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British infrastructure edition
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always get a bad feeling seeing autistic lads at work get essentially exploited. They take work super serious and put in 100% effort all day every day and just get absolutely rinsed by their managers and employers

what these industrious spackers don't understand is that their employer is quite happy to let them grind themselves into dust working hard without ever recognising their hard work in the form of a pay-rise or promotion. They just get more and more responsibilities dumped on them while they go more and more insane trying to do a 'good job' of it all. Seen it many times.
We are closer to the year 3000 than the year 1048.
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you should take pride in your work
Lorne egg and hash brown bap for breakfast with brown sauce it lovely
might go down the street and get something for breakfast
me in the red Cortina driving to wimpys
Feel bad about people who work in general desu
wtf is a lorne egg
haha very funny, I'll make my new next time
like lorne soss but egg
lorne is square sausage

the englishman fears right-angled sausage meat
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I'm so fucking stupid and ugly and autistic
Oh work hard you said, I just saw autistic
had lorne a few times. its really shit. im convinced the scrotes just eat it to be different. theres a reason the rest of the world encase it in a cylindrical fashion.
thought it was spelt lawn sausage rather than lorne desu. thought a lawn sausage always sounded like something you'd call a dog poo. i stepped in a lawn sausage.
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haha kek ktim
Can feel a massive stinking shite brewing up in my hole
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I'm so fucking smart and beautiful and sociable
had 4 wanks yesterday
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>straight up names one his minor characters “Nob”
Based Tolkien.
scariest part about a zombie apocalypse is there would be nonces wantonly going around raping kids, possibly even zombie kids if they're particularly fucked in the head
doing a lawn sausage
thought you were going to say something interesting there then you came out with that
The industrious autist + machiavellian psychopath duo is unmatched for climbing the ranks of any corporate ladder
I only did one but it was an arse wank so felt like about 3 in one
And now you want to go "to hospital," yeah? Take the lorry to hospital for wanking 4 times, yeah?
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>brown women when a non white flirts with them
Brian clough and Peter taylor
mad how every product that gets shilled in youtube sponsorships is complete shit and usually overpriced
only exception i can think of is hello fresh, that stuff is actually quite convenient
Didn't know a sequel to Gladiator was coming out.
actually quite like this. suppose im a big gay trans poof who cums from poo
this doesnt happen
gooning to sfm porn

