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the big 5 edition
I've got your 5 right here
can't stop fucking farting and just done the biggest poo I've done for weeks
>yeah rawdogged multiple girls that work as prozzies/strippers/OF models (never paid for it thoughbeit) the first time I've met them

Well that is somewhat shagger behaviour, you must be handsome and confident
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My face when I see a Tory Twatwaffle on my morning commute.
i only employ prossies who have a policy of letting them know what race you are before they'll accept your booking, at the very least it means she's somewhat sensible i'm not getting any curry on my dick
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might call in sick to toil
got training today so sat in a room full of people and I've got terrible gas
reckon holding it in will make me ill and letting it out will get me kicked out
lose lose situation
I'm alright but girls in Sydney are just huge slags
made an absolute STATE of my life
eating poo
Thread Theme music?
How's this for intentional
*grabs you by your hair and forces your mouth onto my bellend*
wish they'd hurry up and get mrbeast's cancellation over with, sick of seeing his big dumb head in my youtube feed
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My knee weawwy huwts wads
don't even know who this cunt is but you can tell he says things like that
think life will be exceptionally grim when I get to 40 and being a shagger is no longer viable
can already see the signs at 30
Imagine not only watching YouTube but watching the stuff that matches you algorithmically with Mr beast
wasted my 20s but will do my utmost to make up for it in my 30s
it's not over, i haven't completely arsed up my life, the west hasn't fallen, so on and so forth
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you've got a really long arm pal
Being in your 30s is already too late to change anything and improve your life. It’s over. Just accept that you are a failure
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off to japan today for two weeks yippeee!!
off to toil in 5 mins
laughing at how shite this is
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I could hop in my car tomorrow and go make bank working at a liquor store in the Pacific Northwest
How's the bellend length?
yeah his name's Law
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good morning
>Hates the music of the British people
yanks have this childhood naivety to them that other westerners just do not have
everyone is talking about him, he's impossible to get away from
i've never even watched a single video of his,but every corner of youtube seems quite insistent in their refusal to shut the fuck up about him
rarely see hectares being used as a measure of area
Gosh that sure is an interesting take on the matter in question.
*walks away snickering*
yeah they are quite an earnest bunch, it does seem like a better existence though, just taking everything at face value and not constantly being paranoid that everything is a pisstake
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But I really could do carlife.
I did it to buy this house I'm currently making into a rental.
Double income source
Plus a website
Plus a game
Plus a YouTube channel
Plus DJ gigs in Europe
Minus roiding in Thailand
Plus a manga
Plus forging swords
not there yet mate you've only just flung me past bristol
Just had a wank thinking of my boss. All in my head too don’t even need a pic
you bent or is your toilberg a woman?
could be both...

my boss is a woman, only two years older than me
Woman I love her sm
they thought it was inappropriate to use the units for your mum's size
>only two years older than me
embarrassed for you
don't see your logic mate
got a mate who plays as women in video games exclusively where there's an option to choose your character's gender
gfberg on the otherhand never plays as a male ever, she like looking at lady bums just as much as any bloke, the only men she cares for in her life are me and her pet eel, and presumably some of the regular customers who come to her bakery (she's a pastry chef)
So bongo bongo bongo I don’t want to leave the Congo oh no no no no no
someone deleted my fucking Spotify account
*surreptitiously runs away with a spotify account*
just deleted some little wanker's spotify account
>Simpsons Season 36 premieres this Sunday

i still often see people playing pokemon go on the bus, strange behaviour
i'm butthurt at pokemon go because they randomly changed my username (which was only 4 letters because i signed up on the day it came out) and added a 3 on the end for some reason, infuriating that is
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Top tier sleeping
Becoming something of a sleeping expert in recent months
not even the correct fucking lyrics you dickhead
how many songs did you have liked/saved
I play as girls in video games
Just feels right to me
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pooey bum
meal deals without clubcard cost 4 quid now
it's woke gone mad
actually went outside and touched grass when pokemon go came out but it was an unfun game so i stopped the first week
all gone now lad

