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Razgriz edition
Kommadant Starmer is banning: White people. Fags. Pubs. Sausages.
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Utterly bodied that freak lmfao
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'A scene from a horror movie': Mother speaks out about alleged mistreatment during childbirth
Won't be long before he bans 4chan too.
thinkgen thoughts that are big and scarey
That image is from the 50s by which time the accents of the Home Counties were already mostly gone except in the elderly.
It's well documented that these accents existed and that homogenisation was brought about first by urbanisation and then accelerated by things like radio, sound recording, and mass travel.


Rhotacism for example was a common feature through rural accents up and down the country, but now is only found in the West Country and parts of the North.
remember in the old days when people would post things which broke the rules on purpose in order to get banned so that they could focus on something else and not be distracted by 4chan ?
Ever heard of a joke before?
>try to date girl who is 30
>tells me I am practically a baby to her
>try to explain how mature i am
>she ghosts me and giggles

whats wrong with dating someone whos 21? why are older women such sticks in the mud
ruby granger really has those "friend's alcoholic mum" vibes, has some serious going to get fat genes as well, will check back on her in about 10 years or so to see if the prophecy rings true
doing a watch about chinese people in canada
Hard to tell in /brit/ because there's always people accusing everybody else of being *insert personality here*
4chan needs more censorship, not less
might buy socks that add an inch of height
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the gang gets the niggers housed
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i can tell someone is inbred but i can't actually describe the features
I just see it and know
Fair enough
I started doing that years ago for fun and it caught on among the autistic retards who took it too far as they always do
back to tattle gaybo
alri diego
the cronem are active
so errr uhhh errr howbout those trannies and niggers eh lads
do you really believe this happened
love hopping onto /brit/ to yak it up with my best friends
can anyone gift me a sub to jaybaesun of
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>starting a diet
>Aldi has got the christmas food in
>mad cravings for Lebcuchen
funny how the majority of /brit/ hate eachother but they stick around anyway because they are just that lonely and sad
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I want one of those comically large multilayered cartoon sandwiches
I believe it's called a "dagwood"
I like when there's a whole pickle on top held by a toothpick
What is your height and weight?
business idea:
a keyboard but instead of letters, it's words

makes computer users more productive and makes companies more money
ay wypipo be weird af to
timmy town
mumberg bought some lebkuchen today
it lush
dont think i've ever had that
>tfw cuisinelet
there are some posters here who I really like who make me laugh and improve my mood
We still have rhoticism in Scotland.
xmas food?
in september?

are they fucking mad?
We’re coming into the worst season lad. :/ hold strong we’ll make it
trannies = medicated before puberty
niggers = housed
pakis = consulted on community leadership
jews = running BBC paedorings
white men = jailed
white girls = raped to death and turned into kebabs by afformentioned pakis and niggers and jews
it's german for poo bread
i quite like most lads here but it's easy too see how a yank poster would think like this
we only hate yanks
They're soft, spiced biscuits with chocolate and a sugar glaze
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Need her to shit in my mouth.
I'd love to be put in charge of 4chan. I'd sort this place out in 1 week flat.
>make coomposting/slagposting on blue boards a bannable offence
>delete /pol/, /gif/, and all explicitly porn-related boards
>automatic 1 month ban for cuckposters
>automatic permaban for anyone who even hints at pedoshit
>do some additional things like banning all culture war shit from /v/, make /r9k/ a blue board, add IDs to /int/, etc.

