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Is he proud of his legacy?
No i'm really not proud of this website anymore
Isn't that mark zuckerberg?
dont know, but he looks like a faggot
probably not considering how it went off the rails
Robert. From Mexico
What does he do now, just working at some non-descript tech company as another cog?
No he left in 2014-2015 because Stormfags took over. He was really mad over it. Anyone who says 4chan was always racist is flat out retarded, immediately after he left Gamergate retards were like 'he's hanging out with SJW feminists now, traitor'.
4chan isnt even racist
Why did you make that thread on /int/ in your country?
all he did was tell them to fuck off somewhere else and they made this schizo theory that he fucked one of the feminists or something
guy was just an autist and he hated normies infiltrating his autism space
Excuse me...
that's just int
lmao nigel BTFO
There is no /qa/ anymore, what blueboard exist where you can post miscellaneous questions? I wanted to write a question about the demographics of Queens NY but realized nowhere existed where it is on-topic.

Sometimes you just need to find the board where the audience will be most receptive and have the best to say.
creator of 9gag
I think he would have preferred the website to eternally be in that glorious time from 2006-11 before the culture war kicked into high gear

SA was always edgy but after every imageboard but 4chan dropped off the board into irrelevance he couldn't take the pressure of moderating such a large and increasingly real life political radical community
First was Anonymous, then Gamergate, and by 2015 /pol/ was unmoddable
>Stormfags took over
Literally never happened
He just realized that he can't spend his whole life on an endlessly worsening 4chan and fucked off
he does nothing he's rich
>he couldn't take the pressure of moderating such a large and increasingly real life political radical community
Midnight was just after all?
Did he invest or something? I seem to remember that Hiroshima paid 250k for 4chan, but no idea where I got that number from
He worked for google btw, I'm sure he still does
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>There is no /qa/ anymore, what blueboard exist where you can post miscellaneous questions?
/r9k/ and /trash/ have a 4chan Happening general that's basically a dedicated site meta thread, you could try there. I suggest the /r9k/ one since the /trash/ one is nothing but a furry schizo autist circlejerk.
nah, he left in 2021
>the revenue potential of this website in 2015
Judging by the absolute slop ads that I sometimes see, it doesn't seem to be much. Have you listened to Imbred's Soundcloud yet? Over 600 songs!
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More than likely he is ashamed of it but at least Moot had some integrity to not be a part of that shitty 4chan Netflix documentary (came out this year, nobody watched it lmao) like Snacks did.
how come there aren't pictures of moot going out and about? he must be getting recognized all the time in public.
I had no idea there was a 4chan documentary
2021 was 3 years ago. Fucking hell.
Maybe still under Alphabet, just not Google. Difficult to imagine him not doing anything
Well as I said revenue has collapsed because advertisers don't want to push their ads on 4chan anymore.
Also look at /pol/ usage stats after the 2020 US election, it fell off a cliff. This site is slowly dying, or at least falling into a stagnant maturity
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No because /b/ never does anything funny any more
There was a thread in /b/ in ~2010 where anon spottet him with boxxxy out and about
>Did he invest or something?
he worked at google for like 8 years. he doesn't need to work again.

he does nothing
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I've heard rumors he moved to Japan, which is way easier to hide from the public eye over there especially since unlike Hiro, Moot and 4chan aren't cared about in Nippon.

Don't watch it, it sucks. They edited some random Gundam thread on /m/ to make it about /pol/fags conspiring to commit terrorism. It's a politically motivated hit piece that glosses over so much about the site.
there are some pictures of moot on the japan metro and in japanese restaurants.
He doesn't care about it
It's Jesse Eisenberg, he plays the role of Mark in that old facebook movie they made
>he left on 2014-2015 because stormfags took over
I came in 2015, tell me the lore if this, how did 4chan became >>>/pol/?
Also /int/ is one of the active boards, most are dead nowadays
This is what's infuriating, /int/ has become the new blue board /b/ but mods refuse to accept it
He moved on. Which is something Lee Goldson is unable to do.
/pol/ found out he got cucked IRL so he turned himself into Joot (his face on the happy merchant) and went to war with the board. First he changed common words and phrases posted there like "love the kikes peace and tolerance now". But he was no match for their autism and gave up quickly.
former CFO of grindr
> /pol/ found out he got cucked IRL so he turned himself into Joot (his face on the happy merchant)
More about this lore
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he swore of 4chan when he started hanging out with west coast tech bros.

and then that puttered out so he moved to japan to waste his money on blowjob bars.
He created Reddit
>No he left in 2014-2015 because Stormfags took over.
He left because the fappening put him to court against a millonaire.

