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birt edish
well is this the thread?
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What is your weight and height?
Why did you stop pretending to have moved to Spain with your imaginary wife?
remember when he pretended his wife was a tranny? Deeply unwell man
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Our Seaside which art in Wareham,
Hallowed be Sandford Lane.
Thy benefits come.
Thou will be steaming, in Swanage,
as it is in Weymouth.
Give us this day our daily uploaf.
And give us our drinking update,
as we enter CEX.
And lead us not into employment,
but deliver us from poverty:
For thine is the council house,
and the trekkie breakie, and the Purbeck cider,
for ever, all the way.
doing a poo lol
neither of them is a real person
hope hes locked up
birty num num
I hope they lose.
his only wife is himself

thats why he dresses up as a woman
wonder what part of this is british culture
janny, mate, would you mind stepping in here?
maybe on the "politics outside of /pol/" guideline you have?
im not spaino
so beautiful. 4x lush one may say x
why do you ignore posts asking you to post a hand timestamp
if you're black then surely its a slam dunk no?
weird that the US person doesnt need a US flag on their clothing but the ukraine president needs the ukraine trident on his clothing at all times

like subconsciously legtimising his false state liek israel
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cat tug
Leave him alone. Get a grip instead of harassing people on /Brit/ you mong.
imagine if every 2nd or 3rd post wasnt his
imagine a thread with this idiot

pure mental illness to do this all day, every day.
/brit/ neeks shitting themselves at the prospect of another American presidency
Don’t know why everyone sucks off the Romans as being so advanced

They were a brutal genocidal empire with a society built off slavery. Never even invented electricity. Germanic civilisation conquered the world and went to the moon.
sacked tranny in the house
kill yourself you freak
fuck off he's a malicious spammer
been banned for less than this one might call it politics or off topic
what's that subreddit called where trannies post selfies asking if they pass? i could do with a good laugh
i struggle with my sexuailty on one hand i hate gays but i am also attracted to men and women
looks like the disability benefits are having to be used much more frugally now

no more exotic VPNs like spain anymore
sad, its the end of an era for spainfreak

now he will have to latch on to everyone else to make himself heard and get the attention he craves daily
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And is this "Spaino" character in the thread with us now?
thank you employed woman
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weird because nobody here mentioned a spaino

pretty sure we said "spain freak spainmong spainsubhuman" etc
a timmy who thinks hes a woman is supporting you btw
About an hour ago my wife said she was horny but then just proceeded to have a bath
You're welcome mate.
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why are you sticking up for a cuck spam poster?
Spain VPN paedophile really branching out with the VPNs but keeping his hand close to his chest before he goes on a full meltdown.

Yeh it just so happens he has a tranny who never posts pics of himself supporting a wog who never posts pics of himself.

And they both just randomly spam the thread every day and post in the same way? Yeh thats weird!
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so which is it spainmong?
(for u)
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No we just have an Ethiopian man who sit's on /brit/ all day spamming pictures of takeaway food, talking about shite politics, posting pictures of his tv and saying the word peng over and over.
Quite the coincidence really. Much like how him and sacked tranny both have an autistic interest in foreign languages (despite neither of them actually speaking any) and playing childrens video games.
>british man speaks with london or the captain price accent
i want to be held
Why is he sticking up for himself? Good question.

Like "why does Spainlad stick up for Employed Woman"
or "Why does Employed Woman bring up Spaino all the time"

Strange isnt it all. Its like they know eachother on a deeper level than just being fellow freaks.
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Got toil tomorrow 6:00 am to 12:00 pm need to get my head soon and get some shut eye
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emmett tug
He's been having daily meltdowns every time i visit the thread at this point.

Best if everyone just leaves and let him talk to himself until he gets bored.
>Captain Price's accent in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare video game has been described as a variety of things, including a Liverpudlian accent, a working class accent, and a sexy accent similar to Jason Statham's
Sexy scouse scummy Jason Statham
i want go to to the uk to fuck british twinks i think it would be fun i am lifting so i can handle them better
something bad will happen tomorrow
the other day he was spamming cuck stuff at 6:45am
wakes up, and his first thought is shitting up here
gonna post your face here?
It's his daily routine that he comes back to.

