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Post food from your country that you figure that foreigners could percieve as gross or offputting and i'll tell you if i would try it or not
We have this shit all across eastern Europe.
Jellied pigs feet? Yeah us too. If someone told me that they wouldn't touch it with a stick, i would understand them. Post more nasty food from Romania
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Calling out all east asians. Please post in my thread
Humble brag. Nothing wrong with this. Post some grilled road kill or something
that's about it really
the only other one I can think of is an easter dish that's essentially haggis
fucking hate it
Post it
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That's cat food m8
We're big on fermented fish in Sweden. Would you try it?
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all lamb organs, eggs and herbs
it may or may not be breaded like a pie
fucking revolting all the same
Reminds me of liver paste. We eat a lot of that too. You ever had liver paste?
Paté? Yes of course
Hey that's presskopf. Eh it's pretty gud.
I would eat this. No problem
That's pâté de foie. Typically French.
Post the most digusting british food you can think of. Try to think of it internationally
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This probably
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Bulls testicles schnitzel
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Scrambled eggs with cows brains
What is some nasty french food? Do you have that dish where you cook bull testicles like the spaniards do?
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Probably jellied eels, classic cockney dish that has long since gone out of fashion. I've never had it myself.
What's wrong with it? Looks like a birthday cake
I've heard it's not that bad and it's mostly Americans who exaggerate it
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How about bull testicles?
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Lambs intestines
What is it? Atleast it doesn't look bad.
And there it is lol. Idk bro. It helps that it's fried and flattened i guess. There's a mental block in the way of eating testies for me
I would eat this
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Lamprey cooked with its own blood
It's called Dressed herring. It's a salad composed of diced spekesild covered with layers of grated boiled eggs, vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beetroots), chopped onions, and mayonnaise.
Honestly I always hated it.
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That makes me shudder, does cum leak out when you bite into them?
am I fucked in the head if I think that sounds delicious?
It just looks like a meatloaf. Doesn't look gross
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Always found them repulsing
Well you can try it at home.
I don't like my OP dish and i figure there's no way this could be better. I wouldn't
You made it look good honestly. I probably would. Depends on the texture when biting into one
Looks great honestly. I would clear this whole plate
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Looks like pork swede anon.
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Porks head with chestnuts but up there you too eat the lambs head so I guess its ok for you
You don't even need dipping sauce...
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Tongues cow stew, one of my favorite dishes
not from mine but neighboring countries:
pigeon head, monkey brain or human fetuses
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That doesn't sound bad. I'de try it
We got smalec which is essentially pig fat with caramelised onions and optionally small pieces of meat. You usually eat it on bread with pickles.
Humble brag. These are delicious
What is this?
>human fetuses
umeboshi is pretty fucking nasty
Pagpag leftover food from garbage
just search it on google "human fetuses soup", plenty of pictures
>Humble brag. These are delicious
Maybe you've had it with vegetable leaf, but those are with grapevine leaves. Disgusting texture
You're supposed to open the can under water. You release all those gasses that's been building up during fermentation. Plenty of stories of people having to call in sanitation firms to their homes after opening it the wrong way. Smell doesn't go. Fish itself just tastes like pickle brine. Salt
this thread made me hate white people
>Possibly inspired by reports of this custom, the Chinese performance artist Zhu Yu cooked and ate what he claimed to be a human fetus in a controversial piece of conceptual art. His performance entitled "Eating People" took place at a Shanghai arts festival
Stunning and brave
Not really dish is it. But no i wouldn't try that
Nice try glowie
>ccp defender zhang is here
ni hao, ling long ping pong, aiyaaa xiexie
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soup made by pouring raw blood into a bowl of minced meat
recently some people began replacing raw blood in ingredients with beetroot, which turns out to be just another variation of borscht
>t. dog-eating piss-soaked skate muncher
Please post nasty Korean food
well, if you dont believe then certainly you know about the bat soups and live baby rats """delicacy"""
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I've heard people don't like хoлoдeц (basically the same shit as your pic) and coated herring (my pic).
I also saw on the internet that some murricans and westies don't like dried fish.
I like cow tongue, but I've tried pig's one and it wasn't tasty at all...
You guys eat cat food? What the fuck?