That's EXACTLY the moment he decided he wanted to get rid of 4chan. His west coast tech bro girlfriends getting doxed was just the icing on the cake.
Everything has gone to shit since the site got handed to rapeape and other such stormfag subhumans so I doubt it
I miss him
2021 newfag here
What do you mean by storm?
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I sincerely don't comprehend rapeape's obsession with /pol/

I occasionally browse it to read on ukraine war news since /k/ got bored about it and I keep noticing how active moderation actually is. Off-topic threads lasts minutes.

It's surreal, why th FUCK do they waste precious volunteer hours on a board that not only is basically /b/ 2: electric bogaloo but also has the mayority of it's thread made by literal paranoid schizophrenics writing awareness posts against their gangstalkers. Why moderate an actual, honest-to-god cesspool when you have much better boards needing actual help? It's such a waste.
In the early-mid 2010s a website of neonazis called Stormfront had the bright idea to colonize /pol/ and have run dedicated ops here ever since. Its paid dividends and increased the incel cracker neonazi population a thousandfold, and made the site the shithole it is today
Also the attempts of propping up /pol/ with their insane "no political discussions on /int/" policy is absolutely fucking garbage. 4chan's dead, get over it, but no we're dealing with faggot jannies who showed an ID to moderate for free
stormfront, nazi website

old 4chan myth that believes /int/ became a racist board when they raided stormfront then they moved to /pol/. it was cope, the english speaking internet was becoming more politically radical as a whole but 4chan was too enamored with it's MUH INTERNET SECRET CLUB bubble to admit they were moving along the current too
/pol/ drew in the last massive spike in user numbers during Drumpf
I can only assume that orgs like the heritage foundation or the sauds have seen that running ops on the retards of this site is both easy and effective, there's probably money in it
That was 100% moot tho'. It was always banned, since day one. They though it brought racists to the site.
>Anyone who says 4chan was always racist is flat out retarded
Why is this revisionism so common? Of course it was, but the site was just overall edgy.
also moot was secrectly assblasted that a non-4chan imageboard could create a cultural phenomenom. They never liked kc int culture. I even had mods tell me to my face 4chan invented /int/ and KC just copied them.
/pol/ has the most retarded boomer faggots, the most susceptible demograhpic when it comes to ads, it also has the most users in general so obviously it makes most money

also the /pol/ jannies get paid by whoever is running agitprop (us, chinese, russian, republican, democratic, communist, fascist political organizations all at the same time)

and /pol/ also is constantly monitored by US law enforcement

browsing /pol/ past 2016 is the most retarded thing you could do, it's the most inhuman hellhole on the site
Yeah but it didn't work anyway and /int/ doesn't have a unifying board topic like the interest boards. The only thing you're left with are generals and b8 threads. Ten years ago the b8 was at least /int/ flavoured, now it's just random BBC and faggots and thirst trap bullshit. At the same time, every flimsy OP "iyc" gets a fucking pass. Mark my words, this thread is going to be pruned
has it ever ocurred to you that you may be talking to someone who was here before the 2010s?

4chan philosophy was literally that cartman skit about an ideal world where everyone casually insults each other. saying nigger was completely meaningless.
you forgot that /b/ was making KFC jokes and so on all the way back in the mid 2000's
the idea that /pol/ brought racism to 4chan ridiculous, you may argue that it was a different brand of racism but that's another topic
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yet some of the most beloved 4chan iconography was the nigra, and nobody would give you shit for sincerely posting black people

you argument is about technical racism of the "we may offend an outgroup" type on a site whose entire philosophy was "fuck the outgroup".
its not about le heckin racismerino and everybody knows it, nobody cared about niggers feelings ever

racism isnt what changed/ruined the site it was the "activist tinge"