ah well
i usually reserve them for second (usually evil if there's a morality system) playthroughs
bro saying ESL shit like "unfun" instead of "boring"
y'all are trans! xxx
unprotected sex with twenty nine year olds
watching their bellies grow in pregnancy
swearing to protect them from the horrors of the world
I will never have sex sadly
in 20 years of playing games I've never once picked the girl character
Like especially if there's clothes and things in your game and you enjoy that dressing up aspect then surely girl characters are better cos girls clothes look nicer
They have smaller hitboxes but really I'm trans
why would i care about dressing up my character?
been reading about the life of the buddha
so he just dossed around for a few years in a palace because his father was a king or something, then at age 29 he finally left his smelly bedroom to venture out into the world, then he spent the next 6 years being an ascetic homeless person, then he realised that asceticism is stupid and there's actually nothing wrong with indulging your urges as long as you do it in moderation, then he spent a non-stop month or so meditating under a tree and became the wisest man on earth
fascinating stuff
got a friend who I'm pretty sure has never shagged meanwhile I shag whenever I want really
might send a girl his way but I'm sure he'd be a weird freak about it
Well maybe you don't
But if someone does then girls dress nicer
no idea what these trannyisms mean and it smacks of deep entitlement that they expect people to
Would be awkward watching tv now on the account of all the peng tranners you see on tv nowadays :/
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t. egg
if a male cares about that, he's either a poof or mentally ill or both
just be yourself
reckon I mog trannies on account of being 5'6 with a girlish face
had an ex that studied psychology or something similar

wonder if she picked up on the fact that i was autistic
a tranny sat in front of me on the train last week she was absolutely hideous like 6’3 with a massive space raider head
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reading a comic book
I used to know a 6'5 trannard
what the fuck's the point of that
oh so it's an attempt to gaslight people into questioning their gender identity, i see
why are you seething about trans people again?
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does fabricating anti-trans lies make you feel good?
stayed up all night and now i'm ill
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>85% of all discussion pertains to wogs and trannards
very true my lad very true
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here's my elden ring guys
love dressing up my toons me
The yin and yang of demonic entities destroying this world
Chester to earlestown, the tranny got on at frodsham. Was wearing a cream coloured coat and had long brown hair
I like trannies that have those classic 50's hairstyles out in public and will wear kitchen sink period clothing,

Probably would be a fantasy of mine to have one of these trannies wank my cock with those yellow oven gloves you used to see in cartoons
for men, taking testosterone is less likely to kill you than taking estrogen
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>trannies that have those classic 50's hairstyles out in public and will wear kitchen sink period clothing
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But any girl you’ll ever like will cheat on you with a BBC
it does age you at the speed of light though
I've seen niggas in their 20s who look 50
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*wanders in to /brit/*
She’s actually not even hot so
I've just thought about it further

Trad trannies

Certain niche that needs filling
Operation get skinny as fuck before Christmas started well yesterday
seen actual posts like this on instagram reels and they're always made by mexicans and jeets
Starting weight and goal weight?
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Tradwives only cook for White guys who do roids, Moishe Shekelblattbergowitzstein
It is written.
al why do you think you'll make a lot of money at a fucking liquor store
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It would be in the mountains and I would take on OT and I would have a youtoid channel and I would be renting out my house and I would have a website
saw a video of a cat with down syndrome earlier and it was adorable, poor little goofy looking thing
What does “trad” even mean at this point, Bobby? That whore in your pic is covered in tattoos and judging by her hair and overall looks she is filled with STDs
>Be Brit
>Watch Britain will plunge into a year-long recession this autumn in which households will be hit by the deepest fall in living standards on record, the Bank of England has warned
>Inflation will now peak at 13.3 per cent in the final months of the year as average energy bills trebel from £1200 to £3500 by October
>It's impossible to get anything to rent in any major town in the UK for less than £900
>Liz Straight up says Chinese workers are better than lazy, low productivity Bri'ish workers who don't know the meaning of graft because British work culture is crap and and Brexit voters are idiots who just chose something because of hollow messages
>UK loves the NHS, But they can see it's going downhill and needs more funding. Hence why the Tories use that £350m as a carrot to their Brexit stick
>America wants to export race mixing, BLM and LGBT issues and pushing non-binary/genderfluid/trans
>average house earns more by just sitting there all year than the average worker earns in a year
>houseprices: rose by 30k in the last year and growing as a result of a tax break that cost the taxpayer £3.6bn
>modern English tv: a black man and a paki gleefully cheering for the last white man
https://youtu.be/s9etnCbimNg [Embed]
>Hey Northerners, we've decimated your industry, slashed nurse's wages by a quarter and we're spending 90% of your taxes on London
>Wow the northern is falling apart why do you keep asking us for money
>BBC video shows 6-year-old schoolkids being made to write 'gay' love letters
>"The largest group of property owners in London are Indians, who are represented by those who have lived in the UK for generations"
>NHS almost collapsed when they tried to enforce the vaccine mandate on doctors
>Leave UK
must be mad living in a country where monkeys just roam around
quite jealous ngl
Less than 75kg
didnt even read 1 line
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Look at how diligent she is. She would be the perfect mother. All she has to do is cover up her tattoos and wash the dye out of her hair and she's fixed, Goldberg. Don't be such a negative Nancy.
I can fix her
Light work
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>I'm alright but girls in Sydney are just huge slags

Any stories?

