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no one else was making it edition
low waist jeans are nice because it makes the pussy region look really small and tight. never understood the fashion for high waist giving the appearance of a big fat fanny. well i do understand it (the penchant for nwords and n word penises)
Could do with jerking a bf off and then punching him in the ball just as he cums
the Gaza crisis has been extraordinarily redpilling for most Gen Z Muslims, similar to how Iraq, Afghanistan and the Second Intifada were the big radicalising points for Millennial Muslims

ISIS 2 Electric Boogaloo seems inevitable now. Fully expecting weekly terror attacks to come back to the West like in the mid 2010s
get the sausages returned
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Wanna use this one but Ill be accused of being OP even though I’m not
I guess this is the thread then
In-group loyalty type thing
did the mans chickens come home to roost
Thats what jews want and your pm is an israeli jew so id suggest its likely
might suck a covfefe
Anybody done a thing sometime?
saw the other thread linked slightly more and i was pissed off because i knew if i decided to take action and make the new then some cunt would just beat me to it by mere seconds, i almost didn't bother linking this but then i actually double checked and it was just some mong linking the old thread (an extremely obnoxious gimmique i might add)
>slightly more
slightly before* why the fuck can't i use words properly today huh?
Watching the too gear patagonia special and realising i really hate argentinians
lran will respond any day now
Fake tan hands and a hoop
Fake tan hands and a hoop
you've done nothing wrong lad, this thread was first and the other guy was shitposting
Remember when those Muslims went mad in Paris and just butchered a whole concert of people including rape and mutilation and westerners didn’t do anything lmao
Put the toilet roll holder up my arse once after a shower to see what it felt like
they did that like twice within a year i reckon, the bataclan theatre had a much higher body count though
poo gear shatagonia
both Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan attacks were organized by the secret services as the rebranding of the Gladio networks into islamic terrorism
Just got done with an interview
Went well but I think it’s clear I’m out of my depth with the job and a mong so I’d be surprised if they gave it to me
>muslim does a terrorism
not all muslims
>white person does a terrorism
yes all white people
Officially the Royal Family costs us £85 million per year, plus additional costs for their staff, travel, security.
It's always been known that there are substantially higher costs to them, but those have been kept secret from the public by the government for whatever reason.
Now it's came out that if you include those costs that are hidden from public knowledge, the royal family costs the taxpayer £510 million - over half a billion - per year.
That's more than enough to cover 120,000 ordinary people on benefits, or to give 2 million pensioners winter fuel allowance.

What are your thoughts on this?
How will the Royalist bootlickers defend it?
In my opinion (this isn't a call for violence to any government officials watching) Cromwell was 100% fucking right, as was Robespierre, even the fucking Bolsheviks.
Errr actually rorkeypol sweetie you see that person who murdered in Yorkshire or wherever it was wasn’t actually a refugee…. So you look stupid now
Can't recall the last Christian terrorist killing in the name of god
but even FARTHER
but even FARTHER
they* hate you and want you dead

*they refers to jews and followers of jewish religions such as christianity, popery and islam
>back in my hometown, with a mate
>"lets see what the others are up to", writes a message on the gc to see when people are free
>no can't do next week
>week after is looking busy for me as well
what is the fucking point of social circles anymore why is everyone so busy
lets just having our 1 (one) annual pint on christmas eve down the local and be done with it
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sheed attacks on the west continued at least once a month until brenton tarrant fought back then they toned it down