don't think I've played a single game where any of these characters come from
Hello fresh is overpriced
bro gets his breakfast delivered
Is this website broken, it appears to think I am an aussie talking about zombies when I was in fact talking about proposed tax rises on motorists
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>american banter
Cor that poo was huge and stank
kek, I need to watch that film again
just got two slices of buttered bread off deliveroo, £8.50 plus tip
fright'ning thought
didnt they make a computer game about that
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cringiest shit was ruby doing a sponsored dell video preaching the whole time about how good dell laptops are and she's never used anything other than a mac before or after that video
You smell bad too
thats are diego
was about to stay home but decided to go out to uni anyway, forcing myself to campus, forcing myself to not procrastinate
thinking of buying a reliant robin
thinking of joining the national front
get the pineal decalcified
mournful ass
>christianity does not promote polygamy
>every nun is considered to be married to jesus
so which is it jeezy?
probably average like 10 cups of black coffee a day lads
am i within the dri of caffeine?
thought you were rich anyway swedelad, what do you need a degree for?
wanking a cock with my arse
what a astupid amount to drink
least autistic atheist
What do you think happened to Mussorgsky on bald mountain?
you realise it's possible to question things without necessarily being opposed to them right?
went bald
you realise you are incredibly autistic right?
He did have a beautiful head of hair.
absolute state of christians
you're the one with the incredibly black and white thought patterns, a well-known autistic trait
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im wearing mixed fabrics. you mad god?
uhhh, sorry wrong number *hangs up*
Anyone want to make a remark about the race of these reprobates
god doesn't exist
hate how musk has made it so any twat can pay a small fee to have a blue checkmark, completely undermines the site and makes me to pay more attention to random twitter shitposts than i should because i'm conditioned to expect the person who wrote it to be some sort of well-known figure as opposed to some overly opinionated nobody
might combine cheese with meat later
problem, Jehovah?
what kind of fucking retard has ever used that site.
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dunno, why don't you try thinking about it instead of immediately resorting to your incel strategy of pure vitriol
what on earth are you using twitter for in the current year
grafting a hefty poo onto my bumhole cause im not gay enough to have an actual HOLE in my arse
you realise you can just look at the odd twitter post here and there without religiously devoting your life at it?
*thinks about australian mongs using a shit site for retards*
my position remains unchanged
grafting it to your mouth then
sad little hateful creature you are
binmen were early this morning
yeah but even that I find confusing
nothing of any value has ever been tweeted, what are you worried you're missing out on if you just left the site entirely?
>implying he didn't make beings with free will
mong image
mine come on thursdees
mmph mmph *muffled poo violence*
twitter is /brit/ for normies basically, i look at it occasionally just to see what's going on in the world, most of the time from a link that was posted here i might add
cope on autismo
no that image isnt implying that at all
if you don't live in a place with a unique, discernable accent then your opinion is unimportant to me
Women love grabbing tits
>nothing of any value has ever been tweeted
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lot of ways this post could be interpreted
Between Tr*mp, my ex-wife, the tenant from hell, and general chumpfuckery, this has been a cromulent fuckcrustable of a day. Tommy needy drinky
Covfefe is a real word btw Australia
OK fine that one was historic I'll give you that
fellow bruces can we get power hour started now? i need to wash the taste of diego out my mouth
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Good one, Elon!
Pretty much anything written on X is historic considering
presumably it's some sort of small flightless bird
you've been done
why iys the taste of Diego in your mouth
Elon Musk is cringe
if I could just stop you right there
there was another bloke who says kamala is going to win and he's apparently correctly predicted every election since 1980
i think it may be possible that these predictions are merely lucky guess rubbish that should be ignored
You're a small sexless man
hAHa actually made me shit my pants L O L

smooth chocolate log from laughter forced out
>Obesity in mums doubles the risk of autism in babies
/brit/, is your mum fat?
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you're not wrong
Did brits really spend lockdown going outside their house in the morning and clapping?

lmao if true
that's actually so retarded
sourc eon god doing those things
she has let herself go a bit yh
not at the time i was born she wasn't, got a bit of a pot belly now but far from obese
have no more energy drinks starting today (had to drink the rest of mine with my pasta)
oh it was a personal revelation was it? seems a bit odd god would reveal to you a contradiction in himself
do you live on donations or something
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currently enjoying some lovely emotional pain-alleviating drugs
mosuenonce get back on the energy drink budget AS>>202615467
takeaway pasta?
he has a history of being contradictory 2bh
how so?
you've done well to find the only pupil-constricting gif in existence
howling that some cunt here said he was going on a 2 week holiday to japan today and everyone ignored him
just did and all of them are nonsensical/misunderstandings of the text
human failure not gods
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What was your driving test like lads?
tough Stand-up there as I had to say more than "BAU from me. thanks"
if you say so
good on ya lad hope you have a grouse time
pobody cares about that freak
firstly I don't care
secondly he's probably just going to pop a Japanese VPN on and talk bollocks for a couple weeks
lol nice conversation skills
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>always get a bad feeling seeing autistic lads at work get essentially exploited. They take work super serious and put in 100% effort all day every day and just get absolutely rinsed by their managers and employers
>what these industrious spackers don't understand is that their employer is quite happy to let them grind themselves into dust working hard without ever recognising their hard work in the form of a pay-rise or promotion. They just get more and more responsibilities dumped on them while they go more and more insane trying to do a 'good job' of it all. Seen it many times.