As a wise 4chan wizard once said, "You're here forever"
For some thats even more potent of a saying.
true, which is why he has a number of consistenty spammed posts (some have been posted over 100 times)
he goes through his repertoire when he logs on before making new posts
it's deeply disturbing
need to put my clothes away and do the washing up and need an early night. too much to do and not enough time for the womens work. wish i had a wife.
why does jeff blatantly shill israel and jewish stuff. it's so weird
fucking rain
I like that you do this. it's really clever

>Switch to Canada VPN
>call out your imaginary nemesis or some avatarfag/gimmick monkey who isnt even here

>switch back to spamming thread with your crap gimmicks while randomly going back to Canada VPN to post irrelevant catchphrase/copypasta.

You really have to be someone with absolutely nothing going to do this. No job, no friends, no hobbies.
Maybe he plays gacha or something while doing this but i really doubt he has the attention span for anything else when he devotes his entire life to shitting up maybe a few different not insanely active threads on 4chan.
Why do people shit on Slough so much? Don't get me wrong, it's a shithole, but it's pretty close to London and Heathrow if you want to get away from it. There are many other shitty places in the UK that are much harder to escape from.
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Jarvis analyse posting patterns on the 4chan /int/ board archive with the subject /brit/ to show me post counts containing ethiopian flags, croatian flags or the trip !!yBCfUJeAF0r. Cross reference them with previous threads where the trip !!7E5j5Kl3XNM is used.
get the goons out of prisons
mouse porn
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My biological father said I look really good these days.


if this /outer/ int personality is 190 i'll be both appalled and impressed
Schizo killed the thread having yet another melty over Spaino :/
In a weird way, I'm glad he spams this place without mercy, because it has seriously made me spend less time here. Closing the tab is bliss.
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There are plenty of ethnic shitholes in this country, at Slough is in a decent location for commuting and travel.
give it a rest adam
Heathermong has the capacity to post something thought provoking once every blue moon.
Spainonce is just nothing but a gaping hole where his soul (and most of his brain) should be. It's just complete insanity and he doesn't fully comprehend how ill he really is.

Avatarflagging on a board centred around interactions between people from different countries.
>Heathermong has the capacity to post something thought provoking once every blue moon.
they're both spaino you mong
Now heathermong is melting down on two different devices and trying to make it look like one of them is mousenonce
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They're all pathetic and so am I.
>trying to make it look like one of them is mousenonce
Projection because you do it yourself and you know it.

More times than you ever will. Stop getting jealous.
I really doubt you will ever change your ways because of how your brain is now wired to behave. It's more than just simple kind of mental illness, it's something only 4chan could do to you.
got green tea flavoured Snus in and it tastes like absolute ass
I'm not SN lol I'm literally the poster that was talking to you about belgium flag
Heathermong is a broken mentally ill freak much like SN
could have told you that before you bought it
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Welcome to Omorashi High School! You're the first boy to attend this prestigious female-only academy with a twist: There's not a single bathroom in the entire school. All students are expected to hold their pee in as long as they can.

Go interact with your fellow classmates, get through the school day, and watch your fellow classmates struggle to not have an accident!
he's posting about himself in the third person now lmao
bought the wrong one. thought it was like elderflower or something aha
leftypol driving down zelensky avenue, harlow and saying slava ukraini
waaaw hello bb
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police would never give me a shotgun cause i would just shoot my old teachers. bunch of pricks
>Heathermong is a broken mentally ill freak much like SN
Not even close. Heathermong does not display even similarly the kind of shit that spainmong does, and i knew better you are more than likely also "SN".

