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Mejico edition

prev: >>202643194
Kagami Hiiragi
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I would like to thank gookmoot for not making me wait 300 seconds, it's what made this edition possible. Thank you gookmoot!
thinking about the Roman Empire.
For me it's three kingdoms era china
Why Domitian?
Diogenes of Sinope is the philosopher of /cum/.
I'll get called a SAAAAAAAAAAAAR for this but it has been my general experience that the quality & behaviour of an Indian is strongly correlated with how dark they are; the darker the jeet the better, lighter worse. Does anyone know what causes this? Are dark-skinned jeets more humble due to colourism in India?
Warring States period is more kino
This is the most broke I've been in my adult life lol
I hate men
Sir, you are a man.
I've got zero dollars zero cents (I'm 30 years old).
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Get the thong out ya bussy playa
I have 1 full-time job, 4 part-time jobs and I own a business.

Still broke
Why does my foot go numb when I sit on the toilet for too long? Then when it regains sensitivity it feels like one massive funny bone
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God, guns and trump
I don't waste any extra brain power thinking about jeets. I wish I could return to never thinking about them.
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My understanding is that most of the bad things from jeetistan (cow poo baths, filth, extreme overpopulation, scammers etc.) all come from the North. Which is where most of our jeet immigrants come from btw. South Indians even eat beef
first emperor to act like an emperor. had to be taken out because he proved that Rome could have gotten by just fine with a full blown king.
Finish that thing, there's no eating in the car
>South Indians even eat beef
I've seen the shitting in the ocean water flow charts. The south is no different.
For me it's joking about rape, molestation, and abuse of a sexual nature (both physical and psychological)
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>trump is gonna win the popular vote by 3 points in a landslide
New fatherless zoomer guy keeps getting bullied at work. I defend him when I can but I swear he's going to start crying on the job one of these days
Normies hate to see an autistic efficient man succeed smdh
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I think I gave myself brain damage from huffing hair spray as a kid
Republicans haven't won the population vote in decades, if it wasn't for the electoral college, Republicans would never win elections
Darker = more servile and stupid without ambition
Lighter = has ambition and schemes, but is still stupid
It's a bit like being the tallest midget, at the end of the day still jeets but slightly less, y'know what I mean?
When were you a kid?
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damn I'm good
10 years ago
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maybe you are just American
I think your brain was already damaged based on your decision to huff that shit
your face your ass
what's the difference
the biggest thing for me is the lack of support she seems to be getting from Big Tech. If Zuck is "apologizing" for his actions in the last election then it doesn't bode well for Her Turn.
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Rude. Be better
I fucking can't commute anymore guys. I don't want to drop out of college but I think about getting in the car again and I want to blow my brains out. What the hell do I do?
I wanted to get high like the cool kids
I would have believed you, if you were a kid in the 80s, back when they used toxic chemicals to floof their hair.
how long is your commute
Work is closed on Thursday because hurricane but I get paid for the day anyway

Why aren’t you a federal employee /cum/?
So I was right. You were indeed already retarded. Mystery solved. Case closed.
Vance has venture capital connections, and Big Tech has been trying to get politicians to play kingmaker for the future surveillance state. They really want Trump to win.
>Why aren’t you a federal employee /cum/?
I'm was previously
because I got sick of being a wage slave and working for losers
Back in my day, new games were 59.99
Because they are the enemy
Still cant recognize a spinster post
>buying vidya games
kinda cringe
Its me spinster
They haven't hired me, regardless of how many times I've applied.
50ish minutes
replies to everyone's posts nicely
>Capital letter
trump and bennett is the way
vance killed the campaign so it doesnt matter if he's gay lovers with peter thiel
im spinster
me and who
oh yeah it's ass kickin time
Theres nothing wrong with vance
I'm unironically going to vote for Kamala Harris.

