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Are you more of a morning tea or coffee person?
Coffee I'm more of a noon person though
Coffee break during/after heavy lunch? Won't it make the coffee less enjoyable?
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What's for breker
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that's their pee isn't it
My wife momoka is so cute
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Brekie of champs, black kofe and fried banana
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No, it's specially brewed tea
I'm a water enthusiast.
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hold on, that's not Chilean flag
visit bali
no sharia
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chat is this real?
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>What's for breker
if i wake up early enough before w*rk, eggs with cheese, plus kofi and mini chocolate bar
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how did this author get away from moralfag police in here, did he publish this in Japan?
when i saw this popping up in my favorite tags [spoiler] hairy armpits [spoiler] its took me off guard when i read the local meme reference.
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I've heard that sinovac and other cheap protein-based vaccines, albeit less "effective", have less side effects than vaccines with mRNA like pfizer
just get tha vax and get boosted chuds
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how are you doing, fellow working class people? this is hump of the day, weekend is in sight.
A diploma is so fucking useless compared to an NCII Certificate
bentar lagi gajian gan
wfhchads just can't stop winning
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I hate everything
I feel like a slave and I hate my life. The fact that we only live once and being born in here makes me want to kill myself (I will, before 2024 ends)
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which one is (You)?
just found out Maria Nagai is part pinoy
no wonder her face looks odd, as in not a familiar japanese-type face
I have an NCII certificate but it's useless and I'm still a NEET
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how is the anti-woke illiterate farang gonna react to this?
why are farangs anti woke? don't they come to your country to hit on tranny?
not all farangs are anti-woke me think (though i think based for thailand to deport problematic farangs back)
more like i wanted westoids to call thailand a "woke country" so i can laugh at them
Thailand isn't exactly what I'd call woke lol
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actually true though compared to the wars that frequent land based civilizations, water serves as a great natural barrier against armies, not much against trade though.
unless you hated the other people that much there's basically no reason for you to build and maintain dozens of ship capable of destroying other ship to cross the ocean and march to their homeland.

or atleast it was true up until the age of industrialization.
Stone age tribes would be more accurate than merchant states. If we really were traders we could've been mercantiles like Venicians but doing a simple Google search will tell you we've never been.
two more days is still long
fair enough i guess
i think it's because they don't really see gay marriage as a directionbrain thing like western nations did
we had bloody conflicts though it's internal
>jawa mataram waging wars with other muslim/hindu kingdoms resulted in many deaths
>aceh waging wars with other muslim sultanates resulting in many deaths
>minang fundamentalists waging war with tribal batak resulting in many deaths
we just memory hole it so we can have an excuse to unite
>indo bait threads
>pinoy bait threads
wheres the malaysian bait threads?
make me, skelly
try casting a few bait first on some anti-pajeet thread or /bharat/
i just made a thread myself, now we wait
besides, theres like what - 4-5 malaysian posters nowadays including me, and they're all at work probably
>stone age
>knows how to smith a metal sword
>have currecy
>knows which metals are more valueable
>have a sophisticated culinary culture
>when magellan arrive they clearly know the value of trade
>not to mention the reason the entire reason for the portuguess/spanish wanting to tap into the spice trades is because its profitable for the civilizations involved
>and to bar their other yuro competitors
you've been so whitewashed and blackwashed you can't even tell even back then we're not exactly like niggers.