Hard one. We eat blood flour here but i've never tried uncooked blood. I would give it a chance. Fuck it
What's wrong with this?
they serve this foul trash at the ikea

Looks delicious
I would eat this. What is the nastiest danish food you can think of?
soulless goyslop
sovlfvll meow munch
disgusting rotten fish slop
delicious thief fuel
sovlfull backbreaking food
grim foul shit
tasty as fuck
cow tongue gotta be worse than liver spleen brain eye everything, there is just something gross about how its just tastes like regular meat but the texture is so different you always feel like retching with each bite regardless of whether you know you are eating tongue or not
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I always thoughts this is disgusting. Königsberger Klopse
It's just meatballs isn't it?
Yea but the texture and peas to it made it very awful for me. Its been since my childhood since i ate it the last time so maybe its better now
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Ok. If you try to remove your personal preference from the equation, what german food do you figure foreigners would find the nastiest?
Is it similar to your own tongue?
nothing wrong with meat jello
no clue why it triggers some peoples, have they never put broth in the fridge for the night?
Jellying pig feet and skin is universal in all pig cultures.
Yeah and the chicken embryos and all of that. Shame chinese people can't post here
I can't deal with the texture. And just looking at it, it looks pretty gross doesn't it. If a foreigner tells me they wouldn't touch it, i would understand them. Please post nasty polish/latvian food
Austrian food is very refined and tasty. The worst I could think of are the meat jellies with mayonnaise or liver-balls in soup.
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Incredibly disgusting but for some reason popular
It probably is mett. I myself can’t understand how you can dislike it but i also grew up with it. Its raw pork so many people think its off putting
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tripe soup (vampi)
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PRESSYLTA (brawn), made of pork, veal, onion, gelatin and spices. Absolutely delicious.
korean food is worse goyslop than indian but everyone fawns over it because of their racis
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bujta repa (some sort of cabbage soup)
last time i ate it was in kindergarden when i puked all over the toilet
i would definitely try it, what are you talking about
even if the cement mixture of the eel looks disgusting, the end product looks tasty and i bet the broth is delicious
probably would, all fermented stuff is good
how do you serve it?
beetroot is the superior vegetable
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i love this, but some people dont
meatloaf with an egg in in (štefani pečenka)
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Dried up stockfish is very underrated. It lasts for years and is what vikings brought on their raids. It's 97 percent protein and salty good snacks. If you put it in water and lye you get a fresh fish piece again and can add bacon on it and it's very good. If you fill your freezer with cod and salmon and drywork, it will become a staple which you survive on.
so basically sausage
i bet your stick blender is your favourite kitchen appliance
are you trying to humblebrag? you better not be
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baked pigs blood
Dried up version of it. Bring a few pieces of this and survive for days, easy to get, easy to make and just put it in your shelf.
false, only using it for soups or sauces
you obviously havent tried its close cousins, lahanorizo(cabbage rice) and artichoke with rice. some of my nightmares still involve those two dishes
it's obviously german, schmaltz or something
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2k years too late
made something not quite right? no problem just use the magic stick blender and eat your baby food slop
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we have something similar, cabbage and pasta in the shape of the cut little cabbage cubes
never liked it
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>made something not quite right
i would guess that you must be a really shitty cook to have such an opinion
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This one is a sandwich topping. Goes with potato, red onions and sourcream. Like i told the australian, it just tastes like salt. It's the mental block of eating rotten fish for a lot of people that does it in
is that fish? i feel queazy
Pretty much everyone has some variant of dried or smoke dried fish don't they?
mad cow disease bait
It's jellied pigs feet
blending is unnatural and whichever recipe thats not a dessert calls for it should not be regarded and its author laughed at...let me guess you also blend your purees right?
>blending is unnatural and whichever recipe thats not a dessert calls for it should not be regarded and its author laughed at.
you must be trolling or you're just retarded
>let me guess you also blend your purees right
no i don't, i either use a potato masher or a ricer
>Fish eventually tied Bedden up and cut off half of his penis. "I shall never forget his scream, or the look he gave me", Fish later recalled. He originally intended to kill Bedden, cut up his body and take it home, but he feared the hot weather would draw attention; instead, Fish poured peroxide over the wound, wrapped it in a Vaseline-covered handkerchief, left a $10 bill, kissed Bedden goodbye and left. "Took first train I could get back home. Never heard what become of him, or tried to find out," Fish recalled.[16]
why are angloids like this?
Black sausage is a staple of most euro countries. I would
The the wildest dish you can think of from Kazakhstan?
