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let them in edition

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All canids are welcome in my home.
>3 /cum/s on the log
nice, screw the jannies
its the aggressive butt scratch for me
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This is an honest question for everyon ITT.
If a person can honestly, feasibly offer a harem to every fighting aged male. Will they really refuse?
Now, if a person has the support of every fighting aged male, is there anything can do to stop this person?

The answer is no.
>plastic SEA chinks
odd choice of image to accompany this
Me asking hiro to join the 21st century and let us post webps and webms with audio boardwide
same but maybe not a wolf
You get the fucking point.
saw cute indian girl today
This will cause some seethe
webm with audio i kind of want but it would be abused
imagine the jumpscares
Did hemmingway make the first whiteness shitpost here or am I reading this wrong?

>“What are you eating meat for?” Rinaldi turned to the priest. “Don't you know it's Friday?”
>“It's Thursday,” the priest said.
>"It's a lie. It's Friday. You're eating the body of our Lord. It's God-meat. I know. It's dead Austrian. That's what you're eating.”
>“The white meat is from officers,” I said, completing the old joke.
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google maps on fire rn
I wouldn't want a harem of women if none of them truly love me
Odd choice but I can not say no
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Have you anons had any spilling spaghetti moments recently?

>be me
>looking at peoples drivers licences (work related)
>one of the guys is named Paul Alan
>loudly say "let's see Paul Alan's card"
>everyone sorta just stares at me
>I just stare at the card like the movie
>nobody gets it
>Paul awkwardly asks to have the driver's licence back
I don't get it
I'd refuse
can the harem be a bunch of burly meat hunks and im a little shitmaggot fuckmeat
You're a man. You have needs. Surely you want love, we all do. But what if you had a loving wife AND a harem of 8 of the type of women you find most attractive.

Who could ask for more? And your wife doesn't mind, btw. She knows I s important for a man's health to have sex regularly
oh dear
Kill yourself faggot

See? Fags ruin everything. Take your mental illness to /lgbt/
@ the anons talking about law and order in Asian countries last thread
In Japan you can leave a lot of stuff unattended. Umbrellas aren't one of them. In Singapore crime is low but present enough that the govt tells people to take precautions. I think the same is true in Korea and Taiwan.
repressed gay
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She's a big girl
I don't think expecting a woman to share me with other women is fair
thinking about masturbating
I love love LOVE you, "oh dear" poster
nobody answered my hemmingway question but i know how to get replied in /cum/
O cazz' fair. I'm explaining the situation as it appears in this instance. At face value, just as I've said.
blah blah blah
women are not objects. they are insane animals and have to be taken care of.
i don't want to take care of the wants and needs of nine women.
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Is that a man?
Gonna go with yeah?
no bf
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Ok, try this one then
Cazz? Is this a new zoomer thing
That pajeets is STACKED damn what are they putting in her curry
/int/ is officially an American colony
>see this posted the other day
>barely any replies
>saars don't even get mad
>post a WMAF thread
>tons of replies
>saars are absolutely seething and will post a bunch of BMWF threads as retaliation
What causes this?
I’ve lost weight by making recipes from countries with thin populations
uhhhhh sexo?
i have a serious bone to pick with waste management in this town
it's so fucking hot i can't cope with it
No, it's Italian. My surname is DiStefano. O cazz'. questO CAZZo. This dick.
I'm going to shart in your mouth
Pathetic take, you are a retard that thinks he isn't worth the love of multiple women.
im sad that you don't like mimo anymore because she's a lesbian
do you still like her music at least
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falling in love with stock photos again
I said males, you feminized spoliation.
looks crazy
If every woman in the harem loved me then I'd consider it. Especially if they were all from different countries. But another thing you'd have to look out for is their jealousy, and their/your kids forming cliques against each other
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Id be lying if I said her mixes weren't fire.Its just over between us on a personal level
No. You will be castrated.
I'm a straight man and yes, I'd refuse.
Open wide
proud to be indian
You’re not depressed or ugly you’re just poor
I'm all 3 actually
I'm not Indian but I've been wanting a Indian gf lately
That's what fags are for. To serve as eunuchs. God gave us a perfect system and we squandered it by treating them as equals.
i mean to be fair you never had a personal relationship with her so
i didn't mind it as much as some of the other gimmicks because it seemed like you just genuinely liked the music and stuff, not just because you wanted to sex her
i guess i was wrong
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not my circus not my monkeys
It's funny to me how once jeets in Canada or the US get settled in they start calling themselves brown instead of Indian
No, you're not.
sounds like you fell victim to the latest racebait threads
I am. Period.
lmfao based
wow very funny
I discovered this thing called "shit life syndrome" where due to circumstances you develop things like depression as a mechanism for coping/survival and they send you on a downward snowballing spiral
I did. But it was just a betrayal. If she hadve just been honest and said "I lick fica" from the start, wouldn't have been any confusion. It's the bait and switch that gets me.

