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Hayley Cropper edition
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first for anime
not posting in a thread with an*me in it
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4th for USA
It's literally called 4chan
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>It's literally called 4chan
Yeah it is and you're here why?
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>Yeah it is and you're here why?
is this for real?

no way i believe elliott page was watching corrie back in the day
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poo smells
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lots of people watch it here
Need to lose four kilos in ten days and I'm thinking of just not eating.
her name is ellen
don't understand ellen page at all, why the FUCK would you want to troon out and look like a 13 year old boy for the rest of your life when you're a cute, somewhat tomboyish girl?
>americans complaining about 3rd world countries for 10 minutes (90 day fiance)
corr time for some reality show goyslop
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thoughts on climate change...

ultimately good thing

encourgaed us to look after planet and better technologies

honestly humanity will survive and we doing things to stop it getting real bad

when things get dire, mostly be the shit povvo places that get fucked over. people that dont contribute. people that dont matter. they die

planet overpopulated anyway

bout time just kinda have some catadttophe wipe half the planet out

start again but with like better tech and shit

everything gna be cushty

global warming is a blessing in disguise

wow really?

holy shidd

that has blown my mind. absolute bonkers that

positively kafkaesque
women troon out because they were raped and abused and think that removing all feminine features with stop it from happening again
read her book 'pageboy' and she admits this herself
what do you need that for?
also i'm not sure if that goal is possible, but if you want to ensure you don't eat, better spend the duration of your 10-day fast on meth
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yeah mental i wanked over ellen page once

i did find it endearing when she came out as gay tho

but now

little troon fella
Even less understandable is why a person would ever consider being a 5'1" man.

Even a lifetime of gender dysphoria sounds less emotionally destructive than being a man that height.
she was raped?
Skip breakfast. Less hungry come lunchtime if you do as well. Less likely to snack. A sugary or breakfast is a guarantee you'll want to snack all day.
seeing more and more zoomer girls who would have been dykes or tomboys in the past now wearing breast binders, taking testosterone, growing beards, even having their tits cut off, they all look like frodo baggins, very sad
yeh inevitably she willl hafta end up dating anudda troon or one of em bisexual lesbians

our bobby sands did it just fine
Mad how 4chan idolised her for years and millions of Anons jacked off for her only for her to turn out to be a tranny. Howling at that
i used ot think frodo baggins was a good lookin lad when i was a kid
that's not even the least of it, those butches who perform sex changes can't build proper willies, every attempt at it has been complete nightmare fuel
apparently they can make a kind of realistic willy that can get real erections by extending the clitoris or something, but those willies always come out below micro-penis tier, but is still preferable to this monstrosities they build out of skin grafts taken from your arm
toby ??
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>bisexual lesbians
Ellen page in xmen 3 was my sexual awakening as a 12 year old boy. Sad to see what became of her.
Corrie is weirdly big in Canada
It gets broadcast on CBC
yeh coz lezzers dont mind dating people shorter than them but obvi elliott is a man so would hafta be one of em bisexual lezzers
>corr time for some reality show goyslop
alri mother
only seen her in juno (2007) and inception (2010)
don't recall being particularly fond of either film if i'm honest
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one in the middle is a real man ??!!
Why does the one in the centre-left have what appears to be an Orthodox Christian style crucifix necklace on?
aside from being painfully unfunny these days, the simpsons has also become painful to listen to as you can blatantly hear that all the voice actors are getting old and tired, ESPECIALLY marge
it's just depressing to listen to
this willy done a poo
>watching tv in 2024
Lauren Chen prison garb sex ARSE!!!
was never really a fan of the simpsons or cared much for it
how do the voice actors endure that long of a tenure? surely one of them said fuck this is boring im sick of acting like an alcoholic retard
missing the point, but other than that i don't really, i just scrool througn youtube shorts like everyone else and occasionally it'll show me a clip from recent simpsons episodes
Might have to bust out the DVD box-set of Peep Show and give it a full rewatch again soon. Last time I did that was in September of 2022.
Whenever I fell asleep watching the telly, Coronation street would inevitably come up on the ... The theme would give me nightmares.
good post
watched it to death a few months ago

start to feel how really does take a nosedive toward latter half
>how do the voice actors endure that long of a tenure?

