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Angular edition
Prev >>202650024
smoking a blunt rn
You finna get soyquoted
drinkin a sugar free red bull as well
it's a good morning
Kill yourself pedo
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could never be me, I like gaunt, of-age models
My IP is blocked from posting threads. Kind of annoying. Hoping the block gets removed soon.
This is what a real man should look like. This is what peak masculinity looks like and there is nothing you and do to change this fact
I have an interview soon and i feel jittery and amped up as hell
Wish me luck bros
On Tuesdays I go to trivia night at a local bar
I just moved to the area about 6 months ago, but I've met some interesting people, since this bar is near a hotel that people use for conferences
For example, Guy who played in the minor leagues
Last night I was having one last drink after trivia and a couple of older gentlemen, obviously boomer libs, sat next to me. They were gregarious and I matched their energies, we introduced ourselves. One said his full name and said he's ran a couple cities (I later googled him and, yup) and the other didn't really introduce himself but he was obviously rich and spent the whole time on the phone with his second wife
First guy and I talk, after he retired from being a city manager he joined planned parenthood
Says to me
>"I met my wife when she was 14 and wearing a bikini that's why we are still together 45 years later"
Then he spent like 20 minutes trying to convince me to vote Kamala, said that this was a vote between freedom and nazism, and then wandered off to talk to random girls at the bar
Insane boomer lore, completely surreal to happen to me irl
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This happens to me but on shitty boards like /tv/
i wanna touch a woman
It's been raining for like two weeks straight holy shit
maybe he was like 15 at the time
He was 20 at the absolute minimum
I grew up a middle class kid
It turns out that by each additional child you have, the amount spent to raise them statistically only increases by $1k or $2k after the second child (the second child is like a $3k increase). On average people spend $15k a year in a single kid, yet I bet very few of them save/invest $15k a year prior to having kids. So it’s completely within the realm of possibility to not be a retarded idiot and save more than $60k in 4 years to invest or buy a house before having a child.
good morning sirs
morning bud
It hasn't rained here in like 4 months
Ain't no way am I raising no baby child
men literally only want one thing
I want to be cuddled by a cute girl
i want to be a trap lord
lower class people are garbage
>smoking a blunt rn
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I keep coming back to this
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sheesh, I wasnt even trying to be offensive.
Need a girlfriend.
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Saars... our response?
The new moderation on this site is nuts. Have you noticed that there seems to be some kind of automated post filtering now, too? I've had multiple posts I've tried to make get gobbled up instantly, like on YouTube when you say certain no-no words. This site is dead.
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enjoying my zero waste lifestyle
>bamboo cutlery
Why not just have a metal set?
It doesn't fit the vibe
Me first
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if you were an abusechad you wouldn't be an incel, no abusechad has ever been an incel in the history of humankind
incels are the result of neglect (abuse)
You would know about not being incel, of course
The term is “mankind,” as it comes from a partly archaic use of the term “man” that doesn’t refer to the sex. “Humankind” is used by libtards and feminists, like people who say “HERstory,” in place of “history”
classic cope, anything to NOT give women any responsibility
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I'm a volcel
Parasocial shit is a bitch, too. I used to get hung up on whores, although I hope it doesn't happen again.
your parents failed you if you ended up on 4chan
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tropical storm coming
intermittent farting
Me? I'm a successful individual who happens to browse 4chan in my downtime
Addò staje?
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So it happened again
Los Angeles is too kino
birds of a feather flock together
there are no successful people here
You don't know me
yeah i do
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i need shleep
can we cuddle together and make feet to feet contact
more like YUCKatan
how about we touch our pps?
that too. we can frot
then I can put my dripping pp in your bummy
All fags should be boiled alive in hot oil
Would this bag of bottle caps be a good investment, bros?
Of course
linkin park fell off
business idea: great value semen
um no sorry i'm not a bottom
oil me up, daddy
>tropical storm warning
couldn't even finish the video, linkin park fell off so hard shit is so cringe
should i
go ahead
hateful straight men make my pp hard
I finally made it to Brazil boys. Do I venture outside the airport? I feel safe in here
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Lib was gonna plant strawberries this year but the fucking snails keep eating everything in my garden so I'm not gonna cuz they'd just eat them
Work at Amazon. It’s way better. I also work there. I make $23 an hour right now with full benefits
Kohl's is kino, fuck yes you should. I used to steal monsters from the one near my house years and years ago
just saw someone reposting a shitty meme i made a long time ago
melanin behavior
Do any of you have the 4chan pass? I think I’m considering it because mobile posting with captcha is annoying
They been tearing up the freeway for the better part of 2 years and I thought they was gonna make more lanes to alleviate traffic.
Turns out they made an Express lane that you have to pay to use, and lessened the amount of regular lanes, making nor al traffic worse. Now you gotta pay if you wanna get anywhere in under 2 hours.
This is California, we're not supposed to have toll roads like those east coast weirdos. The west has fallen
just leave 4chan forever and save your money
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In America, Jewish men suck up the supply of educated Asian women and White men must go to Asia to find Asian wife.
Nobody normal thinks about Asian women, only cartoon obsessed weirdos like you
He was lucky.
Can you guys stop posting nsfw on a safe board… I’m in a public place
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i only like white girls and black queens
two hours late dummy
that blunt is long smoked
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I think it's funny when LTG gets trolled in video games, but the psychos taking it to irl shit are fucking weirdos, man. Taking pictures of a niggas car, hacking his credit, filming his house and shit, they doin too much. Keep it online you weird fucks
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i'm quite good at masking the 'tism so hopefully it goes well
good luck
You win this round, bluntman
Me? I work in an office doing nothing all day with no real human interaction
that sounds ideal minus the not working from home part
Im in much the same sitcheeyashun, but I have human contact. The humans are all piss drinking sons of circus whores, but it's human contact.
Me? I work in a shirty warehouse with robots all day, but now I’m on a 2 month holiday
Buona fortuna, I like Kohls
Sometimes I see other people in the break room when I get coffee but I don’t interact with them
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Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?
i’ve sworn loyalty to japan
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what have you been listening to lately
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My sword belongs to Italy
There better be coffee left
Been really digging this
I don't listen to anything made post 2007. All modern "music" is trash
Crushed my interview and feeling good bros.
When I get home I have a drink for you, yeah?
i am a socialist.
i'm like that but with movies instead
Make it a molinari sambuca
Trips of truth
>I don't listen to anything made post 2007. All modern "music" is trash
I love a little buca
You got it>>2026
It is. It's demonstrably worse. I can prove it, but I'm sure you're not interested in that.
okay incel freak
LOL how does not liking modern music make me an incel? You people are retarded.
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its here
you must be so fun at parties
just saw a beautiful young couple. time to die
I am. Ive actually played parties, I'm a musician which is why I have my opinion. You probably never even studied music and just listen to whatever slop Spotify recommends
>acknowledging men look beautiful
proof all men are at least a 1 on the kinsey scale
well you're clearly too old to be here, boomer
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Get the vax goy
benjamin is a sexy name. damn i'd breed you >>202668904
LOL keep grasping at straws
What a loser
Hey, instead of posting here how about you go find an actual personality
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>calling others losers while posting on 4chan
liking modern music makes me infinitely more interesting than you
Whatever gets you through the day, kiddo
i remember those moments where you're just in an field with that calming music playing fondly but it really is just kind of empty and lacking substance like all open world games, talking about breath of the wild
Who the fuck orders chicken online

