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stuck farmer edishhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Roy "Chubby" Brown
Sir Sir Sirer
Jeeves, please prepare my pyjamas and a glass of Smirnoff and Lemonade while I'm in the shower.
has quite literally not stopped raining for one second today.
i fucking ahte living in the poorth
keep seeing indians posting bollocks on my instagram reels
horrible creatures
sir peer reviewer
pouring one out for the small rodent that crawled up my bum last night and died, leaving an indescribable smell behind with it
You generally can tell if a girl does third input just by looking at her*
*frogposters and incels are exempt from this skill
sir bin collecter
what's for dinner me laadssds=dd
>Size: XX Large
>4 sold
4 big lads roaming the streets in these somewhere
Should i get a job or no
oh its raing
yeah i heard mate
one of my fovourite recent memes is SAAAAAAAR and the general paranoia surrounding indians
makes me laugh out loud every single time especially when the finnish lunatic makes an appearance
lager beer
for what purpose?
>a girl does third input
What does this mean? Bum sex?
dinner now that tescos, or dinner when i get back from tescos?
thinking dinner now and go for a nice nighttime drive to tescos later
mad how women will be your friend only on the condition that you make yourself gay around them
what sort of gay stuff have you lads tried?
i send u bollocs maam please respond
Starmer to ban Greggs hostage rolls
It’s the woke gone mad
If you go while hungry you'll end up buying all manner of shite.
kissed a few lads in my time
yeah best go now
I miss working at a shitty supermarket deli because atleast i had money even if 16 an hour is practically pocket change
i think i fapped to a trap like once
that's it
Third input lol
Had my balls groped once
i read your manifesto once
you think?
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*enters /brit/*
Wanked off to gay porn and shoved some stuff up my arse. Not really for me but it doesn't bother me that I've tried it
i wish i could be as mean and snarky elsewhere as i am here
love being a cynical little twat
ffs stop raining in want to go for an incelwalk
the bum should be the 2nd input
Shaggers i need some advice

Is it normal for your bollocks to be sore after doing a rigorous shag?

The bird was loving it but desu I’m really sore and I think it might be from my ballbag slapping her during the old in and out.

The soreness started not long after finishing and is still painful an hour and half on
stupid old cunt, he should get a fucking job
rail infrastructure in the north be like
neither lidl nor co op had no black pudding so I will sadly be facing a sub par English breakfast tomorrow
Gay sex
both giving and receiving
hmm, from a single rigirous shag?
i get achy in my balls when ive ejaculated a lot in quick succession. but nothing from physical movement, i.e. slapping.
You've got Epididymitis get to A&E ASAP
had a wank and knocked a bollock up into my pelvis, hasn't come down yet
Have you just moved thr North? It will be like this but colder for the next 6 months. Better get used to it lad
that's fine you'll recover
wouldn't it be funny if I went in there with a mallet and smashed everything into tiny pieces
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the north of britain is uninhabitable
webm could do with some (a lot of) trimming next time mate and it's a shame because it would've been a top-tier /brit/ entrance webm otherwise
got a numb lip
Corr yeah at least 6 months of constantly being cold, damp and only seeing sunlight for a couple hours a week coming up lads!
can't think of a better place to ask than here
had a za for lunch, might have another for dindins
George Lucas has repeatedly made it clear in interviews that Star Was was supposed to be a commentary on the Vietnam war, with the US as the evil empire and Vietnam as the rebels.
Keir Starmer: Arse Harmer
Dunno. Had spaghetti Bol the last two nights but all I’ve got in is pasta. Might have maccies or something instead.
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Need multiple forms to stimulation at all times to keep the thoughts at bay
had a dull ache in my right bollock after i did a coom for a while
didnt want some jeet doctor inspecting my bollocks
went no fap for a month, did a massive wet dream, then it never came back
wish I had a degree so I could escape this shithole
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We need a two steak solution
absolutely loathe the winter. despise it.
knowing that we're mere weeks away from endless darkness is filling me with dread
want a steam deck but think it's too late into its lifecycle to buy one. should just wait for the steam deck 2 at this point, even if it's a couple years out still.
o think the funniest thing to happen today was my step mom getting angry at managers because they kept telling her they only apply online
I blew a huge load. Like unusually massive load. It’s probably just that
get the sausages returned