There is a reason why they are replacing you with cheap labor
very easy. In the first half of the test, the roads were very quiet, then the second half I had to follow the sat nav which was programmed in a straight line for 20 minutes.
>secondly he's probably just going to pop a Japanese VPN on and talk bollocks for a couple weeks
no chance anyone is that deranged but i yelped at the idea
Mad to think I could sell my house and nobody could do anything to stop it
failed the first one because I pulled out in front of another car
second one I did almost flawlessly except the cunt gave me a minor point for not immediately turning my wipers on for a tiny bit of drizzle

Huh what you mean?
i'm generally pretty skilled with words and constructing sentences articulately and so forth, but when it comes to classifications of words i haven't got a fucking blue
what's an intransitive verb? i haven't got a fucking clue, that sort of thing makes me eyes glaze over like a krispy kreme donut it does
Failed my first one because I slightly cut across a bike lane while doing a turn
passed 2nd time
dont really remember. it was like 18 years ago
spaino has done exactly that and been caught doing it multiple times
shut up
damn she got a stiff upper lip
i think
i dont know what that means (im trying to find out)
mine is due in the next few weeks or so, i've already pretty much completely mastered driving, but they want me to take this hazard identification test first that you have to pay $50 to even attempt and i don't feel like paying up just yet
expect your outrageous claims without evidence to be part of a conversation
conversation partner replies similarly and suddenly it's "if you say so" i.e. i dont want this conversation i was baiting
i've decided that my football team will remain shite for as long as my life remains shite
support racism equality me, honkies, niggas, chinks, gooks, pajeets, muzzies— they can all get it
apparently pajeets like to call muslim indians "mujeets"
doesn't really have the same kick to it tbf, i'd just call them pakis because they basically are
would you trust this bridge

love love LOVE pastel palettes
Do you perhaps know what the hypothetical subjunctive mood is?
no, not at all
the Krusty KWAB
have you found out?
Ok how you know?
good point, paki is a better catch-all term for the beasts
also would add wogs on there
i think so maybe
what about you?
not sure if i'm jealous of mrbeast anymore, he is of course young and rich and loaded, but he's also in the process of being cancelled, and i wouldn't be surprised if some sexual harassment allegations started coming forward either, whether he's innocent of that or not i'm pretty sure some foids will find a way to gain attention and possibly money out of his downfall
why is leaving a blank line between paragraphs called 'reddit spacing'?
Americans on twitter have discovered mr blobby
Got the x-files on again, kino
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wow acetic acid is used as a chemical de which gram-positive bacteria takes in and becomes fluorescent from, i think
'Stiff upper lip' means someone is stoic.
why bother caring about internet people? don’t believe a single frame i see of them
yeah but they must also have a astiff upper lip no?
reckon they could've made him a lot less creepy by simply not having him be skin-coloured
paint him blue or orange or something for christs sake
wow acid thrown in your stupid face
that some mad jap rabbit burger
not had a mcdonalds in ages

might get one at the weekend
no buffer solution
and maybe potassium/calcium would also cause the bacterium (or fungi!) to change its behaviour. just acetic acid
wow acetic acid...
they're just like me!
dunno, i've never watched him buy everyone else can't seem to shut the fuck up about him, now they've somewhat passed that affliction onto me, the cocksmokers
love watching shows in the morning, gets you ready for the day
got no mates not even a 'berg
toby!!!!! :D hi!!!
I recommend the double quarter-pounder, or "DQP" to those in the know
go on Twitter and watch videos of police/firefighter training clips for throwing moltov cocktails
the results might shock you
and you also dont have a choice to see it now because it will put the videos on your feed
…thrown in your stupid face
poo lol
objectively the best McDonald's burger
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/brit/ is the only friends I have
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>The most clapped out 10 year old ND MX-5s are still going for over 20k
wtf lads
Mass shittings
for me it would be anhydrous sodium hydroxide base and then liquid sodium hypochlorite
otherwise with acid you could just wash it off i think. with alkaline attacks maybe put your face in soil
for me it's the mcchicken

