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Retard edition
So this is rorke
45 trillion
my IQ test came back negative
"the mind, the buddah, and all beings are essentially the same"
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don't make early news you fucking spastic, how many times do you have to be told?
hope the janny banishes you and your thread straight to hell
q p
Starmer still banging on about the race riots
No one cares you fucking neek
*bing bong*
sara davidson to the bogs, please
that's sara davidson... to the bogs
*bong bing*
oh shes got homosexual eye
smartest brit poster
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> NEW: Keir Starmer calls for the ‘return of the sausages’ in Gaza
what a throwback

bet she still works in tesco
i remember when jagex literally changed the W font to look like less of a jeb end just so people would stop doing this
bro is hungry
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Bro i can't comment in this in a way that would make it look worse than you already did
more like gazza
Women are the perverts for wearing skin tight leggings that show off their pussy bulges and their arse cracks and see through tops with no bra.
Men aren't perverted for having their gaze drawn to it.
She's signed off full time these days, on full PIP. She has schizophrenia and mental elf, she needs full PIP, full housing benefit, full UC (no commitments).
190 you're not one of the boys, go away you creepy incel
lovely pan of a room full of white people there
My iq test came back pregnant
lovely room of a pan full of sausages there
cor yes please
cousin hit puberty and she immediately started dressing up like that :/
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watching tracey mcbean
Might have a sleep guys, see if my sore throat improves.
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>Schoolboy, 12, found dead in his bedroom just weeks after 'popular and likeable' youngster started new term
Me in hands on the last frame
sara is mousenonce
>only 4% of albanian muslims pray 5 times a day

mad how much communism completely cucks the religion out of you
if I could change one thing from the 20th century it would be letting the commies take Afghanistan and prevent western involvement

imagine how civilised it could be today
stfu dog
Wish I was Italian or better still Italian-American then I could join Cosa Nostra. Crime in the UK is shit, no loyalty, honour, brotherhood, full of foreigners.
The 20th century was such a disaster, but especially the beginning with how WW1 and all that titanic stuff symbolises the class divide and the inevitability of tragedy and death at the hands of technology
4chan is your only way to experience the lad culture you missed out on in school lmfao
190! So glad you could join us
Mad how people who die unexpectedly are always likeable, kind and smart. Its never "was a bit of a prick but will be missed"
'ic rel
is this a sex thing? why do you keep harping on about it?
why does simply stating facts around here often get misconstrued as bragging? who on earth would come here to brag just to build up some pointless anonymous reputation? i bet it's diego who says everything is bragging, totally within character for him, bitter vindictive little cunt he is
shut up you nonce
just raped cloggies mum
raped him
i could have saved her
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>Paddy Rorke's supposed e-gf
Yeah and I'm fucking Gandhi
misery loves company and wishes it could find it here
Na thats not true. My cousin was a nasty piece of work and he topped himself. At the pub after the funeral my grandad said he was happy my cousin was dead.
Considering making a GP appointment to discuss why I'm always tired.
remember the time some lad from here did a cum tribute of her and sent it in a dm
He's the Irish chad who used to post his Tinder and he had hundreds of matches. This wouldn't surprise me.
>I'm fucking Gandhi
top or bottom?
this is fucking grim
matey was 7 years old when covid dropped
probably lived in a ‘difficult’ home
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Brits hate arrogance. Australians are very arrogant, like the Yanks.
whenever i express misery here (which is often) he just tells me to blog on and calls me a boring bastard
he's a wrotten person and even if he's right about god being real he's still going to hell
i'm fucking matt damon
no one hates arrogance more than us, have you never heard the expression "cutting down the tall poppy"?
meanwhile britain is still an openly classist society
because your misery is still rooted in life experience, he wants to believe everyone is as stunted as him
all you have to do to prompt a "blog on" is mention knowing a woman IRL
Based and truthul grandad
could be dragging your massive cock and hanging bollocks about all day
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So... this is Toby.
Nah he's got a wee trolley that cradles them these days and he pushes the trolley. So it can't be that.
*banter stops*
>meanwhile britain is still an openly classist society
Humble enough to know our place
Feels like I've swallowed a saw blade
>massive cock
>obese manlet from chester
Highly doubt it
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suddenly turned very dark in here
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omg hi toby!
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Br*tcucks would unironically never
exberg's birthday tomorrow
might curl up in a ball in my smelly bedroom and cry all day
Did you know the Sahara desert naturally cycles between being a desert and being a jungle roughly every 15,000 years?
There's an aquifer deep underneath the desert containing approximately 4x more water than all the water in aquifers in California.
The desertification process started 10,000 years ago. We have cave paintings deep in the desert showing jungle creatures and people swimming that are from 9,000 - 7,000 years ago.
In approximately 3,000-5,000 years from now the process of vegetation returning to the region should begin again, assuming humans haven't made the planet totally inhospitable by then.
Even as recently as 3,000-2,000 years ago there were some inhabited oasis in the region.
bro just set his display setting to the "tomorrow" theme :skull:
how did you know?
grill that fucker and serve him up in a warm pitta with chilli sauce
ever shag her up the arse?
Yeah i did
Thought it was kinda mad its already been nearly 3 weeks since i watched this.

