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It's so fucking over edition
the tutsi will pay for what they done
hutus lost
hush tall tree
yes he is ignore this fag hes him>>202602848
not that I give a fuck about lebs but it pisses me off how one sided the war is. i hope they kill more jews.
I'm not though.

goes hard ?
what do you mean you have people there?
who the fuck would go and live in lebannon if he wasn't from there?
I don't live in Lebanon.
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>Did Saida get hit at all? I have family there from my mother's side
Why are saujeets trying to dox each other 24/7 on here, what kind of impotency fueled manlet power-tripping attempts are these
how do you have family there if they're not from there?
It's what happens when you don't like a democracy.
One side gets a voice, so they try to leverage the government to silence the other.
Do you think people are by default inbred with a family tree that's all circles and all from the same place?
so you're mom is leb6ezyah?
Her mom was.
هذا مخلوق مط مهجن نص طرش و نص لبناني
يفسر انحطاطه و بؤس حاله
what about her dad?
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ariban giddan giddan
من حضارم اندونيسيا
kek is this how you cope with being a mystery meat mixed race degenrate mutt
>انا احسن منك عشان شجرة عائلتي دائرة
يلعن كس امك طيب
From burma (myanmar)
Saudi "nationalists" worship niggers more than American cuckservatives. Show a
Saudi nationalist a picture of his country's national football team of Africans
and he'll tell you about the time they beat Argentina, remind him that 15% of
his native population are Afro-Arabs and he'll jump with joy, tell him that the
Prophet Muhammad stood with a literal nigger against his Arab kinsmen and he'll
say peace be upon him.
شجرة عائلتي مثلت لأننا كلنا قاعديين
Nothing's a mystery in my tree.
since when did us cuckservatives worship blackies?
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انا احسن منك لأني أصيل و عندي مجتمع أنتمي له و اقرى تاريخه مو مثلك شجيرة مقتلعة من جذورها
اطلع من تهامة أجدادي يالمولى ابن المولى
US btw not us
me at the bottom finishing off the bloodline
we are proud of being black, ytboi
>he thinks reading is an achievement instead of a normal activity
And then you wonder why we laugh at you inbreds.
ربي ازل الشرق الاوسط من ارضك الواسعة
انحر نفسك وبتكون هذي أول خطوة
ربي أدخل الشرق الأوسط في خرقك الواسعة
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>we laugh
nobody's laughing here except at you
nobody likes you and your people, everyone knows you for being second class citizen mutt abeed
girls love bedouins, they'd rather be with well-adjusted young bedouin men who has white camels than to be with a boring mutt who has a boring accent and culture
>nobody's laughing here except at you
This is a cope btw
تضحك على مين ياعمري؟ الإنبريدز هم من يحكم البلد. أكثر إقليم إنبريد هو نجد وصادف هذا أنه كل السياسيين والتجار والوزراء من هنا.
مشكلتنا ليست الإنبريدينق بل قلته
>girls love bedouins, they'd rather be with well-adjusted young bedouin men who has white camels than to be with a boring mutt who has a boring accent and culture
Corny ass nigga
اسف استاذ قمرالدين دبيازة بس هذي هي الحقيقة
انه عالم بدوي و انت بس عايش فيه
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جيش ماسر العزيم
>آل صعوط عايشين في قصور بوسط المدن
>"بدو رعاة إبل مثلي!!!"
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Is kuwait a good place to live?
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it's (or was) one of the most democratic arab cunts. the prince dissolved the parliment recently tho.
overall it's good but very hot.
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>ومن اولن فينا البداوة سبوبة
>واليوم صرتوا مثلنا بدو و اعراب
خالد الفيصل السعود
>انا معزي صفوة اولاد وايل
>نسل الرجال اللي كثيفن فخرها
عبدالعزيز بن عبدالرحمن السعود

كيف نتأقلم طرش بروز؟ ايشبمهم البدو المعفنين اخدو كل حاجة؟ كاااااااي يا واد
I cant tolerate above 30c
>خالد الفيصل السعود
تستشهد بمكّاوي
يا واد حل عن ثقافتنا
You know, it's MY fault for talking to a LARPing jeet.

