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Soviet Baltic edition
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Paddington 2, James Corden, Stephen Fry, Olivia Colman, Doctor Who, David Attenborough, Clap for the NHS, Idris Elba, Mary Berry, Ant and Dec, The King's Christmas Speech, Fuckmuppet Cockwomble, Chicken Tikka Masala, Sir Keir Starmer, the London 2012 Olympics nostalgia: THIS IS THE ENEMY
poo smells hahahahahahahahahah :D
Ah yes this time WW3 is happening

Done him in all fairness.
Excellent thread.
a post like this belongs on /pol/ really doesn't it
got the mint jams on
Love Communism
Love Palestine
Love Lebanon
Love Russia
Love Trans Rights

Hate Capitalism
Hate Israel
Hate Ukraine
Hate the USA
Hate Nazis
why prune the older thread smfh
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Grill some beef, brew a pot of coffee, turn on Al Jazeera and chill.
Got the Gay Porn Music stuck in my head.
that's it i give up on this general for now, see you tomorrow, enjoy your autism threads
Where's free Labour sausages like Keir said
>Love Trans Rights
>Hate Capitalism

janny hates trust funds
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>Woman tells of anguish at sister's hospital death
>Love Russia
>Love Trans Rights
Don't think these two are particularly compatible.
Russia is on the brink of collapse, apparently
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swans subedish
might not eat anything today
You really showed that commie zigger, 190kg.
can't believe that world war 3 just started
mental health
prefer nu-swans
recall with great fondness a moment....a moment in which I sparked a wog out with one punch
always knew they couldn't find unless they're in a pack but I still didn't expect him to go down so easily
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there's an aussie here who thinks an underage communist is out to get him
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Back to work with you lazy cunts.
Why was /mu/ circa 2013-2016 so utterly obsessed with this band
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>But Kristoffersen said it is nevertheless essential to ensure the security bloc is adequately armed, trained and prepared for the worst, adding that Russia is not yet in a position to take on Europe but could build up its capacity to do so in a matter of years.

>'At one point someone said it'll take 10 years, but I think we're back to less than 10 years because of the industrial base that is now running in Russia,' General Kristoffersen said in an interview in Oslo in June.

T-this can't be happening! I'm in charge here!
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I don't care how naive it sounds, but 99.99% of people just want to fuck off and live their lives. Why must we all die in nuclear fire because world leaders are arguing.
DO NOT post the map of gender surgery clinics in Europe.

That would be China.
yeah thats schizoaussie
yh it's possible this week is one for the history books
ah well im about to go on holiday haha x
based wog heemer
Never listened to a Swans record.
No idea where to start.
Always seemed to be the most annoying contrarian retards with poor taste that spammed it so I avoided it like the plague for ages.
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Soviet Power was restored by the actions and will of the working people.
Could crush jannnies soft and maliable baby like head into paste with my bare hands
blog on
First na di messages, den di bombs as air strikes hammer Lebanon
oh no why does anything mean anything??? how could this be....humans must live an insect like existence just getting by
nothing of consequence must happen because...because it just mustn't ok!!!
mad how getting punched in the balls was a daily occurence in school
we cum, we fart, we shit, we shart
We cum, We fart, We shit, We shart
we Cum, we Fart, we Shit, we Shart
We Cum, We Fart, We Shit, We Shart
amazing post
Filth or My Father Will Guide Me
What have I missed? What's happened now to make Brit go into WW3 mode like it did the other week and the week before etc
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Daily reminder that 'gender identity' does not exist.
There is no such thing as being 'transgender'.
Human beings cannot change their sex.