$400,000 for each day in the studio.
in australia everyone aged 25-45 will have an encyclopedic knowledge of classic simpsons because it was literally the only decent thing on prime time tv here for 20 years
what a sad way to consume media

too much choice in society these days
yeha used to watch as a kid

used to be on every weekday at 6

felt more special back then

until started putting it on sky then floodgates open

nwo simpsons on like everywhere all the time at least on soke channel

and just whole thing ruined

just dogshit

dunno why its still on
i know but we all do what we must to distract ourselves from our painful emotions
based. miss the old 6:30pm (AEST) simpso's
havent watch friends in years but

thats a show i feel i could go back to

such an important part of the television landscape in the post-terrestial, pre-youtube personality shithole zeitgeist
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someone drew this on the footpath i take to the shops most days and i chuckle every time i see it
just another reminder that we're living in the wonderful land of australia
just crazy how we live in a wasteland now

an utter wasteland

society is drivel embodied

and its sad

the utter sisyphean meaninglessness of it all

just bloody kafkaesque innit being thrown into this ghastly existence

kafkaesque indeed
it's terrible tho and only women like it
bizarre. why?
can't believe mousey quit 4chan for good
mad that in that show (94-04) chandler's dad is a tranny and that's the entire punchline
always sunny (2005-) had similar jokes for its first 6 seasons over a tranny character
sometime between S6 in 2010 and S13 in 2018 though, something happened to America and they had an episode defending trannies using their preferred bathroom

if only we could pinpoint what happened to america (& the west) at some point between 2010 and 2018 and the mystery would be solved
i remember was a girl

first time we kissed sober was watching friends


the days they go by

like raindrops into the river

flowing to a cesspit ocean
90s australia was still like 1950s america
proper backwards cunts they are
i guess tv just wasn't a good thing here, we only had like 5 free-to-air channels until about 2009
no one seemed to mind because we preferred to go surfing and have sex with women than sit at home watching the boob tube all day
do you support israel or russia?
wake in fright?

good aussie film

about juust getting fucked

drinking the oblivion

corr blimey good film
getting paid some extra dole money this week, love it when they do that even if it is not really all that substantial
its true
what do you mean 'support'?
i don't wave their flags
i don't send them money
i don't cheer them on
they don't mean anything to me
Which dole are you taking?
me? sri lunka
pretty scary film, my headcanon is that the town is some kind of interdimensional warp that he can never escape from, eternally imprisoned there to shoot kangaroos and consume ungodly amounts of beer with the local yobbos
no wonder you're all prolific shitposters
you had literally nothing else better to do
every day as a teenager i looked forward to sitting on the sofa watching television after a day of middle/highschool, had an hour of peace to myself before people came home from work and hogged it
didnt even have the weekends because dadberg was home watching so i really cherished that singular hour or two. kind of sad if you think about it
just regular jobseeker plus rent assistance, i usually get just under $900 a fortnight but i'm getting $940 tomorrow
Mad how Donald Pleasance raped him
sounds like proper way to live a life. going out and having sex with women sounds so 1990's
At some point, Eddie Izzard turned into Dame Edna.
I don’t think Tobester would use the word exposé
there were still some decent kids shows i would watch after school, i usually preferred to go hang out with the neighbour kids though, they usually had access to video game consoles that my mum was too cheap to buy for me
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The doner n chips
Gonna whack me burger sauce all over this

its intrestin tryina pinpoint when it came from just a bloke dressin up to fu blown troon
That's a lie.
crazy thing bout zoomers is how they dont drink or have sex

finkin i must be like the tipping point generation just before zoomers went full blown sexless, drunkless and pathetic
haha that was actually me who joined in saying that before x
blame technology
also drinking is idiotic have way more negative than positive stories doing that
Looks like Elton John couldn't get it up.
it's hard to get back into drinking when you've given up the habit, i find myself thing "eww why did i waste 3 years of my life drinking this shit every day, this is literally poison"
I usually binge on alcohol at least ten to fifteen times a year and I'm dry for the rest of the year. When I do binge I go all out.