قال ظفيري قال
The sad truth is, the strong survive while the weak die and are forgotten about. If the Lebanese go extinct as a nationality I don't think anyone will miss us.
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مكة حقنا هاه
جدة جمبنا
الطايف حولنا
كااااااااي يا واد فين المزمار اديني السوبيا يهوه
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>الباجيت ما يعرف ان الصحيح عند الشيبان اختصار الال
>يحسب ان الاولين كانوا يتوقفون و يقولون اااااااال
كيك ساااااااار فضح نفسه سااااااار
>damage control mode
this person is an incel btw and spends his time arguing with women online over why they fuck foreigner Chads
isn't this the guy that was fixated on that half syrian half saudi girl?
nice headcanon faggot
you'd know about that being morocoon and all kek
>يالصباح و يالسعود اليا انتخيت
>عزوتك عناز راع الطايلات
خالد الفيصل السعود
الحين انت ابدا الدامج كنترول صدق يا صديق كيك
لعنبوك تتحداني في لغتي يا باجيتو لبناني
>باجيتو لبناني
>نص الجزيرة العربية اشكالهم هنود
يلعن ام حياته البائسه
Every saudi incel on twitter was seething about her so you might need to be more specific
That was like the ultimate shit test on who's a sex-haver and timid frustrated coddled autistic child
>still trying to damage control
Maybe one day you'll learn enough about our Saudi culture to LARP convincingly.
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>degeneracy is....le good
>morals are....le bad
who's gonna tell him?
"our" in the first person sense, excluding (You).
kek these "people" were stalking her irl and making headcanons about how she's actually a whore that slept with every man she took a picture with, sick shit.
This one?
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how bout you exclude deez nuts outta your mouth boy
>free love.. and uncovered women BAD
>cousin marriage and marrying minors GOOD
You don't have morals you're just (impotently, emphasis on your impotence) angry at the world because you're a third class citizen blackpilled incel
if you could have fun with others you wouldn't be so angry
The biggest tell that someone is a newfag is they're trying too hard to "fit in".
Does this jeet ever stop posting "kek" and frogs?
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>enfranchising women is....le good
>tradition and family are....le bad
Timid short brown mutuaween boys LOATHE the free spirited Syrian woman

Baal won, Allah lost.
>if you could have fun with others you wouldn't be so angry
absolute audacity of this newfaggot disrespecting the long honoured tradition of frog posting in /mena/
this is what not bullying faggots has led us to
hang yourself with my 2 foot long BBC
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Don t trust bitches with that much make up.
"posting files from your IP has been blocked due to repeated abuse" uhhh what? I haven't been here for like a whole ass month what abuse???
shouldn't have posted CP dumbass
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>sex haver
as if u arent a nafricel that complains about living in his moms mud hut
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translation: iraq is a shithole we can block
the mirror is pointing at u still lol
you're miserable
wrong person, you schizophrenic paki
actually all 3 of you including that moroccan and the saudi incel emanate the same kind of depression and impotency from your posts lmfao
I would be banned if i did no? hence my confusion
You stopped posting like this for a while, but now you're back to do that.
Which makes it obvious something happened in your life that made you upset, and now you're trying to take it out here.

Nothing will change until you look at yourself and realize you're making yourself miserable... intentionally.
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>everyone is incel except me im a chad
>i wanna kill my parents cuz they make me pay rent
You're all me
Me btw >>202605883
I am in you (no homo)
Nice headcanon armchair psychology
My life is unironically better than all of yours combined and has been only getting better lately, i only come here to have a laugh at how seriously some of you take this place
dafaq? where my image? Jannies you fags
>My life is unironically better than all of yours combined and has been only getting better lately
See, statements like these show insecurity and an attempt to compensate.