>British women
4kg is fuck all
have greater ambitions
anyone who isn't retarded knows the UK has no future
I can usually get the weight off straightforwardly enough but then I end up having a big weekend or holiday and put it all back on
>anyone who isn't retarded knows the UK has no future

QRD? How bad is it?
Scotland has a future it’s called independence
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Keep deluding yourself whitey. The best you can hope for is some worn out slut that no Black Man is interested in anymore
got diagnosed with aspergers as a kid, but i decided to stop being autistic once the tiktok runts started self-diagnosing as a fashion statement
I reckon if I'm being good it should take me eight weeks to lose 4kg
Eight weeks from now takes me into December and at that point it's basically christmas
looks like all his belgium vpns got banned
had a fwb
she stopped seeing me to fuck a streamer
he pretended to love her and she fell for it
when he wouldn't leave his wife for her, she lost her mind
good times
Being an introvert doesn't make you autistic m8
british people need more graaaaaaaaahhhhhhhft
Woah you had sex I’ll never have sex
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Honestly feel bad for this sad cuck. He literally cannot see a woman without thinking about his weird sex fetish. I see a person. Not an object.
do they give you an opioid prescription if you break a bone?
In every way it just feels like we’re back in the Cameron era.

“Difficult decisions” landing on the shoulders of the poorest while a smug slick suit tells us we’re “all in it together”.
When are they going to get it? We’ve had 14 years of Tory pain & can’t take anymore
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When was the last time you approached some birds at the club or pub lads?
nothing vile like this
for 90% of women I've shagged we just get a drink at a pub and then I invite them over, or sometimes they'll just come over with no date needed
lovely leeds ladies
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>In every way it just feels like we’re back in the Cameron era.
>“Difficult decisions” landing on the shoulders of the poorest while a smug slick suit tells us we’re “all in it together”.

Don't call it a grave
You voted for Brexit
wouldn't really call myself an introvert, i prefer being around other people than alone in theory, but it just makes me uncomfortable sometimes because i'm very socially maladjusted
I’ve never approached a woman in my entire 22 years of life
Besides, White dudes mog black dudes. I'm going to the Pacific Northwest and I'm going to be a top shagger!
Simple as
rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape
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luv chubby asians
wow great posts yanks!
its not that special desu
ive never had sex with someone i love so maybe thats different
>first comment on that twitter post is "weimerica"
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>So Anon, why are you still single?
are stabbings really as prevalent in england as they say they are?
Never had a thick thighed one but I tittyfucked another...mental how they like titfucking so much. Makes it more enjoyable than a white broad who you don't know if she's gonna get the ick cause titfucking was invented by hentai
In London or Birmingham yeah
>Neuron Activation
Who is they and how prevalent do they say they are?
America despite it's flaws is pretty kino, the centre of the world in our time
Seems a waste not to be living there
What happens in the UK in comparison?
I have extremely specific requirements for a gf
You can buy roids legally in the UK and in Thailand.
Best to do that there
i would rather live in the uk countryside
Nowt happens here these days
i just hear it said a lot, i've got to give specific sources?
everyone knows about it m8, open your eyes
and your heart x
and your bum xx
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Blonde bitches even fake blondes love dominant and aggressive Black Males, they love to submit. No white boi can give her that
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Every time you niggas reveal your age I realise I'm a sad cunt for still being on here posting with people several years younger than me
Well there are certainly stabbings but Britain is basically one of the safest places in the world and people dont walk around scared about getting stabbed as they walk around the street
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Plus if you wanna make a game you need Japanese voice actors and it's best to be in Japan then innit
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Si or no
well then thanks for clarifying
constant, never ending rain for the next few months is it? jolly good
im 29
RAID: Shadow Legends
think of /brit/ as the symposium of ancient greece and you're imparting younger men with knowledge (noncing them)
My brolly needs a work out
It's been lazing around for months on end
>the centre of the world
maybe in the 80s, laughable if you still think this now
Forgot your VPN, Sasha?
amongst teenage wogs? yes
amongst everyone else? no
Well obviously it is
Where else would be?
Coping? Underage? Brown?
I could buy 4chan
right that's Russia filtered
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top of the morning to you laddies
would you repeal the draconian policies around racism here?
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You tears are delicious whitey
Spaedo Samefag
What are the downsides of living in the UK
I hope not
Reporting racists for racism is one of my favourite things to do on 4chan
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Just bought a facial steamer
Was using it for my skin but it really cleared out my sinuses as well

would recommend you lads pick one up
I have a dream
of a segregated firstie and thirdie internet
>oi bruv check the time for me init

how do you respond
I would introduce bots to automatically ban any post using the n-word
I'm on a sea man diet. I see men, and I eat their semen
A gave ya mum a steaming facial