4chan "culture" transformed from "we do it for the lulz" to "libtards ruined my life gas the kikes race war now" screeching
>4chan "culture" transformed from "we do it for the lulz" to "libtards ruined my life gas the kikes race war now" screeching
as above so below
Happy Negro is a meme that dates back to 2005, it's an oldfag essential. When I look at people talking about nogs today it isn't edgy banter they're genuinely upset about it. They genuinely whinge about racial demographics rather than saying slurs and giggling about it, there's a genuine reactionary push. It's not about trying to offend anymore, look at what /v/ is producing now. Constant activism against some random ubislop game that has a nog in Japan. Constant screeching about their experience in games being ruin by a single black character or some random gay character. It's not anti-political correctness when they're the ones getting butthurt over everything. I see spam about the LOTR Amazon release too, there's a side character that's black, some dwarf woman that's largely irrelevant to the plot, and there's constant screeching about it. Since when do provocateurs sound like reactionaries? This site is nearly unidentifiable from how it was back then, saying nigger now has a completely different meaning.
>Yeah but it didn't work anyway and /int/ doesn't have a unifying board topic like the interest boards.
in it's defense neither did kc int. it was a tripfag attentionwhore circlejerk. the general threads have more in common with kc int than with 2012 4chan int.
this is an incredibly good summary of events thanks anon
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I think the thread was something like "do you like what I did with the board /pol/?"
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moot spent several years hiding his social media presence. Turned out he became popular among west coast tech bros and they started inviting him to stuff, he even had a start up. inevitably these tech bros started posting pictures of themselves hanging with the internet celebrity.

4channers felt this was a bit of a betrayal because tech bro culture is anathema to IB culture. Also his social media leaks were kinda hilarious, he's just a goofy person.

Then gamergate happened and the mods banned the movement because it was clogging the report queue and half the senior mods in 2014 were /v/ autists, this instantly turned like 40% of 4chan against moot, which coupled with his constant antagonizing of pol, people were looking for any excuse to harass him.

Then some tech thot started posting photos hanging out with him and all hell broke loose. The pics ofc became 4chan viral and the thot probably noticed and made a scandal. This prompted moot to lose his shit and just rape /pol/ with worldfilters for a week straight.

This is all separate to him selling the site btw. The fappening made him decide that because that bitch from the x-men movies put 4chan to court and he lost a lot of money saving his ass.

pic rel, last time in 4chan history the moderation did something funny.
>The fappening made him decide that because that bitch from the x-men movies put 4chan to court and he lost a lot of money saving his ass.
what, pls explain. Never heard of this
10 years ago any real pics of naked celebrities originated on here
Because gamergate obfuscated it in popular 4chan memory, they were months apart. 2013 was the craziest, best era of the site desu.

iirc Jenniffer Lawrence sent a personalized DMCA to moot. I'm not certain she took him to court but it was enough for moot to have to hire a lawyer and negotiate plus hire a community management consultant.

The consultant went to town on moot's ass and made him rewrite the rules into formal language (we are the only old net community that unironically uses "banishment" instead of ban) require every janitor to post an ID and be from the USA only and who knows what else. This in turn caused a janny rebellion that leaked like 4 years worth of #janiteam irc logs, where we got most information on this stuff.

After that moot's regard of 4chan went down hard. He just stopped caring, you can see him being incredibly vitriolic in the logs whenever he cared to show up, between that (early 2014) and selling the site to hiroshimoot (mid 2015) was clearly just the time needed to pass the news around and get a buyer.
McDonald's son
>Anyone who says 4chan was always racist is flat out retarded,
Been here since 2006, it was.
It was even more racist, just less political than it became with the alt right and MAGA retards.
Luggage lad
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The court hearing and his answers to questions to what 'newfag' and other funny shit means
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why aren't you mewing right now
... yeah i would.
in like 3 years hiro will have owned the site longer than moot
thats not mewing its just the leanpill
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It was always racist, but the racism was different and somewhat contained.

For example, if you wanted to be racist on 4chan back in 2010 you could easily post on the daily "nigger" threads on /b/. Now it's spread everywhere and posted in a really insufferable manner. We're doing better nowadays, but 4chan at its worst had fucking people arguing about niggers in random threads on different boards. Why are you talking about how much you hate niggers on a thread about lacrosse on /sp/? Fuck.
hiroshima badly needs to give this website to someone who actually speaks english and knows what they're doing

so many things to do and all he does is fiddle with the url and create dogshit boards nobody uses like /bant/
ok but how did the new owner get the name hiroshima, more about him?
Japanese guy named Hiroyuki who co-founded the website 2chan with a guy named Jim W@tkins. Jim was active US military at the time and ran the servers, he still runs 2chan today (rebranded as 5ch). Hiroyuki got caught in a scandal before becoming owner of 4chan he basically led a massive 2chan data leak off a third party service called Hottolink. This was such an issue that he was kicked off 2chan and immediately given the position of owner of 4chan. Since this website basically worships Japanese no one really looked into it or cared much, it was sold to the website as: the honorable Japanese grandfather of chan websites is now going own this website. The response was positive because for some reason people think Japan is corruption free when it's very much quite the opposite. Many forms of corruption that are illegal in the west are outright legal in Japan, bribes are basically public, so to get nailed for corruption in Japan is extremely impressive.
He almost got fucked in a lawsuit, decided this place was only going to be his ruin and left to live his cuck fantasy with this liberal game journalist gf
so the site that inspired this one got bought out by the guy who owned the original? i didn't know that that's interesting, is this covered in the netflix documentary or do they just go over the hacker
No. I read into this myself. There's more controversy about Hottolink, but it's connected to members of the LDP the political party that has been ruling Japan for almost 80 years straight. He was selling data illegally and involved with insider trading.

