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Making an updated version. Post EHG and ANF.
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I think I'll add Brunns. Brunnoids are a British version of EHG. They can't be WHG. The British farmers were ANF Medjeets.
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90% autosomal replacement in Britain
sanya serf descendant of slave uzbeks yakuts tatars zero germanic made up genealogy
n1c c4 ping pong ching chong winnie the pooh
Hello, Armen
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I know what you look like, rare Russian ANF
ehg neet living with mother in siberia zero genealogy zero archives
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I've never seen that Sanya guy posting. Is he as based as me?
he is literally chinese
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>The white-eyed Chuds are exalted and beautiful
Understandable, Medjeet.
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Total medjeet death
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we must remove these things from Europe by force. This is not the image we want to represent Europe
russian women have sex with churka men en masse. russians are animals
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Churkas look much different than medjeets. They have bigger bone density, hunter eyes and are overall taller.

Medjeets are just indians who wear crosses.
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A Pakistani agreed they have Pakistani phenotypes.

very good sir, these churkas are eastern eurasian (ehg ane) uzbek buryat bulls not some brown shitalians. basically the same as nordics right?
Looks more EHG than you, Medjeet.
pakistanis and nordics are actually very close populations sir wont you agree? ehg ane chads right
true sir nordics and uzbeks are ehg ane brothers. same race pretty much
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Keep up the good fight. I got banned on /his/ for 25 days because of angry medjeets reporting my posts, not even my threads bro, my posts..
Compare Khabib Nurmagomedov to pic related you delusional clown. You are probably some medjeet
wow nice your literally saving the white (steppe ane not anf frfr) race that way!!!
medjeet kikes want you to get a job and sex but you wont surrender and be living like a steppe king anon
Yamnaya_RUS_Samara "Finno-Ugrians" in Northern Spain. Some look really Russian. You can't cope with "they're forest Finns".
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The average 'niard looks like this.
yes sir i agree too nordics have to welcome their uzbek ane ehg steppe brothers in there. their the same after all
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>angry medjeets reporting my posts
Autism the thread.
Keep it up anon, I like it.
дoиcтopии тpeд
дoиcтopии тpeд
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I've seen Uzbeks like this
very truthful sir! uzbeks pakistanis scandinavians mexicans are all white aryan ane ehg wsh steppe brothers
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"Reconstruction of the appearance based on the skull of a mature woman with Mongoloid features, Sintashta-Potapovo period, from burial 3, mound 5, Grachevka, Samara region."
She looked like Abby from TLOU2 and Navalny.
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"Graphic reconstruction of the skull of a 40-55 year old woman from the Grachevka II burial ground, mound 3, burial 9, skeleton 1 (Potapovka culture). The face is high and somewhat flat. The nose is high. The bridge of the nose is well profiled. The visual impression is that the woman is of European appearance, possibly with a small share of Mongoloid features."
To me, a slight Mongoloid look is what separates European from Middle Eastern. Medjeets have WHG but still look Brown.
>De-wogged maxima:
Russians and Putin
>Wogged extrema
Kamala Garris
The West
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Hello, Papuan Chad Black Phinn
Papuan Chad.

"Sculptural portrait of a man based on the skull from the Oleneostrovsky burial ground (Karelia), found during excavations in 1936-1937. Author of the excavations V.I. Ravdonikas. The skull had a significant number of archaic features characteristic of typical Cro-Magnons, along with a number of others: a relatively high arch, a thin outline of the cheekbones, and general gracilitation of the facial region. The combination of all the features made it possible to characterize him as an archaic European type, most likely closer to the Baltic. Judging by the reconstruction, this was a man with a wide face, a large, upturned nose, a sloping forehead, and deep-set eyes."
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Powerful Papuan-Australoid human flesh human sacrifice phenotype. The nightmare of de-woggs.
are those below refugees or identitarians?
explain the Sardinian thingy
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Sardinians have the highest levels of ANF admixture. The more you have it, the more MENA you look.
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mental how they accepted moorish rule for three centuries without beating an eye but as soon as the normans invaded they rebeled and expelled them all
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They hate the Normgol
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in my experience sardinians look like their own thing, or at most spanish
define brown
lol are we gonna do a battle of cherrypicked images?
>define brown
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>define brown
the quintessential colonizers?
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But saaaar
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btw all posts in this thread are made by one individual hiding behind multiple proxies/VPNs
take your med(jeet)s, schizo
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i want to jeet 'em all, if you know what i mean
Just comment "Hermosa" under their comment section
They look what you expect from mutts. Nothing to do with Anatolians.
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ANFjeets be like:
>Russians are Finno-Mongols, ching chong
But when they see us irl:
>The white-eyed Chuds are exalted and beautiful
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He is blobby like gremlins in the kremlin
they kinda look like fenno-swedes
Ok, let your daughter marry a Medjeet then.

Captcha: GAYPN
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This is our CEO of Moscow. He's an actual Finno-Ugrian. Looks infinitely more European than Medjeets.
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I may remove Woody and add this Brown gnome as WHG. It's really easy to change my mind on WHG. Don't play with me. Medjeets have WHG but still look Brown.
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Don't care as you have the agency of a child.
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2 subjects of extreme de-Wogging. Specimens.
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Ok, Viking
If Slavs called them white eyed then many Slavs were dark eyed. Dark eyed Slavs raped eastbaltic Chuds hard.
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ANF and WHG Shudras should remember their place.

"A Sudra has no right even to listen to the Veda. Recitation of or listening to this sacred book is exclusively a privilege of the Aryan Hindus. There is provision of severe punishment for a Sudra, in case he dares to enjoy this privilege. If he "overheard a recitation of the Vedas, molten lac or tin was to be poured into his mouth; if he repeated recitation of the Vedas, his tongue should be cut; and if he remembered Vedic hymns, his body was to be torn into pieces."
-- [ Tirth ]; cited in [ Stat ]

That this rule was actually enforced is proven by the account of Alberuni, who visited India in the 10th century AD :
"The Vaisya and the Sudra are not allowed to hear it [ the Veda ], much less to pronounce and recite it. If such a thing can be proved against one of them, the Brahmans drag him before the magistrate, and he is punished by having his tongue cut off ."
-- [ al-B.i.125 Ch.XII ]
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" A once-born man (Sudra) who insults a twice-born man (Aryan) with gross invective, shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin."
-- [ Manu VIII.270 ]

" If he mentions the names and castes (Jati) of the (twice-born) with contumely, an iron nail, 10 fingers long, shall be thrust red-hot into his mouth ."
-- [ Manu VIII.271 ]

" If he arrogantly teaches Brahmins their duty, the king shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and into his ears . "
-- [ Manu VIII.272 ]
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>then many Slavs were dark eyed
Yes. Romanians and Greeks have medieval Slav admixture and look Browner than ever.
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Dewogg them all, pronto.
Powerful de-wogger, could easily defeat the weak wogged ones with human waves.
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Imagine being an I1 WHG Shudra with no land, no history, no language and still talk shit about EHG and Fingols who raped you twice. Even your Svengol "bros" look Mongoloid. You can't escape us, "Black Phinn".
The horde is coming and I can't stop them. Liberation is closer than ever. Millions of weak westerners are fleeing with rubberboats to the states.
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"You may drink the urine of cows and swallow cowdung to expiate your sins, but you shall not approach an Adi Dravida."
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