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would you support an unnified southern cone?
why not? why yes?
what should be the name of this hypothetical country?

anywhere in the world i don't see another cluster of countries that are as similar culturally and stand to gain so much if they united. they'd become a world power overnight, right now they're just 3 irrelevant countries.
Not until we get our inflation down
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>they'd become a world power overnight
lol, also you have a geographical landmark keeping you apart, what's the point unification based solely on latitude when the andes is entirely longitudinal
why not chile+peru+ecuador+colombia at this point
Yes a long as we;
1) get rid of all immigrants whose nationalities end with ANO (venezolano, boliviano, peruano, you get it)
They are literally replacing us in both Chile and argentina.
2)Prohibit Communism and Jewish capitals hostile takeovers
3)Bleach the population via importing female European immigrants (males that try to come will be raped and executed)
Because all those countries are full of retarded apes and would ruin Chile in a day
>anywhere in the world i don't see another cluster of countries that are as similar culturally
uruguay and argentina might be cultural similar but really don't think the same about chile
>and stand to gain so much if they united
not sure about that
uruguay and chile might be dragged down economically by argentina situation

chilean peso and argie peso are almost at parity nowadays (maybe chilean peso is worth sightly more now)
maybe it should be ditched entirely.
accept, the name could be, "estados confederados del Sur"
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it always amazes me how tall the andes are
why do chileans larp as white people and on top of that to be the same as the countries from the plata river basin?

I mean, Argentina is also a brown shithole but at least they were white once before 2010 and they have gotten blacked just like the rest of the white countries in the world, but Chile was always a brown country in fact the majority of the argentines who are brown have chilean parents

but lets get race out of the context, culturally Chile has nothing in common with Argentina and Uruguay, Paraguay has more cultural ties to them since mate is literally from there, chileans don't even drink mate (but I, a small minority, do drink mate) shut up
>I mean, Argentina is also a brown shithole
That flag, if you don't know shit, don't give your opinion, the similarities with Chile are mostly in Mendoza and Patagonia. retarded
Holy fuck
you're honduran, wtf do you know about anything
go get dismembered by a mara or something
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>Paraguay has more cultural ties to them since mate is literally from there
What kind of stupid logic is that
you mean the places full of chilean diaspora? and yes Argentina today is at the very least 50% brown, argentine women love their chilean, paraguayan, bolivian, and peruvian men
The retarded do not understand that the similarities with neighboring countries are regional, we do not even resemble each other between provinces.
>why do chileans larp as white people
we are not white, we are our own Chilean race, who happens to be better than all of you spear chucking niggers. God made us better, all the metrics, the economy and what not proves us right. Argentinians and Uruguayans are nice people, some Brazilians too, the rest of the continent, including those black cock obsessed angloids in the north, could get nuked and would not give a fuck. You are a lesser being when compared to usd the Cono Sur people, i dont even consider you the same species as me.
Why are you trying to make some kind of fetishist Fantasy?
The Choco rainforest separates Colombia from Ecuador too. There is only one road that connects both countries and you need to drive like 16 hours from the northernmost coastal city in Ecuador to the southernmost coastal Colombian city,

I hope Peru annexes Ecuador some day, though.
The Paraguayans are very fucking alien-like, they speak Guarani and drink avocado-milkshakes
because buenos aires and uruguay are right next to paraguay right? anyway
>provincianos not from Santa Fe or Cordoba
literally nobody lives there to be considered important
Add Paraguay
You're forgetting my hecking islands
Fuck them Islands brother, they are full of jeets, unironically
based! although I've been told the avocados you can get here, and I suppose paraguay, are different from those used elsewhere, not sure
what's wrong with that?
ngl i was thought that chile was like 90% indios (maybe because of the football matches when i look at the crowd? idk)
i only knew theres a lot of med lightskin people in chile too because of 4chan
Thanks for showing your complete ignorance, jungle monkey.
ironically enough, all chileans
kek this
Avocado here is eaten in salads or sandwiches, its not used as a fucking "sweet" fruit, its actually very fucking weird to us at least. Its like putting ketchup on your icecream
shalom David, how is the family doing? did your brother already came back from serving in the IDF?
you """people""" look like if Cristobal Colon never set foot in the American continent and the homo erectus never went extinct either LMAO

