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Piccolissima Edition

Great edition. Couldn't be better
i look like that
there's some scary stuff out there most humans aren't ready to know about
does /cum/ have rizz?
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>reply to my post or I will hex you
>obliterate themselves
it's ego empowerment, not ego dissolution
i've got that porn addict rizz
These posts make me miss Brian
yeah it's a shame brian isn't around anymore
Thanks. I got connections in /ita/
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>Ride bike to work
>Stay on sidewalk, effect on traffic is basically non-existent
>Still get dirty looks from people in cars
wtf did i do
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need it or keep it?

Maybe you are just extremely ugly
walking or biking in a non-walkable area is a humiliation ritual
Pineapple coconut cake
i wonder if you can practice psychic vampirism through the internet on anonymous users
How are you
doing okay. what about you?
Only one way to find out
>POV: that weird white neighbor of yours in Chicago got locked out of his mom's apartment again while muttering spells
Are you going to make a Jeffery Dahmer alter with skulls like the pictures I showed you?
why would i
Just bored I'm all alone in my house butt naked with nothing to do
what episode is this
Because it's cool
My great grandfather was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Got to work early and took a shit. Felt good
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Witches of East Arlen, some of the anons ITT are him
i'm pretty average, and I wear a helmet + sunglasses so half of it is covered anyways

very true but I don't have a choice. waymo is super nice though because I don't have to talk to or tip an increasingly entitled uber driver, but they don't go everywhere and it's still a bit of a wallet hit if i use it daily
I have lost count on how many NYC plates I've seen run stop signs
yeah you know who took that shit from you come get it back in blood
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good afternoon

fantastic edition
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I have a confession to make: I do not actually hate women. I actually love them and wish I had at least one female in my life other than my mom.
yeah I know, I tried to get one that isn't that ugly alien contraption you see every bike rider wear

mine looks like pic related
How are leafs received in Florida
I think pretty much everyone who proclaims to hate women is just tsun tsun for them on this board
i'd wager to say this is true of most of the misogynists here
they're just lashing out because they feel wronged, that's a pretty normal reaction
got some sore buns after doing glute lifts yesterday
when you enter into a long term relationship with a woman you will get a new kind of hate than the incel variety
My grandfather was a french leaf so I can't say
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don't like us but hate the American transplants more because snowbirds still leave at some point
Well they can't vote here (I think ) so that's a plus
he's cute
i need to do those and squats i want to tone my butt
bump my thread
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best i can do is this big ass skull
he needs to learn to wait his turn and be patient jeez
>musky white hairy uro boys
the dream
people have some very strange ideas about bathing and using deodorant in that thread
i know you guys are on the up and up though nobody here is stinky we're all prim and proper with a floral scent
Oh, someone made capuzzel
Tutti a tavola a mangiare
Didn't post but I let our volunteer cleaning staff know about some things he should take a look at
Passing the vibe check needs to be a requirement for crossing the border.
I thought about following some fucker so I could smash his mirror though but there's just too many of them. There was also some bitch with a huge south carolina sticker on her minivan who tried to cut me off, so she better hope I dont see her shitbox in a parking lot one day or I'm gonna coom.
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Spanish speakers call cats michi
is Kitty in ital
Idk what you're talking about
Brett Favre has parkinson's disease
Will Americans be sent to die for Israel in their invasion/conquest of Southern Lebanon?
Is that the sportsball guy
don't care for employment
If we go you go too bud
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This guy gets it

4 more hours till picrel
I know, that's why I ask.
If Israel asks America to join, you'll join, and then we'll have to join too.
Thing is most American support Israel while most Brits don't support Israel.
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I just want to eat burgers, drink beers and play video games. And I believe a lot of Americans feel the same way.
tbqh I don't understand why Israel arouses such passionate hate and anger in so many people, personally couldn't care less
Don't drink or do drugs I only pump iron and smash gash
If you mean the present wave it's because all the brown people crying has finally been accepted by all the woke types in the west. Jews shot themselves in the foot tbqh
I am the only person working in the office today so I can fart my nasty smelly goyslop braps whenever I want, feels good bros
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normal people get angry about seeing genocide every day
Let's write a limerick. I'll start.