they respect violence
Bitch! Sit down, be humble!
the money should go to getting the migrants housed and wanked
You just jelly lol
somebody PLEASE tell me how to move to australia
>Officially the Royal Family costs us £85 million per year
under kier starmer every illegal immigrant family costs a similar amount
I'm also the only one who arranges anything because half of mates are dads now
he shaggs
what in the fuck i do not seem to remember this at all
fuck off were full (of indians and chinks)
really miss the good old days when you were allowed to own black people
*sits down and wags tail*
definitely on the bag
cant tell if cocaine or gay
Autists in the workplace should only be permitted to speak when specifically asked to do so
millennials having kids? well I never
the 'verbial gay porn dance
my next prediction is a false flag attack in America done by the mossad, attributed to Iran, done to garner support for American intervention in the middle east and guarantee trump winning
yeah, blokes
>"muslims terrorists did X and no one did anything lol"
what do you expect to happen
an honest question
and no ebin edgelord answers like "hang them all", actual overton-window friendly ideas
what would you do
It's morally unconscionable, it's an act of evil.
It's much more worrysome that people like you will defend it by calling concern over the burning of £510 million worth of tax money in the name of worshipping one family full of paedophiles being "jelly".
you could argue anders breivik, also a case to be made for tarrant, there were definitely christfag undertones to his manifesto
i think we already do
Australians have some weird fixation on slavery in the American south, Afro-American culture and dialect, and racial slurs in an American context online for some reason
They rarely go on about abos but the peak of humor for them seems to be writing in Ebonics
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Always found dancing very alien. Never had the intuitive instinct to wiggle my body about when I hear music. Feels like a weird cult activity where you do it because everyone else is and you have to fit in.
That might just be the autism speaking though.
really miss the good old days when you were allowed to expel jewish people from your country
We do!
Was blackout on the weekend and my mates were telling me I had a melty and started shouting abuse at this random Muslim guy on the street calling him a monkey and insulting the prophet kek
serious question what sort of venue is this, what time of day, etc etc i just have no reference for where something like this would happen. Alien to me
is it a pub on a saturday night?
the black hole of 20 million unwanked cocks
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the verdict
missed the old days of sending criminals to Australia
tbf these are the same retards who say shit like "ummm this is just want the Jews want you to do" when patriot scousers burn mosques and defy the evil Starmerreich

don't bother paying attention to the doomers
back in the mid 2010s all the ISIS attacks were plotted from and coming out of belgium
so this is rorke
if a tree in your orchard continually produced toxic fruit, what would you do?
oliver cromwell let the jews back into england after they were expelled for 300 years, that alone makes him one of history's greatest monsters even if you ignore what he did to the irish
ethnic cleansing

get them out
cause you spend all day here where half of the aussie flags are americans on vpns because aussies are le epic shitposters
At my toil they have been made to feel too comfortable and speak TOO OFTEN
get that fucker in the stew pot with some dumplings
they were already in england albeit, he just recognised that
allison mack is fit even if she is a weird sex trafficker
so yeah new creperonis just dropped x
you can't tell me Clarkson's number plate was pure coincidence thoughbeit
leftypol back out on the streets
*rapes your mum*
>he wants to have sex with foreign muck
weird coomer freak, race traitor and mongoloid
wont fix the country by breeding more niggers and kikes into it
the new zealand poster (singular)
American influence on global culture is so evil bros I hate living in this americanised world
In Afghanistan it's illegal for women to go outside without a husband or father, it's illegal for them to visit parks or restaurants, it's illegal for them to speak or sing in public, it's illegal for them to make eye contact with a man who isn't a relative, it's illegal for them to go to school, it's illegal for them to show their face.
Every quid that goes to the royals is a pound that retains their protected land where Queer can't build houses for migrants so double their budget I say
This a date in the arabic calendar or summar
leftypol desperate to import that culture as much as possible here
rainbowcoalitionbros how could this be?
CANNOT believe he said this, surely this is a resigning matter
heckin based and redpilled bros praise kek!
interesting how we let in all the Jews then within a couple of decades we go on to become the most powerful empire in the world
>implying me driving my English longsword into her black sheath means I would have a kid to it
I'd just kick the slut down the stairs and then jump on her gut
rorke desperate to import that culture as much as possible here
heckin halal and goatpilled sars praise jah
ive been drinking milk that passed its best before day on the 9th. and its literally completely fine. barely even smells.
honestly we need british boots on the ground to help israel deal with the terrorists
Wait you’rebactuakly gunna stick around and spend your life with them
Getting worse by the post, race traitor
You’re not racist you’re just a coomer who has fetishised the muck that are destroying our nation
No different to BBC spam
>Be advised that I am reporting this to the police
Why would you ever text someone that
Just do it
swedebros what's the situation in stockholm where you have to wait like 10 years for a flat or something? can't remember the exact details. Was this for social housing or?
sounds dire
tbf if it's council flats it's probably the same in London that wait time innit
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to the guy who answers 'enzymes' to me earlier, how did you get to learn about science n shit
This is literally what Rorke and Reform UK would do to Britain if they were given 100 years total unrestricted power
family & friends party at a pub that got out of hand
business idea: depose the taliban, spend decades teaching them that this is wrong
I have feet like that
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this nigga drinking milk grown ass man drinking a glass of cow milk aint to way
"the left" says this and guilts you into letting Afghans into your country to escape theirs
"the right" says this and guilts you into invading their country so they can liberate it and give them freedom

