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bonk edition old >>202686051
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having a think
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I wanted to make the new thread
aw shucks
Next time
Better luck next time MapChad.
i love this song
Crazy how letting a few of these alphabet people into positions of authority can destroy any industry or organization
I saw one of those irl at midnight on new years eve I thought it was a giant salt water croc
spike and channel done. probbly heading into a range
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i look like this
u wot m8
doing a meet n fuck playthrough on my channel right now come watch
gonna brush my teeth and go to bed good night cummies
>going to bed at 8PM
Drinking a vodka soda
Might go to a bookstore tomorrow
its 11pm albeit
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I saw them in Silver Springs State Park, Florida. Did you know Florida has the largest concentration of freshwater springs on Earth? Follow for more fun /cum/ facts
good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite
love you *kisses forehead*
Canadian poster hates me so I'm going to try and improve my post quality
When I was 17, I drank some very good beer
>every single game protagonist is black
I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake ID. My name was Brian McGee, I stayed up listenin' to Queen. When I was seventeen.
>really like song
>check out the album it's on
>every other song on the album is boring as hell
Many such cases
just annihilated a fruit fly

little bastard
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>Beginning in 2023 and continuing into 2024, the video game industry has experienced mass layoffs. Over 10,000 jobs were lost in 2023, and an additional 12,700 jobs were lost in 2024 from January to September.
I mean it's literally collapsing and AAA titles are almost impossible except for big studios with legacy titles
Not really. That's the entire goal. Either dominate it into sharing their message or destroy from within.
They know they can't get gamers to buy their slop, so they're burning it down.
soundtracks for the blind
Whomst are you?
Nah, the entire American economy is doing layoffs from over-expanding from covid.
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Coworkerberg keeps sleeping in and I have to wake his dumb ass up by banging on his window so we can use the carpool lane and skip traffic
>soundtracks for the blind
Which song drew you to it? The Sound?
But yeah I agree with both of those
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this could be us
red velvet corridor
Oh yeah
I'd love to hear an entire ambient album that sounded like that.
Aphex Twin SAW II is the closest equivalent
You're correct but the video game industry has a unique problem in that they spend $200 mil to develop a AAA title only for it to totally flop on release. It has become so bloated it's impossible for big studios to profit from release, even with infinite monetization
shit thread. bye
im retarded
I'm handsome
The movie/streaming industry is doing the same thing. Only the odd blockbuster makes money now. There's way less big budget streaming shows that actually pull in viewers.
no don't go i'll miss you :((((((
Anagrama by Sonic youth reminded me kind of like it

or maybe Im just thinking of Heroin by TVU

take care brush your hair
good thread
we're both men.
But the movie industry has the tax break incentive where they can use the losses to write off the successful movies as also being losses. Vidya companies like Microsoft and especially Sony have been losing money without nearly as much of this accounting trickery lel
Nice, I love Sonic Youth. Ill listen to that song in a sec
The song that led me to make my original post is this one: https://youtu.be/O_zvGIBreoI?si=HNy9H4gf-c5KLGZU
I've loved it since I was a kid, but forgot about it for a while, and then another /cum/mer posted it a few days ago so I've fallen in love with it again.
The rest of that album is so boring though kek. Their second album is better I think
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everyone good?
Wish I could drink more but can't right now. Maybe Friday and next week.
Why would alcohol improve your night?
what kind of a stupid question is this
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I am, thank you

clearly i'm not talking to you then
From time to time it relaxes me. I just have to watch the amount
Great news
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I think I felt relaxed once, long ago.
Extremely cute Latina girl might be into me. She's into track and cross country so I hope this means she has a lower likelihood of becoming obese when she's older like many Latinas do.
I can't fumble this one bros. I need to ask for her number asap
what should i buy with my $20 amazon gift card /cum/? i was thinking cat litter. i'm running low and it'd be too heavy to carry all the way home from the store (i don't have a car anymore).
that seems like an excellent idea. very practical planning.
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You should buy a car, my negro.
a car
Why is cat litter so heavy anyway? When I used to unload the truck and stock shelves at target the cat litter was always ridiculously heavy. How do these cat-owning grandmas carry it home?
are you genuinely retarded
>my posts are shit and i never get any yous so Im gonna shit the thread up
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>have an answer already
>ask a bunch of strangers who have no idea what you need and are likely to give meme answers
the 7-11 I drive past everyday charges two ninety nine for a zona

