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barber edition
you're about to find out if the janny is awake
Good edition
this seems like an annouincing of a report bro....would you really do that?
What kind of man talks to the jannies. No man
never trust a man when he tells you his penis size. his self-esteem depends on him lying to himself.
Masonic temple in Fort Worth, Texas

I like to imagine this is the building where high ranking Texas freemasons planned the JFK assassination
Vancouver reigns supreme!
Washed a bunch of dishes. There are still a few more to wash, but there's no space left on the drying mat, so I'll have to wait until the ones I just washed are dry before I wash the remaining ones.
Threaten to snip off your micro-penis, chuddy.
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walked outside today and it felt pleasantly chilly

absolutely adore this time of year bros
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Nice it's 12C here :)
The replacing of the windows is now underway. I don't think I have ever had so many jeets in my house before lmao
women really be giving their friends emotional support and crying in each other's arms and then ghost them the next day for making fun of the friend group leader
That's like the start to a raunchy porno.
Also why the hell would you hire jeets to do windows?
So true bestie
Lol, ask Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation.
Ah. You must be a rentoid. Carry on with your jeets
Blacky nurse told me I had beautiful hair
She wants to fuck
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>computer component dies
>RMA it
>it gets delivered to them on Monday morning
>Wednesday night, their website says they still haven't received it
>want to check again today, and call them if it still says they haven't received it
>their fucking RMA website is down
stop downloading porn
How do Muslims argue that Islam is a religion of peace and Muhammad is the ideal man, when Muhammad was violent and not peaceful?
what did he do?
she was trying to calm you down from your panic attack
how should I know?
Allah or something
He was literally a warlord
landlords are a detriment to economies.
If you ask Muslims this, they'll get defensive as all hell and start asking about the bible or telling long anecdotes about how violents isn't always bad or some shit
Muslims know their religion is scummy, especially converts. As they say, extremists are the snakes in the grass and the casual Muslims are the grass.
Islam is a religion of peace and mercy, but only when you submit to Allah (the word “Islam” means submission in Arabic)
i dont like that religion
I'll be a landlord when I grow up
>Man gets arrest for burglary
>refer to him as unhoused
>held in regional correction facility
He's not unhoused now is he?
>We are peaceful and merciful when you're willing to do everything the way we say
shit, my wife caught masturbating
you dont have a wife
Stay mad. Also rent is due on the first. I have a vacation coming up so don't be late.
I do, how do I prove it?
Nobody actually owns land here, you just own "rights" to the land, so you're really just renting it from the feds. The land you have is really only worth the taxes you pay on it, which is also makes it more worthless because the taxes are based on its worth. Yet at the same time - depending on what you do with the property and where you live - you'll be paying taxes on it for as long as the government exists, so it's technically priceless and will never be paid off. You're a slave regardless if you own the rights or not.
Marriage certificate
post pics of her and her sister
They don't have those in Mexico. They just exchanged donkeys and put on the ceremonial ponchos and have a handshake
They will outright lie about it, taqiyya is a part of their religion and it's literally lying about your beliefs to deceive outsiders. If they sense you are more knowledgeable they will do what anon said >>202708053
Every Mexican owns a donkey.
What about featherheads? They don't pay taxes on their reserve lands
They're sovereign citizens, they don't have to
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I once ate donkey meat in another country
Technically no, his address is the facility
You ate a Mexicans property
Small time landlords with a few spare units they maintain and rent out for competitive prices are okay.
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I saved it from being molested by a Mexican or Colombian
Just took out a payday loan.
whats that
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Haters hate me cause they aint me ON GOD
High likelihood this anon is black or at least brown
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Vidya, as we knew it, is over. The age of indies has begun
Ubisoft more like ubislop
Does this mean we're not getting the black samurai
ban just expired saying that i was glad janny backed off but also called him a worthless piece of trash. must of been mad
not much has changed with their garbage moderation
nobody wants you to have shit from them for free in Scotland. the only person who saw that i wanted something in this whole country was the garden was the dickhead neighbour, who was from England
reading science news
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Been delayed until February 2025, CEO is also rejecting allegations of wokism in the company. Chudbros... we won...
Chelsea Handler is the perfect example of women, she was young beautiful blonde who was given deference in absolutely everything from the time she could walk.
She got Hollywood roles, millions of dollars and eventually her own show.
Then she started getting a bit older, she slowly began being deferred to less and less, then she hit her 40s and became a mean bitter cunt. Many such cases
She also bogged herself
Jewish btw, feel like that magnifies the bitter hag effect
she made millions of dollars just for being pretty, am i supposed to feel bad?
I thought she was Irish but I should've known
Chelsea Handler is one of those weirdos that brag about not having kids and it feels like a cry for help
its over
more demoralizing propaganda
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Her brother Chet died when she was 9, he fell off a cliff in Wyoming. That must have been terrible
hydrogen produced with nothing for first time
just need water and the sun!?
I still would. Love me some milfs
Exactly right. She used to make fun of other celebrity women for freezing their eggs too.
She used to date 50 Cent, how does that factor in your decision?
I love milfs too, but natural milfs. Bogged creaturas don't count.
Salma Hayek is the same age and didn't get bogged and has incredible tits still
Their games were so fucking bland and generic, it blows my mind that they were able to produce so many ass assassin creed games.
Shakespeare and Radiohead to collab
Madonna Santa I didn't know that.
I knew Laura Dern was fucking Common for a while
assassins creed must've been the shit when the first and second one came out but there's only so much you can sell of the same thing
>produce so many ass assassin creed games.
I mean most of them are just cut and pastes. It's more like elaborate mods/DLCs than changing anything fundamental. Still have some of the same scripted animations from Splinter Cell games in like 2005 lol
this has been news
the government is the one that should be doing what unions claim to do
hurricane is gonna hit in about 6 to 8 hours
Oh you're about to be in a hurricane? Well it's been raining for like a month and my roof is leaking so sorry I don't feel bad
do you guys evacuate or just stay like in Acapulco?
I heard onna news they was evacuating hospitals in Florida cuz a goddamn hurricane was comin