You're trying to get mad on 4chan. You're here every day.
You have to be honest with yourself if you want to get better.
You didn't attach it.
If you attached it, it would've told you you're blocked frmo uploading.
Is this mentally ill autistic loner who's only sole purpose in life is jerking off in his mom's panties to terabytes of child porn seriously trying to dish out life advice to people lmfao
the gall on this balding faggot
To state the obvious: This is a coping statement because none of what you said is true.

Again: You have to be honest with yourself if you want to get better.
I know autists have no self-awareness and think anyone interacting with them is their friend but cmon at some point you have to reflect back and realize you're being spat on from above
notice btw how people i didn't even mention directly felt called out because of the impotent incel remark
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ww3 just started and you're arguing over who sucks bigger black penises
love it when the most insufferable two faggots in the thread are getting at each other
You've been calling everyone impotent from the beginning of the thread (>>202604059 >>202605419 >>202605793) (this is the insult you're trying out today), so everyone will reply.
You've been indiscriminately throwing insults because you want someone to get mad at.

>you're being spat on from above
>from above
Again, the insecurity and compensation.

You need to address your issues.
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فطوم بنت ربيعة التغلبية
I know you're gonna deflect.
That's not gonna make your issues and anger go away.
May Allah punish for ever the fuck is the reason why I can't upload shit. Even with a different IP I can't. These niggas have range banned Iraq or something
You still need one though (by a real therapist), and I'm not using it as some kind of insult.
If by cute you mean a demonic psychopathic creature looking witch then yeah
It's just routine, we're rangebanned too apparently
لا, بتلاقيها بس المنطقة اللي حولك مو كل العراق
شوف مثلا >>202604670

صار لي نفس الشي قبل كم أسبوع, و غيري من السعوديين كان يمديهم يرفعوا صور

Watch him have a week-long 3 volumes large autistic meltdown

Mao as a revolutionary was a beast but as a lider god damn he was awful and devious.

ياريتني تزاديت هندي وماشي حمروكي
what’s wrong with Morocco?
The guy on the left in that pic is based AF
>what’s wrong with Morocco?
Him >>202607784
what’s wrong with Moroccans?
hahahah what a bitch
go back yassine
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Test. Nope, it's just you.
how devout shias in Iraq and Iran are? would they intervene to rescue the lebanese even if that meant their own destruction or are they larping like Sunnis?
>unlimited oil money
>devout Islamists
>huge population
>supposedly 94 IQ
They should do more. If they can’t get their shit together Iran or Syria should annex and put them in use.
It’s just so over.
على ظهور امهات الطگ يا خيالة ومن تصعدون
وراك تصـيح يا مشـكر وناشـف ريـج العـيون
I get more convinced by the day that god does not exist
I get more convinced by the day that god does exist
My high school’s bully’s house got blown up geg, thank you israel
>My high school’s bully’s house got blown up geg, thank you israel
Damn, that s what i call hate.
lost at life when i was born ethnic
اتطمنت على أهلك؟
My mom scares me when she drives.
Even if you are a christian/atheist middleeastern or whatever, there is no way you don t hate the Zionists.

