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We were Romans!
no hans, you destroyed rome
Maybe but you are a literal pajeet on VPN moderating this shithole.
Very based of them. Krautland I kneel.
crypto-jeet slavshit animal
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uhm, actually, if you would crack open a history book every once in a while you would learn that we were the holy roman empire for a couple of h-... uhh like for quite a while at least. Edjucate yourself, honey
>what is arminius
shituanians dunno how to read, they're fucking khokhol tier idiots.
You were auxiliaries.
I thought Liths and Poles were friends
pooles are our frenemies
......or however the poop sinks
Well, I'm not a poolak, def not my frenz
"Holy" "Roman" "Empire"
approved by the Pope, included the Papal States
had Rome
had an Emperor
>approved by the Pope, included the Papal States
nah, the holy part came only because of a difference between the emperor and the pope. it was never approved by the pope.
>holy roman empire
Not holy, not ronan and also not an empire (buch of italian city state tier states larping as an empire and killing each other)
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come on
Full of holes
They count in arabic
If Turks hand their asses to you then Turks are the only guys to qualify as an empire in the region
then leave
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Huh? Leave? the territory I'm on is Białorussian clay, not poolak, nevermind this shit flag my posts have, go leave a butthurt e-mail to Mr Łukaszenko. Loser.
back to /polska/ dog
The Ottomans also claimed to be a continuation of the Roman empire, lol.
How about, you kiss my ass, faggot.
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My Ancestors... TᴖT
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Only if you're in the south
The Middle Ages is better.
There is nothing more comfy than a medieval village
Pic related
That looks like a very fertile... breedable... uhh.. house!
proud of it
all rome had to do, was leave us the fukk alone!
I yearn for the medieval Italian commune and city state
they failed terrible at putting us into their globohomo bullshit

" The series of conflicts was one factor which led to the ultimate downfall of the Western Roman Empire in particular and ancient Rome in general in 476. "

"The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, described as the Varus Disaster by Roman historians, was a major battle between Germanic tribes and the Roman Empire."
"Teutoburg Forest is commonly seen as one of the most important defeats in Roman history, bringing the triumphant period of expansion under Augustus to an abrupt end. The outcome of this battle dissuaded the Romans from their ambition of conquering Germania, and is thus considered one of the most important events in European history."
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>The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
I love how people completely forget about the aftermath of that battle. Germanicus completely leveled Germania and annihilated most of the tribes. It got so bad that even Arminius was murdered by his own people for being an idiot and a shit commander. If history played out differently and Tiberius never recalled Germanicus then Germany would've most likely been under the Roman empire.
>completely leveled
BS post proof! he never made it over the rhein.
this does not look like completely leveled...
*smacks post*
Oh that was more in regards to the romans not making it over the rhine. But now that I think of it I'm propably also talking about a completely different emperor and time period, I need to brush up on my ancient history
there where raids in both directions. so what.
It's okay man, we are romans, so that makes us the winners. or uh losers. or whatever
im curious about the genetics but not so happy about sending dna to a (((company))) for testing
>https://www.myheritage.de/dna has a sale atm
I'm in the same boat. At the end of the day it propably won't matter, but at the same time I don't want to suddenly get replaced by my clone or some shit, or have my dna suddenly show up on a crime scene or something
Blown the FUCK out by germanic BVLLS. Cope about it. And the east lost to the fucking ottomans. KEK.
The "holy" roman empire is the biggest larp in human history. Like its second to none.
Italians were luckier than Greeks that's for sure