how does goodsmile factor into this
jaja the fuck is this? a pasta?

hiroyuki soshimura. just a pun.

he's the OG textboard creator. created 2channel in 99 and basically became the reddit of the japanese internet. spin offs 2chan created the first major imageboard, then moot copied 2chan with 4chan. He also invented NicoNicoDouga aka the japanese youtube

moot always wanted to meet the guy and did meet him and ZUN iirc when he started getting some money. Eventually hiroshimoot, who lives in france and is quite rich, offered to buy the site.

he in 201x, can't remember exactly, nearly got put in jail over a made up scandal where jap cops accused him of being complicit in drug traffic through 2ch. Then this guy Watkins offered to cover costs of running the site. A few hears later the hottolink data usage scandal happened, where 2ch users "discovered" they were getting their 2ch posts stored despite this being public knowledge since 2ch never refused to hand out information to the jap police, and 2ch being filled with off-site crawlers that saved every post.

Through some shit I don't remember well, during this hottolink scandal >>202725204 mentioned, watkins managed to take possession of the servers, moved them off country and then just removed hiroshimoot from ownership, effectively scamming hiroyuki out of the site.

Since hiroshimoot can't contest 2chan from watkins through japanese law, there's nothing he can do. He tried making 5channel, but the damage was such that the site basically fell off use, japs use twitter now.

Watkins went on to do *exatly* the same thing to Infinitychan (8ch), that gamergate era 4chan spin off.
Do newfags really not know that moot defaced the site over /pol/tards or gamergate or whatever? He hated that shit and clearly left because of it. 4chan was always racist, but the racism was different pre-2016.
Nope. Chan ology proved than 4chan always bemoans societal injustices. Poole just didn't like GG because he was a pozzed cuckold
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>Watkins founded the company N.T. Technology in the 1990s to support a Japanese pornography website he created while he was enlisted in the United States Army
I never knew about this monopoly on autism, wtf? I have some reading to do
Is he still in Google?
No it's not a pasta. NicoNico uses basically the exact same code as Youtube. Also there was an intermediate website that bridged the gap between 2ch and imageboards. Futaba was a failed Japanese imageboard and 2ch was a textboard. Then there was World.2ch the intermediate board between 2ch and 4chan, this is where all of the ASCII art people associate with Japanese imageboard culture actually comes from. The code was written by Avery Morrow (aka Shii) then ported over to 4chan by moot who gathered up estranged SA users who wanted a board to post anime since SA wasn't exactly warm to it (mostly because it was all pirated). The servers for 2ch were always owned and hosted by w@tkins in the US, his company was called NT Technologies. And w@tkins was US military, he never took direct control over websites like 8kun, the guy who ran it was some wheelchair bound midget. w@tkins was involved with 2ch since day 1 as admin, the US and Japan by far in the 90s were the biggest users of the Internet and at the time the US was trying to figure out how to internationalize it since the Internet stopped being owned by DARPA in the 80s. Without World2ch there would be no universally understood Internet culture, it was extremely insular BBS and USENET groups for a long time.

Fucking website keeps flagging posts as spam for typing Jim's last name.
Moot means vagina in Aussie slang
Moot's never had a legacy, never heard of him. Only 4chan posts break their way to me, but this website bans raid. WTF??
Is that why he said he hates australians so much?
KEK. I thought he'd like it because he loved portraying himself as a cat girl.
Reckon that's a big part hahaha
>someone who actually speaks english
He speaks Engrisu well enough. In my opinion, he just prefers to pretend he doesn't to avoid further drama. It's typical japanese behaviour. Whether it worked or not, I can't tell as I don't know if it did.
nobody knew he existed until the infinity chan scandal. his son also looks like an irl clown, ugliest motherfucker i've ever seen.

On layman's term Watkin is a grifter and scammer. Spent his time scamming people in Asia, mostly japan and philippines (wiki says how he stole 2channel, also my mistake: 5channel was a renaming, nishimura tried to remake ti with 2ch.sc, which i think overtook 5ch.

lasted for nearly 10 years senpai.
world2ch last little more than a year, only a couple months of which had imageboards and ascii art.

