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poo smells lmao
Paul William's main research interests are Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy, Mahayana Buddhism, and Medieval philosophical and mystical thought.

Williams was a Buddhist himself for many years but has since converted to Roman Catholicism, an experience he wrote about in his book The Unexpected Way and in an article, "On converting from Buddhism to Catholicism – One convert's story."

Oh no no no buddhist bros a leading western scholar converted from buddhism to christanity!
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Going to start calling Pakis "Purple Akis"

Think i might be on to a winner here.
Hang on, do some of you actually live in terraced houses?

Doing a read
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get them in the gym
get them trained
get them felt up
i love this
Legitimate identities:
>Transgender (MTF and FTM)

LARP bullshit:

Simple as.
just done a little gay porn wank
Imagine we were nuked by Russia and sacked tranny was the one dishing out food because he had experience of working in an Aldi in Shrewsbury
She wants a British man, lil jew bro.
yes I live in the middle house of a row of 11 houses
Big fan of 'the you know whos' for Jews
Most of the country do, tarq
none of those are real
Half of /brit/ are incels who never go outside who'd say the first lot aren't valid either
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Marxism-Leninism-Ziggerism marches on triumphant.
i am not real
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>Toddler Dies After Being Ejected From Truck, Struck By 2nd Vehicle Along I-35
>Legitimate identities:

>LARP bullshit:
>>*Transgender (MTF and FTM)

Is this something to do with me sharing my Shrewsbury Fifa 23 career mode the other day?

The whole thing happened right afterwards.
what did poo barmer's dad do again?
>ejected and hit by another car
mid air?
the you know whos
the baggy trackies
the itchy triggers
Saw someone on here a while ago trying to argue that homosexuality isn't real
Transphobic virgin freak
how has your life changed since finding out this information
made poos
lesbians and gays are real, but bisexuals are just fence-sitters who need to pick a side and trannies are just mentally ill freaks.
t. incel
'Queer' is literally just straight people who want in on the oppression olympics
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listening to the archers on radio 4 and it's fucking awful
how the FUCK has this been on the air for over 73 years?
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good theme tune
>23% of housing stock in the UK is terraced

I'm genuinely shocked by this. I would have guessed 70% easy
Roke went worke
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In mousey's crackden
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Being intoxicated just hides my depression.
I reckon it's good to be depressed at times.
You just fall into it.
It's very real.
cute /brit/ boys
Thought I was asexual for a while, turns out I just have a very low sex drive and very picky standards
posted it again award
I'm gonna see the cow beneath the sea
Used to be good before the wokerati got their hands on it
I grew up poor as shit and lived in a semi-detached house. There is only one or two roads in my town that even have terraced houses on them
yt ppl love this shit
Only got FIFA 16
why are they legitimiate and the others not? what is the logic behing some mental illness but not all of them
>No. of episodes 20,402 as of 21 Sep 2024
kin el
And, also, archers. I hate archers, “The Archers” and Jeffrey Archer. You’re all deceitful cowards. I just realized then, that only applies to archers and Jeffrey Archer. But not “The Archers”, who… to be fair, are a mixed bag.
Made Starmer
lots of odd posts
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I made the mistake of telling people in high school I wanted to be a historian because I was fascinated by the Mongol Empire and everyone started calling me Mongo Mike, a name that's stuck since then
me too what the fuck
The stupidest LARP of all is probably demisexuality, and I say that as someone who technically is a "demisexual".

It means somebody who only feels sexual attraction to people they are romantically interested in, but somehow it's now treated as a sexuality and gets lumped in with the LGBTQ
such as?
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Terraced housing can be really nice, they're not all two up two down coal miner's hovels.
peng game

that the one with all the mods?
Honestly if I am to remain sober I fall into the deepest darkest pits of depression lads
A bit comfy honestly
It's like a void
Not even my own exists.
Too loathsome.
dont know
posted it again award
got a gf within 3 weeks of starting propanonol after being a kv for 27 years. actual miracle drug.
take it back to tumblr you bent freak
Not like everyone you want to shag you want romantic feelings with
alri Mongo Mike
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reddit down again?
esl moment
trannies are disgusting
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DYING to hear his thoughts on jofra archer
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have some of that you twat
Think you might be demisexual mate
Women are so arrogant they think their piss smells good and is desirable
Reckon its the same as any other piss me.
Reckon women are foul in this day and age.
Reckon we would do well with change.
But I reckon all too soon
I must mine own inner demons within me before I look outward.
i sell propanonol and propanonol accessories
sweaty girls
Don't beat yourself up about it by try to do it moderation if you think it's hindering you.
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Imagine spending £1.25 million on a house and still being able to hear your neighbours farting in bed from both sides of your house. Absolutely mental.
always knew you posted here you fat freak. Tell them what happened when you tried to tell everyone your name was actually Micky instead of Michael
Sir Queer Theorist
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Do you not feel emotions lad?
if you're that rich you'd get the walls insulated
why do poofs love this word
You wanna live in Sussex don't you? Of course you do
get the terraced newbuilds built
terracing a poo
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Reckon I don't deserve to be happy.
On booze and weed I don't do nearly enough self loathing.
Kind of amazing honestly how depression increases constantly when sober.
It's like you're on the knife's edge.
I don't believe the first 4 are mental illnesses, basically.
I understand transgender stuff is controversial but it seems fine to me that a human can choose to transition from one gender to the other, and we should be respectful towards those who make a sincere effort to do so.