There once was a man from Nantucket ...
imagine your boss walked in an smelled it haha just imagine haha
I don't mean the present wave I mean since Israel has been mopping up Arabs for the last 50 years. Paleshits and Arabs did this to themselves I don't find them sympathetic
He liked to poop in a bucket
You don't know how to write a limerick do you. That's not enough syllables
I wish it was genocide but it isn't even close
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thoughts ?
I don’t
You’re right
How about you suck my dick faggot
Needs some work 2bh
have not tried half of these
>I don't find them sympatheti
Nobody ever did except other brown people, until jews spent decades convincing people colonialism is le bad and white people are le bad. Now it's coming back to bite them in the ass, dumb jews lol
Based Barq enjoyer
go get a cream soda i know it's an old lady drink but it's really good
root beer is good but i mostly just like their cream soda
It is pretty funny seeing leftist Jews getting their comeuppance
I love Barqs but the rest of my family are A&W plebs. This house is a prison.
>coke zero that high
into the trash it goes
florida is a shithole
make your own
Bangs is the fuckin best
Every diet soda leaves this disgusting film in my mouth. I don't get how people drink that garbage.
it's probably the best diet soda
in the aftermath of Oct. 7th they were literally having meltdowns/panic attacks when their followers were mostly agreeing with Hamas and not jews kek, it was a great time to be alive
coke zero doesn't have the artificial sweeteners in it i don't like splenda for that reason, it's just coke with no sugar and that's it
>disgusting film in my mouth
That's the artificial sweeteners, no idea how people can enjoy that stuff
my thoughts
then stay out of georgia too pussy
I believe that fresca is the only drink for a wise man
fresca is actually retarded because it has aspartame in it. It's literally easy as fuck to just carbonate fruit juice and water instead of adding bullshit
The libs and progressives in my town managed to raised over $1 million to purchase two houses and cars for two families from Afghanistan. Too bad they couldn't do the same for the houseless people they've been crying over for the last 3 years
Glad someone got it, geez
So much of my shit becomes sacrifices to the comedy gods
getting tired of people telling me i need lift weights. even the interview lady telling me to go to the gym. like you wana go bitch? show me i'm not strong enough to flip burgers
Fruit juice has almost as much sugar as soda
Why don't you lift weights? It's good for you
>we just can't give homeless people money because uhh we just can't ok???
>refugees, please line up for your prepaid credit cards with 10k on them. Your housing will also be provided in this line
Really makes you think huh...
New Yorkers moving the Florida is the east coast equivalent to Californians moving to Arizona and Texas
genius like me chooses the orange
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i have a bowflex i do some light resistance training. do i need to be a 240lb muscle milk gymbro to be employed
milk is a food
Homeless are mostly drug addicts or insane. There are very very few normal homeless people, and the ones that are don't stay homeless for log
so what if i'm a nerd and my wife is east asian
no it's not
If you freeze it it is
Asylum seekers are drug addicts or criminals. There are very very few normal asylum seekers , and the ones that are don't stay stateless for log
Get his ass
read it and weep buddy
oh no i got fact checked aaaa
buonasera filini
False, most are sane. You're thinking of the most visible homeless. Some of them start using after losing their home.
But anyways he said they got the houses for two FAMILIES from the 'ganistan
Not single dudes who claim to be teenagers but are late 20s thugs
saar, I come here to study, please.
saar, I fail class so I sue school.
saar, I am homosex can not go back, asylum please.
Are you a skeleton?
That's just false and you know it's false, Jose
All me btw
Nah, most are are druggies and mentally ill, a small percentage who actually work but can't afford housing will still never get the same treatment refugees get
it's so fucking hot
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+13,000 international students have already claimed asylum this year. In 2019 the number was already a ridiculously high +1800. Might be 2x or 3x higher next year. Grim times continue
Why's her feet so red
yeah kinda
O, cugin, comme staje have a seat. Can I get you a drink
I will have the worst drink you have thanks
Does Canada have really low asylum qualifications? I've heard of Filipinos exploting your system by traveling there on a tourist visa and applying for asylum
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Here ya go
Homeless people need to be forced into asylums until they're mentally fit enough to return to society.