(only joking it's very bland and shite)
I have McDonald's twice a week, sometimes more.
sports cars are expensive: more at 11
>mine is due in the next few weeks or so, i've already pretty much completely mastered driving

What's the best tips for new drivers
reminder that if the nukes drop then dont look at the explosion ya dumb cunts
and if youre outside then lay down face first next to a curb flat with your hands over your ears
basically just experience, it's pure muscle memory
what acid to melt away old wallpaper
for me? a simple crispy chicken from the king himself
thanks la when london gets nuked i'll get burned to a crisp in this position x
sucking egglets up my vaginer
is that like paint stripper? like tolulene i think?
you can just get a paper scraper and scrape it off dry, then wet or something
sean coombs
I had a McCrispy two months ago and ended up violently ill.
out of interest what's the market like for classic Australian cars? Are old Holdens and Fords rocketing in value like old English cars are here? You're looking at about 30 grand just for a standard Mini now, it's ridiculous
kick it in the guts
if the nukes drop then it's probably the end of the human race so i'd just accept it and get obliterated or go and kill myself if i survive the initial blast, will probably suffer a slow painful death from radiation sickness anyway
imagine you had to use a type of acid to get rid of the wallpaper
to avoid radiation sickness you go back to your house and tape up the windows and doors for 24 hours (to not suffocate)
wales will survive the nuclear apocalypse
this, never understood why people are trying so hard to survive in doomed post apocalyptic worlds like in the movies, literally what is the point
I bribed and passed but I am a good driver.
When are these CUNTS bringing the Big Tasty back, nobody wants the McRib ffs
two beer kier, the life of the party
It's biological instinct to survive. 'The Road' exemplifies this.
hits the spot for me in a way the chicken legend or mccripsy can't
I think it's just the nostalgia value as the mcchicken was my favourite as a nipper
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wow Logan Paul and Mr. Beast made a healthier version of lunchables
not all that bad maybe
two deer kier, the life of the hunting party
I will not kill myself after the nukes drop unless they take out the internet
Dont think so
the internet is breaking as soon as the first one blows up pal, and it won't ever come back
shag on the cards for tonight
had a diabolical wank this morning so I just know I won't be able to perform
Yeah prices are pretty nuts. People are asking 10-20k for things you wouldn't have looked at twice 5 years ago
If terrorists flew planes into The Shard and Big Ben, would it be as big a deal as 9/11? I don't think it would be.
swear some of the mothers at toil get away with ridiculous hours
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need a job

can't get one
looks healthier though and Mr. Beast bar
Who are you shagging?
A sugary chocolate bar and that chemical slop drink
Its a money grab from parasites
Big Ben certainly would be. The thing isn't that big, despite the name. A commercial plane hitting that would be impressive to say the least
Would be very impressive if they managed to hit Big Ben desu that’s a small target
its coconut water though!
we should give kids tyrosine
lebanese girl
Very unusual atmosphere in the office this week
Reckon half the employees won't be here two months from now
wasn't worth advertising or begging the first time either
and pantothenic acid
but that is everywhere
don't worry we will all be vaporised soon
any fit ones?
The Lunchly thing sounds like a meme but you know we are all going to try it once for a laugh, realise it’s actually quite nice and then probably buy it again lol

