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pesto edition

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hey fella
crazy how this dude is infini-rich yet he settled for a busted hoe
says a lot about our society tbqh
it's love
Listening to NOAA weather radio right now and watching the radar in Florida.
Saw some guy the other day who said /b/ is his homeboard and that it has some of the funniest, strange, and quirky threads of any place on the internet.

I went to check it out but its literally just porn and brainrot. Wonder wtf that anon was smoking
how bad is it supposed to get for florida
/b/ is intense
i opened it, saw a dick pic, and then closed the tab
/b/ is intensely bad
just being rich wont make you a chad, helps a lot though
Sure but not in an interesting way. It's just shock content and porn. Mostly the latter.
Milllionaires get hot trophy wives. Billionaires get relatively homely wives. I imagine they know something important that makes them do this. I can think of a few potential reasons
>I can think of a few potential reasons
such as?
to gain entry into the upper echelons of society and wealth you must submit to having your dna spliced with reptile dna and you must accept a partner handpicked by the cabal
Wouldn't you like to know?
i really like this post
Leverage is the main thing. An extremely attractive woman will always have a huge number of options and no matter how much money you have, you're always going to have a certain disadvantage in your relationship with them. Maybe they realize that.

Second possibility is that they have very strange or bizarre interests and would rather find a girl who genuinely enjoys it too than anyone else, regardless of looks.

Third is more traditional knowledge, many older guys will tell you when looking for a wife look for homely girls because they tend to be have far better personality and looks fade anyways.

Fourth possibility is basically same as the previous, maybe they just find someone they are extremely compatible with on an emotional level and chances are that would be someone who isnt particularly attractive
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notch is a billionaire and he's practically still an incel despite being married for 1 year
He's based
whoa what a butthole that guy wasn't a threat to him at all
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Birds have a tendency towards buttholishness
faggot was holding a camera in his face.
it's been 45 minutes since a canadian has posted
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what kind of bird is that
reminds me of a shoebill, a very evil looking bird
the thing is if you're that rich you either settle for a gold digger that will probably fuck you over or a gold digger that at least pretends she deserves what she gets from him, either way i don't think any of these super rich people are happily married
Why not? Theoretically with their resources they could scour the entire planet until they find the most perfect match
i'll text one and tell them to post hold on
what if they marry a woman who's already really rich
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Sorry I don't know, I honestly thought it was some type of shoebill but apparently there is only one shoebill
no, i want to see how long we can go
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tag yourself
I hate my job so goddamn much. I don't wanna sleep because i know when i wake up i have to work again. Corpo office drone work is by far the worst work environment I've been in so far, and i have done some of the filthiest physical and demeaning labor out there. Office still way worse imo

