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dr. 'cooner edition

real /cum/
I prefer this one.
can he proscribe me some modafinil
you're still wrong alain
that stuff is awful i've had it before
adderall but it makes you feel like crap and super twitchy and sweaty
I don't post in shitty bakes.
Anyways, just won my chess game because my opponent forget his queen existed.
should i learn how to play chess
is it fun?
Sexy to someone is all I REALLY WANT
i guess thats why he wants it proscribed (forbidden)
Hello my fellow POC (people of cum)
you're sexy to me
it's possible anon that's not too much to ask for at all
oh i see right
Dance with me
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not to zoomer crap
what's up fella
Just to clarify, I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting I relationship. If the opportunity for a good relationship comes along, I'll take it, but I'm past the porn addiction and obsessive lust.
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Dr Lucy.
cant stop farting
what do you mean learn to play. learn the rules? takes 5 minutes and it's the most played game in the world so you probably should. learning tactics, strategy, and theory takes focused study and is not really worth it unless you really enjoy it for it's own sake
me on the right
I don't know who that is, but I'm still right.
alain delon, a joke
i would, and no i'm not gay
that's good anon
i'm sure that gives you a lot of mental clarity at least, obsession makes you do really stupid stuff, i know that from personal experience.
glad you're keeping to door open to it, instead of eschewing the idea completely
>purple link on Wikipedia when I searched his name
>still don't know who he is
i guess it just seems like a pretty daunting game with really established rules, not something i can just casually pick up and play a bit so i guess it's probably not worth the hassle
>28 years old
>Never been in a relationship
I hate that you get used to it.
I've never had any kind of relationship, much less sex, and that damaged me in a lot of ways. Made me go deep down a porn rabbit hole. I won't say I'm 100% cured as it's still early but I really hit a low point a few days ago and I never want to feel that way again. I was slowly killing myself on the inside doing that.

I'm even older than you, anon, and you're mostly right.
tbqh i just play to shitpost. i have no intention of ever being "good" so i play shitty openings because it forces other players out of the same boring tactics that everyone has memorized. on the rare chance when i find some novel tactic i feel smart and it's fun to win.
If I don't meet a girl in school I'm going to passport maxx and import a wife from eastern europe
why import a whore?
forgot my water bottle at work. fml my life
baby needs bottle
like i said, whatever helps you find some peace, that's number one priority
it's important to have self respect, and you seeing your own behavior and wanting to change and never feel like that is proof that you have that.
Because I can't breed with a whore from here
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Doggo jumped into my bed
are you worried about someone stealing it
are you the anon that had their doggo slip out of their collar
frozen pizza is in the oven, I repeat. the frozen pizza is in the oven
isn't this a good thing to plan for anyway
the government plans and schemes on stuff all the time it doesn't mean that they have anything planned
How come they haven't mailed me my ballot yet?
i had fried rice personally
won't matter when the south rises again
oh it accidentally got mailed to my house what's your address so i can get it to you
they cant even rise out of their rascal scooters
Im assuming the local faggots are going to want to change things in the last minute
how did you prepare it
If 17 year olds can be tried as adults them I'm going to date them as adults. Rules for me and not for thee
>skip everything that the Republicans can win
>go to things that Democrats usually win
Make sure you vote Kanye West in the Birthday Party.
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ngl I actually want to buy some clown makeup
i made some rice earlier today and put it in the fridge so it fried good and didn't get lumpy and sticky when it went in the pan
sauteed in butter, added some onions, peas and garlic
i had a little premade seasoning pack, pretty lame and bland but whatever i was hungry
>youtube is occasionally giving me ads on mobile
Time to start saying some more semi-racist things in the comments, so advertisers don't want to show ads to me.
>youtube is sometimes showing me pause ads
Time to update ublock origin.
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drinking milk
what does it smell like do you think
I just ate a whole bag of tortilla chips and a whole jar of salsa. I feel like I need to vomit. I have regrets
Going to wear it to Joker 2?
canadian niggas be like
"this salsa too spicy"
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tomorrow is grocery day and i'm going to get oreos to have with milk
it's gonna be plain milk though not strawberry it goes with the oreo better
Enjoy your whole milk, anon.
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Educate y'all selves:

