with maoris yes, however maoris are not as subhuman as abos so it's not that big of a deal
otherwise they're very similar to australians, maybe a bit less obnoxious
I wanna move overseas but there isn't really anywhere to go
going to shit
gone to shit
Dece money but more of a nanny state than here
Love Japan after visiting but I don't wanna learn Japanese and I don't want to intrude on their culture
Fuck no
Maybe but I don't wanna get shot by niggers
22 billion black hole
You rowed here, we growed here
No idea, sorry love
I don't browse here much
sex Australia sex sex
He won't be coming back.

Vimto zero is good. And Fanta Pineapple and Grapefruit (formally known as Lilt) zero sugar.
>that lad comes back who took pictures of you?
wait what did I miss?
>not now sweetie, daddy has to post this on Reddit
First one
If I die tomorrow literally only my mum would come to my funeral and I would have nothing to show for my life
Don't do it anon
Don't do that to ye mum
Is there anything that can be done by the mother to prevent premature births?
Looks like a 55 year old man
Some lad turned up at the Aldi where ST works and took some pics of him
Morning mousey
your da's had 22 billion blacks in his hole
i think usually they induce births rather than trying to delay them for longer than however long they would need to
why did james bond drink vodka martinis instead of gin? was he a double agent for the russians all along?
>The term yard is reserved for a hard surfaced area usually enclosed or at least with limited access. In modern Britain, the term yard is also used for land adjacent to or amongst workplace buildings or for commercial premises, for example timberyard, boatyard or dockyard.
can no long even go out in public
women keep interrupting me
obsessing over the size of my giant penis
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2025 calendar arrived get in
I don't have the money to even think about just packing up and going overseas
Even if I did, I would not be able to get a remotely decent job wherever I move with my CV so would basically be condemning myself to living as an underclass in a better country
Wish he'd've turned up with an uzi
>hat trick
>last gasp winner vs 1st place team as a promoted side

Fucking KINO
Well stick with it then pal
Keep in mind some days it will go up due to all kinds of other factors, don't let it put you off. And never say 'fuck it I'll start again tomorrow' because that's how people give into their old ways again.
He was a triple agent for Mossad
not really anything he can do though is there, it's all in the hands of the hospital staff
fun post
maybe you are a bit fun to be around and would be chill
Fraudbameyang nearly costed us yet again
when we're these posted?
a vodka martini sounds more sophisticated than vodka shots which it basically is
in my dreams
A triple agent for mossad would drink the blood of Palestinian Epstein island victims
Did the virtual man kick the ball?
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tried watching the bond films in order, they were all so fucking boring i had to be monged out on opioids to get through them, got up to you only live twice (1967) before giving up, was hoping i could at least get through all the sean connery ones but it was not to be
Need some dumb fag plapmeat to pound with my massive heavy bullpipe, which one of you little fucktoys needs a real big dicked bully putting your tiny bubblebutt in its place? A giant pair of bullnuts that by themselves can stuff your tiny brat mouth full, let's see what you've got then fuckmeat~
>FIFA 23

omds rorke
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Yeah fortunately for me I've got a comfy-ish job
He was a quadruple agent for the SS
Cherry Blossoms have been blooming these last few weeks lads
Also happy Equinox
fuck you sir
Wait, was that sōy reddit NZ programme Flight of the concords?
You are so cringe when you hornypost Diego
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the other day
alri alan
dunno but you should ignore that and instead support the australian television industry by watching one of our programmes, such as danger 5, summer heights high, or bluey
• Get the migrants fed
• Get the migrants washed
• Get the migrants medically checked
• Get the migrants housed
• Get the migrants shagged
• Get the migrants paid
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Didn't go to uni me
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I'm going back there in 30 minutes. I'll get more photos
My asiaometer is going off saying they're Korean
Thoughts on the trades and all that?
Got a friend who quit his comfy office job and is now an apprentice for a sparky at like 31 years old
wouldn't want to meet limmy, bet it would be like walking on egg shells
l dont believe you
hitler... he's the worst criminal of all time...
The guy from Youtube? He's funny but he seems like he'd be a right arsehole IRL
That one where Connery goes to that island and there's a weird metal fire-breathing dragon thing is so fucking unbelievably boring and shit.
But he killed Hitler. What a hero
reckon it'd be fine if it was a sub-10 second interaction
have we had any kind of confirmation that that's actually Tilde and not just a random Aldi employee
Might get in to that 2bh
my current wfh toil is aids

at least as a tradie your actually out and about doing something and all your co-workers aren't reddittors
also considering this
let the lads play with their dollies
There's 1000 odd aldi stores in this country and one of us managed to track him down? That's some commitment.
i think that's dr. no, which was the first film so i can't be too hard on them, of the ones i watched goldfinger was probably the least boring
too scared of going to a job site to do it myself
bigger boys are there and they're all ruffians
On the severe downside though, you work with absolute retards who will get mad at you for nothing and will steal your shit.
Also some of the tradie bosses I've seen treat their apprentices like absolute fucking cunts, so you gotta find a good tradie to be an apprentice for, and be able to stick up for yourself
>gets sent to buy a tin of tartan paint at 31 years of age
>complaining about doing nothing when you're working from home

what? why would you ever give that up?
would make the new but i dont have a good image for the OP
Nah my friend's not a retard, and he comes from a working-class background, even though he was a project manager in an office job previously.
not that fucking hard when "it" keeps leaving clues .

It's Shrewsbury by the way.
would make the new but I'm a yank and don't feel it's my place to do so
Japanese guy at my gym come from a family of swordsmiths
Imagine having some family business you could go in to after school instead of having to spend years stressing trying to get a good degree so you can get a job at some company that doesn't give a fuck about you where anyone higher up than you doesn't even know you exist and slaving away to make a profit for some cunts you'll never meet

we need to bring back small family-owned businesses
good lad
had to do some managerial stuff then. Felt gay as hell
My threads are getting blackhole o algo.
Already created 2 threads and they aren't getting posted.
unironically laughed so hard at this
It’s 100% not Tilde. It’s some ugly middle aged woman.

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