All those other posters who you try and demonise are at the end of the day just idiots looking to vent out one thing or another and then they leave.
You are less human and although that might sound cool you're less like a robot and more like a chimpanzee.
janny ain't here
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shut up nigga
Mate heathermong spends 12-hour shifts here rotating between 'the irish are obsessed with blacks due to low iq' and interracial cuck posting, and his disabled mind can't see the irony of that rotation

You're mentally ill just like them lol
This is all you have. If you try and use more than 1 braincell (if you have any more) your brain might overheat.

Keep posting it. Every day. Every single time.
I doubt you ever fall asleep and feel really good about doing this. You probably secretly wish you werent like this and could be normal.
cleaning behind my gf's ears
i have a 16 year old gf LOL
is this nigga toby?
a sentient version of toby
you will never be mousenonce, heatherfreak
everybody hates you
/brit/ - namefag gossip general
>Mate heathermong spends 12-hour shifts
Not true in the slightest. He never spends more than 2 -4hours doing it, which is bad but nowhere near as bad as what you do. And you are just so fucking bad it's hard to find anyone to compare to your levels. I hope youre proud. Youre the biggest loser on this board, at the least. Nothing in return. Nobody outside of this thread will ever know of your existence and one day this will blow over, you will fuck off, and you will be forgotten by most of /brit/ too.

> here rotating between 'the irish are obsessed with blacks due to low iq'
>and interracial cuck posting
>Not true in the slightest. He never spends more than 2 -4hours doing it
are you a new cunt lol
there are some days when hes here all day
Alri lads
wish there was a way of telling gay people you would fuck them but you're not gay
I'll ask chat gpt -
>Communicating about sensitive topics like sexual orientation and preferences requires careful consideration and respect. If you're feeling confused about your sexual orientation or how to express your feelings, it's important to approach the situation with empathy and clarity.

If you feel comfortable having a conversation, you might say something like:

"I want to be honest and say that while I find you attractive and might be open to some experiences, I don't identify as gay. I'm still figuring things out, and I hope that we can approach this with understanding and respect."

Remember that everyone's feelings and boundaries are important, and it's okay to explore your own feelings at your own pace. Being clear and respectful will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that everyone feels comfortable and respected.
fuck off heathersubhuman
Desu archive does not handle the ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ well kek
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Whiteness map
Gordon bennett, your ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ is striking >>202717305
google translate but its from 4chan to small talk with people
Lmao, don't tell what or what not i am.
You are here every time, doing the same pathetic routine.

Atleast heathermong finds something new like "jew psychology" or "tonsil stones" every now and then. What do you have? The same tired gimmicks, the same copy and paste spam. And the same old irrelevant catchphrases.
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is attraction to this type hardwired in greek women or something
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There's a storm out and I haven't had tea, so I went to Asda and got 2 Scotch Eggs, 2 bags of spicy chicken chunks (not reconstituted slop), a bag of Indian chilli lemon grill crisps and two Pastel de Nata cakes. I'm now comfy in my car having them with the radio on
You replied to my post twice. Why? Is it because your voice is so weak and pathetic you have to repeat, and scream into the void over and over to be heard?
Why do you think I'm spainnonce? Because I refused to give credit to Heathermong? Please explain the thought process
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It's cosy
its very ironic and hilarious that heathermong thinks mental illness doesn't exist because he's genuinely severely mentally disturbed.
>spicy chicken chunks
that's interesting are those in the refrigerated section?
He's still doing it. And i know it's him because coincidentally he stopped his endless gimmick spam.

So well done, you killed the thread.

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Does she have big ears that need cleaned regularly?
Enjoy your moobs hopboy
sucking a fage
Corr amerigoblina wife
kek i actually know where this is
wont say because i have dignity
Don't run away. Explain why not giving Heathermong credit makes me spainlard.
Didn't fancy KFC or out at this time
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>he eats food in his car

Major ick
that could be any supermarket literally anywhere in the country though
My gf doesn't know