get them in the oven
slathering poo all over myself
Might just buy a euromillions ticket and if I don't win throw myself off a bridge this weekend
yeah really wish i could move in with the gf so i had someone to cuddle up with one these cold winter nights
Men will see this and say "hell yeah"
i dont like seeing brown people in my town
there i said it
things are only going to get worse as more and more of them start to be able to afford regular internet access
this is truly the darkest of days
This happened to me the other night
ktim, might spend every penny I have
you won't win, this is my week
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go crazy go stupid ahhh
bought one at christmas despite having those feelings and it’s pretty peng albeit i’m not playing super modern games
could get a cheap or second hand 64gb then put your own hard drive in
they are fucking everywhere
funny kick at the end there
it's mad how extremely easy it'd be to kill myself practically speaking yet i'm too much of a fanny to do it
logically speaking it'd be the solution to all my problems
Jiggers being jiggers
dont like seeing them on this planet
Had a Johnny on during the actual sex

I’ll take a painkiller when I get home and see how I get on

Where else? It’s anonymous and full of shaggers
going to rain heavily all day, hopefully that means my job interview is cancelled
>Had a Johnny on
got a gun?

is your job interview at the beach?
Need a way to kms where I'd never be found
No one would know for sure what happened ya know
>got a gun?
no but i live not far from a sheer cliff edge
a clip had resurfaced of a very young keir starmer on that's life circa 1979

no but they can't really expect me to go out in this when i don't even have a car
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Bradders on the telly!!!!!
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Are Bradley
What's he doing there then.
what's he doing on there?
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How much longer is he going to be doing The Chase? He's been doing it for 15 years
>someone is paying for that
my favourite prossie has retired
should've got in one last shag with her when i had the chance
sir booster shot
im convinced that zoomers born after 9/11 are the most boring wankers on the planet
t. based 1997 zoomer
costs too much innit
you’re easy 60-70 quid a night down the pub these days
Greng is penger than Peng
who can afford 5€ pints these days?
Porn should be illegal
gen z ruin another thing
pubs will be like libraries in the future
yeah cause everything is banned and expensive you melt.
Dogbergs going mental as the smell of bacon wafts through the house
fellow 1997, how did we have it so good? it felt like it all fell into place for us
Any man full of pure passion, deep desire and intense lust in?
it's £7 anywhere decent in London
mental how fit they are
wtf 3 of us
Incredibly fascinating posts from our zoomer posters today, wow.
maybe if they didn't fucking charge so much people wouldn't be giving it up
only expensive because the zoomies are spending all their money on twitch streamers and chinese vapes from the paki shop
some old guy i met off warthunder told me thatcher fucked him so he can relate to losing a job
death to anyone not born in 1990
cans are the best
drink cans every day
fucking toilphone won't stop ringing
HATE being on call
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Used to go on a night out with £30 and a pack of fags. Now you need £80 and a usb cable for your vape.
my crypto be poppin fr
penis just fell off
is ketamine painful to snort? it's supposed to be an anaesthetic yeah?
hallucinating a poo
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drinking is just boring.
especially with uk drinking culture where you start at such a young age. surely you just get bored of it after a while.
before ket