Need to watch more films. Never seen the Godfather.
Im a husk of a person, how can i relate with people if ive only ever seen the Star Wars prequels???
>In approximately 3,000-5,000 years from now

you may assume I am not particularly concerned with events due to happen 3,000+ years from now
not pooed enough today. it's not on.
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the scrandemic as it were
Kek they were all bots giving their number and links in the opening message and he posted them like they were real
is he legit a kabbalist? kek
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>Sir Keir speaking right now at the Labour conference
>protestor starts shouting
>Sir Keir immediately says "he must have a pass from the 2019 conference. We've changed the party!"
>then says to the conference "while he was protesting we changed the party and won the election"

Done him
>be NEET with all the time in the world
>slowly end up doing less and less until i basically end up sleeping on and off like someone with a terminal illness and occasionally doing the bare minimum to exist, looking at screens and exercising every couple of days.
throw a brick through her window and beat up her current fella
name on spaedo
might get a new pair of shoes with velcro straps or a zipper, not that i can't tie my shoes, i just can't be arsed, i used to wear converse hi-tops and they took an entire minute or more to tie or untie, made me dread going to someone's house where they insist you take your shoes off before entering (unless it's been raining and the shoes are muddy there's literally no point in being such a strict cunt about it if you ask me)
>slowly end up doing less and less until i basically end up sleeping on and off like someone with a terminal illness and occasionally doing the bare minimum to exist, looking at screens and exercising every couple of days.
Me in school and toil
wonder if british universities will suffer a catastrophic collapse when the foreign tuition grift keels over and british degrees end up being seen as worth less than the paper they're printed on. i'm sure toryboys will see it as a job well done
That freak is a 2019 labour conference mong
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Watch Hell Drivers