Mostly because I'm just curious to see what happens.
All out of gum?
Na, she never refers to herself as spinster. I think she hates the nickname desu
He's a wh*te dog
what's new pussy cat
she doesnt have to say it. her posts are unmistakeable
thread theme
im back
She's going to push a bunch of lgbt+ shit. Pride Month will turn into Pride Year. Have fun watching women lose more to guy's with AGP.
Where did u go
Wasn’t asking you, your government isn’t even real
So you just wanna be homeless?
is that only a federal worker thing? my work cancelled due to smoke in the air and they still paid me for that day LOL
mom is buying me new bed sheets and talked about buying me a new wardrobe
>Wasn’t asking you, your government isn’t even real
I wish. Then we wouldn't have to deal with Trudeau doubling our debt.
was watching mr and mrs smith
Not only a fed thing but always a fed thing, I also get every federal holiday off and paid or I can choose to work for double time, no not overtime but double time so I’d be making about $120/hr
Mama's boy
No, I just don't work for losers or have a wage.
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Buenos noches Mexicanos and my definitely legal countrymen of Mexican origin ITT. Seeing this image made me wonder, does Mexico have any cool traditional cultures it's managed to preserve over the centuries?
Whenever I watch a documentary on anywhere in South America there's always the section where they go to some bumfuck rural village and there's always an old woman and her grandaughter weaving a rug and or whatever. Does Mexico have stuff like that? When I think of Mexico I think of cartels and sombreros and tacos and burritos but nothing really historical (minus the Aztecs of course)
he's a vacuum of charisma and an unsophisticated political prostitute
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>shitting in the ocean water flow charts
That's the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. Don't fall for the memes.
Does Kamala even push LGBT shit?

Im sure it's gonna be included in the shit package, but I think there's going to be more then that.
it's not even real money (even in the US), historically every country that's used fiat money has fucked itself with inflation. Even nu-china had to make a new currency
redditleaf pointlessly seething over another country's politics yet again
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You ethnic homosexuals expect me to believe that there is a woman(female) among us?
I don't habeeb it.
Can your mom pamper me as well?
He's fat. That's bad enough on its own, but what's worse is that he's a particularly ugly fattie, the kind that has a puffy round soyface. And what's even worse than that is that he's clearly sufficiently aware and embarassed by his ugly soy-face fattie look that he does what every fat soy-faced redditor does and tries to hide it with facial hair, which is about as effective as a fucking combover for bald men. And yet, despite being self-aware, he does nothing to stop being a fatass. He has no self-control, he's like some middle-aged cow who can't put down a tub of Ben and fucking Jerry's. It's beyond disgraceful.
imagine if hitler won
So you have a salary? Meaning your employer can work you as much as they want without paying you extra? A salary is the ultimate form of modern slavery
>Does Kamala even push LGBT shit?
She's part of the current administration, which hang pride progress flags all June.
>but I think there's going to be more then that
I was mostly shitposting, but I do think that she's going to do more to advance lgbt+shit than go against it.
crazy how obsessed brown people are with the austrian painter
We would all be speaking German. That would unacceptable.
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Get your own mom
>does Mexico have any cool traditional cultures it's managed to preserve over the centuries?
Why wouldn't we?
I thought this was that Sargon of Akkad guy. He used to paint himself as an intellectual.
Man Kool g rap can rap
I saw the school that rejected him in Vienna. They should apologize!
i have concepts of a plan
>it's not even real money
I'm aware of fiat. It's not technically a problem, in theory.
>historically every country that's used fiat money has fucked itself with inflation
Because in practice governments worry more about getting re-elected, instead of doing what's right.
If you could somehow get a benevolent dictator, they'd actually do great with fiat. But getting that is basically impossible.
>Even nu-china had to make a new currency
Pretty sure it's just crypto, so it's going to be compromised eventually. Even stable-coins are going to be a waste.
What is this?
Because I've never heard of them, that's why I'm asking. I find it strange that the only thing I know about smaller countries that are much further aware are their traditional customs, but all I know about my next door neighbor is modern shit.
I have concepts of you losing your virginity
they're eating the dogs
Gonna get my hair cut tomorrow
Explain >>202648913
Got a haircut last month and my hair already looks like shit
Yeah you're supposed to get one every month
idk you tell me you guys probably shot it down
Nah I used to have a salary (in the gov) but I didn't mind staying late, but I had to work away from home for extended periods of time which was gay.
Now I work from home selling financial products and welding. I usually call salary wageslaving anyways but I don't really care what I do if everyone I work with is pretty cool.
I think either that or we told you to shoot it down.
Very spooky
It's only 7pm but I'm already tired.
I usually get one every 6 months i want to get them more often however
jd vance is eating the hot dogs
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caffeine pills
Would've preferred manhunt 3 over gta 6 honestly
I cut my hair every few months.
nothing a cup of coffee won't fix
3 months is my rule
I would've preferred Ping Pong 2.
Haven't had a haircut since Feb. The boys say I look cute with my shaggy hair though
China's a shitshow anyways
It's my selfie ring light sorry
ever had a woman lay eyes on you and than an involuntary flash of revulsion comes across her face
I've had covfefe it's no use. Sleep feels so good, too.
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In Mexico the ages are separated as...