my point is that compared to the wars between land based society we look like chumps.
Generally true. Mainland Southeast Asia has developed an absolutist kind of monarchy similar to those in India, the Middle East, and Europe. Although our wars were mostly about resisting colonizers.
start shit up in those threads like that one viet then watch him flame the shit out of your country too
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now that you mention it, we dont have artist/author that make story about our version of warring state period.
>Although our wars were mostly about resisting colonizers
lol that's only because we didn't even record what happened during medieval kingdoms
historians just like to underestimate our conflicts because there's no records
all of these conlicts are between on the same island, but yeah i know your point sea is literally natural barrier here
It really depends by region. in maritime SEA you have mainland style warring Hindu-Buddhist empires, medium sized mercantile kingdoms, and stone age tribes all next to each other
because it's nonexistent it would be boring
unless you want some shit like mahapajeet conquering the entire nusantara bullshit (they dont)
>that's only because we didn't even record what happened during medieval kingdoms
There would be a constant state where one island is united and then scrambling apart over and over again, which would prompt outsiders like the Chinese or Indian traders to write a record about it. Meanwhile, all the known 'empires' we had were only Srivijaya and Majapahit.
>it's nonexistent it would be boring
jawa mataram is kinda uniting java island through conquers
There's actually a lot of records, but modern Indonesians are just not as heavily invested in it compared to mainlanders, or even compared to other asians
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First president of East India, Sookarn
They might be not of the best quality and a bit off from the historical account but we do have plenty of historical drama on tv, and in the past on comic books and radio too
There are also old literatures that have yet to be adapted by popular media like the bujangga manik story
Ah yes, the first jawir president whose mind are controlled by his own pecker. Hope this jawir retard burn in hell right now, for fucking up this country to this day
young indons have this desire to escape their own history, for them local culture is outdated and kampungan, 'asian value', adat ketimuran, etc. is all bad things that must be thrown away. Urban culture must absolutely follows america or japan or korea, Religious culture must absolutely follow arab model so there's no room for local pride and embracing of history like at least happened in turks and persians
Not really? Aside from Brunei and Singapore the maritimes are too busy dealing with internal conflicts right up till to 80s-90s
>modern Indonesians are just not as heavily invested
We are much more invested in our modern history especially during colonization because that's what shaped us now. Our medieval past is virtually nonexistent and the timespan is just too vast for us anyway to feel any real connection to it now. Thanks to colonization again btw.
You're mixing history and culture.
Didn't we just had one like 1-2 days ago? The poopoos probably dropped it because not enough locals took the bait
oh, didnt notice it then
and the thread i made is already dead, only had like 2 jeet posters
it's kinda tiring now because jeet jannies always shut me down
history is culture i mean thats how you got a modern chink hanfu larping as 5000 years unbroken civilization despite being hardcore commies just 50 years ago
Yeah, trading shit is more valuable for the island dweller compared to the land dweller, especially since manpower is very limited in the archipelago
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Oi, Indo lads. I'm trying to grow chilis for sambal and Indo dishes. Can anyone tell me if cabe merah besar and cabe lombok merah are the same pepper? I grew cabe lombok this year and it's almost ready for harvest. Still turning red.
>people in the workplace are chimping out at MYR value inclining to 4.12

Yawn.wake me up when we've reached pre Jibby levels
different language
Just don't engage. They can do all the smear campaign they want but everyone with half a brain knows any slander they cook up is nowhere near as damaging as the real life examples of garbage behavior their own people make on the daily
i hope lindell decides to sell his shit on lazada or shopee
nice rack, shame about the face
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big chilli is just for color, you need picrel for the spice
We already use rawit. Need something with less heat for different dishes. You bite into a rawit and you know it, for a while.
Are adventure games profitable in SEA or should I just pander to Westerners?
do eroge
Makes sense, that's also explain why Java both has a massive temple-building culture and autistic warfare compared to the other islands
JRPG styled games with a lot of fanservice do best
Do you save your chili plants between years or just replant?
What kind? Judging by Dreadout horror sells well enough.
Porn game shovelware with AI art, steam's been full of that lately
Was not impressed. The beaches were as nasty as Jakarta waterways. Gonna try Phuket next time.
damn you really cant suffer in america, i can cronch 3 rawit and still felt minimal spiciness
>adventure games
Look up A Space for the Unbound, it's an indon adventure game that's very well-received
I save seed. I don't have a place to keep the plants alive through the winter. This year I planted straight from seed in late April. Took until August to get fruit. Going to try growing in trays around March next year so I get more earlier. I did in the ground and in pots from seed. Both grew, but the inground ones were stunted and never flowered.