>assuming humans haven't made the planet totally inhospitable by then.
Kek at thus smug, unsolicited little snipe made in the middle of a smug, unsolicited little fact for soyence is epic redditors
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you think an education from the university of poo delhi will someday be worth more than an oxbridge degree?
if you heard a rustle of an intruder in your home and you went to confront him would you rather be clothed or naked to add a bit of surprise to the confrontation?
Finally, somewhere I belong.
bake that little cunt in a pie
hell drivers wanker loves his fucking hell drivers
thats a linking park song
i will never know myself until i do this on my own etc
>if people protest you so often you cant go out in public without being shouted at, you win!
its funny cause free gear keir must have known that he was gunna get protested so hes had that little jab prepared by a marketing company in advance
clothed, lest I trip upon my own gargantuan appendage
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Proto gf proudly told me about how the university induction has stuff about consent and i said it must be because of all the indians. She hasnt spoken to me for a week
Mongman Prophecies
>linkedin park
if people protest you so often you have a little jab prepared by a marketing company in advance, you win!
For me its universities buying former council houses and flats then renting them out to students.
Starmer is a corrupt little austerity loving, child starving, pensioner freezing, Zionist Toryboy who hangs around with literal Italian Fascists in his spare time.
Need Corbyn to make a new party ASAP.
sad that for some women it takes an extremely harsh life lesson like being raped by some wog to come to their sense
Christmas is in 92 days
Whats that Nico song? It might have been Velvet Underground or solo, I forget. You lads will know which one I mean.
keir starmer hiring a focus group to improve his marriage
Cheddar Bentleyville was talking about this very thread. Rip in peace.
get the senses comed to
only velvet underground i know is venus in furs x
Get the sausages released
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you tell me pal
bloody hell. another crimbo without a gf on the cards for me.
do science and facts hurt your feelings rorke? does reality trigger you?
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the big cheese himself. thinking of him
Racism is against the rules, I think that's quite clear. So is ban evasion.
Sometimes the truth is unwelcome.
I'm not even fully biologically white, but the end result is pale and harsh on the eyes, just like all my white neighbours.
He’s a Jew thats all anyone needs to know about him
He’s a Jew
Sunak is a brown
If you vote for an MP that answers to either of them, you’re an idiot
janny seems to be less tolerant of racism against whites lately, i haven't been banned for saying the n word in ages, but i did cop a warning within minutes for saying "made for bbc" last night
cure that little shit in lemon juice and turn him into ceviche
Sorry lad
Honestly one of the comfiest things in life is taking your gf home to your parents for christmas and waking up together all warm and comfy in your childhood bed on christmas morning with a cheeky kiss and a little play of her bits and bobs before present time
was that for racism or off-topic?
would that work on gerbil meat?
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>Racism is against the rules, I think that's quite clear. So is ban evasion.
fucking hell thats gay
Same shit happens here
They make so much money off foreign students it literally runs our foreign policy rn
We made a movement pact with India and made it so that all Indian qualifications have (HAVE) to be considered as good as Aussie ones so they can come study at Aussie universities with shite Indian diplomas that everyone knows would be better served wiping their smelly shitty indian arses
But its just too profitable
Rorke praying at his altar of Elon Musk begging to be the first person to drive the Cybertruck on Mars
10 more offerings of sucking his balls and laughing at his unfunny memes on X (formerly known as Twitter), and surely, surely then Musk will reply to him and donate him a few Dogecoins.
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used to eat that all the time back in toccy
Teeth feel like they're covered in a layer of gritty slime. Should probably give them a brush
>fucked sleep schedule
>less than 6 hours sleep
>go to sleep relatively earlier
>only get 2 hours of sleep
>stay up for a few hours
>go back to sleep before noon
>get 5 hours sleep
>stay up until i go to sleep at the same time as before on late Saturday night
>go to sleep
>get 3 hours sleep
>Monday morning
>stay up for a few hours again but longer
>go to sleep
>get 4 hours sleep
>wait until late Monday night like the previous nights but earlier
>get 4 hours sleep
>also have night terror because of the mounting sleep deprivation

This genuinely feels like im in purgatory.
Going back to sleep now, see you all at 8 or 9.
rule 6, "quality of posts", subsection a.) "irrelevant catchphrases or copypasta"
It would be carpaccio obviously
I live in constant fear of owls
no its ok i remembered it was "I'm Not Saying"
starting your post riddled with yank references with "rorke" does not make it on-topic, you yankified little prick
You are tired because you take drugs to artificially suppress your testosterone.
black people? yeah kill em
>t. mousenonce
I literally havent had over 6 hours of constant sleep in over 3 days now
but that's like 85% of my posts
good to know, thanks
don't know why every board on 4chan can't be on the same archive website
desuarchive and 4plebs work totally fine but all the rest of them have really shitty UI or are so riddled with popups that they're impossible to use
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bro isn’t enjoying his time on /brit/
demolished that brutalist edifice from the 50s and replaced with something in the neoclassical style
9 left mongboy
+0.00000001 BTC has been deposited in your account
What exactly about the planet Mars, or electric vehicles, or using Twitter, or cryptocurrency is inherently "American"?
me on day one of my dictatorship
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>Sometimes the truth is unwelcome.
>I'm not even fully biologically white, but the end result is pale and harsh on the eyes, just like all my white neighbours.
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with kindness
get em housed
get em wanked
Browsing porn with the neuralink rn
I'd just roast the hair off and save the lemon for seasoning - a million cui can't be wrong.
You should cop a bullet in your empty head
Piss off Spainlard you awful nonce
the act of thinking anyone in a general dedicated to the discussion of British culture gives a fuck about it
you are a internet-obsessed ipad child
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this is my life today
Christmas morning fanny in the bed you used to wank yourself off in as a boy isn't gay in the slightest
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rorkes mam
it was in response to someone posting a picture of a very old white woman, i thought it was a larf
kek this accurate post riled up the discord
What do you reckon Suella Braverman does these days?
Did you know her Dad's a Catholic, her mum's a Hindu, her husband's a Jew, and she's a Buddhist?
it all looks very gay
listening to my ex gfbergs music again. dunno why she hasnt had more success.
I don't think I've ever seen a porn actor that wasn't white, black or Japanese
Why are there so many indians recording themselves an heroing in front of trains?
driving around with a coexist sticker on her rear window
Gfberg liked my breakfast but the onions made my home fries a little less crispy than I wanted
looking up how to convert her children to norse paganism
Elon Musk is ridiculously based.