Thankfully based helene means i get to wfh rest of the week.
their side profile is a bit more flattering
from the front they look pretty scary though
if you're that rich getting married with someone will never not be out of interest for the money specially since these guys aren't chads at all, ultra rich marriage usually ends up with both of them fucking off to do their own things while still "married" even though they barely even see each other and have affairs
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It depends on the day
i feel bad for you all. you'll never be ME
is it just the gossip and the office politics you hate mostly?
i like being me even though i have my problems i don't wanna be you
Yeah, the social aspect in general. I have the problem of being extremely sincere at all times and have a hard time detecting when people are being fake. It always throws me for a loop when I realize that someone who smiled in my face etc is not a friend at all. Most people seem to me sociopaths
me and the green locust are cut from the same cloth
Yes I cannot stand office jobs
yeah it is pretty gross, your biggest enemies smiling to your face and playing polite, two people exchanging barbs with eachother only using gentle corporate speech. absolute nightmare scenario, i'm sorry you have to deal with that.
i'm guessing there's not as much of the 'he said she said' on a construction site right?
I've finished watching Queen Millenia and it was depressing with an awful ending.
you just ruined that one anons streak
He was recording him without consent
everything is dark mode nowadays, back in the day it was all bright ass white windows
Some people are REALLY stupid. Like, I disagree with a lot of you on a lot of things, but you're all still more intelligent than people who scream at cashiers and try to fight them
no you don't understand if i scream at this low level airline employee they will make the plane turn around for me
It was more depressing and less engaging than Galaxy Express 999
>expecting a satisfying ending from a manga
rookie mistake
your eyes lose their gleam and your heart stops beating once you find out the e girl you've been talking to is fat
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>watch twitch streamer for a couple weeks
>eventually she says "my boyfriend" in a sentence
>unfollow, never open her stream again
i did not realize how late it was already my bed times in an hour
I larp as an incel when I have sex like once a year and will probably get a girlfriend in the near future
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i don't like how much this post resonates with me
Can't imagine doing that because all female streamers are boring as shit and I have no delusions
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Hes just like me frfr
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he was good looking
i like his curls
orange cats only have two brain cells and one of them is entirely dedicated to violence
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What about young Josef Stalin
explain yourself
i have nothing to explain im just sitting here
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what can I do to make it less of a clusterfuck?
remove most of the countries?
or is there a better way to represent the data (bar graph or map)
Maybe like one of these
Sounds comfy. Batten down your hatches!
Sweden and Finland really have high post counts for how low their populations are
yeah i've seen this picture before, good looking guy
i can't tell what comes after croatia. and turkey took me a minute
i'm on the living room couch with my laptop just sitting here
i have a coke zero and my medicine set out which i'm gonna take soon
do you need more
That's Romania after Croatia
what kind of couch is it
what material, how many cushions
what medication are you taking
Nta but I'm prescribed Paxil and wellbutrin
then bulgaria, serbia, lithuania, what's the next one
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These were the actual numbers. I started at Jan 1st up to Sep 21st (that's when I made it). Everyone after India was less than 1%.
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Ban all the flags that aren't covered by picrel.
The vast majority of those Hungarians stay in their weird general with the fruit editions
the couch is an eggshell white crate & barrel L couch with chenille upholstery cushions, i have a few small pillows and my knitted throw blanket on me and i'm not telling you what medications i'm taking
>i'm not telling you what medications i'm taking
why not?
that's kind of a personal thing, and you didn't bring it up in conversation in a context where i would willingly volunteer that information, i feel like i'm being grilled
I have no idea, I've been staring at it and just looked at a picture with all the flags of the world and I still can't figure it out
Are those black feathers? It can't be Albania because it has white
ok anon, if you have some special medication no one else is taking, i won't pry into any compromising information
Why do I see how few NZ flags?
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Covfeve time!!!
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it's not like that, i'm just saying you can't ask me for intimate details like that without either giving up some information yourself, or it being relevant to the conversation
Population of only 5 million, in a weird time zone
are you intimate with your medicine
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just realized that "wound" and "wound" are spelled the same
what country are you from
i guess that is kind of weird
The United States of America.
ITT: anon learns new homonyms
this multivitamin is "orange scented"
why even bother it's not like it's a gummy or anything why give it a scent at all
hate how you type cum in the search and /lang/ pops up
Helps mask the chemically taste, as a huge portion of flavour comes from the scent.
Because it searches titles and OPs.
The /lang/ OP has:
in it, which the word "document" has the word "cum" in it.
it's super annoying. Also why use the search? Just
i will admit i have had to take some funky smelling antibiotics before and it was disgusting so that's fair
I've heard that if you pinch or plug your nose so you can't smell, an apple, potato, and an onion will all taste the same. Never tried it though.
smell is a huge part of taste so this wouldn't surprise me, but maybe not an onion, if i bit into a raw onion i would start crying
It's why children's medication is cherry, grape, banana, etc.
And why Flintstones' Vitamins are actually kinda dangerous. Kids think they're candy.
The overall flavour would be quite similar, but your taste buds would still be working.
Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, savoury, and pain. You'd probably be able to tell the apple, because it's going to be much sweeter. The onion(depending on what kind) will have a mild sweetness to it. The potato won't be sweet, but you'd feel the texture of the starch sticking to your mouth, which is going to be slightly bitter.
But you're not wrong though, so much of what we think of as taste, is just smell. Which is why I was careful to say flavour and not taste. It's because we evolved taste and scent at the same time, so it's crazy difficult to separate them.
the cough syrup cherry medicine flavor makes me gag i hate it so much
i would prefer anything else
That's usually why they make them in a few different flavours. I can't stand the grape. I'll use it if I have to, but it's the last choice for me.
Even the old timey banana flavour, of the banana that no longer exists as a fruit, is better.
xanax is probably the worst tasting medication i've had
they add a chemical bittering agent to it that makes it absolutely repulsive, because they don't want kids eating a bunch or whatever. it was one of those pills you have to swallow immediately or die
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good night
I miss the really sweet, inexplicably grainy purple grape cough syrup I'd take as a kid. It was delicious. Might buy a bottle just so I can taste it again lmao. Also maybe Flintstones vitamins.
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fuck yeah. forgot it was pay day
wtf niggas over here owning aliens from mos eisley cantina
How did corvids get so smart? They're just doing normal bird shit so it doesn't make sense that their brains are much bigger
She will win unfortunately
How? It's not only bigger, but better. Corvids have more connections similar to how mammals do and very densely packed neurons too.
the other guys biggest donor is the richest man in the world though
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A fine morning.
Who up jorkin they it rn
cant sleep much more
also i just saw a 4chan ad which uses the golden arches MACDONALDS logo