just out in town
maybe I could piss some people off if I point and laugh at them while I'm driving
I could ask for disclownts at stores
Or I could wear it while I stream a vtuber
lots of possibilites
this reminds me of the clown sightings scare of 2016
father never let me skateboard
no its just a kirkland water bottle
I had a skateboard but I never went to the skatepark. Id just shoot down hills with my buddy
there's a saying in law enforcement that 1 good informant is worth 1000 miles of shoeleather
what you needed was a longboard
Yeah what if I kiss you?
can i watch
unless you live near a skatepark, it's not really worth it. it can be fun to hang out with your buddies in a parking lot learning kickflips, but not _that_ much fun. ultimately it's just an excuse to hang out.
personally i never skated much but loved the aesthetics. my roommates in college would get skating magazines and we'd watch the x games together. also, the tony hawk games.
how do you meet cute boys in your city?
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don't forget to dunk them in warm milk
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>taconigger being this wrong
Oh, look at that. You have a bunch of oceanshitters too.
I dont want to be a creepy clown tho
jacksonville? yeah it was pretty famous on yt
my primary takeaway from this map is that thirdies just love shitting in the ocean.
i open my window at around 3pm when school has just let out and holler "ooooooooo booooooooooooooooooooys~~~" and they come running.
if that doesn't work then idk check out the local 7-11 parking lot.
i live here this is where im posting from when i post
>alright everybody, we're trying to cut down on overtime to save money
>also toilberg: anon, youre doing an extra hour so you can help ____ with his work
i'd live in a clocktower like the wacky old kooks of yore.
all out of dental floss.
living in a lighthouse is a pretty good deal for an introvert if you think about it
i use those little floss picks
You can use my dick.
No wait! It's big. I swear! It's not good for floss.
apply cum on your gums. it's the best ant bacterial liquid in the market
Too many teardrops for one heart to be crying
I live in a milk bottle
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chud autonomous zone
It's time for me to sleep. I would like my cum niggas to tuck me in
*bounces on your bed*
night bud
Oh wow, cute mime.
>cuts to makeupless face
I'd like to retract my previous opinion.
the doctor hated this one
she's pretty good looking without makeup compared to other tutorials/womemes I've seen
neck is sunburnt because this horrible season refuses to fuck off
did you use spf
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no because why the fuck should I need SUNSCREEN in late september
the uv index can still get pretty high even in the fall months, it's just a good practice to use spf if you expect to be out in the sun for more than an hour or so. you have nothing to lose, and you're also moisturizing if you use spf lotion so that's a plus
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what troubles you
>leaving the house
How could you mean so mean to the NEETs.
>a clip of stronk canadian money shows up
>the people in the video are all asian
even neets need vitamin d
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Don't Americans have extra Vitamin D added to their milk.
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if we're doing earth tones i like this moss green
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me? I add cum in my food
i looked it up because i was gonna say that vitamin d doesn't absorb as well from food but i found this
>There are claims that one needs to get a certain amount of sun exposure every day in order to produce enough vitamin D to be healthy. It’s just not true. The majority of people can get their vitamin D from nutritional supplements and from vitamin D-fortified foods.
so now i've got egg on my face
what is matcha
I add my cum to your food also.
R Kelly's Trapped in the Closet is pure kino
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next time you should try feeding me your cum
it's green tea powder
it's a bit bitter on it's own
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I said, "Brother, spare me the details!"
Then Rufus said, "Chuck, please! Don't say nothing else!"
Then she screams, "Rufus, you son of a bitch"
He says, "Cathy, go to hell!"
I said, "I thought you said your name was Mary
If I masturbate to blender models of my favorite overwatch girls fucking each other, is it still watching 2D? I mean 3D is "real girls", right? Those are never as pretty.
i've heard this before, good song i like it
>The majority of people can get their vitamin D from nutritional supplements and from vitamin D-fortified foods.

Yeah but sun exposure is the most natural type. and honestly there's probably more benefits to sun exposure than we really understand.

we are meant to be outside not cave people
Stretching and yawning in a bed that don't belong to me
And a voice yells "good morning darling" from the bathroom
She comes up and kisses me and to my surprise she ain't you
3D is used for real girls. 2D is for the rest.
no i agree with you, the real thing feels better and it's good for you in so many ways you're right
i just was gonna say something that wasn't true so i had to google it first to be sure and i was wrong
the lawsuits/jailtime overshadowed what would have otherwise been viewed as an ICONIC run from 1995-2005.
my god his voice is beautiful
you know i have a soft spot for folk so i quite like this
Yes we have New Hampshire, but what about Newer Hampshire?
more like POO hampshire
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sorry, I posted the wrong link. Here's some Norwegian folk
Is that a county trying to secede from Maine? Will there be a Maine civil war?
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I would like to sleep without nightmares
common misconception, newer hampshire is actually northern idaho.
Smoking weed stops my ability to dream, but others say that it makes them have crazier dreams. Your mileage may vary.
i like the other thing you posted a lot though