There's something about the early stages of drunkenness that's so damn good, music sounds better, movies are more fun to watch and food tastes better.
ever sometimes get paranoid when you're about to look in the bathroom mirror after waking up and find that your face has been mangled or vandalised in some way?
reckon this fear stems back to the first time i got blackout drunk at a party and woke up with willies drawn on my face and my eyebrows shaved off
true alcohol is a poison but socoal gatherings with alcohol easiest way to shag innit
>woke up with willies drawn on my face
ffs this happened to me
podcast idea: watching speed (1994) while on speed (amphetamine)
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why do anglo saxons hate russians
that's horrible, can just imagine what he's thinking
>"i'm going to be dead very soon and it really bloody hurts, i'm feeling very bitter right now"
Because you hate us
sometimes its better to get it over and done with than let it fester so

man can count himself lucky
never any such thing as a justified war
unless it's against the chinese or other slanty eyed communists, in which case go nuts, not like their sort have souls
Ukraine will join NATO
Not entirely true. I love Russian girls aged 16-23, with a bmi of 14-21, and whom are innocent and kind.
sometimes i watch dem like nothing to declare shows and just 99% of it is like slant eyed gooks bringing in food into country when they explicitly told not to even if its like the most banal shidd like beef jerky - "uhhh you know htats a 30k dollar fine"


maybe you ozzy pricks should lighten up and not be so racist
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weird image why would you post it
oh right you're gingernonce and here 24/7 because you're a freak
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When I went to Australia, some immigration stooge casually bent down and rubbed his fingers along my shoes while I was waiting in line.

He questioned if the dirt on my shoes was from a farm, and when I said no, he just got back up and walked away.

Weird people, those Australians.
I am such a failure i am 21 and have no career and no friends. everyone my age is getting constantly laid and traveling while i struggle to not kill myself
>butter chicken
>barely any butter
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Sat down too hard and 2 buttons broke exposing my tum
Biggest fat bastard moment of my life
kampai, YOU BITCH


i genuinely just realized what all fundamental forces are
when i have kids they'll be watching bluey and tracey mcbean, absolutely not fucking cocomelon
>look at people my own age on instagram
>going backpacking in europe and japan
>always go on massive trips
>partying and hooking up
>having amazing friends
>always fun

I am doing something wrong because i don't know why i can't even get a job even at a wagie place
>I am doing something wrong
browsing instagram
i know this cringe but while i am here i sometimes cry when i see people with their moms because mine died of cancer and i watched her slowly lose the joy in her eyes
making a go of it
i love this movie iam from india
bro you would ball if you could look into my eyes
>look at people my own age on instagram
>they're all old, grey, saggy, and wrinkled like a prune
>Whether they're taking photographs of them bathing on a beach in Southeast Asia, or taking photographs with their children, they still look old and tired.
>Have no friends
>Getting old doesn't seem like any fun.

That's why I don't look at people my age on Instagram.
Big fan of discriminating against muslims, me. India's doing something right.
>There are 11,000 satellites in orbit around Earth right now
>This figure has increased by more than a third since 2022
>Astronomers say they can't see shit because there's too much debris in the sky

not good is it
i just wish my mom was here because my dad is a fat alcoholic who tells me how my mom ruined his life because she was wheelchair bond and alcoholic
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screaming at this unprovoked chimpout from a singaporean anon in another thread
would it be kino?
also how is looking at instagram a mistake i am a outlier honestly but the second i can i will travel the world and never look back
creating one of those frankstein cigarettes where you scavenge little morsels of tobacco from cigarette butts and roll them all up into a new darb
people have a strange penchant of proudly letting their looks turn to shit after their 30th birthday

it's quite easy to look good into your 50s if you don't substance abuse + exercise + eat right + moisturise
but getting a beer belly and crows feet is enjoyable to some I suppose
"I earned my wrinkles"
ktim, except I would call it a dart.
it would have to be a have a pretty large map while still managing to not be empty and boring
already done by that hack fraud kojimbo
my greatest fear is not traveling the world until 30 i am a gym rat but fear becoming old and fat
might watch jane and the dragon, i bet i'm the only person who remembers that show
queer fear to have
mine is I hate clubbing and socialising but I don't want to get to the point where I'm old and busted and the best I can do wife-wise is single mothers or worse

if only I could manufacture a wife without the ghastly socialsing thing
anyone else have this problem?