Somehow people think it's more humane to just let them wander the streets until they overdose on opoids or are murdered though so it'll never happen.
Here's the rain. Finally. Hopefully some hobos will either stay off the street or fucking drown or something
Canada pretty much has a full-blown open border policy, accepting nearly all asylum claims, no matter how spurious.

It’s reached a level that it’s actually the U.S. government forcing the Canadian government to get things under control, as it’s so easy to come here that people from around the world are starting to illegally enter the U.S. via Canada. Illegal crossings from Canada into the U.S. (generally from ON/QC into Upstate NY) are reaching all-time highs
guys i forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer last night and that's what i was gonna have for lunch and it's over
i'm going to make a blt because that sounds good but i'm devastated
switch coke and dr. pepper otherwise p. accurate tbdesu
>Does Canada have really low asylum qualifications?
Technically, no. It's just that the current faggot we have demolishing our country has imported so many useless people that the system is de facto accepting everyone. The processing and wait times, plus appeals, plus appeals of appeals, means it take many years to deport someone even with a ridiculous claim. Even then the orders are unenforced except in extreme cases so they just become illegal immigrants without leaving or cross into the US
imagine in 20 years when Canada is 90% jeet, somebody here runs for president promising to build a wall on the northern border
I’ll claim asylum in Canada God bless my one chance to live in NA
that would be pretty funny
are you that cat?
Very smol :D
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unbothered . moisturized. in her lane. thriving
Even funnier if he was latinx
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>The year is 2044 President Raoul "Donaldo" Jimenez, wins on a La Raza supremacist platform
>this worries the Islamic Trans Mulatto party
>His promises to build a wall against "that jeet menace north of us" have also caused protests in India, which will be a superpower by 2050 according to analysts
>Canadian Prime Minister Visajeet has yet to respond
I can see this happening tbqh
Assuming you mean something like chicken breast or thighs, and not a whole bird
>fill a big bowl with cold water in the sink
>put frozen meat into ziplock bag
>dip bag most of the way into the water and then seal it, such that there’s no air inside
>weigh frozen meat down to the bottom of the bowl with something like a small plate
>let a little cold water run from the tap into the bowl in the sink, both to keep the water cold such that the meat doesn’t spoil while thawing, and also to keep the water moving around like a convection oven
>let it thaw with the tap running a little bit for something like 20-30 minutes, checking occasionally if it’s sufficiently thawed
I looked it up. Most homeless people have some form of mental illness, but knowing how these things work it's likely some of their issues developed or got worse after losing their house.
I learned a couple weeks ago there are now tons of visajeet truckers in Canada. That's how you know it's unequivocally over, no profession is safe.
>20 years
There are tons of jeets in trucking in the US too thoughbeit, for whatever reason jeets really like that job
>it's likely some of their issues developed or got worse after losing their house
Boy you REALLY want homeless people to be people who lost their houses, so much so that youd make wild suppositions based on nothing, facts not in evidence. Such a strange fixation
You can see it? Bro that’s our guranteed future I see nothing that’s gonna stop it
Most of the severely mentally ill don't need to be involuntarily hospitalized for long.
We Americans are an optimistic people
>Illegal crossings from Canada into the U.S. (generally from ON/QC into Upstate NY) are reaching all-time highs
I remember when it was the opposite and the us was like, not my problem.
im really hungry so i took them out of the freezer and put them in the fridge for now i’ll do that later and just make the chicken breasts for dinner tonight instead
blt sounds better to me right now anyway
Put them in a pot in the sink and turn the cold water on low and let them sit under that for a few hours and you should be good to go
Yeah housing prices are part of the issue. It's not like the others decided to live on the street one day either. Some of them were foster kids who aged out of the system or people with treatable issues who can't get treatment.
It’s really scary. Indians are probably the worst drivers in the world, and our traitors in chief have brought tons of them in to take over the whole big rig industry. It’s dangerous, and they keep killing people with the trucks