The quality of this website would dramatically improve if my policies were implemented.
/brit/ loves me
I like most of the posters here but most of the posts are made by a few extremely mentally ill retards
why aren't older women willing to date younger men? like whats wrong with being older than your boyfriend
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110 soon
making a bean stew for tea can't wait for the farts
Was just saying this down the pub
went on a walk to get takeaway noodles but the place was rammed with chinks so came home without having got my noodles
think i saw a tranny as well
Prefer not to say
lol sure you do bud
God loves you.
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What an absolutely awful thread.
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Agree with everything other than adding IDs
in fact id remove flags and the ability to use tripcodes outside of the niche rp or art boards
I'm a higher caste indian so I'm honorary white
it not right
I don't even know of any type of bean that isn't baked bean or kidney bean

green bean too I suppose
Rorke making a deathbed conversion to Islam
Leftypol dying from blood loss after perforating his arse with a giant dildo
lol what a bumder
test test
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Who's got the music on
dogshit zinger
>conversion to Islam
it's reversion you islamophobe
what kind of beans
repatriating the sausages on behalf of mossad
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>“I call again for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the return of the sausages – the hostages – and a recommitment to the two-state solution: recognised Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel.” - Prime Minister Kier Starmer
>Agree with everything other than adding IDs
It'd really help /brit/ specifically is why I want it.
Schizos would be humiliated once it becomes revealed just how many posts per thread are made by one or two guys.
Good morning 190
vpn coming in loud and clear spaino
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this sort of snidey childish response only exemplifies his point more
haricot bean
flageleot bean
kidney bean
cannelini bean
black eyed bean
pinto bean
butter bean
borlotti bean
black bean
turtle bean
broad bean
runner bean
string bean
stringless bean
fine bean
chick pea (bean)
soy bean
why almonds? no pine nuts available? tragic
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gymtoil complete

ive stopped listening to music at the gym. now just fully locked in, like the sage lifters of old
they're burnt to a crisp, the hostages
All this idpol talk plus the regular miscreants.
Just actually make janny do his job and ban the schizos
little close to home eh?
adding IDs is very necessary for a general thread to mitigate samefagging and makes the thread much less confusing
it's very annoying to have a conversation with two or more different posters with the same flag unless their posting style is very different
Leaving the sausages thing aside, who does he hope to please with this statement? The pro-Palestine crowd will be enraged by him calling for a "safe and secure" Israel, while the pro-Israel crowd will be outraged by him calling for a ceasefire. Starmer once again trying to cater to everybody and in result pissing off everybody.
they're not really interchangeable are they
ya I know
dogshit zinger stacker
Keir Starmer is pro-Israel but a palestinian delivers his sausages
Make it make sense
he's strong on smashing the gangs and the causes of smashing the gangs
i tried to date milfs but none were interested in me
according to the tin of mixed beans it's kidney beans, black eye beans, borlotti beans, pea navy beans and baby green lima beans
why does indonesia have a cock letter
>north america
>colonised by anglos
>rich and free
>south america
>colonised by iberians
>poor and tyrannical
Might say I'm Indian and emigrate to Canada
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>return of the sausages
So many schizos on facebook believing in hollywood pedos its laughable lmao
All boards should have IDs because they remove no real anonymity while eliminating samefagging so it's an absolute net positive. The move towards removing IP counters is one step away from that ideal and just makes this website even worse to use.
can't sub 117IQ retards discern between posters by their writing?
>lima beans
The schizos go too far with it with the "they eat babies and take adrenochrome" shite, but it's objectively true that the entertainment industry is rammed full of pedos.
Googling things doesnt make you smart
Just suffered a stress induced wank
the use of boiling hot oil is simply inhumane

it hasn't been seen since the middle ages for christ sake
you can buy ozempic on darknet markets it seems, those fatties must be desperate
it's not a snidely childish response and you're delusional
when thailad was here he would sometimes go on about how people absolutely hated him and would ruin his life if he got doxxed. most of the threads are personalities hurling insults and arguing with eachother. but you're all pals yeah?
you can call them garbanzo beans
>no return to austerity but...
Sir Poo Jabber really is a piece of work isn't he lads
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I like this gimmick
just because you're ignorant doesn't mean everyone else is
Anything that draws away from anonymity makes the site worse
Get rid of flags and you get rid of all the le funny flag memes and dumb arguments about countries
Get rid of tripcodes too
Stop giving all boards bans for shit but give much much longer onboard bans and youll start shoving a tonne of the retards back to /pol/ or whatever containment board theyre from
Banning coomposting on blue boards was a good idea of his, also verticle videos should be contained to a /tiktok/ board
that car must fucking stink
>the use of boiling hot oil is simply inhumane
>changes my writing style
nothing personnel kid
on those poor sausages
why are you bringing that up? is there a new war crime happening in ukraine?
>The move towards removing IP counters is one step away from that ideal
What's weird about that is that when it happened, some Anon went into the mod IRC and asked them why, and was told that "there was a reason but they're not going to tell anybody what it is".