an IQ
monoliths >.<
it's currently too close to call
its fifty fifty
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fucking hate this guy. why are his eyelashes so gay? freak
Germany is the dog that has had its balls cut off and still wants to have pride. but everyone knows it is lesser
i love Whygena
Go back to shit we don't like you
i love Whygena
dont give a shit how fat feels about his sekret club
I remember strep throat meds tasting sweet
i sleep with your mother you filthy /cum/shits i am better than you
i piss in your soup
doin your mom
Wish i could sleep forever. Im addicted to it.
oh noes i think you have le depressionirinioo
Has anyone here ever been groomed?
Yes at the barber shop
Georgia Wisconsin Michigan Arizona North Carolina Pennsylvania

six states that are complete toss-ups and will determine the election
i just hope both sides have fun :)
you are a canadian person and thus you care not for american elections
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Goodmorning cummers.
Scotland is third world
Nah i just like sleeping thats all. Its better than anything in the world. I usually do 10 hours a night at least but often 12 hours when i don't have work
Dude that's just a bit of milk. The flash makes it look lighter.
get the urine microwaved
I too enjoy milk in the morning
American milk tastes like shit.
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nice numbers
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cum milk
Has anyone here ever been raped?
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Pajeetberg is holding up traffic again with his shitty electric scooter I can see why Canadians hate them
*groomed sexually
Did she drug you?
Mumbai just got nuked.
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I can see pajeets everywhere
They're all around me
They're waiting for me
Beauty of immigration
Then how were you raped nigga fight back
You felt like you had to let it happen but if you didn't fight back or say no it wasn't rape
Goofy ahh can't fight a girl everyone point and laugh :skull: :skull: :skull:
I have become an extremely intense misanthrope recently. I would always agree when i heard stuff like "i hate people" or "i hate humans" but i never actually felt that way. Really i always saw it as a kind of nonsense and mentally ill sentiment. But i get it finally. i really despise humans, just seeing or hearing human smiles or voices makes me feel an intense aggression and disdain. I think maybe its just overly emotional or impassioned people that annoy the fuck out of me. People who put too much personality in their mannerisms fill me with violent thoughts. When someone laughs or sounds excited i just want to stab them over and over
dont know how you can be in scotland and live that life to then just end up hateful in the way that you want other people to suffer or be in more pain, after living in Scotland
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>I have become an extremely intense misanthrope recently. I would always agree when i heard stuff like "i hate people" or "i hate humans" but i never actually felt that way. Really i always saw it as a kind of nonsense and mentally ill sentiment. But i get it finally. i really despise humans, just seeing or hearing human smiles or voices makes me feel an intense aggression and disdain. I think maybe its just overly emotional or impassioned people that annoy the fuck out of me. People who put too much personality in their mannerisms fill me with violent thoughts. When someone laughs or sounds excited i just want to stab them over and over
Why they are always angry and ornery?
6am and I'm getting high already.
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I say that but i do not look that way. Pic rel is basically me
It has been raining for like a month and now I have a leak. Rentberg better fix it RIGHT MEOW
Blud is 14 :skull: young nigga :face with tears of joy: only at miller grove :100: :100:
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>Pic rel is basically me
accidently stepped on a slug last night
Imma be real wit you lil dawg, dat hoe is 60. Shit full of cobwebs n shit. dryer than a mf
There's a reason why they call them banana slugs.
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I look like this
He doesn't care about average people
something that was the color of a banana popped out of him after he got crushed
Please step on my penis if you are a cutie dommy mommy XX chromosome tom boy goth gf
I wonder which poster this anon is refering to. Surely not me, the guy who is NOT going to pay taxes.
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>Pic rel is basically me
Im a boy
if you can successfully avoid paying taxes, you've got bigger problems in your life than taxes
but he is already bigger than the adults.
hello? mid police? I'd like to report a severe case of mid
You wish troonlina
woke up to a massive wet fart, can't say i enjoy sharting
Do you love Japan?
I love japanese pussy
Has anyone here ever been stabbed?
For those who have been paying attention, my building has been undergoing renovations for the last month or so, and today is the day they replace the windows. I had to get up early cause I need to move furniture away from the wall before they start. Today's gonna be tiring. At least I have my dab pen.
good morning sirs
They made this shit instead of giving us TES6.