This was a high profile one, where a trucker jeet smashed into a youth hockey team bus and killed a bunch of kids
Part of that was because the fag we have here made a big deal about how he was rescuing the hecking haitians from evil drumpf
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>Yeah housing prices are part of the issue
Not to the degree you'd have them be. Very few people end up homeless cuz they can't afford housing. As long as they're working. At worse they can always get those pay by the week hotels or rent rooms. Non crazy employed people please find a way. Only a few end up in their cars

As for aging out of the system, that was me. I was in placement and got to old and was on the street for a while. But I found a way out
Don't know what I want to eat today
fecal matter detected
the LOL is for the last sentence, and I probably should have highlighted it or something
Indian food is insanely overrated
momberg has TDS and said she would, also said she'd give me her house
she never followed through
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You don’t eat from TFWjeet-staffed restaurants… right, Anon?
He's already out on day parole btw, plus his lawyer even a few months ago was saying his deportation will be stalled for years due to all the paperwork. This country is a joke
It probably doesn't even register to him that he killed a bunch of kids. These Indians are dangerous
Women being leftist/progressive is simply a sign that they aren't being fucked hard enough
Your dad needs to stop being lazy
Only because jeets are over 1 billion people and never shut up about how their brown slop is amazing.
What? He only negligently ran a stop sign in a semi-trailer, resulting in 16 dead Canadians, and 13 more injured. Everyone makes mistakes
what do you mean
Didn't euros invent ships so that they can invade India for it's spices or whatever the fuck
I haven't eaten food at Tim Horton's in years. I buy coffee maybe once a month from a TFWflip staffed establishment, not sure if that counts.
>invade India for it's spices
Common jeet lies, the spices were/are from the Spice Islands in Indonesia. Never believe a word from a saar.
What was then known as the Spice Islands are in modern day Indonesia, not India

Britain primarily invaded India to use their large population as textile mill slaves, and to grow opium to sell to China. Not for spices
The number of indians on the planet is alarming
Never had Indonesian food but I've had Thai and it's also overrated
Better cut him a $10,000,000 cheque like Khadr got
what if i shag your mom and your sister
We need Vivek "pull up the ladder" Ramaswamy
My mother is a fitness trainer, shed beat the fuck out of you
My breath smells moldy and I looked up why and they're saying liver disease :/
I don’t mind Indonesian food. I find that food from Muslim countries in Asia tends to be better than the regional average, as it tends to be more meat-heavy
i'd just rizz her
RIP in peace
I would literally kill you if you got near them
For me it's Mexican food.
I disagree I think it's quite good
having trouble fitness dick in her mouth
>Thai and it's also overrated
Did you know the Thai government spent millions promoting their food and even designed the restaurants so it would be more popular? Pad Thai isn't even a historic national dish. Niggas fell for a Thai psy-op
it's wild how many of them there are. i was out canvassing for abortion around the college and it was unfathomable the amount of these people
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That pretty good!
But seriously. She'd probably shatter your collarbone
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>reminded me of some of you
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The truth doesn't become less true just because you don't like who said it
absolutely no way. i’m a giant, undefeated fighting men
>entire thread is about visajeet hate
>posts reddit cap of women about hate
>"this is you"
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This. If hitler told you 2+2=4, it doesn't mean he's wrong just because you dislike him
I can't read penguin or whatever the fuck that gibberish is
rip shawty lo
>just because you dislike [Hitler]
Great thread thus far
I'm talking about all homeless. Some have no fixed address but have shelter. They're less likely to have untreated bipolar disorder, psychosis, etc.
>posts about visajeet at uni
why do they do this
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cummies, im drinking covfefe
it was just a stupid meme with no deeper meaning and no bearing on the thread i just thought it was funny and i wasn’t trying to be hateful and im sorry
>Died September 21
Oh fuck
Wait what?
Damn. dey know actually went hard back in the day
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Listening to ‘Woman is The Nigger of the World” by John Lennon
I have a 7in penis and a square jawline, I deserve sex.
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>Back in the day
bowen homes carlos and birds go hard
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nobody's attacking your husbandjeet, alison. calm down
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You have a passive, feminine worldview
He died in 2016, the song came out in 2008 retard
Spinny did you ever quit vaping
>tfw they demolished bowen homes
got 'im
I'm gonna become a missionary and just make a bunch of shit up LOL
whats the best beatles song
Already have Mormon Missionaries, they beat you to it
Maxwell's silver hammer or Eleanor rigby
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I don't know but I really like hey jude
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lol what
She's So Heavy
>Maxwells Silver Hammer
Nice troll answer
America pre internet really was a melting pot
How is Maxwell's silver hammer a troll answer?
>American Blacks get mogged by FOB immigrants
Many such cases
It's just a goofy song. If you like goofy songs then I get it
Early wiggers lol
doing my japanese duolingo, trad asian virgin wife here i come
>Poles who went to school mog people who weren't allowed to learn to read