What's the*
I've had the romanian version of this thing and it tasted divine
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it's a bit different than black sausages, we also have them but the taste is different, the sausages have buckwheat in it but for baked blood you usually only ate this when you slaughter a pig and then you fried some onions and garlic and just put it in an oven tray and poured in the fresh blood + spices, nothing else
it's not really that popular anymore
you have some people that really like and and some (like me) that don't, but you can find it in almost all of the more traditional restaurants
Horse/Mutton intestines probably they're smelly, sorry im a urbancuck if you go out in small villages in the steppe you can probably find some fucked up shit, i heard Mongolians in Russia/China eat beaver raw and get the bubonic plague
>It helps that it's fried and flattened
That's even worse considering we're talking testicles here. I winced a little
btw it also exists in traditional italy with less aggressive spice and dusted with goat cheese which masks the strong taste, maybe give it a go if you ever visit central italy
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can't forget about this delicacy
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Balkenbrij with roggenbrood
>Mongolians in Russia/China eat beaver raw and get the bubonic plague
High T. Vgh
Imagine if it was just round bull balls cooked in an oven though. Like being served two tennis balls filled with cum. I figure the jizz has at least been hamered out if they're flat
They don't have cum inside, just sperm
cum is that, but diluted by prostate juices
the more you know
that honestly looks 1:1 like dogfood
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lmao gay
Have you ever tried the maggot cheese?
People who don't like it aren't Russian. Simple as fuck.
I like it, but I don't get it how people use it as a snack for beer. Beer + this dried fishy taste create very weird taste in my mouth.
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def dressed herring
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Does this gross you out? It grosses me out but that's me. Maybe it's just weird
Looks like something we would eat. That christmas dish your grandmother keeps stubbornly serving. Meant to be eaten by old people with dentures who smell like the dish for the rest of the year
Is this raw meat? If so I would like a bit more veggies to it on the plate.
It's fine. Pretty vanilla stuff. Germans really don't have any wilder food than the stuff itt? Pretty dissapointing
It's beef and veggies minced and mashed together into a disgusting paste
Fuck... Sounds good. It makes me hungry.
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Who here likes cracklings? Fried pork rim
We have the same (Callos)
Nope just the usual European innards and pig's blood stuff
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Wellfleisch maybe?
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love em
We do fried rinds (Torreznos) and fried guts (Chicharrones) both are godlike.
I went to sardinia twice and could not find a place where it was sold because apparently it's non conforming to health standards. my guess is you have to know personally a guy who produces and sells it in spite of the law.
Topkek. I will never be this high t. Nah man i couldn't. Not the skull
Nigga that's a rock
You're the guy i asked yesterday aren't you? The inspiration for the thread btw. Who itt is brave enough? I have to try this shit. It's officially on the bucket list
What is it?
Pigs feet
the meat around the skull could be tasty but the brain though... that shit can't be good for you, I bet you could catch all kinds of viruses, parasites and bacterias
The microwave brand i buy is spanish. Forgot the name
Cooked pork, especially the fatty parts and parts of the head. The bit on the bottom left is a pig's snout
That looks really nice
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I despise anyone who eats picrel. I've seen rich people that could get pretty much any expensive food possible and still they eat peasants "salo".
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Literally just jelly raw animal blood lol.

I figure if you just cook it for long enough you kill all that stuff. I've had bear meat and it's the same risk there of a shitload of parasites. You just slow cook it into leather
>Raw pig's blood often contains swine bacteria, and ingesting them may cause severe bacterial infections.. For example, a Streptococcus bacterium infection may cause respiratory decline, blood contamination, and severe necrosis in arms and legs, and is potentially fatal. In Vietnam, there are reports of human casualties after eating raw blood pudding.
is that just spiced lard? how are you supposed to eat it? on bread ?
Eating pure fat sounds grim
Lol. Yeah i see that now. Yes i'll eat the pigs snout. I'm just worried about the texture of it. Can't feel good chewing down on it. Or the sight of cutting into it with a steak knife
Yeah i prob wouldn't even try this one just based how unappetizing it looks
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>In Vietnam, there are reports of human casualties after eating raw blood pudding.
i hear people getting brain eating parasites or some shits and die in an excruciating pain every single time during the new year eve. Guess people never learn
i used to eat that tho
Is it common for people to get sick from this?
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that's just "bacon" with a bit more fat, not sure what the problem there is
We don't have any really disgusting foods so not sure what to post
>i used to eat that tho
how does it even taste like? just watching a video of someone preparing it
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When I looked up salo it had images like this
I love it. And if mash it with garlic... Mhm.. Heaven.
Natto is gross looking aka fermented soybeans. Dont act like you guys have no grkss looking foods
Not gross for you maybe. Could you put yourself in the shoes of a foreigner and understand how they would find hakarl nasty though?