All my homies hate madkhalis by the way
Accepting Lebanese refugees. Women only.
طب الحمدلل*ه
مميزات الشتهولية
كنت قلقان معك
أمريكا هي الشيطان الأكبر
The secret sign of a charmed existence is the
Shiny liquid on her lips, and the
Ecstasy that comes with her image grows
From the power that the money gives and
She's got a celebrity lifestyle, and
She's just floating in space, and
She's got a celebrity lifestyle, and
All her children want a suck and a taste of
Oh, her celebrity lifestyle, and
Yeah, her celebrity life, and
She's just a drug addiction
And a self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind
The secret wisdom of 120 days is
Hidden deep in between her legs, and
Sexual transcendence is reserved for the wealthy
But is only one joy that money can make, and
She's got a celebrity lifestyle, and
She's got a glowing white face, yeah
She's got a celebrity lifestyle
And she ties her naked children up with wires and lace, and
Oh, her celebrity lifestyle is the
Product of a celebrity mind, and
Oh, her celebrity mouth is the
Perfect image of the end of time
Oh, my celebrity lifestyle, and
Oh, my celebrity fear, and
Oh, my celebrity lifestyle, and
Oh, my celebrity fear, and
Oh, my celebrity lifestyle, and
Oh, my celebrity fear, and
Oh, my celebrity lifestyle, and
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الحمد لله أنني ملحد
all of these are the promises of heaven, shit you can get irl
proof that islam only convinces the lowest common denominator who can't into fun
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ليه ناس حياتها ع النت عباره عم انها تيجي تنزل صورة في مراية الحمام تجيب ٥ الاف لايك في حين انهم بيعربدو ويتسلقو السلم في الواقع وناس تانيه عماله تحزق في السياسه علي النت طول اليوم وملهاش اي نصيب في الواقع
لان الاول اجتماعي وتجيه فرص اكثر واكبر
الناس مش ناقصة كآبة و عايزة تفرفش بأي هلس
صدك جذب
>تأبط شرا
Another thing is that you will never find a chad who's really a muslim it's always those ugly asf hideous niggas who are super dogmatic and crazy religious
>you will never find a chad who's really a muslim
One of the jocks in my Highschool who's the son of an imam was the embodiment of a "chad" and would fuck around and have multiple gfs but then (semi-ironically) preach to the virgin chudcels in our friend group and guilt trip them over cussing in ramadan or jerking off
But yeah i noticed that during university and after checking back on my old friends, every ugly autist became either an insufferable zealot muslim or insufferable atheist
خيط خرا وممل بالمناسبة
بستمتع بالـ أنا حضرب عشرة بوستنج
Anyway,I want to create a moroccan fighter in ufc 3 any notable non fraud 7amroki you know?
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you dont understand theres also uhhhhhhhhhh ما لا عين رأت و لا أذن سمعت و لا خطر على قلب بشر
"like what?" you wouldnt understand chud
we also get virgin wives with transparent skin that lets you see their bone and marrow, cant get that in this dunya, can you chud?
انا، والعياذ بالله من كلمة انا، تلفوني انكسر
Brainrot soo bad only a month of monk training and meditation under the Himalayan waterfalls could heal it
بستمتع باستقلاليتي حالياً
Allah hates brown skin? But what if you adore ebony females
This is so weird you guys. I'm genuinely an 8/10 but women don't grind me randomly??? What good are my beautiful genes if I can't spread them?
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Where are (You)r gold medals, Arapoos?
Too honest to cheat like the white man? That's why you're a FAILURE.
Retardolympics is a thing?
Why are 7amrokis like this ? Got completely trashed by the the frenchies in the comments
Which one you preffer, Stalin or Mao?

I'll go for stalin
>The nafri in me is getting weaker
>mfw me in 0.37
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Smile :)
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>الكون الموازي الي العرب كانوا فعلا مهتمين بهزيمة اسرائيل بدل مسابقة مين أكبر زب بين الاردن ومصر وسوريا بحرب ال٤٨
ليش... كان بإمكاننا نوقف كل هذا زمان...
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Mimi 6 is my favorite autocrat, the fact that a soft-spoken homosexual can keep 40 million disorderly people in check is a testament to his leadership abilities.
I may say "tranny" from time to time, but I actually took a picture with a known trans woman (knowingly) in a certain gaming community and put it on my Instagram and referred to her by her transition name in the caption.
كان في خيانة في هاي الحرب لن اذكرها لسلامتي
يكرهي للنسوان
Insurgency sandstorm has hilarious arabic dialogue,sometimes I bangwall a virgin delta force hawk tuah ops larper with my pkm giving hem ptsd and I can hear my character scream كسمك
Epic arab male vidya representation
>"he kinda sounds Egyptian"
>check comments
>Waleed Elgadi
Saw an Instagram post with a top comment saying something like
>Men say "they want to have children", not that they want to be fathers, and that's really telling