>Avocado here is eaten in salads or sandwiches
My friend recently travelled to your cunt and talked to me about this, disgusting
Hello, Juan, how are the maras?
I cant believe you fucking mix avocado with milk and sugar, that's putrid
you are right, I am very proud of being black
Dude it's literally juice with milk, one of the most combinations possible, you are putting fruit on your sandwiches and eating it with rice
thats honestly good, disabled people shouldn't be afraid to be proud of who they are, even when their illness is so foul and disgusting.
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UVVVVVGGGGHHH imagine the BBC (Big Beige Culo) of estados confederados del Sur.
doing better than ever, they just had a mossad seminar this month, but you already know that
Avocado is not fruitlike, it does not have juice but oil. Its like drinking an olive oil milkshake
that's true, hopefully one day Chile can achieve that inner acceptance
We are very accepting of the fact we are inherently superior to your kind in any way, shape or form, we are very proud of this fact too.
I understand, it might be to you like tomato ice cream or eggplant smoothies, "just wrong"
but I assume you being from chile that you have access different varieties of avocado, no? You can get guacamole and other foreign dishes with avocado around here, but it's usually with imported avocados, darker and smaller they call "abacate avocado" which sounds kinda funny
With the currency basket plan you will be able to use clp in Mendoza soon, real will be accepted and used in misiones
Maybe you are right and we are referring to two different kinds of avocados but i thinks its more of a cultural thing (for example we don't eat fried bananas like a lot of latam cunts do)
does that include the haitians, venezuelans, and dominicans?
Is it fruit? If it is, then period.
>b-b-but oil
No, but it includes your whore mother who sucks dick for 1kg of rice in Plaza de Armas
If you want us to be one country, you must accept total hatred of the Anglosaxon
see my posting, i hate angloids and their american offsrping prolly even more than you
never happening, chile is the japan of latinamerica, they want to be white so badly they will always side with the whiter country, and both Argentina and the United Kingdom are brown shitholes but spiritually the UK is whiter and so Chile will always side with the country they consider whiter
Who hurt you?
ok but have you tried avocado desserts though
first you need to kill all the corrupts in both chile and argentina
good luck with that
Hey retard, you have never been outside you moms basement and it shows, we don't give a fuck about the UK, what happened in the past was merely military opportunism due the historic context, nowadays those tea sipping faggots are almost as irrelevant to us as your nigger shithole.
him :( >>202647515
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something we have in common then
but as long as a hypothetical united southern cone and brazil are still frens, it's fine for me
Fun thread.
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It's missing South Brazil. It literally geographically completes the cone and is culturally (as well as in some other ways) closer to Uruguay and Argentina than the rest of Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul literally has Gaúchos and everything.
i didn't meant to hurt you, i was just pointing out the occupation and location of you mother; an immigrant whore in our local town square.
Thread ruined, disgusting.
Come on, give me a hug.
>non white enters the thread
>chilean starts seething
the uncle tom's of latinamerica
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Youve never met Venezuelans in your life, you honduran subhumans look like Japan or sweden when compared to those creatures.
Itz just banter m8
I don't see how this would even remotely affect me
does not represent the country
RS and PR can leave idc
just leave SC to us
Must be some low income area in argentina. All argies I know are white looking.
Give me a damn hug.
We're our own thing to be honest, add the southernmost parts of São Paulo and it'd already be a decent enough country in its own right.
live footage of why brazil should never consider chileans/paraguayans/bolivians/peruvians their brothers
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I see no differencr from Mexicans or Peruvians.

You could add the whole Spanish speaking world
>>2026476Argentina, Uruguay and Rio Grande del sur are the gaucho nation, that's how it is, whether you like it or not
you are obsessed with us you nigger down syndrome ape, and sadly for you, we don't give a fuck about your subhuman country
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don't forget about me
Reminder honduran is a literal blackcel zambo
he already admitted being black LMAO
Tomas Avilés
Ulises Ortegoza
Taty Castellanos

do you know what all these argentine citizens have in common aside from being brown?
This photo is very far from Bolivia. But they said every brown was Bolivian
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you're our clay bby
Patagonia is full of chileans
never, paraguay ist ours
i have no idea who any of those people are, im guessing your favourite fried chicken chefs or some gay pornstars you, a gay nigger, likes.

A Chilean is thousands of times more civilized than any Central American
No please. I don't trust in any of these countries. Argentina is based in economy right now but they can vote in leftists again and these bastards can destroy everything again
A Chilean is thousands of times more civilized than any centralamerican
Where are the White people?
no, they are all chilean argentines
as long as south brazil is still kept as part of brazil so i can enjoy pink pussy i not only support but also vocally endorse such unificiation
Same with argentina, not even in extreme poverty you behave like mexicans, hatians or hondurans who resort to being Mad Max tier murder niggers involved in all sorts of violent crime.
Sulistrannies are truly pathetic.
and? you jerk off to them or what you faggot? what was the point?
But southern cone is just light skinned amerindians
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I don't care who takes my land...just take it. The authorities will be better no matter the side.
End the suffering of millions
I bet your father is chilean and your mother is a coalburner addicted to brown dick and that's why you exist
your mother is a whore and your father is unknown (you are black)
I need that plushie.
Cómo van las cosas en Venezuela?
seriously RS and PR are shitholes that wouldn't survive 1 year without the southeast money
who tf are they trying to fool? the only know that brazil needs is get rid off northeast
I bet you're a negro marero guy who dreams of emigrating to the United States
>seriously RS and PR are shitholes