Shit like that is great when you’re travelling or need a quick lunch in work, fits into the same category as a Tesco meal deal
dont you reckon she might leave you for a woman
nothing wrong with lots of potassium
you need a lot of potassium. like 3 grams
nah nuclear weapons are a psyop and don't really exist
imagine if mousenonce learnt something actually useful that would improve his life instead of learning little superficial titbits of chemistry that he doesn't truly understand
no more acid TOBY
>npc's (non-whites) don't have souls

we know
>Imagine if mentally ill person suddenly stopped being mentally ill
Whoa yeah would be crazy bro
Got to wonder how some people ended up as Panel Show regulars without being funny in the slightest.
I can think of one joke that Phil Jupitus said on QI that was actually decently funny. Every other time he opened his mouth on any TV appearance, it was a low point of the show.
hour 1 of ignoring him in 9 min
think she actually doesn't like men she just gets shagged by them
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What was your uni experience like lads?
if he improved his life he would have to start looking after himself and taking responsibility for his own life instead of relying entirely on handouts from Big Brother
don't care, all these stupid hyper-corporatised youtube stars deserve to be guillotined
got police interceptors on
it is true that unless i go to school and go work for the NHS then all of this information is useless
post psychology degree or kys
N/A, I chose experience over debt
raucus, expensive , filled with socialising
Now i think we ALL know that feel!
*blocks your path*
You are tax class disabled mate I don’t need a psychology degree to see that
Got no mates and neither does the proto bf, we're made for each other
so you have no psychology degree and yet you think yourself able to call people crazy diagnosed over the internet
Sir beer korma
another painful show on Sunday Brunch last weekend
everyone's talking back and forth, banter is flowing, then everyone has to sit in pregnant silence for 2 minutes while she chews through a "joke"
you could see when everyone individually gave up on squinting and leaning forward to mentally translate, followed by a polite laugh whenever she paused
that face she pulls when she was some baby food or to make a terribly unfunny joke
i'm guessing she hates white cis men and loves the heckin brownerinos and lgbtpaedos
you think you're mentally well?
could of started this post w ith "got no psychology degree" and then ended it t here and your post would have been better
really wish dr melfi would've let tony shag her, or at the very least killl that bloke who raped her in the stairwell
i suppose her getting that close to tony would undermine the point of her character but it would've been satisying
Getting paid £18k pre tax tomorrow
come join us in the real world sometime
taxberg *takes over half of it*
nothing personnel kiddo
i think you are a little man
How have you never seen rosie jones on tv kek
nice dodge lol. thats a definite yes then.
very dishonest aren't you mate
>willingly watching goyslop
i torrent
you are going in with preconceived notions and seeking confirmation for those opinions again anon
Yep, with student loans, 40% tax and losing the personal allowance as I earn in the 100k-125k range my marginal tax rate is fucking 62%

Wouldn't even mind if the state actually worked and delivered good infrastructure and services, I'm comfortable and don't need it all really. But the state is shite.
right status: it not bloody
pantothenic acid
anyone could've guessed, mate
you vill pay for the benefit scroungers like mousey
rolling a cig then activating the e cred on the meter
Could probably go back to bed. Perks of being a manager is that there is no real work to be done
A sanky-panky or sanky is a male sex worker, found in the Dominican Republic.[1] A sanky-panky solicits on beaches and has clients of either both sexes or only women.[2] When with men, the sanky-panky assumes an active (a.k.a. top) role, but when with women, assumes the role of an ideal lover.[citation needed]

While strictly speaking they are not prostitutes, since they do not directly negotiate money for sex, sanky-pankies are more likely to develop a pseudo-relationship which can be continued after the guest returns home.[3] They then might attempt to ask for money to be sent to them primarily by wire transfer, often using elaborate stories of need, involving (for example) sick relatives.[1] A sanky's ultimate goal is often to obtain a marriage visa to the tourist's native country, and marry the tourist before abandoning her.[4]

Another word used for a sanky panky is chapeador (or chapi chapi) A lady is called a chapeadora. This word is derived from the verb "chapear" (to trim or cut, especially with a machete
Alri mousy
shut up nigga
irrelevant catchphrase/copypasta
are tobes
Might move to birmingham
*upside down question mark*donde es el neuvo?
and what have you done? other than jerking off about online characters
you'd fit in being the colour of sewage
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I am as white as can be I just hecking love multicultural communities
She fit
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>So Anon, do you have any real hobbies besides playing video games?

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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