Why are women like this?
Kek i just met this subhuman today
i thought he was big turns out he's like 166cm and looks HIDEOUS AS FUCK, i tried my best not to laugh and the girl sitting besides me held her mouth in a vomiting-like gesture
not totally moroccan but Lee Murray, look up his story
When i create adhoc characters in ufc 3 or ufc 2010 i just make jojo characters
Sorry i got the wrong subhuman
this is who i met
I hate this country so much it's unreal
حياك عندنا
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تشابه ادوان البشر و دونالبشرية واحدة
>I don't think anyone will miss us.
I'll miss u
too bad with what happened to the Christian Lebanese tho
Same thing with my ethnicity, big diaspora that lost its identity
>looks 12
it's not a fucking conspiracy, kids are looking too young for their age these days
شكرا :)
تصفح كريستال كافيه لاحديدياً عالج كراهيتي للنسوان (جزئياً) عشان أدركت ان نسبة كبيرة من الآراء المعاقة اللي عندهم بتيجي من ناس معاقين زي عندنا في فورتشان منبوذين من عامة المجتمع
>كريستال كافيه
What's that
>كريستال كافيه
ايه ده
There's no actual females in crystal cafe now way you believe that
They're in places in lolcow farms because it's just the internet cesspool version of twitter celeb gossip but with losers instead
pro tip : if there's a "for women only" internet space just expect it to be 90% male, women always lurk unusual places or have their own containment/isolation little groups
Women can't have an internet space without males shitting it up with simping
المنبوذين من المجتمع زينا عندهم God pov بتسمحلهم يقيمو المجتمع بشكل موضوعي صحيح
كل المفكرين والفلاسفة وعلماء النفس الي انجزو بهاد المجال كانو منبوذين من المجتمع
>God pov
It's correct, retard. it means eagle perspective
Just pointing out the gall to think vengeful thinking stemming from rejection is the same as having any kind of insight on society let alone a "god pov" or putting yourself on the same pedestal of a philosopher
Psychologists weren't isolationists either
I want to make onigiris but sea leaves must be 100dh a pack of 20
فورتشان للبنات

أكيد فيه لارب كتير لكن أستبعد بشدة يكون كله رجالة زي ما بتقول
من لغة و ديناميكا الحوار و المواضيع اللي بيتكلموا فيها أراهن انه على الأقل أغلبيته بنات
بغض النظر، إذا كان البنات المنبوذين هم المسؤولين عن (بعض) الصفات اللي بنكرهها في البنات، ده بيعفي عموم البنات من الصفات دي
This video made me realize that part of the 90's technology aesthetic is the lack of blue LEDs:
Fuck youtube shorts.
One time I saw a YouTube comment saying anime was a good dubbing choice for SpaceToon because the Japanese's conservative moral values are similar to our own Islamic values.
Holy fucking cringe, i don t know how any sane motherfucker on earth watches this.
1,2,3 viva l'Algerie
Estrogen and lack of sport
nice input, youssef 16 ans du 98
now go back to algier you subhuman
>انا خلاص مابي اكون مثقف اكثر من كذا !
>انا ابي اكون مثلك ! انت مثلي الاعلى ! ابي اكون تافه ووضيع زيك !
>الان بما اني اصبحت انسان مرتد عن الثقافة وكافر بالمعرفة احس اني ابس اسوي كل الاشياء الي ما كنت اقدر اسويها يوم كنت مثقف
هذا الرجل الليبرالي المثقف يمثلني بعد انقلابي على العقلانية والمنطق
عش اللحظة ودع التنوير للغد فلا يمكن اصلاح هذا المجتمع الفاسد
Where are you from morocco?
I am obviously from morocco you low iq inbred, what kind of rhetorical question is that
I meant the city
نكح العاهرات اقل دياثة من الزواج
اذا نكحت العاهرة تقول لها مع السلامة وما تشوفها مرة ثانية فـ ما يهمك من نكحها بعكس الزوجة
اضافة لإمكانية تربية اطفال ليسوا ابنائك في حال الخيانة
>انون ليش ما تصلي
مصير اغلب الاصدقاء هنا
او حتى
>*يتقدم للزواج*
>معليش ما نزوج احد ما يصلي في المسجد الصلوات الخمس
Capital of subhumans