I was on a walk in Stoner Park in West LA at night and felt a weird sensation and turned around a guy was following me about 20 paces back, I got shivers all over and turned a corner and started sprinting as fast as I could, after about 20 seconds I turned my head and he was running after me with a knife, but he was slow, so I kept sprinting for several minutes until I was near some other people, who were in turn super scared by me, but I was relieved to see them
>yfw all the vidya companies are investing in mobile p2w shit instead of AAA titles
Worst timeline
An irs agent is knocking on my door im scared
I got chased by a zombified homeless woman once and had to get some road construction crossing guards to let me cross the road before barring her. I basically just said to them This lady is following me can you help me so they let me cross and then crossed their Stop signs in front of her lol it was crazy.
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says alot about are society
do you have a phd in psychology and are a virgin?
Pro-Shartestinian niggas online really think they represent the majority opinion in the us
Personally a fan of blowing up Muslims myself
well they probably are the majority amongst zoomers, maybe even slightly amongst millennials. But overall most Americans are pro-ZOG
blacpepeeol dont fry they potatoes in beef fats
Theres a crazy homeless lady on my street she lays on the grass in front of the gas station pretty much 24/7, never moving from that spot really. She has a grocery cart with her belongings. One night when I was really drunk i walked over and gave her a $100 bill. That was more than a year ago. Shes still out there, even now. Wonder what her story is. It seems like a miserable place to hang out, it an extremely busy intersection
They’re not the majority for zoomers or millennials thoughbeit
Maybe on TikTok where the Xi personally sets the algorithm
no gf always sad. 100 gfs no time to sad
I kinda wish online interaction returned to the way it used to be. Now it's either trying to advance a brand, or do a bit. The worst is that it's done in a way where people don't talk to eachother, but rather at eachother.
In a way those of us who have been online the longest are responsible for it.
Oh well
Sorry to hear that
>More younger Americans express favorable views of the Palestinian people (60%) than of the Israeli people (46%)
>Younger adults are significantly more critical of how Israel is fighting in the war than are older people: 21% of Americans ages 18 to 29 say the way Israel is carrying out its response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack is acceptable; 46% describe it as unacceptable.
>adults under 30 say Hamas’ reasons for fighting Israel are valid (34%) and not valid (30%); 35% are unsure.
Jews win the war but lost the global hearts and minds tbqh
Don’t blame us, we’re not the corporations who saw an opportunity for profit
We merely let it happen.
Again what’s the sample size and where was the survey done
This is 100% due to TikTok, where Xi was promoting the idea that maybe Osama was right
I didn’t let it happen
I stayed on my autistic forums hosted on some guys home PC
Imagine getting paid to sit at home and jerk off on company time.
Pew research my guy
>This is 100% due to TikTok, where Xi was promoting the idea that maybe Osama was right
I mean yeah obviously, before Oct. 7 90% of them couldnt even find Israel or Palestine on a map lol. If I saw something on social media it must be true
But Osama WAS right.
>Israel never had the hearts and mind of the people
Boomers love Israel and Israelis thoughbeit
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can one of you guys ask her if she has a boyfriend

what a coincidence...
>Billionaires get relatively homely wives

He couldn't pull a hot bitch even with billions. Being a sperg he probably didn't even know how
I did, my parents made me go to church every Sunday growing up and in HS the pastor, entirely unprompted at the end of the service said that as christians we should always support Israel in all things and that they are gods chosen people. Like he went into a 5 minute speech on how great Israel is and we are lucky to even kiss their boots. I remember because that was the moment i refused to continue going back
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do this please >>202702574
No i don't use that degenerate website. I respect a hardcore porno addict more than a tw*tch betasimpcuckhold
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wasn't talking to you, limpdick.
>t. fatty
nope not even close
I think this is just a joke or something. I didn't see anything called bardo at that address. Maybe it's the charter school because my first thought was that students made this video.
woke up pissed off
I went to sleep that way but woke up feeling okay. Try going back to bed.
well you see i can't call you a skinlet cause im a skinlet myself
without the audio it kinda looks like a joke but with audio it has more of a serious tone https://x.com/AFpost/status/1839231154945232914
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you don't have skin?
starting to think nobody is gonna ask her
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The premier of Alberta is kinda hot.
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thank you for the aid package approved today we need it and will put it to good use. just one little request: can you add 1 (ONE) usa gf in the aid package?