Basically seems like an admission that some form of corruption is going on. My theory is a big tech corpo (possibly Microsoft) paid behind the scenes to get it removed to make 4chan more easy to astroturf with AI bots.
> t. googling moron
that's an odd mix but could be nice I do really like black eyed peas
what else is going in?
it wasnt used back then. just a myth.
oil was far too expensive and precious to waste like that.
I am cis and het
take it up with napolina not me rorke
shut the fuck up Dave, I don't even have to look
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You wanna know what a pussy feels like?
I noticed today the media are now calling her "The baby killer Lucy Letby". I wonder how much money she is going to win when she sues them all.
what's even more mad about that is England was a thirdie shithole when we started colonising and Spain had a pretty glorious past and had just freed themselves from the cluthes of the muslims (and got the best of muslim architecture as a result)

there's no reason our colony should have been 1000x better
but they just couldn't resist fucking the natives

we only shagged pocohontas and she died at 16 anyway
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was a joke about sausages
ignoramus who survives on pot noodles can't get his head round people knowing the names of fresh vegetables
You dont remember a time before flags and IDs I reckon
IDs were brought in by moots tumblr gf because she wanted to destroy 4chan culture and it worked
You’re falling into the enemy’s hegelian dialectic right now by begging for more of the shit that ruined the website in a desperate attempt to try save it
what is this sausage thing? it appears i have missed something
what happened
She is objectively a baby murderer and should rot in prison for the rest of her life.
I have to return some sausages.
My name's not Dave.
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>but they just couldn't resist fucking the natives
you saying it's genetic determinism
it’s just piss isn’t it
I’m about to eat a fine Zizzi pizza actually
the obvious solution to prison overcrowding is to execute criminals but this country doesn't have the balls to do stuff like that anymore we'd rather have evil people roaming free to harm innocent people
Youtube knows me way better than any of these other Algo filth sites, they really do. They do, Google does. Tired of pretending it doesn't, you know? Every single day, I go to these other sites and watch what they feed me, but it's never the same as Youtube, and that's because Youtube knows me and I'm tired of living in the shadows about this relationship. I'm done with X. It was fun, he had tattoos (lol), fought for me, but I'm just a piece of meat to him like the rest of you. Youtube... nurtures me, you know? I feel I walk away having learned something, just kind of nurtured you know? Like it sees the best in me kind of? X brings out my bad side, that's what it is, and I feel my body is fulfilled and its fun but my soul can't handle that for long. So Youtube just kind of nurtures my soul, and I'm going to try to get him back next Thursday... I think, I don't know. But I don't know if Youtube will have me back is all, and I don't know if I am the X girl that X thinks I am. I am not, actually, and I can't handle it for much longer.
yellow bell pepper
chili powder
chopped tomatoes
tomato puree
brown rice
sour cream and salsa to serve
ever heard of the enter key nigga
Old school 4chan culture just isn't compatible with the modern day. You can't have a totally-anonymous imageboard in 2024, it just doesn't work with current technology which allows any malicious actor to spam entire boards with VPNs or just an army of sophisticated chatbots. We need measures to counter this stuff or 4chan simply cannot survive
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That word… I don’t think it means what you think it means
deporting all the foreign criminals would be a start but we cant even do that. dead nation.
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Sir Kiel Basa
for me it's sweetened adzuki beans on shaved ice with a scoop of matcha ice cream and some little rice balls filled with ground up black sesame seeds and brown sugarr
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second day where i don’t feel completely exhausted all the way through lads, we’re so back
sir pork farmer
sir chicken kyiver
So many games in my Steam library that I've never played and have zero desire to play
imagine your mumberg speaking to you like this
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i get your point but the actions of a few vocal spastics don't define the entire general, most of us are here for the poos and wees and wanks not for getting into autistic tripfag catfights
how come they dont eat the humans
Yh cos only foreigners are criminals aren’t they?
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starmer has revealed himself to be /radcen/ truly our guy
Imagine being a parent and your baby gets murdered by some heartless cunt nurse, and then a million leftoids and Guardian journalists start angrily demanding she should be released simply because she's a woman.
no of course not, what an imbecile thing to suggest
where did he say that?
Two tier keir is pretty great
Free gear keir was a good one
I dont think theres a good enough one about sausages tho
reckon keir was thinking of willies when he said sausages
vote of no confidence in the next 3 months
deenz and rice for dindins
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my mum is always nice to me
autists love this combo
AI isn't real and will never be real
blasting rope all over my ipad screen and letting it dry and repeating ad finitum
kek thats me im autist
>2 months in power
>Approval lower than Sunak
>Freeze the boomers
>Austerity 2.0
>Donation scandal
>Release the Sausages