This was my seed source.
pander to chinks and westerners
although genshit and other mihoyoshit are quite popular here too
My peppers always take ages from seed, buying starts has always worked way better and they're quite cheap. For whatever reason my peppers were all pretty slow this year though, they grew fast but the fruit has been ripening late in season. I'm going to try digging up and cutting back the plants to save for next year, and maybe bonsai the tabasco's for fun, since I've heard that second year plants bear way better.
How do you make sure the seeds come true if you save them? Do they not cross very much?
Right now I only grow these. I grow mostly squash and okra. This was an experiment. I've only grown sweet peppers like bell and banana prior to this year.

A friend at work said he grew a lot of peppers and was saving his through the winter. I offered my best plant to him. Maybe he can keep it alive. I grew six plants and only 1 fruited. All flowered, though.

In the future, I actually plan to cross something with these so they mature faster, so I'm not totally concerned with cross-pollination. I've already started to cross my squash to make a vining yellow summer squash instead of bush-type. Bush squash doesn't last long to bugs here.
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time Jibby what, RM3.50 kan?
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>attend career preparation seminar
>"attaching your social media is mandatory"
Is it possible to have a job without being goyim?
pander to anti-woke westerners and east asians
Don't have social media. Problem solved.
Jib never hit 4 you mong
I mean, they say if you want to apply a job, you need to fill the social media form which is mandatory so they can trace all my (((hate speech))) comment. I can substitute that with my website, can't I?
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Make a fake account and never use it. Jew the system back, anon. Don't use anything that could identify back to the real you. No email or password similarity. Use a VPN to set it up.
linked in counts as a social media
Can I just create my own portofolio website? I don't mind learning all the shit as long as I stick to my principle
Yep. Also 4 times IDR
how do people contact you through portfolio website? the answer is by attaching your social media, now you're going full circles
Uhm, email? Phone number?
goyim shit just like social media
>Phone number
they use whatsapp for that
meant for>>202653474
just make one new social media account for publicity
if you're concerned about privacy just make it private
>goyim shit
it doesn't have to be gmail, hotmail or yahoo right? Tons of providers exist, just setup your own domain for work
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good morning aseanbros i love you
whats bojo
I don't think I grew any bush squash, just cucumber, pumpkin and watermelon this year. All my pumpkin plants got destroyed by slugs and mildew, I got one sad little pumpkin. Cucumbers gave me buckets full though with no pest damage somehow. I assume you're a slightly warmer zone than I, bugs aren't too bad here so far except the stuff burrowing into my tomatoes.

All my peppers fruited this year but a couple only gave me a handful worth, and the one from seed probably won't even ripen all the way with the weather cooling.

Most of my planting work this year was fruit tree/bush stuff, wanted to get some longer term things started.
boris johnson
aurelia vizal punya siapa?
Why is myr strengthening so much
selamat sore spanyol
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i do not like your tone young man
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Explain yourselves Filipinos
It was a sad year for them because of Duterte's policy.
Partly because 3% OPR, partly because USD fumbling and east Asia not recovering as quickly from the batflu drop
The biggest Blue Archive enjoyers
local cult leader just got caught for money laundering and sex trafficking minors
i'm a bit worried because Anwar is cozying up to Russia and BRICS
you seem to know your shit, what are the implications of such a "friendship"?
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SEA food that makes you look like this
>you seem to know your shit,
I don't. Just used to work for banks for few years before my brain broke.
>what are the implications of such a "friendship"?
Russia gets more of our military hardware contracts, the country's economic portfolio gets a bit more diversified.