this is good too it's a pretty calming sound
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not possible afaict
kings of con has other great songs
I would like to be awake without nightmares.
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>Newer Hampshire
>a pig of a black breed with a white saddle and prick ears.
Newer Hampshires are born all the time.
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Anon, are you really awake at 1am on a Wednesday?
Goodness gracious me. You should go to bed young man.
it's not 1am and my bedtime is soon don't fret
if you go bald you die
its not 1 A-


if i get a job i will have literally 0 energy or time for anything else so getting a gf is off the table
i like this recording a lot
business idea: a new state named 'old cumshire'
for me its music without lyrics because the words tell you to feel a certain way. music with no vocals you can make up your own feelings
how do canadians feel about the demon top5 being freed? Drake got him out of jail. They need to free flippa next

thank you for posting this
one of my absolute favorites, i'm so sad that mary is gone
cringe gay shit. just listen to music in a language you don't know and make up the meaning
>Drake got him out of jail
kendrick finna get smoked by drake shooters, they are crashed out. GGG has killed mob bosses before

what other silly responses can you spin up? https://youtu.be/wmhF1Jf31V8
the only thing rising down there is illiteracy
The Liberals let everyone out of jail. Murders, rapists, niggers.
the case was beat fair and square. i hope flippa kills you when he gets out
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She's kinda hot. I think it's the eyeliner.
He probably will, because he's a rapper(nigger).
For me it's Nancy Mace
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Fuck this fucking heat, it's been non stop the whole year
Just found out Andrew Tate got new charges including sex with a minor and trafficking underage girls
lads, doctor noseberg put me on some new pills and now i dont ejaculate when i orgasm and i think im having retrograde ejaculations. wat do?
good night
now kiss
Even Jack Harlow has more talent than him.
yeah it's just about goon time
kinda freaking out because I might have a medical issue but if I say what it is everyone will say "larp larp larp humblebrag" even though it's not really all that cool. not what it's cracked up to be. also people can't understand how this is a problem. I'M scared that my are out of whack
calm down it's gonna be alright
no it's not. People are noticing in real life that somethings unusual
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thread dead
nite nite
>This is uh, a little bit reminiscent of the journey to Bethlehem, probably
>Gosh, you wouldn't want to be on this pregnant would you?
>Yeah, it makes you feel for Marry
>And Joseph. Poor bloke.
>Yeah, the first cuck.
Christfags on suicide watch.
You have penile cancer, anon.
what's going on? panicking isn't gonna get you anywhere trust me. you don't have to share if you don't wanna but just try to calm down. you don't make good decisions when you're stressed this hard
good night
I muscular hypertrophy and I'm freakishly strong for no reason. I think my cypionian dose is too high I don't know. I did never consult a doctor about my street steroids
>it's not about having a big penis
I'm not sure why you thought we wouldn't believe that you're strong.
ok well go to a doctor, and stop using street steroids
why are you doing that, that's incredibly dangerous and irresponsible
there are no doctors to prescribe any medications around here even though I have an actual medical reason to be using anabolic steroids
if you have a legitimate medical reason to be using a drug, surely a doctor would recognize this and prescribe something that helps?
>uses street drugs
>wonders why he's extra strong
Are you sure that you're not confusing your addiction with a medical condition?
>there are no doctors to prescribe any medications around her
X to Doubt. This is a genetic disease, you've had your entire life to get medication.
I have an intersex disorder where I produce sex hormones in extremely low quantities as though eunuch
>This is a genetic disease, you've had your entire life to get medication.
I ignored it. parents said it was fine and didn't care. they wanted me to be a girl. they are out of the picture now and for my whole adult life I've never gone to a doctor etc. i tried once but they kept referring me to different doctors
a d I couldn't keep up with it because I don't have a car I don't want to fucking cycle for hours into the city to see doctord
its not about talent, it's about killing your opps and bragging
i have faith that if you go to the doctor, and express what's going on honestly, you can get the help that you need. you may get referred to a specialist, but you need to start seeking that out as soon as possible because you might really screw yourself up with taking street drugs. this isn't something you can ignore anymore, you need to take action and get professional help