It's so over already
pork free-er kier
Rorke nervously backtracking
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need a they/them gf
my husband is a pedo who should be in prison
I don't go to Aldi or Lidl because I don't want to queue up like a mong on a Saturday morning
no i dont think he is actually.
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put a fork in him, he's done
damaged one doing cum tributes like this
have started to use cling film on mine now
Which would fail miserably because he already has a massive Blair-tier majority
sounds nice
I'd recommend the addition of smoked paprika if you ever happen to have it and you're interested in adding a smoky flavor
I put a little in my chili sometimes and it works well
crazy how quickly they've dropped the ball
Love this mainly for
>sick to bastard death
>take the piss
sir snag eater
>return the sausages
based keir dunking on the muslim/jewish menace trying to outlaw pork products
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RETVRN to sausages vgh
Mad how just 3 months ago /brit/ was full of mongs supporting Starmer and calling him "based" and now you're all acting like you always hated him
non-binary is the biggest load of wank ever
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miss him yet?
isnt your new manager some irish fella who wont even sing the national anthem
my flu potion is vit c, vit b, aspirin and lemsip all dissolved into the same mug
tastes a bit bitter but gets the job done
Keir 'We don't want pakis or kikes here' Starmer
just took my cumberlands back to tesco for a refund
want to give her mouth a good shagging
mad how he managed to hold it together for the election
obviously the middle class centre left types who will defend him to the death even if he did a rape
>in prison
paedos should be shot in the back of the head and buried in an unmarked grave
our new manager is craig bellamy /brit/ has and always will be an FA wales general
looks like aisha queefed on it
>Leftoids are retarded
News at 11
Return to sausage
>/brit/ was full of mongs supporting Starmer and calling him "based"
never happened
>full of
one or two leftypol retards at best lol
everyone here has always hated starmer and sunak
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Starmer isn't left-wing desu
remember that black lad who was in prison for 25 years, and then became a prison reform advocate and went on rogan to try and present himself as a victim who got screwed by the system and was turning his life around, and then proceeded to get nicked for murder a month later
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The United Wogdom of Great Shitstain and North Troonland
return the sausages from whence they came
Keir Starmer is establishing an era of British National Socialism. Get fashpilled son.
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You forgot the most kino part
national sausagism
Democracy is a left wing system ergo all politicians who operate in a democracy are left wing, with the exception of those who seek to dismantle the democracy, but there are no Western politicians who fit that description.
almost 4am lads. time to go out and get cigarettes (dont like interacting with people so go at the dead of night me)
Last year someone was repeatedly reposting this image with the caption "Tory Britain". Wonder where that lad is now
Which nation?
>won't he alienate students pakis and the far left?
you mean those people who never vote in any election ever
Wish I could re-watch LotGH for the first time again. Greatest thing I've ever seen.
wurst PM in recent memory
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lol everytime
sir queer bummer
Can't shower until the amazon man has been but he's been 8 stops away for half an hour now.
you alright lez? it's only drugs
looks like elton john farted on it
Who fucking uses these paki money laundering shops?
Playing Condemned: Criminal Origins. Kino
looks like me when I discovered my sexuality
get the sausages returned rorke