Honestly, as long as we reduce dependency on China I'm a happy camper. Not going to happen though, going by what our lanun in charge just did.
Indo's Mie Setan or w/e variants of it
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Anything with enough curry/ chili
>Honestly, as long as we reduce dependency on China
Your economy is pretty diverse and not that dependant to china compared to us
if you want to reduce chinese influences let's say in military you should go for France/Turkey instead Russia
But neither France or Turkey are BRICS. Not yet for Turkey iirc
Hmm, need to stop texting while friving
anything with chillies and/or good stock
>brain broke
happens to the best of us
my dad worked at HQ for about 20+ years but finally had to quit because management was a pain in his ass
i'm actually confused about these guys, we had a state visit a few weeks back right? then days later they come round and told is to dismantle our oil fields around Sabah because they said too close to their 9-dash line borders

tsundere big sister behaviour
Two faced abusive, more like. They are not our friends. Never were.
just curious, are you chinese?
theres this podcast i recently listened to, havent finished yet, and i feel like i understand a bit more la why our chinese feels disconnect with PRC

cheers to a few more decades of peace, because if war breaks out - big bro China is gonna ravage our ass to take control of the straits
China won't protect Chinese outside mainland China, it's never their responsibilities to do so.

It's one way of them saying "Who told you to migrate lmao"
The oil rig debacle was before the lanun's visit. It is said he came there to address the issue on top of saving his bag (ECRL for Forest City)
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has anyone done it better than them?
i dont think so
Forest City, still?
seems like every ascendant Agong just wants to secure his home Sultanate
I remember during Pahang one, all about durians and parks because hey, thats his home state's income liao
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>"who told you to migrate lmao"
speaking of that, was it true the emperor didn't give a shit about the chink genocide by VOC back in the day?
>Are you Chinese
Not on my IC. Paternal grandma was a Chinese Muslim. You don't have to a chink to notice the disdain they hold for us. Just hang out with the guys who regularly deal with their upper management or tourists and you'll find several horror stories.

>Malaccan strait
That has always been their game plan, war or no war
wait how the fuck is this possible, the progressives even failed to secure the government and was fucked over by yingluck's ghost
anon... the emperor is one of the reason why chinese ran away from their homeland
The statement still applies, mainland China doesn't care about outside people. That's why people always think "Chinese bad"
kasian chindog
>Paternal grandma was a Chinese Muslim
many such cases, something to do about chinese families giving their daughters to Malay families so the japs dont rape them
so you're actually older eh, in your mid-30's then

yeah, my lil bro joined the army a few weeks back - just hope he stays safe in the forseeable future haha
Tbf the durian thing was a good play since demands for durians in china have increased, especially the super pricy ones like Blackthorn

Sucks for us though
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you ever watched pic related's shows?
saw an episode about Durian farms the other day, something to do with how its considered "hot food" in chinese medicine so that explains why the PRC folks love them so much
>something to do about chinese families giving their daughters to Malay families so the japs dont rape them
Nah, she was born around the 20s. she and her brothers were orphaned. A malay family took her in because they wanted to we'd her with one of their sons (they didn't follow through and she married a cool Malaccan cop instead)
yang sebenarnya pengen tiga periode dan ngusulin itu jokowi atau para penjilatnya? ato itu cuma hoax oposisi sama pdip aja waktu itu?
Mainland Chinese don't care about migrant Chinese, until its profitable to do so, See strait merchant entities like Hongkong, Taiwan and Singapore
The emperor was the one who kicked them out sayang

Nope, I think it's just them liking stuff that keeps them warm in fall/winter that doesn't affect them like alcohol does. Mat Saleh would be hooked to them too if they can only get used to the smell
wasnt qing dynasty not han themselves? they were manchu conquerors lol
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now the timeline doesnt add up
you're in your 40's, early 50's?
tumpang lalu, pak cik
I'm not that familiar with most of the Chinese history, but why did the emperor kick them out? Because they're rebels?
Gak bakal tau kita kecuali ada bocoran dari mana langsung ttg siapa ngmg apa. Jokowi cara mainnya kl mau sesuatu itu alus pake proxy dulu buat cek ombak kecuali kalo darurat. Untuk konteks 3 periode mgkn emg dari Jokowinya sendiri tapi masih blm jelas.
Mid 30s. Dad was born in the 50s. Popped me outta my mom when he's almost 40.
I haven't brushed up my history either but iirc the earliest chink settlers here (earlier than arab ones) were the Chinese muslims from Canton that ran away to escape religious persecution from the empire
the low-mid class people, which are the majority of the Indo citizen. they loved Jokowi because over 10 years they thought everything is controlled and feasible, so they want Jokowi to continue.
oh yeah, makes sense
the show explained something about sulphuride that gives off these alcoholic smell