an almost nightly occurence here
Something is afoot
So many good songs I've lost forever when I deleted old playlists without thinking
that's insane, even here the are like 1.99 max
why would people on the same continent want to talk to each other anyways?
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Thousand of cars and a million guitars
Screaming with power in the air
We've found the place where the decibels race
This army of rock will be there
To ram it down, ram it down
Straight through the heart of this town
Ram it down, ram it down
Razing the place to the ground
Ram it down
trendline broken
this is it innit
Alternative is talking to /br*t/
coworkers keep talking about gootball
See what I mean about how angry he gets lol, anyways last I'll mention it.
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more like /shit/
Everyone hates Brian
What filter?
>none of the boards I lurk have anything interesting being talked about
>none of the pop culture boards I lurk have anything interesting being talked about
>/int/ is boring as fuck
>/cum/ is boring as fuck
Slow day on 4chan.
toil has completely clipped my wings and crushed my spirit
why do people drink coffee at night, i just want to be unconscious asap
It detects nudity? Or specific hashes?
neets want to stay up and continue masturbating and playing their little vidya
>New York City Mayor Eric Adams said on Wednesday he expected to be charged with federal crimes and declared he was innocent, after the New York Times reported he had already been indicted following a long-running federal corruption investigation
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great work janny
Caffeine addicts think that they can have high quality sleep while drinking coffee at night.
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the hero we need
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can JVPITER save us?
I need to move out. Either to a nearby town or the big city. This is not real living
I believe in you, anon.
Better hope so, because your draft is coming otherwise.
he's going to come back
I got auto banned for trying to upload the wrong webm the other day. They must have some sort of CIA AI tech or something now that detects certain files cause it was literally instant
not only do they follow me, they now DM me with targeted messages
There's a dupe image detector on 4chan already. I assume they add other images that are commonly spammed. I've seen some porn pictures get a lot of slight edits to bypass it.
Some files are banned. That's not new. What was it?
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i hear sirens in the distance
They're coming for you, anon.
strange weasels
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Huh first time I've ran into it. But it was the webm of that midget dude running around naked like an animal, I think in Brazil
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they're not weasels
marten, mink, fisher, whatever
it’s an otner silly
guess what the brown neet just pulled off
had arepas for din din
maybe but ex athletes sometimes let themselves go because they think they can keep eating like an athlete even though they're not burning the same calories
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i had baked chicken with a baked potato
im going to draw a bath now
Can I follow you?
sounds nice, i could go for those right now
soft beef and black beans are a nice combo generally
i smell like an ocean harbor with a slight breeze. a sober irish dad
I had pupusas
i had osushi and ocucumbers desu
Maybe it was put into the filter
Back when I had a car, I literally only ever used it to drive to the grocery store and back two or three times per month. Total waste of money.
that lobster has been cooked. they're usually dark brown when they're still alive. they don't turn red until you cook them.
if you get can lots of groceries and other things delivered, that does seem wasteful. it wasn't always like that.
Might go on a 1AM drive to another city 3 hours from here
You should pretend to have a different accent and a different personality. Could be fun.
popped the blister on my toe

