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File: pole.png (37 KB, 888x849)
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>Threads made by Poles
30% about Russia
10% about Germany
60% about Poland

Why are Poles so nationalistic ?
we don't make threads about rushits or germs tho, we don't care, we're superior. we only ever mention them in threads about POLAND for comparison purposes to show how Poland is better in one aspect or another than either and how we have achieved Total Polish Victory, historically speaking
they have a national pride far, far exceeding their national achievements
Butthurt is their national culture.
>pride is butthurt
lol @ this buckbroken animal
>threads made by colombians
50% about germany
50% about poland
why are colombians so obsessed with mittelevropa?
It's just one autist from Congolombia.
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Poland was buckbroken by Russia. Several times, lol.
You live in a third world shithole.
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oh look another thread by butthurt vpn russhit
cool cherrypic, totally representative
go on mapchart, set to urban, and check out Poland and ur shithole lol
coincidentally responsible for 99% thread made by colombians because i dont think there are many other posters beside him
They make ziggers seethe so they're based
Idg how you guys don't understand how bringing them up all the time just has the opposite effect. It just makes you look like you have an inferiority complex. Like if you actually felt you were better than them, you wouldn't bring them up all the time
based and Poland pilled
At least there's a bit of variety in here. Threads made by brazilians are 100% about Brazil.
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You haven't earned the right to criticize another country's roads
what is it about colombians sperging about us constantly?
Thanks Germanbro.
Your nation blames the Anglo-Saxons for literally all its troubles
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seriously, what the fuck is their problem? every time I open the catalog there are at least 2 or 3 threads about russia or poland made by polish flags (never saw one about germany though)
they're fun and informative threads
i singlehandedly keep this board alive
This is near me lol
It's one autist, he's been here for years.
I don't care about other countries besides Poland, so I only make threads about Poland, sometimes I mention Russia or Germany (or other countries), but it's because of their relationship to Poland
we dont care, probably we keep doing it, you're a loser retard if you care what a bunch of faggots from other countries think about you
Reminder that Poland is a fascist state
lmaoing @ the butthurt pawel samefagging
under PiS? Yeah, thankfully KO and Nowa Lewica are fixing that
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I only blogpost here
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they DO be like this albeit
what's in the polish water? only baltoids are as bad as them
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They're right. I love being evil.

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