chad ayah
same situation with one of my uncles, he's only 3 years older than me
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abuya skibidi
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Fucking love the costumes the actors wore in these Turkish historical soaps.
Do you have high production value period dramas in your country?
>cute girl who waves at me everyday is quitting
>last day tomorrow
now that she's quitting, i can decide either to fully commit and ask her out or leave it at that
my whole body is telling me the latter
stop pussying out m8. I was on your position before and regretted it
You miss 100% the shot you don't take
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idk man, i just cant afford a gf right now
pull your dick out and her to suck it
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kindly reminder
decided to not
cant decide if its either lust or love, and the fact that she's the only girl that works here probably clouds my mind

i'll get my girl next year
>that make story about our version of warring state period
That's because Indonesia's formation came about recently so your own version of the "Warring State Period" was the Indonesian Revolution.
How old are you now?
still young, right? haha
Very young.
>6pm sharp
>waves and smiles
and there she goes :'l
wish i made more money, bros...
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i'm more of a beer person
femboy becoming more accepted in our country is that good or bad? will HRT get covered by BPJS?
Why bro. If a girl likes you she'll cover for you, you don't need money for a relationship. What's the worst that could happen?
Workout is no longer keeping the big noose away
it's over
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I'm pretty good with spicy food, so nothing really
>you don't need money for a relationship
I don't accept them. Saw a couple of them on FX Sudirman last week, what an eyesore.
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The warring state is the islamic sultanates period but it reach anti climax because no one really wins and then dutch just slowly take over everything
Indonesian revolution is more like maoist revolution but with sukarno
Instead doing warrior-like games you can adapt linear story like Diponegoro or Sudirman. Could be kino because romanticized bad ending.
>our wars were mostly about resisting colonizers
more like the king sons want a slice of the kingdom pie yet again for the 156th times
I blame lazy mlei, they got easily folded by the moortuguese and gave them a critically strategic base on a silver platter
If only Kalinyamat were successful...
Too many /vmg/ pedophiles in Tangalogland
>inb4 Bisaya Shitflinging
It's just Monday for the Bisakols
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Go for it, bro.
At least you got amicable relationship with your crush.
My crush only ever had work-related interaction with me.
Monkeytuber on Bisayadland
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>to get a gf you need to be married
I see...
How can white pig women even compete?
are you SEAmen concerned about some typhoon or other kind of storm?
god yes give me rain, it has been a drought for a whole year in my general area.
Funny you say that, it's been raining cats and dog in my place since 3 hours ago.
sorta true, no?
read a schizo theory once that said when you're in a relationship, more women flock to you because it seems like subconciously its saying "yes, look at my husband/bf, he can take care of me"
and women want caretakers so they latch onto that la
duality of indonesia