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Pretty funny seeing this thread and having the whole world mocking us for eating pic related

Like literally roasted frog legs and cooked snails are the weirdest things you could eat in France
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like playing russian roulette, you never know. My grandma have been eating that shit since she was little and still fine...for now.

taste like nothing lol. They mixed blood with boiled meat juice to accelerate the freezing process. Looking back it was very stupid of me to do so. My grandpa said that i am retarded for risking my life just to eat that, guess he wasnt wrong after all
It's basically pure gristle or so I've heard
I also dislike these. Tried many times but it has awful texture
t. picrel.
Educate us on some proper nasty french food then
I wouldn't want to try snails. But I would like to try frog legs.
Do you still eat horse?
i would love to try this, everyone who did says it tastes like chicken
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nice digit for me
imagine serving this to some westerners out of hospitality and respect and they think we are trying to poison them hehe
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The Kishke. I'd say this is the most unappealing Ashkenazi dish, never had it since just looking at it makes me gag.
>I wouldn't want to try snails
You should. Like very tender chicken with a bunch of cheese and garlic. It's bretty good
how can you grandma eat that and like it and your grandpa hating and refusing to eat it kek, interesting couple
There's nothing gross about eating vertebrate muscles imo. You should post escargot for a better example of something people may gag at.
This thread has too many good dishes being peddled as gross, imo. Honorary mentions to meatloaf and pork rinds, who even finds that off-putting other than really dry loaf?
its an onomatapia
Big sausage filled with?
So that's where the foreskins end up
meat and potatoes
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1. Sweet cake with nuts stuffed with macaroni pasta.
2. Stone soup that uses a large hollow sea stone filled with algae and assorted tiny sealife. Historical poverty food.
3. Bikla, a mixture of red wine (at the very beginning of fermentation) and milk.
>Sweet cake with nuts stuffed with macaroni pasta
anon...what in the
Lame. Yes i will eat your meat and potatoes
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my grandpa and grandma represents the contradiction in our society at that time. My grandpa was an enlighten commie with education (like, going to university and stuff, unheard off back then, a village would be considered lucky if there are 2-3 person attended higher education or university) while my grandma was a poor peasant girl coming from a humble peasant background with little education.
thanks the Soviet union for saving me from being infected with brain eating parasites i guess?

frog meat tastes good tho
No i wouldn't eat the raw pigs blood soup then
Would all of it.
Can you list what's the seafood inside the of the shell, usually? Mollusks? Crustaceans?
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for me it's shimotsukare, a specialty from tochigi that looks like vomit
bull's dick-and-balls soup
im getting sick just from watching this
Oh yes mäi fåvòritë periöd shiiët
Tuna casserole is goated
>even has pieces of carrot in it
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Liberia cuisine is the GOAT tho
I can't do the testies. The spaniards schnitzel and the americans tendies were the two dishes that might have made them passable. I kneel
imagine the kidney stones you get from all that calcium
I hope that's not from a human.
Depends on whatever rock you pull out of the sea. It can be tiny mollusks, sea snails, etc. It's supposed to add a generic marine flavour to the soup.
It is. Look up vice's cannibal warlords doc
Chinese people eat child pee eggs
it's yummy
>Put a little curry in the pot, add garlic, ginger, and just a teaspoon of your butter
>Traditional homestyle Liberian cooking
Snails were briefly in fashion in one part of England, and known as 'Mendip wallfish'
it is very good and the fact that you don't like it and look down on it makes you a homosexual - fact
How do you eat it?
I don't mean to offend you but it looks like shit. Actual, literal diarrhea on a plate.
where are you retards coming from? its the third time today that someone refers to bacon as salo, or the 120 days of sodom. is this another polatard attempt at faggotry ?
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Mental how libtards in my country openly glorify a man who gave money to street urchins (sometimes as young as 12 years old) to fuck them in the mouth and ass
you just raw dog it with some onion on the side
sprinkle some extra paprika on it if you're feeling fancy
Fried and put on a sandwich it would probably be good. Wouldn't eat it cold though.
Dunno, most of the extreme things you see from Americans were usually just constructed for Internet clicks rather than actual eating. I suppose alligator? But I hardly would imagine that’s just an American thing.
Downright Lovecraftian.