Atleast we got GOTHED.com instead of TURKED.com
At the end of the day those barbarians you hated won on both fronts. At least you got cool statues
Yet there are still people who identify as Romans (Ρωμιοί).
What are you talking about? Of course he went over the Rhine, that was literally part of the reason for his campaigns with one of further battles being the battle of the Angrivirian Wall (don't know if I spelt that right). Can't look it up at the moment, but I remember reading that he even made up to the borders of Denmark. It's been awhile since my Roman phase.
Wouldn't have come to that if corruption wasn't part of your people's culture. At the end of the day it was a German mutt who killed Majorian and any hope of the Romans bouncing back was gone with his death. At least both Eastern Roman and Holy Roman history is cool.
the TRVTHNVKE that /int/ ignored
>Germanicus completely leveled Germania and annihilated most of the tribes.
Romans coping with their failures by making shit up and passing it as "totally true bro! 100% real!" never fails to make me laugh.
Who gives a shit
1. Not me
2. ...?
>Germany would've most likely been under the Roman empire.
VGH.... GroBRomanivms....
The HRE honestly deserves a lot more respect around this shithole than it does when you think about it. People call it a failed state because of the last couple hundred years of its history but at the same time it:
>lasted 1000 years
>was the preeminent state in western Europe for most of the middle ages and the emperor was the primus inter pares among Catholic Europeans
>royals from across Europe fought each other to be the emperor
>decentralized government led to more freedom for its inhabitants and fewer large wars breaking out
>the same decentralized government also fueled competition among its many states to innovate in the arts and sciences
I think it was pretty cool desu
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In the end we dismantled it so he was proven right.
It was dismantled by a Roman.
It WAS impressive, that's undeniable. But it wasn't Roman
What are the light red bits by Hungary and Romania?
Romaboos live in a different reality. To them every single negative thing about rome is either fake news or excused somehow
How was Germanicus campaigns considered a failure ? He utterly defeated Arminius and his Germanic coalition army, recaptured 2 of the three eagle strandards that were lost, gave the fallen legion soldiers in Teutoburg Forest a proper burial and looted and pillaged most of the adversarial tribes around the rhine.
You're referring to teenagers who watch Tik Tok montages of Rome and couldn't even name an emperor that isn't Augustus or Hadrian. Their opinions shouldn't be taken seriously.
Pretty sad that romam emperor discussion was hijacked by the alt right
>history is fake because I don't like it, no I will not elaborate further
Many such cases
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fantastic post
>Romans make shit up
>Brown ancestors of slaves they (usually Latinx or Iberians) had eat it up because of their inferiority complex
>Brown ancestors of slaves they (usually Latinx or Iberians) had eat it up because of their inferiority complex
>ancestors of ancient roman slaves
Smartest Alemanci
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based latin legioner
Chimping out and burning tribes and then licking wounds by saying "they got burial and my precious eagles are back!!" is the definition of cope. It changed nothing in strategic sense and Germany remained free from Roman regin.
Overexaggeration and trying to make inconsequential things important is quintessentially a trait of Roman historians and records.
>History is a set of lies agreed upon
If the master propagandist himself agrees that history is loads of bullshit then who am I to disagree.
seeing general faggotry spread beyond their borders always makes me curious about what those anons did to generate this much anger towards each other
And it was deserved 100%
Turns out ruthlessly killing, subjugating, and enslaving people might one day have consequences.
Romanes eunt domus
>"Its a le cope"
The irony. The goal of the campaign wasn't to annex Germania (although they could've) it was for revenge, to recapture what they've losted and to bring prestige to Rome. He accomplished what he had to do and went back home. The Germans ceased being a problem for hundreds of years until the late 4th century and the campaigns solidified the border between the two regions. To say that Germanicus accomplished nothing in a strategic sense is ignorant.
>hundreds of years
A century and a half at most. The Marcommanic Wars were the beginning of the end for R*moids
>The goal of the campaign wasn't to annex Germania (although they could've) it was for revenge,
Yeah, that's what Roman historians (state paid writers) said to cope with their shortcomings. If Romans could take over Germany, they would've done it by that point.
>The Germans ceased being a problem for hundreds of years until the late 4th century and the campaigns solidified the border between the two regions.
Even by Romans records it didn't take even a full century for large German raids to appear again and wars continued again.
>To say that Germanicus accomplished nothing in a strategic sense is ignorant.
It really was nothing like a lot of shit Romans have done in their history especially in their empire period. It was only important because Romans loved to jerk themselves off.
Germany remained free, Germans remained at large, and Romans never managed to crack that nut.
>Yeah, that's what Roman historians (state paid writers) said to cope with their shortcomings. If Romans could take over Germany, they would've done it by that point.
I wonder if the fall of the Sasanian Empire was also state sponsored by the Muslims lol, but yeah this post is all I needed to read. It's understandable to have a biased against Rome, but at least be objective with your criticism. Fortunately we're on the the internet so once you get off that vpn you can search about the war and read up on it yourself, I don't understand why you haven't yet. I don't see the benefit of calling you stupid because we've all started somewhere, that or you're most likely shitposting. Just stay away from debates until you know what you're talking about, alright? See ya.
For historical reasons I can't consider your criticizing of the romans as objective
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why are they like this? we never recovered
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>no no the blatantly obvious bullshit is true because state writers said so!
>It's because your flag
The absolute state of Romaboos. Can't handle getting their delusions called out.
For historical reasons, I love you even though you're full of shit.
Letteralmente io
No it doesn't get the fuck outta here, next thing you'll tell is that stealing stuff and putting them in a place where everyone can look at them is bad too
>gets toppled by 600 dudes in plate armor
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what a primitive dump of retards who couldn't even figure out basic things like electrical technology.
The cool Romans were when Rome was just a village on the River Tiber fucking up major powers.
Terramare were even cooler

The Empire was a pathetic backwards shithole of illiterate retards.
yes good its gone
>inferiority had to disappear!
not me
Rome died with the republic

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