Low wages, expensive housing, loads of cunts about, classism, bad weather, lack of public infrastructure
Spainmong sounds like Sniff from Moomins
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significantly reduced spending power because the wages are shite and everything is overpriced
shite weather almost all year
narrow, poor quality congested roads
tiny houses
by bashing your fat head in with a cricket bat spainnonce you demented ghoul
brown hands
well screw you then pal
why does he have an ID and a bodycam, is he a professional roadman
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I wonder what sort of women I will discover in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest
Day 200+ of newjobtoil :(
hardly NEW then is it
accidentally had the volume high while watching porn yesterday and the neighbour almost certainly will have heard it
>narrow, poor quality congested roads
>tiny houses

Explain these
Anyone else love women* with flat chests and hairless pussies? Mmmm
Day 2000+ of neet life
Explain basic words and concepts? Why?
The Noncester
Couple of minutes from the office
Another day begins
Need to prep the payment runs today
Dogberg woke me up at 6.18am so she could go piss
Didn't get back to sleep so now feel like arse
going to make a thread on /pol/ and a thread here on int as well
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Why don't Brits fight back?
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there is? how do i go there
Britain's roads are mostly evolved from ancient tracks and carriageways that were created long before cars existed. We didn't have the luxury of being able to design cities and towns around the car. This means most of our roads are unsuitable for the sheer amount of traffic going through them, narrow and winding and full of bottlenecks.
The tiny houses I can't really explain, I assume it comes down to a general lack of space and a cultural preference towards small things in general
Hahah, posh bitch deserves it for flaunting all her bags of tat
Victorian London seemed pretty hellish. Constant smog, rampant poverty and disease, children working in factories, huge class divisions, dark and wet weather, grime and dirt everywhere from the factories and smog, mental asylums with experimental "treatment" for dissenters, evil global empire controlling everything
Loads of Louis Vuitton and Selfridges bags but drives a mini okay sure this isn’t fake staged shit
Are there black people in Afghanistan? Currently
was playing gta san andreas one night as a kid and i was watching the cutscene where catalina takes CJ into her house and fucks him while screaming her head off and mumstein came in to tell me that she heard that
what was the middle aged woman going to do, nag them to death?
nigga shut up
>The tiny houses I can't really explain, I assume it comes down to a general lack of space and a cultural preference towards small things in general
It's the planning system massively restricting what can be built so they cram more tiny houses onto the few plots of land that get permission.
We can build on all the inhabited bits of land in south of England and the Scottish Highlands
Where u off to la
might pay a visit to the local cafe that's run entirely by milfs
irrationally bothers me when australians ask stupid leading questions that they know the answer to
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black people are overrepresented and if we didnt have them in this country then our lives would probably be much better. testament to this is them being on 4chan along with race traitors and that making 4chan worse and all about sex constantly
they are on most boards and that means we have to see black dick on our computer screen constantly even on worksafe boards (because blacks dont have jobs)
If I were a povvo I'd rob her too

That's thousands of pounds' worth of merchandise
are your parents smart or retards?
mine are so mindnumbingly thick it beggars belief

can't relate with tv shows wanting parent-figures to be proud of them because I've already impressed mine with knowing how to spell
All of the racebait spammers are white and asian
hate it when you're flossing and a little strand of it breaks off inbetween your teeth
Alri anime protagonist
Elsa Jean getting pummeled from behind by Jason Love
>Britain's roads are mostly evolved from ancient tracks and carriageways that were created long before cars existed. We didn't have the luxury of being able to design cities and towns around the car. This means most of our roads are unsuitable for the sheer amount of traffic going through them, narrow and winding and full of bottlenecks.