basically the force of my piss is so strong that even if i get it perfectly on target in loo it causes splash back that lands on the floor ir even walls

becoming a real problem
I just want to see the world and have a girlfriend again. I also hate the idea of being over 30 because i am 21 and cling to whats left of my youth
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*flexes pecs menacingly at you*
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Nobody cares.
Fuck off nazi.
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If you could snap your fingers and be any kind of Jewish in the world, what kind of Jewish are you going for? Big hat, little hat? It's 2024 folks.
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>“do you like chocolate milk?” i asked (this is an icebreaker-question i frequently use).
>>>/pol/ Cody
my best friend when i was i a little kid was a girl, she liked to kiss me on the cheek a lot in the morning before class, and she did a poo in front of me once
wonder what she's up to these days
might buy a house next to a cemetery, there must be some kind of discount applicable with the spooky stigma of living next to a graveyard, but i ain't afraid of no corpses
rorke will believe this over the countless polls and expert studies
>UPDATE: Child ejected and killed after OKC I-35 crash, driver takes off
Ukrainian Jewish husband
Ethiopian Jewish wife
7 kids
100% American
Business idea: rapid hypnosis induction techniques with no training
yoooo cody can you not like dude
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Ezekiel 23:20
shut up hunter you gay buttmunch
rorkes being butthurt about mudsharks even back in biblical times
youve seen the headlines. its obvious they get off to it. theyre sadists
And did those mudsharks in biblical times
have you niggas noticed that literally everything from films to tv shows to music to vidya games to literature to cars to even fucking toys now - shite that's 2 decades old is more popular than new shit

I don't think it's just me being a boomer either. Everything new is a rehash of something that was already in existence 2+ decades ago (Rings of Power, Marvel shite, milking Star Wars and Star Trek franchises dry, a new Harry Potter HBO series, that new beetlejuice film, etc)

Why are we at a cultural roadblock?
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saw a youtube video yesterday about how hell and hades are different things and hades is basically just a waiting room for hell because no one is actually in hell yet and won't be until judgment day
where DO christos come up with these wacky headcanons? is there also an equivalent waiting room for heaven or is the place already open for business?
shut up
all the sophisticated technology we have nowadays makes everything very expensive and time-consuming to produce so they play it as safe and soulless as possible
because humanity peaked in the 90s/early 2000s
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>6-Year-Old Boy Dies Weeks After Lightning Strike Killed His Dad
Baffles me how "dark satanic mills" was profound enough to enter the imagination of millions of /brit/

Eqv., of the writings of John Knox or other 15th century scottish puritan. Don't understand the impact that had at all
>Eqv., of the writings of John Knox or other 15th century scottish puritan. Don't understand the impact that had at all
Don't know what this means.
vaxx status?
kek love a good unprompted flamepost
Basically in the 16th** century John Knox turned Scotland from a Catholic nation to a puritan tyrannical Protestant nightmare.

For the next hundred years Scotland was descended into a fast degenerating backwater where Church > State
did anyone know who stockton rush was before he died in the submarine incident?
I did. He was a good man.
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Take note of how there are no toilets in Castle Dimitrescu.
If I were Ethan and had just got caught by Lady Dimitrescu, I'd immediately get on my knees and vow my unending servitude to her. She'd likely ask what use I, a man-thing, would have to her. I'd point out the lack of toilets in her home, and she would reluctantly agree, seeing as how she's probably tired of using the bathtub.
It would take some adjustment. Lady Dimitrescu is a frequent wine drinker, so drinking her piss would be something I would have to do multiple times an hour, but that's not the delicacy. No, while her golden nectar is divine, it's the other one I crave.
Her heavenly chocolate.
Due to her size, her poo would be massive, and there would be a lot of it. I don't know what her diet is, and it doesn't matter. I would submit, as I promised, and would gladly chow down on her caviar. She would likely laugh and mock me as her fudge hole winks at me, but I'm in heaven, and I love the Lady.