> Without World2ch there would be no universally understood Internet culture, it was extremely insular BBS and USENET groups for a long time.
what is this schizophrenia? you have a nearly complete archive of world2ch, it was barely influential.

Ah shit you are that black autistic guy right, the schizo 4chan archivist.
kek that was photoshop
It was the first internalized social media website. 4chan from the start had people from all over the world pour in, pretty much all the admins from World2ch went over to 4chan except for the supposed 16 year old who owned the website called something like RIR7. Futaba was zombified they kept it running, you can still visit it today. 4chan basically usurped world2ch instantly because of porn, early in it was one of the best resources for porn sharing. Shii was one of the original founders of the website and it uses his code to this day, we'd still be using World2ch if it wasn't for having the option to share porn because it was purely a textboard. 2ch was never that popular in Japan outside of pink boards, even if you check 5ch today it's filled with links to images. I'd imagine they wanted to suppress this in Japan because during the 90s Japan was responsible for most of the CP on the internet and there was basically not many laws restricting it on their end.
>It was the first internalized social media website.
What a nonsense statement. It wasn't even the first english imageboard, several english oekaki boards already existed before. w2ch was a community that at best had 30 regular posters. It was never big, or influential in showing jap culture to foreigners. They only realized 4chan existed after SA crossposters started teasing them about it. That entire thread is archived somewhere, can't remember where.

That was all on Shii's unbridled autism and literal proselytizing on 4chan, some of which I believe are still hosted (unless the blog died) and 4channers understood like a 1/3rd of it

>we'd still be using World2ch if it wasn't for having the option to share porn
Was already half dead by the time 4chan was created, beacuse the admin was losing interest in the site. Fuck it died because the admin broke the site and forgot about fixing it.

>Futaba was zombified they kept it
Straight up false. 2003 was futaba's golden age mate. They were coming up with the OS-tans and a LOT of stuff. Yeah they dropped off hard by the 10s but they weren't zombie at all.

>Shii was one of the original founders of the website
Shii wasn't an original founder, he months joined later and he wasn't anything on world2ch either. his contributions to 4chan were chiefly the textboards and the textboards are dead and buried (RIP). The n° 1 reason 4chan looks how it looks today is WT Snacks' code improving the look of futaba's code. After that the main coders are Mr Vac Bob and Desuwa, to whom you owe modern 4chan's look.

>I'd imagine they wanted to suppress this in Japan because during the 90s Japan
2channel never had images because hiroshima didn't want them, likely because he didn't want the increased server costs like the munchkin he is.

You are trying to say too many things at once and confusing most of them.
>Anyone who says 4chan was always racist is flat out retarded
/r9k/ has a constant general up called the 4chan happenings thread that is used as the meta discussion thread. They actually linked this thread in it and that's how I ended up here.
the real question is how much money did he make? was he able to set him up for life as a result of making 4chan?
when he left 4chan he took some pajeet tier job at google
4chan was way more racist in the past, it just wasn't infected as badly by the modern idpol conflicts so it didn't have the same connotation. Stop revisionisming shit to fit your worldview.
The Habbo Hotel raids were done because the person who owned the website openly hated black people. So they formed swastikas and blocked off pools with black characters to piss him off. 4chan back then took anything and everything offensive and used it to provoke people. This is the 'for the lulz' mentality that pervaded the website, none of them cared about race or politics at all, they were trying to piss off everyone. Then the early activism started and they started becoming atheists, anarchists, chanology began, occupywallstreet after that. But the earliest political forays they had were against Fox News, Habbo Hotel, and Hal Turner, they would raid often, but it was mostly to promote their site as a secret edgy club. It's really hard to call anarchists nazis.
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cool story bro
>Stormfags took over.
kek no they didnt
jeff bezos
Probably not, but he could've a) wiped /b/ when it would've mattered b) removed /pol/ + /new/ + /n/ + /news/ when it would've mattered c) hired actual staff and got rid of his ex-goon catamites d) never made /r9k/ only to abandon it and turn a blind eye whilst it quickly became one of the worst festering cancers on the surface web.

He wanted to be the edgy American and court an edgy audience and he got what he wanted, not much sympathy from me.
moot is that you?
How many people in Japan would recognize him? They don't give a single shit about 4chan over there.
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dude it's a joke.
He's right, zoomerfag. Back then it was lulzy to post outrageously offensive or disgusting words and images
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>using a banner as proof
t. buttmad goon
>with this liberal game journalist gf
they never fucked

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