But as for the latter 4 they are just nonsense. "Queer" is a vague term that means nothing specific other than being vaguely camp or something. Non-binary is bollocks, there is no 3rd gender. Asexuality is completely unnatural and most self-proclaimed "asexuals" aren't even really asexual, they still shag and wank etc. And genderfluidity is just indecisiveness.
I grew up in a 4 bed detached house in the home counties
Spent my teens and 20s in a 4 bed detached house in North Wales
Just bought my first house and it's a 3 bed mid terrace
Shall be quite the culture shock let me tell you!
Getting very anxious about not participating in general threads i usually post in.

I fear being forgotten. I fear moving on.
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Guarantee you can't, those houses have very thick brick walls.
That said, Regency Square is grim these days, most of the town houses have been converted into cheap hostels for scagheads, I wouldn't want to live there.
mental that this is what a young working class lad is to aspire to here
Ich gehe bummeln
brotherberg just bought a new build with his gf
good to see some of this countrys great traditions being respected in the age of woke
>Legitimate identities:
> >Gay
> >Lesbian
> >Transgender (MTF and FTM)
> >Bisexual
> LARP bullshit:
> >"Queer"
> >Non-binary
> >Asexual
> >Genderfluid
> Simple as.
>>>202673259 # >>202673286 # >>202673387 #

All LARP except for gay
Lesbian is larp
Bishrekshual is larp
think I'll get drunk and watch goldeneye
smashed up my smelly childhood bedroom reading this
>it seems fine to me that a human can choose to transition from one gender to the other,
Literally impossible mate
my gf and I both own our flats. if we sold up and combined our funds we'd be able to get a well peng house i reckon
holy peng
*buys one pre-build with a variable rate 35 year shared ownership mortgage*
what terminal emulator do you use /brit/?
It's impressive how much my depression advances while sober.
I dive deep into the emotion and descend endlessly through the deepest black pits once unimaginable.
Troons know most about incels because they "used" to be themselves.

Anyways, had enough of this shit thread, too many purple akis in here today.
a lot of new builds look fine and you lot have no reason to hate on them but just latching on to the trend like the thoughtless npcs you are
You need to purpose. If you're the same lad whose dad didn't want to get into a trade I'd consider doing it anyway on the side. Don't worry about females until you're well off (w/ your career and or trade). They are golddiggers
shame about the looks of the occupants
do you have any logic for this? all you've done is repeated your assertion
Question for Employed Woman, maybe a bit of an odd question but I was wondering if you know if Aldi still have the lentil and beetroot pasta still in stock? It's pasta that is made out of lentils and beetroot rather than a pasta dish with those ingredients in.
Konsole. Why?
>being gay is a mental illness but people who believe they magically turn into a woman by putting on a wig deserve respect
lmao you're a fucking idiot
i dont care who buys my flat mate
playing age of woke III
there's no pattern to the 4 posts you quoted apart from the fact that they're all in english
the tobester
just released an israeli sausage into the toilet
wokeness is just victorian puritanism for the internet age
they look fine but they're all build like shit
Would love to be gay, reckon I'd be good at it
Depends what you mean by impossible. Are trans women/men identical to cis women/men, no of course not. But as humans we respect that some people choose to live as the other gender and there's plenty of things they can do to achieve that convincingly.