Always see him retweeting and posting really based shit.
You still haven't named what exactly about the planet Mars or cryptocurrency is inherently American or yankified
I'll tell you why. Because it's not. Because you're quite literally retarded.
not original
not unique
not surprising
just tiresome wannabe post ironic regurgitation of slop in a desperate attempt to annoy someone enough that you can smugly claim you’ve really done them
get a grip
not based enough to name them though.
>ids da joooooos
190 yankified left wing porn addict brainrot
Thats cute but like I said you should end your life
i do like that hes in a spat with your pm cause he made your pm look like a right impotent prat when he tried to drag elon musk to court like how the us senate does and he just said no
every country has its mortal enemy
ours is balconies, theirs is trains
He does it in a cringe as fuck way though
Been called 190 cloggie and spainlard all in an hourspan. Kek
You're just spamming buzzwords now because I've done you in, you're seething and crying LOL
yes, and?
russia is drones

what is luxembourg
Add a few generations of Bri'ish bleach, and yeah.
I'm the only quadjeet in my family who retained any melanin - red hair, hazel eyes, the occasional orangey tan. The rest of 'em are blond(e), blue and translucent.

There's hope for you yet, Nigel, you just need to breed the brown out.
not really what i was going for, yes i think the meme is very tired and unfunny but in that context i thought it was funny and did it simply to amuse myself, need to stop taking things so seriously lad
Amazing how quickly this response was elicited
when's the last time you got called friend?
Post proof you're in the Netherlands
How's chester today adam?
whats this about kier giving out free sausiges
Post was made by someone who is either underaged or mentally challenged. Likely both.
This is just cope. Any way is based.

Yeh love to see it

Brainrotten vpn pedophile
I genuinely think somewhere in the range of 95% of the population deserves to be put through a blender
The Netherlands.
Elon Musk is a gigafaggot I cannot believe anyone takes him seriously
take the piss
he's a manchild
he surrounds himself with guns and toys, thinks the letter "X" is a cool name for a company and has the business acumen of Mousey
could really use to go to the laundrette
>I am anti-establishment because I spend all day sucking off the world's richest billionaire on 4chan
Russia is the one producig a shit ton of drones and genociding Ukrainians with them with the help of Zelensky and his amputation instructors.

was wanking to this just there, a load of lads bukkake a Hispanic then she finishes the scene by using a tortilla to wipe the cum up then turns it into a spunk burrito she eats
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We could be frens
Mental how leftypol believes in rubbish like transgenderism, dinosaurs, and outer space but makes fun of people who believe in God.
*ears prick up*
free sausages?
wanking my arse with my nob
NOOOOO i have to do my job for the next hour. CUH-RINGE
Spaedo you bloody LOVE your underaged dont you.
Mental how badly I mindraped him
Mental how people believe we aren't in a crashing simulation.
why does spaedo use other posters mannerisms and gimmicks