main point is, why have the afghans not bothered to change this themselves?
be wary of those who try and instil hero complexes in you
dermatologist removed a small mole off my shaft. injected lidocaine directly into my dick and then used a razor blade to shave it off
there's only one swede who posts here regularly and he doesn't seem to be here at the moment, maybe go ask sverigetraden if you can withstand the unrelenting onslaught of pure autism
You're joking, right?
imam appointed gfs
not hairy enough to be mine
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were you hard for her
Not even a little bit. I like listening to music. Never felt the urge to dance to it
so this is rorke
>you’rebactuakly gunna
who taught you how to spoke? you're definitely not English with that despicable grammar
leftypol refuses to even define what a woman is
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Not even nod your head? Tap your feet?
i can sit around watching gorey rekt webms of people having their bodies torn to pieces, but if i see someone killing an animal i have a hissy fit
this seems like a fairly common reaction too, why are us humans like this?
Have you ever been drunk/pissed and listened to music?
Someone who won't have sex with you
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>you made a typo so i can have sex with shitskins and still be based
fuck off coomer
>who taught you how to spoke?
leftypol crying imagining if she only had sex with one man for the rest of her life
never again
any of you fully quit nicotine completely?
do you actually feel any better for it?
Yes. Had to force myself to bob while holding a drink when I used to go on night out. Felt weird.
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>not adding the tail because you drew the head too close to the edge of the page
I know this feel
thought this was AI for a moment
b-but I just saw a swedish flag
nigga a mothead
Love black people me. Love Islam. Love trans people. Love gays. Love immigration. Love the vaccine. Love science. Love vegetables. Love the outside.
Mahan chudh what is this
guessing a lodger(?) brought back a twink and gaysexed him in a religious mans house?
does leftypol have no shame? lol
Keir Starmer and Boris Johnson would happily nuke Iran
Jeremy Corbyn and Nigel Farage, for all their many and annoying faults, wouldn't.

Semi-fringe political figures who are deemed radical in their own domestic politics always have fairly sensible foreign policies compared to the bloodthirsty insane 'establishment centrist experts'
i've absolutely nailed making pomodoro/marinara/arrabbiata sauce got it down to a t so i have
disgusting londoner
*rapes your mum*
Only two of these are correct stances
alri leftyp....
hm the last bit. definitely not leftypol
why was he suddenly having to walk and take the bus instead of just driving
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white nibbas will pay 2 grand to see this
>discount stores
>nail salons
>car washes
>charity shops
>cash converters
ah yes the so called british "high street"
Honestly insane how much pissing around people do with powerpoint decks at corporatetoil for plans and other things that will only ever be used internally
Actual insanity
I've been working on one for two months now with endless feedback loops and once it is seen as OK by the ceo it has no further use

4000 pounds, the price of a panic attack in britain
What the fuck am I reading
and then she takes a jungle bbc backstage
Never heard a Taylor Swift song in my life
That is quite odd
Easiest sauces to make in the world
there you are
answer me, it is your duty >>202627860
driving gives him panic attacks
Lad shagged his tranny partner in a flat he was renting from a Pakistani Muslim fella, while said Muslim fella lived in a different neighbouring flat and could hear it.
Even the gorillher is struggling to dance
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>and then she takes a jungle bbc backstage
why shouldnt we nuke lran?
office jobs are just a UBI programme
you forgot coffee shops, bloody loads of em
Supermarkets and Amazon killed all the independent shops like butchers, bakeries, green grocers, tailors, cobblers, book shops etc
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have any of you quit nicotine completely and do you actually feel any better for it?
Searching for posts with the filename ‘marmiteman4’. 158 results found.
70% of office toil, if not more, is just bullshit that's there as an excuse to hand people a paycheck
our big red button is owned by the US
It's 2024 rorke
A man putting his cock in another man's arsehole is as normal as a handshake or a pat on the back
tits = woman
willy = man
tits and willy = shemale
no tits no willy = child
>import unlimited foreign muck for decades
>destroy british towns and cities
>use this as evidence that british culture is not worth saving
hate to admit it then but the landlord is in the wrong
rorke takes an L this day
bet mine is better than yours thoughbeit
>green grocers, tailors, cobblers
Nobody under the age of 60 has used any of those things
You all act the same way on online games
fat men are shemales?
I doubt that very much
what was british culture like before immigration grandad?
term than hasn't been used since mid 2000s and is exclusive to porn
just outed yourself as an elderly gooner freak
mental how british police are just Sharia enforcement officers now
it's actually outrageous what's happening to English
the French were right