Transgenderism is a paedophillic misogynistic cult that harms women and children.
Avatarflagging on a board centred around interactions between people from different countries
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umm lads?
will benefits sausages come out of mental health funds
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clocked this on bbc news
wtf you're dying of cancer and Starmer demands you work in the Asda car park petrol booth in midwinter 10 hours a day
I've got a nice vintage English tonearm coming in the mail. Haven't chosen a cartridge for it, yet, as it needs a very low-mass high-compliance cartridge to work properly, which were only fashionable for a short period of time in the late 70s to early 80s.
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Big Baltfash Deportation
didnt read but blog on again for me
come on piggy
Hold on Chloe
Kier is sorting out sending you some sausages ok
So hold on for them
>Putin is sending warships and nuclear bombers to the English Channel
It's over
>Transgenderism is a paedophillic misogynistic cult that harms women and children.
The fucking irony of you posting this in a general that every day features posts about ogling "schoolgirls legs" on the bus or Anons just straight-up admitting to being attracted to children.
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How to trigger a National Socialist revolution
step 1: promote communism
The NHS doesn't pay for itself leftypol.
next up...the plight of a lads holiday to mariopol that ended in disaster, why won't the government start WW3 to rescue them?
Looks like a troon
Starmer challenged Putin to a boxing match
Russia invaded and occupied Baltic states. It was an illegal action.
leafs love a good blog don't they?
not as bad as yanks but they're quite partial to a drivel-laden blog should the mood take them
Well since you've asked politely, I was thinking of getting an old moving coil cartridge from Denon, but I already have one and think it might be silly to have two identical or very similar cartridges on the same turntable. Maybe I should look into something from Ortofon, or maybe a mono cartridge?
russian fighter jets spotted above cheadle
the UK could unironically defeat Russia in war
and if it came to nukes we could also annihilate them
this is what severe trans obsession mental illness does to you
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Don't recall /brit/ having their flag flown by the Royal Estates and from every council building in the land, do you?
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>denounces lenin, stalin, mao, trotsky, best korea, pol pot, etc
uhh based?
Starmer is such a right evil cunt you can imagine him unironically instituting a draft if we went to war with Russia.
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is that ruby granger
What makes you say that? With America's support, sure.
the paedophile flag (union jack) is flown regularly
Inshallah Lithuania will achieve Communism
No worse than the frogposters and other incels who litter this general
get them drafted

get them vaporised
literally who
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Schools aren't little kids about how great /brit/ is are they?
russia it such a vast country with people spread out everywhere
everyone is on a tiny island here
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no, you wouldn't be allowed in to tell them
wouldn't need to draft me, I'd sign up
probably end up in the royal engineers though since I already am one
Rude I was hoping for a blog on hat trick.
i'm just saying they shouldn't make the schoolgirls wear skirts if they don't want me to look
I pray for the destruction of the West
nice name
fuck off
one small nuke could completely wipe out london and kill everybody in london in seconds
it would be that simple for putin
The Ghost of Kyiv 2.0
ok then we do the same to moscow
I'm eating a bag of Minstrels
need to get a plasterer in
peng ~
If I were Norwegian I'd vote for Tjen Folket – Kommunistisk Forbund
there would be no politicians left to order it
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Kids are getting taught about anal fisting in schools by self-identified 'queer theorists' but yeah it's nonceposting on /brit/ that's the problem.
getting fat?
our nukes probably don't even work
sir kiel basa
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(Whites only)
>BREAKING: NATO officials have “grave concerns” that Russia may respond to latest developments in Ukraine with a show of strength in the coming days; the possibility of detonating a nuclear weapon in British waters thought to Kremlin’s preferred option.

It’s seriously over lads
ah yes russia has stealth nukes that cant be picked up by radars giving us time to react
no i just think there's an underage retard without basic reading comprehension skills who keeps replying to me completely missing the point of what i was saying
imagine everybody in london dead
all the LGBTs
all the BAMEs
all the politicians
all the bankers
it would be a complete unmitigated disaster for our country
sir lebanon evacuater
wait is it illegal? lol
Do you have a source for that?
what the fuck would they do that for
they can fire them from submarines off the coast and hit london in a matter of seconds
would you lads miss me?
and? it's not 1945 any more lad, war is more high tech now and we're at the very edge of that technology unlike russia
we have 3 times the number of satellites that they do for example, and ours are all far more advanced than russian ones. our missiles are sexier, our jets are sleeker, our drones superior in every way. we're just better and there's no way they could overcome the force multiplier that gives us.
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Didn't happen, workers overthrew their fascist governments.
it's almost been two weeks since this was reported
Nothing will happen Putin owns half of London
Norway needs Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
Nothing ever happens
Inshallah brother we will kill those russian bastards together
No I just made it up now lol
King Kong in chief is going to start WW3
its a fake headline you imbeciles. the mong cant even type properly
same source as all msm then
wtf is this guy's problem? it's like he's trying to speedrun breaking every promise he ever made
can't believe that we might wake up tomorrow and london will be completely wiped off the map
its actually a good thing im a incel. if i had a partner i'd hit her
not really into politics me
bro thinks he is on a reputable subreddit or summat lmaooooooo
russia is getting humiliated by ukraine but they can definitely defeat britain
Genuinely think there's something wrong with him. Like he was concocted in a lab to be the most soulless ghoul politician possible.
>Russia may respond to latest developments in Ukraine
Liberating Ukrainsk, Kurakhovo and Ugledar?
then america does the same to russia
or permits us to nuke
any album recs lads?
>Breaking News: Putin's OnlyFans account has been banned under fresh sanctions from the US and UK authorities