>pre classic
>Post classic

By the time the Aztecs rolled around everyone knew this would eventually end. If your an American or Roman, you pretty much lived like an Aztec. The only difference is mandatory military school.
It's been a month since I cut my hair, it's barely over an inch(just like my cock).
Niggas did all this without the wheel.
Throwing the first pitch? More like throwing the first bitch
The 3 True Eras For Mexico
post cute canadian boys with cute hair
The fuck
>>202649082 https://youtu.be/JBqk0oNd02M
>wyopioioipo need school to learn how to kill
why didnt the Spaniards take pictures of the city
Crazy to think the romans had a more or less decent society way back in like 500 BC
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pigged out and ate a full chocolate bar + an entire bag of potato chips today
for you the ages are separated as

>pre virginity

that's it
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gooning to femboy ass rn
Just wait until you discover that some had heated floors.
Western culture was fully developed in 400 BC
Too busy raping Mexi-injuns and saving babies from sacrifice.
this angry leaf got lost on the way to pol
some greek temples had this
thats seems like a cool city why wasn't it preserved
Cute cat
what brand choco bar and flavour chips
Couple of Spanish retards ruined it
aztecs looks like an ancient civilization but it was only 300 years ago
canadians be like: there's a moose loose aboot the hoose
ass is gay
shes alright https://youtu.be/fFbTdhVqfFk
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fazer salty toffee crunch and funyun spicy chips
If there was a moose in your house, you should be afraid. Those fucks are like a tank.
how so?
Never owned a cat.
what if negros were human people just like you and me?
what would change in the world?
what bird is that?
do you think aliens would conquer us like europeans did with the new world
i don't think there would be any way to understand alien language or psychology (assuming they have either), but more so i don't think we will ever see aliens to begin with
YOHUAL-CUĀUH-TLI, literally, “nocturnal eagle/hawk,”

In English they are called potoos.
we have already seen aliens
I hope so
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been a rough day
Currently playing Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6.
im hungry
because faggots do butt stuff, and on a womeme, there is no use putting a pp in the butt. Faggots could even just frot because thats just masturbating and not gay
but butt stuff feels good...
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im just sayin its gay
Thinking about starting vaping again
my legs are so tired
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just finished a wicked 30min goon
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what do you guys want to talk about
what a wretched day. last night i told myself some positive affirmations: my life is not cursed, i am not doomed, good things can and will happen. today i was struck down
Hawk tuah! Spit on that thang!
feeling shcleepy, good night cummies
i think were still in an uptrend
night baby boy
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gotta resist the fiendmaxxing
I would probably do it if vape friends offered though. It seems like a no brainer to vape while you're just stumbling around barhopping or something
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>today i was struck down
were you hurt bad?
it isnt even 8PM yet
Reminding all the atheists that they're going to hell.
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only my soul
cant remember if i took my benadryl
its 15 minutes till 11pm
But I need a vice, drinking and food are worse vices
jerk off right now
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be a good boy and stroke that cock up and down
My thang ain't hard
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>eating homemade tomato beef soup
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mine is wanna jerk it?
you could watch anime or play genshin
wtf, arrest him. No handguns allowed in Canada.
next day(s) I have off Im investing in a french onion
i love axolotls
it isn't worth it
get your cock nice and hard for me
Since I'm looking slick and my pockets are thick, I need surgery to get chicks removed from my
Oh man, caramelizing onions for so long that they turn sweet. So good. Sweet, salty, cheesy soup.
God speed, anon.
it's gonna be alright buddy, every day can't be easy but you can always try again tomorrow. everything you said in your affirmations is true, don't be discouraged
good night
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verdammt hamster
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post em
my heart is full of love
i have an umaru onesie i got almost 10 years ago
why have you done this
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I'm on my phone outside smoking
mine is full of tartar
keep stroking
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I'ma be honest w'chu
My cat can be a lil nigga sometime
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this is you
Mine is full of blood.
he's an angel but he can be a real butthole sometimes especially if he's hungry
If she smokes, she pokes.
i swear i shifted into a new timeline today
>Quebec Haitians mouths are watering
>the faint sound of BBQs starting up
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What's the last country you've visited? (Your own doesn't count)
You're going to be so disappointed to find out how lame this one is.
Before that Japan
I'm going to Germany soon
>visiting all those niggers and sandniggers
How brown are you?
USA is the last country I visited.
was watching an interview with a germany psychologist who rehabilitates non offending pedophiles and he boasts that germans dont jail these people like savage americans. no, instead they chemically castrate them!