>>being gay is a mental illness
I literally never said that, retard.
drinking bottles of girl sweat
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Ukraine is evil.
No I'm the in pain rocky family situation lad. I have a purpose but I cannot fulfill it due to seemingly unending pain.
My physical pain has created a well of sorrow I draw from and sip bitter tears from. So much depressed emotion.
>they look fine
it's wokeness gone mad
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absolutely ridikilus
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Minnie driver was in that. She starred in Good Will Hunting and The Phantom of The Opera. Way more peng than Famke
Woke World
all written in the first person
knob goes in, poo comes out
knob goes in, poo comes out
bish bash bosh jobs a goodn. simples init
What are some games (preferably free) that I can just play without even thinking too hard and relax? Fifa?
listening to sleepy sounds on cbeebies radio and it's genuinely fucking excellent

look at this
this nigga listeing to cbeebies
fancy having a go on this? *bends over and shows you my pooey hairy arsehole*
i'm about to cause chaos here just watch
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To the last Ukrainian
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Corr when she's shagging/killing him in the sauna corr
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I want to smell Emma Watson’s stinky girl farts.
Depression feels like sleep. It's calming. It's the night on an ocean shore.
I don't know why but in my depression I don't even feel desperation. I feel content. I need to be sad. I need to be unhappy.
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fucking spastic listening to cbeebies what are you on mate
was just saying this down the pub
Cookie Clicker
Truck Simulator
Why are you depressed? If you feel like sharing
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>choose to live as the other gender
What does that even mean?
In what meaningful sense can a man 'live as a woman'? It's complete and utter nonsense. Women aren't just people who wear skirts and lipstick. Load of fucking misogynistic drivel meant to make AGP freaks feel better about themselves.
i'll tell you what

those turkish lads know how to make a good fried meat and chips
David Mitchell is one ugly bastard. Appropriate that you chose him to represent yourself.
The fiction that the Soviet Baltic republics were "occupied" is a lie issued by the US state department, and before them, the nazi foreign ministry.
finally got round to watching the sixth commandment people were banging on about last year
very grim
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if you insist
whatever fella off you trot to listen to your toddlers radio show
grimness is the lifeblood of this country
>/brit/ turns on Starmer the moment he says he wants to get people back working
funny that.
Why are you lads saying we’re about to have WW3? Has something happened? :/
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Childhood memories over seeing fields with bluebells and daisies.
Now all I see is dirt and grass.
Has the world changed?
Or have I?
yes everyone supported him up to that point
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>David Mitchell is one ugly bastard. Appropriate that you chose him to represent yourself.
the boring cunts in this general have done nothing but moan about him from the word go but he's hardly had a chance to do anything yet
unless you work in government it's almost impossible to grasp how slowly everything moves
i'm beginning to feel like a rap god rap god
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I'm not the CBeebies ultra.
take acid unironically
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Zelensky called Putin a "stupid fag", Putin escalated by calling him a "bottom bitch"
It's so over.
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footy on soon
going to watch it in bed with a mug of herbal tea
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getting on the bags aye
were they occupied under lmperial Russia?
Man can get fucked if he expects me to work, bad things would happen

>there are lads here in their 40s

What the actual fuck
the only thing you've ever occupied is your smelly bedroom
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she was v cute but her head is about 5% too big
Who else had a golliwog growing up?
I'm 39 :/
I shag actually so nowt
saving might actually be a dumb play

lifemaxxing seems the most logical play
Oh really, a fella called P Diddy was a paedo diddler, was he, was he really
Who's this?
you think that's bad? I was BORN in the 40s
Depression is like dying. I feel it enveloping me, entombing me. There will be a final destination.
I'll metaphysically die.
And become born anew.
I'm 99
Pretty grim lad :/ how did your life end up this way?
you have more time to shag if you streamlined your computing by using terminal commands
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that's nice and well but the cronem are active
no evidence he was a paedo
hate that this word is thrown around so much now
lost all its meaning
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I hope house prices increase forever
was this the sausages and Gaza that Poo Barmer was referring to?
You'll physically die too la
Use your time here wisely
Thought P Diddy had already been done but turns out that was R Kelly. I'm racist, you see.
I'm fucked up from sports.
I'm in a town I hate and that hates me.
I'm broke as fuck.
I'm trapped here thanks to my mom.
My dreams are almost unattainable thanks to the clicking in my joints.
At some point I realized I wasn't human and just a mess of pain and anguish. It's slowly killing me inside.
he raped Justin Bieber
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minnie driver it's in the qp mong
corrrrrrrr who's this then?
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I used to seethe when I saw house prices rising and then I bought one. Now I love seeing my net worth increase every month lol
you can't honestly expect us to pay for your life of leisure forever now can we? come on now chop chop the country needs workers like yourself
you're going to get a slap in a minute if you carry on
what way?
on the internet?
you dont just stop going online after a certain age
Freemason alert.
They invited me to the local lodge before all this shit happened.
I had an assault.
I was supposed to be a cop at the very least or a programmer.
why arent you?
looks disgusting
June from the bill's daughter
I love how i get yelled at for not applying in person. also they want to send me to therapy because i punched my step brother for not cleaning up my sink
What state are you in? I live in texas
one doesnt need a terminal on windows other than like a once per month command for troubleshooting
>eating lasagne with chips and garlic bread
Fucking hate being British sometimes
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I hitted 2000 on Lichess puzzles lads
Mental that J Bieber was the biggest person in the world at that point and was getting pimped out like a street whore
>buy house for 200k
>house prices increase by 2x
>house is now worth 400k
>look to move to bigger house and start a family
>house that was 400k when i first bought house is now 800k