he's using mousenonces mind rape thing I've noticed lately
Simulation of what
wonder why elves don't go around being elf supremacist nazis when they're objectively superior to every other species in every day
i suppose their relative humbleness and tolerance is part of the reason why they're a perfect race
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most intelligent racist
As based as it is seeing Elon drawing huge attention to modern hypocrisy he is incredibly cringe
Key word: Parasite
Mindraping is my irrelevant catchphrase don't give that to him cmon
no wanking for me today. It a bad habit x
started waking up early and hustling and grinding all day now im too tired to do fun things
Musk is a ket addicted 70 IQ freak, massive ego and the ultimate victim of Dunning-kreuger effect.
People only pretend to like him to get his money or promote themselves or because their jobs depend on it.
Every company he owns has teams dedicated to handling him so he doesn't have a tantrum or break something.
Hes only got the money to buy other people's businesses and never actually invented anything, that money came from his parents Zambian child labour emerald mine.
He spends 20 hours a day just off his head on drugs retweeting twitter neo-nazis and is literally incapable of stringing together a coherent sentence in an interview.
Listen to him speak he clearly just mumbles nonsense and has no technical knowledge in any field.
but they do
the cronem are active
za warudo
It's getting weirder every day because it's breaking down. At some point there will be more holes in the fabric than fabric, and then... the lights come on, we wake up, and find our caretakers have left the building.
might make myself a 'shroom 'lette
Elon Musk is literally me
How is it crashing
and you are.... a grotty incel posting on the grotty incel website?
i'm not super up to date on the lore but i'm pretty sure most of them are chilled out at the very least, and even the ones who are elf supremacists are more passive about it than proactive
Today by a homeless man
Pic related
all he needed to be is less cringe and he couldve changed the zeitgeist
now hes under fire from all sorts despite being objectively less evil than other rich ppl
Isnt that james watson?
>TLDR wahh wahh wahh copypasta incel tears
this lad gets it
the brown foreign christian zionists took away the gods of our people and replaced it with the god of other people
and thats why our culture is now self hatred and suicidal ‘kindness’
idk mate he runs a half-trillion dollar company and sold something around $15 billion in shares in the past two years.
You have to be quite smart to do that
Nothing about reality is getting weird everything works the same as it did before
It's just human activity you're talking about which in the grand scheme of history isn't that weird desu
get the micelets fed
lost my racism over the past year or so, and with it, my reason to live
Elves are notoriously arrogant, pretentious and insular in almost all pop culture lol
i want to jerk off i want to spend all day on 4chan i want to watch youtube videos
christian europe conquered the entire world
stop having an edgy 15 year old's take on the religion
Part of Elon Musk being 'right' about things is just convincing people that his opinions are facts
He saw an opportunity to do this as the king of the midwit nerds/geeks when this was fertile ground and it pays dividend to this date
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>Have a job, wake up early and work all day
>Feel tired at the end of the day
>Wake up at midday as a NEET
>Feel tired a couple hours later after realising I have nothing to do
Who knew monotonous inaction is this exhausting.
were elves the original chuds
Same with my drug addiction
>no timestamp
You are an actual spastic retard 190 lmfao
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>Stop nu!
No you don't, and he isn't, which is why Tesla's value is plummeting and Twitter usage is down 30% in the past year.
are you literally just not allowed to mention Russia at all on /int/, even in a positive way? I thought the assblasted janny/mod was fired
only example i can think of is the aldmeri dominion from the elder scrolls
so did the mongols
and now that islamist middle east and north africa is conquering the world does that make disagreeing with that edgy?
where are you supposed to put your stuff when you go to the beach so that it doesnt get stolen
where do you put your car keys even
might become an antique dealer, lot of money to be made there i reckon
Elves make toys for Christmas in the North Pole you antipodean retards
what does this have to do with british culture
Sunscreen doubles as lube to get them in x
Musk literally realised that 90% of the world's most successful people were trying too hard and just brought his image down a notch from them and it just looks like he is effortlessly brilliant, hence why people buy into him
Yeah let me just magically get a pen and piace of paper and autistically scrabble outside in public to convince a loonie alri
if you right click a flag and open in a new tab you can see that 4chan uses a sprite sheet thing now instead of individual images
no they didn't
>islamist middle east and north africa
no they aren't

incredibly low IQ post no wonder diego is always so miserable
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>Stop nu!
thems gnomes
elfs =/= elves
this is the generic /int/ general for all flags and posters
Fuck off 190 you evil ghoul
always been a thing, just left click normally for individual
Lots of Jews in Poztralia. Loads of them working in the mining industry but mostly the merchanting side.
i often think about this myself, generally speaking i think you're just supposed to go to the beach with other people so they can sit around in your little spot on the beach while you go for a swim or a surf or whatever
actually gave me a business idea once for some kind of beach locker service where you pay me like $50 for a day and i store your stuff in a locker
Get the Fuck-a-Fan filmed
I once got banned from /his/ for apparently being off-topic and discussing politics... because I tried to make a thread about Chinese history.
You can't discuss certain nations on this website without jannies freaking out and abusing their power
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okay deegs
Did they finally fix Switzerland?
canned ravioli for tea
Yet you're fine to autistically post on 4chan while in public eh
No this is /brit/. You must talk about Britain or British culture. (Any posts made using a British flag are by default about British culture as they are posted by a British person)
mousenonce is key to all this
gonna play some video games
im certain they have lockers in other countries
bit weird init
last time i was there i chucked my bag up a tree
Yeah the Amerisraeli lobby is huge here
Slowly? Bit by bit?
Does it not feel like the machinery behind reality's been having more trouble than usual in the last ten years? That the non-human-related weird shit's getting weirder? That the disasters, diseases, and other potential population-control mechanisms might not have the oversight they once did?
i take a bag and just leave it in view on the beach while i have a swim
the prophecy fortold
take your medication
what if someone grabs it and you cant swim back fast enough haha
Stop nu met bullijen
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Meant to have friends or a car
piss jar binks
People have always been weird. All the social adjustments happening now are nothing compared to just about anything in the 1940's.
dont hate canada but i cant say i miss his posts after filtering him
makes me suspect the theories about 4chan being glowie operated and basically doing soft propaganda by not letting people speak well of America's enemies