You people are stupid sometimes. Hell, most times
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Wainwright, a gay man,[94] married German art administrator Jörn Weisbrodt on August 23, 2012.[95] Wainwright has a daughter, Viva Katherine Wainwright Cohen, born February 2, 2011, conceived via sperm donation by Wainwright to photographer and antique dealer Lorca Cohen, daughter of Leonard Cohen.
>polish farmers called their landlords massa
Buona fortuna, you'd have better luck using your weeb anime lexicon
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They go to you. You do not suffer in America
The female poster got offended and is crying right now LMAO when will you autists learn some decency
Should I get a burger from Jack in the box or order some thai food? The Thai food sounds better but I always end up disappointed. But the fresh ingredients are a breath of fresh air
You should cook your own shit. Buy a steak, so w vegetables and a beer. You'll enjoy it much more
God you are pathetic
Don't feel like it
>black people allowed to read for many decades, centuries in some parts of the US
>pic related
Again, imagine not even speaking ONE language and getting mogged by spics and Asian immigrants lol the state of basketball Americans.
>Telling the truth is pathetic
Guilty as charged
>You should cook your own shit
Jeet alert
Hey I got that joke! Finally, I am becoming/int/ - international
That's you, not me
Only reddit says autist
>Knows what reddit says
Expert redditor
Personally I was a member of the pro-spinster /cum/ faction
Same but she hates being called spinster, and recognizing her scares her off instantly, she's like a bunny rabbit or forest nymph or something
If I enter a tornado, does this mean I get to see the land of Oz
....after a fashion, if you believe in the afterlife
this always makes me laugh
I'm going to get din din after this thread so please continue posting so that it can die early and I can get this journey over with
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>just saw a man let with a SOLID 8/10
>like a bunny rabbit
That would explain many of the posts here
she literally gave herself the name spinster
Yeah :( I wonder what the afterlife is like.
Was he rich looking thoughbeit? That doesn't count
I saw a 4/10 man with a solid 8/10 foid with a 10/10 ass. He didn't look rich either, society is healing
Trees are just really slow explosions
The west is rising
Biz is crawling with you filth. Go back to wsb before you get offended
That was me and spinster
I'm 5'6 and tallest girl I ever was with was 5'11
she wanted me to call her mommy
What in the hell are you talking about, autist?
I’m positive I could survive a tornado unless I got super unlucky and got rebar flying in my chest or some shit. Not sure how anyone dies from them it’s literally just wind
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I took a psychopath test and I'm slightly above average as far as antisocial behavior goes. But I also took this paint style test and it's pretty mid, even though I did prefer some impressionist paintings, and the content of others kind of creeped me out.
Post the paint style test in the next thread
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Me when the Brazilian tries talking to spinster
Kek hes offended already
audibly kek'd
Yeah I’m brown, what of it.
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>just a city boy
>born and raised in south detroit
Wouldn't that just be Canada?
not him, but you are a retarded asshole and you really seem to be a reddit expert
you must also be the no-life-loser here that likes to call posters by "name"
The difference between Canada and South Detroit is WILD. It's like in those cartoons where they dig so deep that they get all the way to China
Just woke up from my nap wussup

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