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كل شي دور حول الجنس الا الجنس يدور حول كل شي
Incredible how some people can be so close to you but at the same time so far.
Thoughts on the land of 1 500 000 martyrs and 2 000 000 prostitutes and 100 000 brothels?
Which country are you talking about?
Uwu why they so pretty? Are Algerians a lost tribe of Nordics?
His home country of Pakistan
يوم آخر من الكدح ينتهي بدون خسائر فادحة
holy shit what's up with this faggot?
come 'gether all anons of /mena/, this bitch needs some rape correction then group pissing on xer neo-vagina so xe can come to xer senses
literally and unironically persian influence, saddam should have finished his job instead of chimping out in kuwait.
based retard
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>rape correction
I thought u were proud of being black?
الدركي المغوار

حرفيا انت باجيتي هندي ساااار لاتحاول تقلدني وخل عندك شخصيه ياهندي
سااااار سااااار انا سئودي سااااار

جب السوط بس
كسم النسوان
دحرفياً رفضوني لان يوم سألوا عني في المسجد قالو هذا شكله مب ساكن في الحاره لان ماعمرهم شافوني
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كان زماننا الوقتي بنتناك من اف ٣٥ وقاعدين نواجهها ب ميج ٢٩ و اس ٣٠٠

يللا معلش
رجعي نوعاً ما
انا رجل مساهم في تنمية المجتمع
الا استحق ان انيك بسلام ؟
كييييك لحسن الحظ المساجد عندنا فارغة ما يرحولها غير الشياب اعمار ستين فما فوق
اليوم صافحت امرأة اجنبية
القيم المحافظة لا تنطبق علي
انت لا تعاني يا صديقي
>play Rocket League
>if I'm playing worse than normal, people say "Israel you suck"
>if I'm playing better, I clarify that my name is a transliterated insult towards Israel
كعكت من دون البشرية
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Niggers we're really saying "what did he mean by this" a thousand years ago
سوف ترى الدوائر
تم تحرير القدس
I'm making more people hate Israel
Also: كسم القدس
مو بس الي هنا
someone gotta hit the bed good nighto, i've had a faggot day today
Gonna go jerk off and leave the thread for the night
Do you read at the same speed arabic as if you read english with the latin alphabet?
When i talk to native english speakers with the same flow i talk in dareeja they can't understand a word of what i say
I think I read arabic faster. I spent 3 days reading a 1001 nights 500 page volume and it took a whole week to read fevre dream.
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asian women with puffy faces are the best
أول كاكاه
معلش اتأخرت عليكوا النهارده أتمنى ميكونش حد زهق و هو بيستنى
arabic language level in lebanon ranges from bad to barely literate
انت احلى بوستر هون والله
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If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.
Imagine dying like a good goy for any kind of abstract ideal
اغنيت البزولت
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arabic teenager subhuman thinks he deserves anything in life keeeek
reminds me of a 5-6 yo kid i saw laughing hysterically in a tramway while his mom looked withered away and my first thought was "you're in for a rude awakening, kid"
Translate the text image you posted.
you guys know a news source website that uses beginner friendly arabic?
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I wish that one day you come home to your mother getting pissed on by a gang of hobos you stupid immature faggot
Sorry i was just messing around, can't you take a cheeky joke escargotman
There's this stormfront kind of forum for arabic news in simple MSA
and this is for more basic corporate news
Fucking moor got me
Is that where you learned your Arabic? Sounds like just your level
>beginner friendly arabic
Over here we either speak Arabic or we don't. Never heard of beginner friendly Arabic, we make fun of kids for mispronouncing shit until they get it right
Are you guys ready for your Lebanese refugee gf if Israel invades?
>Thinks this refugee game will go on forever
I'm ready for fucking Armageddon
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I fucking hate myself and my life
فاراوي islands
Tomorrow i will try to create the ummah thread.
>تكوين عائلة
>حياة كريمة
هدول حقوق كل البشر، بما فيهم أخراهم، كانو يملكوهم لحد الثورة الصناعية
would you come get drunk with me instead ?
ryan get over here we got another milk fan
who was it so i can stone her ?
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The nation of Israel is dead btw
No, but we can see each other some day but you must be sober.