what's the point? i don't get it. do you really benefit if all other prices go up too?
house prices going up only make it harder for first-home buyers to get on the housing ladder
My pitch is basically "The Big Breakfast" but with /brit/ characters
Just remember Karl Pilkington made a rockbuster about him being a poof on the old xfm show
That's taxpayer's lasagne
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bought a pair a these innit
perhaps you should "hitted" an english lesson next time
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I’d eat her shit.
quitting /brit/ for good tomorrow
if you're wondering why you no longer enjoy /brit/ and don't see any witty posts starting tomorrow then that'll be why
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mumberg says there's a potential dominoes on the cards for tea tomorrow
Two thicc girls I've been very attracted to have lost a lot of weight in the last year. It's very sad. They don't look better but they look less attractive because they're less thicc
sick him janners
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might have been cute at uni
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Uhhhh wat so intrestig abt a gurlz tumy enywey o_O
that’s how I assume the music industry works so it’s not that mental
Exactly. That means when I sell my house a first time buyer has to give me more money
I'll do my physical therapy indeed but my goals will fade away into mist as my enthusiasm fades and I obtain the full manuscript of my mental and physical suffering from start to finish.
It's a blow to my childhood creative innocence that sends me to another dimension
Where I become someone else. Someone who stopped numbing the pain and became the very essence of it.
no, the only people who benefit are boomers who can reverse mortgage and people who own second homes that they can sell for cash
it's not sustainable mate
the land owning class will get their comeuppance
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Corr imagine shagging prime Justin's twinky little arse
mumberg is a liar and you should get it in writing
I've only just turned 18. I've been unironically posting here since I was roughly 9 years old.
niggers tongue my anus as they say
No nature here.
No escape..
Just very unhappy people who don't even feel real. I've been here three years since coming from Colorado and the disconnect with nature has hit me so hard I've lost a connection with reality.
Nothing feels real. It's just a sad, floating dream
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I raise you
where did that phrase come from again?
why would she lie about that?
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Based on true events
Sounds comfy
I'd like to discuss how FKA twigs is actually peng, please
i'm definitely a 5, maybe 6 on a good day
*sell OR rent
Bit unfair that United's opponents get nine extra men
oh fuck off, again? ive already had my gay bleeding porn poo today
out of 100 lol!
Just a bit of banter there lad haha x
looks like a retarded gay fish
mumberg employing demoralisation tactics
it's sic 'em not sick they aren't fuckin ill
it’s an esoteric gimmick
there are plenty of other things to do but instead i sit here refreshing the thread over and over
all women are sluts. The sooner you realise this the better.
*starts crying loudly*
Have never found Justin attractive (I was a teen when he was a teen). Don't understand the hype at all
day three of #GetThin2024
feeling trim
Did Shia LaBoeuf really do bad things to her
unrelated to any posts i may have or have not recently seen but can't stand when giant areolas just blend into the surrounding boob
needs some contrast, you see
China is so based. I fully support them. Fuck the West. Free Palestine and give us Communism now.
cronem only
shall be adding P Diddy to rorke's heroes pantheon
you gonna ban him or what?
looks like a creative writing goldsmiths student
Name anything
Low test
haha oh wow you mong
The cronem answer to me
remember when fka twigs sued shia for giving her herpes lmaooo what a slag
eat poo zionazi
get the pakis in

get them grooming our kids

simple as
No, there are no trees, no mountains, no oceans, no canyons
It's an artificial environment.
A human zoo.
An open air prison.
The people have been warped into demonic figures through this artificial human experience.
I'm imprisoned here with lunatics who don't seem real.
I fade away into the nothingness they embrace as second nature
A town of ghosts.
My body, mind and soul cascade into the depths and I forget who I am, when sober.
>non-white raping and abusing
but thats leftypols favourite type of person.
get the new made
Vanilla Ice raped nobody
movis are literally jewish mind control
Alri Keir have a sausage
shall be going to take a shower once this thread has finished its run cheerio
Blog on
come on liverpool!
Turns out Justin beiber may have been one of p. Diddys victims
so are Bill Cosby and Harvey Wienstien but rorke loves them
I forget my dreams. I become one with the world and all the misery it placates.
you'll never work again
How much do you owe total for the 4 years if I may ask?
They didn't exist as states prior to WW1, so not really.
absolutely kill yourself
what about suge knight

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