there are services that exist to shuttle people to doctors appointments, look into that. ask the doctor on the phone if these services are available. you've gotta address this. this isn't something you should be trying to treat at home.
they made me go to the fucking university of alberta hospital for this last time. the fucking u of a hospital. I live out of town btw.they referred me to a specialist there because there was no other one in edmonton that could prescribe. testosterone. but I didn't end up seeing that doctor and some other people gave me lgbt brochures after i waited for hours. and the place I was waiting in was weird idk it was weird and I don't like seeking healthcare anyway it's always such a wait and this retarded bullshit
also at this point they will possible be able to tell I was injecting illegal steroids what am I supposed to tell them? doctor will snitch on a nigga
i just feel like testosterone is a pretty commonly prescribed drug, and that you shouldn't have that much trouble obtaining that given you have a legitimate medical need for it. why wasn't the specialist at the university hospital not able to see you ? that's where you needed to be, i know interacting with the healthcare system is gross and dehumanizing, but it has to be done sometimes. don't risk your health like this, you deserve professional care and you need to stick to it even if it's weird and uncomfortable
i'm not sure how it is in canada, but i imagine it's pretty similar to how doctors here can't disclose drug use to the police, because it's against confidentiality laws. you're not going to go to jail because you used street drugs and a doctor finds out. that's necessary information that's needed to possibly undo some of the harm that's been done.
idk man they said that was the closest slecialist. I live rural I don't want to be cycling for whole days . and the road between here and the city is locally known as "the die way" for its high number of pedestrian and cyclist deaths lol, those alberta motorists......
like i said, look into transportation services, they exist in rural areas here too. just because you live rural doesn't mean you don't deserve help. i just worry, something like that shouldn't go untreated and i don't want anything bad to happen to you because you felt like you couldn't get care, when it was actually available. you have autonomy from your parents now, the onus is on you to get the help you deserve. i don't want you to get hurt
that reminds me. Who was.in the wrong?
>riding bicycle on road
>the cars turning into the road are supposed to stop (there is stop sign for them)
>They supposed to wait for cars and bicycles on my road, where we don't have a stop sign
>SUV speeding and doesn't stop
>cyclist slams brakes and qttempts turns into the road to avoid hitting the SUV
>road was unswept (around spring after snow melted). gravel + braking causes cyclist to fall .
>SUV drives off like nothing happened
who was in the wrong?
jojo siwa is a real human bean
there's no bus going that way and any sort of Uber or Lyft is going to cost money out the ass
She got hot.
specific services exist that you need to ask about at the doctor that can shuttle you to your appointment. ask them on the phone about transportation services. do you have any friends, relatives or like coworkers that can maybe give you a lift? if transportation is the only thing stopping you going that can be arranged.
i know it's a hassle and it's inconvenient but something has to happen.
>be Motorist
>drive too close to cyclists when passing and putting in danger of getting door'd by a parked car on the right
they all live away
not a saar
I'm from NS and I live in alberta
I'm not close enough to anyone to be asking them favours like that and I kinda don't want to be explaining to a coworker that disorder I have it will make them see me in a different (unflattering) light
well, you still need to ask about the transportation services at the very least and figure out a way to make it work, you can't keep putting this off. is there absolutely no care available close to you? i feel like the prescription you are looking for is fairly routine.
prescription can be picked up here but no one here can prescribe it I have to go to the city for that
This is why I don't live in rural Canada. If you get sick you're FUCKED.
well, if that's the case than you can really limit the amount of times you have to go to the city, and just go for the few appointments you have. and they can have telehealth services so you potentially save a few trips that way as well. this isn't a problem that's unique to you, and stuff exists to get rural people care i promise you
worst case scenario, you have a few costly uber rides to town which may be preferable to neglecting your health and hurting yourself
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Bed time in about an hour. No job, no gf, no prospects to speak of. Yet I'm surprisingly calm. Hmmmm
do you look like that
almost lost my arm to necrosis (unhealing crash wound)