I also secretly had a day off work to myself lel
locktober looms lads

four more days and I lose access to my willard
>Don't run away.
I don't usually stick around fat smelly nonces for longer than a few nanoseconds.
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coatbridge tesco, faraday retail partk
I accept your concession.
You 100% sure
Spock ova hea
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>lad says it’s Asda
>you can see the green Asda signs through the windows
>”yeah that’s a Tesco”
Absolute state of you.
Lol mate you can tell it definitely isn't you spacka
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is friendship between men possible or is really all closet homosexuality?
that doesnt say asda it says open
you're fucking downs mate
DWPstein finna get access to our bank statements
its fucking over lads
omds you mong
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you have a learning disability lmao the utter state of you

Me and my mates started trying to name a football player from every African country earlier and it devolved into an argument about colonialism
Americans have a coat hanger
Brits have a coat bridge
mates, madri and mutual masturbation
he even posted a photo of his Asda food you fucking spazza lol
I want to be an international man of business. The beer business, specifically
>green Asda sign
that's a traffic light
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>i'll inspect element on my multiple divices, that will prove him wrong!
m8 those chicen bites taste entirely like big water droplets
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Squeeze! squeeze! squeeze! all the morning long; I squeezed that sperm till I myself almost melted into it; I squeezed that sperm till a strange sort of insanity came over me; and I found myself unwittingly squeezing my co-laborers' hands in it, mistaking their hands for the gentle globules. Such an abounding, affectionate, friendly, loving feeling did this avocation beget; that at last I was continually squeezing their hands, and looking up into their eyes sentimentally; as much as to say,--Oh! my dear fellow beings, why should we longer cherish any social acerbities, or know the slightest ill-humor or envy! Come; let us squeeze hands all round; nay, let us all squeeze ourselves into each other; let us squeeze ourselves universally into the very milk and sperm of kindness.
That is clearly the Woolloongabba Supa IGA
this is just sad now mate
you just doxed yourself coatbridgeanon
alri ishmael settle down
sex with sexy ladies
Deadlifting today. Used to love the thing me but not now, nah it's just a load of effort innit?
The chicken chunks are nice, the reconstituted Fridge Raider type things are pure shite
Reminds me of the days when I'd drive to the middle of nowhere and hotbox my car
mad how stout is seen as irish when its an english invention
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Niggers have a niggardly discussion ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้
theyre the same thing
mad how lindesfarne was formed by irish monks
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just felt a lump in my bolllocks
two in fact
Ultracosy. You could have added an energy drink for the morning too.
Love me local Oregonian stouts
they're testicles mate x
was it bollocks
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There's something to be said for being comfy in your own car

A pic from a trip last year right up north
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Did you do a test ticle
Get out of Scotland.
Go to the doctor mate, probably nothing
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Jarvis cross reference this map with open Asda stores. Eliminate those with fewer than 100 parking spots.
Run a registration check for red SUV’s with licence plate BJ24* and check their MOT history to see which garages serviced them to confirm location.
Mad how we're associated with lager even though it's all pale ales over here now and Fosters is virtually non-existent
wonder if people are becoming pervier as time wears on
certainly seems to be the case, not that I'm complaining
>hasn't rained in Norfolk for at least a millennia
>now we're getting all the rain in two days


free my nigga r kelly fr
Lil yellow fella
for me it's foresty forest
coconut and cheese, a deadly combination
Jarvis help this young lad lose his virginity.
all trendy beer here is ipa bollocks too
sick of it, just get me a lager
possibly with variations on the flavour but definitely still just want lager
Hi there, Freezypop!
Looking super sexy and slutty today!!!
Literally deadly, it makes mustard gas
reddit space
wtf kind of combination is that
some niggas just built different fr fr
aussies going on about foster's and shrimp again
Got one of them cups of tea here that you just make because you're bored. Not really into it desu
I’m in my 30’s actually I’ll have you know.
>when I see an aussie
May go back to school for Food Science. Probably interesting work in the field
tea makes me feel ill. prefer coffee
a deadly one, dickhead
heathermong taking big Ls today
at the end of the day everything comes down to timing
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>Forestry Forest

My fucking brother

I used to religiously watch every video, when he had the smaller van and moved into his current big one and built the stove and got Rocko and all that. But I'm a few months behind and need to catch up
oh my days
I don't drink much tea or coffee because I cba making it
>be me
>woke up this morning
>felt like p-diddy
>Grabbed my glasses
>out the door
>Time to hit the city
You know Kemi took it up the arse

rainy nights are back lads
at the end of the day, it's night
*throws a boomerang at you*
Knew a bloke who rented a van for his honeymoon and drove across France and Switzerland in it. He was looking forward to it but afterwards said it was fucking terrible and not comfortable at all.
alright lads, what's the naughtiest thing you've done? hoping someone can be that rascal wheat field jogger theresa may
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Time to retire from /brit/.