after ket
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go crazy !!!
sex arse factory workers on strike again
Mr bean. Sex
boom boom boom boom
i want you in my room
it has a burn and a grim drip at the back of your throat
my dad said he liked thatcher and reagan the two devils that fucked us over
do the swiss have a general here? I barely see any swiss flags, and no general... are they too happy to post on 4chan?
Need this back pronto x
look at him go
just put autism answer on the ol' job application, maybe the 1 white man at the company will give me a chance like its a movie or summit
sis eating girl dinner
Working class northerner who doesn't really care about politics but people keep telling me I'm supposed to hate thatcher. When I hear about her she just stopped giving kids free milk and shot a bunch of people who sieged an embassy.
Doesn't sound too bad to me. Buy your own kids some fucking milk and don't siege places on British soil.
Almighty. Help and protect the people of Palestine and Lebanon. Our hearts are heavy as we watch scenes unfolding daily. Ease their pain and suffering. Bestow Your Mercy upon them. Lift their affliction and make them victorious. Aameen.
but the uk is very boring
how else do you take the edge off a dull wet friday apart from drinking and wanking
absolutely cream crackered today lads
miss watching these retarded slap fights
webm wanker loves his little shitty vanilla fight vids
Really wasn’t that funny :/
never going to have a family, need to dedicate my life to something, getting dubs maybe
didn't she fuck over you guys? i know that reagan can go fuck himself
Did you know Scientology runs a private faith school in the UK?
Greenfields, in the UK. Goes from preschool all the way up to sixth form level.
For legal purposes they claim to be multifaith, but they also state they follow a curriculum based solely on the teachings of L Ron Hubbard, and only hire Scientologist staff.
Most students are transferred directly to SeaOrg in the US after completing their GCSEs.
No hope at life is there if you're born and raised in a cult like that.
>how else do you take the edge off a dull wet friday apart from drinking and wanking
video games with the boys
get a hobby you utter virgin
Dios mio. Los Americanos
get on the drugules your in northern europe for petes sake
better than my life
you mean like these dubs?
So 2/3rds of zoomers still drink then?
That 1/3rd can be explained away as wogs or autistic freaks

nothing is “over”
was listening to radio 1 earlier which I never ordinarily do but thought I'd give it a go
noticed that the newsreaders are very casual and say "yeah so" before absolutely EVERY story they read out and it was very annoying to listen to
much prefer having radio news read out by a posh lady in the most serious of tones personally
consequences were never the same
fantasising about dancing with the gf again
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backtracing a poo
We need actions.
Ummah has power to deal with Isreal but we are doing nothing
Everyone in this thread owes me money.
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Tonight's the night.
Do lesbians actually rub their fannies together?
i dont drink because i cant get over paying that much for liquid
even when i go to a restuarant i just ask for tap water. not paying 3.50 for a coke or whatever
should i cut it with laundry detergent?
dubs are for faggots
only in film and tv
they need cock
Just comes naturally to some
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id still like to visit the uk just for the museums and to see the little towns because they look so cool in movies. Britain is pure kino
Imagine being a young Starmerite. Mental.
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it's called "tribbing"
reckon if i was a lesboid i’d try it for a laugh
it's a shitskin ridden shithole
women prefer symbolism to physical sex

she'll feel better from a nice slow dance than a shag
Yeah it ruins it a bit but a shag is a shag and I took it off to spaff
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Subhan Allah
are you upset the fight video was not more violent? what’s wrong with you
>Ummah has power to deal with Isreal
muslims chat utter bollocks
turkey and azerbaijan are israeli allies
egypt and jordan dont care
syria and iraq are failed states
the gulf states are too rich to care
iran are massive pussies
Ain't clicking dat
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yeah they look cool and picturesque in movies
movies are not reality
british people also see america as a utopia of impossible wealth where everyone owns a mansion and a pick up truck and high schoolers and “college kids” party all the time banging 10/10 blondes when in reality it’s an urban sprawl of obese mongrels high on opioids shooting each other

just like how england is not a fairy tale land of rolling hills and soft spoken gentlemen living in quaint villages but post industrial wastelands filled with pakis and working class gremlins where it rains all the time
id still like to visit honestly i know you brits are as happy as a oyster in high tide
Muslims have been losing since Muhammad raped a 9 year old child
she needs a fat ugly bald white manlet in her life
omfg is it a painfully average looking women showing a bit of skin ???
utterly obsessed with the idea of the gf
but she annoys me to no end when im around her
Takeaway was charging £1.50 for a can of coke so I walked to the corner shop after ordering it and bought a 2 litre bottle for £2.
Absolutely insane the amount people are charging for some stuff now and thinking they can get away with it.