it was "not an emergency" because i walked away from the scene and slept with it untreated so i couldn't get an ambulance. but also it's "too much" for a small town "medical centre" to deal with lol! they literally turned me away and told me to go to another town even though they clearly saw me come in with my backpack and bicycle helmet
There used to be a show called Life and Death at VGH (Vancouver General Hospital) and it was the goriest and yet the most thrilling docuseries I've ever seen.
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This is it. It's a hardcore show.
are you going to look into what kind of transportation services you can get, or at least just talk to a doctor's office and set something up tomorrow? i need to know before you go to bed or i won't rest easy tonight, i'm worried for you
>are you going to look into what kind of transportation services you can get
nah nogga i have work
if you have a 30 minute break at work that's plenty of time to call and just schedule something. and at the very least you can just call and see what transportation options exist
don't give me a maybe i need to know definitely so you don't keep kicking the can down the road and putting it off till something bad happens
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and i'm not trying to come across as bossy or a nag i just feel like i need to use strong language to across how serious it is that you don't keep neglecting this
she's the luckiest girl in the world :')
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For me, it's Saint Paul's Hospital.
I'm not scheduling anything because I have work but maybe saturday
i will be here at this time on saturday and i expect a post that says that you scheduled something or at the very least called. if you don't it will distress me greatly
I hardly come to /cum/ and will probably forget
set a reminder on your phone right now
unrelated but my cat just got some fancy feast with little shrimps in it that he enjoyed very much
The Netherlands (it’s now spelled slightly differently)
so he’s not hissing I presume
oh yeah no he was really happy
when i open the can in the kitchen pretty much no matter where he is in the house he hears it and comes running, it's pretty impressive honestly
he got his shrimps and he came to my bedroom when he was done
painful bruise on my wrist
long boards are gay, just learn some tricks with youtube. i learned how to ollie in a day from autistic trick break downs on youtube
good night

don't forget
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A one-megaton thermonuclear ICBM warhead has detonated over Mecca.
The side effects of antipsychotic medications seem so grim. I'd rather just wallow in my schizo delusions.
i'm back from my 3 day ban
do you have a phd in psychology? also why did you mention that youre a virgin
does he have a phd in psychology? it is him?
i have a phd in making hoez mad
What did you do?
I take 1-2mg of Haldol every night for Tourette's.
posted men's feet
making hoezzz mad
got a severely autistic girl interested in me.
it drains my soul her fixations are not vidya or trains or Spy Kids, it's basic women shit.
She's autistic about traveling and instagram and "art galleries"
don't think Jason would speak in ebonics
Isn’t he dating Urkel now?
Woke up early and quickly thought about loneliness and drinking
Not a good sign
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Listening to Ole Van Dansk's Screaming out for more. 2007 was the time I had this vivitek camera that played mp3s which was really small. I would play this track when I visit her. She was in highschool and I had a job. We lived 3 hours apart. I lived in Cordoba and she lived in the Tezonapa sierra. I should have made her a child, but here we are 17 years later shitposting on a blueboard at 4 a.m
Pondering the arrow of time and why it only moves forward
nyc is a shithole compared to tokyo sigh
baddy works at mcdonald’s fuckkk…
>Pepsi and Coke taste the same
her taste buds aren’t developed prease understand
she isn't even that cute, not sure why I fell in love with her
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wait, today is wednesday? why am I drinking early morning?
good morning sirs
good morning señor
Brits are so lucky that their government deports them to Rwanda free of charge.
sexo in italio
Italia ackchyually
good morning cummy crew
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Negras are sexy.
Really? Are u gay?
Just in case the NSA is tracking me, I do not support terrorists, it was all jokes
not so edgy now, huh? lol
I don't want to lose my government job nigga
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Another day.
ten bad bitches in a mansion
You warned us about the nigger menace… we didn’t listen… now it’s too late
fuck humanity
join the illuminati
make a deal with the devil
I’d rather not to. Whom’st’ this devil you talk about?
>they still don’t know
good goyims
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ooof madone too many mulignans
fucked my white girl she said nigga please
Momberg is making her special Mac n cheese tonight
I'm 33 years old
happy for you
be nice
Why don't you just call it nafta? Mexico is latin/southern american. It's like saying Greenland is scandinavia or France is mediterranean.
>accept mediocrity
>north america
Good bait, retard.
France is an apt example, insofar as the north of France is Northwest European, but Southern France (Pays D’Oc) is Mediterranean.

The United States is more similar to Canada in places like New England or the Rust Belt, but more similar to Mexico in areas like Texas or California, much like France’s dual nature. Canada and Mexico have basically nothing in common, but the U in /cum/ bridges the gap.
No one cares. We live in a gay, satanic society. They’d probably face thought crime or civil rights related charges or something, if they were to interfere
Fuck. I am retarded.
Meant to say
>south america
People always said North America meant Canada and the United States, while Mexico was counted as Central or Latin America when I was a kid, but at some point Canada, the U.S., and North America were redefined as “Northern America.” Possibly some kind of Mandela moment LOL
the nature of universe is satanic
There is no way to live a fulfilling life in the modern world as a man. You can't be a pirate, you can't be a conqueror, you can't be a warrior. Your only choices are Soy Loser or Domesticated Wageslave.
Give more info. State?
What about nomadic fentanyl connoisseur?

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