There's losers and losers, innit
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I wasn't given a warning or anything before this shit happened. Can't post threads on any board.
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Always thought this was funny too, like nigga nobody here is 100% normal and successful
Just keep hopping IPs. Happened to me a few times last week. Are you phone posting or on a desk/laptop?
RIP in peace anon
Desktop. Fixed IP.
currently listening to an idling diesel engine and a very loud hissing noise that sounds like it's coming from some kind of air compressor. this is what Americans are willing to tolerate in their residential areas.
Damn. Switch to your phone or a tablet or some shit, my man. Fixed IPs are a bitch
if you were a real nigga there would be no neighbors in a mile distance
zoomers have swagger unlike old people
it's tupperware
>Desktop. Fixed IP.
You can tell them that and ask to unban it but you can probably guess the result
I was rangebanned on /tv/ for like 5 years. Couldn't make threads no matter how many times I hopped IPs. It didn't change till I got a new phone and sim card
It's just as well. It's not like threads I made went anywhere anyway but the thing is that I tried posting some threads that got immediately filtered out and then before I know it my IP is blocked. Like what the fuck kind of moderation is that?
It probably not you just someone else's n your area committing fuckery so he got the whole IP range banned
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kinda true
i actually want to get permanently banned. i'm tired of coming back to this website. i've tried so many times but i only get temporary bans.
You're here forever
remember that guy who was "exonerated" by the Innocence Project then murdered someone later? lol
I think some janny or mod has a bone to pick with me. I posted threads with SFW OPs that either had the pic deleted or the thread outright deleted. It's bullshit.
the only way to get a perma is to break United States law.
When I was little my mom used to make a cake every Friday for desert. She'd often make pineapple coconut cake, and she'd let me eat the residual coconut shavings.
But they were store bought and sweetened thobeit, so I grew up thinking coconuts were sweet.