kedah has fallen, floods the past week i think
my area just has risk of sinkhole
I'm more concerned about being unemployed. Jobs run out but typhoons and storms don't.
>no customers
>co-worker blasts My Chemical Romance through the loudspeakers
yeah i'm thinking based
in my entire life i only experience typhoon once it happend at the neighborhood village, my village are safe.
Imagine (You) getting broke and homeless from the typhoons kek
I rarely go to work at monsoon seasons. If it's expected to be a downpour, I'll stay at home. That's where the delivery riders (Grab/FP/LLM) killing themselves for wages while the typhoon is raging.
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Why are zoomers getting high salaries? Fresh grads are making like RM8k starting now wtf
zoomer in here spend their money on streamer and gacha
Only because Im worried some strong wind might blow away the zinc roofing of my homemade shack
what kind of job?
you have to remember, kids here dont want to further their studies so whoever's left is probably top of the class
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sounds boring, this is why i wouldn't call we have warring state period
this, however, what's the REAL warring state period should look like
It's 100% true though. Women won't look at men who don't have the means to provide them materialistically or otherwise.
. If you've worked in retail( like in shopping malls) you oughta find at least 1-2 of these "gatal bijik" women wanting to mooch off wealthy (or wealthy looking) husbands.
Also, if you often watch our local soap opera these kinds of women are the stereotypical antagonists, not unlike the evil stepmother and the "jantan dayus" archetype
>kids here dont want to further their studies so whoever's left is probably top of the class
Is it really that bad in Malaysia right now. I've seen articles about how badly underfunded the equivalent of National Schools there can get.
Never seen that happening here to zoomers here. Isn't Malaysia rapidly developing? That might explain it.
It's just obnoxious terminally online TikTok and xitter influences that keep on yapping about how you don't need degress to succeed.
you jest but hahaha....
we "joked" around and she said something to the effect of "it could've been you, you know?"
It might just me being an incel but I'd be pissed off if my future wife invited men to our wedding.
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gde polska
Storm or typhoons are cool can give me excuses to wfh, what I'm afraid of down here is the motherfucking earthquake
what if typhoons come to your fucking house
Isn't it rude to invite your ex to your wedding? Unless you intentionally tried to piss them off ofc
she just wanted to get back at me
she knew i was a workaholic, i didnt even take days off for my relatives wedding

funny thing is, she moved near me after the wedding because her husband works here
how close? i live in Shah Alam, she lives in Kota Kemuning
Please mommy big (megathrust) earthquake come :3 I'm already prepared and peace time is boring for adhdfags like me
>I've seen articles about how badly underfunded the equivalent of National Schools there can get.
>influences that keep on yapping about how you don't need degress to succeed.
Meanwhile, some people started blaming "classroom temperature" (https://redlib.catsarch.com/r/indonesia/comments/1fp05q3/desas_desus_cerita_twitter_yang_viral_tenta ng) on the critical deficiencies of primary school graduates (non-anecdotal case) started around 4-5 years ago e.g
>can't do primary level maths
>unable to read and write fluently
>other severe retardation
Which could be traced to retarded decisions to
>terminate the usage of national standardized test as graduation criteria
>escalator school system + can't repeat class = no kids held back
The thing is, most schools are decades old. More schools have AC on the classroom than ever. How does that makes makes any sense
Lmao you too huh? We have the same online fad on that here as well.

good evening, sukhi hontu
let me guess those eceleb selling crypto class
In normal situation I would tell you to do netorare like a chimp, but if she's the one who wants it first, then avoid at all costs. Just stop contacting her and such
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But you really don't. How many people out there who never worked on their lives while having degrees? Plenty.
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How would a 23 yo with only a high school degree could find a job?
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Sure, you don't "need" them but higher education certs do open the doors to better paying jobs. Also if you've tuned in to the TikTok Awards you'll find most of the influencers that won were the educated sort who used the skills and connection they got in uni to make their content more appealing to the masses.
I hate the word "connection"
What, you prefer "networking" then?
>badly underfunded the equivalent of National Schools there can get.
>terminally online TikTok and xitter influences that keep on yapping about how you don't need degrees to succeed.
It's partially this but also the fact that our national schools are indeed underfunded and the teachers underpaid, especially compared to the international schools here.

Problem is our schools are dirt cheap. Back when I was in school I used to pay my annual school fee with my own allowance (roughly rm70 per year for sekolah menengah/ middle school). Compare that to some intl schools that charge up to RM100k per semester. Of course there's going to be a world of difference if you compare the two
i'm vietnamese american but vietnamese sounds so much better when it's coming out of cute anime girls than my relatives
Just give up at that point.

I doubt all 6000 of them are your average high school dropout.
What if it's from cute girl relative
We all speak English
>MYR actually exceeded pre 1MDB jibby levels compared to JPY (~3.1)
What the fuck is happening over there.
holy shit is this stream just this du ca chick making fun of bao's vietnamese the entire time
>All that doom and gloom of MYR dropping months ago to what we got now
Hell of a whiplash I must say.
other asean language i like is Thailand, probably has something to do with Thailand movie that i watch when i was in college, also thanks you thailand bros your movie is the reason i get laid.
>vietnamese american
have you met our resident lao-american?
Is there any SEA country that has a much more aggressive taxes than Indonesia?