Lived it, loved it. Farewell beautiful general.
Stop using 4chan as social media you sad cunt, hang yourself
Couldn't be arsed putting the toilet seat up in a restaurant last week, thought I didn't need to. I ended up pissing all over the seat and the floor because it came out at an angle.
>be me, a space intellectual
>live in MISERABLE London where you never see stars
>be a rural moron who can barely even read
>get a picturesque view of the sky out your window every night

It's honestly not fucking fair
killed a man in malaysia in 2015
genuinely couldnt reply as i think it'd violate a number of laws
caged that transexual in waiting
ok mr boring

you dirty bastard

a person? or a malaysian?
*uses my ancient abo magic to send it flying back towards you,
I remember getting a telescope and being really excited then realised that stars still look like specks even through one.
Reckon a disconcerting number of lads here have viewed CP
Farcry 3. Good game. Good music. Good memories.
Shat myself at toil and hid my stinky poo poo underwear behind the toilet bowl (no, wiping up definitely wasn't an option, they had to go)
I actually checked a few days later and it was gone, the poor cleaner who had to see that
*catches it*
*lures you to sleep with a digeridoo*
not really
be quiet
Taking a lot of things to my grave me. Wouldn’t even confess them on an anonymous anime forum.
something you want to tell us noncelad?
would happily date a chinese girl but only if she had a perfect english accent
how about you lads?
Nah. Now what?
*keeps myself awake with clap sticks*
yeah but you can see the constellations init
amd if you do a read up on the stars and what they're like it's fun being able to point them out cause you know what's going on all those light years away
used my granddad's laptop when i was 13 to watch porn and deleted all cookies to cover my tracks so he lost the login session to his online chess account where he had 10k's games and never got it back

that or smuggling drugs
Why did you shit yourself?
Thinking back to the time my mates got a hold of weed for the first time. We all walked to a quiet spot in the woods and said we'd smoke a little and pass it to the left. I was shitting myself so I stood to the right of the guy with the joint on him so I would go last.
As the spliff made it's way closer and closer to me, the panic set in and I bottled it. I told the lads I needed a wee and ran off behind a nearby tree. Once I saw the first lad to smoke had got the spliff back, I went back to the circle and basically skipped my turn.
But then it managed to do a second pass round and I just went for it. Wasn't the best of weed puff spliffs i've had honestly.
I then went home and drowned myself in Lynx Africa and banged a full pack of Trident gum outside my front door to mask the smell
shagged a couple of ching changs
wouldn't date one regardless of their english skills, for me it can only be an english lass to settle down with
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fucking hell
Sadly I got bored very quickly, but it was fun standing in the garden at night having a look. The hedgehogs used to come out sniffing round me.
want a slutty chinese lass with a manc accent like the one I saw on Catchphrase the other day
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corr imagine if they both got obliterated by a 747
nun you could do
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boring. at least say "black girl" to make it interesting
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Was an accident desu, was meant to fart while I was having a piss and it was far looser back there than I expected, was practically liquid and I didn't tense up fast enough when I realised it got out, had an emergency shit straight away but the damage was done
I'd be happy to settle down with one but only if they're taoist or (mahayana) buddhist
sitting on a dildo
some fat cunt is sitting on me
Started typing out a story then deleted it because I got depressed thinking back to secondary school, it was a miserable period of my life I don't want to relive.
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Yeah living in a van is fucking rank and normally only attempted by the mentally unwell. I would like to give it a go but how many times can I drive up to Skye and Applecross and all that