So when I was 10 my dad gave me a couple dollars to buy whatever I wanted from the store. I said fuck candy, I'm gonna buy a coconut. That's better than candy! We got one and took it home.

Firstly, I couldn't figure out how to open the bitch. Coconuts are hard as fuck. I hit it with a hammer but nothing, and the table sounded like it was gonna break so I stopped. After trying to press it, cut it with a knife, hit it, I decided to drop it out the window. It hit the concrete and busted open and I was like jackpot.

I went to collect the shards and dig into that sweet coconut meat. I scraped some out and ate it and immediately spit it out. It was vile. Not sweet at all. Flavorless and gritty. I was so disappointed. I threw the whole fucking thing away and went to my room dejected
Which board? Some of the mods are even more petty than here on /int/
No but remember that Pakistani guy that had a documentary made about him and then it turned out he really did do it
>the only way to get a perma is to break United States law.
A guy on the same mobile network as me was perma-banned for ban evading and spamming Sonic shit THOUGH
what's happening in lebanon
Sonic is against the law, America is a Mario country.
His case was so obvious that he did it but foids just watch netflix docs and listen to sympathetic podcasts and demand to let anyone out.
Israel is evil as fuck
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>nobody cares about my coconut story

It's ok. I'll just pick up my things and go
Ignoring how often police and witnesses perjure themselves, the death penalty is still obsolete and causes mental health issues for executioners and families. It's not necessary to keep society safe.
Don't we have laws against celebrity endorsement for products or campaigns here?
Isn't our prime minister just straight up ignoring the law with this?
I started drinking coconut water because some gymcel on tiktok said it's better for preworkout and it's the grossest shit ever
Isn't it? It's slimy and chunky and not pleasant at all
if you're 20% larger than me you're also 20% more likely to get cancer, it literally is as simple as that
Trudeau got his cronies and the CBC lawyers to take conservative political ads off the air in the middle of an election, we do not have laws here.
he ignores the law a lot
sign me up to be an executioner, then. I'll give those child abusers and murderers a night to remember.
>voting either lib or conservative
>in 2024
they are the problem
wasn't in 2024 and that doesn't have anything to do with what I said THOUGH
>le mental health issues
shut the fuck up, you're a BITCH, bitches like you are the whole reason
what happens if I don't and just keep making your women cum in their panties upon seeing my broad frame?
Got breakchecked so I did the same to the melanin American
He swerved into another lane and hit some old lady in an SUV
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Look it up
Then everybody clapped
>Reddit phrase
Bacon narwhal, my fellow good sir!
Have a gold!
Should change it from the daddy-daughter dance to the daddy-doggy dance, since millennials would rather have fur babies than actual babies lmao.