You gotta wonder why so many old people go to retire in Florida when there are SEASONS for hurricanes down there every single year. You get on life support or some shit, you're fucked if the power goes out. I get wanting sunny, but why not go somewhere like Arizona where it's a dry heat, no humidity, no mosquitoes, no hurricanes and no alligators
we hide in our goon caves
Easier to drive/fly to Florida from the East Coast population centres.
water found on the moon (everywhere - its entire surface)
Has anyone here been kidnapped?
I heard is mostly jews
there was ALWAYS water on t he moon
Do Asian chicks really like white guys or is that just a meme?
>You gotta wonder why so many old people go to retire in Florida
It's tropical warm weather year round and no income tax so they don't have to pay anything on their pensions, ss, etc.
Me personally I'd pick Wyoming, Alaska, or South Dakota for the scenery and nature, but they're barren wastelands compared to Florida.
They only live there 6 months out of the year and then they don't have to pay taxes
t. parents do this
Yes ofc true. Varies between the various types of Asians in Asia and Westernized ones thoughbeit
vitamin B6 on the moon (Google "lunar swirls")
gems on the moon, and water and alcohol
yeah, is surrounded by water.
t. bible reader
astronauts have to go looking for water on the moon
Hurricane Helene: Hurricane Katrina 2 Boogaloo
How does it vary?
What is wrong with blud :skull:
this has been: science news
nope, but I know some guys whose job is to kidnap.
t. Santero in Ecatepec
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Women like feeling the warmth of cock as it enters them. It doesn't matter as long as your are attractive and/or have a lot of money.
>as long as your are attractive and/or have a lot of money.
who's gonna tell him?
Thinking about getting a couple of chickens and a goose
she wants a man who reeks slightly of salmon
If she's Thai or Flip she likes you because White men are a walking status symbol. Even if you are ugly and poor, you are still White skinned and richer than 99% of their country. If she's Japanese or Korean this obviously is a totally different dynamic. Same if she's an American/Canadian Asian that can't speak her ancestral language. It's not a one size fits all tbqh
Asian women want beta submissive man they can beat up at home and make him spend no time with the half asian children
I think I'm decently attractive. I have a square jawline, I'm 6ft tall, and I have a 7in penis.