they may as well be
I went and had a pair of shoes resoled at Timpsons just last week, and I'm going to get the lining on one of my coats repaired soon.
Also bought some russet apples from the greengrocer yesterday.
I'm 32.
I have used a tailors and have been to a greengrocer and I am 28
how good life once must have been
anyone fancy a new?
bore off spainpaki you tedious virgin
I also forgot the vape shops and mobile phone shops
also beauty salons!
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Mate this is how I have it. Don't think we have council flats.

For social housing you have to whore out your whole life to and on the discretion of a 20 year old goverenment official.
we're at 200 fuck off cunt
that's because you're looking through your gay eyes at it
>"Look rorke I know we've replaced your entire high street so you have no choice but to use a Turkish barber or buy a kebab if you need food in a pinch but.... you do use them so you can't complain about it"
a fat male identifying male is just a hairy fat shemale
hormones are probably about the same too
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shut up homo
Twisting dogbergs nipples lol
Dave Chappelle Roan
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Still a butchers on my highstreet and l will literally never use it
Can tell who the corporate plants in the union
Should be allowed to vote to kick them out, the fucking snakes
I don't understand what this is showing
since 1989 there's been someone waiting for that house?
shut the fuck up maggot. you're an abo
Why not
now if you want to get your shoes repaired or the waist taken in on your trousers you have to travel an hour to the nearest city and pay £200
the reason america cant backtrack on israel is that russia would walk in to save israel and get access to their intelligence secrets including all the sinister shit they made US politicians do for blackmail purposes
anyway seems as though you can in fact post the mice
We have a butchers but it's not a proper butchers really, just a meat shop, everything comes to them pre-cut, so they don't sell any offall or scraps for dogs like the old school butchers used to.
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its like when people accuse commies of not really being communist because they have a smartphone made by capitalists
or libertarians of not really being libertarian because they actually pay their taxes
taking part in society isnt defence of it but were so atomised and eager to hate each other now
its not halal
why would l? Have you? Seems a pointless way to buy meat
the set up for this bait and they just chomped right on it. unbelievable
used to be a pig butcher in canada who ended up with a habit of murdering prostitutes' and feeding them to his pigs

probably ate a few strips of prozzie bacon by accident, me
poo wank arse
Someone has been in the housing queue since 1989 yes. Think I saw 1986 too.

It is over.
>why would l?
Generally better quality
>Have you?
>Seems a pointless way to buy meat
The only way it would be a pointless way to buy meat would be if you paid for meat and didn't get meat
>taking part in society
wouldn't that just be buying a cheap android clone for £40? buying a several hundred pound iphone from one of the worst companies on earth seems a bit more than just "taking part"
I assume they marry a relative then
jesus wept
always finish the pasta in the sauce for the last 5 minutes and use some of the pasta water to season and thicken the sauce up that's perfection
yeah I'm a millenial
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i find it harder to concentrate but i sleep and generally feel better, it's worth it
*predator imitating carl weathers' voice*
turn around
its possible he caused Michael J Fox's Parkinsons since he was doing a film in the area and eating human flesh can cause it
but ... what do you do for the 30 years you are waiting lol
sweden has a reputation for 18 year olds moving out of their family home pronto
where do they go?
>buying meat from a person who sells meat is a pointless way to buy meat
Think the pasta water thing is bollocks desu, placebo effect innit
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why are the old top gear episodes so comfy
i mean i watched the american version and it feels sterile and watered down
like the UK one is more "alive"
i apologize for shitting up this thread
Better quality and you can get any cut you want
I go all the time
Ah yes, let me nip to the local butchers and pay twice the price for meat from the exact same supplier who gives it to the supermarkets and also feel like I'm idiot while I'm there for not knowing what a bone-in-shank-flank-joint-roasting cut is.
bit gay
laddingtons, why does the lad from faketaxi bother to blur his face if he appears unblurred in other porns?
this fact has shaken me to the core
not even gonna fact check this I just know it is True
a butchers involved directly talking to someone about what you want so its scary for a lot of people
Phone repair and vape shops mate
nah it was probably the cocaine
Don't mind me. I can't watch lives in 144p with newpipe.