I joke but some nights I lie awake enraged to the point of tears, thinking about what's gonna happen to the white race.
Dont use 4chan in public and at work. Pendejo.
Do you have a high school diploma?
Theoden King stands alone
I was only pretending to be retarded
Half of all /int/ posts fall into this category (allegedly)
bought a pint of ben and jerrys half baked that I'm gonna absolutely fuck up later
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>I joke but some nights I lie awake enraged to the point of tears, thinking about what's gonna happen to the white race

Why are they like this?
I'm not pretending. I am actually retarded
I can’t wait
this nigga eating jew ice cream
I unironically like brown chuds more than white cucks tbqh
Would the real retards please stand up
I’m a chud.
>go to McDonalds at 10:20 am
>ask for nuggies
>no nuggies until 10:30 am
>panic as I unfamiliar with the breakfast menu
>cashier looks at me like im a retard
its over
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what do you want?
>getting discharged from the military because you got buttraped by a bike seat
What did you end up ordering?
Sausage egg mcmuffin and a large vanilla ice coffee
>I unironically like brown incels who take pride in being white more more than white cucks who're ashamed of it tbqh
The egg slipped out from between my chopsticks and fell into the bowl of ramen, splashing broth everywhere. It's beyond over, kings.
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Yeah, what's wrong with that? Why would I like the people who hate their own race and want to destroy it to own their parents or something? Why wouldn't I like the people who love my race more than those who hate it?
not a fan of cars
ok animated movie
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quintessential white boy shoes
I'm packing a suitcase right now. Leaving for the north. That egg was the nail in the coffin, it's over
did a stinky fart
Vancouver-esque post
I hate Brian
Let’s go Brian
Quod sumus hoc eritis
remember when he died on family guy? I was like no brian is kill :(
Vanilla is god tier dummy
all men are that
woman's flavor.
had a french vanilla latte the other day. was so yummy
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Yall guys want some cheeTOEs? xD
There was this blonde white girl when I was in high school, pale creamy skin, she always wore black tank tops with unbuttoned flannel shirts and short jean shorts. Her skin reminded me of vanilla ice cream. French vanilla, exactly. She was nice and even laughed at a joke I made once. Score one for the black guys
19 year old chinks in new york be like: yoooooo new cororway just dropped
real fragile masculinity hours >>202671891
Well they don't have steak flavored coffee so you could say anything is a woman's flavor cuz it's all sweet
Is hazelnut a woman's coffee flavour? I need to know before I pick a side
mfers arguing about bean juice flavors
Coffee is soy
hazelnet is even more woman than vanilla
I had a very similar experience, trying a grocery store coconut as a kid. Much worse than the candied stuff, at least to a child’s palate
I hate Chappell Roan
yeah I drink half and half

half coffee
half Coffee Mate French Vanilla Creamer
>hazelnut is more feminine than something called french vanilla
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i go through coconuts on the regular. i use them for divination purposes.
Kys Brian you fat slob
I'm on the complete opposite shore you rude bitch
I'm finally in good enough shape to wear my tight fitting t shirt without looking like a slob
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i have to do a ritual for a client
Why do you grift Caribbean immigrants
That's bad joss
There are 3 sorcerers on /cum/
Starting to worry.
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>AI can't meme, that's just impossib-
>halifax ramen
I know that shit is ass, no cap
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Dont worry, they can't handle the will of Allah
I e discovered magic, but it's not to much mystical as serendipity, intersectionality of causation. I've mentioned this before.

But I've studied some Caribbean traditions like the Coconutanon does, although not his specifically. I'm more familiar with the Loa
I made it myself ;_;
Which brand thoughbeit
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Brand? I made broth and dropped some noodles that they make at a chinky store nearby.
I guess the brand is Anon's Kitchen
>I made broth
Perhaps it wasn't bad after all then
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This sounds like a fun larp. What are Allah's stats
>tfw broad shoulders, thick hair, handsome face, and muscular arms
God made me 5'7 because he knew my power level would be too high if I wasn't a manlet
>niggas following traditions and using patrons because they can't do magic without the theater
>not just doing straight magic and bending reality to your will
Mediocre display of sorcery ITT.
>boss announced move from totally remote to hybrid this morning
its actually over
Maxed out on everything