>Here’s why it’s actually BASED that Putin wants to kill me and all my family in a nuclear holocaust
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we've got stars directing our fate
and we're praying it's not too late
>breaking every promise he ever made
such as?
US does not give a single shit about us
Why is everyone talking nukes and World War III?
yeah they'd just allow a senior nato member to be nuked
you are mentally ill
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nuclear holocaust won't happen
that means at worst we'll have a conventional war and we easily defeat russia in one of those, even without our allies help
i dont know fucking look it up, he's a labour politician, they're not supposed to do this kind of thing
we've got stars direct in our face*
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You'd lose vs Russia. But your little brother is jacked
Putin is threatening to nuke the North Sea
domino line, big tune
You lads ready to die for Israel then?
Trying to stop us discussing trannies
russia is going to nuke london into dust tonight
>BREAKING: Russia has just launched a nuclear bomb over the Richmond sausage factory
Just spent £8000 on a signed VHS box set of Jonathan Creek
Mental how in 70 years there will be a documentary with an old lad who survived ww3 who starts his story with something like "I was posting on /brit/ when I heard Keir, the high chanvelor of the unitary of Britain sent us to war with the Amasians against the Eurasian devils "
you're the same room temp IQ drongo who couldnt back up his claims about class aren't you
worth about £30 on ebay
Domino hoo-hoo
Putin will not nuke us ever, because half his assets are based in London, because his oligarch BFFs own half of London.
If he destroys the UK then he destroys the Russian economy.
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>air friar
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*Greater Israel and yes
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>conventional war and we easily defeat russia in one of those
i love fanies
haven't talked about class in /brit/ recently no
so what if he just nuked bradford instead
Papa John's > Domino's
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it's fucking over
they're both absolutely rank
Extremely retarded opinion. Putin and his oligarchs have had billions of their assets seized since the war started, if that was a motivation they wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine in the first place.
Just ordered Putin to drop a nuke on my mossballs
really don't want any city to get hit by a nuke
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>really hard problem in excel
Shit PM
what the hell are you talking about lad?
russia won't exist if they try that, there wouldn't be a russian economy or even country left once we're done with them
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Rorke, Rorke, Rorke, you're glib
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look at 89th
Don't think you recognise the horrors of being the victim of a nuclear bombing
Take a look at what happened to the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Listen to their accounts of what happened in the hours after the bombs fell.
>BREAKING: Anon get dubs
evacuate london NOW
might buy a van and live in it, i'd park it next to the beach and just surf and chill out all day
commenting to follow this gimmick x
BREAKING: Liverpool nuked, damage could cost 'hundreds'
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Still not sure what has caused brit to WW3 talk again
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America would just flatten anyone. Only proxy wars going forward.
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could be peng

it's happening
*fires a hypersonic Russian missile at Mach 15*
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5th wank of the day done de lids x
how far would the fallout be from london?
mental how 99.9% of these cunts live in flats
not even a semi-detached
Might get comfy and watch Threads
What is BBC?
modern nukes are different, they emit far less radioactive material on a yield basis
>Don't think you recognise the horrors of being the victim of a nuclear bombing
and you do, do you? billy big bollocks? the fuck are you talking about anyway, who here is denying that?
What happened
flats are utterly grim imo
every man should own a bit of the ground he lives on
Living in a flat in a city is comfy as fuck. Just walking downstairs and having tons of shops and restaurants and bars on your street.
leftypol fucked around and found out loool
at least if you're nuked you wouldn't know that you've been nuked
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open the fucking pubs
Israel is about to put boots on the ground in Lebanon
grim post, not responding to it
false alarm lad, nothing ever happens
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assuming you were working as wlll that's a good yield lad, only do 5 on my days off
2 is my usual for a working day
i'd be alright with a nuclear bomb if it meant SPAINNONCE was OBLITERATED and KILLED
i HATE him
sacked troon? spainnonce.
190? spainnonce.
cansnonce? spainnonce.
putin? spainnonce.
starmer? spainnonce.
if there's a nuke? I'M FINE WITH IT if you just fucking GET SPAINNONCE!
>Being nuked is...LE BAD!
well i would rorke
I realised during covid in 2020 that there's a surprisingly huge number of the population that are really happy living in "interesting times" and actively want horrible, scary global events to happen because it makes them feel like they're living in a film or some shit. Like all those people who would excitedly list off the death tolls from each country during early covid and would cheer for them to get higher. They treat it all like its a game. The same is happening now with WW3 scares, a terrifyingly large number of people actually WANT a war to happen.