we've fallen to 7th boys
were joint 2nd with like 5 countries just a few years ago
>but post industrial wastelands filled with pakis and working class gremlins where it rains all the time
so chicago but with less drug addiction?
It's not small it's just cold
bruh posted an insta link on a stone cold incel thread :skull:
please buy shiba inu
this is literally a video of children having sex
showing off to attract greased up bbcs

i'm happy being on the same level as japan and australia tbqh
mad how he first asks it like HODAYOU and expects to be heard
>#1 UAE
what the HELL is going on
we're not so different you and I...
You bug of an insect!
been doing a really big lengthy fart every 10 minutes or so for the past 2 days
still the uk would be fun to visit i wouldn't move there but you guys have some good sadly right now the american economy is rough shape. we are knee deep in shit and it will be a cold day in hell when things get better
pittsburgh if it was a country is the north of england, wales and lowland scotland
highland scotland is isolated and beautiful but no jobs and no one really lives there (or can live there)
south east england is like new england but worse. the houses are much smaller, the weather worse, everyone poorer, the government more oppressive and it all orbits around london,
might be something to do with all the thirdworlders having one
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been there
'iverpool is good for a night out
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vgh....croatia is not eastern europe CONFIRMED
She's 15 you sweaty nonce
signature use
As a trans woman I say: inshallah the ummah will crush the genocidal terrorists of "Israel" (I piss on that name). wallah my habibis I will see Tel Aviv in ruins and its residents sent to jahannam. Allahu ackbar!
you pittsburgh and chicago are the rust belt reagan and clinton fucked us hard. detroit and cleveland used to have car factories the size of Manhattan now its mostly gone
Hi I am visiting /brit/
I just left UK few days ago (after living there for 10 years) and I feel a bit nostalgic
i'm from devon originally but i moved up to newcastle to live with the gf
it's kind of mad how different the climate feels
Could have took one of us with you. Selfish prick.
ain’t no way bro
perfect place to get mugged by wogs
Henley passport index is much more accurate
missing all the pakis?
fuck off 190
become obsessed with a children's show i used to watch as a kid
all my hair just fell out at once
what happened at cheshunt station then
alri brit

hawdayu, brit?
Blimey you were here for a while.
Did you at least apply for the EU settlement scheme?
not how it works
You wouldn't like it here, sorry
still i want to visit the uk first also because it will be fun to see the old landmarks too. I wanna see edinburgh
why have you just shared this animal porn link?
How do you know whether someone's a working class northerner?

They'll tell you
sounds a bit noncey
How can you be obese and claim you can't lose weight?
Just stop eating. It's that fucking simple.
If you're fat it's your own fault.
imagine if this happened at a job interview
>well yes as you can see from my cv, i have a lot of experience in *hair suddenly all falls out inexplicably*
even worse
it's over
>third worlders

that's you. idiot

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I was living in London so yeah, I actually miss couple of jeet restaurans I used get my takeways from
a workin class norverner is somfin to be
Any other black /brit/ posters? Or just me?
REALLY makes you think....
>import third world become third world
thought this was a conspiracy theory
mayonnaise sandwich for tea
might be entering a dark period of life chaps
but don't you'll be with me every step of the way as I incessantly provide unsolicited updates about how it's going (not good)
full of yanks you'll love it
Fuck off sexy young Ethiopian gentleman?
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You'll be richer than us before too long, pic related
no I'm brown (pakistani) but shitpost as a racist rorke here what about you
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it all makes sense
busting a nut
hope it gets better mate
can you at least fight? I bashed one of your fellows once
he went down like a sack of shite
okay... this is kino
190 is truly the master of /brit/, playing us for fools at every step
white british mum and afro-carribean dad myself
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rorke protesting cancel culture from his smelly childhood bedroom
I got a settled status, if war breaks out I will be on the first flight to Luton
need all black bastards to leave this thread
my posts are only for white eyes only
reckon you can use pasatta as the base sauce of a home made ‘za?
i hate croatia now
no nigga we don’t know :skull:
only white posters on /brit/ are the trannies
can't think of any games to try so might replay morrowind and get bored 10 hours in
nice edit lol but recently i have been thinking lots about having children
think my brain is telling me i m supposed to be a father by now
instead? a virgin! a short, sad, lonely and hopeless virgin!

would recommend space marine 2
what passports let you live in japan
funnelling diarrhoea into my bellend
japanese one ought to do it
japanese passport
semi gf told me she wants 3 kids shes 25 im 27 it isnt happing
britain has collapsed
Good luck with whatever your plans are :)
I would have stayed but it's just got too expensive to live there.
>hurr durr japanese one
very funny how about you fuck off
the screw
you could fuck off to japan if you had a japanese passport
what's new
And same to you, Cheers!

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