Aw, you little punim there!
I want to take a look at my medical chart at work but that’s a hipaa violation.
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i practice both high and low magick
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happened to me recently too, jfmsu
>gimping himself by separating the source in two for no reason
Very impressive anon. Next you're gonna show us your altar.
i have several altars for several different spirits.
>Next you're gonna show us your altar.
He’s posted that kind of stuff several times
Also adding a "k" at the end is a gay attempt to try and get legitimacy in the eyes of pedestrians.
If you know, you know. Anything else is trying to impress plebs, or soothe your bruised ego.
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>it's magick not magic mom! It's totally real!
Very soy general we got here
Wasn’t that k thing created by Crowley
That's not that short
thisk butk unironicallyk
>he deals with thoughtforms and interdimensional parasites
>he dedicates altars to them
Tragic display.
it's habit also why are you so butthurt, probably some cringe right hand pather
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Watching this stupid menendez show
And he was the gayest of them all.
Coincidence? No such thing.
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>sociopathic scumbag and gold digger thot from high school are now dating each other
I never thought I could despise a couple so much
I am calling for a total and complete true crime ban
I like to clown on ceremonialists because they all adhere to the mystery school of ultimate cringe.
>left/right hand path
Tragic display of dualism.
Imagine gimping yourself for no reason.

They then fall into the other category I mentioned (interdimensional parasites)
They don't think about you at all.
demons help us ascend to godhood
I'm getting back into my mobile pinball game, new high score
underaged & banned
Man i fucking LOVE McDonalds.
How do vegancucks live without this shit I wouldn't be able >>202671333 based snd checked and sloppilled
i'm looking for and icon to dedicate to satan and they're all pretty much of baphomet. WHEN will people realize satan and baphomet are two different entities
Femoids will never leave it alone
Parasites help up ascend to parasitism.
Sounds about right.
lol, lmao even
Imagine getting into an argument on /gif/
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>Had another dream where I'm back in high school and still friends with all my bros
it's been 8 years of this shit
Not a christcuck but keep your schizo shit where it belongs
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>i'm looking for and icon to dedicate to satan and they're all pretty much of baphomet. WHEN will people realize satan and baphomet are two different entities
just saw a 10/10 gyatt
I've been posting in here already but I'm the guy who was posting the four-eyed chick. I think I'm starting to get over my obsession. I don't get biches, man, so I hope you folks will excuse me for getting hung up on crazy parasocial shit. It sounds crazy but geeky plain chicks are my type. I can appreciate conventionally super hot chicks but I prefer chicks with a few flaws and decent bodies who maybe look a tiny bit crazy. It might be the death of me someday.
Tell me more.
you will die powerless and never escape the cycle of reincarnation
maybe i'll just go with a traditional red devil icon. does satan even care?

lol, patting myself on the back for that typo
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Hey guys. Since I like you all I drew you a picture. It took me alot of time I hope you enjoy it...

Its Hitler and his German Shepherd out on a walk in a snowy city street.
go touch that grass in the lower left
TRUTH nuke:

earth is part training ground and part prison. you were born to become a god but there are intelligences out there who don't want you to succeed.
WOAH that's crazy man
Dadberg just approved of Momberg buying me a new wardrobe hell yeah
roughly 5'3, ~25% bodyfat, blonde, looked wealthy or high class, caked up in those flare pants women wear
>the cycle of reincarnation in the world of man is something you must escape
Now I know you're completely retarded.
Niggas work so hard just to obliterate themselves from existence because a parasite told them it was the way to achieve power. Epic win.
shit dick in ya mouth
>maybe i'll just go with a traditional red devil icon. does satan even care?
reply to my post or I will hex you
Were you the retard posting the ugly saggy bitch?

>25% bodyfat
Pig disgusting

/cum/ continues to have abhorrent taste in women.
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bake new
>Were you the retard posting the ugly saggy bitch?
She wasn't saggy but yeah
>Pig disgusting
she carried it well trust me bro

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