And that isn't even factoring in her daughters.
yeah but was he famous like
he's got that quintessential middle aged entrepreneur aura, plus his name sounds like it too
Lads, do birds really squirt like they do in the porn films?
isn't she a vampire or something
wouldn't get me in a submarine unless it was military grade
that's pee
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should've joined the forces straight out of high school, would've toughened me up
i'm still technically young enough to join but the toughening up ship has sailed i reckon
plus they'd force me to take the vaxx
good post
He wasn't, maybe 800-2.5k views total on interviews he did would be my guess. Probably a minor celebrity in amateur oceanography circles, dozens of people looked up to him online on submarine forums before the whole world looked up to him.
Really? You're not joshin' me, are you?
been farting like a shire horse all morning and it's showing no signs of slowing down
got a fair amount of respect for people in the military but those marine corps lads from america seem like total glory boy twats, like what do they even do? does being in the marines as opposed to the army automatically make you some kind of special forces elite supersoldier or something?
Brit Vs. Japan, I have a hunch that you may post in these threads. On the off-chance that you do, thanks for all L2 advice you have given me. Hope you continue to make more videos in the future bro.

Not watching that.
i think i'm unable to metabolise codeine, they had me on codeine pills once after some dental work and it did nothing even when i tried to make purple drank out of it
*slams my hand on my desk looking visibily frustrated*
My twitter feed is literally full of fucking beardglasses and trannies talking about cartoon shows and I can't stop it. Anyone else have this problem?
Marines are always stereotyped as the mongs.
twitter is crap mate, I get all my news from /brit/ like any well adjusted 18-35yo man
good lad
never actually go looking for news me, all current events just seem to fall into my lap naturally, usually i'll hear about it here
I like /brit/ but all the mentally ill cunts who spam here make it unbearable at times.
doing a watch
this is why we dont use public transportation
watched ONE gun video and now my youtube feed is full of yanks with creepy gun-collecting hobbies always pissing and moaning about the ATF and openly saying they fantasise about a burglar breaking into their house so they can have an excuse to shoot someone
fuck off yank
this is why you use incognito so your recommendations dont get raped to death
got me fjällräven cable knit hat on
>bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms
strange combination
it's 12c you soft cunt
I mind some anon saying his bother used to pretend he was going to be sick whenever she came on the telly.
just done a poo
I'm that anon. He later became addicted to tranny porn. We only wheel him out to watch Saturday night television now.
it came about when alcohol was illegal and people used guns to fight off cops while making and selling it
for the tobacco part i dont remember but that's the first two
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it's my birthday tomorrow
*hears a whistling noise*
*looks up as a shadow appears around me and starts to rapidly expand*
*gulps and opens an umbrella*
did you ask mum to buy you bionicles? i got a full set of the rakshi for my 9th birthday (those dinosaur looking ones that are controlled by a worm in their spine)
you in exactly the same spot as me then yeah
wearing a shirt to toil today
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OK what the fuck EXPLAIN THIS
had completely forgotten about those little worms fuck
I'm stood on your head yeah
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I look back at my life in highschool and wish I could change it
>started lifting
>screamed racial slurs
>break shit
>caught things on fire at home
>almost got charged with assault for slapping someone with a manga book