It's not easy being an anxious person in this day and age. I don't want to live in "interesting times", I want everything to be boring and peaceful and uneventful for pretty much all of my life. If WW3 ever happened I'd probably just kill myself instantly.
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did you
corr could you imagine
freeze the fucking pensioners
I was shocked by how good that film was. Thought it was a /tv/ meme.
slags are shit these days, give me an old fashioned booty dance
itching for something to happen, but sadly nothing ever does
Who cares about Lebanon
we're wanking off all these immigrants
what about the british people
who's going to wank them off?
lots of people
>Earth to briefly gain second 'moon', scientists say
bit mental
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>BREAKING: Nuclear sausage dropped on Lebanon
>and you do, do you?
>billy big bollocks?
that's not my name
>the fuck are you talking about anyway, who here is denying that?
people. people are denying it. they don't understand it.
uh oh
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What's the point in this? Decade old news and a banner for another board. I'm aware other boards exist. Seems like a waste of screen real estate
Covid was boring though, nuclear war might actually put me out of my misery
I only cared about it before the muslims invaded and killed all the white christians
grim that braldey gets posted here so often. used to be funny but now it's just for incels
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Watch Hell Drivers

and why not? why shouldn't we freeze the pensioners? they've had a lifetime of warmth, they've had enough warmth. it's our turn and if that means they must freeze so be it. in fact, if pensioners freezing is what it takes for me to avoid a few chilly mornings then so bit I say.
you better return the sausages sharpish or starmer might have to send you a trident
wanking a cock with my arse
just the one incel, actually
woke up bloody ravenous
3000 calories in not stopping any time soon
Why? Never heard of it
imagine believing space is real
skill issue
practicing my owl impression lads what do we think
>*hoot HOOT* *hoot HOOT*
Median disposable household income was £34,500 in 2023, according to the ONS.

It was £34,700 in 2020.

And is only 0.8% higher than 2013.
Yeah but I'm talking more about early on in covid. Jan-March 2020. When people weren't sure what was gonna happen and there seemed to be a large number of people who thought it was going to be a global apocalypse.

I remember in January 2020 reading a reddit post where some guy was saying we should all stock up on tinned food and guns because covid would cause a global collapse and there'd be "raping and pillaging everywhere". And it got a shit ton of upvotes. Sent me into a week-long panic attack.
all alone, no albums to listen to, why hast thou forsaken me?
Why do foreigners go on about Mr. Bean? Was there even a series or was it just a film?
i love you
what the fuck is an owl doing in here?
genuinely though just return the fucking sausages
ah yes, tawny owl, very impressive
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dead country
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there was a series but it was only 10 episodes or something
thats a combined income? just 35k?
not much is it
Lebanese sausages welcome
what's the problem with this new build?
imagine living in a goyhome
Per second: 4.697 quadrillion
the deano mansions
mad how similar they are all things considered
Basically it all boils down to this.
Jews are bitter they got holocausted.
Now they are determined to holocaust another people.
They have selected Palestinians as their victims. Now they're expanding it to Lebanon.
If Israel genociding the Palestinians was the Nazis genociding the Jews, then this is the equivalent of the Nazi invasion of Poland.
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>Why yes I do earn 34k per year. Why don't I pick you up in my 63 plate Corsa, bring you over to my rented second floor flat, put on a Netflix movie if my flatmates aren't using the basic subscription package and eat some rice that I've bought in bulk and seasoned myself.
Nuking London would be a win win for all
my front garden would easily land on the other side of the pavement here
Why is the pavement so narrow lol
way to live up to your name pussy
I really enjoy this webm
>Jews are bitter they got holocausted.
never happened
Noooo you cant because they make le money!
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why is watching popular movies and spending within your means memeworthy?
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Goy Grove
why waste space on pavements when you can squeeze another handful of deanobuilds on your plot
britain ROARS out for more of these houses
get the fucking green belt bulldozed
get the barratt new builds built
get the foreigners housed and wanked off
>They have selected Palestinians as their victims.
The lack of self awareness. Lmao theyre genociding you mate.
The pakis will be fine. Worry about europe you dumb cunt
I just don't like middle eastern food
I see the wikipedia article for LGBT has been changed to LGBTQ now
not on really is it
pierbi looking kinda rough here
get the pensioners frozen and used as front doors
wiki's gone woke
weekend of constant threeway sex will do that
the woke have got to the LGBT as well?
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poo tin nukin
got the la sanie des siecles panegyrique de la degenerescence on
it's a bloody disgrace
you can't even bum men in peace these days without the woke mob after you
shagging a poo out me arse
someone mentioned la sarnie? making me hungry now lads
the pact died and nato survived x
The fact is lads, we need to restore the Warsaw Pact and have Russian troops back in Warsaw.
any cults about?
Fuck off
East Germany had a state ran communist gay bar
it's up
This but nazi Germany
That fucking wall kek

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