european arrogance knows no bounds
Never left the country before I want to visit Canada or somewhere cold
i went to messsico
chunky mf
>instead they chemically castrate them!
We do that with the mentally ill and gays.
Canada IS somewhere cold! That's a two-for-one!
I don't remember her wearing anything like that in the movie, is that style from the book?
I want to visit Yukon
no dont smokw
Pretty cold in the winter.
negros will stay on earth while whites conquer the stars
I've never seen snow before
I never found shelly attractive
Shining or Brewster, just looked like a wet dog with duck lips
A South Carolina woman has just been found not guilty of murder in court, for having a miscarriage.
That's right, under new MAGA anti-abortion/anti-IVF laws, if you lose a pregnancy, you go to prison and get put on trial for murder now.
The jury found her not guilty but not after she'd had to endure being arrested and spending a week in prison without being able to access any kind of mental or physical care to deal with the loss of her child.
This is the new fascist America.
mexico for me
what happened to make you think that
whites will stay in the history books
mystery meat will be stranded in this solar system until corvids evolve and wipe everything but birds, reptiles and some fish
Make sure you're prepared for winter. It's colder than you're ready for.
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medieval jester core
washing mashine almost done. now gotta wait for the dryer cycle to complete
corvids are really really smart so that figures but don't call non white people mystery meat that's horrible
hey im waiting on my stuff to dry too
Maybe you can come with me and keep me warm
>but don't call non white people mystery meat that's horrible
nta but how about 'rat people' is that fine?
I'll take you to Gaza.
Why are you that Tunisian who was here last night?
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i used to think that giza=gaza so i was worried that the tuskan raiders were going to blow the pyramids
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as far as 4chin goes "mystery meat" is tame as fuck
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Not me, I'm just not accepting some fag flirting with me.
Its not gay to keep each other warm
hey fella
want a fish
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We're not in a survival situation, fag. It's gay af.
hey that's not for you otner that fish belongs to the eagle
I suddenly feel okay about not getting any pussy for my entire life (I'm pretty old). I was obsessed with and insecure about it for so long but after a particularly draining gooning session, I knew I had to cut porn and the pathological obsession with women out of my life. I feel a weight off my shoulders for the first time in years.
Retarded doggo pulled out of her collar on a walk
You are a stinker
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said who?
atmosphere changed. this happens every year or so. just as soon as you're getting traction in one timeline you shift into another and you're a stranger in a strange land all over again
it's not a pathological obsession to want to find a partner but regardless, i'm glad you feel better about yourself and you can get some relief for the first time seemingly in years
canadian boys don't stink but they do take on an odor of syrup
thank you chatgpt
Might as well kys, females are the main motivation for life.
the eagle asked first
i am partial to otters but the rules are the rules fish are first come first served
hush yourself
I have never left the USA
To me they were a disease. Lusting after women only caused me grief.
the eagle has landed i repeat the eagle has landed
Make sure you wash your hands.
i lick them clean
>females are the main motivation for life
they're not
They are, and you're mentally defective if you think otherwise. After you have food and water, it's females.
yes they are. if women disappeared off the earth nobody would get out of bed tomorrow
early and no previous
>reading comprehension
The fuck is that, are you Alaskan or something? Is that an indian reservation brand?
After the Mexican Revolution, indios were brainwashed into believing they were mestizos rather than Otomí, Purépecha, Mixtec, etc. and forced to learn Spanish in public schools. So it got kinda suppressed last century.
I again
Fall on the ground
For the the sound to come around

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