My grandfather was a butcher and when my father invited my mother over for the first time, they thought it wise to prank her by serving bull testicle schnitzel without telling her that it's not normal schnitzel. After revealing why the meat was more tender than to be expected, she was close to leaving him again lel
nothing wrong with it its just a sweet version of pre westernized pasticcio, the pasta acts just like layers of dough in baklava, also angel wings and diples are practically sweet lasagna so why not this ?
are the children in question cute though?
thats just fake new he was a bottom
I made some for myself recently, it's great
Called Speckfett where I live (and has finely cut apple as an additional ingredient), but Schmalz is more common, yeah
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I heard cucks don't like fois gras
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sit yo ass down be humble
>shit filled intestines(for better taste)
>lamb hooves
>kidneys spleen liver
>heart eyes brains
>add rice
>tons of dill and fennel
>and to top it all off a version of liquidy hollandaise called avgolemono
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i don't think we have any gross famine foods in the new world
dont you literally boil poisonous leaves and eat them?
its bacon dude we call it špek
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bet you didnt try this on your trip to beautiful croatia
Actually it's god like you have to kys
smoked lampreys or seal blood brownies
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you dont have a monopoly on rat meat bro
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based rodent eater
nothing that hasnt been posted yet, like blood sausage, offals, tripe
pic related cow intestines, it just looks disgusting (usually roasted in a barbecue)
hey bratan how do you like serbia?
are you getting a lot of shit because
of your different views?

also here is the receipe for those intrested
Idk where you go to eat but I have never had this in my life. Better post snails on the paella.
looks better than most german food ive seen
whats this? fish paprikash?
Looks like what i make when drunk. Tasty.
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tell us more park
that's tame and it's mostly natives who eat it
mouth watering
sounds like a farmer tossed a lamb into his meatgrinder and called it a dish
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Caruru is an okra stew from northeast Brazil.
meh if its true what the americans say about the taste of okra then it cant be that bad right? apparently it tastes similar to string beans
Nothing posted itt grosses me out. Every country eats pates, offal, raw protein.
It's not about taste, okra's slimy. Lidl sells it sometimes.
ah i see, seems like a lot of people dislike slimy foods, but okra at lidl must be only in poland here i have never seen it
Andouillette is known to be a foreigner repellant. They think it smells like poop or something.
That is gross, we call them chitlings in America
Would you eat this? >>202699035
If you don't like offal you need to be executed.
this shit made from neetle is disgusting(albeit some people like it)
Stings your tongue no?
no, coz when the neetle is boiled it loses its stingy part
we put them in cheese hortopita it tastesl ike nothing actually
>come back 6 hours later
>ching chong defenders
what you talking about? look at all these buttmad commie chineses about the truth
anyway, they also have fried bugs market
you best be joking
Mämmi has found it's better. What is that called in Spanish?
Is that just regular sausage soup?
>Jellied pigs feet
Would try, but it's incredible you snowniggers haven't thought of roasting or stewing pig trotters instead of making that unsightly block
We do that too but with the pig's head not the trotters
I totally want to try this
Almost everything here looks delicious.
The sausage is mixed with chopped vegetables and a huge amount of disgusting, greasy mayonnaise and mustard.
pour bread kvass or cold mineral water.
I can only tolerate callos
eating pork brain or heart or shit like that is misery post civil war slop only old people can stomach
we have this here too, I hate it
I've tried it and it's good
Pig tripe is good too, and cow's tongue, and liver, and pig's head, nose and ear. Never had heart or brain, but I'd try them.
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We do the same if not with the feet.
Bulls tail with pear, the best tapa I've ever had
Love madejas so much
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Cow stomach
There's also cow brains but they aren't that bad
whats wrong with ukrainian salad, kyiv?
Aren't those Finnish sausages basically black pudding?
Every morning my mom goes to the nearest jungle to catch some monkeys for this delicious soup.
uma delicia
Neetle stuffing is traditional easter food here, it tastes pretty good.
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Blood soup.
Basically fish head with chum and vegetable mix
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not from belize but my friend from there says they eat this rodent called a gibnut, apparently they gave it to queen elizabeth when she visited and it was a big scandal
I've never seen it irl
not even as an option in a pub
I got this stuff from a polish deli to see what the fuss was about. I actually really liked it. Goes great with that purple horse radish slavs love, followed by a shot of vodka.
Pretty sure you can just buy it in supermarket. Kaufland has it, I believe. You should try it, good slaughter feels.
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>macaroni pasta.
what about sweet milk soup with macaroni?
>ukrainian salad
this is almost always called russian potato salad or salat olivier

absolutly wrong
its always been part of novoukraniyan culture

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