I'm still a khv thoughbeit.
Asian woman wants man who smokes vape
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Asian parents try a lot harder with their kids maybe white people should do too
boost their IQ
blame your parents for homeschooling you and making you a socially stunted autist. you have to talk to women at some point if you want to fuck them
>not khhv
We got a chad over here
Should I get sea moss? Is it worth the hype?
Asian women give their date mooncake and you arent supposed to eat
Asian men kiss you behind their fathers back but are timid
you should get sea bussy :DDD
>blame your parents for homeschooling you
How the fuck did you know that?
What does the second h stand for?
one hand holdless the other one is hugless
I'm both. I guess I should have said khhv.
Asian people been testing their kidneys to work better since before white people began
have you tried hooking up with older women? like over 40 year old MIlFs? they also crave dick and don't need that much bullshit like dinners or flowers. It has worked for me for easy laids
Chinese people used to be white
I haven't tried to hook up with anyone.
you can hook up with me
Lunch was tuna salad on homemade sourdough wheat bread with lettuce and tomato. A quarter of a cabbage, steamed and sliced, on the side.
Are you cute?
this nigga eating like the forties
Is that a 1940s meal?
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I thought the [R] on a car meant really fast but it means [R]everse and the [D] is for Direct I think
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>I'm 6ft tall
You're good to go then.

>I haven't tried to hook up with anyone.
If you don't look like Brad Pitt and are not a millionaire then you have to try. Asian chicks will only throw themselves at you if you're in Thailand or Philippines and that's just because they're succubae who want your essence.
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sexo con mejican cummy bummy
they hired a white person at dollarama
Are dating apps a good idea? I keep thinking about getting one, but I don't know how to talk to women.
Any jocks in know if this thing I heard is true? I remember hearing somewhere coaches tell their male athletes not to have sex in the days leading up to a match but for female athletes they encourage them to have sex as a way of taking in testosterone.
girl or guy?
I heard of the first half, second half seems like b8
noice, I love goblinas, they make me so horny
Cum con cum
Ur add here
I think boxing coaches ask them to no fap or sex until after their next fight has ended. Then they can get drunk, fuck and do whatever, but during training, they cannot. I used to run a lot and that never stopped me, but I was young
What fucking kind of incel shit is this
who is the CEO of Mcdonalds
Board is dead. Real normie hours
>Are dating apps a good idea?
I barely used them and I haven't had much luck with them when I did, but I'm pretty autistic myself as well. I've heard dudes having better luck when they're a foreigner in another country, you'll get the "exotic" buff and the odds will be slightly more in your favor. Problem is that in the united states the chicks have the advantage when it comes to dating apps, even the uggos get hundreds of messages. So the strategy often touted is the shotgun approach; swipe left on every girl and just send them some generic bullshit opener.
Every gf I've had and chick I've banged I've met them through IRL. There's so many dating apps now I don't know anything about them anymore, there could be good ones. I guess it's how most people meet their partners now? Kinda sad but w/e it's reality.
Ronald McDonald.
John kaczindkywekzieicki
shes perfect
I used badoo and paid for it like one month. I did get to hook up some girls, but I never had the time to date since my job or my family. I thought it was just for fucking, not dating. I canceled the subscription, may be when I have more time I would date, in the meantime I rather play Dance Dance with my children
cum con sex con benis con bussy
dont be rude
idea: do five pull ups every time i have a lusty thought today
>I thought it was just for fucking, not dating
Yeah, some are more geared towards hooking up, others for dating, marriage. Depends on which. My aunt found a new husband through Match or eharmony, can't recall which, but they are both considered the "serious" dating apps.
I went to a resturant several times that was involved in human trafficking and slavery. Turns out the staff there were slaves being stored in a basement and not fed or paid, passports had been stolen or they were brought into the country illegally.

Crazy thing is, even after this came to light, the resturant stayed open. Its still open to this day, 2yrs later. How the fuck does that work?
im assuming they were wondering why you werent with someone based on your features. you were holding off on something. and now here we are.
business idea: dating app called cum exclusively for /cum/mers to find gfs
what nationality were the slaves?
they paid off the law, or were registered democrats
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>idea: do five pull ups every time i have a lusty thought today
Take the swolepill, get big lats, become a frilled lizard. It's a path towards transcendence.
I think finding love after your 40s is kind of odd and rare. May be you would want companionship, somebody to talk to, so I wouldn't call it love. My mom was 50 and there was this old dude who came to visit her. She will always tell him "What you are looking for is a nurse, and I don't wanna take care of old people either"
it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor or extroverted or introverted or ugly or handsome, all that matters is rizz
why do white people punch holes in the wall
naw, most of the time is difficult to prove that shit, if they said they weren't there against their will, all the charges are dropped, which I believed that's what happened.
i once got sent to a mental hospital and got bullied for being weird.
>I think finding love after your 40s is kind of odd and rare.
That's definitely true. Shit it's even hard in your 30's if you're just busy working all the time.
Your mom's right. A lot of old dudes are primarily looking for a caretaker. I know there's a sizeable chunk of americans who retire and end up going to the phillipines because they can hire some young filipina to be their nurse/caretaker for peanuts. But it's either that for them or they wait until their mind deteriorates to the point where they're just thrown in some state ran facility.
The Chess Olympiad concludes with India winning both the open and women's events.
I have never done this nor met anyone who has, very weak wypipo meme imo. The no spicy food one is better
Shit, that post was meant for >>202713434