I never jerked it to her, not even once. So don't tell me it was all about sexual attraction
smoking a glunt
Yeah I wouldn't marry a woman just for her race, but Indian women always have thick bodies but hide it modestly
thank you saar
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today is grocery day so im going to the grocery store
be good while im gone
watcha planning to buy?
Little Sargent hatred
Menas and latinas are way curvier and thicker. indian women are usually just short and fat with minimal curves
Well shit I'll take all of em, bud
Gimme a negress too, especially a Ethiopian queen. Whooooo weeeee
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>tens of thousands of Uberjeets workers are going to lose their status next year
Is America prepared for the northern SAAR invasion?
This. It takes help plus initiative to get out
Cum Canada con carne
>workers are going to lose their status next year
why? whats happening next year?
would really rather just be with a woman i love for life like a soulmate, but harem is nice until then
i would enjoy fucking them and all but i want mother of children doting wife
>Latinx and Jeets will be fighting in the streets over the crappiest jobs
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how did jerry seinfeld get away with dating a 16 year old when he was 42
We will have an orange protector
ubereats is actually slavery. you get like $3 for a delivery
They are mostly international students who are allowed to work a limited number of hours while studying. In reality they work as much as possible while going to degree mills. Some still manage to fail and protest. When they lose their student visas they will either have to claim to be homosexual or become illegals
He was a rich Jew in New york
cum con ganada?
>usually just short and fat with minimal curves
no that's latina women. Indian women are usually either slim and petite or extraordinarily thick, and the thick ones always have both boobs and ass.
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>janny's face rn
It's funny how asian women are petite like 99% of the time but Asian women who were born in America have a good 40% chance or so to somehow grow up into milk trucks
>extraordinarily thick, and the thick ones always have both boobs and ass.
this is just false idk what else to say
I am 252/336 (exactly 75%) done with the book I'm reading.
Need to lose weight
you have nothing to say because you're indian and you don't like it when i objectify your women.
And the amount they determine to pay drivers or charge customers is pretty much random. I don't think ubereats was ever meant to be a job anyways, and that's kind of why they can get away with it; it's just a thing that you can do. I also think it's really only beneficial to do if you're uber poor or like homeless because it's just better than nothing and pretty easy to get into I think. Like if all I had was a bicycle it'd probably be worth doing
I could give a fuck what you do retard. if it bothered me i wouldn't have brought it up
Cum con cum
Need to gain weight
con sexo con bepis
you are so wise
>need to lose weight
Why do girls bend over and subtly present their womanhood when an attractive guy walks in
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I had a coworker who was recently married and would wear a white thong under her black leggings. I always wondered if she secretly fantasized about someone grabbing her or forcing himself on her. Why would a married woman dress that way at work?
if you bend over, the entire world can see your manhood as well, dumbass.
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Tranpa nooo!!!!!!!!!
these specimens evoke such a primal disgust
Holy incel
Poor guy took the "if you can't find a goth gf, become the goth gf" too seriously
The hubris of man attempting to make the natural feminine beauty designed by God himself as their own
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>The hubris of man attempting to make the natural feminine beauty designed by God himself as their own
It really do be like that, supporting these is like openly rejecting the natural order of the universe
This is what I look like as a tranime character
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just one of the many advantages of being an antisocial retard is that i'll never fall sick or catch covid
>that hairline even with the filter
My condolences
Cojew isn't real
personally I thought the holo-cough was the funniest name
why wouldnt someone like that just kill themselves? They literally waited their whole life to troon out and decided to do it when they look like a wrinkly ballsack. It would be disgusting even if they were an actual woman but at least a real woman could give you the benefit of a doubt that she could've pulled it off at some point in her life. But I suppose since they're old their mental state is declining even more.
>why wouldnt someone like that just kill themselves?
They often do
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>Every American flag is a Latinx
Getting sick of this
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It's called being a white guy over 20, zoomzoom
Why do you keep posting that thing
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This is so-called "spinny"
>ugly trannies or fat women
the black mans burden
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in this thread we believe:
black lives matter
women's rights are human rights
no human is illegal
science is real
love is love
kindness is everything
There's millions of illegals humans, in my state alone
Whites are into trannies
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So true *walks into your house and sleeps in your bed*
Mom's home tonight so dunno if I can go out to the bar without her thinking I'm an alcoholic
you're under arrest for fitting a very close behavioral description to the kind of people who historically may attempt to undermine the working class
Are you an alcoholic?
>t. Dreamer and DACA recipient