thank you
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its time for the annual florida bro extreme amateur kite flying championship
her tiddies look a little smaller than usual. i wonder if she went off birth control
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going off BC makes tits smaller? had no idea
taking US taxpayer money also makes her boobs shrink.
took a shower, still pissed off
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i will never have a white gf, it's so over
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me? i am seductive and productive
Considering taking this drug i purchased like a year ago. Only thing is he sent me a chemical test with it which said 7 - 15% of the sample was an "unidentified substance" which made me to leery to ever actually use any. Its probably safe. Probably.
i'd avoid at all costs desu desu
Really? Dang yeah you're right. Disappointing but probably not worth the risk
Gm I hardly slept.
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Just put in an order for a FREE PP lawn sign :D
Tfw got my cock milked and swallowed by my girl first night in Brazil
he's good at making reporters look like idiots
but didnt gallup miss in 2016? I don't even remember specifics though desu, but the polls from msm were legit fucked - idk if they use gallup or not (probably not).
Taxation is theft
just took my morning gigashart after drinking a half-gallon of black coffee.
think i'm gonna stop masturbating
it's hard to tell if the test was tampered
morning bud
For me, oatmeal and fruit do it. Plus metamucil in the morning and evening
I just saw my wife's sister in undies and now I'm so fucking horny after I masturbated twice.
it's just underwear. what are you 12.
he's in his 40s actually
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**cums in your undies**
mega fart
did you take a pic
just a mental image
this, loled
We got a nigga here in his forties.
oigan mexas, puedo tener un qrd en lo de culiacán?
multiple actually, FK is too. He even posted his passport and was born in 1983.
4chan has been dying for a long time because there's less new comers and lots of old boomers that have been here for 20 years, it will only get worse until eventually 4chan will be like any one of those old dead forums from decades ago
cum con sex or sexo con cum?
who's out there in virgin creep land
Canada here.
pingu :D
Any plappers in the hou

se tonight?
probably me
but I think the trick is just to lie to women if it ever comes up because that's what they want, and then you'll be less creepy to them. Like women often lie about being virgins and this is just the same thing. It also turns out most dudes probably suck at fucking and she's probably just gonna starfish anyways, so they likely can't tell the difference if you are or not. Or I could say I've only fucked dudes and they probably wouldn't question it, but that's gay.
My ultimate strat is to lie to a woman this way so I can fuck a normal one that isn't a prostitute and I don't do the "lose v card to a prostitute" meme. Then just practice on prostitutes or something and continue masking as a normie when the topic comes up.
yeah, TOO EARLY dingus
don't even THINK about baking next time until we hit 310
or else i'll have to tell on you to the JANNY
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with all the movies and ad deals i think she's rich. she is a net tax contributor i bet
Who made the NEW early and didn't even make it right.

Real lack of standards, you guys' generation.
Been thinking about buying some stickers
Coffee's good today, those clowns in the break room actually made it right this time
I'm just gonna keep posting here, that Canadian clown that poster early really ticked me off
Jannys gonna see 2 threads and go haywire
implying she has any to begin with
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I‘m shiddening
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Why is this thread dead?
Are you new? Not insulting you but /b/ used to be a completely different board than it is now l.
the fact that he had to "check" what /b/ was guaranteed he is new
Gonna make chicken shawarma pitas and falafel for dinner today but first need to buy everything
fascinating, an anon of /int/ernational tastes
>Billionaires get relatively homely wives. I imagine they know something important that makes them do this

Yeah, it's called
>I need to project an image of mature stability for the public and my shareholders and it would affect my business if people actually saw me with the 16 year olds I actually fuck when I'm in the mood so I need an ugly old woman to wave around to support my image as a cool, collected family man
This. His "wife" is paid off while he fucks prime jb
Someone make a NEW now, just to fuck with shit
Argentina's poverty rate is around 50%
So is my boner, presently
wild, that's much worse than south america's average
hope this plan is going well
Mistakes were made.
"normal bird shit" sometimes rewards high intelligence
Cashier's are such pussies

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