How long have you been livibg in france and how much yime in Lyon?

In my case 11 years at the same place.
I already like this Ryan better
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Why do they do this ? are they really that afraid of their kang firing them ?
My dislike for black people is getting more and more absurd by the day
I don't like that people are spreading photos of murdered children on social media. Everybody already know Israel is evil so it serves no purpose.
you just won't get it, by posting those photos exclusively between themselves and saying allahu akbar, israel would cease the bombings.
Your posts haven't been this bad in a while. Pissraelis were literally range-banned in the aftermath of their false-flag attack on themselves on October 7. They posted so much constant child gore that I was suddenly not even the biggest antisemite for months
i'm not your current local tunisian flag/poster you dumb nigger, there is more than one tunisian.
Your reply doesn't even make sense in the context of what we are talking about.
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Oh, you're the jewrat cousin of jewrats. Your posts have always been utter shit
and even i spammed child gore to a palestinian bitch on facebook cause she pissed me off.
i hope israel obliterates all palishits homes to the point that there would be no stone a palishit can hide behind.
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>even i spammed child gore
That's because you're a jewrat piece of shit, and you should've said so in your first post. Instead you decided to pretend to be one of us while you spew jewrat poison
مينا بروز, على ايش ضيعتوا يومكم هذا؟ بالنسبة لي لعبت كاونتر سترايك كل اليوم.
اشتغلت ساعتين
تقبلت الواقع ونسيت احلامي
حضرت مليون حلقة من modern family
go fight in palishit you pussy
he's trained in burst firing reaction images bro don't mess with him, he's an egyptian shahid all the way from ohio
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>Lol I told him to go there himself
Tell your jewrat friends to come up with new material

Why don't you post some gore for us, jewrat rusky?
can't be bothered with that nonsense
oh right he is the mentally ill egypsy, gn
i feel motivated to do the needful and bully palirats by sending them their younglings gore
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Why don't you move to pissrael, jewrat? Take your cousins and their BVLLS with you
night broski
Good night, the nation of Israel is dead but 2 more weeks until the goat-killing temple, right?
I love cara delevingne so much. I have developed a massive crush on her all of a sudden.
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She will never even know I existed
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Life is so fucking unfair
I don't even want a gf/wife that has a big ass and tits. I just want someone to marvel at.
Life is unfair
Just ignore him. Those kids are somewhere they can't be hurt anymore.
والله فزگان
are we good?
pls, answer
not feeling so good bros
Why do you care about lebs?
they are cool
I like them :(
interesting how we gulfies are the only ones who have 0 solidiarity with other MENAs
Mehdi Hassan just destroyed a jewrat spokesman and left him with a bleeding anus
I don't usually, almost never praise a celebrity but if there's anyone to debate a jewrat it's him

The mod pointed out that both guys were shat on by their own camp for agreeing to debate, and Mehdi said
>I'm willing to go almost anywhere and debate almost anyone

It reminded me of Sadat when he decided to outplay the jewrats on Sinai
>لقد أعلنت أنني سأذهب إلى آخِر العالم. سأذهب إلى إسرائيل، لأنني أريد أن أطرح الحقائق كاملة أمام شعب إسرائيل
As it should be. You have nothing to gain and everrything to lose.

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