How much rizz can a person have if they're five feet tall, broke, and balding?
Why does chess segregate gender
It seems extra insulting to feminists, like at least in physical sports you can see the physical difference between men and women, but the separation in chess is like an outright "sorry you're too dumb to play with us so we'll be nice and let you have your own section"
Look up the Czech Contestant in the tournament
>Why does chess segregate gender
funny thing is there is a Women's category, but no men's category. The men's category is the "open" one women are allowed into as well but in an amazing patriarchy moment, have never won.
I did take care of my mom until she died, too bad I didn't get any inheritance but I don't mind, I'm doing fine. Please take care of your elders, specially your parents.
don't know if I should take a week vacation in florida or move directly to my new state
Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler
feeling a bit spastic today
You're so skibidi
You're so Fanum tax
same, planning to take a vacation after today if all things go well. Probably leave today and going to Veracruz to eat some goat bbq and carnitas, obviously, getting drunk as fuck in the bars with the ficheras
Good to see some zoomer representation here
I just wanna be your sigma
nah. i've invested too much time into endurance sports to throw it away for vanity lifting now
Freakin' come here
Give me your Ohio
that's the most retarded thing I've ever read
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good afternoon
when was the last time you saw a swole guy take first place at a triathlon?
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when's the last time you've seen a triathlon runner that doesn't have the build of a female?
is this your bunny?
Last Rizzmas I gave you my gyatt
Uh, every night? (IN MY DREAMS!)

JK I'm not a fag, that just sounded hilarious to me
i see lots of lardos and bufftards behind me, just showing up to prove they can do it (in 4 hours lol)
i like to race and i like to win
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I love Olivia Rodrigo
>i like to race and i like to win
that's no reason to neglect having a strong body
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Not much point to anything, at this point.
i am already strong
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Another 16.7 billion to Ukraine and Israel
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making some bri'ish food for the bf for dinner (steak pies and mashed potatoes with a side of steamed veggies)
Meanwhile I have to pay my own medical bills
no you're not
running twinks have strong legs and nothing else
your spine will betray you in old age because you do not take care of it
what if we sent them live nuclear bombs, dropped from the bottom of stealth aircraft?