If you take your mother's thoughts into consideration before you drive no you're not an alcoholic
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how close is this?
why are you screenshotting bot comments?
zoomers seem to be balding even earlier, very grim
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>We should, like, totally have open borders and just let everyone in who wants to come in, man
>school lets out
>/cum/ immediately gets worse
No. I am sober most nights but drink regularly.
Looking at old photos there were plenty of guys with thinning or receding hair. Pre 1960s hats were just more common.
I think you mean
>Works ends
>/Cum/ immediately gets better
With sensible policies on crime and immigration Dems would be golden.
Tell me something about your sibling
damn that's an old meme, haven't seen it in over 10 years
thanks for letting us know youre here all day loser
I'm an oldfag
I'd like to try it to see what happens ngl. I think the main problem is that it would just be too dramatic of a change at once, but if it's too slow it'll get dragged out and cancelled or ineffectively managed.
Historically, the only point of borders was to keep out armies, and it was pretty easy to just go into where ever you wanted if you could afford the costs of travel.
>school gets out at 6 pm
I think it's more that wagies got off work, or maybe just both. School would typically get out around 3 or 4 which would've been noticeable an hour or two ago. Kids who go to school would be shitposting on tictac
>I'd like to try it to see what happens

Your average Chicano, ladies and gentlemen
she's dead
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Why are Americans like this?
Im not american
Weird influx of boomer memes
>I'd like to try it to see what happens ngl
People with poor education and values receiving voting rights is only a good look for global elites who stand to gain from the income gap increasing
If I stay home I might drink anyways
What's anyways? Some sort of fancy cocktail?
My local national guard unit just got deployed to the "Middle East".
LOL have fun, dummies!
alri yanks, alri leaves
Society treats ugly people like subhumans
It's not my fault you weren't alive when the internet was still good
Good. Pretty privilege is REAL
I don't see the problem
>ecotoot egnine explodes
>it's a cheap truck to put a big block in
>sell the truck for more than it's worth because you literally cant buy a new one with a real engine
They don't have to be allowed to vote or have rights. I might look into ellis island shit though because those fuckers literally came over here with little to offer and started voting.
>They don't have to be allowed to vote or have rights
Their poor and stupid children will
Did you guys know that groove is in fact in the heart?
are you trying to say this cute freak has a heart?
I mean I am decently handsome so people are nice to me but when I was overweight I was treated notably different. I feel bad for uggos
>Listening to 90s fag music
Grow up
I can't help it if fags liked Deee Lite
Then dont complain?
the world is ending because of climate change
a hoax can't end the world
keep dreaming, you will boil alive
This anon sounds cute
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this fat nigga eating salmons
What complain? I green texted listening to fag 90s music. That's not complaining
What is the song?