How do you handle driving down such skinny roads?
good morning toby
didnt ask
dont care
blacks have had 0 problems with it for whites so i dont care who it is it may as well be them. not discounting the self hating whites and racists who want to make me think that about blacks just to start a race war. i hate all of them. i hate all races even the bad ones equally
Dad is proper thick he's like the spitting image of that bloke from the England Expects painting. Tbf he's very humble and knows he knows nothing about the wider world so I feel as if I'm a bit lucky I don't have an Adrian lib dem guardian dad
you dont get to post about blacks anymore
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rorke's drip
mumberg is a bit of a ditz, I wouldn't call her stupid but she isn't particularly knowledgeable about anything
Racists are deeply insecure and need to feel genetically superior to prevent becoming an hero
You should try tricking her into shagging her up the arse
dad has booksmarts but no emotional intelligence at all
mum has streetsmarts but is thick
me? thick and autistic
I frequently feel like I'm going to collide with the wing mirrors of oncoming cars, never have but sometimes they must pass just inches apart
if we sent all of the self hating whites and racist blacks to Africa then black countries get the best of both worlds.
they get white people there while still being a majority, so the country is bound to do better
The country would start being worth a damn and might see progress for the first time in their history.
the whites get to be among them to fully experience that culture without having to sacrifice everyone else for their guilt and backwards thinking.
racists are just as much a disgrace to this country in the majority of cases. are just as annoying as the people they hate almost always because of what they do.
going to do yourself in in some forest?
Throw the jew down the well
imprisoning me
black people cannot function without whites. with no whites they couldnt survive at all
without them whites have to deal with a lot less of people getting offended which boosts progress. black people are the most sensitive race
Also he's a puzzle to me, he speaks fondly of Enoch Powell (despite voting Labour his whole life) but he also sparked out his staff sergeant and did a long stint in military jail because he was picking on his black mate at the army pub. I don't "get" boomers desu
time you got a watch
getting quite nervous about WW3 lads
could do i suppose
white people no longer know what a good life for them might look like. they have forgotten everything except making things equal to babysit that race and to them a good world is one which is nice rather than it being good for them in a quality of life perspective, where the life they are aiming for is one in Africa just slightly better because of white people propping it up
fingers crossed I get nuked
Why? Just join a partisan pro-Russian paramilitary group and you'll be on the winning side
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*does a little jive*
dis white bwoi got di riddim!
rich people are the ones to profit from Africa and this nonwhite majority country would be no different to t hat
Who said this, the creator of abortions or Hitler?:
>castrate all the blacks
fuck up rorke I'm not getting bummed in the russian army
self hating whites know that if they went to Africa then black people would kill them for no reason. even if that means there being no white people to progress those countries and make it worth as a place to stay in rather than immigrating from
mr hitler never met a black in his life
Getting a root canal next week
riveting stuff lads
black people act offensive and then call whites the most offended. but in reality they are insecure enough to get upset at most words and appearances
do people still redditflag
all hitler needed was a mental health first aider and so much misery would have been avoided
shut up toby
bum's itchy
he just needed someone to listen
BRING BACK HITLER, he would sort this country out
self hating whites are why i understand why the hebrew tribes kept holocausting themselves. self hating whites are worse for progress than a few blacks
had root canal a few years ago
what was your nickname in school lads? Mine was smelly spaz mong
reminder to the polshits here that you talked shit for so many years and then wars broke out for all the countries you were on the dick of or groups you hated and you didnt join a single war, while you "fight" a "war" on fucking 4chan where you go around making every other place worse as your threads are
They knock you out or just painkillers?
How bad does it hurt afterwards?
just scratched me bum
Farts are rancid again
left the feeding window open
toildberg has piled more work in me again (unfairly)
they don't knock you out no, they just give you anaesthetic
it's not really painful during or after, just felt like any other dental procedure I've had done
you'll get on no bother lad, rest easy
I was called May after James May because my personality is almost identical to his
i have literally nothing bad to say about the Chinese
other than how them baiting whites is just going to push more whites to racemix with Asians. so those dysgenics that feel the need because of their shit lives to bait whites are also stupid
washed the mouth and tonsils with a hydrogen peroxide and water solution
Had a wank this morning just to the imagination
Anazing what happens when you start shagging again, I just have no desire for porn
nothing sweet to eat
and my sweet tooth is overpowering
. . . . . . . .
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I believe low birth rates are caused by the sheer urbanisation of the modern world
Had a fear for ages of having some sort of medical procedure and saying some rorke shit while drugged up and out of it
I have a great idea for the new but I have a 5 minute timer, please wait.
nae bother
Well fucking hurry up then, we're all fucking waiting. Jeez Louise
can't wait around here doing nothing
the new?
the new?
Can I suck you off while we wait?
yeah not a problem pal *makes the new*

the new?
bet that lads sweating bullets seeing all these comments

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