god why was i so terrible
Your wordle strategy is atrocious
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what the fuck were you thinking with tatty
makes sense a virgin wouldn't get this one
Knew someone was going to have a go at me for my 'worlde strategy'!
>guessing double letters before exhausting all non-duplicate letter words
>TRIPLE letters even
you asked for it
well if you post a result then what the fuck else are people gonna talk about
you sounded based
Not only this you spoiled it for everyone else
screaming at this
I'm Scottish.
I knew that as I did it but I was impatient.
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now this is how you do a wordle
Console me.
Shut it.
30 years old and still uncontrollably horny lads
spent all morning sexting a girl from london and one from brasil simultaneously and later tonight having a random girl over for a shag
need to sort myself out
>published 1989-1990
Nolan you thief
who's your favourite bonkle then? mine is kopaka (the white one with the telescopic eye)
I feel kind of cringe for screaming racial slurs and for being a bully. I feel bad for the kid who i signed up for gay porn and the guy we stole his hat and threw it up on a tree
never much got the appeal of sexting and all that
the whole intimate appeal of sex is BEING TOGETHER
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posted this a few days ago and nobody said anything then
you just want to say something when you think you can have a go
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I know it's bad for you
But I love ROIDS
that's because arses is a horrible first guess and you just happened to get very lucky
30 is nothing in terms of diminished libido lad, after 45 or so is when you'll start having real trouble getting it up, but there's always pills for that
just like watching a girl wank for me innit
my biggest cums are from 2 hour sexting sessions
fundamentally just lucky
whatever gets you off
The joke is that he always says that he knows it's bad for him but he loves coke
my old LDR gf used to make me talk dirty to her while she masturbated on the phone, i had to force myself to say the most embarrassingly contrived sexual shite i could think of, doesn't come naturally to me at all but she enjoyed it at least
damned if i do, damned if i don't
even offered to fly the girl from london here
actual fucking state of me
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was going to post this saying easy thinking it was today's spoiled word but it isn't and now i have to play for real ffs
getting three letters on your first word is lucky
guessing press rather than dress or cress is also lucky
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Whereas I am on the opposite spectrum of doing roids
not got my normal work van and instead have the stupid rattly horrible land rover to drive around in
no clue why they're so popular when they're awful to drive, noisy, break all the time and are slow as shit
dreadful vehicles. no wonder since they were made in Britain
I had a LDR gf who wanted me to send her a full-body video of myself wanking to completion
I declined
when I was 18 I was on a big goon sesh during which I ordered a vr headset of amazon after browsing vr porn for ages
never used it once
yeah not a huge fan of that find it a bit cringe
not really big into phone sex unless it happens as an accident
shut it, moany
think they're for driving round fields no?
i probably would as long as my face was out of frame
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how is my uhh "wordle strategy"
what about square fields?
wouldn't say no to grabbing a big booby right about now
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Got a cortisoid shot in my knee lads
It weawwy huwts
knock out more vowels at the start
why would you not do that
sent a video of me spaffing all over myself to a girl a few days ago
I don't actually watch porn at all despite being a disgusting little pervert freak
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‘Sunrise’ by UK printmaker Emma Reynolds
shitebag tactic
exactly, they're like tractors, which is why I have no idea why so many people use them for daily vehicles
they're so poorly suited to on road driving it's laughable
>why would you not do that
hmmm yes let me send a video of myself to masturbating who can post it online and have it be on the internet forever
really don't like puzzles or mental challenges like wordle or chess because i'm afraid i'll fuck them up and it will make me feel like a retard and hurt my fragile ego
yeah alright mate continue using first words like fuckin "mamma"
chances are you're of average intelligence
probably done this hundreds of times + videos of me shagging + videos with my face in it
just don't care
state of you
post a video to /brit/ of you wanking
what do you get out of filming yourself shagging if it's not to share with other people?
also knocked up 3 separate women and got an STI before
any other demeaning details you wish to share?
alright shitebag
wanking to it later
reliving the moment i suppose
once considered buying a pair of spy glasses so i could shag prossies and film it without them knowing and charging extra for it, probably super illegal that
exberg and I used to film ourselves shagging so we could have a cheeky wank over it if we weren't together and felt like having it off
way better than any porn I've ever watched frankly
the fucking state of you mate
screaming at the idea of being a prostitute and your client rocks up in a pair of big black spy glasses
yeah rawdogged multiple girls that work as prozzies/strippers/OF models (never paid for it thoughbeit) the first time I've met them
payday soon
post 305 for edition 5
rawdogging a poo
well i'm obviously aware i'm a freak so your comment was quite redundant
ah you fucked me mate! You fucked me!
Now I look like a FOOL on post 306!!!!
>posting this early when the board is barely active
don't make early news mate
>aah no you made a new 1 minute early the horror
Is '305' in italics? No? Then don't post a new.
it's just bad practice m8, you never know when the janny will wake up on the wrong side of the bed and decide to take it out on us

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