Mention some taxes from your country that you think it's absurd, how come it is allowed to exist when nobody asked for it.
let those abrahamic whites to kill each other in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
Malaysian import car taxes

The pharaoh claim that it was for the good of Proton. Doesn't change the fact that it's Simply Bullshit tier.a former colleague of mine claimed that buying an import from a UAE dealership+ shipping fee is still cheaper than buying them locally.
This but nuke mecca.
Come on Bibi you ball-less coward
why are chinese like this?
another confirmation jap flag seething about indonesia is rajesh

pinoys more like cunoys
if only reality worked like a porn game haha
she's got a peng body, and considering she has 2 kids now - awooga, top tier milf
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These offshore kelings will never learn that no matter how hard they slander and spin they can never unfuck the ungodly perception the public has towards them. unlike kikes there are simply too many of them for the PIDF to hide their stench
odds jork it and by it i mean my peanits
evens sleep
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guys, this is so good
taik kau hijau
Used to be better. They skimped out on the perencah
Usually coffee, but it very much depends on the day.
If I need to get my brain into gear quickly, I'll grab a coffee or an energy drink on my way into work, and then another coffee when all the immediate stuff's out of the way.
If I have a low and slow kind of day, but I need to be awake for 18-30h, then I'll stick to tea - I find the caffeine crash much easier to navigate.
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Wish I know where can I find footage of the border skirmishes tbqh. That's some sick gear
Have you tried the new Gardenia noodles? Despite the totally soulless packaging they taste surprisingly decent
>thread i was posting in got 404'd
3 day ban imminent, i guess
see you guys, going to fuck grass
while the white neanderthal cannibal abrahamic nations of the US and Europe are arming the conflict in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, the Denisovan superpowers of India and China are not providing weapons to the conflicts.
bago pls
bago zzz
My PMX effect. I'm reaping apologizes on Twitter the whole day
what flav should i try
lmao what, nobody told me my next door neighbourhood is flooded

was just talking about my "friend" who lives there haha
wonder how she's doing :^
using ecker i can hide the fact I'm SEA
just make bago bitch
>Problem is our schools are dirt cheap.
Beggars can't be choosers. This problem exist in every country (unless disproven). People who can pay, will pay out of concern about their children education; contrary to deadbeat parents
>that hairline Compare that to some intl schools that charge up to RM100k per semester. Of course there's going to be a world of difference if you compare the two
Comparing it with international schools with tution of 100K MYR is suboptimal. You should have compared it with private schools.
For instance, the SSS-tier schools in Indonesia operates at 200-400% of national minimum operating standard*. But, increasing funding of all school to these level does not guarantee significant improvement, since the quality of students is really different. On the other hand, horizontal studies shows accredited teacher improves the student performance. So, it should have been obvious for Indonesian education ministry to accredite teachers. However, many regions can't afford to pay civil servants price tag (as opposed of honorarium-based teacher which's paid half or quarter the minimum wage) or these honorarium-based teacher who can't pass the accreditation test and/or other requirements
In my opinion, the quality of the state school will improve if the troublemakers are sent to schools with good discipline, probably maintained by local army. And retards should be sent to SLB ("sekolah luar biasa")/ "sekolah pendidikan khas"
>"Ini untuk ilustrasi saja, kalau memenuhi standar pelayanan minimal di negeri per siswa Rp 24,9 juta
When's MY next GE? I should remind other MY posters on who to not to vote
2027 liao
first and last time i voted last year
tomorrow la
go to sleep oredy
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i want bago now
bago pls
Here is your new thread stupid bitch
Now go to sleep
too early chud
Whyd you post there already tho? >>202675637
Pengen ngentot gan
I see, for me its either coffee or more coffee depends of the intensity of my day. lol

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