Given how contrarian this shithole is and how much it hates globohomo it's suspicious the low level of support Russia and China get on /int/ and presumably elsewhere
Also I don't know if /k/ is all just assblasted amerimutts or outright NATO/US shills
what song should i play on guitar hero
Okay but none of that has to do with the fabric of reality
The west is not the free world. It's just as authoritarian as anywhere else but the fact you can vote for a choice of 2 neoliberal to destroy the nation means you're not supposed to recognise that.
Consider how in the USA, or Germany, you can be violently attacked and beaten by police just for peacefully saying you oppose an ongoing genocide by you-know-who
Play us a bit of oasis lad x
It's British related because we're posting in English
Canadian 2016mong
If our entire reality is a similation and there’s an outside observer race then the last thing they give a shit about is our politics and petty little political issues wouldnt be the signs of simulation crashing we’d start to see the laws of physics breakdown in front of our eyes
>I filtered you but I will keep bringing you up for no reason at all in response to nobody
i only really go to nice beaches. silecroft in the south lakes and bamburgh in northumberland. white people wouldnt steal a beach bag. but a dog did piss on my bag once.
Was listening to Radiohead and my dad told me to "turn that gimp music off"
He only listens to 70s heavy metal bands
Mad how Diego has lost an argument to this image at least five times
>white people wouldnt steal a beach bag
not true
So I can gloss over this Terry Gilliamesque decay? Nah, I want to observe it in as much detail as I can - see if there are any solid patterns connecting the dots, or if it's just a random smattering of cataclysmic fires, massive wasps, and mutant colds.
um how about "stairway to heaven" by the led zeppelins but on an actual guitar instead
get it made
mere seconds away from him angrily responding with
based dadberg
lads i'm not fucking around now make the new already
All of these things have happened before and much worse. They're normal parts of living on Earth. Reality is real, seems a bit silly to say otherwise.
Quarter to four already
Fucking madness
Don't make threads anymore. Last time I did people were mean to me.
in the minds of most non conspiratorial normies you can't present the official narrative of oct 7 and also have a wikipedia article for the hannibal directive. Even if the two are completely unrelated (doubtful) its just never going to wash
scruffy white people at blackpool might. not decent white people.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes
wikipedia is a joke itll be dead in 10 years
amazong how literally every article is corrupted by some mong or group of mongs
even seemingly uncontroversial stuff like the wikipedia pages of random models of cars are ruled with an iron fist by petty fanboys or haters of the vehicle in question, whoever manages to take control through sheer willpower
irrelevant reply. point is the information is out there
Correct, so I don't know why you're trying to weave it into the conversation.
LIGO has enough discrepancy in their results to show that gravity-waves exist but aren't always carrying the 1's. Quantum entanglement works but the results of trying to pull information faster than light make it appear that in order to maintain C as a speed limit, other rules have to be broken on the fly.
It's entirely possible that the theories and math need some subtle tweaking, or that we're looking at some of this stuff the wrong way. It's also entirely possible that the results are elusive because they no longer exist, or never did because we were never expected to look for them.
The only human behaviour I've looked at in any sort of depth that follows any sort of human zoo scenario is social breakdown in highly populated areas. When people start jamming in, there needs to be some sort of pervasive struggle to it, or it goes very NIMH. The "Beautiful Ones" stop paying attention to things like, well, danger in general, and the cretins find new ways to be cretinous.

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