hope this wont come back to be a bad idea
business idea: rename mexico to messsssssssssssico
I really hope she's actually into me
She seems very chatty to me, but shy to everyone else. Of course this isn't an indicator, I'm just coping and lonely
>not waiting for RNH
lmao fake ahh busta
No one wants to let me folllow them on xitter :/
follow people who don't have locked accounts
night bud
Put a Band-Aid on it now.
the sight of the utensils my roommate considers "washed and cleaned" makes me physically nauseous
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Indian roommate?
I have a locked account and I like to quote xeet them and they get mad
no, he's white
but he's an idiot and leaves the shower drain full of hair too
I'd unironically stop buying chicken, lamb, pork, and all seafood. Just to eat more beef around him. Burgers, steaks, hot dogs, sandwich meat, pot pies, etc.
rape and kill the sun
least schizophrenic braziliian
They'd have to invent 5th degree burns for that.
me thinks it would be easier to build a dyson sphere than to build the sun
he used to be more cogent and coherent. Seems to be losing his mind
*destroy the sun
so fucking glad i live alone.
I find it hard to like either side of the israel palestine conflict
It's hard to care about anything on the other side of the world, when there's so many problems here to deal with.
Why do I want to be involved in a millennia old war?
Everyone who isn't brown or retarded feels this way
Yeah they've both been murdering civilians for 75 years now. My pro-israel mom and my pro-palestine friends just don't see it that way
the middle east should just be nuked
i live with my parents
I'm addicted to consooming anti-boomer content
Someone needs to sue Ryan Murphy like they did for Alex Jones
i just don't like how subservient america has been to israel throughout the whole thing
if they wanna start a war then it should be their problem, not ours
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wish i had a comfy reading spot with a view
The guy who makes Jeffrey Dahmer and Mendenez Brothers TV series
is he spreading misinformation
>spines of the books not facing outward
Ridiculous. Nice bust, though.
the room is pretty plain too.
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go to the park
Shame about her face
just beat today's quordle
That's true for 99% of black women.
just beat my wife
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That's definitely who I am.
I love girls in tights, pantyhose, yoga pants, bodysuits, anything skintight really. My favorite fetish.
What do you tell a female with 2 black eyes?
>Nothing, you already told her twice.
dogshit connections puzzle today
>san francisco
it hasnt reset yet for me
i realize it's not a logical/intellectual thing, but what exactly is wrong with plain ol' nudity?
the 9/25? there was one group that had 5 legitimate members but of course one of them was actually invalid for no good reason
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GG park is god tier nature, leave your /pol/ bias at the door
stow lake has been completely taken over by venezuelan gangs
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they're eating the dogs
Do you know this from recent visits, or did Fox News tell you?
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I enjoy seeing a girl's curves while still having room for my imagination.
what in the world are you talking about
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i dont know. sorry
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florida (the panhandle at least) is COOKED
But there's nothing wrong with plain ol' nudity, forgot to add that.
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nothing ever happens
i read an article that predicted "level 3 or worse," but this is really fucking bad
that's how you know nothing will happen
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My mom waited until I was 24 to tell me that she's rich so that I "learn how to manage my money".
Definitely a smart move but I kind of wish she would let me travel the world for a year with that money that I will eventually inherit anyway. But I won't dare ask her, she pays for my tuition.
we're fine here (miami)
Struggle, Struggle, then Struggle
They say this every year and nothing ever happens.
It's a nothingburger until it isn't.
i've heard a lot of parents do that. did you, in fact, get good at managing money?
Theeeen snuggle!
im still waiting for momberg to reveal shes actually a millionaire
any day now
I could be better but I guess I'm still leagues ahead of my friends who waste it all on music festivals and going out to eat and ordering a 3 course meal every week and then drinking and going out every weekend. I was pretty bad about doordash before but I've kicked that habit. I'm still a little too quick to use my credit card I think. I've never been close to being broke though
she'll blow it all on something stupid, then she'll tell you, "by the way, i was a millionaire"
I'll write you into my will
feeling sad now
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business idea: we destroy the sun
if you really wanted to hustle you'd be hanging out at bingo events making friends with boomers hoping they give you money after they die
Imagine you go to sleep tonight and never wake up again
>spend 3 dollars on 7-11 taquitos a week
>156 dollars a year on 7-11 taquitos
Really puts things into perspective
Marry rich mom anon's mother, live a happy life with her, making sure to cut anon out of the will.
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cant wait for that to happen
No thanks, I have a lot that I need to accomplish
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at least you must have ac, all i can do sweat
gotta factor in all the money you spend on toilet pper shitting your guts out from eating 7-11 food
She's taken, and she's told me that I "never have to worry" about anything happening with the inheritance. I think she's got it legally locked into me and my sister, or something.
She gave me an envelope that says "Open when I die - Mom"
Momberganon has years of love to give your mother, and convince her that you're not worthy of being in the will.
working on it. it'll happen in a few trillion years.
about to spill seed
We'd have to all move underground because the surface would freeze
could we still have an internet?
>waiting until you’re 24 to teach you about managing money
That’s fucking retarded but at least she has something to show for it.
we should've listened to greta, it's too late now
A loser son who posts on 4chan?
how do rich people live for decades without letting others know they're rich? sounds hard.
You've misunderstood. She made me think we were less wealthy than we actually are so that I learn live frugally. She was teaching me my whole life.
I'm in grad school. I don't think I'm a loser. I don't get laid that often so I'm kind of a loser in that regard. Oh, and when I get married one day I won't tell her about the inheritance until my mom is on deaths door.
I mean she's not THAT rich, but like she has several million dollars, way more than I thought.
I learned about heat death recently, where the destiny of the universe is that it will becomes a cold, dark, and sparse expanse filled with low-energy particles and radiation, resembling a cloud of particles with minimal interactions. That's grim.
maybe there will finally be some peace and quiet
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Every night i pray to truck kamisama
Why? Just have a normal house, don't spoil your kids, don't talk about it in front of your kids.
>I don't think I'm a loser
Losers never do.
>Oh, and when I get married one day I won't tell her about the inheritance until my mom is on deaths door.
She'll know, because you'll fold like a bitch. She'll want to talk about your dreams, and you'll spill it.
This video explains it well
Is there any way to escape that? Just planning ahead.
it's just a theory no one knows what will happen either way you and the whole of humanity will be long dead then
If I'm a loser, then what are these incels who have no friends and never leave their house?
I will not fold.
Probably no, unless humans can build something that reverses entropy
go into another universe
>If I'm a loser, then what are these incels who have no friends and never leave their house?
NEET losers. Why is this difficult to understand?
>I will not fold.
Your sister will tell her.
have you had negative experiences with women
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Not really. More positive then you'd expect.
I just know rich people.
need a fucking job
Ive had nothing but mortifying moments every time Ive asked out a girl
stars spend most of their lives as white dwarfs
i would die if i ever asked out a girl
the worst part is pretending you don't hate everything in the world
Like what?
I've only ever been politely rejected
the universe will reset itself and do another big bang
hoping i get better stats when i reroll
I big banged your mom last night.
it will be a little bang next time
my whole bath routine and ceremony took an hour and a half
i feel really clean and nice and refreshed though though
It’s good to teach kids like that, but it’s a long time to get the point of bean counting across
cold war never ended
Universe is expanding thoughever
>freshman year of high school
>algebra with new guys I just met
>we're joking around talking about random bullshit
>this smoking hot girl walks in and takes her seat
>I guess they knew her because she went to their old middle school(my town had 2, I went to the other one)
>they dare me to ask her out
>Im not an idiot, I realize when Im punching lighyears out of my league, but decide to humor them, whats the worst that happens
>go up and do it(Ive literally never event alked to her before)
>her eyes go wide and she runs out of the room
Im not sure if I’d pay someone to fuck me or not
good night
i love him
why does he look like that
it will eventually contract so small it will explode
i like roger penrose's theory despite not understanding the mathematics behind it
they're going on their first date
they're gonna have frozen peas at the park and he's gonna scare off a goose trying to ruin their good time
plausible goose behavior
another theory is that dark energy will become weaker than gravity and the universe will begin contracting which eventually leads to what was before the big bang
do you not have a bath tub at your house? that would really suck i agree
There is a strong consensus among cosmologists that the shape of the universe is considered "flat" (parallel lines stay parallel) and will continue to expand forever.