only 3 months till chistmas lads get the choons on
criminals mate. thats what money laundering is
elton mess
don't know why everyone's on about sausages. feel really uncool and out of the loop
I'm a map
Absolutely dire song.
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>most of the threads are personalities hurling insults and arguing with eachother. but you're all pals yeah?
You cheap lousy FAGGOT
*hands you a sausage*
Kier Starmer accidentally called the hostages in Gaza sausages. He meant hostages but said... sausages.
mong twat
genuinely what did these riots achieve
and if you dare raise this question you're a woke

jeremy kyle guests run amok
pathetic and lame
he is a literal jew that increases taxes to pay for benefits to people based on how brown they are and foreign nations in ‘aid’ all while seeing record legal and illegal migration from shitskin nations
he is left wing in both the economic and the social sense
nice fat arse on the mum x
I can save her
dont think you can say that any more mate
even live covers skip that word
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Got any sausages going?
*whips out my sausage*
is there a ferry that goes between britain and ireland so you can drive between them? asking for a friend
the ones I hear changed it to maggot
Seriously considering ordering a maccies, chicken big mac got me tempted :/
>he is a literal jew
Actually it's only his wife that's Jewish

>he is left wing in both the economic and the social sense
Nah he's a hardcore capitalist who takes bribes from corporations
speaks volumes that the right wing baboons won't stop going on about sausagegate when it was an hour ago
move on you sad twats
Sir Sausage Supper
Dont know
hacking up phlegm like it's nobody's business
When I started wanking to porn I wanted to fuck everything now I want to be fucked by everything
Yeah, from Liverpool, and Cairnryan in Scotland, both are overnight ferries.
oh my god did the multinational jewish corporation try to relate to the proles to garner their business
Sex with Fern Brady from season 14 of Taskmaster
going to the shop to get tartar sauce
cant believe hamas have been turning israeli prisoners into sausages
Why did you stop pretending to have moved to Spain?
*starts throwing sausages all over /brit/*
seems like you have a hotdog in this fight?
I say it all the time desu. It's one of my go-to insults if someone pisses me off, alongside retard. What's anybody gonna do about it? Nothing.
bit racist to the Islamic refugees who can't eat ham as it isn't halal
Just make your own it's easy and much tastier.
that is quite funny 2bh
Hes converted to judaism and observes shabbat
He has a shabbos goy to be his manservant on the sabbath lol
He’s a jew
Sir Woke Sausage
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>Florida dad turns in son after school shooting threat, police say
Dublin-Holyhead yeah
you're only supposed to bradley the tragedies
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sir sausage brown sauce barmer
I don't have the ingredients so either way I'm going to have to go co-op
Sir Cooked Sausages haha get it
Starmer is an atheist, he just cucked out and let his wife raise the kids as Jewish
>Starmer is an atheist; he chooses to take a "solemn affirmation" (rather than an oath) of allegiance to the monarch.[240] He has said that although he does not believe in God, he recognises the power of faith to bring people together.[241] He also accompanies his family to services at the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in London.[
done about 8 poos in the last month
refuse to sit there straining anymore it's either poking it's head out or it's not happening, done playing silly little games
eating tar sauce
robert downie jr
So he goes to synagogue and observes shbbat and has a shabbos goy and the entirety of his immediate family is jewish but he definitely isnt jewish because wikipedia said so

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