unfortunately no
Fitnessfags are almost worse than cyclists. shut the fuck up already, Christ alive
t. fatass
you're just silly, and now you're getting worked up over something you don't know or understand.
do YOU own any pets?
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Literally nothing is worse than cyclists
>also I'm a pedestrian and can use side walks and ignore red lights and stop signs and traffic direction :)
you're gonna be running one day, get folded by a car door, and then die because your body is frail because you wanted to be light and fast
that’s so sad
it’s gonna be okay buddy
i have a cat and my dog recently passed and i miss him dearly
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Yes and? Is anyone making you dinner?
>my dog recently passed and i miss him dearly
Oh that's you, RIP the doggo tho (I didn't make fun of you when this happened originally btw)
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stop replying to me, goober. read a book instead of wasting my time.
you've already wasted enough of your own time running
a strong gust of wind is a threat to you
Lifters vs runners who y'all got /cum/???
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it’s okay i’ve already gone though the grieving process but it definitely still hurts
squirrels are so cute they’re just little spazzes
There is a perfect /v/ about this where a small frail guy is talking about how his speed is going to help him defeat this big scary monster but I can't find it
LOL absolutely based 4chan moment
Depends on if it's sprinting or long distance/marathon running. Marathon runners look like stick figures, a strong breeze can knock them over.
Speed is nothing without power. You can tap someone 30 times in a second but it's not gonna put em down
Mage build > strength build > agility build desu
How does power help if you can't catch the target
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>if you can't catch the target
if there was a sugar free red bull under that box i might fall for that trap
my head is killing me
I drank 2 of those today
I hate how black people make insults into compliments
>That's bad AF
>That's stupid
>You're a fool
Makes English so confusing
nobody ever really has friends, you can count your friends with a single hand and still have fingers left
im going to the store to get some soon im gonna have a coffee and a few of these croissants first before i go though
What about when they use the same word 4 different ways at once?
>mannnn that nigga aint shit, blud thinks he is hot shit but his rap game is just shit, he will neva be the shit
Just don't interact with blacks it's really that simple
to my own surprise, i had six (6) people show up to help me move earlier this summer.
>spinster doesn't like being called spinster
absolutely gutted at this news
How are we holding up bros?
absolutely gutted
How do you figure that?
a trustworthy anon told me so
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cummiessssss, im drinking covfefe
i was hoping someone would reply with this image
i think about that quote on almost a daily basis
im making some now
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Do you hate being called spinster, is it true
enjoy your cuppa
it's jason, you moron
Are you Jason? Address these rumors
i will address this one time and one time only
i don’t like the attention that having a name brings and even if you know who you are talking to id prefer to remain unnamed. i don’t mind the nickname and i don’t take offense to it, no. i just don’t like the attention
how the fuck do you guys recognize people by just 2 posts
autism has benefits
I'm back bitches!
Oh ok
I will never acknowledge you again, knowingly
The reply to 2 posts and not using caps gives her away
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>i will address this one time and one time only
>tfw I was itt when it was addressed for the one and only time
/cum/ history moment right here
I just want you all to know. In less than 20 years every single human female (biological) will be a breeding slave in a domestic facility.

I will make sure of that.
stop posting about your fetish
I am overwhelmed with opportunity
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i just learned 74% of adults in america are overweight
i knew it was bad, i didn't know it was THAT bad
i know right
im a normal weight but i still get backhanded compliments from fat people like “they need to eat a sandwich” and “you’re skin and bones are you okay” like shut up im the normal one you’re the fatty
I actually thought it would be higher
Yeah it's politically correct to casually insult small people but not big people
>cat 3
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They're so gross and frumpy
iktf i've been underweight most of my life and people will make jokes but if i make a joke back i'm the jerk
the threshold for overweight is relatively low, Americans are so used to seeing obese people they forget what just regular overweight is.
Porn isn't real life, junior. That's what most normal dames look like
what % are underweight?
She can't do anything and has never done anything. Until Joe dropped out she was not taken seriously by anyone in the Admin
a surface to air missile will fly through the sky and strike its target
women who advocate for their own disenfranchisement disgust me and they disrespect the legacy of their grandmothers who fought so hard to win those rights
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If your ideas are valid and correct, shouldn't they stand on their own merits without having to silence the opposition through cancellation?
Checkmate, Fruit Loopsfags
get your head out of there apu you’re gonna choke
I'll knock you the fuck out
Mistakenly put face cream on my toothbruth
probably just because not everybody buys the games. I've never owned an assassins creed game so I can just buy whatever one and not give a shit
it happens
what kind of face cream
i really like life cereal even if it's an old lady cereal i don't care
whenever i hear that asian countries are so safe that no one will steal your stuff if you leave it in a public place it makes me want to go over there and steal everything just to teach them a lesson
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i love a story with a happy ending
the brownest of hands typed this post
we're not even cogs in the machine, we're just grease
that's because their prisons are shit or the cops will beat the shit out of you. Sometimes both
My dumb ass professor didn't include my name in the discussion list. So now I can't complete my work unless he emails me back.
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I just realized there are no Hispanics in the NFL. Everyone is either black or white! LOL Latinx are tiny people, that's why
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it'll be okay fella
me in a few months
lol why?
You see, that's because you're a feminized being.
Letting women vote was a civilizational level mistake ngl
Usually both.
It really was. And it will be corrected within our lifetimes.
faustian aryan lily white hands typed this
no it won't, not to interrupt your power fantasy because your girlfriend broke up with you or whatever
If you live in Europe you might be getting sharia depending on the country lol
i'm not going to get banned for sharing my opinion on islam but it involves reeducation camps and zero tolerance policies
giga-based spinster
old woman

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