From wikipedia
is that a testable hypothesis
he's just a little boy
when time hits the end of space it will just bounce back and everything will reverse
Based, same here
No, but what would make it shrink?
>girl runs into the room
>you ask her out
>your friends dare you to ask her out
What happens to our minds after death? There's no way our perception of existence just ends, it can't
i watched a youtube video on it i believe it
So what ever happened to this fat ginger anyway?
really smart people have been asking this question since the advent of the pointy stick, what makes you think these goobers will have any insight
the copy of your mind in your body will be lost. did you make a backup, or was that the only copy?
"Everyone you've ever met knows something that you don't" - Bill Nye the Science Guy
its like before you were born
this is true that's fair
i feel like this is what's gonna happen anyway, we may be the last generation of people to actually fully "die"
i love this video
shill goy the soyboy cuck
credit cards are great. you're borrowing money from a legitimate bank and using it to buy alcohol. you don't have to explain it to a bank employee or justify it.
I hope for violence and suffering.
what if violence and suffering were inflicted on you though
how does it feel to have your wishes fulfilled
I hope for everyone allergic to peanuts and tree nuts to be cured so they can enjoy delicious peanuts, cashews, and macadamias
is it gayer to fuck a guy with a pussy or a chick with a dick
Even if we had the technology to make a copy of our minds to implant into robots or computers or something they would be just that, copies. You yourself would die and some other intelligence would carry on with your personality and memories completely separate from your existence
I've had a very androgynous tomboy biological female hit on me before. I should have hit.
Dick is gayer
That's only fair
Not so good. It mostly only happens to people who don't deserve it. It's almost uncanny.
nuts are gay.
Also bannannas
a tomboy is not a dude with a pussy dumbass
i mean a dude with a pussy
kind of masochistic to want to have violence done to you
guys don't have pussies and chicks don't have dicks, even if they've had grotesque genital modification
Buck Angel begs to differ
cat just sneezed loudly
how would you have felt if you didn't eat breakfast yesterday?
nature is cruel
ok, is she going to beat me up if i say she's a woman who has taken a bunch of hormones and had surgeries?

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