are you northeastern?
Nope, there's like 5 times more brs in Parawhy than argies, plus argentine chuds are always complaining about how "boliguayos" are destroying their country, while we welcome our mate driking, guarani speaking paragua brothers with open arms.
>implying if USA don't open their borders 95% of Southern Cone wouldn't go there
that would be great so all the Venezuelans, Bolivians and mistery meats can finally fuck off, i plan on dying on my fatherland.
No, not really.
i just said that we need to get off the northeast you dumbass
and we should just keep the north because the amazon is there they're almost as bad as northeasterners
You genocided the paraguayos, they can never be part of you
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We didn't do all of it by ourselves THOUGH.
Besides it was nearly two centuries ago, we're frens now.
Uh yeah, but they are more frens with us
Hay una calma tensa, los cuerpos de seguridad del Estado están más represivos, la gente de los barrios/villas (creo que así le dicen Uds. a las viviendas super pobres(?)) están migrando dirección EE. UU. (la mayoría) o a Chile. Por la parte política, el gobierno trata de minimizar la oposición y la oposición trata de no desmotivarse y aumentar la presión internacional . Por la parte social hay como una especie de depresión generalizada o al menos eso percibo. Oh, y el gobierno se acerca más a Irán y a Rusia.
Trato de moderar el lenguaje un poco porque en algunos ISP vigilan el tráfico de red, aunque puedo estar siendo algo paranoico .
What do brazilians with a solid historical knowledge think about Emperor Pedro II?
Ojala maduro los mate a todos, la unica solución para el problema venezolano es la extinción venezolana, uds son lo mas parecido a las ratas en forma humana, no exagero cuando digo que ustedes son lo peor que le ha pasado a mi país, peor que terremotos y tsunamis incluso, son una plaga que lleva decadencia, ruido y suciedad donde pisa.
i think hes a little cowardly faggot

t. brazilian with solid historical knowledge
Suenas algo molesto. Te regalo un (You)
Que ganas de cortarte el cuello a ti y toda tu familia la vdd
No, in fact Argentina withdrew from the war in the first 2 years, it never participated in the genocide.
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We quite literally named the bridge connecting the two countries in honor of our friendship. We even share the energy generated by the Itaipu dam.
Never in a million years would I want my future to be tied to Argentina's population or political decision-making.
We learnt that lesson 20 years ago and we've decoupled our economies as hard as we could, and went with whoever would take us.
Another Kirchner is almost guaranteed to arrive at some point and we don't want 2002 to happen again to us. Milei isn't the gift that was promised either but you're not ready for that conversation.

Count us out.
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Solo intentalo, aquí te espero.
Was actually a decent leader considering he never really wanted to rule. It's a pity he was too sick and tired to stop the coup that ended the empire and gave birth to the an even more dysfunctional republic.
Como les cagaron las elecciones encima al viento lo mandaron para España

Uruguay will be part of Argentina in your life time
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algo que diria un neo-chileno
chile was always brown
>Uruguay will be part of Argentina in your life time
I’m 52, that’s not saying much.
If it happens, I’ll be the URA founder and it’s standard bearer.
get rid of all the venezuelans currently infesting your country first
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>I’m 52
OG nigga
soluciones caribeñas para problemas caribeños
What can you tell me about the UYU/USD fluctuation?
>52 años
ajjaja sos un hijo de puta hermano jajajja
juegas counter?
Sea honesto Sr. ¿qué le motiva a pasar su tiempo aquí?
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yo tengo 43
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what happens here
there was no "genocide" you retard.
lopez was a threat who invaded our country and killed 50,000 of our civilians. so we fought them until that threat was eliminated.
not our fault that even 15 year old boys decided to kill themselves to fight for that retard, instead of just handing that idiot over to be properly executed.
ritual human sacrifice, unironically
Paraguayans do not see it the same way,
many don't really do not consider such things
are you a wizard?
yeah, they are retards who worship the idiot that caused the war and caused their downfall.
not my problem.
I just wanted to wake
But everyday
I am quaking
In fear
>males that try to come will be raped
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Please remove Northeast from Brazil. I hate these useless commie lover faggot bastards
No, I left my neurotic wife for younger pussy but I’d somehow forgotten that younger pussy is even more neurotic so now I’m alone. I don’t regret it, though, my mother misses my ex more than I do, even invites her home to do her nails once a month. My kids lack nothing before you ask.

I don’t play video games. I used to play Tekken 20 years ago, if that would console you.

I’m a depraved bastard and I come here for some bad shit on /gif/. I was a cooker before that was a word and will remain one until I can’t get erections. I still have my mojo and the gym makes it stronger than it’s ever been.
>all the metrics, the economy and what not proves us right.
You certainly lead in mental illness and delusion even over Argentina judging by posts like this.
Id love to go there
Peronmona es mi país
Sueño con el imperio austral
Mientras voy al kiosco a pedir fiada
Una Manaos de cola
Sòy un peroncongo de mierda
Argentina planned to invade you once and you cried to the Pope about it
I don't see the point. Different political contexts, different demands, the urban spaces would be still poorly integrated due to concentrations in two opposing coastal regions, and a unified currency would be a disaster at first due to how different Chile's macroeconomic situation is to Argentina's. Not to mention how this confederation/federation would be torn by a power struggle between the two aforementioned countries. If you want to integrate your country to the Southern Cone so badly, start by joining Mercosur.
huge crying macaque by a schizo thread

and just because they didn't add this lol
What nation outside the european continent, is defended by a Pope without being asked?
only Chile
The true emperors of Europe
wheres anyone crying? take your meds

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