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euros used to look like this
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We've come a long way bros
i look like that
why do indians love AI so much?
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Are you a Negro or a 'niard? WHG looked kinda like this.
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ANFjeets killed off WHG like some Austro-Papuans. Indigenous European hunter-gatherers from are related to Russians, Finns, Balts, Sami who peacefully mixed with them. WHG and SHG were genocided. Only EHG survived the ANF invasion. Then EHG mixed with CHG women to become Yamnaya and retook Europe from Medjeets.
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I unironically look pretty close to this.
Bro there's already reconstructions by proper scientists
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Is it me or do some Swedes look sorta Asian
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Yes. Most Svengols don't have Finnish or Sami ancestry but still look Mongoloid. It's EHG.
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Also don't post that Twitter AI crap. Thank you.
I have a Huguenot ancestor from the 16th century. I am Early European Farmer.
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There are only two ancient groups who contributed most of their DNA to modern European. EHG (Russian and Finnish-like) and ANF (Medjeet-like). Please learn to distinguish them.
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I'd sacrifice my life to save his. We come from the same roots.
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Mega-autism thread
I look like that tho.
What is the problem of that russian going in every thread seething about "medjeets"?
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You can see different versions of these. Truth is noone knows EXACTLY how they looked based on sculls and dna.

Back to /his/ mentally ill tranny.
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Medjeet Medmoors, remember this and don't spam "Hermosa" under European women's comment section.

A Sudra has no right even to listen to the Veda. Recitation of or listening to this sacred book is exclusively a privilege of the Aryan Hindus. There is provision of severe punishment for a Sudra, in case he dares to enjoy this privilege. If he "overheard a recitation of the Vedas, molten lac or tin was to be poured into his mouth; if he repeated recitation of the Vedas, his tongue should be cut; and if he remembered Vedic hymns, his body was to be torn into pieces."
-- [ Tirth ]; cited in [ Stat ]

That this rule was actually enforced is proven by the account of Alberuni, who visited India in the 10th century AD :
"The Vaisya and the Sudra are not allowed to hear it [ the Veda ], much less to pronounce and recite it. If such a thing can be proved against one of them, the Brahmans drag him before the magistrate, and he is punished by having his tongue cut off ."
-- [ al-B.i.125 Ch.XII ]
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"A once-born man (Sudra) who insults a twice-born man (Aryan) with gross invective, shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin."
-- [ Manu VIII.270 ]

"If he mentions the names and castes (Jati) of the (twice-born) with contumely, an iron nail, 10 fingers long, shall be thrust red-hot into his mouth ."
-- [ Manu VIII.271 ]

"If he arrogantly teaches Brahmins their duty, the king shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and into his ears."
-- [ Manu VIII.272 ]
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"You may drink the urine of cows and swallow cowdung to expiate your sins, but you shall not approach an Adi Dravida."

Manu is this fucked up?
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Do you want modern Europeans to look like Pakis?
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This is how Jeets treat Shudras. Then come to Hollywood and push crap like this. Why?

"Rites are declared to be prescribed by the Vedas for the three (highest) castes... Next the Sudras, produced from extinction, are destitute of rites. Hence they are not entitled to be admitted to the purificatory ceremonies, nor does sacred science belong to them. Just as the cloud of smoke which rises from the fire on the friction of the fule, and is dissipated, is of no service in the sacrficial rite, so too the Shudras wandering over the Earth, are altogether (Useless for purpose of sacrifice) owing to their birth , their mode of life devoid of purity and their want of observances prescribed in the Veda."
-- [ Muir I. 153 ] [ Hari.11820 ]

" With whatever limb a man of a low caste does hurt to (a man of the three highest castes) even that limb shall be cut off ; that is the teaching of Manu.
He who raises his hand or a stick, shall have his hand cut off ; he who in his anger kicks with his foot, shall have his foot cut off ."
-- [ Manu VIII.279-280 ]

" If a low-caste man who tries to place himself on the same seat with a man of a high caste, shall be branded on his hip and is banished, or (the king) shall cause his buttock to be gashed."
-- [ Manu VIII.281 ]

" If out of arrogance he [ a Sudra ] spits (on a superior), the king shall cause both his lips to be cut off; if he urines (on him), the penis; if he breaks wind (against him), the anus."
-- [ Manu VIII.282 ]

" If ha lays fold of the hair(of a superior), let the king unhesitatingly cut off his hands , likewise (if he takes him) by the feet, the beard, the neck or the scrotum."
-- [ Manu VIII.282 ]
Cope more that’s a shitty edit of >>202630539
your pic related is pakistani phenotype
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Yes, that's why I posted it, inbred xD
because they lack the natural kind
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Arap, Med or Pajeet?
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EHG/Yamnaya raped Medjeets in both Europe and India. Do you understand it or not?
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Why are they so brown?
only some of our ancestors look like this
to my knowledge, most of our ancestry still comes from early farmers and steppe pastoralists
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High ANF ancestry makes them look and act in Pajeetic ways.
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>early farmers
Yeah, that's why Sicilians and French Jeets look identical
>everything comes from le africa
Where did this meme come from? Is it just a black cope?
i look like this except that i have light skin and brown hair
>Europeans are more evolved humans
yes, we know.
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Do Jarawas look like Black dudes or like something else?
Browpipo mad.
>evolved = inherently good
I keep forgetting this place is full of unseragedb&
I look like that
This is who lived in Europe before WHG and EHG. Cromagroid.
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Why browpipo with rus flag still talkin and shiet?
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If the browpipo with rus flag post again, it means hes nigga gay
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We descend from different Black. Even our Black state mogs yours.
>We descend from different Black
still blapipo doe

>Even our Black state mogs yours.
hell naw bruh blapipo think they are bvlls kek. we are bvlls and shiet

btw you post it, it means youre gay blakboy
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Even the Black state of EHG man is closer to Indo-Aryans. Why do we so brutally mog Medjeet Shudras?
gay blapipo thinks hes strong, you are weak ass nigga, you cant resist the B.I.C.
Silence, Shudra. Brahmins are speaking.
So wypipo are basically migrants from Kazakhstan?
said the short weak gay ass blapipo, you like a nigga skeleton bruh

>Shudra and Brahmins
you saar browpipo are the same
>ugly people are ugly
>handsome people are handsome
Thanks for your contribution to the thread
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Read >>202632084
aint reading weak gay blapipo

also why you post yourself brownigga? we know that youre weak ass nigga
why you browpipo so racist to other browpipo?
ANF skulls are weak mostly because they adopted farming much earlier than others. They stopped chewing. Also farmers are more likely to suffer from famines than hunter-gatherers.
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See, this Fingol obviously doesn't care about farming
haha they look native american but with blue eyes and less asian
Tom Rowsell is a homosexual I1 man who admitted he sucked dicks when he used to be a model. His AI crap is based on Fingols (EHG), not on actual WHG who barely contributed their DNA to modern Europeans. ANF killed them off.
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WHG and SHG are genetic dead ends. Only EHG represents European cavemen.
Ai goyslop thread
yes that's the whole point of evolving you shitskin

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