nah gordon ramsay says to do it. just drain out the water but leave a little bit left, not too much don't want it soupy. supposedly the starch helps the sauce stick to the pasta.
New futurama episode has zoidberg play a character called Chud kek
Why are you having a tantrum about this?
why do white parents hate their own children so much?
>Ah yes, let me nip to the local butchers and pay twice the price for meat from the exact same supplier who gives it to the supermarkets
Ah yes, Gammon Science
Dunno. Bored I suppose.
I think the trio together were great, the BBC tried for many many years to recreate the magic and despite having the same if not better budget and production it never once got close to as good no matter what mish mash of presenters they got together
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acms uret date itaa olem
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done, will post pic after this
because it makes no sense to go to le small business if you get at best the same quality for a higher price
Why are you in the dark at 8:15am watching top gear
how much protein's in that
The local butchers that used to be around the corner from me was far, far better quality than the supermarket and you can specify exactly what you need and no more
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i'm so good at guitar hero holy crap

as requested.... stairway....
google tried translating this from estonian to english
the cronem are active
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>Ah yes, Gammon Science
Sigma, sigma on the wall, who's the skibidiest of them all?
rorke going to his local butchers for some prime cut sausage rolls
God you're thick
gaylads loves playing his gay little guitar
The quality is always better though
>if you get at best the same quality for a higher price
You are simply assuming this is the case
tailoring shops still exist and are good for bespoke stuff
though if you're a povvo you probably don't know what bespoke means
You get better quality for the same price and you can get things that they don't sell at the grocer
I can tell from your retarded post that you don't know anything about cooking and your mom buys all your food for you
I worked in a wholesalers and the chicken breasts the high end restaurants bought are the same as the ones the grimy local cafe bought. They also come from the same factory that tesco's chicken breasts come from.
they really did have something special
i dont understand all of the old british culture references and i have no idea who the guests are but it's still entertaining despite me being a mutt zoomer
i woke up at 6 am and thought it would be fun. i like cars. once i get my license (lazy) ill start working.
learn how to breed worst Korea, or don't. too many bugs in the world as is
what song do you request?
noooo chicken isnt meat that doesnt count!
Ah the meltdown has begun fabulous
I buy my meat from costco
no mention of a butcher in this post
Laid myself down on the bed and catberg IMMEDIATELY jumps aboard and starts purring
one mention of a butcher in this post
Where do you think butchers get their meat from? Do you think they go out and hunt for it? They buy it from a supplier.
To clarify: this is the date they registered with the agency, they have been living in house/flats since. Not on the street but what this means is they can basically choose any flat they want close or far from Stockholm. Which pushes everybody else outwards.

Don't know were you copped that kek I havn't seen it. Suspect it is parents buying flats for their offspring.
Why are you sitting in the dark though
The local cafe is not buying fresh chicken breast
>They also come from the same factory
Yeah? Name the factory then.
cant be that good you keep missing notes
three mentions of a non-binary butcher in this post
You're right to be honest
just had this exact experience
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i have a small lamp in my room that's too dim for the camera to pick up. it's not dark, just the right lighting
Kek should turn off the name
>Where do you think butchers get their meat from?
Mine gets it from local farms
And they process it themselves rather than buying from a factory
Because they're butchers
That's what they do
yeah i know, i'm just a random gaylad giving it a go. literally nothing worth showing off. and yet i am because i can. because, i am gaylad.
Bought chicken breasts from Morrisons and they're twice the size of Asda's. Explain that one then.
Pussy hair is a masculine trait and it makes the pussy smell worse than usual, might as well want her to have armpit hair. Stop cooming and start thinking.
They were actually. Everyone bought "chefs essentials chicken breasts"
added water
they buy from local farms you spastic child
what did it say?
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Nappynonce really will just spam retarded bullshit about things he doesn't understand until someone takes the bait then he runs with it for as long as possible
get the flats built
get the beers drunk
more water pumped into them
Yeah those New Zealand lamb shanks are from the local farm innit. Go walk into a butchers walk in freezer and read the labels on their polystyrene you clueless idiots
dinner is served
get the fannies shagged
naa, but you do need a good quality pasta, the cheap orange stuff doesn't release much starch
arguably not necessary for a tomato based sauce, but for stuff like carbonara or cacio e pepe it's absolutely essential
>it makes the pussy smell worse than usual

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