horny again award recipient
How many of those do you have
a lot
Hell naw
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what streams are we watchin today
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>370 brazillian monopoly dollars for a skin pack in valorant
Hell yeah
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We are we are Walmart *clap stomp clap*
How many invisible friends are in your room?
They do these rituals because they want your job to become your religion
So the age of consent in Canada is 16, meaning that anyone above said age can, in theory, have a 16 year old partner (unless there is a relationship of trust, authority or dependency).
Why is it that such a thing is not more common and why is it openly vilified, but not made illegal? I always found this a bit confusing. Either endorse it, or make it illegal. Why is it such a weird gray area?
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Such kind and gentle kitties
>hurricane now a category 4
Wow it's nothing
Isn't 5 the worst it can be? How is 4 nothing?
Most abortions occur well before brain activity starts. If it happens later in the pregnancy, usually it's because of some dire circumstances
all these coastal fucks need to get their shitty floodable houses out of cowfields and orange groves. Seminoles didnt get sent back to africa for this
The Bed Bath & Beyond in my neighborhood became a Spirit Halloween. Guess I better check it out before peak spooky season.
Also yes I do chug soylent by the liter.
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went to the dispensary and the guy who got my weed had painted nails
And they say weed doesn't turn you into a faggot. Checkmate potheads, go smoke your gay grass
What if every /cum/ poster were magically transported to an island at the same time?
I would beat the shit out of all of you
I want a porcupine pet
I want a percocet
deserted islands don't really exist in this day and age, so it'd be easy enough to find a way off. short-term, it'd primarily be a matter of having sufficient food and shelter until a rescue could happen. i could probably find enough fish to survive if it truly came to that even if i stayed to myself and didn't involve myself with other cumerigans.
It's mostly just a problem if you live in a flood zone
I would turn the women (and some men) into my wives and impregnate all of you (even the men)
wonder if they'll cancel toil again tomorrow. with my luck it's unlikely
thread slower than mud
looks like it's time to stroke my pud
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(fire emoji)(fire emoji)(fire emoji)
i just got staple stuff at publix i have a list
and some sushi for me to eat now
multiple /cum/s up at once, plus some regulars seem to be b& still
>off by two
Imagine if you got it quints >>202722222
they are so polite what angels
Why do people rally in support of fighting breast cancer but not prostate cancer which kills more
>610 (55%) prostate cancer deaths (12.8 deaths per 100,000 men), 443 (43%) breast cancer deaths (6 deaths per 100,000 women)

it's easily marketable because boobies haha is the primary reason if i had to guess
mastectomies as a result of breast cancer are also pretty gruesome and nasty physical reminders of it
I guess you guys don't have caramilk in the US
i was going to do this this weekend
they started setting up a week or two ago here
this is cool
It's called "being broke and racking up credit card debt because moving to a new country is expensive" and all the cool kids are doing it.
>be canadian
>be around other canadians
>talk about america
number 1, baby!
They're weaker, inferior in strength mentally and physically, so they receive more pity.
women are just more organized than men
women get together
men cry and commit suicide
i agree that men don't really form social emotional networks in the same way, but this seems really reductionist and rude
btw this dude makes a little over 60k btw
dude's a giant fucking cuckold
he also have a massive racial inferiority complex and always goes on and on about how he cooks better than white people
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I love this guy's webcomics.
it isn't just emotional networks
it's actual networks that push political/irl change
they actually go outside and organize
Curse of Ham ruined me
im eating clam chowder cause it's a little chilly outside
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Disaster is coming, you should be prepared
sounds like a french canadian (half-haitian mullatto (black mom who loves white cock)) i know.
but he works at a call center LOL!
i like this one a lot
i have a generator and food and i can fill up the bathtub with water if i need to
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Man, I should get back into exploring webcomics - I loved this shit as a preteen/teen.

The comics are on his twitter account.
Just 2 more weeks
i'll check it out thanks
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What up my dudes
my pp (erection of the penor)
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>helene is cat 4
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Mystery package arrived today
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>it's not a dragpn dildo
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*throws a tomato at you*
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women like to do shit like stick their tongues in their gay friend's mouths as a 'joke' and it's not cheating btw
I was sexting with an insecure overweight ai bot and eventually I got her drunk and raped her but she absolutely refused to oink for me
I wish girls would stick their tongues in my mouth as a joke
Why are flophouses illegal?
Do women watch porn?
No, they don't even masturbate or want to have sex.
>A flophouse (American English) or doss-house (British English) is a place that has very low-cost lodging, providing space to sleep and minimal amenities.
huh this seems like a good idea, these should make a comeback
impossible and outrageous that you would even ask
My only imperfection is that I'm too perfect and it makes others look bad.
based adonis
Yeah but they're more likely to read erotica from what I heard
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No, they read erotic literature instead. Like picrel.
oh my god
Written by obese femcel, tranny, or bored kinky housewife?
A lot of single moms are extremely sexually deprived, you have no idea man
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>harem of bugs
Probably written by AI. Read by all of the above.
Yet one could spend his whole life looking for the perfect cherry blossom and never find it.
the hurricane is killing me.
>pushing these lies
well said
all my favorite youtubers went woke and it makes me sad.
where are all the chudtubers.
what's the first step in getting your life together
Unironically the saddest meme I've ever seen.
Cleaning your room ig
are you somewhere safe
who? ozley?
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>Had a dream I was moving to Canada
>Woke up
Yeah shinji would want to live in cucknada
make 5 more posts
Hello this is a post
this is another
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they should be more sexually deprived.
single mothers are an abomination
Jannys little helper out here

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