Like Foresty Forest seems like a nice enough guy (you can tell he's very shy) but I bet his van fucking REEKS
FC5 outdoes it slightly.
I've been wondering if 4 or 6 is as good.
Had a wank in the train station toilets. Could hear people on the platform from the toilets and it was quite busy but my train was delayed and I was bored and horny. Spaffed up the wall and just walked off
I support your transition.
£50 in my bank left
ex-gf reckoned I was out of order for wanking a couple of times a day even when we shagged
I think this is pretty normal for anyone under 40, but people get a skewed perspective because the oestrogen infested lads swarm to say it's out of order (despite most people actually doing this)
lowering my balls onto the 5000 psi hydraulic press with a barely contained smile on my face. the night has just begun
Tell us the story lad
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the missus
Where does he poo?
Sold a celica to a lad 3 years ago, that's my bank
Somewhat ironic how if I weren't a sexually depraved fedora and went to church regularly I would probably have a nice South Sudanese gf by now
>he lost the login session to his online chess account where he had 10k's games
he couldn't remember his own login details?
Sudanese niggas are taking over australia ~~
day 2 of wearing my watch 24/7
no discomfort so far
Bit of vinegar will scran up that smell lad
Not that I'm opposed to hapa farts
Only way to make money, mind you
Down to my last couple of grand. Should probably get one of those job things
He's out in the middle of nowhere in Rockies in Canada and Alaska a lot of the time, so wherever he wants lel
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Crash the economy
bum fell off
used to wank in the work toilets everyday when I arrived because I'd get there before everyone

don't drive a van through applecross you'll just piss everyone off, slow enough with the tourists already
What watch do you wear?
would rather a taiwanese gf personally
Favourite cheese chaps?
Got to be Red Leicester for me
love it when the lads tell a cheeky little story from their past
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Like balls on that chest isnt it
some $200 citizen that charges in sunlight so i dont have to think about batteries
im only doing it because im sick of relying on my phone to check the time
Tourists should be banned from the Highlands.
>lad at school says he's going to buy some weed and we should chip in
>chip in a bit, never done drugs or anything
>go to smoke it at park, see it's a little bag with green stuff in, someone rolls a spliff and gives it to me
>have a few drags and get a head rush, think that's what weed is like
>someone brings some massive floppy dildo thing as a joke and starts hitting people with it
>people looking at me strangely and laughing a bit, refusing it when I offer it to them
>saying stuff like 'lol your eyes look really red'
>find out the next day that it was all just to prank me, it was actually parsley, the head rush was just from the fag
>the money we chipped in went to buying the fucking dildo (which later got confiscated by a teacher because people were fighting with it)
>they all found it hilarious but I somehow managed to shrug it off and they left me alone after seeing it didn't get a reaction
Might sound funny but it was one of many things that really got to me at the time.
the older I get the more I realise its just about hard work
I don't wanna work hard though I just want to drink and sleep
Those aren't her tits you dumb computer
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Sounds cool, citizen aren’t half bad for a first watch
the polish dentist woman was really nice to me today :] she made me feel good

>This is all you have. If you try and use more than 1 braincell (if you have any more) your brain might overheat.
all local highlanders should be removed from the highlands and it turned into a tourist resort
0 wanks a day: puritans, the castrated, freaks
1 wank: low-t 84 yo priests
2 wanks: children and the terminally ill
3 wanks: busy dads, soldiers in bunk beds
4 wanks: rest day
5 wanks: mondeo man, deano, man on the street, your dad
6 wanks: the unemployed or virile
7 wanks: high-t c-suite type a personalities, inventors, thinkers/dreamers
8+ wanks: billionaires, titans of industry
>8+ wanks
you're going to cum water
did you spawn in from the 18th century
I love birds
what happened there then
what’s he fucking playing at
what the arseing FUCK
Janny saw I posted too good of a song and feared my euro DJ gigs
act of terrorism
Hes such an unbelievable faggot
Thats what

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